OSTWIND is a competent, fair and reliable partner for A fair wind for your plans investments in wind power and the right choice when it Do you want to ... comes to

purchase shares and invest? searching for and securing suitable sites, collaborate to implement projects? developing successful projects, offer sites or projects? realising high-yield wind farms and operate wind turbines? securing your investment over the long term. or finance wind projects?

We make wind profitable for you! Allow the wind to carry you to a great future.

Bernd Kiermeier Fabien Kayser Dr. Rolf Bungart Jörg Zinner Board of managing director Board of managing director Manager Manager An overview of OSTWIND

OSTWIND can draw on a wealth of experience gathered over more than 25 years of successful development activities. This is the reason why today the company OVER is a preferred partner for citizen-owned wind farms, municipal utilities, energy 920 companies, public service providers, and regional energy suppliers. MEGAWATTS OF CAPACITY OVER 540 OVER WIND OVER TURBINES OVER 100 WIND FARMS 350 MW UNDER 25 OPERATIONAL YEARS MANAGEMENT OF EXPERIENCE Our services SERVICES individual OSTWIND is strong in developing, project-managing, installing and service bundles

operating wind turbines and wind farms – regionally, nationally and PLANNING throughout Europe. professional project development

We are also happy to share this strength with you in the form of a partnership. Our projects bring a breath of fresh air to your region: REPOWERING substantial leasing income, long-term business CONSTRUCTION replacing old taxes, fair collaboration agreements, lucrative con- reliable turbines to implementation struction contracts, ecological compensation mea- increase profits sures and new workplaces are an important part of the added value generated by wind energy as we understand it. OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT smooth operational management INVESTMENT collaborations based on partnerships

OSTWIND supports you in implementing your project, from the initial considerations, through to professional planning and tailored financing, and including turnkey delivery. We also offer you customer-optimised operational management of your turbines. Support during all project phases

Expert site Reliable planning Timely construction Modular operational Individual Profitable

management We already work closely together OSTWIND is experienced in these management services repowering with local landowners, munici- critical moments, knows the solu- The key factor to the success of The long service lives of modern Whether as an implementation Repowering is already an important palities, public authorities and tions, and ensures that your project our project development work, and wind farms are very demanding partner, service provider or general consideration for further expanding residents during the permit and becomes operational seamlessly the prerequisite for your profitable in terms of material, labour and contractor, in individual phases or wind energy. Existing wind turbines planning phases. Our regional and on schedule. Not every turbine investment, is that OSTWIND only machinery. The technical and com- across the entire project: with the are here replaced with modern connections and a high level of type is equally suitable for every selects truly suitable sites with mercial operational management OSTWIND service concept, you machines with better performance acceptance by the local population wind-farm location. Here it is ex- the necessary favourable wind provided by OSTWIND therefore always have an overview of the and higher yields. With repowering, are very important to us. Time tremely important to have both the conditions. With our 3D visuali- offers you customised, modular entire value chain. That's because wind as a resource can be utilised and again, this helps us to mini- expertise and the freedom to make sations, we create a complex and operational management. OSTWIND covers the entire spec- even more effectively! mize friction within the project and the right choice. OSTWIND has an detailed digital landscape model trum, from approval through to the to resolve potential conflicts in ad- exact knowledge of the products for every site. turnkey installation of wind turbines vance. Our experience, as well as our provided by the leading manufac- – both within a comprehensive proven methodology, have taught turers in the wind sector. package as well as through indivi- us when and how a project is viable. dually selectable, modular services.

Permit procedure in accordance with the Federal Emission Con- Approval and Consultations trol Act (BimSchG) Cost/benefit Erection of wind documentation Assessing potential at local level optmisation energy plants Wind Optimising the Application in Underground Technical and measurement Securing plots of land farm configuration accordance with Scheduling and engineering and Connection to the grid Compensatory and commercial operational the EEG logistical planning foundations and commissioning restoring measures management Searching Checking the Financing Optionally as pro- for sites Area screening connection to the grid and marketing Infrastructure, Construction monito- prietary OSTWIND routes, cables ring and management wind project


Reliable planning

With our in-depth project development and active local communications work, we create ideal conditions for the sustainable success of your venture.

Do you own land and want to gene- stage, from wind-farm optimisation through rate profit by offering it as a site for to the EEG (German Renewable Energy Act) wind farms? application. Or are you searching for a compre- We bring your site to the attention of the regional planning authorities and, where hensively planned and technically required, also support the creation of a mature wind project with high yields? development plan.

