Battle of Marne, One French Capital Safe
frftrwmrpiitfiffpfipimrz-r- r - r . WASHINGTON TIMES; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10; 1915. .-- , -- - .. .THE 1 - - German submarine war, it is not to that "other countries, big nnd little, J be affected by any arbitration on the realize that to exist it is inuispen JUST HAD TO WORK DUMBA THE NINTH incident of damages. sable to work in time of peace and Battle of Marne, One PUBLISHED EVENING-(Includin- BVBR.T expres- surround themselves with the most Sundays) Studied in the light of the ByThe Washington Times Company sions which Washington has con- positive of guarantees." sub- Nothing more illogical could bo GODOWSKV INSISTS ENVOY SENT HOME THE MUNBBT BUILDINQ, Pcnno. ave. veyed to Germany In regard to YearAgo Todayv Held in imagined than the notion, in some FRANK A. MUNSEY, President. marine warfare and its methods minds, war-explosi- will R. H. the Lusitania and Arabic cases, it that this TITHERINGTON, Secretary. the bj the last of its kind. Rather it a H. POPE, Treasurer. will require much ingenuity for State Department to figure how thiB will likely be the beginning of n se- House Full of Guests Forced French Capital Safe Three British, Two French, One Tear (Including Sunday), tt.50. new can possibly ries of wars. New alignments may Six German attitude Into He Month. M.78. Three Months. 80c. be effected. But will the allies, de- Pianist Retirement, Two Spanish, and One Turk- satisfy American demands. German Driven' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, Tnero is, moreover, suggestion of feated, lie supine under German ays Tells Story to Police. Army Back on Threshold of Victory ish Got Passports.
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