46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015) 1868.pdf NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF IMPACTS OF A SPHERICAL SHELL PROJECTILE ON SMALL ASTEROIDS. K. Kurosawa1, H. Senshu1, K. Wada1, and TDSS team, Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology, (
[email protected]) Introduction: Recently, impactors have been strength of the target Y is given by Y = max(Ycoh + µP, widely used in a number of planetary exploration Ylimit), where Ycoh, µ, P, and Ylimit are the cohesion in missions [e.g., 1-4] to excavate the fresh material from the target, the coefficient of internal friction, the underground of asteroids, which are expected not to pressure in the target, and the Hugoniot elastic limit of suffer space weathering and thermal alteration due to the target. We employed the ε−α compaction model solar incidence. [11] to investigate the effects of the target porosity on The prediction of impact outcomes is necessary to the excavation processes. No gravity was included into derive scientific results as much as possible. There are the calculation. Lagrangian tracer particles were two problems, however, to predict impact outcomes on inserted into the grids to investigate the impact-driven small asteroids. First, the mechanical properties of flow field. For reference, we also conducted a few asteroids, such as the bulk porosity and the yield simulations using a dense copper spherical impactor strength, are largely unknown prior to arriving near with the same mass under the same conditions. target asteroids. Asteroids have a variation of the Results: Examples of snapshots of the simulation porosity from 0% to 80 % [5].