Physics | 8.23

7. Springs in series and parallel

k k 1 1 k2 k1 k

m1 m2



Figure 8.31

111 Series combination = + kk12 k

Parallel combination kk=12 + k

8. For two blocks of masses m1 and m2 connected by a spring of constant k: µ period T2= π k

mm12 where µ= is reduced mass of the two-block system. mm12+

Solved Examples

2 JEE Main/Boards 22 2  + 12d  + 12( 0.25) T=π=π= 2 2 153 s. 12gd 12x9.8x0.25 Example 1: What is the period of formed by pivoting a meter stick so that it is O free to rotate about a horizontal axis passing d C Example 2: A particle executes SHM. through 75 cm mark? (a) What fraction of total energy is kinetic and what Sol: This is an example of a physical pendulum. fraction is potential when displacement is one half of Find about point of suspension and the amplitude? the distance of the point of suspension from the center (b) At what value of displacement are the kinetic and of . potential energies equal? Let m be the mass and  be the length of the stick.  = 100cm The distance of the point of suspension Sol: The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy from center of gravity is d= 25cm is the total mechanical energy which is constant throughout the SHM. Moment of inertia about a horizontal axis through O is 2 1 22 2 m 2 We know that E= mA ω I= I + md = + md total 2 c 12 1 22 2 1 22 m 2 KE=ω− m A X and U= mx ω  +md2 2 ( ) 2 I T2= π T2= π 12 2 ; A 12 3A KE 3 mgd mgd (a) When x = , KE=ω m ⇒= 2 2 4E4total 8.24 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

return back. It is accelerated due to the spring force till 2 the spring acquires its natural length. The contact of A 1A2 PE 1 At x,= Um= ω ⇒= the block with the spring is now broken. At this instant 2 24E4 total it has regained its speed v (towards left) as the spring

112 2 2 22 is not stretched and no potential energy is stored. This (b) Since, KU= , mω( A −=ω x) mx ; 22 process takes half the period of oscillation, i.e. π m/k . The block strikes the left wall after a time L/v and as 22 A 2x= A or x = = 0.707A the collision is elastic, it rebounds with the same speed 2 v. After a time L / v, it again reaches the spring and the process is repeated. The block thus undergoes periodic Example 3: Show that the period of oscillation of simple 2L motion with time period π+m/k . pendulum at depth h below earth’s surface is inversely v proportional to R− h, where R is the radius of earth. Find out the time period of a pendulum at a Example 5: A particle is subjected to two simple depth R/2 from the earth’s surface? harmonic motions in the same direction having equal amplitudes and equal . If the resultant Sol: As we go at a depth below the earth surface, the amplitude is equal to the amplitude of the individual acceleration due to gravity decreases. The value of g motions, find the phase difference between the inside the surface of earth is directly proportional to individual motions. the radial distance from the center of the earth. l/2 l/2 At earth’s surface the value of time period is given by

L1 x T=π∝ 2 or T q g g T q T m ' h At a depth h below the surface, g= g1 − R Sol: The amplitude in case of combination of two or ' more SHMs in same direction and same frequency Tg 1R' R ∴ = = = ∴=TT is obtained by vector addition of the amplitudes of T g' h Rh−− Rh 1 − individual SHMs. The angle of each of the individual R  amplitude with the x-axis is equal to the phase constant ' 1 of the respective SHM. or T ∝ Hence Proved. Rh− Let the amplitudes of the individual motions be A each. The resultant amplitude is also A. If the phase difference R δ, Further, T= 2 = 2 2s between the two motion is R/2 R− R/2 22 A= A ++ A 2A.A.cos δ Example 4: Describe the motion of the mass m shown in figure. The walls and the block are elastic. or A= A 2( 1 + cos δ=) Acos δ 2 V δ 1 or cos = or δ=2 π /3 k 22 m

L Example 6: The figure shown below a block collides in-elastically with the right block and sticks to it. Find Sol: As the collision of the block with the wall is elastic, the amplitude of the resulting simple harmonic motion. there will not be any loss in the kinetic energy and block will execute periodic motion of constant time period. v m m The block reaches the spring with a speed ‘v’. It now k compresses the spring. The block is decelerated due to

1I22 the spring force, comes to rest when mv= kx and 22 Physics | 8.25

Sol: Conserve momentum before and after collision. −2 The kinetic energy of blocks after collision is converted (4x10)( 1.0) = = T 3.14 x 0.2s into elastic potential energy of the spring at the instant 10 of maximum compression. Maximum compression is  equal to amplitude of resulting SHM. Example 8: If a tunnel is dug through the earth from Assuming the collision to last for a small interval one side to the other side along a diameter. Show that only, we can apply the principle of conservation of the motion of a particle dropped into the tunnel is momentum. The common velocity after the collision 2 simple harmonic motion. Find the time period. Neglect v 1 v12 all the frictional forces and assume that the earth has a is . The kinetic energy = (2m)= mv . This is 2 2 24 uniform density. also the total energy of vibration as the spring is un- stretched at this moment. If the amplitude is A, the 1 total energy can also be written as kA2 . 2 M

1122 m y Thus, kA= mv , giving A= v. 2 4 2k

Example 7: Find the time period of small oscillations m in a horizontal plane performed by a ball of mass 40 g fixed at the middle of a horizontally stretched string 1.0 −−11 2 2 m in length. The tension of the string is assumed to be G= 6.67x10 Nm kg ; Density of earth constant and equal to 10 N. =5.51x1033 kgm−

Sol: Use the restoring force method to find the angular Sol: Use the restoring force method to find the angular frequency. frequency. Consider a ball of mass m placed at the middle of a Consider a tunnel dug along the diameter of the earth. string of length l and tension T. The components of A particle of mass m is placed at a distance y from tension T towards mean position is Tcosθ . the center of the earth. There will be a gravitational attraction of the earth experienced by this particle due =2Tcos θ The force acting on the ball to the mass of matter contained in a sphere of radius y. 2Tx Force acting on particle at distance y from center ∴=−ma 22 GM ((l / 4)+ x ) F= .y R3 x  T= F and cos θ= GMm 22 ⇒=−ma .y ((l / 4)+ x ) R3 4 Gd×× π R3 x GM 3 4Gπ As x is small, 2 can be neglected in the denominator. ⇒=−a .y = − y = − .d.y R3 R3 3 2Tx 4T 2 ∴a =− =−xx =−ω m( l/2) ml As the force is directly proportional to the displacement and is directed towards the mean position, the motion The acceleration is directly proportional to negative is simple harmonic. displacement x and is directed towards the mean position. Hence the motion is SHM 2 4 3 ⇒ω = πdG. and T2= π  π 2ππ 2 ml 3 4 dG T = = = π  ω T (4T / ml) 3π 3x3.14  = =  dG 5.51x103 x6.67x10−11 Substituting the given values, we get   =5062s = 84.4min 8.26 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Example 9: The pulley shown in figure below has a 224k or a=−ω x, where ω = moment of inertia I about its axis and mass m. find the I + m time period of vertical oscillation of its center of mass. r2 The spring has spring constant k and the string does not slip over the pulley. Thus, the center of mass of the pulley executes a simple harmonic motion with time period

I k T=π+ 2 m /( 4k) . r2

Example 10: Two light springs of force constant k1 I and k2 and a block of mass m are in one line AB on a smooth horizontal table such that one end of each spring is fixed on rigid supports and the other end is Sol: For a small displacement of the pulley find the free as shown in figure. extension in the spring. Use the energy method to find the angular frequency. AB60m Let us first find the equilibrium position. For rotational m k k equilibrium of the pulley, the tensions in the two strings 1 C V D 2 should be equal. Only then the torque on the pulley will be zero. Let this tension be T. The extension of the spring will be y= T /k, as the tension in the spring will The distance CD between the free ends of the springs be the same as the tension in the string. For translational 60 cm. If the block moves along AB with a velocity equilibrium of the pulley, 120 cm/sec in between the springs, calculate the period mg of oscillation of the block 2T= mg or, 2ky= mg or, y= . 2k (k= 1.8N / m, k= 3.2N / m,m= 200gm) mg 12 The spring is extended by a distance when the 2k If initially block is mid-way of CD. pulley is in equilibrium. Sol: As there are no dissipative forces the motion of the Now suppose, the center of the pulley goes down block is oscillatory with constant time period. Add the further by a distance x. The total increase in the length time of motion of different segments to get the time of the string plus the spring is 2x (x on the left of the period. pulley and x on the right). As the string has a constant length, the extension of the spring is 2x. The energy of If initially block is mid-way of CD their the time period the system is T is equal to sum of time to travel 30 cm to right, time

2 in contact with spring k2, time to travel 60 cm to left, 1122 1mg U= I ω+ mv − mgx + k + 2x time in contact with spring k1 and time to travel 30 cm 2 2 2 2k to right. 1Img22   =+++m v22 2kx . 30 1 m 60 1 m 30 2 ∴=T2 + π + +  2 π + 2 r 8k 120 2 k 120 2  k 120 21  dU As the system is conservative, =0, dt 0.2 0.2 =0.25 +π +0.5 +π  +0.25 3.2 1.8 I dv   giving 0=++ m v 4kxv 2 dt r =0.25 +π / 4 + 0.5 +π / 3 + 0.25 = 2.83 s.

dv 4kx Or, = − Example 11: The moment of inertia of the disc used dt I + m in torsional pendulum about the suspension wire is 2 2 r 0.2 kg− m . It oscillates with a period of 2s. Another disc is played over the first one and the time period of Physics | 8.27

the system becomes 2.5 s. Fine the moment of inertia 1 2 mv= mgl( cos θ− cos θ ) ...... (i) …(i) of the second disc about the wire. 2 0 As the bob moves in a circular path, the force towards the center should be equal to mv2 / l. Thus, T− mgcos θ= mv2 / l.

Using (i),

T− mgcos θ= 2mg( cos θ− cos θ0 ) Sol: As another disc is placed on the first disc moment or T= 3mgcos θ− 2mgcos θ . of inertia about the axis passing through the wire 0 increases and thus time period increases. Now cosθ is maximum at θ=0 and decreases as ||θ o increases (for|θ< | 90) . Let the torsional constant of the wire be k. The moment Thus, the tension is maximum when θ=0, i.e., at the kg− m2 . of inertia of the first disc about the wire is 0.2 mean position and is minimum when θ=±θ0 , i.e., at hence, the time period is extreme positions.

I 0.2kg− m2 2s=π=π 2 2 ... (i) …(i) Kk JEE Advanced/Boards When the second disc having moment of inertia I 1 Example 1: A simple pendulum is suspended from the about. The wire is added, the time period is ceiling of a car accelerating uniformly on a horizontal 2 road. If the acceleration is a and the length of the 0.2kg−+ m I1 0 2.5s= 2 π ...(ii) …(ii) pendulum is l, find the time period of small oscillations 0.2kg− m2 about the mean position. 6.25 0.2kgm−+ m2 I = 1 . Sol: The car accelerates with acceleration a. In the From (i) and (ii), 2 4 0.2kg− m reference frame of car the effective value of acceleration 2 due to gravity is This gives I1 = 0.11kg − m .  22 geff =−= ga g + a Example 12: A simple pendulum having a bob of mass m undergoes small oscillations with amplitude θ0 . Find the tension in the string as a function of the l angle made by the string with the vertical. When is this a q

tension maximum, and when is it minimum? T ma l 0 a q aq+ 0 0 mg x q

T We shall work in the car frame. As it is accelerated with respect to the road, we shall have to apply a pseudo force ma0 on the bob of mass m. For mean position, the acceleration of the bob with mg respect to the car should be zero. If θ be the angle made by the string with the vertical, then tension, Sol: The forces acting on the bob are tension due to weight and the pseudo force will add to zero in this string and weight mg. The bob moves in a circular position. path. The acceleration of the bob has both radial and Suppose at some instant during oscillation, the tangential component. string is further deflected by an angle a so that the Suppose the speed of the bob at angle θ is υ. Using displacement of the bob is x. Taking the components conservation of energy between the extreme position perpendicular to the string, component of T = 0, and the position with angle θ, 8.28 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity component of mg= mgsin( α+θ) and component of Example 2: A long uniform rod of length L and mass M is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a horizontal =− α+θ ma00 ma cos( ) . Thus, the resultant component axis through its one end ‘O’. A spring of force constant = α+θ − α+θ k is connected vertically between one end of the rod F m gsin( ) a0 cos( ) . and ground. When the rod is in equilibrium it is parallel cosα≈ l, Expanding the sine and cosine and putting to the ground. sin a ≈ x/l, we get, x L F= m gsin θ− a00 cos θ+( gcos θ+ a sin θ) ...(i) l A At x= 0, the force F on the bob should be zero, as this is the mean position. Thus by (i), O

 0= m gsin θ− a0 cos θ …(ii)

a0 Giving tanθ= (a) What is the period of small oscillation that result g when the rod is rotated slightly and released? a sinθ= 0 Thus, …(iii) (b) What will be the maximum speed of the displaced ag22+ 0 end of the rod, if the amplitude of motion is θ0 ? g cosθ= …(iv) Sol: The rod executes angular SHM. Use restoring 22 ag0 + torque method to find angular frequency of SHM. (a) Restoring torque about ‘O’ due to elastic force of Putting (ii), (iii) and (iv) in the spring 22 τ=−FL =− kyL (F= ky) 22x 2 2 ga+ 0 (i), Fmg= + a or, F= m ω x, where ω= . 0 l l τ=−kL2 θ (as y= L θ ) This is an equation of simple harmonic motion with 2 1d2 θ 2π l τ=α=I ML t= = 2x . 3 dt2 time period ω 1/4 ga22+ ( 0 ) 2 2 1d22θ dθ 3k ML=−θ kL ; =−θ As easy working rule may be found out as follows. In 3 dt2 dt2 M the mean position, the tension, the weight and the pseudo force balance. From figure, the tension is 3k M ω= ⇒T2 = π M 3k q (b) In angular SHM, maximum angular velocity T ma0 dθ 3k dθ  =θ00, ω=θ , vυ= = r  mg dt max M dt

22 dθ 3k So, vL= = L θ T=( ma0 ) + ( mg) max 0 dt max M

T 22 or, =a + g. m 0 Example 3: A block with mass of 2 kg hangs without vibrating at the end of a spring of spring constant This plays the role of effective ‘g’. Thus the time period 500 N/m, which is attached to the ceiling of an elevator. g The elevator is moving upwards with acceleration . At 3 I l time t=0, the acceleration suddenly ceases. is t2=π=π 2 . T/m 1/4 ga22+ 0 (a) What is the angular frequency of oscillation of the block after the acceleration ceases? Physics | 8.29

(b) By what amount is the spring stretched during the (ii) At time t= 0, block is at x= − A. Therefore, time when the elevator is accelerating? substituting xA= − and t0= in equation, (c) What is the amplitude of oscillation and initial phase 3π angle observed by a rider in the elevator? Take the x= Asin( ω t +φ ) We get initial phase φ= 2 2 upward direction to be positive. Take g= 10.0m / s .

kx Example 4: A solid sphere (radius = R) rolls without slipping in a cylindrical through (radius = 5R). Find the g a = time period of small oscillations. 3 mg

r Sol: The angular frequency of the spring block q x x-axis system in vertical oscillations does not depend on o c the acceleration due to gravity or the acceleration of the elevator. The equilibrium position depends on the acceleration due to gravity and the elevator. When the acceleration of the elevator ceases the block moves to the new equilibrium position. Sol: The sphere executes pure rolling in the cylinder. The mean position is at the lowest point in the cylinder. (a) Angular frequency kx0 Find the acceleration for small displacement from the mean position and compare with standard equation of k 500 ω=or ω= SHM to find angular frequency. m2 orω= 15.81 rad / s mg 5R

(b) Equation of motion of the block (while elevator is R accelerating) is, g kx−== mg ma m 3 For pure rolling to take place, v = Rw 4mg (4)( 2)( 10) ω=' ∴=x = =0.053m Angular velocity of COM of sphere C about O 3k (3)( 500) vRωω = = = w 4R 4R 4 ’ or x= 5.3cm O w 5R ' q (c) (i) In equilibrium when the elevator has zero dωω 1d ' α ∴= or α= c acceleration, the equation of motion is dt 4 dt 4 mg (2)( 10) a v kx= mg or x = = = 0.04m α= for pure rolling; 0 0 k 500 R = 4cm gsinθθ 5gsin Where, a = = I+ mR2 7 x= +A x0 2 2 ' 5gsinθ As, I= mR ∴ α= 5 28R Mean position For small θ, sinθ=θ , being restoring in nature,

5g θ 28R α=−' θ ∴T2 = π = 2 π x= -A 28R α' 5g

∴=Amplitude A x− x 0 Example 5: Consider the earth as a uniform sphere of =5.3 − 4.0 mass M and radius R. Imagine a straight smooth tunnel made through the earth which connects any two points = 1.3 cm on its surface. Show that the motion of a particle of 8.30 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity mass in along this tunnel under the action of gravitation (a) Calculate the frequency of oscillation of ball B. would be simple harmonic. Hence, determine the time (b) Find the speed of the ball A when A and B are at the that a particle would take to go from one end to the two ends of diameter PQ other through the tunnel. (c) What is the total energy of the system Sol: Use the restoring force method to find the angular frequency. Sol: Here the two balls connected by the springs are Suppose at some instant the particle is at radial free to oscillate along the length of the springs, so the distance r from center of earth O. Since, the particle time period will depend on the reduced mass of the is constrained to move along the tunnel, we define two-ball system. its position as distance x from C. Hence, equation of (a) Restoring force on A or B=∆+∆ k x k x =2k ∆ x. motion of the particle is, maxx= F Where ∆x is compression in the spring at one end? The gravitational force on mass m at distance r is, Effective force constant = 2k GMmr F = 1 2k 3 (Towards O) Frequency v = R 2πµ GMmr x =− θ=− Therefore, Fx Fsin  µ R3 r Where is reduced mass of system. F ∝−x Since x , motion is simple harmonic in nature. mm m Further, reducedmass.µ= = mm+ 2 GMm GM ma=−= .x or a− .x xx33 1 2k 1 0.1 1 RR vs= = = 2π m / 2 3.14 0.1 3.14 ∴ Time period of oscillation is, (b) P and Q are equilibrium position. Balls A and B at xR3 T2=π=π 2 P and Q have only kinetic energy and it is equal the ax GM potential energy at extreme positions.

The time taken by particle to go from one end to the Potential energy at extreme position T 11 other is =k(2 ∆+ x)2 k(2 ∆= x) 22 4k( ∆ x) 2 22 TR3 ∴ t = = π π 2 GM Where∆= x Rx 6 22 2 2 π kR (3.14) x0.1x(0.06) −4 Example 6: Two identical balls A and B, each of mass ⇒=P.E. = ≈3.94x10 J 36 36 0.1 kg are attached to two identical massless springs. The spring mass system is constrained to move inside a When the balls A and B are at points P and Q respectively. rigid smooth pipe bent in the form of a circle as shown += = in figure. The pipe is fixed in a horizontal plane. The KE(A) KE (B) PE. ; 2KE(A) P.E . centers of the balls can move in a circle of radius 0.06 m. 1 Each spring has a natural length 0.06 π m and spring 2x mv24= 3.94 x10− constant 0.1 N/m. Initially both the balls are displaced 2 by angle π /6 radian with respect to the diameter PQ of 1 3.94 2 −−22 − 1 the circle and released from rest. ⇒=v x10= 6.28x10 = 0.0628ms 0.1

A B (c) Total potential and kinetic energy of the system is equal to total potential energy at the extreme -4 p/6 p/6 position=3.94x10 J. P Q O Physics | 8.31

JEE Main/Boards

Exercise 1 (b) Potential energy of the oscillating mass. Q.1 A simple harmonic motion is represented by y(t)=10 sin (20t+0.5). Write down its amplitude, angular Q.8 A trolley of mass 3.0 kg is connected to two −1 frequency, time period and initial phase, if displacement identical springs each of force constant 600Nm is measured in meters and time in . as shown in figure. If the trolley is displaced from its equilibrium position by 5.0 cm and released, what is the Q.2 A particle executing SHM along a straight line has total energy stored? a velocity of 4 ms-1, when at a distance of 3 m from its −1 mean position and 3ms , when at a distance of 4 m -1 3.0 kg -1 from it. Find the time it takes to travel 2.5 m from the 600 Nm 600 Nm positive extremity of its oscillation.

Q.3 A simple harmonic oscillation is represented by the equation. Q.9 A normally shows correct time. On Y=0.4sin (440t+0.61) an extremely cold , its length decreases by 0.2%. Compute the error in time per day. Here y and t are in m and s respectively. What are the values of (i) amplitude (ii) angular frequency (iii) frequency of oscillation (iv) time period of oscillation Q.10 Two particles execute SHM of same amplitude and (v) initial phase? and frequency on parallel lines. They pass one another when moving in opposite directions and at that time their displacement is one third their amplitude. What is Q.4 A particle executing SHM of amplitude 25 cm and the phase difference between them? time period 3 s. What is the minimum time required for the particle to move between two points 12.5 cm on either side of the mean position? Q.11 What is the frequency of a second pendulum in an elevator moving up with an accelerating of g/2? Q.5 A particle executes SHM of amplitude a. At what distance from the mean position is its K.E. equal to its Q.12 Explain periodic motion and oscillatory motion P.E? with illustration.

Q.6 An 8 kg body performs SHM of amplitude a. At Q.13 What is a simple pendulum? Find an expression for what distance from the mean position is its K.E. equal the time period and frequency of a simple pendulum. to its P.E? Q.14 Explain the oscillations of a loaded spring and find −1 Q.7 A spring of force constant 1200 Nm is mounted the relations for the time period and frequency in case on a horizontal table as shown in figure. A mass of of (i) horizontal spring (ii) vertical spring 3.0 kg is attached to the free end of the spring. Pulled sideways to a distance of 2cm and released, what is Q.15 What is a spring factor? Find its value in case of two springs connected in (i) series and (ii) parallel. m Q.16 Explain phase and phase difference, angular frequency, displacement in periodic motion with illustrations. (a) The speed of the mass when the spring is compressed by 1.0 cm? Q.17 Explain displacement, velocity, acceleration and time period in SHMs. Find the relation between them. 8.32 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Q.18 From the figure (a) and (b). Obtain the equation Q.26 A system of springs with their spring constants are of simple harmonic motion of the y-projection of the as shown in figure . What is the frequency of oscillations radius vector of the revolving particle P in each case. of the mass m? y P(t=0) T=3s P(t=0)

k1 60o 90o x (a) x (b) 2cm 3cm T=1min k2

Q.19 Two particles execute SHM of the same amplitude and frequency along does parallel lines. They pass k3 k4 each other moving in opposite directions, each time their displacement in half their amplitude. What is their m phase difference?

