And Rasopathies-Associated SHP2 and BRAF Mutations
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Functional Characterization of Cancer- and RASopathies-associated SHP2 and BRAF Mutations Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.) im Fach Biologie/ Molekularbiologie eingereicht an der Lebenswissenschaftlichen Fakult¨at der Humboldt–Universit¨at zu Berlin von M. Sc. Paula Andrea Medina-P´erez Pr¨asident der Humboldt–Universit¨at zu Berlin Prof. Dr. Jan–Hendrik Olbertz Dekan der Lebenswissenschaftlichen Fakult¨at Prof. Dr. Richard Lucius Gutachter: 1. Prof. Dr. Reinhold Sch¨afer 2. Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Herzel 3. Prof. Dr. Holger S¨ultmann Tag der m¨undlichen Pr¨ufung: 12.03.2015 Abstract Deregulation of the Ras/MAPK signaling is implicated in a wide variety of human diseases, including developmental disorders and cancer. In the last years, a group of developmental disorders, characterized by an overlapping phenotype in patients, was clustered under the term RASopathies. These disorders result from germline mutations in genes encoding key components of the Ras/MAPK signaling cascade. Although the incidence of solid tumors in patients suffering from these disorders is rather low, reports on different forms of leukemia have considerably increased. In this work, a group of mutations in the genes SHP2/PTPN11 and BRAF, both key regulators of the MAPK signaling pathway and implicated in RASopathies and cancer, were selected for expression in well-established cell systems for a comprehensive molecular and phenotypic characterization using high-throughput approaches and functional assays. Synthetic cDNA sequences carrying the SHP2 mutations T42A, E76D, I282V (Noonan syndrome-associated), E76G, E76K, E139D (Noonan- and leukemia-associated), T468M (LEOPARD syndrome -associated) and the BRAF mutations Q257R, S467A, L485F and K499E (cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome-associated) were shuttled into the modified lentivi- ral vector pCDH-EF1-IRES-GFP. The non-tumorigenic human cell lines MCF10A, BJ-ELB and HA1EB and the rat preneoplastic 208F fibroblasts were transduced with recombinant lentiviral particles carrying either SHP2 or BRAF mutations to identify their potential roles in neoplastic transformation. MCF10A and BJ-ELB cells overexpressing SHP2 mutations displayed a growth arrest morphology, while BRAF mutations induced cell proliferation and a transformation phenotype. In contrast, both SHP2 and BRAF mutations promoted a spindle-like cell morphology, cell proliferation, density- and anchorage-independent growth in 208F rat fibroblasts. These results suggested that RASopathies-associated mutations in SHP2 and BRAF confer a transformation phenotype in vitro similar to the classical H-Ras and BRAF oncogenes. To further investigate whether mutations in SHP2 contribute to tumor growth in vivo, 208F cells expressing either SHP2 wild-type, E76G or T468M muta- tions were subcutaneously injected in nude mice. Interestingly, cells harboring mutations on SHP2, as well as overexpressing wild-type SHP2, promoted tumor growth. Reverse-phase protein array (RPPA) and immunoblot assays revealed that RASopathies- associated mutant SHP2 and BRAF proteins constitutively activate the Ras/MAPK signaling pathway in a moderate manner compared to the oncogenic BRAF V600E. Furthermore, to identify modifications in the protein interaction mechanisms of SHP2 mutant proteins, tandem affinity purification (TAP) and yeast-two-hybrid assays were performed using the isogenic dox-inducible HEK-TREx cell system. E76G and T42A SHP2 mutant proteins showed an increased binding strength to GAB1 compared to the wild-type protein. Fi- nally, to investigate the impact of these mutations on gene transcription, a microarray analysis of mRNA from HEK-TREx cells expressing mutant transgenes was conducted. A gene cluster was found to be commonly regulated in both RASopathies-associated BRAF and the oncogenic V600E mutation. This is the first report on transcriptome analysis of RASopathies-associated mutations. The findings of this study might be useful for a better understanding of the downstream mechanisms of RASopathies-related signaling pathways and their involvement in cancer progression. Moreover, new candidate therapeutic targets for the effective treatment of patients suffering from Ras/MAPK pathway-associated developmental disorders could be evaluated in the future. Acknowledgments This work could not be possible without the encouragement and collaboration of many people. I am especially grateful to my supervisor Prof. Reinhold Sch¨afer for his guidance and valuable advices. I also want to thank Prof. Christine Sers, for the constructive discussions on science and the struggles of the scientific career. I want to thank the collaborators of the MUTANOM Consortium, specially to Prof. Holger S¨ultmann and Dr. Julia Starmann