Congressional Record—Senate S6969
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July 21, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6969 Vucetich, both distinguished research- one of the most wanted Nazis still at H.R. 4289. An act to name the Department ers affiliated with Michigan Techno- large. Dr. Heim, a former SS con- of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic in logical University’s School of Forest centration camp doctor, was nick- Ponce, Puerto Rico, as the ‘‘Euripides Rubio Resources and Environmental Science. named ‘‘Dr. Death’’ for his brutal and Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic’’. In partnership with the National Park sadistic experiments on camp inmates. S. 231. An act to authorize the Edward Service, Michigan Technological Uni- At Mauthausen, the camp where he Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant versity, and the volunteer efforts of committed his worst crimes, Dr. Heim Program at fiscal year 2006 levels through Earthwatch, among many other con- was known for murdering inmates by 2012. tributors, this project has provided a injecting toxins directly into their S. 2607. An act to make a technical correc- wealth of information and has contrib- hearts. Though detained after the Sec- tion to section 3009 of the Deficit Reduction uted in many important ways to our ond World War, Heim was subsequently Act of 2005. understanding of the interaction with- released and remained free until 1962. S. 3145. An act to designate a portion of United States Route 20A, located in Orchard in and between these two species. After he was tipped off that German Park, New York, as the ‘‘Timothy J. Russert Today, scientists enjoy a deeper un- authorities intended to prosecute him Highway’’. derstanding of the complexities that for war crimes, he fled Germany and S. 3218. An act to extend the pilot program exist within the gray wolf and moose disappeared. Today, Dr. Heim is be- for volunteer groups to obtain criminal his- populations that survive on Isle lieved to be living in either the Chilean tory background checks. Royale. Through the depth and breadth or Argentinean Patagonia region at the f of the research compiled through this tip of South America. His family EXECUTIVE AND OTHER study, we are better aware of the intri- claims he died in 1993 after fleeing Ger- COMMUNICATIONS cate nature of wolf pack leadership, so- many, but Dr. Zuroff points out that cial structure, and territorial inter- the family has still not claimed one of The following communications were action. We have also learned how his bank accounts holding over a mil- laid before the Senate, together with parasites the size of a pinhead, en lion dollars. If he were dead, his rel- accompanying papers, reports, and doc- mass, can mortally wound an adult 900- atives could receive that money by uments, and were referred as indicated: pound moose. showing evidence of his death. EC–7173. A communication from the Under I was fortunate to visit with Mr. Pe- The Simon Wiesenthal Center Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- terson during a trip to Isle Royale Na- launched Operation: Last Chance in ness), transmitting a report on the approved tional Park in July of 2003. I left thor- 2002 to identify and assist in the pros- retirement of General Joseph F. Weber, oughly impressed by the dedication and ecution of the remaining Nazi war United States Marine Corps, and his ad- hard work of those involved with this vancement to the grade of lieutenant general criminals still at large. Dr. Zuroff, who on the retired list; to the Committee on study and was fascinated to learn has been leading this effort, should be Armed Services. about some of the information they highly commended for his outstanding EC–7174. A communication from the Under have uncovered. I am certain that their efforts in bringing the most guilty Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- efforts have enabled us to better under- Nazis to justice. Of these, Dr. Heim is ness), transmitting a report on the approved stand the gray wolf and moose in an at the top of his list. retirement of Admiral Evan M. Chanik, environment largely free from human Even today, the crimes of Heim and United States Navy, and his advancement to influence. the Nazi regime strain our under- the grade of vice admiral on the retired list; We celebrate the lessons learned and to the Committee on Armed Services. standing of hate. National Socialist EC–7175. A communication from the Prin- the sharing of knowledge gained Germany today is an icon remembered cipal Deputy, Office of the Under Secretary through the course of 50 years of ob- only for its brutality, its mantra of of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), trans- serving wolves and moose on Isle genocide, and its culture of racism. mitting the report of (4) officers authorized Royale. All of us benefit from the ap- And those last Nazis, who are waiting to wear the insignia of the next higher grade plication of the information attained out their last days under the coming in accordance with title 10, United States through this study. twilight, must not be allowed to go Code, section 777; to the Committee on The health and well-being of our en- quietly into the night, as did too many Armed Services. EC–7176. A communication from the Prin- vironment not only affects the quality of their victims. For the souls that of our daily lives but is one of the most cipal Deputy, Office of the Under Secretary were lost, and even more for those that of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), trans- significant legacies our generation will remain, there must be justice. I com- mitting, the report of an officer authorized pass onto the next. I know my col- mend Dr. Zuroff and the Simon to wear the insignia of the grade of major leagues join me in recognizing the ef- Wiesenthal Center in the highest pos- general in accordance with title 10, United forts and hard work of each person af- sible terms, and urge the U.S. Govern- States Code, section 777; to the Committee filiated with this important project ment to do all it can to help them in on Armed Services. and wish them much success as they their cause.∑ EC–7177. A communication from the Chief, continue to shed light on the relation- Programs and Legislation Division, Depart- f ships of these species in Isle Royale.∑ ment of the Air Force, transmitting, pursu- ant to law, a report relative to the initiation f MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE of a single function standard competition at COMMENDING DR. EPHRAIM Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado; to the ZUROFF Committee on Armed Services. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED EC–7178. A communication from the Prin- ∑ Mr. SMITH. Madam President, today At 3:02 p.m., a message from the cipal Deputy, Office of the Under Secretary I commend Dr. Ephraim Zuroff and the House of Representatives, delivered by of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), trans- Simon Wiesenthal Center for their ef- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- mitting the report of the authorization of Brigadier General Harold W. Moulton II, forts to track down the last Nazi war nounced that the Speaker has signed criminals from World War II. Their United States Air Force, to wear the author- the following enrolled bills: ized insignia of the grade of major general in work is enormously important, both in H.R. 3564. An act to amend title 5, United accordance with title 10, United States Code, bringing the guilty to justice and pre- States Code, to authorize appropriations for section 777; to the Committee on Armed venting future acts of genocide. The the Administrative Conference of the United Services. statute of limitations does not—must States through fiscal year 2011, and for other EC–7179. A communication from the Chief not—expire on crimes against human- purposes. Counsel, Federal Emergency Management ity. I am proud to assist Dr. Zuroff and H.R. 3985. An act to amend title 49, United Agency, Department of Homeland Security, his organization through the World States Code, to direct the Secretary of transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of War II War Crimes Accountability Act, Transportation to register a person pro- a rule entitled ‘‘Changes in Flood Elevation viding transportation by an over-the-road Determinations’’ ((73 FR 36803)(44 CFR Part which I introduced with Senator NEL- bus as a motor carrier of passengers only if 65)) received on July 18, 2008; to the Com- SON earlier this year. the person is willing and able to comply with mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Over the past weeks, Dr. Zuroff has certain accessability requirements in addi- fairs. traveled throughout South America in tion to other existing requirements, and for EC–7180. A communication from the Chief an effort to locate Dr. Aribert Heim, other purposes. Counsel, Federal Emergency Management VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:49 Jul 22, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21JY6.002 S21JYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with SENATE.