Q.20 A body oscillates with SHM according to the equation, X=6 cos (3π t +π / 3) . What is (a) Exercise 2 amplitude and (b) the velocity at t=2s. Single Correct Choice Type Q.21 A bob of simple pendulum executes SHM of -1 period 20 s. Its velocity is 5 ms , two seconds after it Q.1 A simple harmonic motion having an amplitude has passed through its mean position. Determine the A and time period T is represented by the equation: amplitude of SHM. y= 5 sin π+ (t 4)m Then the values of A (in m) and T (in s) are: Q.22 A particle is moving in a straight line with SHM Its velocity has values 3 ms-1 and 2 ms-1 when its distance (A) A = 5; T = 2 (B) A = 10; T = 1 from the mean positions are 1 m and 2 m respectively. (C) A = 5; T = 1 (D) A = 10; T = 2 Find the period of its motion and length of its path.

Q.2 The maximum acceleration of a particle in SHM is Q.23 A particle executes SHM with an amplitude 4 cm. made two keeping the maximum speed to be Locate the position of point where its speed is half its constant. It is possible when speed is half its maximum speed. At what displacement is potential energy equal to kinetic energy? (A) Amplitude of oscillation is doubled while frequency remains constant Q.24 A block whose mass is 1 kg is fastened to a spring. (B) Amplitude is doubled while frequency is halved -1 The spring has a spring constant 50 N m . The block (C) Frequency is doubled while amplitude is halved is pulled to a distance x=10 cm from its equilibrium position at x=0 on a frictionless surface at t=0. Calculate (D) Frequency is doubled while amplitude remains the kinetic, potential and total energies of the block constant when it is 5 cm away from the mean position. Q.3 A stone is swinging in a horizontal circle 0.8 m in Q.25 Two point masses of 3.0 kg and 1.0 kg are diameter at 30 rev/min. A distant horizontal light beam attached to opposite ends of a horizontal spring whose causes a shadow of the stone to be formed on a nearly spring constant in 300 Nm-1 as shown in figure. Find the vertical wall. The amplitude and period of the simple natural frequency of vibration of the system. harmonic motion for the shadow of the stone are (A) 0.4 m, 4 s (B) 0.2 m, 2 s 1kg 3kg (C) 0.4 m, 2 s (D) 0.8 m, 2 s Physics | 8.33

Q.4 A small mass executes linear SHM about O with 1 mv2 mv2 amplitude a and period T. Its displacement from O at (C) (D) 2 2k k time T/8 after passing through O is:

(A) a/8 (B) a/2 2 (C) a/2 (D) a/ 2 Q.12 In the above question, the find amplitude of oscillation of the block in the reference frame of point Q.5 The displacement of a body executing SHM is given A of the spring. x= Asin(2 π t +π / 3). by The first time from t=0 when 1 mv2 1 mv2 the velocity is maximum is (A) (B) 4k 2k (A) 0.33 s (B) 0.16 s (C) 0.25 s (D) 0.5 s mv2 mv2 (C) (D) 2 Q.6 A particle executes SHM of period 1.2 s. and k k amplitude 8 cm. Find the time it takes to travel 3cm from the positive extremely of its oscillation. Q.13 For a particle acceleration is defined as  (A) 0.28 s (B) 0.32 s (C) 0.17 s (D) 0.42 s  −5xi  a= for x ≠== 0 and a 0 for x 0. x Q.7 A particle moves along the x-axis according to If the particle is initially at rest (a, 0) what is period of :x= A[I +ω sin t] . What distance does it travel between? motion of the particle. t= 0andt = 2.5 πω / ? 4 2a / 5 sec. 8 2a / 5 sec. (A) 4A (B) 6A (C) 5A (D) None (A) (B) (C) 2 2a / 5 sec. (D) Cannot be determined Q.8 Find the ratio of time periods of two identical springs if they are first joined in series & then in parallel Q.14 A mass m, which is attached to a spring with & a mass m is suspended from them: spring constant k, oscillates on a horizontal table, with (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 3 amplitude A. At an instant when the spring is stretched by 3A / 2 , a second mass m is dropped vertically onto Q.9 The amplitude of the vibrating particle due to superposition of two SHMs, the original mass and immediately sticks to it. What is the amplitude of the resulting motion? π y= sin ω+ t and y= sin ω tis: 12 3 7 3 (A) A (B) A 2 8 (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 2 13 2 (C) A (D) A 16 3 Q.10 Two simple harmonic motions y =A sin ωt 1 are superimposed on a particle of mass m. The total mechanical energy of the particle is: Q.15 A particle is executing SHM of amplitude A, about 1 the mean position x=0. Which of the following cannot (A) mAω22 (B) mAω be a possible phase difference between the positions of 2 22 1 the particle at x=+ A/2 and x= − A/ 2 (C) mAω22 (D) Zero 4 (A) 75° (B) 165° (C) 135° (D) 195°

Q.11 A block of mass ‘m’ is attached to a spring in natural length of spring constant ‘k’. The other end A of the spring is moved with a constant velocity v away from the block. Find the maximum extension in the spring. 1 mv2 mv2 (A) (B) 4k k 8.34 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Previous Years’ Questions amplitude of oscillation is a then its time period T is (1998)

(A) Proportional to 1/ a Q.1 A particle executes simple harmonic motion with a frequency ƒ. The frequency with which its kinetic (B) Independent of a (1987) energy oscillates is (C) Proportional to a (A) ƒ/2 (B) ƒ (C) 2 ƒ (D) 4 ƒ (D) Proportional to a3/2

Q. 2 Two bodies M and N of equal masses are suspended Q.6 A spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces from two separate massless springs of spring constants k k such that one piece is double the length of the other 1 and 2 respectively. If the two bodies oscillate (1999) the long piece will have a force constant of vertically such that their maximum velocities are equal, the ratio of the one amplitude of vibration of M to that (A) 2/3 k (B) 3/2 k (C) 3k (D) 6k (1988) of N is

(A) k12 /k (B) k21 /k Q.7 A particle free to move along the x – axis has porential = − −2 − ∞≤ ≤+∞ energy by U(x) k [1 exp( x )] for x Where (C) k21 /k (D) k12 /k k is a positive constant of appropriate dimensions. Then (1999)

(A) At points away from the origin, the particle is in Q.3 A highly rigid cubical block A of small mass M and unstable equilibrium side L is fixed rigidly on to another cubical block B of theη same dimensions and of low modulus of rigidity (B) For any finite non-zero value of x, there is a force such that the lower face of A completely covers directed away from the origin the upper face of B. The lower face of B is rigidly held (C) If its total mechanical energy is k/2, it has its on a horizontal surface. A small force F is applied minimum kinetic energy at the origin perpendicular to one of the side faces of A. After the force is withdrawn. Block A executes small oscillations. (D) For small displacements from x=0, the motion is (1992) The time period of which is given by simple harmonic Mη (A) 2πη ML (B) 2π Q.8 L The period of oscillation of simple pendulum of length L suspended from the roof of the vehicle which M moves without friction, down an inclined plane of ML (2000) (C) 2π (D) 2π inclination α, is given by η ηL L L (A) 2π (B) 2π α gsinα gcos Q.4 One end of a long metallic wire of length L is tied to the ceiling. The other end is tied to a massless spring L L (C) 2π (D) 2π of spring constant k. A mass m hangs freely from the g gtanα free end of the spring. The area of cross-section and the Young’s modulus of the wire are A and Y respectively. If the mass is slightly pulled down and released, it will Q.9 (1993) A particle executes simple harmonic motion oscillate with a time period T equal to between x= -A and x= + A. The time taken for it to go

m(YA+ kL from O to A/2 is T1 and to go from A/2 to A is T2, then (A) 2π (m / k)1/2 (B) 2π (2001) YAk

1/2 TT< TT> (C) 2π [(mYA / kL)1/2 (D) 2π [(mL / YA) (A) 12 (B) 12

(C) TT12= (D) T12= 2T

Q.5 A particle of mass m is executing oscillation about the origin on the x-axis. Its potential energy 3 U(x)= k x is , Where k is a positive constant. If the Physics | 8.35

Q.10 2 For a particle executing SHM the displacement π −2 3 22− cosω t (C) cms (D) −πcms x is given by x=A . Identify the graph which 32 32 represents the variation of potential energy (PE) as a (2003) function of time t and displacement. Q.14 PE PE A uniform rod of length L and mass M is pivoted lll lll at the center. Its two ends are attached to two springs lV of equal spring constants k. The spring are fixed to rigid t supports as shown in the Fig, and rod is free to oscillate x in the horizontal plane. The rod is gently pushed θ through a small angle in one direction and released. (2009) (A) I, III (B) II, IV (C) II, III (D) I, IV The frequency of oscillation is

Q.11 A block P of mass m is placed on a horizontal frictionless plane. A second block of same mass m is placed on it and is connected to a spring of spring constant k, the two blocks are pulled by a distance A. Block Q oscillates without slipping. What is the maximum value of frictional force between the two blocks? (2004)

1 2k 1k (A) (B) k m 2Mπ 2Mπ Q a 1 6k 1 24k P (C) (D) 2Mπ 2Mπ

(A) kA (B) kA Q.15 (C) µs mg (D) Zero The mass M shown in the figure oscillates in simple harmonic motion with amplitude A. The amplitude of (2009) the point P is T Q.12 A simple pendulum has time period 1 . The point k1 P k2 of suspension is now moved upward according to the m =22 = relation y kt ,(k 1m / s ) where y is the vertical displacement. kA kA1 2 TheThe time time period period now now beomes beomesT T2. (A) (B) 2 k k2 1 T 2 The ratio of1 is (Take g= 10m / s2 ) (2005) kA kA 2 1 2 T2 (C) (D) kk12+ kk12+ (A) 6/5 (B) 5/6 (C) 1 (D) 4/5

Q.16 A wooden block performs SHM on a frictionless v Q.13 The x-t graph of a particle undergoing simple surface with frequency 0 . The block carries a charge E harmonic motion is shown below. The acceleration of +Q on its surface. If now a uniform electric field is (2009) the particle at t=4/3 s is switched-on as shown, then the SHM of the block will x (2011) be (cm) ® 1 E

0 +Q 4812 t(s) -1

2 (A) Of the same frequency and with shifted mean 3 − −π (A) π22cms (B) cms−2 position 32 32 8.36 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

(B) Of the same frequency and with the same mean Q.19 The amplitude of a damped oscillator decreases position to0.9 times its original magnitude is 5s. In another 10s it will decrease to α times its original magnitude, where (C) Of changed frequency and with shifted mean α equals. (2013) position (A) 0.81 (B) 0.729 (C) 0.6 (D) 0.7 (D) Of changed frequency and with the same mean position Q.20 For a simple pendulum, a graph is plotted between its kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy Q.17 A point mass is subjected to two simultaneous (PE) against its displacement d. Which one of the 3π 2A, following represents these correctly? sinusoidal 4 displacements in x-direction (Graphs are schematic and not drawn to scale) (2015) 2π . x12 (t)= A sin ω t and x (t)= A sin ω+ t 3 Adding a third sinusoidal displacement

x3 (t)= Bsin( ω t +φ ) brings the mass to a complete rest. The values of B and φ are (2011)

6π 4π (A) A, (B) A, 3 3

5π π (C) 3A, (D) A, 6 3

Q.18 If a simple pendulum has significant amplitude (up to a factor of 1/e of original) only in the period between Q.21 A particle performs simple harmonic motion with ts= τ τ t = Os to , then may be called the average amplitude A. Its speed is trebled at the instant that it is life of the pendulum. When the spherical bob of the 2A pendulum suffers a retardation (due to viscous drag) at a distance from equilibrium position. The new 3 proportional to its velocity, with ‘ b’ as the constant of (2016) proportionality, the average life time of the pendulum amplitude of the motion is: is (assuming damping is small) in seconds: (2012) (A) 3 A (B) A3

7A A q (C) (D) 41 3 3 mbv

® v mg 0.693 (A) (B) b b 1 2 (C) (D) b b Physics | 8.37

JEE Advanced/Boards

Exercise 1 (i) New amplitude of oscillations. (ii) New equation for position of the combined body. Q.1 A body is in SHM with period T when oscillated (iii) Loss of energy during collision. Neglect friction. from a freely suspended spring. If this spring is cut in two parts of length ratio 1:3 & again oscillated from the Q.7 A mass M is in static equilibrium on a massless two parts separately, then the periods are T & T then 1 2 vertical spring as shown in the figure. A ball of mass m find T /T . 1 2 dropped from certain height sticks to the mass M after colliding with it. The oscillations they perform reach to Q.2 A body undergoing SHM about the origin has its height ‘a’ above the original level of scales & depth ‘b’ equation is given by x= 0.2cos5 π t. Find its average below it. speed from t= 0tot = 0.7sec.

Q.3 Two particles A and B execute SHM along the same line with the same amplitude a, same frequency and M a same equilibrium position O. If the phase difference −1 b between them is φ=2sin (0.9) , then find the maximum distance between the two.

Q.4 The acceleration-displacement (a− x) graph of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is shown in (a) Find the constant of force of the spring; the figure. Find the frequency of oscillation. (b) Find the oscillation frequency.

a (c) What is the height above the initial level from which b the mass m was dropped? a a - O x Q.8 Two identical balls A and B each of mass 0.1 kg -b are attached to two identical massless springs. The spring mass system is constrained to move inside a Q.5 A point particle of mass 0.1kg is executing SHM rigid smooth pipe in the form of a circle as in figure. with amplitude of 0.1m. When the particle passes The pipe is fixed in a horizontal plane. The centers −3 through the mean position, its K.E. is 8× 10 J. Obtain of the ball can move in a circle of radius 0.06m. Each π the equation of motion of this particle if the initial spring has a natural length 0.06 m and force constant phase of oscillation is 45° . 0.1N/m. Initially both the balls are displaced by an angle of θ=π/6radian with respect to diameter PQ of the circle and released from rest Q.6 One end of an ideal spring is fixed to a wall at origin O and the axis of spring is parallel to x-axis. A block of mass m=1 kg is attached to free end of the spring A and it is performing SHM. Equation of position of block B in coordinate system shown is x= 10 + 3sin10t , is in second and x in cm. Another block of mass M=3kg, p/6 p/6 P Q moving towards the origin with velocity 30cm/s collides O with the block performing SHM at t=0 and gets stuck to it, calculate:

1kg3kg 8.38 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

(a) Calculate the frequency of oscillation of the ball B. Q.14 The resulting amplitude A’ and the phase of the vibrations δ (b) What is the total energy of the system? AAπ (c) Find the speed of the ball A when A and B are at the S= Acos( ω t) + cos ω+ t + cos( ω+π t ) 2 24 two ends of the diameter PQ.  A3π +cos ω+ t = A'cos( ω+δ t ) 82 Q.9 Two blocks A(2kg) and B(3kg) rest up on a smooth horizontal surface are connected by a spring of stiffness 120 N/m. Initially the spring is unreformed. A is imparted are ______and ______respectively. a velocity of 2m/s along the line of the spring away from B. Find the displacement of A, t seconds later. Q.15 A spring block (force constant k=1000N/m and 3kg2kg mass m=4kg) system is suspended from the ceiling 2m/s of an elevator such that block is initially at rest. The B A elevator begins to move upwards at t=0. Acceleration time graph of the elevator is shown in the figure. Draw the displacement x (from its initial position taking Q.10 A force F= 10x + 2 acts on a particle of mass upwards as positive) vs time graph of the block with 0.1 kg, where ‘k’ is in m and F in newton. If it is released respect to the elevator starting from t=0 to t=1 sec. 2 from rest at x= 0.2m , find : Take π=10. (a) Amplitude; (b) time period; (c) equation of motion. a 2 5 (m/s ) k Q.11 Potential Energy (U) of a body of unit mass moving k=100 n/m in one-dimension conservative force field is given by, 0.6 a m m=4kg 2 U= (x −+ 4x 3) . All units are in S.I. t(sec) (i) Find the equilibrium position of the body. (ii) Show that oscillations of the body about this Q.16 A particle of mass m moves in the potential energy equilibrium position are simple harmonic motion & U shown below. Find the period of the motion when the find its time period. particle has total energy E. (iii) Find the amplitude of oscillations if speed of the body at equilibrium position is 2√6 m/s. U(X)

Q.12 A body is executing SHM under the action of 1 2 U= kx ,x<0 force whose maximum magnitude is 50N. Find the 2 magnitude of force acting on the particle at the time U=mgx, x>0 when its energy is half kinetic and half potential. X

Q.13 The system shown in the figure can move on a smooth surface. The spring is initially compressed by Q.17 The motion of a particle is described by x=30 6cm and then released. Find sin(π t +π / 6) , where x is in cm and t in sec. Potential energy of the particle is twice of kinetic energy for k=800N/m the first time after t=0 when the particle is at position 3kg 6kg ______after ______time.

Q.18 Two blocks A (5kg) and B (2kg) attached to the (a) Time period ends of a spring constant 1120N/m are placed on a (b) Amplitude of 3kg block smooth horizontal plane with the spring undeformed. Simultaneously velocities of 3m/s and 10m/s along the (c) Maximum momentum of 6kg block line of the spring in the same direction are imparted to A and B then Physics | 8.39

3m/s 10m/s Q.24 A spring mass system is hanging from the ceiling of an elevator in equilibrium Elongation of spring is l . A 5 2 B The elevator suddenly starts accelerating downwards with accelerating g/3find (a) Find the maximum extension of the spring. (a) The frequency and (b) When does the first maximum compression occurs (b) The amplitude of the resulting SHM. after start.

Q.19 Two identical rods each of mass m and A length L, are rigidly joined and then suspended Exercise 2 in a vertical plane so as to oscillate freely about Single Correct Choice Type an axis normal to the plane of paper passing k through ‘S’ (point of suspension). Find the time period of such small oscillations. Q.1 A particle executes SHM on a straight line path. The B amplitude of oscillation is 2 cm. When the displacement of the particle from the mean position is 1 cm, the numerical value of magnitude of acceleration is equal to the numerical value of magnitude of velocity. The Q.20 (a) Find the time period of oscillations of a −1 frequency of SHM (in second ) is: torsional pendulum, if the torsional constant of the wire 2 is K= 10 π J / rad . The moment of inertia of rigid body 2π 3 1 is 10kg-m2 about the axis of rotation. (A) 23π (B) (C) (D) 3 2π 23π (b) A simple pendulum of length l= 0.5m is hanging from ceiling of a car. The car is kept Q.2 A particle executed SHM with time period T and on a horizontal plane The car starts amplitude A. The maximum possible average velocity S accelerating on the horizontal road T 5m / s2 in time is with acceleration of . Find 4 the time period of oscillations of the 2A 4A 8A 4 2A pendulum for small amplitudes about (A) (B) (C) (D) the mean position. T T T T

Q.21 An object of mass 0.2kg executes SHM along Q.3 A particle performs SHM with a period T and the x-axis with frequency of (25 /π )Hz . At the point amplitude a. The mean velocity of the particle over the x= 0.04m the object has KE 0.5 J and PE 0.4 J. The time interval during which it travels a distance a/2 from amplitude of oscillation is ______. the extreme position is (A) a/T (B) 2a/T (C) 3a/T (D) a/2T Q.22 A body of mass 1kg is suspended from a weightless spring having force constant 600N/m. Q.4 Two particles are in SHM on same straight line with Another body of mass 0.5 kg moving vertically upwards amplitude A and 2A and with same angular frequency hits the suspended body with a velocity of 3.0m/s and ω . It is observed that when first particle is at a distance get embedded in it. Find the frequency of oscillations A/ 2from origin and going toward mean position, and amplitude of motion. other particle is at extreme position on other side of mean position. Find phase difference between the two Q.23 A body A of mass m1 = 1kg and a body B of mass particles m = 4kg are attached to the ends of a spring. The 2 45° 90° 135° 180° body a performs vertical simple harmonic oscillations (A) (B) (C) (D) of amplitude a=1.6 cm and angular frequency ω=25 rad/s. Neglecting the mass of the spring determine Q.5 A body performs simple harmonic oscillations the maximum and minimum values of force the along the straight line ABCDE with C as the midpoint of system exerts on the surface on which it rests. [Take AE. Its kinetic energies at B and D are each one fourth 2 g= 10m / s ] of its maximum value. If AE=2R, the distance between B and D is 8.40 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity


3R R (A) (B) 2 2 m (C) 3R (D) 2R

T 2mπ m Q.6 In an elevator, a spring clock of time period s (mass (A) (B) 2π attached to a spring) and a pendulum clock of time 3k k period Tp are kept. If the elevator accelerates upwards π m π m (A) T well as T increases (C) (D) s p 3k 6k (B) Ts remain same, Tp increases T T (C) s remains same, p decreases Q.10 A 2 kg block moving with 10 m/s strikes a spring π2 (D) Ts as well as Tp decreases of constant N/m attached to 2 Kg block at rest kept on a smooth floor. The time for which rear moving block remain in contact with spring will be Q.7 Two bodies P & Q of equal mass are suspended from two separate massless springs of force constants 1 (A) 2 sec (B) sec k1 and k2 respectively. If the maximum velocities of them 2 are equal during their motion, the ratio of amplitude of 1 (C) 1sec (D) sec P to Q is: 2

k1 k2 (A) (B) Q.11 In the above question, the velocity of the rear 2 kg k2 k1 block after it separates from the spring will be:

k k (A) 0 m/s (B) 5 m/s (C) 2 (D) 1 k1 k2 (C) 10 m/s (D) 7.5 m/s

Q.12 A rod whose ends are A & B of length 25 cm is Q.8 The spring in figure. A and B are identical but hanged in vertical plane. When hanged from point A length in A is three times each of that in B. the ratio of and point B the time periods calculated are 3 sec & period T /T is A B 4 sec respectively. Given the moment of inertia of rod A B about axis perpendicular to the rod is in ratio 9:4 at points A and B. Find the distance of the center of mass from point A. (A) 9 cm (B) 5 cm (C) 25 cm (D) 20 cm m m Q. 13 A circular disc has a tiny hole in it, at a distance z from its center. Its mass is M and radius R (R > z). A (A)√3 (B) 1/3 (C) 3 (D) 1/√3 horizontal shaft is passed through the hole and held fixed so that the disc can freely swing in the vertical Q.9 In the figure the block of mass m, attached to the plane. For small disturbance, the disc performs SHM spring of stiffness k is in contact with the completely whose time period is the minimum for z = elastic wall, and the compression in the spring is ‘e’. The spring is compressed further by ‘e’ by displacing the (A) R/2 (B) R/3 block towards left and is then released. If the collision (C) R/ 2 (D) R/ 3 between the block and the wall is completely elastic then the time period of oscillations of the block will be: Physics | 8.41

Multiple Correct Choice Type 1 (D) Mean velocity is of maximum velocity. 2 Q.14 The displacement-time graph of a particle Q.18 A spring has natural length 40 cm and spring executing SHM is shown which of the following constant 500 N/m. A block of mass 1 kg is attached statement is/are true? at one end of the spring and other end of the spring y is attached to ceiling. The block released from the position, where the spring has length 45cm. (A) The block will performs SHM of amplitude 5 cm.

