The Ann Arbor Register.

I TWELVE VOL.XXIV.NO. 21. 1 PAOBS. ANN ARBOB, , THURSDAY, MAY 26.1898. WHOLE NO. BENNETT WILL CASE. Regent* Independent. GARROTED NARCISO LOPEZ An article in last week's Register i mentioned tho fact that Auditor Gener- ->W * If from us they are right.'' AUi,i>ii:>rs 11 > n.itii v% . al Dix had refused to audit the bills for HE WAS THE I lies I TO ATTEMPT the construction of the new law build- CUBA'S LilBEICATION. .Inrj Has a Peculiar Ca»o to Settle- ing holding that the Regents had not All Sort* of Opinion* an lo Outcome properly observed the law in regard to Raised a Small Band In the I nllod SPECIAL It 1* Relieved It will Take the submitting plans and specification. He Mates—They met Only Dimmer and Jury Some Time to Decide If finally agreed to submit the matter to Death—Spaniard* Uarroted Lopez. They Iteuch a Deci- Attorney-General Maynard for an Tho following, from a recent issue of Consider Your LADIES' sion at all. opinon which was furnished Sat- urday. The attorney-general holds the Times-Herald, of Chicago, concern- The Circuit Court has for the past the first attempts of Cuban liberty, will week been the scene of an unusually that the law requiring an ex- amination of building plans by thebe read with interest at the present ...Wants... interesting suit. It is the case of state boards named does not apply to time. Jerome Schemerhorn, a mulatto, who the regents of the University. "When Did you ever hear of Narciso Lopez? and come to The Store claims that the late Mollio Bennett will the state appropriates money to theHe was the man who wrote about the ed him her property valued at some first chapter of our trouble with Cuba, SHOE University, the attorney-general says, and the international complication SATURDAY—THIS WEEK, $12,000. The relatives of the deceased "it passes to the regents and becomes which began in 1848 has grown more are contesting the claims of Schemer- the property of the University to be ex-and more troublesome to the govern- SALS horn. The latter claims that Mollie pended under the exclusive direction of ment for just half a century. Narciso You'll find \ Bennett made a will in his favor, which the regents, and passes beyond the con- Lopez was born in Venezuela, of a dis- tinguished family. Ho was an aristo- will mysteriously dissappearod when trol of the state through its legislative crat, a royalist, and wheD Spanish arma "THE CORNELL' Miss Bennett diod about a year ago. department." The people by the con- clashed against those of the rising Ven- Great Reductions stitution, it is held, have excluded all ezuelan patriots he fought to put down He, however, claims to possess a copy in everything that's Seasonable A Shoe of lasting beauty. Stylish of thewill which gives him the prorerty departments of the state government the insurrection. At Madrid he be- enough for the drawing room reception- from any interference with the state came a hero. In the first and greatest and Wearable that day. Shemerhorn's attorneys also made an of the Carlist uprisings Lopez fought Strong enough for all-day tramping. effort to show that Shemerhorn was an board of regents, and constitutional with the crown soldiers and against Don Special attention is directed to Has all the winning points of the beat boards are not to be subordinate to Carlos. And when the war was over— illegitimate son of Mollie Bennett's sis- boards created by the legislature. our big bargains in shoe made. Fine silk vesting top, new ter, and farther that the Bennetts it lasted from 1883 to 1840—Lopez was coin toe, lace boot, either in black or themselves had negro blood in their tan. All sizes. Widths AA to E. veins. Numerous witnesses were pro- Ladies' Shoes duced to substantiate their claims. Several witnesses testified that the HEMORIAL DAY. Colored Dress Goods GOODSPEED'S, Bennetts were of a decidedly swarthy MAIL. OK HERS THE FOLLOWING QENBRALOEDEB8 HAVE BEEN ISSDED BY W. B. SMITtl Black Dress Goods \ ) PKO.VPTLV FILLED. 119 S. MAIN ST. complexion, that at their home colored COMMANDER OF WELCH POST, G. A. R. OF TUTS CITY, WHICH people were accustomed to gather, that ABE OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR CITIZENS. very few of the young men in the Wash Dress Goods neighborhood ever visited the Bennett HEADQUARTERS WELCH POST, NO. 137, ) Silks and Trimmings home because it was a common report DEPARTMENT OF MICH., G. A. R., - that they were part negro. Other wit- May 23, 1898. ) Tailored Dresses nesses stated that they had beard Doc GENERAL ORDERS: Bennett, a brother of Mollie, say that 1st. In obedience to General Orders from National and Department Skirts Capes and Waists LADIES, LISTEN! the property should go to Jerome Headquarters, Memorial Day will be observed by Welch Post. Shemerhorn. Still another witness Comrades will assemble at the Post Rooms on Sunday morning, Hosiery and Gloves If you will come into our store while down testified that she had heard Mollie at 10:00 a. m., sharp, for the purpose of attending a Memorial Bennett declare that her property sermon at the First Baptist Church, to be delivered by Rev. Ladies' Underwear town we will show you a large selection of.... should go to Jerome and that she, Mol- T. W. Young, pastor of the church. The Woman's Relief lie Bennett, had made a will to that Corps and Joe T. Jacobs Camp S. of V., are cordially invited Muslin Underwear effect and that the will was in safe to attend these services. All soldiers and sailors of the late keeping. Two witnesses were produc- civil war residing in this city and vicinity, not members off Summer Corsets METALIC BELTS ed who swore that they had witnessed Welch Post, are also invited to meet with us at the