Change There Can Be No Breakthroughs, Without Breakthroughs There Changecan Be No Future
Page 1, Klamath News 2010 KLAMATH NEWS THE OFFICIAL Publication OF THE KLAMath TRIBES: KLAMath, MODOC, AND YAHOOSKIN Treaty OF 1864 Winema Charley Mogenkaskit Lalo Schonchin Captain Jack Volume 26, Issue 4 The Klamath Tribes, P.O. Box 436, Chiloquin, OR 97624 JUNE 2010 1-800-524-9787 or (541) 783-2219 Website: New Klamath Tribal Council takes office MEET OUR LEADERS , the 2010-2013 newly elected The Klamath Tribes PRESORTED Klamath Tribal Council, who took office on Thursday, P.O. Box 436 FIRST-CLASS MAIL Chiloquin, OR 97624 U.S. POSTAGE PAID May 13, following the swear-in ceremony at the Tribal CHILOQUIN, OR Administration building in Chiloquin, Oregon. PERMIT NO. 4 Front Row Left to Right: Charles E. Kimbol, Sr., GeorGene Nelson, Don Gentry, Gary ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Frost, Brandi Decker. Back Row Left to Right: Jeff Mitchell, Bert Lawvor Sr., Frank Summers, Shawn L. Jackson, and Torina Case. Without change there can be no breakthroughs, Without breakthroughs there Changecan be no future... Welcome to the Future! Page 2, Klamath News 2010 The Klamath News is a Tribal Government Publication of the Swear-in Ceremony for Tribal Council Klamath Tribes, (the Klamath, Modoc, and Yahooskin Band of Snake Indians). * Distribution: Publications are distributed at the end of the month, or as fund- ing allows. * Deadline: Information submitted for publication must be received by the 15th of each month- (for the following month’s publication). * Submissions: Submissions should be typed and not exceed 500 words. Submissions must include the author’s signature, address and phone number.
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