O T/4 T/2 3/4 T t (B) The block will have maximum velocity 30 5 cm / sec . 2 (C) The block will have maximum acceleration 15m / s (D) The minimum potential energy of the spring will be zero. (A) The velocity is maximum at t=T/2

(B) The acceleration is maximum at t=T Q.19 The figure shows a graph between velocity (C) The force is zero at t= 3T/4 and displacement (from mean position) of a particle performing SHM: (D) The potential energy equals the oscillation energy at t=T/2. v(in cm/s) 10 2.5 Q.15 The amplitude of a particle executing SHM about x O is 10 cm. Then: (in cm) (A) When the K.E. is 0.64 of its max. K.E. its displacement is 6cm from O. (A) The time period of the particle is 1.57s (B) When the displacement is 5cm from O its 0.75 40cm / s2 of its max. P.E. (B) The maximum acceleration will be (C) The velocity of particle is 2 21cm / s when it is at a (C) Its total energy at any point is equal to its maximum distance 1 cm from the mean position. K.E. (D) None of these (D) Its velocity is half the maximum velocity when its displacement is half the maximum displacement. Q.20 Two blocks of masses 3 kg and 6 kg rest on a Q.16 A particle of mass m performs SHM along a horizontal smooth surface. The 3 kg block is attached straight line with frequency f and amplitude A. to A Spring with a force constant m (A) The average kinetic energy of the particle is zero. 2 (B) The average potential energy is mπ 2f2A . (C) The frequency of oscillation of kinetic energy is 2f. 2m 3kg 6kg (D) Velocity function leads acceleration by π /2

Equilibrium Q.17 A system is oscillating with undamped simple harmonic motion. Then the position −1 k= 900Nm Which is compressed 2 m from beyond (A) Average total energy per cycle of the motion is its the equilibrium position. The 6 kg mass is at rest at 1m maximum kinetic energy. 1 from mean position 3kg mass strikes the 6kg mass and (B) Average total energy per cycle of the motion is the two stick together. times its maximum kinetic energy. 2 (A) Velocity of the combined masses immediately after 1 10ms−1 (C) Root means square velocity times its maximum the collision is velocity. 2 8.42 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

(B) Velocity of the combined masses immediately after Q.25 A mass of 0.2 kg is attached to the lower end of a −1 the collision is 5ms massless spring of force-constant 200 N/m, the upper end of which is fixed to a rigid support. Which of the 2m (C) Amplitude of the resulting oscillations is following statements is/are true? 5 (D) Amplitude of the resulting oscillation is m . (A) In equilibrium, the spring will be stretched by 1cm. 2 (B) If the mass is raised till the spring is in not stretched state and then released, it will go down by 2 cm before Q.21 A particle is executing SHM with amplitude A. moving upwards. time period T, maximum acceleration a and maximum 0 (C) The frequency of oscillation will be nearly 5 Hz. velocity v0. . Its starts from mean position at t-0 and at time t, it has the displacement A/2, acceleration a and (D) If the system is taken to moon, the frequency of velocity v then oscillation will be the same as on the earth.

(A) t=T/12 (B) a= a0 /2 Q.26 The potential energy of particle of mass 0.1kg, (C) v= v0 /2 (D) t=T/8 moving along x-axis, is given by U=5x(x-4)J where x is in meters. It can be concluded that Q.22 For a particle executing SHM, x=displacement from equilibrium position, v= velocity at any instant (A) The particle is acted upon by a constant force. and a = acceleration at any instant, then (B) The speed of the particle is maximum at x=2m (A) v-x graph is a circle (C) The particle executes simple harmonic motion (B) v-x graph is an ellipse (D) The period of oscillation of the particle is π /5 s (C) a-x graph is a straight line (D) a-v graph is an ellipse Q.27 The displacement of a particle varies according cos2 to the relation x=3 sin 100t + 50t. Which of the following is/are correct about this motion. Q.23 A particle starts from a point P at a distance of A/2 from the mean position O & travels towards left as (A) The motion of the particle is not SHM shown in the figure. If the time period of SHM, executed (B) The amplitude of the SHM of the particle is 5 units about O is T and amplitude A then the equation of (C) The amplitude of the resultant SHM is 73 units. motion of particle is: A/2 (D) The maximum displacement of the particle from the origin is 9 units. O P A Q.28 The equation of motion for an oscillating particle is given by x=3sin (4πt) + 4cos (4πt), where x is in mm 2ππ 25ππ and t is in second (A) x= Asin t + (B) x= Asin t + (A) The motion is simple harmonic T6 T6 (B) The period of oscillation is 0.5 s 2ππ 2ππ (C) x= Acos t + (D) x= Acos t + (C) The amplitude of oscillation is 5 mm T6 T3 (D) The particle starts its motion from the equilibrium

Q.24 Two particles execute SHM with amplitude A and Q.29 ω 2ω A linear− of force constant 2A and angular frequency and respectively. At 2x1061 Nm t=0 they starts with some initial phase difference. At, and amplitude 0.01 m has a total 2π mechanical energy of 160 J. Its t= difference is: . They are in same phase. Their 3ω (A) Maximum potential energy is 100 J initial phase (B) Maximum kinetic energy is 100 J π 2π 4π (A) (B) (C) (D) π 3 3 3 (C) Maximum potential energy is 160 (D) Minimum potential energy is zero. Physics | 8.43

Q.30 The two blocks shown here rest on a frictionless (B) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and surface. If they are pulled apart by a small distance and statement-II is NOT the correct explanation for released at t=0, the time when statement-I K=24N/m (C) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false. 1kg 2kg (D) Statement-I is false, statement-II is true

1 kg block comes to rest can be Q.34 Statement-I: A particle, simultaneously subjected 2π to two simple harmonic motions of same frequency (A) sec (B) π sec. 3 and same amplitude, will perform SHM only if two π π SHM’s are in the same direction (C) sec (D) sec 2 9 Statement-II: A particle, simultaneously subjected to two simple harmonic motions of same frequency and same amplitude, perpendicular to each other the Assertion Reasoning Type particle can be in uniform circular motion.

Q.31 Statement-I: A particle is moving along x-axis. (A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and The resultant force F acting on it at position x is given statement-II is correct explanation for statement-I by F=-ax-b. Where a and b are both positive constants. (B) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and The motion of this particle is not SHM. statement-II is NOT the correct explanation for Statement-II: In SHM restoring force must be statement-I. proportional to the displacement from mean position. (C) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false. (A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and (D) Statement-I is false, statement-II is true. statement-II is correct explanation for statement-I (B) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and statement- Q.35 Statement-I: In case of oscillatory motion the II is NOT the correct explanation for statement-I average speed for any time interval is always greater (C) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false. than or equal to its average velocity. (D) Statement-I is false, statement-II is true. Statement-II: Distance travelled by a particle cannot be less than its displacement.

Q.32 Statement-I: For a particle performing SHM, (A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and its speed decreases as it goes away from the mean statement-II is correct explanation for statement-I position. (B) Statement-I is true. statement-II is true and statement- Statement-II: In SHM, the acceleration is always II is NOT the correct explanation for statement-I. opposite to the velocity of the particle. (C) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false. (A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and (D) Statement-I is false, statement-II is true. statement-II is correct explanation for statement-I. (B) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and Statement- Comprehension Type II is NOT the correct explanation for statement-I Paragraph 1: When force acting on the particle is of (C) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false. F= − kx nature , motion of particle is SHM, Velocity at (D) Statement-I is false, statement-II is true. extreme is zero while at mean position it is maximum. In case of acceleration situation is just reverse. Maximum Q.33 Statement-I: Motion of a ball bouncing elastically displacement of particle from mean position on both in vertical direction on a smooth horizontal floor is a sides is same and is known as amplitude. Refer to figure periodic motion but not an SHM. One kg block performs vertical harmonic oscillations s−1 with amplitude 1.6 cm and frequency 25 rad . Statement-II: Motion is SHM when restoring force is proportional to displacement from mean position. (A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true and statement-II is correct explanation for statement-I 8.44 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

1 Kg Match the Columns

Q.41 The graph plotted between phase angle (φ) and displacement of a particle from equilibrium position (y) is a sinusoidal curve as shown below. Then the best matching is 4.10 kg

Q.36 The maximum value of the force that the system pp3/22p exerts on the surface is O p/2 P wt (A) 20 N (B) 30 N (C) 40 N D) 60 N

Q.37 The minimum force is Column A Column B (A) 20 N (B) 30 N (C) 40 N (D) 60 N (a) K.E. versus phase angle Paragraph 2: The graphs in figure show that a quantity (i) y varies with displacement d in a system undergoing curve 2p p p p w simple harmonic motion. O /2 3/2 t

(b) yyP.E. versus phase angle (ii) curve 2p (A) (B) O p/2 p 3/p 2 wt

Od Od (c) T.E. versus phase angle curve (iii) y y O wt

(C) (D) (d) Velocity versus phase Od Odangle curve p p/2 (iv) p/2 3/p 2 wt Which graphs best represents the relationship obtained when Y is (A) (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii) & (d)-(iv) Q. 38 The total energy of the system (B) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii) & (d)-(iv) (A) I (B) II (C) III (D) IV (C) (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (c)-(iv) & (d) – (iii)

Q.39 The time (D) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv) & (d)-(i) (A) I (B) II (C) III (D) IV Q.42 Column I is a list of possible set of parameters measured in some experiments. The variations of the Q.40 The unbalanced force acting on the system parameters in the form of graphs are shown in Column (A) I (B) II (C) III (D) None II. Match the set of parameters given in Column I with the graphs given in Column II. Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 x 4 matrix given in the ORS. Physics | 8.45

Q.1 Column I Column II If the total energy of the particle is E, it will perform periodic motion only if (A) y Potential energy of (A) E< 0 (B) E>0 a simple pendulum (y axis) as a function of (p) (C) V0 >E>0 (D) E> V0 displacement (x axis) OxQ.2 For periodic motion of small amplitude A, the time y period t of this particle is proportional to (B) Displacement (y axis) as a function of time (x m 1m (A) A (B) axis) for a one dimensional α A α (q) motion at zero or constant acceleration when the α 1 α O x (C) A (D) body is moving along the m Am positive x-direction. y (C) Range of projectile Q.3 The acceleration of this particle for x > X is (y axis) as a function of 0 its velocity (x axis) when (A) Proportional to V (r) 0 projected at a fixed angle. V0 O x (B) Proportional to mX0 y (D) The square of the time V0 period (y axis) of a simple (C) Proportional to pendulum as a function of mX0 (s) its length (x axis) (D) Zero O x Q.4 A small block is connected to one end of a massless spring of un-stretched length 4.9 m. The other end of Previous Years’ Questions the spring (see the figure) is fixed. The system lies on a horizontal frictionless surface. The block is stretched by 0.2 m and released from rest at t = 0. It then executes Paragraph 1: When a particle of mass m moves on the simple harmonic motion with angular frequency 2 x-axis in a potential of the form V( x) = kx , it performs π ω= rad/s. Simultaneously at t = 0, a small pebble simple harmonic motion. The corresponding time 3 m is projected with speed v form point P at an angle of period is proportional to , as can be seen easily k 45° as shown in the figure. Point P is at a horizontal using dimensional analysis. However, the motion of a distance of 10 m from O. If the pebble hits the block at t = 1 s, the value of v is (take g = 10 m/s2) (2012) particle can be periodic even when its potential energy increases on both sides of x0= in a way different z 2 from kx and its total energy is such that the particle does not escape to infinity. Consider a particle of mass m moving on the x-axis. Its potential energy is v 2 o v( x) =α x( α> 0) for x near the origin and becomes 45 O x a constant equal to V for x≥ X (see figure below) P 00 (2010) 10m V(x) (A) 50 m / s (B) 51 m / s V 0 (C) 52 m / s (D) 53 m / s

Xn 8.46 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Q.5 A particle of mass m is attached to one end (A) The amplitude of oscillation in the first case changes of a mass-less spring of force constant k, lying on a M frictionless horizontal plane. The other end of the by a factor of , whereas in the second case it mM+ spring is fixed. The particle starts moving horizontally from its equilibrium position at time t = 0 with an initial remains unchanged velocity u . When the speed of the particle is 0.5 u . It 0 0 (B) The final time period of oscillation in both the cases collides elastically with a rigid wall. After this collision, is same (2013) (C) The total energy decreases in both the cases (A) The speed of the particle when it returns to its x equilibrium position is u0 (D) The instantaneous speed at 0 of the combined masses decreases in both the cases (B) The time at which the particle passes through the m equilibrium position for the first time is t = π . Q.8 Column I describes some situations in which a small k object moves. Column II describes some characteristics of these motions. Match the situations in column I with (C) The time at which the maximum compression of the the characteristics in column II. (2007) 4 π m spring occurs is t = 3k Column I Column II (D) The time at which the particle passes through the (A) The object moves on the (p) The object 5π m x-axis under a conservative executes a simple equilibrium position for the second time is t = force in such a way that its harmonic motion. 3k speed and position satisfy

Q.6 Two independent harmonic oscillators of equal vcc=12 − x 2, where c1 and mass are oscillating about the origin with angular c2 are positive constants. ω1 and ω2 and have total energies E1 and E2 , respectively. The variations of their momenta p (B) The object moves on the (q) The object does a 2 x-axis in such a way that its not change its with positions x are shown in the figures. If = n and b velocity and its displacement direction. a v= − kx = n , then the correct equation(s) is(are) (2015) from the origin satisfy , R where k is a positive constant. P P (C) The object is attached to (r) The kinetic energy Energy=E Energy=E1 2 one end of a mass-less spring of the object keeps on b of a given spring constant. decreasing. x x The other end of the spring is a R attached to the ceiling of an elevator. Initially everything is at rest. The elevator starts ω 2 2 going upwards with a constant (A) EE11ω= 22 ω (B) = n ω1 acceleration α . The motion of 2 EE the object is observed from the (C) ωω =n (D) 12= 12 elevator during the period it ωω12 maintain this acceleration. Q.7 A block with mass M is connected by a massless (D) The object is projected from (s) The object can spring with stiffness constant k to a rigid wall and moves the earth’s surface vertically change its direction without friction on a horizontal surface. The block only once. GM oscillates with small amplitude A about an equilibrium upwards with a speed 2 e , Re position x0 . Consider two cases: (i) when the block is at x0 ; and (ii) when the block is at xx=0 + A. In both the where Me is the mass of the cases, a particle with mass m (< M) is softly placed on earth and Re is the radius of the block after which they stick to each other. Which of the earth. Neglect forces from the following statement(s) is (are) true about the motion objects other than the earth. after the mass m is placed on the mass M? (2016) Physics | 8.47

Q.9 A linear harmonic oscillator or force constant (C) If A=B; C=0 6 2× 10 N/m and amplitude 0.01m has a total mechanical energy of 160 J. Its (1989) (D) If A=B; C=2B, amplitude= B (A) Maximum potential energy is 100 J Q.12 A metal rod of length L and mass m is pivoted (B) Maximum kinetic energy is 100J at one end. A thin disk of mass M and radius R (< L) (C) Maximum potential energy is 160J is attached at its center to the free end of the rod. (D) Maximum potential energy is zero Consider two ways the disc is free to rotate about its center. The rod-disc system performs SHM in vertical Q.10 Three simple harmonic motions in the same plane after being released from the same displaced direction having the same amplitude and same period position. Which of the following statement(s) is/are (2011) are superposed. If each differ in phase from the next by true? 45° , then (1999) (A) The resultant amplitude is (1+ 2a) (B) The phase of the resultant motion relative to the first is 90° (C) The energy associated with the resulting motion is (3+ 22) times the energy associated with any single (A) Restoring torque in case A=Restoring torque in case B motion (B) Restoring torque in case AAngular frequency 2 2 Q.11 Function x = A sin wt + B cos wt + C sin wtcos wt for case B represent SHM (2006) (D) Angular frequency for case A<, angular frequency (A) For any value of A, B and C (except C=0) for case B

(B) If A=-B, C=2B, amplitude= B2

PlancEssential Questions

JEE Main/Boards JEE Advanced/Boards

Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Q. 7 Q.8 Q.20 Q.4 Q.6 Q.8 Q.24 Q.25 Q.18 Q.23 Q.24

Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Q.3 Q.9 Q.15 Q.1 Q.2 Q.4 Q.5 Q.9 Q.14 Previous Years' Questions Q.15 Q.20 Q.25 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Q.29 Q.30 Q.42 Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 8.48 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Answer Key

JEE Main/Boards

Exercise 1

Q.1 0.5 rad Q.2 1.048 s Q.3 0.61 rad

Q.4 0.5s Q.5 0.71 a Q.6 7.56J

−1 Q.7 0.35ms , 0.06 J Q.8 1.5J Q.9 86.4s

−1 Q.10 141° .4 ’ Q.11 0.612 s

2tππ  π Q.18 (a) y= 2sin +=  (b)y 3cos  t Q.19 2π / 3rad 3 3  30

−48.99ms−1 Q.20 (a) 6m (b) Q.21 19.67m Q.22 4.86s; 5.06m

Q.23 2 3cm;2 2cm Q.24 Q.25 3.2 0.1875 J; 0.0625 J, 0.25J Hz 1/2 kk k+ k 1 12( 3 4) Q.26 2π k+×++ k k k kk m ( ) {( 1 2) ( 3 4) 12}

Exercise 2

Single Correct Choice Type

Q.1 A Q.2 C Q.3 C Q.4 D Q.5 A Q.6 C

Q.7 C Q.8 B Q.9 C Q.10 B Q.11 B Q.12 C

Q.13 A Q.14 B Q.15 C

Previous Years’ Questions

Q.1 C Q.2 B Q.3 D Q.4 B Q.5 A Q.6 B Q.7 D Q.8 A Q.9 A Q.10 A Q.11 A Q.12 A Q.13 D Q.14 C Q.15 D Q.16 A Q.17 B Q.18 D Q.19 B Q.20 C Q.21 C

JEE Advanced/Boards

Exercise 1

Q.1 1/ 3 Q.2 2 m/s Q.3 1.8a 1 β Q.4 Q.5 x = 0.1sin(4t + p / 4) 2πα Physics | 8.49

2mg2mg abab 1 1 2mg2mg Q.6 x= 10 − 3sin5t; ∆= E 0.135J Q.7 K= K= :c( ) :c( ) , , 3cm, (a) k ba−ba− ba2 −π ba2 −π(b) (b−+( aMmb)(−+ aMm)( ) )

1 25−− 2 Q.8 f= ;E = 4 π × 10 J; v = 2 π× 10 m / s Q.9 0.8t+ 0.12 sin10t π π Q.10 (a) 0.40.4m, m, (b)( b) sec., ((c) c) xx == 0.20.2 − ‒ 0.4cos 0.4 cos ωιwt Q.11 x= 2m;(ii)T = 2 π sec.;(iii)2 3 5 (i) 0 m π Q.12 25 2N Q.13 sec,( b) 6cm (c)2.40kgm / s. (a) 10

x 1 −1 0.04 3 5A 2 Q.14 tan  Q.15 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.D 8 0.8 t(sec) -0.04

1 21 π+m/k 2 2E/mg2 10 6cm, sin−1 − sec Q.16 Q.17  π 36 17L p 2π Q.18 (a) 25cm, (b) 3 /56 seconds Q.19 18g

2 Q.20 (a) 2sec,( b) T= sec Q.21 (a) 2sec, (b) 51/4 0.06m

5 37 1111gg L L Q.22 10π Hz, cm Q.23 Q.24 (a)((aa) ) == ,b,b( (b)( )) 6 60N, 40N T2T2ππ L L 3 3

Exercise 2

Single Correct Choice Type

Q.1 C Q.2 D Q.3 C Q.4 C Q.5 C Q.6 C Q.7 B Q.8 C Q.9 A Q.10 C Q.11 A Q.12 D Q.13 C

Multiple Correct Choice Type

Q.14 B, C, D Q.15 A, B, C Q.16 B, C Q.17 A, C Q.18 B, C, D Q.19 A, B, C

Q.20 A, C Q.21 A, B Q.22 B, C, D Q.23 B, D Q.24 B, C Q.25 A, B, C, D

Q.26 B, C, D Q.27 B, D Q.28 A, B, C Q.29 B, C Q.30 A, B, C

Assertion Reasoning Type

Q.31 D Q.32 C Q.33 A Q.34 D Q.35 A

Comprehension Type

Paragraph 1: Q.36 D Q.37 C

Paragraph 2: Q.38 A Q.39 D Q.40 D 8.50 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Match the Columns → → → → Q.41 B Q.42 A p, s; B q, r, s; C s; D q

Previous Years’ Questions

Q.1 C Q.2 B Q.3 D Q.4 A → → → → Q.5 A, D Q.6 B, D Q.7 A, B, D Q.8 A p; B q, r; C p; D r, q Q.9 A Q.10 A, C Q.11 A, B, D Q.12 A, D