Post™ a will by Mollie Bennett giving the pro- Rooms, Corner of Main and Washington streets, and attend Ladies' Umbrellas of the latest designs. perty to Shemerhorn. One of these services with us at the church. witnesses stated that he had made a 2d On Monday, May 30, at ten o'clock a. m. a detachment will be Millinery Our spring styles of Shirt Waist Buttons, copy of the will he witnessed. It is conveyed from the Post Rooms to St. Thomas' Cemetery who upon this so-called copy that Shemer- will there decorate the graves of our deceased comrades. At Boys' Clothing Cuff Buttons, etc., has also arrived. horn is basing his claim. Another one o'clock p. m. all comrades and sons of Veterans will meet witness testified that he had leased a at the Post Rooms, and at two o'clock will march to the 5th Men's Clothing Nothing sets off a pretty garment so much tract of land from the Bennetts on a Ward Cemetery and decorate the graves of deceased comrades. as does some appropriate jewelry. (.Continued on page five] An address will be delivered by Rev. J. T. Sunderland. The and all kinds of notions. Appropriate Resolutions. procession will return to the Michigan Central Depot and will there be conveyed in street cars to Forest Hill Cemetery To the Board of Directors of Forest where the graves of deceased comrades will be decorated and Hill Cemetery Company: services held in accordance with the Ritual. Welch Post G. Charged with the duty of giving ex- A. R. cordially extends an invitation to the City Officials and pression to the sense of loss which this military, fraternal and other organizations of the city to join hoard has sustained by the death of our us in these services. late colleague, Elihu B. Pond, secreta- ry and treasurer of the company, your 3d. All comrades and officials and other organizations will assemble committee submit the following resolu- in the Chapel, at University Hall at 7:30 p. m. sharp and pro- 216 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. tions: ceed to the Auditorium to attend tho public exercises to be First, That the board of directors held there. Hon. A. J. Sawyer will deliver the address and learn with profound and inexpressible national and patriotic songs will be sung by some of our best sorrow of the death of their colleague, singers. "SOROSIS" Elihu B. Pond, whose fidelity to duty, Let us show by our presence at all these services that our and estimable qualities of head and fallen comrades are still held in grateful remembrance as heart endeared him to all who knew martyrs to the cause of liberty and the preservation of the The New Shoe for Women. him, and whoso demise is to every Union of all the state?. member of the board a personal le- School children and comrades and citizens generally are reavement. requested to bring flowers to the basement of the court house The Acme of Fashion— Second, That by his death Forest and the 5th Ward Cemetery on Monday morning at 9 o'clock, Hill Cemetery company loses a worthy where members of the Woman's Relief Corps will prepare The Smartest Boot on Earth. . member and a faithful officer, the city them for decorating the graves. Comrade P. Irwin has been appointed Marshal of the Day and state an upright and respected cit- Spring and Summer What is more attractive than a handsome izen, and the members of this board a and will be obeyei accordingly. foot? "Sorosis" will make yours so, no matter true and trusted friend. By order of what size you wear. WILLARD B. SMITH, Commander. Shoes Third, That the secretary be direct- Very Swell are Sorosis Shoes. ed to convey our expression of sympa- J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Adjutant. of all kinds sold at lowest prices. thy to tho widow and family of our de- Made in all sizes and shapes. Sold only by ceased colleague and friend, by trans- L. GRUNNER, - 1181 Main St. mitting to them a copy of these resolu- Annual Pioneer Meeting. greatly honored. Before the revolu- The Celebrated Wm. C. Reinhardt, . 212 S. Main St., Ann Arbor tions, and that these proseedings be The annual meeting of the Pioneer tion was fully defeated—in 1839—he spread upon the records of the compa- was made governor of the Spanish pro- and Hisiorical society of Washtenaw vince of Valencia, and they gave him Pingree Composite Shoe ny. Respectfully submitted, county will be held in the Presbyterian the full rank of a general in 1840. always on hand. HENRY S. DEAX, church in Ypsilanti on June 8th, 1898, But he seems not to have been made Riding Cultivators, Walking Cultivators, H. J. HROWN, at 10 o'clock a. m. A large attendance of the stuff that could fill his life with E. H. ScoTr, is expected, and the hospitable people sttuttings in fine uniforms through plazas, or with dwadling at bull fights; Committee. of Ypsilanti and adjoining towns are High-Class Engravings •I. making arrangements for the meeting, so, in 1841, he went to Cuba. And ...Thill Cultivators about the first thins he did there was Remember The Alice. and will welcome all the old settlers of to begin plotting against the crown. When Jim Robinson, of , was this county and furnish them with a There was a thought in Cuba that the and Etchings... The Buckeye, Planet Jr., Iron in the city the other day he told a good bountiful dinner as well as a literary Island should be free. That thought The best Portraits of His- and musical treat consisting of essays had always existed. Lopez encouraged torical and Literary Person- Age and Buffalo-Pitts^ one on the Detroit Naval Reserves, and and speeches ou the first settlements it. He came to regard himself as the ages. Catalogue in prepar- there being many in this city who have of the county, and patriotic and pioneer destined