Our project development begins with our own The required planning documents are pre- reliable wind measurements, encompasses pared by us in such a way that your project the entire permit procedure, and extends meets all the requirements of the legal through to the careful configuration of the permit procedure (in accordance with the wind farms and smooth connection to the Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchG)). power grid. As a result, we actually imple- We optimise your yield potential and in- ment all approved projects – 100 percent of crease the chances of success in the EEG them to date, in fact! application procedure.

We are there for you during every Our OSTIWND-repowering replaces exis- phase ... ting wind turbines with modern machines with better performance. You can count on us all the way, from the site analysis through to the planning and permit

... and ensure that everything runs smoothly. From the outset, we work closely together with local landowners, municipalities, public authori- WIND ties and residents. Our regional connections and a high level of acceptance by the local popula- tion are very important to us. This helps us to minimise delays due to any friction and to resolve potential conflicts in advance. From the experience gained in installing over 500 wind turbines, IS OUR we know when a project is viable and how to make it yield the maximum profit. STRENGTH


EXPERIENCE YOU CAN Timely construction Thanks to our many years of experience, we have precise knowledge of the challenges BUILD ON involved in installing modern wind turbines, and can put them into operation seamlessly and on schedule.

Are you looking for an experienced general contractor for the cost- effective construction of your wind farm? Or has your wind project stalled and needs to be completed quickly yet carefully? We know what's required ... Not every turbine type is equally suitable for every wind-farm location. Here it is extremely important to have both the overview and the freedom to make the right choice. OSTWIND has an exact knowledge of the products provided by the leading manufacturers in the Constructing modern wind farms wind sector. Independently and neutrally we is a highly dynamic process. During select exactly the kind of wind turbine which every phase, it requires the utmost is optimally suited to your site, and which is attention and painstaking project therefore profitable. management. Markus Löffler ... and deliver solutions. OSTWIND services and With OSTWIND's painstaking project project management management services, you will speedily reach your goal. We also offer our complete technical expertise in the form of individually selectable engineering services.


KEEPING THINGS Modular operational management SPINNING The long service lives of modern wind farms are very demanding in terms of material, labour and machinery. The technical and commercial operational management provided by SMOOTHLY OSTWIND is modular in structure and offers customer-optimised service.

Customised operational management Minimising shut-down periods for reasons of nature conservation Requirements-based offering of modules Technical support for continued operation Vulnerability assessment after 20 years Operational control and monitoring Proprietary municipal utilities concept Calculation of earnings losses Precise unit-based accounting Electricity marketing Operational management on demand Insurance management

Operational management from the operator's perspective The operational management offered by OSTWIND consists of modular service packages – optimally tailored to the requirements of your wind farm and precision-adapted to the framework conditions of the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) in terms of technology, operation and marketing. Our experience is your profit. Place your trust in the acclaimed expertise of the OSTWIND Group to guarantee the commercially successful operation of your wind project for the future.


SPIN YOUR Individual services TURBINES Whether as an implementation partner, service provider or general contractor, whether in NOT YOUR individual phases or across the entire project: We'll meet you where you need us! WHEELS With the OSTWIND service concept, you always have an overview of the entire value chain. That's because OSTWIND covers the entire spectrum, from approval through to the turnkey installation of wind turbines – both within a comprehensive package as well as through indivi- dually selectable, modular services.

Are you considering the construction of Are you still lacking a reliable partner a wind farm, or are you already in the company, or are you constantly encoun- planning phase? tering new risks?

Are there gaps in the financing for your Is your existing wind farm now under- project, or has the wrong type of turbine performing and are you considering been selected? repowering?

Have there been unforeseen problems We'll meet you where and your project is behind schedule? you need us!

Has your project stalled? We have the solution. Thanks to our 25 years of experience in the wind-energy sector, we can identify risks at an early stage, speedily offer specific solutions and thus ensure your project remains on schedule. With over 500 wind turbines installed and very close contacts to all the big-name manufacturers, the OSTWIND Group is there for you with expertise and dedication as an implementation partner – especially during hard times or in risky conditions. We will support your project through to its successful completion.

Tell us about your problem and we will find a solution together!

You have two options when it comes to our service offering

According to service index: With this option you commission OSTWIND with the individual services you require to implement Price your wind farm. You determine when you need us! ACCORDING USING OUR TO SERVICE OPEN BOOK Using our Open Book system: We act in partnership with you and emphasise long- INDEX SYSTEM term collaboration. Trust and transparency are an important foundation for this. This is precisely what we have based our invoicing Risk model on. INVESTMENT

THIS IS WHERE Investment options for local residents, OUR WIND municipal utilities and municipalities

The OSTWIND Group works hard to ensure that the implementation of the decentralised BLOWS energy transition using renewable energy is carried out with the benefit of local munici- palities and residents in mind.