JEE Main/Boards θ 60 t = × T = × 2π sec 360° 360° Exercise 1 π t = sec 3 Sol 1: y(t) = 10 sin (20t + 0.5) Sol 3: y = 0.4 sin (440 t + 0.61) A = 10 m (i) Amplitude = 0.4 m ω = 20 rad./sec (ii) ω = 440 rad.sec φ = 0.5 radians w 20 10 ω 220 f = = = hz (iii) f = , hz 2π 2π π 2π π 1 π 1 2π π T = = sec (iv) T = = = sec f 10 f ω 220 y (v) Initial phase = 0.61 radians 5m q=60o Sol 4: A = 25 cm, T = 3s 2.5m y v

f=30o 25 12.5 30o

o V 12.5 30 22 Sol 2: V = ω−Ay

2 4 = ω−A9 60° 1 2 ⇒ t = × = sec. 3 = ω−A 16 360° 2

2π T = = 2π secω = 1 sec ω Physics | 8.51

Sol 5: Amplitude = 0 Sol 8: 1 3.0 kg Total energy = Ka2 2 -1 -1 1 600 Nm 600 N Potential energy = Kx2 2 1 1 1 a Kx2 = × Ka2 ⇒ x = 2 2 2 2

Sol 6: m = 8 kg a = 30 cm Kx Kx 60 k × 0.3 = 60 ⇒ k = = 200 n/m 0.3 x m 8 2π T = 2π ⇒ T = 2π = = 0.4 p 1 k 200 5 keq = 2k = 1200 Nm- 1 (a) T = 0.4 π sec. Total energy stored = kA2 2 −k 2 (b) a = x 1 1 m = × 1200 ×  = 1.5 Joules. 2 2 −200 a = × 0.12 = 3m/sec2 84  Sol 9: T = 2π ; T ∝  1/2 1 1 g P.E. = kx2 = × 200 × (0.12)2 = 1.44 J 2 2  → 0.998 l 1 K.E. = k(A2 – x2)  → (0.998)1/2 T 2 T → 0.999 T = 100 x (0.09 – 0.0144) = 7.56 J Error in a day = 0.001 × (60 × 60 × 24) = 86.4 sec Sol 7: k = 1200 Nm-1 2.0 cm Sol 10:

1/3 A y m=3.0 kg

q v k 1200 (a) w = = = 20 rad/s. m 3

22 41− 3 v = ω−Ax = 20 = 100 5 Phase Difference = θ = 2 cos-1 (1/3) = 141.05° v = 0.35 m/s 2 Sol 11: Elevator moving up 1 1 1 (b) P.E. = kx2 = × 1200 ×  Frequency of seconds pendulum = f = 0.5 Hz 2 2 100 0 g 3 1 geff = g + = g = 600 × 2 2 100× 100 1 geff 3 3 f = = f = × 0.5 Hz; f = 0.61 Hz P.E. = 0.06 J 2π  2 0 2 8.52 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Sol 12: Periodic motion: A motion which repeats itself Service:-parallel : K after equal intervals of time is called periodic motion 1 eq; motion of a pendulum

K1 K2 K2

kk12 k = k = k1 + k2 kk12+

Sol 16: Phase: Phase of a vibrating particle at any instant is the state of the vibrating particle regarding it’s displacement and direction of vibration at that Oscillatory motion: A body is said to possess oscillatory particular instant. It is denoted by φ. or vibratory motion if it moves back and forth Phase difference is the difference in phases oftwo repeatedly about a mean position. For an oscillatory vibrating particles at a given time. motion, a restoring force is required. y 2

q 1 V

Sol 13: Simple Pendulum: A simple pendulum is a Particle 1 lags in phase by θ. weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing f f θ freely. i.e. 2 – 1 = Angular frequency:- It is frequency f multiplied by a numerical quantity ω. It is denoted by ω. 2π ω = 2fπ = T f → frequency T → Time period Displacement in periodic motion: It is the displacement from the mean/equilibrium position.  Time period = 2π dx2 g Sol 17: a = − = -w2x dt2 →  length of pendulum 2π a = –w2xω = g → acceleration due to gravity T 4xπ2 1 g → Frequency = f = a = – 2 x displacement 2π  T T → time period

Sol 14: Refer spring mass system and ex.3 22 v = ω Ax− v → velocity

Sol 15: Spring factory: It is a mesure of the stiffness of A → Amplitude a spring x → Displacement Physics | 8.53

π x = 6 sin (3xt + 5π/6) Figure (a) Initial phase = φ = 60° = Sol 18: 3 x = 6 cos 60° = 6 sin 30° w φ y = 2 sin ( t + ) x = 3cm 2ππ V y = 2 sin t + 33 2π 2π ω = = 60o T 3 X π Figure (b) initial phase = φ = 2 A = 3 cm

2π π 22 ω = = v = ω Ax− = 3π 36− 9 60 30 y = A sin (wt + φ) v = 63π ππt v = –48.97 ms-1 y = 3 sin + cm 32 X

Sol 19: y 5/p 6 par V A ticle 1 2 p rticle 2 pa 3 V

Sol 21: T = 20 s V = 5 ms-1 2π φ 2 = ⇒ θ = × 360° ⇒ θ = 36° 3 20 5 = Aω cos 36° Sol 20: x = 6 cos (3pt + π/3) metres 2π π ω = = (a) A = 6m 20 ω

22 π (b) V = ω−Ax 5 = A cos 36° 10 w = 3π 50 A = = 19.68 m 2π π°cos36 T = = 2/3 sec. ω Amplifide of SHM = 19.68 m At t = 2s particle will complete 3 orcillations So the position will be same as at t = 0 s. Sol 22: x = 1m v = 3 ms–1

–1 6m x = 2mv = 2 ms

2 v = 3 = ω A1− 60o 2 3 = ω A1−

2 2 = ω A4− 8.54 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

2 x 9 A1− 10 cm ⇒ = ⇒ 9A2 – 36 = 4 A2 – 4 4 A42 − 5 cm 32 30o ⇒ 5A2 = 32 ⇒ A = = 6.4 v 5

⇒ A = 2.53 m

3 = ω 6.4− 1 v = -Aω cos 30° 3 10 3 3 w = = 1.29 rad/s v = × 52 × ; v = 5.4 100 2 2

2π -1 Period of motion: T = = 4.86 s v = 0.61 ms ω 1 1 3 K.E. = × m × v2 = × 1 × = 0.1875 J Length of path = 2A = 5.06 m 2 2 8 1 P.E. = × 50 × (0.05)2 = 0.0625 J Sol 23: A = 4 cm 2 1 v = Aω Total energy = × 50 × (0.1)2 = 0.25 J max 2 vmax Aω 22 v = = = ωA −ω 2 2 Sol 25: A2 A2 – x2 = -1 4 300 Nm 1 kg 3 kg 3 x = A 2 For two mass system. 3 x = × 4 = 23= 3.464 cm 2 We take effective mass instead of mass to calculate frequency. P.E. = K.E. mm12 13× 3 1 1 µ = = = kg ⇒ P.E. = × kA2 mm+ 13+ 4 2 2 12 k 300 1 1 w2 = = = 400 kx2 = kA2 µ 3/4 2 4 ω = 20 rad/sec. x = 22 = 2.828 m 10 f = Hz ≅ 3.2 Hz π Sol 24: k = 50 Nm-1 m = 1kg Sol 26: k34 = k3 + k4 x=0.1m 1 1 1 1 = + + k1234 k1 k2 k34 1 1 1 = + + k1 k2 (k34+ k )

k 50 k(k++ k) k(k ++ k) kk w2 = = = 50 23 4 13 4 12 m 1 = k12 k (k 3+ k 4 ) ω = 52 rad/s 1 (k+ k )(k ++ k ) k k = 1 2 3 4 12 k1234 k12 k (k 3+ k 4 ) Physics | 8.55

θ 1/2 t = × 1.2; t = 0.17 sec k1234 360 ω =  m 1/2 Sol 7: (C) x = A + a sin wt 1 k1234 f =  5 2π m t = T 4 1/2  1 k12 k (k 3+ k 4 ) x f =  2π (k1+ k)(k 2 3 ++ k) 4 (kk)m 12

Exercise 2 v Single Correct Choice Type

Sol 1: (A) y = 5 sin (π t + 4π) Distance in one rev. = 4A 2π 2π Total distance covered = 4A + A = 5A A = 5 T = = = 2 sec ω π kk× k Sol 8: (B) k = = A = 5; T = 2 sec 1 kk+ 2

k2 = k + k = 2k w2 Sol 2: (C) amax. = A T k ω ∝ -1/2 1 2 vmax. = A t k = = 2 T2 k1 Double ω; half the amplitude π 0.8 ω+t w Sol 3: (C) A = = 0.4 m Sol 9: (C) y1 = sin  y2 = sin t 2 3 30 1 π π f = = hz T = 2 sec y + y 2 sin ω+t cos 60 2 1 2 6 6 π Sol 4: (D) = 3 sin ω+t x 6 a Sol 10: (B) y = A sin wt + A cos wt a 45o 2 V π = 2A (sin wt + sin +ωt ) 2 π π π = 2A sin ω+t sin = 2 A sin ω+t 4 4 4 π Sol 5: (A) 2pt + = π 1 2 3 T.E. = × mw2 × 2A 2'π 2 ( ) 2pt = 3 T.E. = mw2A2 t = 1/3 sec 1 1 mv2 Sol 11: (B) kA2 = mv2 ⇒ A = Sol 6: (C) T = 1.2 sec 2 2 k A = 8 cm 5 Sol 12: (C) Amplitude dose not depend on frame of θ = cos-1 ; θ = 51.31° 8 reference. 8.56 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

1 1 Sol 3: (D) Sol 13: (A) s = ut + at2 ⇒ –a = 0 + × (–5) × t2 x 2 2 2a t = 5 L 2a q T = 4t = 4 5

1 3 1 Modulus of rigidity, η = F/Aq Sol 14: (B) kA2 1 − = mv2 2 4 2 x Here, A = L2 and θ = 1/2 L k A ⇒ v =  Therefore, restoring force force is m 2

1/2 F = – ηAθ = – ηLx k A ω ⇒ v1 = , w = 1 F ηL  2 Or acceleration, a = = – x m 4 2 M M

3 2m k A2 7 Since, a ∝ – x, oscillations are simple harmonic in nature, T.E. = kA2 +  = kA2 8 2 m 16 16 time period of which is given by 7 2 1 2 displacement x ⇒ kA = kA’ T = 2π = 2π 16 2 acceleration a

7 M A’ = A = 2π 8 ηL

Sol 15: (C) YA kk 12 L YAk Sol 4: (B) Keq = = = 3 2 kk+ YA YA+ Lk 12 + k 30o L 45o 4 1 Y.A.L

YA q = 195° k = 24 1 L q 12 = 75° k q31 = 165° m

k2=k Previous Years’ Questions

Sol 1: (C) In SHM frequency with which kinetic energy m oscillation is two times the frequency of oscillation of displacement. m m(YA+ Lk) ∴ T = 2π = 2π k YAk Sol 2: (B) (vM)max = (vN)max eq ∴ ω w MAM = NAN

A ω k k or M = N = 2  ω= ω  AN M k1 m Physics | 8.57

Note Equivalent fore constant for a wire is given by k U K AY AY = . Because in case of a wire. F = ∆L and in L L case of spring F = k.Dx. Comparing these two, we find AY k of wire = U L –dU F = = – (slope of U-x graph) = 0. dx Sol 5: (A) U(x) = k|x|3 [U] [ML2 T –2 ] Therefore, origin is the stable equilibrium position. ∴ [k] = = = [ML–1T–2] Hence, particle will oscillate simple harmonically about [x3 ] [L3 ] x = 0 for small displacement. Therefore, correct option Now, time period may depend on is (d). T ∝ (mass)x(amplitude)y(k)2 (a), (b) and (c) options are wrong due to following

0 0 x y –1 –2 z x+z y–2 –2z reasons. [M L T]=[M] [L] [ML T ] =[M L T ] –dU (a) At equilibrium position F = = 0 i.e., slope of U-x Equating the powers, we get dx – 2z = 1or z = –1/2 graph should be zero and from the graph we can see that slope is zero at x = 0 and x = ±∞ y – z = 0 or y = z = – ½ Now among these equilibriums stable equilibrium position ∝ –1/2 ∝ –1/2 Hence, T (amplitude) (a) is that where U is minimum (Here x=0). Unstable equilibrium 1 position is that where U is maximum (Here none). or T ∝ a Neutral equilibrium position is that where U is constant (Here x = ±∞ ) Sol 6: (B) Therefore, option (a) is wrong. (b) For any finite non-zero value of x, force is directed towards the origin because origin is in stable equilibrium 1 position. Therefore, option (b) is incorrect. k 2 l2= l 1 1= 3 (c) At origin, potential energy is minimum, hence kinetic l 3 l k energy will be maximum. Therefore, option (c) is also wrong.

Sol 8: (A) Free body diagram of bob of the pendulum with respect to the accelerating frame of reference is as follows l = 2l a 1 2 sin 2 Mg ∴ l = l 1 3 1 Force constant k ∝ length of spring a 3 ∴ k = k 1 2 mg –x2 Sol 7: (D) U(x) = k(1 – e ) a sin It is an exponentially increasing graph of potential Mg energy (U) with x2. Therefore, U versus x graph will be as shown. At origin. Potential energy U is minimum (therefore, kinetic energy a sin a Mg cosa will be maximum) and force acting on the particle is zero Mg because. 8.58 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

∴ a Net force on the bob is Fnet = mg cos At time t = 0, x = A. Hence, PE should be maximum. Further in graph III, PE is minimum at x = 0 Hence, this or Net acceleration of the bob is g = g cosa eff is also correct. L T = 2π geff Sol 11: (A) Angular frequency of the system, L k k or T = 2π ω = = gcosα mm+ 2m

w2 Note: Whenever point of suspension is accelerating Maximum acceleration of the system will be, A or kA a in g s 2m

This acceleration to the lower block is provided by friction. 90°+a Hence, fmax = mamax a kA kA = mw2A = m  = 2m 2 g L Take T = 2π Sol 12: (A) y = kt2 geff dy2 → → → 2 2 2 = 2k or ay = 2m/s (as k = 1 m/s ) Where geff = g – a dt

→ π  π  T1 = 2 and T2 = 2 a = acceleration of point of suspension. g ga+ y

→ 2 ga+ T1 y 10+ 2 6 a α ∴ = = = In this question = g sin (down the plane) 2 g 10 5 T2 → → ∴ | g – a | = g eff 2π π Sol 13: (D) T = 8s, ω = =  rads–1 T 4 22  = g+ (gsin α ) + 2(g)(gsin α )cos(90 °+α ) x = A sin wt a = g cos π2 π ∴ a = – w2x = – sin t 16 4 Sol 9: (A) In SHM, velocity of particle also oscillates  simple harmonically. Speed is more near the mean 4 Substituting t = s, we get position and less near the extreme positions. Therefore, 3 the time taken for the particle to go from O to A/2 will 3 π2 –2 be less than the time taken to go it from A/2 to A, or a = – cms 32 T1 < T2

Note From the equation of SHM we can show that Sol 14: (C) t1 = T0–A/2 = T/12 x and t = T = T/6 2 A/2– A q

So, that t1 = t2 = T0–A = T/4 q Sol 10: (A) Potential energy is minimum (in this case zero) at mean position (x = 0) and maximum at extreme x positions (x = ± A). L x = q 2 Physics | 8.59

L Restoring torque = – (2kx). Then by applying simple mathematics we can prove 2 that 4π kL(L / 2θ ) kL2 / 2 6k B = A and φ = . α θ θ 3 = – = – 2 = –  I ML / 12 M Sol 18: (D) As retardation = bv 1 α 1 6k ∴ f = = ∴ Retarding force = mbv 2π θ 2π M ∴ Net restoring torque when angular displacement is θ is given by Sol 15: (D) x + x = A and k x = k x 1 2 1 1 2 2 = −mg sin θ+ mbv x1 k2 or = ∴I α=− mg sin θ+ mbv x k 2 1 2 Im=  Solving these equations, we get Where, d2 θ g bv k2 ∴ =α=−sin θ+  2 x1 = A dt  kk12+ for small damping, the solution of the above differential Sol 16: (A) Frequency or time period of SHM depends equation will be bt on variable forces. It does not depend on constant − ∴θ=θ e2 sin( wt + φ) external force. Constant external force can only change 0 the mean position. For example, in the given question −bt mean position is at natural length of spring in the ∴ Angular amplitude will be = θ.e 2 absence of electric field. Whereas in the presence of electric field mean position will be obtained after a According to question, in τ time (average life–time), compression of x0. Where x0 is given by 1 Kx0 = QE Angular amplitude drops to value of its original θ e QE value ( ) or x0 = K 6 τ − θ0 6 τ ∴=θe 2 ⇒ = 1 e 0 Sol 17: (B) 2 A 2 ∴τ= A2 =A b

−kt Sol 19: (B) A= Ae 2p/3 0 4p/3 A1–A −5k ⇒=0.9 A00 A e −15k and α=A00 Ae Solving ⇒α=0.729

A3 =A At mean position, K.E. is maximum where as P.E. is π minimum. Resultant amplitude of x and x is A at angle  1 2 3 22 from A1. To make resultant of x1, x2 and x3 to be zero. 222A 2A 4π Sol 20: (C) 3Aω− =ω−A1  A should be equal to A at angle φ = as shown in 33  3 3 7A figure. ∴=A 1 3

Alternate solution: It we substitute, x1 + x2 + x3 = 0 2π or A sin wt +A sin ω+t + B sin(ωt + φ) 3 8.60 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

-1 2 Sol 3: φ = 2 sin (0.9) 2 2A Sol 21: (C) vA=ω− x 3 a Condition P1 Aω maximum v5= distance 3 sin-1 0.9 sin-1 0.9 V vnew = 3v = 5 A ω

So the new amplitude is given by P2 2 2A V=ω−⇒ω=ω− A22 x 5A A 2 new new new  P P | | y-axis 3 1 2 Max. Distance = 1.8 a 7A A = new 3 Sol 4: a JEE Advanced/Boards b

a Exercise 1 -a x

1 m Sol 1: T ∝ ; T = 2π -b k1/2 k 4k k = 4k ; k = a = –w2 x 1 2 3 β By k l = k l = kl – w2 = = slope of a-x graph 1 1 2 2 α T T3 T1 = ; T2 = β 2 2 ω = α T1 1 = ω 1 β T2 3 Frequency = = 2π 2π α

p Sol 2: x = 0.2 cos 5 t Sol 5: m = 0.1 kg dx velocity = = -π sin 5pt A = 0.1 m dt 1 × mv 2 = 8 × 10–3 J speed = π |sin 5pt| 2 max 2 –3 0.7 0.1× v = 16 × 10 ⇒ v = 0.4 m/s ππ∫ | sin5 t | dt max max v = 0 Aω = 0.4 avg 0.7 ω ⇒ ω 0.1 0.1× = 0.4 = 4 π 10π 0.1 = × 7 × sin5π t dt = −πcos5 t x = A sin (wt + φ) ∫ π 0 0.7 0 5 x = 0.1 sin (4t + π/4) vavg = 2 m/s Sol 6: (i)

1kg 3kg 30cm/sec 30cm/sec Physics | 8.61

2 x = 10 + 3 sin 10 t 1 Mg = k − a + (M + m) ga At t = 0 s block 1 is at equilibrium position. 2 k ω v1 = A = 3 × 10 = 30 cm/s 2mg 22 k (b++ a) b − a = 2 (M + m)g (a + b) k v2 = 30 cm/s  Conservation of momentum 2mg 2Mg (b + a) + k (b2 – a2) = 2 (M + m) g (a + b) k = ba− m1 v1 + m2 v2 = (m1 + m2) v – 1 × 30 + 3 × 30 = 4 × v 2mg Constant of force of spring = − v = 15 cm/s ba

Final velocity is in opposite direction of initial velocity k 2mg π (b) ω = = of block 1. This causes a phase change of . (M+ m) (M+− m)(b a) ω ∝ m–1/2 1 2mg ω f = ‘= 5 rad/s 2π (M+− m)(b a) A’ω’ = 15; A’ = 3 cm 22 1 Mg  Mg  (c) mgh = k −−a   New amplitude = 3 cm 2 kk    (ii) New equation + (M + m) ga x = 10 + 3 sin (5t + π)

(iii) Loss of energy 1 2Mg mgh = – k aa×− 111222 2 k = ××+××−××1 30 3 30 4 15 × 10-4 J 222  + (M + m) ga 1 = (900+2700 – 900)×10-4 J = 1350 × 10-4 J −ka 2mg 2 mgh = − a + (M + m) ga 2 k ∆E = 0.1350 J loss ka2 mgh = –Mga + + (M + m) ga 2 Sol 7: 2mga2 mgh = mga + O (b− a)2 h a a2 ab b h = a + = (b− a) ba−

Sol 8:

2 1 Mg (a) mgh + k  2 k 2 1 Mg p/6 p/6 = k + b - (M + m) gb 2 k 2 1 Mg = k − a + (M + m) ga 2 k Equalising energies in 3 states 2 1 Mg k + b - (M + m) gb (a) Frequency 2 k Displace by dθ 8.62 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Dx = 2Rdθ Sol 10: (a) m = 0.1 kg k 2Rdθ F = 10 x + 2 dα = –2 × m R Only variable force causes SHM dα = –w2 dθ (a) F(x) = 10 x + 2 4k k a(x) = 100 x + 20 w2 = ω = 2 = 2 m m v(x) = 50 x2 + 20 x + c 2 1 f = = v(0.2) = 0 2π π 2 50 × 0.04 + 20 × 0.2 + c = 0 1 π (b) Total energy = 2 × k R c = −6 2 3 x=0.2 2 2 1 0.06 ×π v = 50 x + 20 x − 6 = 2 × × 0.1 ×  x=–0.6 2 3 0.2−− ( 0.6) = 3.94 × 10-4 J/4p2 × 10-5 J A = = 0.4 m 2 1 (c) 2 × mv2 = 4p2 × 10-5 2 Amplitude = 0.4 m 4π×25 10− 10 v2 = (b) ω = = 10 rad/sec 0.1 0.1

2 p2 -4 2π π v = 4 × 10 T = = sec. ω 5 v = 2π × 10-2 = 0.02 π m/sec (c) x = 0.2 – A cos wt 5t Sol 9: x = 0.2 – 0.4 cos π 3kg 2kg k=12N/m 2m/s B A Sol 11: u = (x2 – 4x + 3) dU 2230×+× (i) F = – V = = 0.8 m/s dx com 5 F = -2x + 4 w xA = vcom t + A sin t At equilibrium F = 0 At maximum expansion –2x + 4 = 0 ⇒ x = 2 m