liberator of Cuba. And he ation. Original Engravings acquaintances in the organization, the songs. fell under suspicion, though it was From Three to Fourteen Teeth. story will be appreciated here. The eight years after his arrival before the and Etchings by Durer, Come early, so as to be present at the culmination came. Then he was hunt- Rembrandt, Seymour Had- Reserves were on board the Yosemite Pioneer social between 9 and 10 o'clock. ed from the island by the Spanish auth- and tho first real duty they had was to County papers please publish this no- en, Whistler and other tice. ALBERT GRAVES, Pres., orities and came to the United States. unload the freight boat "Alice," which He wanted to raise an army and free masters. The Hurd-Holmes Co., J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Sec. Cuba at once. But President Taylor had come up with supplies, and trans- issued a proclamation forbidding Amer- Correspondence Invited. 415 Detroit St., Ann Arbor, Mich. fer the heavy boxes and barrels to the icans assisting the general in any way. Yosemite. Now the Naval reserves are Royal makes the food pure, He went to New Orleans and began FREDERICK KEPPEL & CO, made up mostly of young men who wholesome sod delicious. his labors. Paris, London, and would not know a lawn mower or snow Gen. Lopez was a true Castilian in appearance, almost heroic in size, 20 East 16th Street, Hew York. shovel in a practical way from an Es- splendid in proportions, gifted with quimaux fan, and there are some most captivating manners and with a Allmendinger & Wines, Agts, Washington Blk doubts if many of them ever did any really gifted mind. The venturesome Schaller's Book Store. harder work than blacking their own youths of the south hurried to his standard. He had a company all ready shoes and hardly that. The mate on for sailing but the United States auth- the Yosemite started to break the land- orities stopped him in 1849—and all the NEW MEAT MARKET lubbers in and worked them handling jingoes in the country damned Presi- dent Taylor till they were black in the the heavy freight from 5 o'clock in the face. They had looked for different 113 W. Huron Street. morning till 8 o'clock at night. Many things from "Old Rough and Ready," WALL were the backaches that night but the from the hero of Mexico. mate was unyielding and the next Lopez slipped away and went to Cu- We sell for cash, cheap. morning he was around at 5 o'clock ba, having but a few adherents with rousing the boys up to go to work POWDER Continued from pane live. again. Harry Joy turned over in his All Home Grown Meats. PAPER... Absolutely Pure bunk and shouted to Sam Harris: "Sam, remember the Alice." "Good Your custom is solicited. From 5 Cents a Roll Up. God," said Sam. "Can I ever forget iBcftfcing Powder ter."—Times. ROYAL BAKINO POwnFR CO.. NEW VOqK. Atty Pure n. P. VOGEL, Proprietor. 116 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER, MAY 26, 1898. PAGE -2 SKATING IN HOLLAND. When Hoards \T»ro Taxed. A Feature of Winter Life the 1 ai In the reign of Elizabeth every I i PiCTURES... ot the I)ul-•« join- — vouch for us. Take it with If tbc Kaby lo CuUinE Teclli, according to my observation, says a will, patiently, persistently. One ed the bands. The dogs secure their uu*. 91, usually cures; S boxes. •? 50, lowest, considering quality. Be sure and use that old and well correspondent of the Pittsburg Times, [aranteed to cure, or we refund money, food by killing sheep and calve?, and tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing there is no place where her reputation rltnr Seurdj to., Chicago, Mon(rt»l, law Imrk. even full-grown cattle are kDOwn to Syrup foe children teething. It soothes is as unsafe. She is always an object "It seems like a dream," said he, in We Sell... have been pulled down by tb^m. ColU the child, softens the gums, allajs al of suspicion. If an article is missing speaking of his courtship. "My boy" are their especial game. Thomas Al- pain, cures wind colic and is the bes in the house whore she is employed she replied the veteran, "when you wake ger, a resident of Nutrioso, is responsi- remedy for diarrhoea. Twcnty-liv up after marriage you will find that ble for the statement that animals bit- cents a bottle. is nearly always adjudged the thief and perhaps discharged, while sometimes that is just exactly what it is—nothing Furniture, ten by the wild dogs, if not VilWl by but a dream."—Chicago Evening Post. them on the spot, die with:r. a few dags An important thing.—"Do you think evidence of her innocence is afterward with all the symptoms of strychnine it makes much difference which plane discovered. And we often hear of a poisoning. He cites an where a person is born uader?" "Not u hit girl whose honesty is afterward proved he was able to verify the lorai impres- so long as he keeps on the earth."— being taken to jail on a charge of theft ill Carpets sion to that effect. His hoi:r.'.' dog was Brooklyn Life. preferred .by her mistress. The domes- set upon by several wild cSegg, Algor tic must not indulge that love of pleas- Free " It was almost a miracle. Burdocl drove them away, and th?. dog appear- Blood Bitters cured mo of a terrible ure which is so natural to the young, ed little the worse for hir. battle. Yet breaking out all over the body. Ian even if she should have sufficient leis- the animal died in two ii*v» with all very grateful." Miss Julia Filbridge ure time. The mistress! and her daugh- Medical Advice } Curtains. the signs of strychnine poisoning. The West Cornwell, Conn. ters may receive men friends and keep You need a doctor many time3 when you Call at our store, No. 9 and 11 W. Liberty-st—you will not tx timber dogs are continually getting late hours, but if the servant does so don't call one. You suffer pain in fifty urged to buy. Our goods and prices do that. fiercer and bolder, and th-; residents of For a perfect complexion and a clear her reputation is liko)y ro suffer. These forms and yet won't call the doctor, be- eastern Apache county are organizing healthy skin, uso Cosmo Buttermilk conditions, of coarse, So not exist in cause you hope that the pain "will go Soap. Sold everywhere. 