Marine Torpedo. No 47, 776
W00D & LAY. Marine Torpedo. No 47, 776. Patented May 16, 1865. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WM. W. W. WOOD, AND JOHN L. LAY, OF THE UNITED STATES NAVY, ASSIGNORS TO DONALD MCKAY, OF EAST BOSTON, MASS. M PROVE MENT IN SUBMARINE Explosiv E S - ELLS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 4A ?, ? ? G, dated May 16, 1865; antedated February 25, 1865. To all uvho7nn, ibi may concern, : || our invention, we will now proceed to describe Be it known that We, WILLIAMI W. W. || its construction, operation, and effect. WOOD, Chief Engineer, and JOHN L. LAY, On reference to the accompanying drawings, First-Assistant Engineer, both of the United || which forma part of this specification, Figure States Navy, have invented certain Improve- || 1 is a vertical section of our improved subma ments in Submarine Shells or Torpedoes; and | Irine shell or torpedo; Fig. 2, a sectional plan we do hereby declare the following to be a full, i on the line 1, 2, Fig. 1, and Figs. 3, 4, and 5 clear, and exact description of the same, refer- || views illustrative of experiments made with ence being had to the accompanying drawings, | our improved shells. and to the letters of reference marked thereon. In the present instance, the casing A of the Our invention relates to certain improve- || shell is constructed of sheet-iron in the form ments in shells or torpedoes to be submerged || of a hollow cylinder, A, closed at the lower or partly submerged, and to be used for the || end and furnished at the upper end with a de sinking of vessels, the removal of obstructions || tachable cover, B, the lower closed end being from rivers or harbors, and the destruction of || cone - shaped, if desired, and being made folrtifications.
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