122 11 2 w2 ××5 (0.8) + kx = ×× 2 2 (ii) dF = –2dx similar to dF = - dx as in SHM 2 22 ω2 2 = = w2 kx2 = 8 – 3.2 = 4.8 m x = 0.2 ω = 2 3 3 2π A = x = × 0.2 = 0.12 T = = 2 π sec 5 5 ω 32× ω 26 µ = = 1.2 (iii) A = 32+ 26 A = ⇒ A = 23 m k 120 ω = = = 10 2 µ 1.2 Sol 12: F = mw2A xA = 0.8 t + 0.12 sin 10 t max 1 P.E. = K.E. 2 Physics | 8.63

1 1 1 ⇒ kx2 = × kA2 m 2 2 2 Sol 15: T = 2π = 0.4 sec k A ⇒ x = ω = 5π 2 For 0 < t < 0.6 sec A Fmax F = mw2 = 2 2 mg mg π x = – + sin (5pt + ) 2k 2k 2 F = 25 2 N

µ Sol 13: (a) T = 2π k o

36× 18 -0.02 µ = = = 2 kg 36+ 9 -0.04 1 π T = 2π = sec 400 10 mg 4× 10 = = 0.02 m (b) A = 6 cm 2k 2× 1000 −1 for 0 < t < 0.6 sec (c) v = 0; v = v cm B 2 A x = –0.02 + 0.02 sin (5pt + π/2) 1 1 1 × k × A2 = × 3 × (-2v )2 + × 6 × v 2 for 0.6 < t 1 sec 2 2 B 2 B x = –0.04 + 0.04 sin (5pt) 2 2 2 800 × (0.06) = 12 vB + 6vB x 8× 0.36 v 2 = 0.04 B 18 1.0 2× 0.6 v = 0.2 B 3 0.4 0.6 0.8 t(sec)® -0.04 VBmax. = 0.4 m/s

PBmax = 0.4 × 6 –1 PBmax = 2.4 kg ms Sol 16:

A AA Sol 14: s = A − cos wt - − sin wt U(X) 4 28 1 2 3A 3A U= kx ,x<0 s = cos wt - sin wt 2 4 8 U=mgx, x>0

3A } } s = (2 cos wt – sin wt) 8 SHM Body under gravity 35 21 s = A cosω− t sin ω t 8 1 m 2v 55 T = × 2π + 2 k g

35 −1 1 s = A cos ω+t sin  ∴ 8  1 m 2 2E 5 E = mv2; T= π + 2 k g m

1 35 -1 A’ = A; δ = sin  ∴ 8 2E m 22 E 5 v = ; T= π + m k g m 8.64 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

π Maximum extension = 0.25 m Sol 17: x = 30 sin π+t 6 3 (b) t = T 2π 4 T = = 2 π µ T = 2π k 30

15 p/6

52× 10 µ = = P.E. = 2 K.E. 7 7

2 10 2π π P.E. = T.E. T = 2π = = 3 7× 1120 28 14 2 x = A Time for first maximum compression 3 3 π 3π = × = sec 2 4 14 56 Position: x = × 30 3 I 6 Sol 19: T = 2π x = 10 cm mgx  − 2 π sin 1 − 2 2  m m 2 36 I = + + m t = × 2 sec 3 12 2π  1 mx+ mx 2 1 2 π 2 3 4m 13 2 sin−1 − x = = = + m t =  sec 2m 4 12 12 π 36 17 I = m 2 Sol 18: (a) 12

3m/s 10m/s 17 2 m 12 17 T = 2π ;T = 2π AB5 2 3 18g 2mg  4 ×+ × 5 3 10 2 -1 vcm = = 5ms 7 Sol 20: (a) Iα = - kθ 1 1 3 2 k 5 × 3 + × 2 × 10 α = – θ 2 2 I 1 1 2 2 k k = 7 × 5 + kx w2 = ω = = π 2 2 2 I 2 45 + 200 = 175 + kx 2π 2π T = = ;T = 2 sec kx2 = 70 ω π 70 1 x2 = x = m 1120 4 Physics | 8.65

(b) 1 1 = kh2 – 1.5 × 10 × h − 2 60

1 1 1.5 × 600 × + 2 602 2

2 1 1 5m/S = × 600 × h2 – 15 × h − 2 60 2 10m/S 60 h2 – 3h – 7/60 = 0

22 1.5 37 g = 10+ 5 = 125 h = + m eff. 60 120 55 geff. = 1.5 37 A = h - = m 60 120  0.5 T = 2π = 2π g 5 5× 10 37 5 37 A = × 100 cm = cm 2 120 60 T = sec 51/4

Sol 23: m1 = 1kg; m2 = 4kg 25 Sol 21: m = 0.2 kg f = Hz a = 1.6 cm π kx = m g 4 1 P.E. = T.E. 9 1 4 1 2 x kx2 = × kA2; x = A A 2 9 2 3 a 3 3 A = x = × 0.04 2 2 k

A = 0.06 m B

w2 2 Sol 22: 0.5 × 3 = 1.5 × v k = m1 = 25 × 1 = 625 N/m v = 1 m/s Nmax = m2 g + k(x + a)

kx N k=600N/m eqdb A B x=1/60m k(x+a) m1=1kg mg1 mg2

3m/s 625× 1.6 = (m1 + m2)g + ka = 50 + m2=0.5 kg 100 N = 60 N 600 max ω = = 400 = 20 rad./sec 1.5 Nmin = (M1 + M2) g – ka

20 10 Nmin = 40N f = = Hz 2π π

1 1.5× 12 kx2 + 2 2 8.66 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

a/2 3a k 9 Sol 3: (C) v = = Sol 24: k = mg; ω = = mean T/6 T m  1/2 1 g f =  Sol 4: (C) 2π  2g A = /3 ; m × = k × x P 3 1

2 mg 2 o x = = l 135 3 k 3

g/3 P Natural length 2 New equilibrium Sol 5: (C) l 3

AB CDE 1 V 2 = V 2 B 4 A Exercise 2 1 R2 w2 = w2 (R2 – x2) ⇒ R2 = (R2 – x2) 4 Single Correct Choice Type 4 3 x = R Sol 1: (C) 2 3 2cm dBD = 2x = R

m Sol 6: (C) T = 2π T doesn’t depend on g. S k s  π ∝ -1/2 Tp = 2 ; Tp g ω−41 = w2 × 1 g ∴ T decreases ω = 3 p Ak 3 ω F = Hz Sol 7: (B) vmax = A = 2π m

Ak11 Ak22 Sol 2: (D) = x m m A k 1 = 2 A k p 2 1 4 p v 4 Sol 8: (C) kA = k/3; kB = 3k T ∝ –1/2 A TA k ; = 3 TB displacement 2A× vavg = = m 2π /3 time T/4 Sol 9: (A) T =2π × k 2π 4 2A v = 2π m avg T T = 3 k Physics | 8.67

Sol 13: (C)

e 2p m e 3 R z

I mR22+ 2mz T = 2π ⇒ I = mgz 2 T Sol 10: (C) t = 4 2π R2 π µ T = m+ 2m z t = g 2 2 k mR2 π 1 1 = 2mz for minimum T t = ; t = sec 2 2 π2 2 R z = 2

Multiple Correct Choice Type

Sol 14: (B, C, D) v = 0 at t = T/2 a is maximum at extremes 3T F = 0 at t = Sol 11: (A) Both block have speed same as 4 vcm = 5m/s K.E. = 0 at t = T/2

Sol 12: (D) Sol 15: (A, B, C) K.E. = 0.64 KEmax.

v = 0.8 vmax. AB ∴ x = 0.6 A = 6 cm COM A PEmax 3 x = P.E. = KE = PE I 2 4 4 max T = 2π mg KEmax = TE at mean position

TA 3 9 B A 3v = = × x = v = max TB 4 4 A 2 2 3 3  = B 4 2 A Sol 16: (B, C) (A) KEavg is never zero in SHM

1 2 2 2 B 1 (B) PE = TE = mp t A = avg 2 A 4 (C) Frequency of occurrence of mean position =2f 4  = × 25 = 20 cm (D) Acceleration leads A 5 T ∫ v2 dt 0 v Sol 17: (A, C) v = = rms T 2 8.68 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

T A ∫ v dt 0 8 A v = = V π mean T π 2 6

Sol 18: (B, C, D) A = 3cm 1 1 mv 2 = × 500 × 9 2 m 2

5 ω 500 5 2 2 2 2 vm = 3 × 10 cm/s ; = = 10 Sol 22: (B, C, D) v = w (A – x ) ω w2 amax. = vm a = - x 2 5 5 2 2 a = 10 × 30 cm/s v2 = w2 A − ω4 = 15 m/s2  PE = 0 at mean position 2tππ 5 2tππ min Sol 23: (B, D) x = A sin + = A cos + T6 T3 Sol 19: (A, B, C) A = 2.5

vmax 2π π ω = = 4; T = = = 1.57 s 5π A 4 2 6 2 vmax = 16 × 2.5= 40 cm/s

22 22 v = ω Ax− = 4 2.5− 1

= 4 5.25 cm/s = 2 21 cm/s Sol 24: (B, C) Sol 20: (A, C) Energy conservation: 1 1 1 × 900 × 22 = × 900 × 12 + × 3 v 2 2 2 2 1

2 2700 = 3 × v1 2 v1 = 900 v = 30 m/s 1 2π 4π Initial phase difference = 0, , Conservation of momentum:- 3 3 3 × 30 + 6 × 0 = 9 × v mg 0.2× 10 -1 Sol 25: (A, B, C, D) x = = = 1 cm v = 10 ms k 200 Energy conservation:- Amplitude = 1 cm 1 1 1 × 900 × 12 + × 9 × 102 = × 900 × A2 k 200 2 2 2 ω = = = 10 10 m 0.2 A2 = 2; A = 2 m 10 10 5 10 f = = ≅ 5Hz 2π π π /6 T Sol 21: (A, B) t = × T ⇒ t = Amplitude changes, frequency remains the same. 2π 12 3 v = V ⇒ a ∝ x ⇒ a = a /2 Sol 26: (B, C, D) m = 0.1 kg 2 0 0 U = 5x(x – 4) dU F = – = 20 – 10 x dx Physics | 8.69

P.E. minimum at x = 2 m Sol 34: (D) Phase remains same and SHMs are Force is linear function of x with negative slope. perpendicular. 10 w2 = m Sol 35: (A) Statement-II is the correct explanation. 10 ω = = 10 rad/s Comprehension Type 0.1 2π π Paragraph 1: T = = sec 10 5 Sol 36: (D) ω = 25 rad/s Sol 27: (B, D) x = 3 sin 100 t + 8 cos2 50 t k = mw2 = 1 × 625 = 625 Nm-1 16 = 3 sin 100 t + 4 cos 100 t + 4 F =1×9.8+625× + 4.1×9.8 max 100× 10 x = 5 sin (100 t + sin-1 4/5) + 4 =59.98 N ≅ 60 N

-1 ≅ Sol 28: (A, B, C) x = 5 sin (4pt + sin 4/5) mm Fmin = 5.1 × 9.8 – 10 40 N 2π T = = 0.5 s 4π Sol 37: (C) Minimum force on the surface = (50 – 10) N = 40 N A = 5 mm φ -1 = sin (4/5) Sol 38: (A) TE of system is constant

6 -1 Sol 29: (B, C) k = 2 × 10 Nm Sol 39: (D) d = A sin (wt + φ) A = 0.01 m T.E. = 160 J Sol 40: (D) F = –kx + c k > 0 PEmax = 160 J when KE = 0 J Match the Columns i.e. at equilibrium 1 Sol 41: (B) (a) y = A sin (t) KE = × 2 × 106 × 10-4 = 100 J max 2 v = A cos (t)

2 PEmin = 60 J KE = c × cos (t) T (a) → (ii) Sol 30: (A, B, C) t = n 2 (b) → (i) PE + KE = const. m 2 π PE = c × sin2 t T = 2π = 2π = × k 3 24 3 (c) → (iii) TE constant always (d) → (iv) v = A cos t Assertion Reasoning Type

a Sol 42: (A) PE ∝ x2 (A) → p, s Sol 31: (D) The motion is SHM with ω = m 1 (B) s = ut + at2 If the force is linear w.r.t. x and slope is negative. The 2 motion is always SHM. q, r when a = 0 ; S when a ≠ 0 v2 sin2θ Sol 32: (C) When particle moves from extreme to mean (C) Range = g position velocity and acceleration have same direction. 2 4π  (D) T2 = g Sol 33: (A) Statement-II is the correct explanation. 8.70 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Previous Year’s Questions Value of x from eq. (i)

3122 1 ×=mu0 kx Sol 1: (C) If E > VB, particle will escape. But simultaneously 42 2 for oscillations, E > 0 3u m Hence, the correct answer is V > E > 0 x = 0 0 2k Or the correct option is (c) t2 2 –2 o PE ML T 3 A 30 A Sol 2: (B) [a] =  =  = [ML–2T–2] x4 L4 2 60o  t=0 m 1m ∴  = [L2T2]; ∴ = [T] α A α As dimensions of amplitude A is [L] 2mπ Time to reach eq. position first time ⇒ 3k Sol 3: (D) For |x| > x0, potential energy is constant. Hence, kinetic energy, speed or velocity will also remain Second time it will reach at time ⇒ constant. 2mT2m2m5mπ πππ ∴ +⇒ + ⇒ as (D) Acceleration will be zero 3k2 3kk2× 3k

2v sin45° For max. compression time is t2 Sol 4: (A) = 1 g 2mTπ t2 = + ∴=v 50 m / s 3k 4

2mππ 2 m 7mπ = + = Sol 5: (A, D) 3kk k 6k eq. position Sol 6: (B, D) 2 122 b a1 2 E11= ma ω= = =n … (i) Rigid wall 2 2m b mω1 m 1R2 E= mR ω22 = m ω= 1 … (ii) 222 2m 2

ω 2 = n2 0.5 u From (i) and (ii) o ω1

2 x E ωωa1 EE12 12=22 =⋅⋅1n ⇒=  2 ωω ER21ωω n 2 12 122 11 2 mu= kx +× m0.25 u ….(i) 200 22 After elastic collision Sol 7: (A, B, D) KK Block speed is 0.5 u0 (A) ω=ifand ω = M (M+ m) So when it will come back to equilibrium point its   speed will be u0 as (A) Mvi 1122 1122 Case I: vfi= Mv= KA Amplitude mu0 = kA M+ m2 2 u 22 A = 0 k Physics | 8.71

22M12 1 2 Sol 11: (A, B, D) ⇒=Ai1 v and (M+ m)vf = KA i K2 2 ABC x= (1 − cos 2 ω+ t) (1 + cos 2 ω+ t) sin 2 ω t Mv2 M A M 222 ⇒=A2 ⋅ ⇒=f f K M++ m A Mm i For A = 0, B = 0 C M x= sin 2 ω t (B) T2= π for both f Mm+ 2 A = -B and C = 2B 122 1M (C) TE =+=(M m)vf Mv  case I 2 2 Mm X = B cos 2wt + B sin 2wt

11 Amplitude = B2 TE =KA22 = KA case II 22fi For A = B; C = 0 w (D) VEP = Af f : Decreases in both cases. X = A, Hence this is not correct option. Sol 8: A → p; B → q, r; C → p; D → r, q For A = B, C = 2B w Sol 9: (A) The total mechanical energy = 160 J X = B + B sin 2 t It is also represent SHM. The maximum PE will be 160 J at the instant when KE = 0

Sol 10: (A, C) By principle of superposition y = y1 + y2 + y3 Sol 12: (A, D) Restoring torque is same in both cases =asin ( ω+ t 45 °+ ) asin ω+ t asin( ω− t 45 ° ) T α = =−ω2 θ =asin ( ω t + 45 °+ ) asin( ω t − 45 °+ ) asin ω t I =2asin ω tcos 45 °+ asin ω t In case A the moment of inertia is more as compared to B, so w > w =2 asin ω+ t asin ω= t( 1 + 2) asin ω t B A

∴ Amplitude of resultant motion = (12+ ) a …(i)

(b) The option is incorrect as the phase of the resultant motion relative to the first is 45°.

(c) Energy is SHM is proportional to (amplitude)2 2 2 EE(1+ 2a) ( 1222++ ) ∴=RR ∴= 2 ESSa E1

= + or ERS( 3 2 2) E (d) Resultant motion is y=+ω( 1 2) asin t Ii is SHM. 8.72 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity


1. INTRODUCTION We have learnt that the shape and size of a rigid body does not change but this is an ideal concept. Actually a rigid solid does experience some kind of deformation under the action of external forces and if the magnitude of forces cross a certain limit, the deformation is so severe that the material of the solid loses its rigidity. We say that the material has broken-down or failure has happened. In this chapter we learn about the properties of solid bodies by virtue of which they resist the deformation in their shape and size. These properties constitute the strength of a material and the knowledge of these is very essential in constructing small and large structures like houses, tall buildings, bridges, railway tracks etc.


Matter is made up of atoms and molecules. An atom is made up of a nucleus and electrons. Nucleus contains protons and neutrons (collectively known as “nucleons”). Nuclear forces are responsible for the structure of nucleus. Likewise, forces between different atoms and molecules are responsible for the structure of a material.

2.1 Interatomic and Intermolecular Forces The forces that are responsible for holding the atoms/molecules in place in a solid or liquid are called interatomic and intermolecular forces. The interaction between any isolated pair of atoms and molecules may be U(R) represented by a curve that shows how the potential energy varies with R R O 0 the separation between them as shown in the Fig. 8.32 We see that as the distance R decreases, the attractive force first increases and then decreases to zero at a separation R0 where the potential energy is the minimum. For smaller distance, force is repulsive. U0 The above picture of interatomic or intermolecular force is an over Potential energy versus simplification on the actual situation. However, it provides a reasonable Figure 8.32: separation visualisation. The force between the atoms can be found from the potential energy using the relation, dU F(R) F(R) = - R dR O The resulting force curve is shown in Fig. 8.33. R0 Force is along the line joining the atoms or molecules, and is shown negative for attraction & positive for repulsion.

2.2 Classification of Matter Figure 8.33: Graph of force versus Matter can be classified into three states:- solids, liquids and gases. separation

Solids: A solid is that state of matter whose atoms and molecules are strongly bound so as to preserve their original shape and volume. Solids are of two types-crystalline & amorphous. (a) Crystalline solid: A crystalline solid is one which has regular & periodic arrangement of atoms or molecules in three dimensions. Examples of crystalline solids are diamond, rock salt, mica, sugar etc. (b) Amorphous solids or glassy solids: The word ‘amorphous’ literally means ‘without any form’. There is no ‘order’ in arrangement of atoms in such a solid. Example - glass. Physics | 8.73

In solids, the intermolecular forces are so strong that there is no change in shape and size easily.

Liquids: The intermolecular forces are comparably less than that in solids, so the shape can easily be changed. But volume of a given mass of a liquid is not easy to change. It needs quite an effort to change the density of liquids. Liquids are not able to produce reaction forces to applied forces in arbitrary directions.

Gases: This is the third state of matter which cannot support compressive, tensile, or sharing forces. Densities of gases change very rapidly with increase in temperature.

Liquids and gases are together classified as fluids:The word ‘’fluid’’ comes from a Latin word meaning ‘’to flow’’. On an average, the atoms or molecules in a gas are far apart, typically about ten atomic diameters at room temperature and pressure. They collide much less frequently than those in a liquid. Gases in general are compressible.


When external forces are applied to a body which is fixed to a rigid support, there is a change in its length, volume or shape. When the external forces are removed, the body tends to regain its original shape and size. Such a property of a body by virtue of which a body tends to regain its original shape or size, when the external forces are removed, is called elasticity. If a body completely regains its shape and size, it is called perfectly elastic. If it does not regain its shape and size completely, it is called inelastic material. Those materials which hardly regain their shape are called plastic material. An elastic body is one that returns to its original shape after a deformation. Eg- golf ball, rubber band, soccer ball. An inelastic body is one that does not return to its original shape after a deformation. Eg – dough or bread, clay, inelastic ball.


Microscopic reason of elasticity Each molecule in a solid body is acted upon by forces due to neighboring molecules. When all molecules are in a state of stable equilibrium, the solid takes a particular shape. When the body is deformed, molecules are displaced from their stable equilibrium positions. The intermolecular distances change and restoring forces start acting which drives the molecules to come back to its original shape. Vaibhav Krishnan (JEE 2009, AIR 22)

One can compare this situation to a spring-mass system. Consider a particle connected to several particles through spring. If this particle is displaced a little, the spring exerts a resultant force which tries to bring the particle towards its natural position. In fact, the particle will oscillate about this position. In due course, the oscillations will be damped out and the particle will regain its original position.

3.1 Stress and Strain

Stress: Elastic bodies regain their original shape due to internal restoring forces. This internal restoring force, acting per unit area of a deformed body is called a stress. Restoring force i.e. Stress = Area 8.74 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

SI unit of stress is N/m2 and Dimensional formula of stress is [ML–1T–2] An object can be deformed in different ways.


Misconception: People often get confused between pressure and stress. Difference between pressure v/s stress:

S. No. Pressure Stress

1 Pressure is always normal to the area Stress can be normal or tangential

2 Always compressive in nature May be compressive or tensile in nature

Nivvedan (JEE 2009, AIR 113)

3.1.1 Types of Stress

There are 2 types of stresses – NORMAL stress and SHEAR stress Normal stress – When the force applied is perpendicular to the area of application of force, it is called normal stress. Normal stress usually leads to a change in length (longitudinal stress) or a change in volume. Normal stress can be of two types – tensile stress and compressive stress. (a) Tensile Stress: Pulling force per unit area. It is applied parallel to the length.


Figure 8.34: Tensile stress

It causes increase in length or volume. (b) Compressive Stress: Pushing force per unit area. It is applied parallel to the length.