2" to hunt them down. every home of the ciu.v; .;,ontioned. But away after a while." And, too, you know they are common enough to make do- by experience, that that first visit of the Are you troubled with cancer? Reai doctor is generally followed by many others, HENNE & STANGER. the advertisement of Jno. B. Harris ant mestic service odious to the bright RETURNED TO HIS OLD HOME. with the inevitable consequence of a big Co. in another column. You may learn American girls. It is true that house- bill "for professional services." You don't of something that will save your life It Didn't Like Indian Territory and wives are often imposed upon by in- know what to do for yourself or what to take. If you write Dr. Harris bo sure to men ^ if ff!!!Mf T! T!!f !f TTHTf f !T!1H! f ITTWI f VfTriVI TTflttTT limf Tl TTTTTTTTf TTf UTTf TTTTITf TTTTTI I?T^ Tramped Back to Illinois. dolent, impertinent and dishonest ser- But suppose that you could get free, ab- tion that you saw his add. in the Hug vants. But the employer'3 grievances solutely free, the advice of one of the most When Mrs. Frances Lee and family, ister. (29) residing eight miles east of Ver- are constantly dinned into the public sailles, left about one ago overland for ExcumlouK St.mli. South-west aud ears, while the employe's wrongs are Vinita, I. T., they were accompanied Wt-Kl. Juuc G-7 and 20 21. scarcely ever voiced. A great deal of Eminem 1 MUSIC STUDIO by the faithful old shepherd watch dog Homeseekers' Excursion Tickets wil the energy which some philanthropic Carlo. The dog has arrived at a ripe be sold on above dates via the Ohio people are using for the purpose of res- old age and, though unaccustomed to Central Lines at low rates. Also one cuing fallen girls and suppressing vice Physicians traveling long distances and averse to way Settlers' Tickets will be sold on might be used in striking at the root same dates at greatly reduced rates in the United States? You can. Tho phy- giving up his East Morg&n home and of evil with better results—by making sician is right here. He has an office in the REUBEN H. KEMPF, { friends, he stood the trip well and For full information see any Agent o the path of virtue more attractive. Ohio Central Line, or address: J. T. building, he has a staff of correspondents to without a murmur. Three days of life From the Royal Conservatory, Gamble, G. A. P. D., Columbus, O; W. For, as long as domestics are treated assist him, and anyone and everyone, who in Indian territory sufficed, however, A. Peters. M. P. A., Detroit, Mich.; Jn this way, our homeless girls will nueds medical advice is invited to write to Stuttgart, Germany. for Carlo. He simply snook the Vini- John Moores, T. P. A., Findlay, O. 24 seek employment in stores and offices him. If it's baby's health or mother's or ta dust from his feet and footed it back at starvation wages, which will be in the health of any member of the family you may write about it, sure of a careful read- to Morgan, arriving at his old home SURE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. many cases supplemented with the ing of your letter, sure of a conscientious about a week ago. Our informant, Hy The statement that there la a cure for wages of sin. diagnosis of your case, Teacher of Piano, Organ, and Musical Composition; also the Art \ Madole, who saw Carlo the day of his Rheumatism will be read with Incredulity by the majority of people. However, it return and read a letter from Vinita Is a fact which we can prove. Rheuma- Anthony Hope. of Teaching. i of his mysterious disappearance after tism is a disease of the blood, and until Mr. Anthony Hope or Hawkins, th« three days' sojourn there, says the dog that is thoroughly cleansed no one once Sure of a Cure affected with the disease can hope for novelist, tells woeful tales of us since was footsore, fagged out and hungry relief. The remedy we offer is not a new ^^ CONCERT PIANO TUNING "^^ discovery, but It has never been placed he went home loaded with coin taken if cure is possible. Every letter will be held as a—dog. He was happy, though, at on the market in medicinal form. We in from us by his lecturing. He says as a strictly confidential communication. being home again, and showed his ap- know from personal observation that It that he thinks that more than half the Remember these facts. •= Organist and Choir Master : preciation by the canine smile and has effected a p«rmanent cure whenever \Ve offer you medical advice from one of tried and this is what suggested th,: idea population of the United States are in- at St. Andrew's Church. \ wag of a tired tall. of offering it to svKerers from rheuma- terviewers for the press, and that they the most eminent practitioners in the United tism. The Sure Cure Rheumatic Tablets are an egotistic, impudent set. "Think States, whether our medicines suit your are a purely vegetable compound. They particular case or not. We offer you this A kiss is the meeting of two souls, aro warranted to cure the worst cases of of it!" says Mr. Hawkins; "instead of says a poet; but a third sole, on the rheumatism. Price, 50 cents a box. For advice at the cost of the two cent stamp Studio: 312 S. Division St, Ann Arbor. tale by druggists, or sent by mail on asking me about England they all foot of the girl's father, makes it seem which it will take to bring your letter to our receipt of price. Send for free sample. wanted to know what I thought about office. Address the Medical Department, more like a collision. RHEUMATIC MEDICAL Marshall, Mich. America." Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER, MAY 2fi, 1898. PA a E r Michigan in the Storm, Too. A wing of the storm which did »Uch terrible work in Wisconsin gave por- Scrofula, a Vile tions of Michigan a visit, also, and did Doings of the Week Recorded in aconsiderable damage, especially at Marshall, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek and Inheritance. Brief Style. Jonesville. Fences, windmills, shade trees and orchards were blown down. Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood FARMERS MACHINES CONCISE AND INTERESTING. Several barns were unroofed. The troubles, and is often tho result of an roofs of the Brown .t Upton Thresher inherited taint in the blood. S. S. S. The 33d and 34th Michigan Volunteer-. Co. at Battle Creek were blown off, is the only remedy which goes deep Ordered to Camp Alger, near WMI - causing about $8,000 damage. It is re- enough to reach Scrofula; it forces out lugton—Michigan National Uuarii is ported that. M. M. Shipman, of Battle every trace of the disease, and cures (reek was killed. Chas, Ilillingliam's the worst caseB. Now Out of Existence. barn at Battle Creek was lifted up My son, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy t Of Every Description. bodily and carried across the road and with Scrofula, and he suffered so that it was 83d Michigan Volunteers Mustered. landed on another man's lot, wrecked. impossible to dress him The full quota of 12 companies of the for three years. HlB Ambrose Lambert, of Jonesville, was head and body were a 33d Michigan Volunteer infantry was struck by lightning while under a mass of sores, and his made up by adding to the old Third shade tree, but a hired man who was eyesight also became affected. No treatment OUR PRICES MOVE THEM! regiment M. N. G. the company of re- with him escaped. Lightning struck was spared that wo cruits from Benton Harbor, the com- John Folcy s barn at Emmet destroy- thought would relieve pany formed of the Sons of Veterans, ing it, causing 83,000 damaged; insured. him, Dut he grew worse1; and the Detroit Light Guard Indepen- until his condition was1 The storm is also reported to have done indeed pitiable. I had dent Co. M. The three companies damage at Ionia, Odessa, Lyons, Holly, almost despaired of his mentioned are now Co. I, L and M, re- ever being cured, when Peering Binders and Mowers, Top Buggies, Road Wag- Lapeer and Metamora. by the advice of a friend spectively. Following is a complete we an him S. S. S. roster of the officers of the new regi- Michigan Knlfhtl Templar. (.Swift's Specific). Ade- ment: cided improvement was the result, and after The entire 46 commanderies of Mich- he had taKen a dozen bottles, no one who knew ons, Wide and Narrow Tire Lumber Wagons, etc. Colonel, Charles L. Boynton; lieu- igan were represented at the 42d an-of his former dreadful condition would have tenant-colonel, Frederick J. Schmitt; recognized him. All the sores on his body nual conclave of the grand command- have healed, his skin is perfectly clear and Gale Plows Wiard Plows One-Horse Cultivators—ditterent styles Carriers for Steel or Wood Track majors, Paul M. Roth, Frank II. Bur- ery of Michigan Knights Templar, at smooth, and he has been restored to perfect Burch Plows Syracuse Plows Wiard Weeders Scales—different sizes ton and M. E. Webb; surgeon, Charles Port Huron. Damascus commanderv. health. MRS. S. S. MABRY, (. linton Plows Ann Arbor Plows Gale Spring-Tooth Lever Harrows Drain Drills Ii. Nancrede; assistant surgeons, Gfly of Detroit, elicited much favorable 800 Elm St., Macon, Ua. A full line of repairs for above plows Gale Peg-Tooth Lever Harrows Steel Rollers Gale Disc Harrow G. Bailey, and L. W. Pease; adjutant. comment by their exhibition drill. The For 'real blood troubles it is a waste Wood Frame Peg-Tooth Harrows Corn Sbellers George L. Harvey; quartermaster. Oscar American Disc Harrow Deering Hay Rakes Forks, Shovels, Spades, grand cominandery meets at Grand of time to expect a cure from the doc- Triumph Disc Harrow W. Achard; sergeant-major, W. 1"Rapid. s next year. The grand officer! tors. Blood diseases are beyond their Gale Hay Kakes Hand Rakes, etc. Bean Harvesters Wiard Hay Rakes Sections and Guards for all Geisel; quartermaster sergeant, Frank elected were: Commander, Francis M. skill. Swift's Specific, Gale Riding Cultivators C. Weltman; hospital steward, Dr. Advance Hay Rakes Binders and Mowers Moore, Marquette; deputy, E. P. Rob- American Riding Cultivators Hay Tedders Sections with rivets, 5c each Mark; hospital steward, Dr. Judson; ertson, Albion; generalissimo, Philip Ann Arbor Riding Cultivators New Hay Carriers and Hay Slings Rope, Binder Twine, Wool Twine. hospital steward, Dr. Fred W. Palmer; T. VanZlle, Detroit; captain-general, chief musician, Frank Heiric; musician, Charles K. Hawley, Bay City; prelate, The John \V. Goldsmyth; musician, Jesse F. A. Blades, Detroit; senior warden, reaches all deep-seated cases which 117 E. Washington St., Wager; chaplain, Chas. H. Sage. James Findlater, Detroit; junior war- other remedies havo no effect upon. It The captains of the various compan- den, T. E, Borden. Saginaw; treasurer, is tho only blood remedy guaranteed H. RICHARDS, Ann Arbor, Mich. ies are: Co. A, Flint, Capt. Win. EChas. . A. Warren. Detroit; recorder, Jno. purely vegetable, and contains no pot- Stewart; Co. B, Alpena, Capt. Win. D. A. Gerow, Detroit; standard-bearer, R. ash, mercury, or other mineral. Hitchcock; Co. C, Bay City, Capt. Win. Books mailed free to any address by THE GRAND OLD MAN IS DEAD. Hazen—"I like to see a man stick by Sauce—"Isiw a man in a window D. Swartout, Grand Rapids; sword- Swift Specific Oo., Atlanta, Ga. his friends. Now, for instance, if amaking faces to-day." Symple—"What D. Parke; Co. D, Saginaw, W. S., Capt. bearer, I". C. Holmes, Alpena; warder, lion. William Kwart Gladstone Cloaca a man told you I was an ass, you wouldn't was he doing that for?' Sauce—"For Fred P. W. (iiesel; Co. E, Saginaw, E. Jos. II. Crawford, Flint; sentinel, A. J. Mont Remarkable Career. join right in with him, would you?" a couple of cloeks. He is a jeweler."