This is why in 90 percent of our new wind- should therefore remain in the respective energy projects, we have now created the region to the greatest possible extent. possibility for interested locals, conscien- In order to ensure this, we offer various tious municipalities and committed munici- investment options for the municipalities’ pal utilities to invest in the project. and residents' benefit at selected, high-yield The reason for this is as simple as it is wind-power sites. obvious: the local population makes its local resources directly or indirectly available for new energy. The value thus generated

Our investment projects

vitalize the local cr eate regional enable value to be actively con- economic cycles and employment generated locally tribute to climate energy concepts protection Pittersdorf Oberschreez Neuenreuth Eichenreuth Pettendorf Creez A9 Hohenfi chten Gosen Spänfl eck Hagenohe Bärnreuth

Haag B2 Großweiglareuth LINDENHARDTER FORST FRESH ENERGY FOR TOURISM Our wind hiking Lankenreuthtrail provides insights into the region’s most Generating precious assets. Local tourism Muthmannsreuth and renewable energy thereby go Kleinweiglareuth successfully hand in hand. value in the Wasserkraut wind cluster Weiglathal Hörlasreuth HAND IN HAND ON Moritzreuth E BEHALF OF THE REGION Together with dedicated regional partners, Hinterkleebach OSTWIND has created a unique renewable- Moritzmühle Schwürz energy cluster at one of Southern ’s CREUSSEN most wind-rich locations. It encompasses E-BIKE CHARGING STATION Gottsfeld 6 wind parks with 19 turbines and 58.8 MW Our e-bike charging A9 FILLING UP ON FREE capacity, producing clean green energy for station within the wind WIND ENERGY! Althaidhof around 45,000 households and saving at cluster is fed directly LINDENHARDT Vorderkleebach least 100,000 tons of CO2 a year. with energy from Three of these projects comprise high-quality the neighbouring woodland wind farms, most of them situated turbines. E-bikers can Trockau Neuhaidhof thus fuel up on eco- Craimoosweiher on sites of the Bavarian State Forests. ENERGY IN THE HANDS friendly electricity and Arnoldsreuth OF CITIZENS Our Upper Franconian wind cluster repre- Trockau remain e-mobile! GößmannsreuthIn rural areas in parti- sents the entire spectrum of regional invest- cular, wind energy is ment options – for energy companies, public unleashing totally service providers, municipalities and their Leups new powers – Preunersfeld citizens. It is a success story that illustrates Bodendorf especially when local how decentralised wind energy can help residents participate PARTICIPATION LEADS create local economic power, generate value in the commercial TO ACCEPTANCEE regionally and allow citizens to share in the Pütlach success of the projects. profits.

An exemplary joint venture to help bring about the decentralised BÜCHENBACH WORKING energy transition! Langenreuth PROTECTING THE BLACK TOGETHER TO ECOLOGY + STORK AND BATS Kaltenthal HEINERSREUTHER UNLEASH NEW ECONOMY OSTWIND is familiar with the A SUCCESS STORY IN POWERS FORST challenges of modern FACTS AND FIGURES conservation work. Our aim is to make it possible for wind farms to 6 wind farms, three of which in woodland Lehm A9 Zips operate profitably without Number of turbines: 19 wind turbines negatively impacting on Total investment > 100 million euros species conservation. KÖRBELDORF Project Rotmainquelle Total capacity: 58.8 megawatts MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISE BUCHAU Together with the Upper Franconian Project Tannberg-Lindenhardt I Number of households supplied: 45,000 town of , we have construc- B2 CO saved: 100,000 tons/year Project Tannberg-Lindenhardt II 2 ted the municipal wind farms of Troschenreuth Büchenbach and Buchau. Both are Project Büchenbach wholly owned by the town’s munici- Project Buchau pal enterprise. PEGNITZ Project Körbeldorf From the vision of 1992 2007–2009 OSTWIND develops modern 1999 OSTWIND implements the wind power to the wind farms, from searching OSTWIND develops suc- Fruges wind farm, one of 2015 for the right site to obtaining cessful projects for using Europe's largest inland wind- OSTWIND installs its energy transition planning permission. wind power in France. farm projects. 500th wind turbine.