Figure 8.35: Compressive stress

It causes decreases in length or volume. If the force is applied tangentially to one face of a rectangular body keeping the opposite face fixed, the stress is called tangential or shearing stress. Stress is measured in units of 1N/m2. 1N/m2 = 10 dynes/cm2. Physics | 8.75

Strain: The fractional or relative change in shape, size or dimensions of body is called the strain. change in dimension Strain = original dimension There are three types of strains: ∆ (i) Longitudinal strain: It is the ratio of the change in length, ∆ , to the original length,  i.e. .  ∆V (ii) Volume strain: It is the ratio of change in volume, DV, to the original volume V i.e. V (iii) Shearing strain: The angular deformation, θ, in radians of a face of a F DX rectangular body is called shearing strain. If a tangential force F is used to displace upper face of rectangular body θ through a small angle such that the upper face is displaced through distance l q ∆x Dx where  is height of the body, then shearing strain = θ≈tan θ=  Strain is a ratio of two similar quantities and does not have any units. Figure 8.36: Shearing strain Illustration 1: A 4.0 m long copper wire of cross sectional area 1.2 cm2 is stretched by a force of 4.8 × 103 N. Stress will be- (JEE MAIN) (A) 4.0 × 107 N/mm2 (B) 4.0 × 107 kN/m2 (C) 4.0 × 107 N/m2 (D) None

Sol: (C) Stress is restoring force per unit area of cross-section. F 4.8× 103 N Stress = = = 4.0 × 107 N/m2 A 1.2× 10−42 m

Illustration 2: A copper rod 2m long is stretched by 1mm. Strain will be (JEE MAIN) (A) 10–4, volumetric (B) 5 × 10–4, volumetric (C) 5 × 10–4, longitudinal (D) 5 × 10–3, volumetric

Sol: Longitudinal strain is equal to change in length per unit length. −3 ∆ 1× 10 (C) Strain = = = 5 × 10–4, Longitudinal  2

Illustration 3: A lead of 4.0 kg is suspended from a ceiling through a steel wire of radius 2.0 mm. Find the tensile stress developed in the wire when equilibrium is achieved. Take g = 3.1π ms–2. (JEE MAIN)

Sol: Stress is restoring force per unit area of cross-section. Tension in the wire is F = 4.0 × 3.1 π N. The area of cross section is A = pr2 = π × (2.0 × 10–3 m)2 = 4.0 π × 10–6 m2. F 4.0×π 3.1 Thus, the tensile stress developed = N/m2 = 3.1 × 106 N/m2. A 4.0π× 10−6

Illustration 4: Find the stress on a bone (1 cm in radius and 50 cm long) that supports a mass of 100kg. Find the strain on the bone if it is compressed 0.15 mm by this weight. Find the proportionality constant C for this bone. (JEE MAIN) 8.76 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Sol: Stress is restoring force per unit area of cross-section. Strain is equal to change in length per unit length. Strain ∝ Stress Stress = F/A = (100kg) (9.8 m/s2) / π × (0.01 m)2 = 3.1 × 106 N/m2 ∆ –3 –4 Strain = L/L0 = (0.15 × 10 m) / (0.5m) = 3.0 × 10 Since strain = C × stress, C = strain / stress = 0.96 × 10–10 m2/N.


Hooke’s Law: It states that for small deformations, stress is directly proportional to strain within elastic limits and the ratio is a constant called modulus of elasticity. Stress = modulus of Elasticity = E Strain

4.1 Young’s Modulus

Young’s modulus is a measure of the resistance of a solid to a change in its L0 length when a force is applied perpendicular to its surface. Consider a rod A with an unstressed length L0 and cross-sectional area A, as shown in the Fig.

8.37. When it is subjected to equal and opposite forces Fn along its axis and Fn Fn perpendicular to the end faces, its length changes by ∆L. These forces tend F DL to stretch the rod. The tensile stress on the rod is defined asσ = n A DL Fn Forces acting in the opposite direction, as shown in Fig. 8.37, would produce Fn a compressive stress. The resulting strain is defined as the dimensionless ∆L Figure 8.37: Variation in length of rod ratio, ε = Young’s modulus Y for the material of the rod is defined as L0 the ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain. Tensile stress σ F /A FL So Young’s Modulus = ; Y = =n = n0 Tensile strain ε∆L/L0 A ∆ L A force applied normal to the end face of a rod cause a change in length.


FL (a) For loaded wire: ∆L = πγr2 For rigid body ∆L = 0 so Y = ∞ i.e. Elasticity of rigid body is infinite. L ∆ ∝ (b) If same stretching force is applied to different wires of same material, L 2 [As F and Y are const.] r

Greater the value ∆L, greater will be elongation. Following conclusions can be drawn from γ=stress/strain: (i) E ∝ stress (for same strain), i.e. if we want the equal amount of strain in two different materials, the one which needs more stress is having more E. Physics | 8.77


1 (ii) E∝ (for same stress), i.e., if the same amount of stress is applied on two different strain materials, the one having less strain is having more Elasticity. Rather we can say that, the one which offers more resistance to the external forces is having greater value of E. So, we can see

that modulus of elasticity of steel is more than that of rubber or Esteel > Erubber ∆x (iii) E = stress for unit strain =1 or ∆= x x , i.e. suppose the length of a wire is 2m, then the x Young’s modulus of elasticity (Y) is the stress applied on the wire to stretch the wire by the

same amount of 2m. Chinmay S Purandare (JEE 2012, AIR 698)

Illustration 5: Two wires of equal cross section but one made of steel and the other of copper, are joined end to end. When the combination is kept under tension, the elongations in the two wires are found to be equal. Find the ratio of the lengths of the two wires. Young’s modulus of steel = 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2. (JEE ADVANCED)

Sol: The wires joined together have same stress and same elongation. Ratio of stress and young’s modulus is strain. As young’s modulus for steel and copper is different, strains of the wires will be different. As the cross sections of the wires are equal and same tension exists in both, the stresses developed are equal. Let the original lengths of the steel wire and the copper wire be LS and LC respectively and the elongation in each wire be . stress  = 11− 2 … (i) LS 2.0× 10 Nm stress  = And 11− 2 … (ii) LC 1.1× 10 Nm

Dividing (ii) by (i), LS/LC = 2·0 / 1·1 = 20:11.

Illustration 6: A solid cylindrical steel column is 4.0 m long and 9.0 cm in diameter. What will be decrease in length when carrying a load of 80000 kg? Y = 1.9 × 1011 Nm–2. (JEE MAIN)

Sol: The stress will be equal to load per unit cross section. Strain is the ratio of stress and young’s modulus. Let us first calculate the cross-sectional area of column = pr2 = π(0.045m)2 = 6.36 × 10–3 m2 F/A FL [(8× 104 )(9.8N)](4.0m) Then, from Y = we have ∆L = = = 2.6 × 10–3 m. ∆L/L AY (6.36×× 10−−3 m 2 )(1.9 1011 Nm 2 )

Illustration 7: A load of 4.0 kg is suspended from a ceiling through a steel wire of length 20 m and radius 2.0 mm. It is found that the length of the wire increases by 0.031 mm as equilibrium is achieved. Find Young’s modulus of steel. Take g = 3.1 π m/s2. (JEE MAIN) Sol: The stress will be equal to load per unit cross section. Strain is the change in length per unit length. Young’s modulus is the ratio of stress and strain. (4.0kg)(3.1π ms−2 ) The longitudinal stress = = 3.1 × 106 N/m2 π×(2.0 10−32 m) 8.78 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

0.031× 10−3 m The longitudinal strain = = 0.0155 × 10–3 2.0m

3.1× 1062 Nm− Thus Y = = 2.0 × 1011 N/m2. 0.0155× 10−3

Illustration 8: A bar of mass m and length  is hanging from point A as shown in Fig. 8.38. Find A the increase in its length due to its own weight. The Young’s modulus of elasticity of the wire is Y and area of cross-section of the wire is A. (JEE ADVANCED)

Sol: Find the elongation for an elementary length dx of the wire due to tension in the wire at the location of the element. B

Consider a small section dx of the bar at a distance x from B. The weight of the bar for a length Figure 8.38 x is, mg A W = x  W mg Elongation in section dx will be d = dx =  xdx dx AY AY x Total elongation in the bar can be obtained by integrating this expression for x = 0 to x =  . B

x= Figure 8.39 mg mg \ ∆=∫∫d = xdx or ∆= x0= AY 0 2AY

Illustration 9: One end of a metal wire is fixed to a ceiling and a load of 2 kg hangs from the other end. A similar wire is attached to the bottom of the load and another load of 1 kg hangs from this T2 lower wire. Find the longitudinal strain in both the wires. Area of cross section of each wire is 0.005 2kg cm2 and Young modulus of the metal is 2.0 × 1011 N m–2. Take g = 10 ms–2. (JEE ADVANCED) T1 Sol: Find the tension in each wire. Stress is tension per unit area of cross section. Strain is the ratio 1kg of stress and Young’s modulus. The situation is described in Fig. 8.40. As the 1kg mass is in equilibrium, the tension in the lower Figure 8.40 wire equals the weight of the load.

2 7 2 Thus T1 = 10N; Stress = 10N/0.005 cm = 2 × 10 N/m 72 stress 2× 10 N/ m −4 Longitudinal strain = = = 10 Y 2× 1011 N / m 2

Considering the equilibrium of the upper block, we can write, T2 = 20N + T1 or T2 = 30N Stress = 30 N/0.005 cm2 = 6 × 107 N/m2 6× 1072 N / m Longitudinal strain = = 3 × 10–4 . 2× 1011 N / m 2

A B Illustration 10: Each of the three blocks P, Q and R shown in Figure P Q has a mass of 3 kg. Each of the wires A and B has cross-sectional area 0.005 cm2 and Young modulus 2 × 1011 N/m2. Neglect friction. Find the longitudinal strain developed in each of the wires. Take g = 10 m/s2. (JEE ADVANCED) R

Figure 8.41 Physics | 8.79

Sol: Find the tension in each wire. Stress is tension per unit area of cross section. Strain is the ratio of stress and Young’s modulus. The block R will descend vertically and the blocks P and Q will move on the frictionless horizontal table. Let the common magnitude of the acceleration be a. Let the tensions in the wires A and B be TA and TB respectively. Writing the equations of motion of the blocks P, Q and R, we get,

TA = (3kg) a …. (i)

TB – TA = (3kg) a …. (ii)

And (3kg)g – TB = (3kg)a …. (iii)

By (i) and (ii), TB = 2TA ; By (i) and (iii), TA + TB = (3kg) g = 30 N or 3TA = 30N or, TA = 10N and TB = 20 N. Longitudinal stress Longitudinal strain = Young modulus

10N / 0.005 cm2 20N / 0.005 cm2 Strain in wire A = = 10–4 ; And strain in wire B = = 2 × 10–4. 2× 1011 N / m 2 2× 1011 N / m 2


In practical life, we often hear something like elastic band is usually referred to a rubber band because it is easily stretchable and a steel rod is not. However, here elasticity has some different meaning. Being more elastic means, the material will resist more to any external force which tries to change its configuration.

That is why Esteel > Erubber. Nitin Chandrol (JEE 2012, AIR 134)

4.2 Shear Modulus A The shear modulus of a solid measures its resistance to a shearing force, which is a ® x force applied tangentially to a surface, as shown in the Fig. 8.42. (Since the bottom of the solid is assumed to be at rest, there is an equal and opposite force on the lower y surface). The top surface is displaced by x relative to the bottom surface. Tangential force F The shear stress is defined as, Shear stress = = τ= t where A is the ® Area A area of the surface. F Figure 8.42: Shearing x The shear strain is defined as Shear strain = stress y where y is the separation between the top and the bottom surfaces. The shear modulus G is defined as Shear Stress F /A Fy Shear modulus = ; G =t = Shear Strain x/y Ax

8.80 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Illustration 11: A box shaped piece of gelatin dessert has a top area of 15 cm2 and a height of 3cm. When a shearing force of 0.50 N is applied to the upper surface, the upper surface displaces 4 mm relative to the bottom surface. What are the shearing stress, the shearing strain and the shear modulus for the gelatin? (JEE MAIN)

Sol: Shearing stress is tangential force per unit area of surface. Shearing Strain is the ratio of displacement of the surface to the distance of the surface from the fixed surface. Shear modulus is the ratio of shearing stress to shearing strain. tangential force 0.50N Shear stress = = = 333 N/m2 area of face 15× 10−42 m

Displacement 0.4cm Shear stress = = = 0.133 height 3cm

stress 333 Shear modulus G = = strain 0.133

= 2.5× 103 N/m2 (1 Pa = 1 N/m2)

4.3 Bulk Modulus

The bulk modulus of a solid or a fluid indicates its resistance to a change in volume. Fn Consider a cube of some material, solid or fluid, as shown in the Fig. 8.43. We assume that all faces experience the same force Fn normal to each face. (One way to accomplish this is to immerse the body in a fluid-as long as the change in pressure over the vertical height of the cube is negligible). The pressure on the cube is fn Fn F F Fn defined as the normal force per unit area p = n n A The SI unit of pressure is N/m2 and is given the name Pascal (Pa). F The change in pressure ∆P is called the volume stress and the fractional change n in volume ∆V/V called the volume strain. The bulk modulus B of the material is Figure 8.43: Determination defined as of bulk modulus of an object Volumestress −∆P Bulk modulus = or B = Volume strain ∆V/V

The negative sign is included to make B a positive number since an increase in pressure (∆>p0) leads to a decrease in volume (∆


Bulk Modulus has very important applications in case of fluids. Actually, it has various applications in adiabatic expansion of gases. Also, while calculating speed of sound through air, one would find that it would come out to be directly proportional to square root of bulk modulus of air. (In general, speed of sound depends of elastic properties of matter. A more general statement is that mechanical waves’ speed depends on elastic properties of matter) B Rajiv Reddy (JEE 2012, AIR 11)

Illustration 12: Find the decrease in the volume of a sample of water from the following data. Initial volume = 1000 cm3, initial pressure = 105 Nm–2, final pressure = 106 Nm–2, compressibility of water = 50 × 10–11 m2N–1. (JEE MAIN) Sol: Using the formula for bulk modulus deduce the value for decrease in volume. The change in pressure = ∆P = 106 Nm–2 – 105 Nm–2 = 9 × 105 Nm–2. 1∆ V/V Compressibility = = − or, Bulkmodulus∆ P ∆V 50 × 10–11 m2N–1 = – (10−−33 m )×× (9 10 5 Nm 2 ) or, ∆V = – 50 × 10–11 × 10–3 × 9 × 105 m3 = – 4.5 × 10–7 m3 = – 0.45 cm3. Thus the decrease in volume is 0.45 cm3.


A solid will have all the three moduli of elasticity Y, B and η. But in case of a liquid or a gas, only B can be defined because a liquid or a gas cannot be framed into a wire or no shear force can be applied on −dP them. For a liquid or a gas, B =  dV / V So, instead of P, we are more interested in change in pressure dP. In case of a gas, B = XP Anand K (JEE 2011, AIR 47)

Elastic 5. THE STRESS-STRAIN CURVE zone Plastic zone

The stress-strain graph of a ductile metal is shown in Fig. 8.44 B U 10 Initially, the strain graph is linear and it obeys the Hooke’s Law up Y B to the point P called the proportional limit. After the proportional P limit, the σ−ε graph is non-linear but it still remains elastic up Stress(s) -2 to the yield point Y where the slope of the curve is zero. At (Nm) the yield point, the material starts deforming under constant stress and it behaves like a viscous liquid. The yield point is the beginning of the plastic zone. After the yield point, the material starts gaining strength due to excessive deformation and this 0.01 0.2 Strain(e) phenomenon is called strain hardening. The point U shows the Figure 8.44 8.82 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity ultimate strength of the material. It is the maximum stress that the material can sustain without failure. After the point U the curve goes down towards the breaking point B because the calculation of the stress is based on the original cross-sectional area whereas the cross-sectional area of the sample actually decreases.


It is generally thought that strain results from stress, or many say that Hooke’s law states wrong statement that stress is directly proportional to strain. However, we must not worry because Hooke’s law is correct. Going deeper to a microscopic level will help us understand better. It appears that external force cause strain in the body on which it is applied. However, stress is defined as restoring force (at equilibrium) per unit area. There can be no restoring force if there is no strain. Hence, strain is the cause and not stress. The only glitch here is that restoring force is equal to the force applied because (again not to forget) body is in equilibrium. So, it creates confusion but we must not take it for granted and understand the minute concepts. Yashwanth Sandupatla (JEE 2012, AIR 821)


For small deformations, longitudinal stress is directly d proportional to the longitudinal strain. What if the c deformation is large? The stress-strain relation gets more b a Plastic behavior complicated in that case and depends on the material under study. Let’s take a metal wire and a rubber piece as Stress example and study the same. Elastic behavior Metal Wire: The Fig. 8.45 shows the relation between stress and strain as the deformation gradually decreases in a stretched wire. Up to a strain < 0.01, Hooke’s law is valid and Young’s { Strain modulus is defined. Point a represents proportional limit 0.01 0.30 up to which stress is proportional to strain. Permanent set Point b is called the yield point or elastic limit up to which a=Proportional limit stress is not proportional to strain (a to b) but elasticity still b=Elastic limit holds true. d=Fracture point

The wire shows plastic behavior after point b where there Figure 8.45: Graph of Stress versus Strain is a permanent deformation in the wire and it does not return back to its original dimensions. The wire breaks at d which is the fracture point if stretched beyond point c. The corresponding stress is called breaking stress.


If large deformation takes place between the elastic limit and the fractured point, the material is called ductile. If it breaks soon after the elastic limit is crossed, it is called brittle. Yashwanth Sandupatla (JEE 2012, AIR 821) Physics | 8.83

Rubber: Vulcanized rubber shows a very different stress-strain behavior. It remains elastic even if it is stretched to 8 times its original length. There are 2 important phenomena to note from the above Fig 8.46. Firstly, stress is nowhere proportional to strain during deformation. Secondly, when external Strain forces are removed, body comes back to original dimensions but it follows a different retracing path.

The work done by the material in returning to its original shape is less than Strain the work done by the deforming force when it was deformed. A particular 2468 amount of energy is, thus, absorbed by the material in the cycle which Figure 8.46: Stress versus Strain curve appears as heat. This phenomenon is called elastic hysteresis. for rubber Elastic hysteresis has an important application in shock absorbers.


The material which has smaller value of Y is more ductile, i.e., it offers less resistance in framing it into a wire. Similarly, the material having the smaller value of B is more malleable. Thus, for making wire, we choose a material having less value of Y. GV Abhinav (JEE 2012, AIR 329)


When a longitudinal force is applied on a wire, its length increases but its radius decreases. Thus two strains are produced by a single force. ∆l ∆R and (a) Longitudinal strain = l (b) Lateral strain = R The ratio of these two strains is called the Poisson’s ratio.

Lateral strain ∆R/R Thus, the Poisson’s ratio σ= =− Longitudinal strain∆ll /

Negative sign in σ indicates that radius of the wire decreases as the length increases.


Relation between Y, B, η and σ : Following are some relations between the four Y Y 3B−η 2 9 1 3 (a) B = (b) η= (c) σ= (d) = + 3(1−σ 3 ) 2(1+σ ) 2η+ 6B Y B η Anurag Saraf (JEE 2011, AIR 226)


When a body is in its natural shape, potential energy due to molecular forces is minimum and assumed to be zero. When deformed, internal forces come into existence and work is done against these forces. Thus potential energy of the body increases. This is called elastic potential energy. 8.84 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

8.1 Work Done in Stretching a Wire If a force F is applied along the length of a wire of length l, area of cross-section A and Young’s modulus Y, such Fl YAx that the wire is extended through a small length x, then Y = or F = Ax l The work done, W, in extending the wire through length Dl is given by

∆l ∆l YA YA(∆l )2 1Y∆∆ll   1 W= ∫ Fdx =∫ xdx = =   (Al) = × stress × strain × volume 0 l 0 2l 2 ll   2

1 YA∆l 1 Also W =  ∆×l= force × extension 2 l 2

This work is stored in the wire as elastic potential energy.

1Y∆∆ll 1 2 1 Work done per unit volume = ×=×× Y ( strain) =xstressxstrain . 22ll 2

Illustration 13: Spring is stretched by 3 cm when a load of 5.4 × 106 dyne is suspended from it. Work done will be (A) 8.1 × 106 J (B) 8 × 106 J (C) 8.0 × 106 ergs (D) 8.1 × 106 ergs (JEE MAIN)

Sol: Work done in stretching the spring is equal to the elastic potential energy stored in the spring. 1 (D) W = × load × elongation W = 8.1 × 106 ergs =0.81 J 2

Illustration 14: A steel wire of length 2.0 m is stretched through 2.0 mm. The cross-sectional area of the wire is 4.0 mm2. Calculate the elastic potential energy stored in the wire in the stretched condition. Young modulus of steel = 2.0 × 1011 N/m2. (JEE MAIN)

Sol: We know the formula to find the elastic potential energy stored per unit volume of the wire. Calculate the volume of the wire and find the energy stored in the entire wire. ∆l 2.0mm The strain in the wire = = 10–3. l 2.0m The stress in the wire = Y × strain = 2.0 × 1011 N m–2 × 10–3 = 2.0 × 108 N/m2. The volume of the wire = (4 × 10–6 m2) × (2.0 m) = 8.0 × 10–6 m3. 1 The elastic potential energy stored = × stress × strain × volume 2 1 = × 2.0 × 108 Nm–2 × 10–3 × 8.0 × 10–6 m3 = 0.8 J 2


This energy can also be thought of as elastic potential energy of a spring. You just need to calculate spring constant. ∆l A simple way would be considering =x and rearranging terms of Hooke’s law in the form of F=-kx. 1 kx2 Remember F here is restoring force. Now energy is simply 2 Vijay Senapathi (JEE 2011, AIR 71) Physics | 8.85


A body expands or contracts whenever there is an increase or decrease in l,,a Y, A temperature. No stress is induced when the body is allowed to expand and A B contract freely. But when deformation is obstructed, stresses are induced. Such stresses are called thermal/ temperature stresses. The corresponding strains are called thermal/temperature strains. l,,a Y, A Consider a rod AB fixed at two supports as shown in Fig. 8.47. B Let l = Length of rod Dl A = Area of cross-section of the rod Figure 8.47: Thermal expansion Y = Young’s modulus of elasticity of the rod of a rod And α = Thermal coefficient of linear expansion of the rod Let the temperature of the rod is increased by an amount t. The length of the rod would had increased by an amount Dl, if it were not fixed at two supports. HenceD l = lat But since the rod is fixed at the supports, a compressive strain will be produced in the rod. Because at the increased temperature, the natural length of the rod is l + Dl, while being fixed at two supports its actual length is l. ∆αllt Hence, thermal strain ε= = =αt or ε = at ll Therefore, thermal stress σ = Yε (stress = Y × strain) FF FF or σ = Yat or force on the supports, F = σA = YAat This force F is in the direction shown: Figure 8.48: Thermal stress on a rod

Illustration 16: A wire of cross sectional area 3 mm2 is just stretched between two fixed points at a temperature of 20°C. Determine the tension when the temperature falls to 20°C. Coefficient of linear expansion α = 10–5 / °C and Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2. (JEE MAIN) (A) 120 kN (B) 20 N (C) 120 N (D) 12 N

Sol: Thermal stress is equal to product of young’s modulus and thermal strain. Tension is product of area of cross- section and stress. (C) F = Y A α Dt = 2 × 1011 × 3 × 10–6 × 10–5 × 20; F = 120 N

10. DETERMINATION OF YOUNG’S MODULUS IN LABORATORY The given Fig. 8.49 shows an experimental set up of a simple method to determine ~ ~ Young’s modulus in laboratory. A 2-3 metres long wire is suspended from a fixed support. It carries a graduated scale and below it a heavy fixed load. This load keeps the wire straight. Wire A is the reference wire whereas wire B serves as the experimental wire. A Vernier scale is placed at the end of the experimental wire. A B Now the stress due to the weight Mg at the end is Mg l MgL Stress = and strain = ; Thus, Y = πr2 L πr2 l All the quantities on the right-hand side are known and hence Young’s modulus Y may be calculated.