— S.,Capt. I. Q. Anderson; Co. F, Port Brow, Detroit. While the first, of the Michigan vol- Dilby—"No, sir; I'd rebuke him. I'dTit Bits. Huron, Capt. Joseph P. Walsh; Co. G, unteers were leaving for the front, two Today there is mourning wherever tell him that the truth should not be the Anglo-Saxon race has found an Owosso, Capt. Arthur J. Van Epps: Co. MICHIGAN NEWS ITEMS. of their number lay silent in death at spoken on all occasions. "—Boston Tran- QlEElt MEANS OP DEFENSE. II, Cheboygan, Capt. Wm. S. McArthur; Detroit. Private Frederick Clemett, abiding place. One of the greatest script. Co. I, Benton Harbor, Capt. Frank P. The Diamond Buggy factory at Flint of Co. I), Detroit Light Infantry, died lights of modern history has been ex- tinguished and the greatest statesman Kit Worst Form. Odd Advise Seut by Patriotic People Graves; Co. K, Capt. Cha.s. When; Co. was damaged 85,000 by fire. at his home of cerebro spinal menin- to Secretary Al%rr. L, Sons of Veterans, Capt. Carl A. gitis, and the same disease carried England has had in the past century "My son was afflicted with eczema Dundee furnished 20 men for the S. has passed through the portal of eter- in its worst form and he tried several The letters to the War Department Wagner; Co. M, Detroit, Capt. Fred XV. of V. company at Camp Eaton. away the Private Virgil Baker, of Co. kinds of medicine with no effect. We show that many people have curious Cowley. H, Manistique. Fifth regiment, M. N. nity. He is gone, yet, though the mor- Detroit friends presented Maj. Thos. tal breath has flown, he will live and concluded to give him Hood's Sarsapar- plans to protect the country and its de- 0,000 of Michigan war bonds remain- of Gladstone. It sees him in parlia- them?"—Chicago News. throat, chest or lungs. During 25 years crushed by a runaway team, and the ing after Detroit's purchase of 350,000 this supreme remedy has proven the carries 18 modern 5-in guns, 10 modern 5-year-old son of Daniel McMillan, in ment as the greatest debater and po- 0-pounders, and four rapid fire rifles. for its sinking fund. The applications litical leader in that most powerful Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1896. most powerful defender of the home attempting to get off a milk wagon, aggregated more than $900,000. All Messrs. Ely Bros.:— I have used Ely's against Consumption, obstinate Cough", The Yosemite will probably be one of fell under the wheels and was instantly legisiativa body. U sees him in the Severe Colds, Pneumonia, HemtBorrh- the vessels of a separate and distinct applii-atiaai far 1*NR than $a,500 were Qrittofr etfefci** lM9tering the details Cream Balm a number of years and killed. ae«ept Cor tfce full amount, and bidders find it works like a charm. It has cured age, LaGrippe, Bronchitis, Asthma, squadron to be formed for the middle <4 atobtifctnUfiao fc the departments me of the most obstinate cold in theHay Fever, Croup, Whooping Cough, Atlantic coast defense. A half-starved man was found in anfor more than that amount, and less of finance, or of colonial affairs, or of Pleurisy, and other bronchial troubles. Erie box car at Ravenna. He said he head in less than 48 hours from the than 850,(KK), were allotted 20 per cent the internal relations of the British time I felt the cold coming on. I would It acts like magic and cures so quickly Michigan's Soldier Hoys. entered the car in New York state and of their bid*, and all over 850,000 10 nation. It sees him at the head of the it always surprises those who use it. someone locked him in. He had been not be without it. Respectfully vours, The 32d Michigan Volunteers arrived percent. Individual citizens of Mich- cabinet fchuping the policy of the 283 Hart St. Fred'k" Fries. But it is best not to let the germs of in Tampa after being on the road 72 five days without food or drink when igan wor« allotted an aggregate of greatest «mpire In the world. The Cream Balm is kept by all druggists. disease gain a foothold. They increase discovered. about $40,000. with frightful rapidity. Therefore hours. They found the heat very op- mind's eye cannot look at any phase of Full size 50c; trial size 10c. We mail it. never trifle with a cough or cold. A pressive and the fine sand covered their The Alger Guards of Benton Harbor, Ionia volunteers. 