The Ukrainian Weekly 1989, No.19

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1989, No.19 ubiished by the Ufcrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit associitiori rainian Weekly Vol. LVII No. 19 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. MAY 7, 1989 50 cents Borecky denies reports he resigned 30,000 in Lviv protest machinations Toronto bishop says he'll stay on until successor is named in bye-elections of people's deputies by Marta Kolomayets Ukrainian Catholic bishops are so concerned with his particular situation JERSEY CITY, N.J. - An esti­ been banned. The figure of 30,000 JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Bishop and the status of his resignation. mated 30,000 people attended a demon­ demonstrators would make the rally the Isidore Borecky has denied recent "This is my matter and I believe that stration on the evening of May 3 in the largest so far in a series of protests reports that he has resigned from his our bishops should be more concerned western Ukrainian city of Lviv to against illegal tactics used by local party post as hierarch of the Toronto Ukrai­ with the situation of our Church in protest against official manipulation of authorities to block popular nominees nian Catholic Eparchy. These reports Ukraine, with our hierarchs, clergy and upcoming bye-elections, reported a from standing as candidates in the bye- have been circulated in a press release faithful in Ukraine," he said. spokesman from the Lviv region branch elections on May 14 for the new Con­ sent to Ukrainian newspapers. of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union on gress of People's Deputies. "They (the bishops) have advised me May 4. "I have not resigned and do not to hand in my resignation because I The blue and yellow Ukrainian na­ intend to resign from my post until a co­ cannot win with Rome. Well, I have Speaking via telephone, Bohdan tional flag was again prominently adjutor who will succeed me is named," no intention of winning or losing. This Horyn told Radio Liberty's Ukrainian displayed during this protest, reported Bishop Borecky told The Weekly during is not a game." Service that the protesters were not Mr. Horyn. In fact, a resolution passed a telephone interview on Thursday, deterred by warnings in the local press at the meeting, among other things, "This a matter of principle. It is not a that all demonstrations in the city had May 4. matter of Isidore Borecky resigning as (Continued on page 2) The bishop, who was first made bishop. It is a matter of the Ukrainian aware of the release from the Catholic Church, a pomisna (parti­ Sinodo Gerarchia Cattolica Ucraina cular) Church, which is not subordinate Official rally in Kiev marks Segretariato (the Secretariat of the to the Latin Rite Church," he said. Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchal Synod "This is a principle upheld by Patriarch Chornobyl disaster anniversary based in Rome) when The Weekly Josyf Slipyj; this would have never phoned him, said he had heard about happened if he were still alive today." JERSEY CITY, N.J. - An official nized by the local party committee and a similar release from Metropolitan In the press release circulated by organized mass rally marking the third Zelenyi Svit (Green World), a semi­ Maxim Hermaniuk's office. (Metro­ Bishop Losten's office, П points are anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear official group concerned with ecologi­ politan Hermaniuk is the prelate of the listed as clarifications on the retirement disaster drew tens of thousands to the cal issues in Ukraine. Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada.) of bishops: among those most impor­ Dynamo stadium in the center of Kiev The gathering was addressed by The Weekly received the Secretariat's tant and those dealing with Bishop on April 26, reported several Western Ukrainian writers and cultural activists, release from Bishop Basil H. Losten's Borecky's situation are the following: press agencies last week. including Dmytro Pavlychko and Les chancery in Stamford, Conn. "The resignation of the Most Reve­ The crowd was estimated at 20,000 by Taniuk, as well as workers from the In reaction to these reports, which rend Isidore Borecky, bishop of To­ Western correspondents who were then Chornobyl power station and "heroes were sent out to outline the "proper ronto since 1948, has been greatly in Kiev, according to Agence France of the Chornobyl tragedy," reported interpretation of the decree of resigna­ discussed in the press. In a letter dated Press, while the official Soviet press Reuters and the press service of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union. tion of bishops in the Ukrainian Catho­ April 3, 1989, Bishop Isidore, who agency, TASS, placed attendance at the lic Churches" (See full story in The recently completed his 78th year of life, meeting at 40,000. The rally was orga­ (Continued on page 2) Weekly, April 9), Bishop Borecky said