Figure 8.49: Searle's method for determination of young's modulus 8.86 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity


•• Be careful while using the Hooke’s law of elasticity. Always remember that this law is not valid for an elastic material when it is stretched beyond its elastic limit. Stress is proportional to strain only when the material is stretched up to a certain limit. •• Always keep the stress-strain graph in mind while solving elasticity problems. •• The extent of ductility of a material can be calculated using the strain formulae. Greater the elongation, greater the ductility of the material. This concept can be used in questions where one is asked to arrange the elastic material in the order of increasing brittleness or ductility. •• Conservation of energy principle can be used to solved many problems where elastic potential energy gets converted to other forms of energy in the given problem system. •• Elongation and compression can be thought as analogous to a spring (refer to Plancess concept to how to do it) in appropriate limits. •• Direct questions may be asked on relation between Poisson’s ratio and modulus of elasticity, so it would be nice if you learn them.



Restoring force Stress: Stress (σ) = Area SI units = N/m2 F Normal/ longitudinal stress s = n n A Ft F is the normal force n Fn A is the cross-sectional area F Tangential / shearing stress s = t t A Figure 8.50 Ft is the tangential force F Volume stress s = V A Note: This is the stress developed when body is immersed in a liquid. ∆l Strain: Longitudinal strain ε= F Dx l A B AA’ BB’ ∆V Volumetric strain ε= V FFx q D and DV are change in length and volume respectively. D C DC ∆X F Shearing strain ε= X Figure 8.51 Physics | 8.87

Hooke’s Law: stress ∝ strain stress = (E) (strain) (E is modulus of elasticity) E is constant for a particular type of strain for a particular material. SI unit of E is N/m2.

longitudinal stress (F / A) Young’s modulus of elasticity (Y) Y = = n Longitudinal strain (∆ll / )

−Volumestress −F/A −P Bulk modulus of elasticity (B) B = = = Volume strain ∆V/V ∆V/V

dp For a liquid or gas B = − (dV / V)

1 Compressibility =  β

shearing stress Ft /A Ft /A Modulus of rigidity (η) η= = = (See Fig. 8.52) shearing strain (∆ x / x) θ l,,a y, A Elastic potential energy stored per unit volume in a stretched wire A B 1 u = (stress x strain) 2 Figure 8.52 ∆l Thermal stress and strain ∈= = α∆T l σ FF Y = = = ∈A ∈ AT α∆

α is thermal coefficient of linear expansion of rod.D T is change in temperature of the rod. Variation of density with pressure: As pressure on a body increases, its density also increases. When pressure ρ increases by dp, the new density ρ’ in terms of the previous density ρ is ρ=' where B is the Bulk modulus. dp 1 − B Poisson’s ratio: As the length of a wire of circular cross-section increases, its radius decreases. lateral strain ∆R/R Poisson’s ratio is defined as σ= = − longitudinal strain ∆ll/ Relation between Y, B, η and σ Y 3B−η 2 Y 913 B = ; σ = ; η= ; = + 3(1−σ 2 ) 2η+ 6B 2(1+σ ) YBη 8.88 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Solved Examples

JEE Main/Boards Find (a) The energy density of wire, Example 1: A steel wire of length 4 m and diameter (b) The elastic potential energy stored in the wire. 5 mm is stretched by 5 kg-wt. Find the increase in its length, if the Young’s modulus of steel is Sol: Find the stress and strain and use the formula for 2.4 × 1012 dyne/cm2. energy density. Product of energy density and volume is energy stored in entire wire. Sol: From the formula for Young’s modulus deduce the change in length. Here, l = 4.0 m, Dl = 2 × 10–3 m, Here, l = 4 m = 400 cm, 2r = 5 mm A = 2.0 × 10–6 m2, Y = 2.0 × 1011 N/m2 or r = 2.5 mm = 5mm (a) The energy density of stretched wire F = 5 kg-wt = 5000 g-wt = 5000 × 980 dyne 1 1 U = × stress × strain = × Y × (strain)2 2 2 Dl = ?, Y = 2.4 × 1012 dyne/cm2 2 1 (2× 10−3 Fl = × 2.0 × 1011 ×  As Y = × 2 4 πr2 ∆l 

5 4 3 (5000×× 980) 400 = 0.25 × 10 = 2.5 × 10 J/m . ∆=l = 0.0041 cm (22 / 7)× (0.25)2 ×× 2.4 1012 (b) Elastic potential energy = energy density × volume= 2.5 × 104 × (2.0 × 10–6) × 4.0 J ∆l × -5 = 4.1 10 m = 20 × 10–2 = 0.20 J

2 Example 2: One end of a wire 2 m long and 0.2 cm in Example 4: The bulk modulus of water is cross section is fixed in a ceiling and a load of 4.8 kg is 9 2 attached to the free end. Find the extension of the wire. 2.3 × 10 N/m . 11 2 Young’s modulus of steel = 2.0 × 10 N/m . (a) Find its compressibility. 2 Take g = 10 m/s . (b) How much pressure in atmosphere is needed to compress a sample of water by 0.1%? Sol: From the formula for Young’s modulus deduce the extension in wire. Sol: Compressibility is inverse of bulk modulus. From stress T / A the formula for bulk modulus deduce the change We have Y = = strainl / L in pressure required to produce the given change in volume. With symbols having their usual meanings. The TL Here, B = 2.3 × 109 N/m2 extension is l= AY 2.3× 109 = atm 4 5 = 2.27 × 10 atm As the load is in equilibrium after the extension, the 1.01× 10 tension in the wire is equal to the weight of the load 1 –2 (a) Compressibility = = 4.8 kg × 10 ms = 48 N B (48N)(2m) 1 Thus, l= = = 4.4 × 10–5 atm–1 (0.2× 10−−4 m 2 ) ×× (2.0 1011 Nm 2 ) 2.27× 104 ∆V = 2.4 × 10–5 m. (b) Here, = −0.1% = – 0.001 V Required increase in pressure, Example 3: A steel wire 4.0 m in length is stretched through 2.0 mm. The cross-sectional area of the wire is 2.0 mm2. If Young’s modulus of steel is 2.0 × 1011 N/m2. Physics | 8.89

∆V = – 0.87 × 10–3. DP = B × − V The negative sign indicates that the radius decreases. = 2.27 × 104 × 0.001= 22.7 atm Example 7: Find the greatest length of steel wire that can hang vertically without breaking. Breaking stress of Example 5: One end of a nylon rope of length 4.5 steel =8.0 × 108 N/m2. m and diameter 6 mm is fixed to a tree-limb. A monkey weighing 100 N jumps to catch the free end Density of steel = 8.0 × 103 kg/m3. and stays there. Find the elongation of the rope and Take g = 10 m/s2. the corresponding change in the diameter. Young’s 11 –2 modulus of nylon = 4.8 × 10 Nm and Poisson ratio Sol: Breaking stress gives the maximum weight per unit of nylon = 0.2. area of cross-section that the wire can withstand.

Sol: From the formula for Young’s modulus deduce Let l be the length of the wire that can hang vertically the change in length of the rope. From the formula for without breaking. Then the stretching force on it is Poisson ratio deduce the change in diameter. equal to its own weight. If therefore, A is the area of cross-section and ρ is the density, then As the monkey stays in equilibrium, the tension in the weight rope equals the weight of the monkey. Hence, Maximum stress (s ) = m A stress T / A TL Y = = or l = strainl / L AY force (Alρ )g stress = or σ=m or, elongation area A (100 N)× (4.5 m) σ l = \ l = m Substituting the values (π× 9 × 10−−6 m 2 ) × (4.8 × 1011 Nm 2 ) ρg

= 3.32 × 10–5 m 8.0× 108 l = = 104 m (8.0× 103 )(10) ∆d/d (∆ d)L Again, Poisson ratio = = l /L ld Example 8: A copper wire of negligible mass, length 1 ∆×d 4.5 m –6 2 or, 0.2 = m and cross-sectional area 10 m is kept on a smooth (3.32× 10−−53 m) ×× (6 10 m) horizontal table with one end fixed. A ball of mass 1 kg is attached to the other end. The wire and the ball − 0.2×× 6 3.32 × 108 m are rotating with an angular velocity of 20 rad/s. If the or, Dd = = 8.8 × 10–9 m 4.5 elongation in the wire is 10–3 m, obtain the Young’s modulus of copper. If on increasing the angular velocity Example 6: A solid lead sphere of volume 0.5 m3 to 100 rad/s, the wire breaks down, obtain the breaking is taken in the ocean to a depth where the water stress. pressure is 2 × 107 N/m2. If the bulk modulus of lead is 7.7 × 109 N/m2. Find the fractional change in the radius Sol: The stress developed in the wire will be due to of the sphere. the . Ratio of stress and strain is the Young’s modulus. The breaking stress will be due to the Sol: From the formula for bulk modulus deduce the centrifugal force at increased angular velocity. change in volume for the given increase in pressure. The stretching force developed in the wire due to 4 3 ∆∆r 1V Vr= π ⇒ = rotation of the ball is 3 r 3V F = mrw2 = 1 × 1 × (20)2 = 400 N ∆P Bulk modulus K = – F 400 (∆ V / V) Stress in the wire = = N/m2 Strain in the wire A 10−6 ∆V ∆P or = – 10−3 V K = = 10–3 1 ∆r 1P∆ 1 2× 107 = − × or = – 9 Stress 400 r 3K 3 7.7× 10 Y = = = 4 × 1011 N/m2 Strain 10−−63× 10 8.90 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

1×× 1 (100)2 C Breaking stress = = 1010 N/m2. A B 10−6

T q q T Example 9: (a) A wire 4 m long and 0.3 mm in diameter is stretched by a force of 100 N. If extension in the wire D is 0.3 mm, calculate the potential energy stored in the m wire. mg (b) Find the work done in stretching a wire of cross- 2 section 1 mm and length 2 m through 0.1 mm, Young’s ∴ AD2 = AC2 + CD2 = (50)2 + (1)2 modulus for the material of wire is 2.0×1011 N/m2. or AD = 50.01 cm Sol: Work done in stretching the wire is equal to the Increase in length = 0.01 cm elastic potential energy stored in the wire. (a) Energy 0.01 −4 stored Strain = =2 × 10 50 1 U= (stress)(strain)(volume) 12 –4 2 Stress = 2 × 10 × 2 × 10 8 2 1F ∆l  1 ∴ Stress = 4 × 10 dynes/cm or U =   (Al ) = F⋅∆l 2A l  2 Tension T = Stress × Area of cross-section 8 π 2 1 −3 = 4 × 10 × × (0.08) = (100)( 0.3× 10 ) = 0.015 J 2 Since the mass m is in equilibrium 2Tcosθ (b) Work done = potential energy stored mg = 2T cos θ or m = g 1 1 YA 2 YA 82 k(∆l )2 ∆l as k = 2× 4 × 10 ×π (0.08) × (1 / 50.01) = = ( )  = = 82 gm. 2 2 l l 980 Substituting the values, we have

1 (2.0× 1011 )(10− 6 ) JEE Advanced/Boards W = (0.1 × 10–3)3 2 (2) Example 1: A light of rod of length 200 cm is suspended = 5.0 × 10–4 J from the ceiling horizontally by means of two vertical wires of equal length tied to its ends. One of the wires is made of steel and is of cross-section 0.1 sq cm Example 10: A steel wire of diameter 0.8 mm and and the other is of brass of cross-section 0.2 sq. cm. length 1 m is clamped firmly at two points A and B Find the position along the rod at which a weight may which are 1 m apart and in the same horizontal plane. be hung to produce (a) equal stresses in both wires and A body is hung from the middle point of the wire such (b) equal strains in both wires. that the middle point sags 1 cm lower from the original 11 2 position. Calculate the mass of the body. Given Young’s (Ybrass = 10 × 10 dynes/cm . 12 2 modulus of the material of wire = 2 × 10 dynes/cm . 11 2 Ysteel = 20 × 10 dynes/cm ). Sol: Tension in the wire is the product of stress and Sol: Net torque of the tensions in the wires about the area of cross-section. Stress is the product of Young’s point of suspension of the weight on the rod must be modulus and strain. The vertical components of zero. tensions in the two parts of the wire will balance the Steel Brass weight of the body hung from the wire. wire wire Let the body be hung from the middle point C so that it T T sags through 1cm to the point D as shown in the figure. 1 2

C AB x (200 x) Physics | 8.91

Let AB be the rod and let C be the point at which the AA’ weight is hung. l 1=0.1m T1 (a) Stress in steel wire = B D 0.1 /A1 l =0.2m B’ T 2 Stress in brass wire = 2 0.2 C As the two stresses are equal, DDl+ l l =0.15m 12 TT T 3 12= or 1 = 0.5 … (i) C’ 0.1 0.2 T2 D

Taking moments about C, DDDl+ l+ l 123 T 200− x 1 = T1 = T2 (200 – x) or … (ii) Tx2 D’ Equations (i) and (ii) give 200− x = 0.5 For segment BC: x 10×× 9.8 0.2 –6 Or x = 133.3 cm = 1.33 m ∆=l2 = 4.9 × 10 m 10−4 ×× 4.0 1010 Stress T (b) Strain = = Dl Dl Y AY Displacement of C: = 1 + 2 As the strain in both wires are equal, = 4.9 × 10–6 m 11 TT T AY 0.1×× 20 10 For segment CD: 12= 1= 11 or = 11 AY11 AY 22 T2 AY 22 0.2×× 10 10 10×× 9.8 0.15 ∆=l –6 3 −4 10 =14.7 × 10 m ∴ 10×× 1.0 10 T1 = T2 ⇒ Dl Dl Dl Now, T1x = T2 (200 – x) x = 200 – x Displacement of D = 1 + 2 + 3 or x = 100 cm =1 m. = 23.52 × 10–6 m.

Example 2: A rod AD, consisting of three segments AB, Example 3: A steel rod of length 6.0 m and diameter BC and CD joined together, is hanging vertically from 20 mm is fixed between two rigid supports. Determine a fixed support at A. The lengths of the segments are the stress in the rod, when the temperature increases respectively 0.1 m, 0.2 m and 0.15 m. The cross-section by 80° C if of the rod is uniformly equal to 10–4 m2. A weight of 10 kg is hung from D. Calculate the displacements of the points B, C and D using the data on Young’s moduli given below (neglect the weight of the rod). 6.0m

2 YAB = 2.5 × 10 N/m, (a) The ends do not yield 2 YBC = 4.0 × 10 N/m and (b) The ends yield by 1 mm. 2 6 2 YCD = 1.0 × 10 N/m Take Y = 2.0 × 10 kg/cm

–6 Sol: From the formula for Young’s modulus deduce the And α = 12 × 10 per °C. elongation in each segment of the wire. Sol: Rise in temperature causes thermal strain and We know that thermal stress. Use the formula for coefficient of mgl 10×× 9.8 0.1 thermal expansion to obtain thermal strain. Thermal ∆=l = = 3.92 × 10–6 m AY 10−4 ×× 2.5 1010 stress is the product of Young’s modulus and thermal strain. This is the displacement of B. Given, length of the rod l = 6 m 8.92 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Diameter of the rod d = 20 mm = 2 cm Sol: Find the tension in the metal wire due to the masses connected to it. The stress due to tension should not Increase in temperature t = 80°C exceed the breaking stress. Young’s modulus Y = 2.0 × 106 kg/cm2 The stress in the wire And thermal coefficient of linear expansion Tension = α = 12 × 10–6 per °C Area of crosssection (a) When the ends do not yield To avoid breaking, this stress should not exceed the

Let, s1 = stress in the rod breaking stress. Using the relation σ = atY Let the tension in the wire be T. The equations of motion ∴ –6 6 of the two blocks are, s1 = (12 × 10 ) (80) (2 × 10 ) T – 10 N = (1kg) a and 20 N – T = (2kg) a = 1920 kg/cm2 =19.2 × 106 N Eliminating a from these equations, (b) When the ends yield by 1 mm T = (40/3) N Increase in length due to increase in temperature Dl = lat (40 / 3) N The stress = 2 Of this 1mm or 0.1 cm is allowed to expand. Therefore, πr net compression in the rod If the minimum radius needed to avoid breaking is r, N (40 / 3) N Dl = (lt – 0.1) 9 net 2 × 10 = m2 πr2 or compressive strain in the rod, Solving this, r = 4.6 × 10–5 m. ∆lnet 0.1 ε= = αt − ll Example 5: A steel rod of cross-sectional area 16 cm2 0.1 and two brass rods each of cross-sectional area 10 cm2 \ Stress s = Yε = Y α−t 2 l together support a load of 5000 kg as shown in figure Find the stress in the rods. Take Y for steel = 2.0 × 106 Substituting the values, kg/cm2 and for brass = 1.0 × 106 kg/cm

0.1 6 −6 5000kg s = 2 × 10 12× 10 ×− 80 2 600

= 1587 kg/cm2 = 15.8 × 106 N Brass Steel 30m 20cm


Example 4: Two blocks of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are connected by a metal wire going over a smooth pulley as shown in figure The breaking stress of the metal is 2 × 109 Nm–2. What should be the minimum radius of the wire used if it is not to break? Take g = 10 ms–2. Sol: Compression in the length of steel and brass rods is equal. From the formula for Young’s modulus deduce the compression in length of each rod and equate them to get the relation between respective stresses.

2 Given area of steel rod AS = 16 cm Area of two brass rods

1 kg 2 AB = 2 × 10 = 20 cm 2 kg Load, F = 5000 kg 6 2 Y for steel YS = 2.0×10 kg/cm Y Physics | 8.93

6 2 l Dl for brass YB = 1.0×10 kg/cm + + 2r = 5.22 l Dl l Length of steel rod S = 30 cm or = 5.22 – – 2r l Length of steel rod B = 20 cm 5.22 – 5 – 2 × 0.1 = 0.02 m Let s = stress in steel S Let T be the tension in the wire at mean position during and σ = stress in brass T/A B oscillations, Y = Decrease in length of steel rod = decrease in length of ∆ll/ brass rod YA∆l Yrπ∆2 l ∴ T = = l l σS σB or ×=llSB × YYSB Substituting the values, we have Y l (1.994× 1011 ) ×π× (0.5 × 10−3 ) 2 × 0.02 S ×B ×σ T = or sS = B YBSl 5 2.0× 106 20 = 626.43 N = × ×σB 1.0× 106 30 The equation of motion at mean position is, mv2 4 T – mg = \ s = σ …. (i) R S 3 B Hence, R = 5.22 – r = 5.22 – 0.1 = 5.12 m Now, using the relation, and m = 8π kg = 25.13 kg σ F = ssAs + BAB or Substituting the proper values in Eq. (i), we have 5000 = s × 16 + σ × 20 …. (ii) S B (25.13)v2 (626.43) – (25.13 × 9.8) = Solving eq. (i) and (ii), we get 5.12 σ 2 2 B =120.9 kg/cm and sS =161.2 kg/cm Solving this equation, we get V = 8.8 m/s

Example 6: A sphere of radius 0.1 m and mass 8π kg Example 7: A thin ring of radius R is made of a material is attached to the lower end of a steel wire length 5.0 of density ρ and Young’s modulus Y. If the ring is rotated –3 m and diameter 10 m. The wire is suspended from about its center in its own plane with angular velocity 5.22 m high ceiling of a room. When sphere is made ω, find the small increase in its radius. to swing as a simple pendulum, it just grazes the floor at its lowest point. Calculate velocity of the sphere at Sol: As the ring rotates each element of the ring of the lowest position. Young’s modulus of steel is 1.994 infinitesimal length experiences a centrifugal force, due × 1011 N/m2. to which the ring slightly expands, thus increasing its radius. The longitudinal strain in the ring produces a Sol: The elongation in the wire is known, thus the tensile stress or tension in the ring. corresponding stress can be calculated. The stress in l turn gives the tension in the wire. At the lowest point Consider an element PQ of length d . Let T be the the net acceleration of the sphere is centripetal, i.e. tension and A the area of cross-section of the wire. directed vertically upwards. Apply Newton’s second law Mass of element dm = volume × density = A (dl)ρ at the lowest point to find the speed of the sphere. The component of T, towards the center provides the Let Dl be the extension of wire when the sphere is at necessary centripetal force mean position. Then, we have θ 2 \ 2Tsin= (dm)R ω … (i) 2 θθ (dl / R) For small angles sin ≈= 22 2 T 5.22m Substituting in eq. (i), we have

dl 2 T.= A(dl ) ρω R or T = Arw2R2 R 8.94 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

2 Let DR be the increase in radius, Area of part AB, A2 = 25 cm 2 Longitudinal strain Area of part CD, A3 = 12. 5 cm ∆l ∆π(2 R) ∆ R l = = Length of part AB, 1 = 120 cm π l 2R R l Length of part BC, 2 = 60 cm Length of part CD, l = 90 cm Tcos(q/2) Tcos(q/2) 3 (q/2) (q/2) Young’s modulus of elasticity Y = 2.1 × 106 kg/cm2 F

q Magnitude of the force F2 for equilibrium

O The magnitude of force F2 may be found by equating TTthe forces acting towards right to those acting towards left,