94 strong, left for England's life during this half of the ELY BROS ,50 Warren St., N.Y. city. teaspoonful of Dr. King's New Discov- faces, hands and clothes. They re- 84 men, Capt. Frank P. Graves, arrived Island I-iake amid the loudest patriotic century without beholding this cen- ery will sometimes stop a cough and ceived enthusiastic receptions all along at Camp Eaton, after having been the demonstration since 1801. The G. A. R. tral, all-pervading figure. And with "Woman," he cried: "woman, do you save a life. Many have had consump- the line. The 32d Michigan is the best recipients of a rousing demonstration post, school children and the entire all his greatness of achievement, with spurn my heart after leading me ou?"tion and been given up by doctors who before they left home. The city was populace bearing Hags, went to the de- all the power over his countrymen "When did I lead you on, as you call took this marvelous medicine and were equipped regiment at 1'alometto beach. it?" asked the girl. "Did you not toll When it inarched into camp the soldiers in holiday attire, all business sus- pot to see them off. The Ionia com- which he held, he was always the same restored to good health. T. C. Faulk- me that fortune-teller had told you that ner, of Wyckliffe, Ky., is one whose life already there thought it was a regi- pended and factories closed for the pany was split over the selection of a unpretending, untitled "Mr. Glad- you would wed a handsome blond young populace to participate in the farewell. captain. Col. J. II. Mitchell and Glen was saved by it. His is a wonderful ment of regulars, and cheered it to the stone," refusing steadfastly to accept a man with the grace of a Greek pod and story. He had consumption so bad he echo. As soon as the tents were up Capt. R. J. Farrar, of the Mt. Clem- Lawless headed the factions. Gov. peerage, an honor that to a man of hie the voice of an Aeolian harp?"—India- could not work for two years. For 18 the boys took a dip in Tampa bay, it ens recruits, was rejected by the ex-Pingree tired of the scrapping and told great character would have been mean- napolis Journal. months he could not lie down in bed. being the first time they had had a amining board on account of a varicose them that unless they came to an un-ingless. As plain Mr. Gladstone, the He could only rest and sleep in a chair. bath since leaving Island Lake. Maj.- vein and tears filled his eyes as he an- derstanding he would appoint State great Liberal leader and reformer, the Try Allen's Foot Ease. He coughed night and day. All phy- Senator Holmes, of Detroit, as captain champion of home rule, orator, states- A powder to be shaken into the shoes. sicians said he could not live moro than Gen. Shafter and Brig.-Gen. Hawkins nounced the fact to his boys. He was At this season your feet feel swollen, visited camp and inspected the troops. thoroughly heart-broken and his menand if they then objected he would man, scholar and Christian gentleman, three months, when he began to use nervous and hot, and get tired easily. this royal remedy. After taking There were greatly pleased with the felt equally bad, but by a dint of hust- send them home. This had the desired the typical man of his country, he is If you have smarting feet or tight shoes effect and F. G. Curtis was chosen. 13 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery Michigan regiment. ling another examination was secured destined to hold a higher niche in the try Allen's Foot-Easa. It cools the feet he wrote: "I am to-day as well and When the last company of the 34th and he passed. temple of fame than any of his titled and makes walking easy. Cures swol- hearty as I ever was in my life." As it Michigan Volunteers had been mus- Col. Tyrcll, who lost the colonelcy THE MARKETS. contemporaries. len and sweating feet, blis'ers and has no equal, take no substitute. Drug- tered at Camp Eaton the authority of callous spots. Relieves corns and bun- gists sell large bottles at 50 cents and of the 31st regiment by his rejection LIVE STOCK. ions of all pain and gives rest and com- the .state of Michigan at once ceased at by the medical examining board, has OVER TWO SCORE KILLED. $1.00, refund money if no cure aud give New Tork- - Cattle Sheep Lambs Hogs fort. Try it today. Sold by all drug- any sufferer a free trial bottle. the camp and Uncle Sam was then in undergone a second examination, Best grade*... M 8")®.' I* 1113 $6 85 *4 63 gists and shoe stores for 2oc. Trial charge. In fact it was the last act in which though not by the board, was Lower grades. 3iJ@17J 3 75 S 50 4 25 Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin Suffer From package FREE. Address, Allen S. practically wiping out of existence the by an authorized surgeon, and has Chicago— Terrlflc Tornadoes. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. O.A.S3TOT1.I.A.. Michigan National Guard and relieved passed. His friends say he is booked Hest grades... 4 60(24 8* 4 53 6 75 4 50 Forty-two persons are known to have Lower grades. 3 (X) 44 SO 850 5 50 4 25 Bears the /? The Kind You Have Always Bought the state department officers of anyfor the command of the lirst new Mich- Detroit— lost their lives, and 28 others are re- A batt with Cosmo Buttermilk Soap, immediate military duty, with the ex- exquisitely scented, is soothing «nd Signature igan regiment raised. Best grades... 4 40 34 7) 4 25 8 50 4 SJ ported dead, as the result of tornadoes of ception of Quartermaster-Gen. White, Lower grades. 3 0J34 89 3 E5 5 5U 4 13 which devastated portions of eastern benetieial. Sold everywhere. 2:2 who still had some equipments to issue. Buffalo— Iowqp, western Illinois and north- There is no Best (trade*... 4 53 8 50 4 50 The camp was therefore formally Lower grades. 3 50 S 30 4 25 ern Wisconsin. The storm in turned over to Col. Doynton, of the 33d word so full Cleveland— Iowa started near Stanwood and A NERVE as the senior officer. of meaning Bent grades... 4 03 5 75 4 25 swept through portions of Cedar, Jones, MEDICINE— I MOTHER! Lower grades. 30013 83 3 00 4 50 4 (Jo Clinton and Jackson counties. Nino- The 31st Michigan at Chickamauga and aEout which such tender and HOT AN CURE SICK NERVES Cincinnati— teen persons lost their lives and more SBB^SSaS^SBBB^^SB^S^S^I^jS^S^SBHSH^SBB^*|^SBBBBBBBBS^S^SBBHSBBpM has been assigned to the First brigade holy recollections cluster as that Best grades.... 