from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) for the RPPA analysis, Dr. Gerard Joberty from Cellzome, Dr. Artur Muryadan and PD. Dr. Bodo Lange from the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics for the TAP purification and mass spectrometry and Dr. Sean-Patrick Riechers from the Max-Delbr¨uck Center (MDC) for the yeast-two-hybrid assay. Thanks to Maria Stecklum and Dr. Jens Hoffmann from the Experimental Pharmacology and Oncology (EPO) GmbH, who provided the in vivo experiments in nude mice. I am thankful to Bertram Klinger and Dr. Karsten J¨urchott for the valuable discussions and clear explanations on bioinformatics and the microarray analysis. I also would like to thank Sabine Bobbe, Conny Gieseler and Kerstin M¨ohr for their technical help in minipreps, platting cells and southern blot preparations. A special thank to Jana Keil, who had always time for explaining new methods and answering all type of technical and do-you-know-where-is-it questions. I am very greatul to all members of Molecular Tumor Pathology Lab, for their helpful comments and suggestions on my results. Thanks to Stephanie Seibt, Shila Mang-Fatehi, Sha Liu, Natalia Kuhn, Christina Kuznia, Dirk Schumacher, Felix Bormann and other members of the lab for the nice working atmosphere and support. Thanks to Dr. Torben Redmer for the german style corrections. A big thank to my family and friends, particularly my mother, who despite the physical distance was always present and motivate me not to give up, and my sister, who cheered me up in the difficult moments. Finally, my deeply gratitude goes to my Husband Manuel G´ongora, for his constant support, love, motivation and infinite patience during this time. Also to our Son Miguel Angel, who confront me with my ability to explain him cancer biology in the most simple way. Contents ABSTRACT I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS II LIST OF FIGURES VIII LIST OF TABLES X 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1TheRas/MAPKsignalingpathway...................... 1 1.1.1 Post-translational regulation of the MAPK signaling pathway by proteintyrosinephosphatases..................... 1 1.1.2 TheproteintyrosinephosphataseSHP2.............. 2 SHP2proteinactivation.................. 2 BiologicalrelevanceofSHP2............... 3 RoleofSHP2incancer.................. 4 1.1.3 Post-translational regulation of the MAPK signaling pathway by theproteinkinaseBRAF...................... 5 1.2Ras/MAPKpathwayderegulationindevelopmentaldisorders...... 6 1.2.1 Noonansyndrome........................... 7 1.2.2 LEOPARDSyndrome........................ 8 1.2.3 Cardio-faciocutaneoussyndrome.................. 8 1.3MUTANOMConsortium........................... 9 1.4Aimsofthiswork............................... 12 2 RESULTS 14 2.1 Generation of an efficient gene transfer approach to meet Mutanom re- quirements.................................. 14 2.1.1 Description of the selected mutations . ............. 14 2.1.2 Selectionofthegenetransferconditions.............. 15 2.1.3 Comparison of different lentiviral vectors ............. 18 2.1.4 Generation of the new lentiviral vector pCDH-EF1a-Puro .... 19 IV 2.1.5 Optimization of protein expression using the destination vector pCDH-Gate-Puro........................... 20 2.2 Influence of SHP2 and BRAF mutations on cell phenotype ........ 22 2.2.1 SHP2wt/mutantsdo not affect cell morphology of the epithelial HA1EB cells but BRAFwt/mutants influence cell growth pattern . 22 2.2.2 SHP2, but not BRAF, decelerates cell growth of BJELB fibroblasts 23 2.2.3 The MCF10A epithelial cells exhibited a senescence-like state with SHP2wt/mutants and a transformed phenotype with BRAFmutants 25 2.2.4 SHP2 Mutations confer a transformed phenotype in rat fibroblasts 25 2.2.5 CFC-associated BRAF and SHP2 mutations stimulate cell prolif- erationinratfibroblasts....................... 29 2.2.6 Mutations in SHP2 and BRAF promote anchorage - independent growth of 208F cells .......................... 31 2.2.7 NS- and LS-associated SHP2 mutations promote tumor growth in nudemice............................... 32 2.3EffectsontheMAPKsignalingcascade.................. 35 2.3.1 Signaling studies in isogenic HEK-TREx cells by Reverse Phase ProteinArray(RPPA)........................ 35 2.3.2 SHP2 and BRAF mutations effects on signaling in 208F cells . 40 2.4EffectsofmutationsinSHP2onProtein-proteininteractions....... 41 2.4.1 YeastTwo-HybridAssay....................... 41 2.4.2 TandemAffinityPurificationassay................. 45 Validation of the SHP2mutants-GAB1 complex. 47 2.5 Gene regulation in SHP2 and BRAF mutants at the transcription level . 50 2.5.1 Overlapping gene sets within BRAF- and SHP2-HEK-TREx . 50 2.5.2 Overlapping gene sets within CFC-associated mutants and onco- genicBRAF.............................. 52 3 DISCUSSION 54 3.1PhenotypecomparisonofSHP2inhumancelllines...........