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Diapositiva 1 Zucchetti Centro Sistemi ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI “Behind every successful company there is someone who took a brave decision” ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI Zucchetti Group counts more than 2.300 employees of which 1000 persons are dedicated to research and development. Zucchetti Centro Sistemi is a member of the Zucchetti Group. Zucchetti Group has over 60.000 customers More than 450.000 installations More than 800 Partners in Italy Head office: Lodi 22 other offices: Milan, Bergamo, Brescia, Genova, Verona, Padua, Udine, Bologna, Parma, Florence, Ancona, Perugia, Rome, Naples, Palermo, ecc. AUTOMATION DIVISION Automation Division develops hardware and software solutions for the management of garments/uniforms for industrial laundries, healthcare institues and hospitals …… AUTOMATION DIVISION … and for the Hospitality sector (Hotels, Casinos, Spas, Wardrobes) with hundreds of installations all over the world…. CONVERYOR BELT • Modularity ZCS is the only company providing completely modular conveyor belts for hanging garments: the conveyor is made up of modules (tracks) which can be easily added or removed. With our belt It is possible to shape the conveyor according to the customer needs; we can change shape and size of also in time, if extra storage is requested. CONVERYOR BELT • Chain with separate links The conveyor belt by ZCS is provided with a chain with separate links, at first sight it looks similar to a continuous conveyor belt, actually it has many more advantages. For example, it can be used in small spaces, as, unlike the conveyors of the competitors requiring a curve to go uphill, ZCS belt can easily go uphill with vertical pieces. CONVERYOR BELT • Linear motors ZCS can provide two different driving units: a traditional “rotatory” and a "linear” drive unit. The traditional motorization includes a motor with a circular wheel, mounted on a curve at 180 °. The innovative “linear” motorization includes a mounted motor on a straight piece, which may be positioned either in horizontally or uphill; this ensures a better operation, given by a major surface track and the possibility of installing more motors on the same installation; in certain installations ZCS used also 6 motors. CONVERYOR BELT Hardness The conveyor bears very heavy loads, even up to 100 kg per meter: this feature makes the conveyor especially suitable for storage of many garments, for example in case of hotel systems where you load locker bags, or another kind of container where you can hang garments and personal items of the employees such as shoes and bags. CONVERYOR BELT Quick and Easy Maintenance Unlike the continuous conveyor belts of the competitors, which in case of break need long maintenance interventions, with a ZCS conveyor the customer will have easy and fast reparations thanks to the fact that the belt consists of individual parts. ELECTRIC UNLOADING ARM Functioning: The electric unloading arm plays a dual role: 1- Hooking the garments on the conveyor belt 2- Unhooking the garments from the conveyor belt. Specifications and Advantages The electric arm, instead of the common air pistons, is propelled by electric motors together with an encoder group, a kind of device which makes it easier to hook and unhook of the garments, ensuring a precision of belt movement up to a tenth of mm. Furthermore, the unhooking angle of the electric arm can be adjusted in height to fit perfectly to the dimensions of the room and to the operating space of the client. THE AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY Functioning: The automatic assembly system consists of a Conveyor belt, a unhooking station and an electric unloading arm: the system automatically recomposes the garments of each client. Specifications and Advantages The system is based on electronic Custom cards connected in Can Bus: This is a standard industry, suitable for automatic systems not requiring a PC. The electronic Custom cards with Can Bus technology do not require maintenance, but in case of any eventual intervention on the system they are very simple and do not require a computer expert. THE AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY Specifications and Advantages All this makes them attractive if compared to the traditional systems based on PCs, which are less reliable and difficult to maintain. To use the automatic assembly of garments, after they have been ironed, they must be placed on a hanger and hung manually on the conveyor. Our system facilitates and speeds up the operation, because the operator has always in front of him a free hooking position (link), where a hanger with an ironed garment can be hung. After the hanger has been loaded on the belt, the system immediately position in front of the operator the next free link. ADVANTAGES Energy saving: the conveyor moves only when necessary. Increased hardness of the conveyor: Because the conveyor is in motion only when needed, the conveyor lasts longer. No hooking errors of the garments: the system automatically controls the hooking of garments, avoiding the instrumental or distraction errors that can occur in traditional systems ADVANTAGES No mechanical wear: there is no mechanical wear over time because there is no traditional mechanical "hangers counting” system, but an electronic system No dust relapse on the garments: our systems, being completely electronic, do not have such annoying problems like the “hanger counters” of the mechanical systems, that during each passage of each hanger, because of the contact, may release paint on the just washed and ironed garment. AUTOMATIC DOORS Our automatic doors, for collecting dirty garments or delivering clean ones, are made of aluminum in two versions: one for internal use (hospitals, shopping centers) and the other one for outdoor (shops). Our doors are completely electric, while the traditional ones are made of compressed air and, due to their problems of condensation and formation of water in the circuits, can experience some difficulties in functioning which can sometimes even lead to a complete breakdown of the system. AUTOMATIC DOORS Further Advantages of the ZCS Automatic Systems for Laundries ZCS systems allow a significant reduction in expenses on spare parts, due to the fact that they use only one type of electronic cards both for the automatic loading and unloading arm or the acceptance and delivery doors: the electric cards can be programmed to be used in all components of the system. All products of ZCS are designed for easy use and minimal maintenance. ZUCCHETTI CENTRO SISTEMI THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION .
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