F2 + F4 = F1 + F3 T/A F + 13000 = 4500 + 45000 Now, Y = 2 ∆R/R \ F2 = 36500 kg TR (Aρω22 R )R ρω23R ∴ ∆=R = or DR = AY AY Y Total Elongation of the member For the sake of simplicity, the force of 36500 kg (acting Example 8: A member ABCD is subjected to point at B) may be split up into two forces of 4500 kg and loads F1, F2, F3 and F4 as shown in figure Calculate the 32000 kg. The force of 45000 kg acting at C may be split force F2 for equilibrium if F1 = 4500 kg, into two forces of 32000 kg and 13000 kg. Now, it will F = 45000 kg and F =13000 kg. be seen that the part AB of the member is subjected 3 4 to a tension of 4500 kg, part BC is subjected to a Determine the total elongation of the member, compression of 32000 kg and part CD is subjected to a 6 2 assuming modulus of elasticity to be 2.1 × 10 kg/cm . tension of 13,000 kg. Using the relation. 2 25cm 1 FF11ll 22 F33l 2 ∆l =  −+ 6.25cm BC  YA123 A A A D F1 F2 F3 F4 With usual notation

2 1 12.5cm ∆l =x 2.1× 106 120cm 60cm 90cm 4500× 120 32000 ×× 60 13000 90 −+ cm 6.25 25 12.5 Sol: Find the tension in each segment of the member  ABCD. From the formula of Young’s modulus, find the = 0.049 cm or Dl = 0.49 mm elongation in each segment. Given

2 Area of part AB, A1 = 6.25 cm Physics | 8.95

JEE Main/Boards

Exercise 1 Q.9 A metal cube of side 10 cm is subjected to a shearing stress of 104 Nm–2. Calculate the modulus of Q.1 A wire is replaced by another wire of same length rigidity if the top of the cube is displaced by 0.05 cm and material but of twice diameter. with respect to its bottom. (i) What will be the effect on the increase in its length under a given load? Q.10 Calculate the increase in energy of a brass bar of length 0.2 m and cross sectional area 1cm2 when (ii) What will be the effect on the maximum load which combined with a load of 5kg weight along its length. it can bear? Young’s modulus of brass = 1.0 × 1011 Nm–2 and g = 9.8 ms–2. Q.2 Two wires are made of same metal. The length of the first wire is half that of the second wire and its diameter Q.11 A wire 30m long and of 2 mm2 cross-section is is double that of the second wire. If equal loads are stretched due to a 5kg-wt by 0.49 cm. Find applied on both wires, find the ratio of increase in their lengths. (i) The longitudinal strain (ii) The longitudinal stress and Q.3 The breaking force for a wire is F. What will be the (iii) Young’s modulus of the material of the wire. breaking forces for (i) Two parallel wires of this size and Exercise 2 (ii) For a single wire of double thickness? Single Correct Choice Type Q.4 What force is required to stretch a steel wire 1 sq. cm in cross section to double its length? Y = 2 × 1011 steel Q.1 A wire of length 1m is stretched by a force of 10N. Nm–2. The area of cross-section of the wire is 2 × 10–6 m2 & γ is 2 × 1011 N/m2. Increase in length of the wire will be-

Q.5 A structural steel rod has a radius of 10 mm and –5 –5 length of 1.0 m. A 100 kN force stretches it along its (A) 2.5 × 10 cm (B) 2.5 × 10 mm length. Calculate (a) stress, (b) elongation, and (c)% (C) 2.5 × 10–5 m (D) None strain in the rod. Young’s modulus of structural steel is 2.0 × 1011 Nm–2. Q.2 A uniform steel wire of density 7800 kg/m3 is 2.5 m long and weighs 15.6 × 10–3 kg. It extends by Q.6 Find the maximum length of a steel wire that can 1.25 mm when loaded by 8kg. Calculate the value of hang without breaking. young’s modulus for steel. Breaking stress = 7.9×1012 dyne/cm2. (A) 1.96 × 1011 N/m2 (B) 19.6 × 1011 N/m2 Density of steel = 7.9 g/cc. (C) 196 × 1011 N/m2 (D) None

Q.7 A spherical ball contracts in volume by 0.01%, Q.3 The work done in increasing the length of a one when subjected to a normal uniform pressure of 100 meter long wire of cross-sectional area 1mm2 through atmosphere. Calculate the bulk modulus of the material. 1mm will be (Y = 2 × 1011 N/m2) (A) 250 J (B) 10 J (C) 5 J (D) 0.1 J Q.8 A sphere contracts in volume by 0.02% when taken to the bottom of sea 1 km deep. Find bulk modulus of the material of sphere. Density of sea water is 1000 kg/m3. 8.96 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

Q.4 The lengths and radii of two wires of same material (C) Length=200cm, diameter= 2 mm are respectively L, 2L, and 2R, R. Equal weights are (D) Length=300 cm, diameter=3 mm applied on them. If the elongations produced in them l l are 1 and 2 respectively, then their ratio will be Q.2 A given quantity of an ideal gas is at pressure p and (A) 2 : 1 (B) 4: 1 (C) 8 : 1 (D) 1 : 8 absolute temperature T. The isothermal bulk modulus of the gas (1998) Q.5 What is the density of lead under a pressure of 2 3 (A) p (B) p (C) p (D) 2p 2.0×108 N/m2, if the bulk modulus of lead is 8.0×109 N/m2 3 2 and initially the density of lead is 11.4g/cm3 ?

3 3 Q.3 The pressure of a medium is changed from 1.01 × (A) 11.69g/cm (B) 11.92g/cm 5 105 Pa to 1.165× 10 Pa and change in volume is 10% (C) 11.55g/cm3 (D) 11.862g/cm3 keeping temperature constant. The bulk modulus of the medium is (2005) 33 5 5 Q.6 A rubber rod of density 1.3× 10 kg / m and (A) 204.8× 10 Pa (B) 102.4× 10 Pa 62 6× 10 N / m 5 5 Young’s modulus hangs from the ceiling (C) 51.2× 10 Pa (D) 1.55× 10 Pa of a room. Calculate the deviation in the value of its length from the original value 10m. Q.4 A pendulum made of a uniform wire of cross (A) 10.9 cm (B) 5.8 cm (C) 9.3 cm (D) 10.6 cm sectional area A has time period T. When an additional mass M is added to its bob, the time period changes to Q.7 A metal rod is trapped horizontally between two TM . If the Young’s modulus of the material of the wire vertical walls. The coefficient of linear expansion of the 1 −5  is Y then is equal to: (g = gravitational acceleration rod is equal to 1.2× 10 / C and its Young’s modulus Y 11 2 2× 10 N / m . If the temperature of the rod is increased (2015) by 5°C, calculate the stress developed in it. 2 2 TM Mg TM A 7 2 7 2 (A) − 1 (B) 1 −  (A) 2.2×10 N/m (B) 3.1 × 10 N/m TA T Mg   (C) 1.2 × 107 N/m2 (D) 1.2 × 104 N/m2 2 2 TA T A (C) 1 −  (D) M − 1 T Mg T Mg Previous Years’ Questions M 

Q.1 The following four wires are made of the same material. Which of these will have the largest extension when the same tension is applied? (1981) (A) Length=50 cm, diameter=0.5 mm (B) Length=100 cm, diameter = 1 mm

JEE Advanced/Boards

Exercise 1 Q.2 Calculate the pressure required to stop the increase in volume of a copper block when it is heated from 50oC to 70°C. Coefficient of linear expansion of copper = 8.0× 2 Q.1 A rubber cord has a cross-sectional area 1mm 10‒6/°C and the bulk modulus of elasticity = 1011 N/m2. and total unstretched length 10.0 cm. It is stretched to 12.0 cm and then released to project a missile of Q.3 Calculate the increase in energy of a brass bar of mass 5.0g. Taking Young’s modulus Y for rubber as length 0.2m and cross-sectional area 1.0 cm2, when 82 5.0× 10 N / m . Calculate the velocity of projection. compressed with a load of 5kg-weight along its 11 2 length. Young’s modulus of brass =1.0 × 10 N / m and g = 9.8 m/s2. Physics | 8.97

Exercise 2 4

Q.1 A steel wire of uniform cross-section of 2mm2 is 3 heated upto 50° and clamped rigidly at two ends. If the temperature of wire falls to 30° then change in tension 2 in the wire will be, if coefficient of linear expansion of steel is 1.1 × 10–5 /°C and young’s modulus of elasticity 1 of steel is 2 × 1011 N/m2. W(N) (A) 44 N (B) 88 N (C) 132 N (D) 22 N 20 40 60 80

Q.2 A metallic wire is suspended by suspending weight (A) 2 × 1011 N/m2 (B) 2 × 10–11 N/m2 to it. If S is longitudinal strain and Y its young’s modulus (C) 2 × 1012 N/m2 (D) 2 × 1013 N/m2 of elasticity. Potential energy per unit volume will be

1 22 1 2 1 2 (A) YS (B) YS (C) YS (D) 2YS2 Q.3 In Searle’s experiment, which is used to find Young’s 2 2 2 modulus of elasticity, the diameter of experimental wire is D = 0.05 cm (measured by a scale of least count −10 2 Q.3 The compressibility of water is5× 10 m / N. 0.001 cm) and length is L = 110 cm (measured by a Find the decrease in volume of 100 ml of water when scale of least count 0.1 cm). A weight of 50N causes an subjected to a pressure of 15 mPa. extension of l = 0.125 cm (measured by a micrometer (A) 0.75 ml (B) 0.75 mm of least count 0.001 cm). Find maximum possible error in the values of Young’s modulus. Screw gauge and (C) 0.75 mm (D) 7.5 mm meter scale are free from error. (2004)

Q.4 The upper end of a wire 1 meter long and 2mm Q.13 In plotting stress versus strain curves for two radius is clamped. The lower end is twisted through an materials P and Q, a student by mistake puts strain angle of 45º. The angle of shear is on the y-axis and stress on the x-axis as shown in the ( ) (A) 0.09° (B) 0.9° (C) 9° (D) 90° figure. Then the correct statement(s) is(are) 2015

Previous Years’ Questions Strain P Q.1 Two rods of different materials having coefficient Q of thermal expansion a1, a2 and Young’s moduli Y1, Y2 respectively are fixed between two rigid massive walls. The rods are heated such that they undergo the same Stress increase in temperature. There is no bending of the (A) P has more tensile strength than Q rods. If a1 : a2 = 2:3, the thermal stresses developed in (B) P is more ductile than Q the two roads are equal provided Y1 : Y2 is equal to ( ) 1989 (C) P is more brittle than Q (A) 2 : 3 (B) 1 : 1 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 4 : 9 (D) The Young’s modulus of P is more than that of Q

Q.2 The adjacent graph shows extension (Dl) of a wire of length 1m suspended from the top of a roof at one end and with a load W connected to the other end. If the cross-sectional area of the wire is 10–6m2, calculate from the graph the Young’s modulus of the material of the wire. (2003) 8.98 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

PlancEssential Questions

JEE Main/Boards JEE Advanced/Boards

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Q. 1 Q.3 Q.7 Q.1 Q.4 Q.10

Exercise 2 Previous Years’ Questions Q.4 Q.6 Q.7 Q.1 Q.2 Q.3

Previous Years’ Questions Q.9 Q.11

Answer Key

JEE Main/ Boards

Exercise 1

Q.2 1: 8 Q.3 (i) 2F (ii) 4F Q.4 2 × 107 N

Q.5 (a) 3.18 × 108 N m–2 (b) 1.59 mm (c) 0.16% Q.6 1.02 × 109 cm

Q.7 1.013 × 1011 Q.8 4.9 × 1010 Q. 9 2 × 106 Nm–2

Q.10 2.4 × 10–5 J Q.11 1.5 × 1011 N/m2.

Exercise 2

Single Correct Choice Type

Q.1 C Q.2 A Q.3 D Q.4 D Q.5 A

Q.6 D Q.7 C

Previous Years’ Questions

Q.1 A Q.2 B Q.3 D Q.4 D Physics | 8.99

JEE Advanced/Boards

Exercise 1

Q.1 20 m/s Q.2 1.728 × 108 N/m2 Q3 2.4 × 10–5 J

Exercise 2

Q.1 B Q.2 C Q.3 A Q.4 A

Previous Years’ Questions

Q.1 C Q.2 A Q.3 1.09 × 1010 N/m2 Q.4 A, B


JEE Main/Boards ∆L Sol 4: F = y A L Exercise 1 ∆L = 2L – L = L L fL F = 2 × 1011 10–4 = 2 × 107 N Sol 1: ∆L = L Ay

If diameter is increased to twice then Sol 5: r = 10 × 10–3 m (i) ∆L will decrease to ¼ value R = 10–2 m ∆L (ii) F = A L = 1 m L F 100× 103 105 109 (a) Stress = = = = Maximum load capacity will decrease to ¼ of initial A π(10−22 ) π×10−4 π value. = 3.18 × 108 N/m2 L2 stress× length Sol 2: L1 = (b) Elongation = ∆L = 2 y d = 2d ; A = 4A 3.18×× 108 1 1 2 1 2 = = 1.59 × 10–3 m = 1.59 mm 2× 1011 F1 = F2 ××−3 FL ∆L 1.59 10 100 ∆L = (c) % Strain = × 100 = = 0.159% Ay L 1 ∆L LA 1 1 1 1 = 12 = = ∆L2 AL12 2 4 8

Sol 3: Breaking force for two parallel wires of this size

(i) F’ = F1 + F2 = F + F = 2F Sol 6: Stress=7.9 × 107 N/cm2 = 7.9 × 1011 N/m2 (ii) If thickness is double that means area is 4 times. F ρAg ∆L ∆L Stress = = = ρlg = 7.9 × 1011 F = YA ⇒ F’ = Y 4A = 4F A A L L 7.9× 1011  = = 107 m = 109 cm 7900× 10 8.100 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

∆V stress Sol 7: = –10–4 (iii) Young’s modulus = V strain P = 100 × 105 N/m2 2.45× 107 11 2 7 = 1.5 × 10 N/m −P 1.013× 10 1.633× 10−4 B = = = 1.013 × 1011 Nm–2 ∆V/V 10− 4

Sol 8: Pressure at 1 km depth = P Exercise 2 = P0 + 1000 × 98 × 1000 5 7 5 2 = 10 + 98 × 10 = 99 × 10 N/m Sol 1: (C) Stress = F/A = 10/(2 × 10–6) −P 99× 105 Bulk modulus = = = 5 × 106 N/m2 ∆V/V 2× 10−4 Stress 5× 106 = 4.9 × 1010 Pa Strain = = Y 2× 1011 ∆X 0.05 = 2.5 × 10–5 Sol 9: Stream = = = 5 × 10–3 L 10 l = L × strain = 1 × 2.5 × 10–5 stress 104 Modulus = = l = 2.5 × 10–5 m strain 5× 10−3 10 = × 106 = 2 × 106 N/m2 Sol 2: (A) Volume = Mass / density 5 Area of cross-section = Volume/length 5× 10 5× 10 –6 −3 Sol 10: Strain = −4 11 = 7 = 5 × 10 mass 15.6× 10 10× 10 10 = = = 8 × 10–7 m2 density× length 7800× 2.5 Increase in energy = work done 50 Fl 8×× 9.8 2.5 1 –6 –4 × × 5 × 10 × 10 × 0.2 Y = = −−73 2 10−4 AL∆ (8× 10 ) ×× 1.25 10 −11 250× 10 11 2 = = 250×10–7=2.5× 10–5 J Y = 1.96 × 10 N/m 10−4 Sol 3: (D) Work done on the wire (i) The initial length of the wire Sol 11: 1 WF= ×l = L = 30m 2 The increase in length of the wire, 1 = × stress × volume × strain 2 l = 0.44 × 10–2 1 2 Longitudinal stress W= ×× Y strain × volume 2 −4 =l / L = 1.633 × 10 . 1 ∆lL22 YA∆ L2 (ii) The tension applied to the wire= Mg = 5 × 9.8 N WY= ×× × AL = 2 L22 2L Area of cross section of the wire, 2××× 1011 10−− 6 10 6 A = 2 mm2 = 2 × 10–6 m2 W = = 0.1 J 21× ∴ Longitudinal stress 2 5× 9.8 l1Lr 12 =Mg / A = Sol 4: (D) = 2× 10−6 l 2 2 Lr21 =2.45 × 1072 N / m L1 = L, L2 = 2L, r1 = 2R., r2 = R

l LR2 1 ∴ 1 = = 2 l2 2L4R 8 Physics | 8.101

ρ ρ=' dp   p Sol 5: (A) The changed density, dp ∴ pdV + Vdp = 0 or  = −  1 − dV   V B Substituting the value, we have ∴ Bulk modulus, 11.4 dp   dp ρ=' B = –  = − V 2.0× 108 dV / V   dV 1 − 9 8.0× 10 p ∴ B=−− Vp = ρ=' 11.69g / cm3 ≈ 11.7g/cm3 V ∴ B = p AL Sol 6: (D) Mass of the rod = if A is its cross sectional g ρ Note: Adiabatic bulk modulus is given by B = p. area Weight acts at the mid-point Sol 3: (D) From the definition of bulk modulus, mg (L / 2) −dp ∴ Y = × B = AL∆ (dV / V)

If L is the original length Substituting the values, we have

2 5 mgL gρ L (1.165−× 1.01) 10 5 ⇒ ∆L = = B = =1.55 × 10 Pa 2AY 2Y (10 / 100) 9.8× 1.3 = = 10.6cm 120 Sol 4: (D)  Time period, T2= π Sol 7: (C) If L = initial length of the rod, increase in g length caused by temperature increase When additional mass M is added to its bob = L α θ +∆ If this expansion is prevented by a compressive force, T2M = π then g Mg +  Lαθ −5 Mg  Strain= αθ = 6 × 10 ∆=  ⇒=π AY L  T2M AY g ∴ Stress developed in the rod 2  6 2 TM Mg = Y × strain = 12 × 10 N/m =1 + T AY = 1.2 × 107 N/m2 2 1AT = M − 1 Y Mg T  Previous Years’ Questions JEE Advanced/Boards   FFll 1 ∆=l = ∆∝l Exercise 1 Sol 1: (A)  or ( ) 2 AY πd2 d Y  Sol 1: Equivalent force constant of rubber cord. 4 86− 1 YA (5.0×× 10 )(1.0 10 ) 3 Now, is maximum in option (A). k = = =5.0 × 10 N / m d2 l (0.1) Now, from conservation of mechanical energy, elastic Sol 2: (B) In isothermal process potential energy of cord pV = constant 8.102 | Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity

= Kinetic energy of missile Where A is the area of cross-section of the bar and L is the initial length 1122 ∴ k(∆=l ) mv 22 FL ∴ l =  3 AY k 5.0× 10 −2 ∴ v = ∆l = (12.0−× 10.0) 10 m −3 Hence from equation (i), we have  5.0× 10 FL2 = 20 m/s W = 2AY Note: Following assumptions have been made in this Here F = 5kg, wt=5 × 9.8 N, L=0.2 m problem: A = 1.0 cm2 = 1.0 × 10–6 m2 and (i) k has been assumed constant, even though it depends on the length (l). Y = 1.0 × 10–5 N/m2 (ii) The whole of the elastic potential energy is (5×× 9.8)2 0.2 ∴ W = converting into kinetic energy of missile. 2×× (1.0 10−4 ) ×× (1.0 1011 )

−5 Sol 2: Let the initial volume of the block be V and v the =2.4 × 10 J increase in volume when it is heated t to t . Then 1 2 This is the increase in energy of the bar.

v= V ×γ× (t21 − t ) Where γ is the coefficient of volume expansion. The Exercise 2 volume strain is therefore, v =γ−(t t ) Sol 1: (B) V 21 F = Y α DtA; A = 2 × 10–6 m2 The bulk modulus is 2 –5 change in pressure Y = 2 × 11 N/m ; α = 1.1 × 10 B = volume strain T = 50 – 30 = 20°C

P 11 –5 –6 B = F = 2 × 10 ×1.1×10 ×20 × 2 × 10 = 88 N γ−(t21 t ) Sol 2: (C) Potential energy per unit volume = u P=γ− B (t21 t ) 1 stress =××stress strain ; But Y = Given B = 3.6 × 1011 N/m2 2 strain ∴ γ = 3α = 3 × 8.0 × 10–6 stress = Y × strain = Y × S ∴ = 24 × 10–6 /°C Potential energy per unit volume = u

112 (t2 – t1) = 70 – 50 = 20°C =×=(YS)S YS 22 ∴ P (3.6 × 1011) × (24 × 10–6) × 20 = 1.728 × 108 N/m2 Sol 3: (A) 1V∆ Sol 3: Work done in compressing the bar is given by  Compressibility = = KVP×∆ 1 WF= l 1 2 DV = (V × DP) × K Where F is the force applied on the bar and l is the DV = (100 × 15 × 106) × 5 × 10–10 compression in the length of the bar. By Hooke’s law, the Young’s modulus of the material of the bar is given by DV = 0.75 ml F / A FL Y = = rφ (2 / 1000)45 ll/L A Sol 4: (A) θ= = = 0.09° L 1 Physics | 8.103

Previous Years’ Questions Sol 4: (A B) stress Y = σ α Dθ σ σ strain Sol 1: (C) Thermal stress = Y Given, 1 = 2 1 strain 1 1 ∴ Y a Dθ = Y a Dθ 1 1 2 2 ⇒= ⇒ > ⇒YYPQ < Y stress YP Yθ Y α 3 or 12= = Y221α



l Sol 2: (A) ∆=l .W YA i.e., graph is a straight line passing through origin (as l shown in question also), the slope of which is . YA l \Slope =  YA l 1 ∴ Y =  YA slope

1.0 (80− 20) =  10−−64 (4−× 1) 10

= 2.0 × 1011 N/m2

Sol 3: Young’s modulus of elasticity is given by Stress F / A FL FL Y = = = = Strainll / L A πd2 l  4 Substituting the values, we get 50×× 1.1 4 Y = (1.25× 10−−3 ) ×π× (5.0 × 1042 )

=2.24 × 1011 N / m 2

∆Y ∆L ∆l ∆d Now, = + + 2 Y L l d 0.1 0.001 0.001 =++2 = 0.0489 110 0.125 0.05  DY = (0.0489) Y = (0.0489) × (2.24 × 1011) N/m2 = 1.09 × 1010 N/m2