OSTWIND would not exist if Gisela Wendling-Lenz and Ulrich Lenz, members of the OSTWIND AG 1994 2005 2013 2017 management board, had not been so committed to OSTWIND constructs and OSTWIND breathes fresh OSTWIND presents a OSTWIND constructs the anti-nuclear movement over many years. Their manages the projects through life into the development customer-optimised con- 's largest wood- dedication ultimately led them to wind energy, be- to turnkey delivery to the of renewable energy in the cept for the operational land wind farm and cause they believed that this primal power of nature owners. Czech Republic – now in management of modern reaches the 1,000 MW provided the most speedily implementable energy collaboration with the Max wind farms. benchmark. potential for a better and safer future. Bögl Group.

Our family business has dared to forge a new path with wind energy. We now work beyond Germany's borders in a new Europe which in future will source all its energy from the earth, the sky and the water.

Gisela Wendling-Lenz und Ulrich Lenz members of the board of OSTWIND AG OSTWIND, the independent family business…

develops, installs and runs wind farms, OSTWIND CAN ALSO BE FOUND is a medium-sized company group, IN THE NORTH, was founded by Gisela Wendling-Lenz and Ulrich Lenz,

SOUTH is active throughout Europe and has offices in Regensburg, Potsdam, Duisburg, AND WEST Lauf an der Pegnitz, Bremen (Germany), Strasbourg, Toulouse, Fruges, Limoges, Amiens, Tincques (France) and Prague (Czech Republic).

over more than active with 25 100 12 years of experience employees offices BEACON PROJECTS

BÜCHENBACH WIND FARM Bavaria's largest municipal wind farm

towns of Büchenbach and Leup in the district of in . It is a pilot project. This is the first time that a renewable energy facility of this scale is completely owned by a municipal enterprise! The aims of giving local residents a 100% shareholding and of local value generation have thus also been achieved.


Region: Germany, Bavaria Wind turbines: 4 Vestas V112

Capacity per turbine: 3 MW Hub height: 140 m

In collaboration with the Town of Pegnitz, OST- Rotor diameter: 112 m WIND has installed Bavaria's largest municipal Commissioning: 2013 wind farm. CO2 saved: 21,000 t/a The wind project is sited on a wind-intensive Households supplied: 7,500 elevation of the Franconian Jura, between the  FRUGES WIND FARM COTTBUS WIND FARM The largest wind Wind farm in a post- farm in France mining landscape

The Fruges wind farm includes 16 different selected OSTWIND as its partner because the opencast mining can be utilised for this purpose sites and is one of Europe's largest inland company guaranteed a collaboration based without further negatively impacting on these wind projects. on trust and took on the entire project deve- already powerfully marked landscapes. In order lopment in close collaboration with the parti- to utilise the old mining region of Lausitz for The Fruges wind project is a reference for cipating municipalities and authorities. With the new energy of wind power, OSTWIND had the intermunicipal implementation of wind the OSTWIND Group, "Fruges" is the largest to overcome extreme technical challenges. farms in France. The Ministry for the Envi- individual project which has been completed With the generation of environmentally friendly ronment in Paris also welcomed the creation thus far in the company's history. electricity, the wind farm has already restored a of the "centre of expertise for wind energy in piece of the energy-based future to Lausitz. this department." The commune of Fruges

PROJECT PROFILE PROJECT PROFILE Region: France, Pas-de-Calais Region: Germany, Wind turbines: Brandenburg 70 Enercon E70 Wind turbines: Capacity per turbine: 2 MW 26 Vestas V90

Hub height: 64/85 m As a traditional energy-generating region, the Capacity per turbine: 2 MW Rotor diameter: 70 m utilisation of wind power offers Lausitz the Hub height: 105 m opportunity of a comeback after coal! Commissioning: 2007 – 2009 Rotor diameter: 90 m Sites for wind farms are required. Disused Households supplied: 140,000 Commissioning: 2005/2009 industrial regions and areas previously used for THE REICHERTSHÜLL AND WORKERSZELL WIND FARMS Bavaria’s biggest woodland wind farm continues to grow

