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Journal of Plant Development2009.Pdf CUPRINS ARDELEAN MIRELA, STĂNESCU IRINA, CACHIŢĂ-COSMA DORINA – Analiza comparativă histo-anatomică a organelor vegetative de Sedum telephium L. ssp. maximum (L.) Krock. obţinută in vitro şi din natură ..................................................... 3 DELINSCHI (FLORIA) VIOLETA, STĂNESCU IRINA, MIHALACHE MIHAELA, ADUMITRESEI LIDIA – Observaţii morfo-anatomice asupra lăstarului de la unele soiuri de Rosa L. cultivate în Grădina Botanică Iaşi (Nota I) ....................................... 9 MARDARI LOREDANA – Specii noi de licheni identificaţi în Munţii Bistriţei (Carpaţii Orientali) ...................................................................................................................... 17 CIOCÂRLAN VASILE, TURCU GHEORGHE – Scabiosa triniifolia Friv. în flora României ...................................................................................................................... 21 CIOCÂRLAN VASILE – Contribuţii la cunoaşterea florei vasculare din România ............... 25 MARDARI CONSTANTIN – Aspecte ale diversităţii floristice în bazinul hidrografic al Negrei Broştenilor (Carpaţii Orientali) (II) .................................................................. 29 SJÖMAN HENRIK, RICHNAU GUSTAV – Nord-estul României – viitoare sursă de arbori pentru mediul urban din nord-vestul Europei ............................................................... 39 MARDARI CONSTANTIN, TĂNASE CĂTĂLIN, OPREA ADRIAN, STĂNESCU IRINA – Specii de plante cu valoare decorativă cuprinse în Listele Roşii din România cultivate în Grădina Botanică „Anastasie Fătu” din Iaşi................................................... 49 CANTOR MARIA, ERZSEBET BUTA, ZAHARIA ADRIAN – Genul Scutellaria – posibilităţi de utilizare ca plantă floricolă şi medicinală ............................................... 55 PARK SANG KUN, CHO HAE RYONG, BUTA ERZSEBET, CANTOR MARIA, ZAHARIA ADRIAN – Specii floricole utilizate în grădinile acvatice din Coreea de Sud ........... 61 OPREA ADRIAN, SÎRBU CULIŢĂ – Studiu asupra vegetaţiei lacului Osoi (judeţul Bacău) .... 69 BUTA ERZSEBET, MARIA CANTOR, DUMITRU ZAHARIA, ADELINA DUMITRAŞ, ADRIAN ZAHARIA, GEORGETA SABO, BUTA MIHAI – Descrierea unor specii din flora spontană şi posibilitatea acestora de utilizare în decorul stâncăriilor.............. 81 MELNICIUC CRISTINA, DONŢU NATALIA, USTUROI RODICA, ŞALARU VICTOR – Utilizarea apelor reziduale de la complexele zootehnice în scopul obţinerii biomasei algale ieftine ................................................................................................................. 87 STĂNESCU IRINA-ELENA, POPA MIHAELA, TĂNASE CĂTĂLIN – Subsecţia pentru nevăzători a Grădinii Botanice „Anastasie Fătu”, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi................................................................................................................ 91 LAZĂR CĂTĂLIN, BARUTH BETTINA, MICALE FABIO, LAZĂR DANIELA ANCA – Adaptarea modelului WOFOST din CGMS la condiţiile din sud-estul României ....... 97 ADUMITRESEI LIDIA, STĂNESCU IRINA – Consideraţii teoretice asupra originii şi nomenclaturii soiurilor actuale de trandafiri ................................................................ 103 ŞESAN TATIANA EUGENIA, TĂNASE CĂTĂLIN, BÎRSAN CIPRIAN – Importanţa colecţiilor de fungi pentru micologie în cadrul învăţământului biologic....................... 109 AXINI MONICA, BERCU RODICA – Activitǎţi teoretice şi practice privind dezvoltarea la elevi a conştiinţei privind protejarea florei din ariile protejate şi zonele umede ........... 125 Aniversalia ............................................................................................................................... 131 Recenzii ................................................................................................................................... 139 Ghid către autori ....................................................................................................................... 145 CONTENTS ARDELEAN MIRELA, STĂNESCU IRINA, CACHIŢĂ-COSMA DORINA – Comparative histo-anatomical analysis of the vegetative organs of Sedum telephium L. ssp. maximum (L.) Krock. in vitro and from nature ................................................. 3 DELINSCHI (FLORIA) VIOLETA, STĂNESCU IRINA, MIHALACHE MIHAELA, ADUMITRESEI LIDIA – Morpho-anatomical considerations upon the shoot of some Rosa L. cultivars from the Botanic Garden of Iasi (1st note) ........................................ 9 MARDARI LOREDANA – New lichen species identified in Bistrita Mountains (Eastern Carpathians) ................................................................................................................. 17 CIOCÂRLAN VASILE, TURCU GHEORGHE – Scabiosa triniifolia Friv. in the Romania’s Flora ............................................................................................................................. 