presented the customary letter of resig- he was disturbed by the fact that (Continucd on page 3) Canadian exchange students face UNA executives review activity difficulties in Ukrainian SSR S500,000 donated to community groups in 1988 by Dr. David Marples in an exchange agreement between the JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The Ukrai­ tess Gloria Paschen, Supreme Secretary university's Canadian Institute of U- nian National Association's Supreme Walter Sochan and Supreme Treasurer EDMONTON - Over the past krainian Studies (CIUS) and the Uni­ Executive Committee met on Saturday, Ulana Diachuk. month, two incidents have occurred in versity of Lviv. April 15, here at the association's Also present at the meeting were the Ukrainian SSR involving Canadian Such an agreement was reached in headquarters, to review its activity Svoboda's editor-in-chief, Zenon exchange students. The most serious ? 987 following visits to Lviv by the insti­ during the past quarter and to formu­ Snylyk, and the director of the UNA's occurred in late March, in Lviv, on the tute's director. Dr. Bohdan Kraw- late plans for the coming months. Washington Office, Eugene Iwanciw. eve of the Soviet elections, when a chenko, and Dr. Brian Evans, then uni­ During the meeting, an overview of Mr. Iwanciw was invited to attend the University of Alberta graduate student versity vice-president for research. the UNA'S donations in 1988 to Ukrai­ meeting to submit a report on the was detained by the authorities for Notably, Mr. Skrypnyk's supervisor nian community organizations and office's activity. allegedly helping to affix to walls of in the department of history. Dr. John- projects revealed that the organization building leaflets callingfor a boycott of Paul Himka, has visited Lviv on many had allocated some 5500,000 for various Support for myriad projects the elections. occasions and is about to take up a causes ranging from the Harvard Pro­ More recently, a student in Kiev was similar exchange arrangement com­ ject on the Millennium of Christianity A report on the UNA'S support for called in for questioning by the authori­ mencing in late May. in Ukraine, to the UNA scholarship community projects showed that during ties, declined to do so, and subsequently The agreement is for the exchange of program, to the specific needs of Ukrai­ 1988 the organization had paid out the a complaint was registered with the one student and one scholar from each nian youth organizations. following sums: 5120,000 to the Har­ Canadian Embassy in Moscow which university for a minimum period of If the UNA'S dividends to members, vard Project; 510,000 for the building of maintained that she was a "trouble­ three months. Both Soviet nationals its funding of UNA publications that a new Ukrainian Catholic Church in maker." currently in Edmonton, however, are serve the entire Ukrainian community Jersey City, N.J.; 530,750 toward The question arises: Is there any established scholars in their 40s. and its donations to various book scholarly and cultural institutions; evidence that these students were in­ Mr. Skrypnyk's visa application was projects are added to that sum, the total 531,372 in payments from the UNA volved in serious indiscretions? If not, delayed, and although he was sche­ amount of the UNA's payments to the Emergency Fund; 3)Z!,uu0 to Churches why are they being subjected to what duled to arrive in Lviv in September community and UNA members amount and religious organizations; 513,538 to appears to be unprecedented harass­ 1988, he reached his destination only in to S2 million. youth organizations; 517,000 in medical ment? November. (The reporter for Pravda The Supreme Executive Committee assistance; 526,000 for special pages and Ostap Skrypnyk, who is 27 rather Ukrainy appears to have been unaware meeting was chaired by Supreme Presi­ advertisements in the Svoboda Press; than 25 as implied in the Soviet account of this delay.) dent John O. Flis and attended by 511,500 to Armenian earthquake vic­ that appeared in Pravda Ukrainy on Before describing the events that took Supreme Vice-President Myron B. tims; 54,526 for sports activities; and April I, is a graduate student in history place on March 23-24, it should be Kuropas, Supreme Director for Canada 56,300 for fraternal activities. at the University of Alberta in Edmon­ emphasized that Mr. Skrypnyk was not John Hewryk, Supreme Vice-Presiden- (Continued on page 13) ton. He is the first student to participate (Continued on page 4) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY; MAY 7, 1989 No. 19 national government the question of the For the record Official rally... inadvisability of the operation of the (Continued from page 1) Chornobyl nuclear power station and a Program of the Popular Movement The rallv was reportedly followed by halt to new power generating facilities a candlelit march Khreshchatyk in at operating stations, reported TASS.
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