A beacon project for wind, It is the tenth project that OSTWIND has imple- decentralised energy source – starting with the forest and climate protection mented on sites of the Bavarian State Forests, spatially efficient generation of clean electricity, and represents a shared fundamental attitude: through to local value generation, and including Owing to their unique location at the heart of woodland wind energy represents sustainability the economic benefits derived by local residents a large, enclosed woodland area, the Upper and climate protection in a two-fold sense – at from the energy supply of tomorrow. Bavarian wind farm at Workerszeller Forst and the same time and in the same space. its Central Franconian counterpart, the Rei- chertshüll wind farm, are almost pre-destined The wind project thus combines all the benefits for use as wind-energy sites – and are also associated with the utilisation of wind as a unanimously accepted by local residents. The project shows that we can use the forest for PROJECT PROFILE PROJECT PROFILE wind energy without neglecting species conser- REICHERTSHÜLL WORKERSZELL Two forests, two wind farms, and one vision! It vation. That’s because the construction of the is a unique joint venture which brings together wind farms is accompanied by a sophisticated Region: Germany, Bavaria Region: Germany, Bavaria two neighbouring municipalities, districts and framework programme of ecological compensa- regions at the border between Central Franconia tion measures and payments. Wind turbines: 11 Nordex N131 Wind turbines: 5 Nordex N131 and Upper Bavaria in the implementation of the Capacity per turbine: 3.3 MW Capacity per turbine: 3.3 MW regional energy transition. Hub height: 134 m Hub height: 134 m The result is Bavaria’s biggest woodland wind Rotor diameter: 131 m Rotor diameter: 131 m farm, encompassing a total of 16 wind turbines. They produce around 107 million kilowatt hours Commissioning: 2017 Commissioning: 2017 of eco-friendly wind-generated electricity a year CO2 saved: 60,500 t/a CO2 saved: 25,000 t/a – enough for 36,000 households. Households supplied: 27,500 Households supplied: 11, 000 Setting standards for the future

OSTWIND takes social responsibility in lots of different ways and supports a whole series of social organisations, dedicated initiatives and special projects at both a regional and national level. ALREADY THINKING OF TOMORROW Taking responsibility for future generations “Already thinking of tomorrow today” is For example, the OSTWIND minimarathon the guiding principle behind the work that in Regensburg. Nowhere else can children OSTWIND does. All OSTWIND projects are and young people learn better how to handle based on our urge to do something to protect their energy efficiently, but also that energy our own vital resources and to take respon- is renewable. TODAY sibility for future generations. It is with this conviction that we also support social and ecological projects.

Other social and ecological OSTWIND activities can be found at WINNING Your benefits with ENERGY OSTWIND TOGETHER acclaimed expertise across a wind farm's entire value chain

over 25 years of experience in this sector, with over 538 wind turbines and more than 914 MW of installed capacity in Germany and abroad

collaboration with all major turbine manufacturers, and thus an optimal selection of products, preferential service and speedy maintenance carefully selected partner companies with great exper- tise and a reliable background

regional value generation and investment options for municipalities, local residents and cooperatives collaborations based on partnership, and a SINGLE and expert point of contact high-yield projects with ideal conditions for success in the EEG application procedure

Join us and turn wind to your profit!

Publisher: OSTWIND Group, Regensburg Design: JANDA+ROSCHER, Die WerbeBotschafter Photos: Herbert Grabe (30), Matthias Gschwendner (1), Florian Hammerich (3), Jan Oekler (2), Steffen Kreß (1), Bernd Wolter (1), MikeLane45/Getty Image (1), SolStock/Getty Image (1) Wind-cluster graphic: Herbert Grabe OSTWIND Group Gesandtenstraße 3 D-93047 Regensburg Tel. +49 (0)9 41 / 5 95 89 - 0 Fax +49 (0)9 41 / 5 95 89 - 90 [email protected]

Duisburg Office Philosophenweg 31-33 D-47051 Duisburg Tel. +49 (0)2 03 / 75 96 91 20 Fax +49 (0)2 03 / 75 96 91 26 [email protected]

Lauf a. d. Pegnitz Office Oskar-Sembach-Ring 11 D-91207 Lauf a. d. Pegnitz Tel. +49 (0)9123 / 1 57 31 10 Fax +49 (0)9123 / 1 57 31 99 [email protected]

OSTWIND CAN Potsdam Office ALSO BE FOUND Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 82 IN THE NORTH, D-14469 Potsdam Tel. +49 (0)3 31 / 62 64 68 0 SOUTH Fax +49 (0) 331 / 62 64 68 29 AND WEST [email protected]

Bremen Office Universitätsallee 5 D-28359 Bremen Tel. +49 (0)421 / 36 49 79 10 Fax +49 (0) 421 / 36 49 79 19 [email protected]

OSTWIND International Espace Européen de l’Entreprise 1 rue de Berne F-67300 Schiltigheim/Strasbourg Frankreich Tel. +33 (0) 3 90 22 73 40 Fax +33 (0) 3 90 20 09 48 [email protected]

Max Bögl Ostwind CZ s.r.o. Renoirova 1051/2a CZ-152 00 Prag 5 – Hlubočepy Tschechische Republik Tel. +420 296 399 660 [email protected]