21 CIOCÂRLAN VASILE – Contributions to the knowledge of the vascular flora of Romania.. 25 MARDARI CONSTANTIN – Aspects of the floristic diversity in Neagra Broştenilor river basin (Eastern Carpathians) (II) .................................................................................... 29 SJÖMAN HENRIK, RICHNAU GUSTAV – North-east Romania as a future source of trees for urban paved environments in north-west Europe ................................................... 39 MARDARI CONSTANTIN, TĂNASE CĂTĂLIN, OPREA ADRIAN, STĂNESCU IRINA – Plants species with decorative value from Romanian Red Lists cultivated in „Anastasie Fătu” Botanic Garden of Iaşi ........................................................................... 49 CANTOR MARIA, ERZSEBET BUTA, ZAHARIA ADRIAN – Scutellaria genus – possibilities for use of them as floral and medicinal crop ............................................ 55 PARK SANG KUN, CHO HAE RYONG, BUTA ERZSEBET, CANTOR MARIA, ZAHARIA ADRIAN – Floral species used in water gardens from South Korea ........ 61 OPREA ADRIAN, SÎRBU CULIŢĂ – The vegetation around Osoi Lake (Bacău County)..... 69 BUTA ERZSEBET, MARIA CANTOR, DUMITRU ZAHARIA, ADELINA DUMITRAŞ, ADRIAN ZAHARIA, GEORGETA SABO, BUTA MIHAI – Description of some spontaneus species and the possibilities of use them in the rocky gardens ................... 81 MELNICIUC CRISTINA, DONŢU NATALIA, USTUROI RODICA, ŞALARU VICTOR – Use of waste water of livestock in order to obtain biomass fodder cheap .................... 87 STĂNESCU IRINA-ELENA, POPA MIHAELA, TĂNASE CĂTĂLIN – The Subsection for Sightless People in “Anastasie Fătu” Botanic Garden, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi........................................................................................................... 91 LAZĂR CĂTĂLIN, BARUTH BETTINA, MICALE FABIO, LAZĂR DANIELA ANCA – Adaptation of WOFOST model from CGMS to romanian conditions.......................... 97 ADUMITRESEI LIDIA, STĂNESCU IRINA – Theoretical considerations upon the origin and nomenclature of the present rose cultivars ............................................................ 103 ŞESAN TATIANA EUGENIA, TĂNASE CĂTĂLIN, BÎRSAN CIPRIAN – Importance of fungal collections for mycology in the frame of biological teaching ............................ 109 AXINI MONICA, BERCU RODICA – Theoretical and practical activities concerning the development at pupils of conscience concerning the protection of flora from protected areas and wetlands ........................................................................................ 125 Aniversalia ............................................................................................................................... 131 Reviews .................................................................................................................................... 139 Guide to authors ....................................................................................................................... 145 ARDELEAN MIRELA, STĂNESCU IRINA, CACHIŢĂ-COSMA DORINA J. Plant Develop. 16 (2009): 3–8 COMPARATIVE HISTO-ANATOMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE VEGETATIVE ORGANS OF SEDUM TELEPHIUM L. SSP. MAXIMUM (L.) KROCK. IN VITRO AND FROM NATURE ARDELEAN MIRELA1, STĂNESCU IRINA2, CACHIŢĂ-COSMA DORINA1 Abstract. In a histo-anatomic analysis of the exemplars of Sedum telephium L. ssp. maximum (L.) Krock. from nature and in vitro, the root presents a secondary structure, protected by a quite thin peridermis. The central cylinder bears vascular bundles, less numerous in vitro; the phloemic elements are grouped in small isles in both in vitro and from nature exemplars. The stem presents a few vascular bundles, where the xylem vessels bear thickened and lignified walls. The petiole reveals three vascular bundles. The foliar limb is amphistomatic, bearing anizocytic stomata in both in vitro and from nature exemplars, with homogenous mesophyll. Key words: Sedum telephium L. ssp. maximum, in vitro Introduction Sedum gender belongs to Crassulaceae family [ŞTEFAN & OPREA, 2007; METCALFE & CHALK, 1972] and consists of almost 400 species with succulent leaves. Sedum telephium ssp. maximum (L.) Krock. is frequent spread in the Romanian flora as spontaneous species, as well as ornamental cultivated species. More than that, the Romanian traditional medicine considers that this plant might have therapeutic (vulnerary, antiseptic, wounds) effects. In the middle sixteenth century, Hieronymus Bock had reported that extracts of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum were used in Rhine valley to treat internal injuries like ulcers of the lungs. Now, medical researchers are isolating
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