3 8) 6 85 4 30 of the Second division. The division of " MOTHER "—she who watched Lower grades. 8 2x3100 3 00 5 00 4 10 than twice as many were injured. The [OPIATE! is commanded temporarily by Brig.- IMttabarg— property loss will probably reach over our helpless infancy andguid- Best grade*.... 4 8'> 4 25 « 75 4 45 000. In many places not a build- Qen. Arnold and Col. Gardener, of the Lower grades. 17.> 329 WARNER'S 31st Michigan, lias been placed in tem- ed our first tottering step. Yet 6 50 4 £5 ing M any description was left stand- 1 porary command of the First brigade, the life of every Expectant Moth- GRAIN, ETC. ing. Cattle, horses and hogs wen and it is probable the appointment will er is beset with danger and all ef- When. Corn, Oats, killed by the hundreds. In numerous be made permanent. For the present fort should be made to avoid it. No 2 red No 2 mix No 2 white instances farmers lost everything they HELMET Col. Gardener will remain in active so assists nature New York ¥1 :>i$l 5« 4184m 37@37H possessed. The Iowa storm crossed the command of his regiment. Chicago 1 45(81 4^ 3,*&36K 33 men toCam p Eaton ITOTIIA. or woman in America a sample package for four cents in Of DrugKist-4 at $1.00, or sent by express on receipt box of destroyer post paid. stamps to cover the cost of delivery. as recruits, giving them a banquet and of price. Write for hook containing testimonials Bean the ) The Kind You Have Always Bought a rousing send-off before they left aud valuable informutton fur ull Mothers, licj. Ask your druggist for Steketee'a Signature Mfd. and for sale by HELMET MEDICITO CO., 220 Broadway, Hew York, 0. 9. A. home. The Brtdneld Regulator Co., Atlanta, tin. Worm Destroyer. of PAGE 4 THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER, MAY 20, 18S8.

prevailed. The majority of tho council There is no more in- Brown—"Tou owe as much as that! THE REGISTER, seemed of the opinion that ?600 per spiring sight in the I don't understand how you can get so year was enough to pay for the city's world than the picttJre far behind. Now. as for me, it is al- of the stalwart young ways a pleasure to pay off a debt." W. W. WETMORE, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY legal services and ho;no an adjourn- farmer and his rosy- cheeked wife starl- Black—"Sort o' selfish In you to give SELBY A. MORAN, ment was taken without shopping to ing out to fight way to such indulgence, isn't it? I can 106 S. MAIN ST. discuss the original motion. the battle of life. There is no reason truly say that I never feel that way." OFFICE : 216 E. Huron Street. why all such coup- —Boston Transcript. les should not live Having received a fresh supply of the latest styles of ANN ARBOR, MICH. BOSS JUDSON'S RECORD. happy, healthy 886 Centurle* In 1697. Much depends the wife herself. John H. George, of Philadelphia, !s TERMS: Kit 1II- MOlllItt OF To some extent, she must the oldest bicycle mileage champion ot Our Dollar per Year lu AJiaurc be a jack of all trades. 1897. He roda 22,479 miles, including < H.VIK.K*. Her husband must be & $1.50 If not paid nntil after one fear. little of a blacksmith and 226 centuries. WALL PAPER, a little of a harness mak- &TF\(teen Cents per year additional to What Will <;overuor Plueree Say To er and a little of a veterinary Burgeon as Deafneas Cannot be Curra Subscribers outside of Waahtenaw County. I well as a farmer. It is the same with the by local application as they cannot reach and having retained the services of a first class workman as ll' II lie Will Look Into the .Tlattrr wife. It is a long ways to town, and she Fifty Cents addition to Foreign Countries. He Will l'itrli Mlii must have a handy hand at many things. the diseased portion of the ear. There It is possibly many miles to the first physi- is only one way to cure deafness, and foreman, is prepared to do all kinds of Entered at the Ann Arbor Post-Office as Ions Boss Overboard—Here Is Wltnt cian, and the farmer's wife should be able that is by constitutional remedie*. 9econd-Class Matter. Tho ItegUter Shows. to see that every member of the family is Deafness is caused oy an inllamed con- 1st. It shows how he plotted to over- kept in good health. dition of the mucous lining of the Eust- THURSDAY, MAY 20,1898. throw one of the strongest Republican If the young farmer's wife is wise, when achian Tube. When this tube is in- her husband shows that he is out of sorts, llamed you have a rumbling sound or Painting organizations in the state of Michigan Second District Reptibllcnu Uongroa- when he is suffering from biliousness or imperfect hearing, and when it is en- and succeeded by the aid of base treach- torpidity of the liver or indigestion, she tirely closed, Deafness is the result, kioual Convention. will not permit him to neglect these disor- ery on the part of his henchmen. ders, but will have at hand Dr. Pierce's and unless the baflamation can be taken A delegate convention of the Repn hli- 2nd. It shows how he owned the City Golden Medical Discovery. This wonder- out and this tube restored to its normal Decorating can electors of the Second Congression- Marshal and used said otficor to regu- ful medicine is not a cure-all, but as most condition, hearing will l>3 debtroyed diseases have their inception in a torpid forever; nine cases out of ten are caus- al District of Michigan will be held at larly rob the city of fees which belong in the best manner and at the most reasonable rates, and in- the court house in the city of Ann Ar- liver or a disordered digestion, it is a cure circle ease which he did, said lease having the 31st. Mich, would lose Col. Garden- day on a business trip. sells Klisa North farm. It should read June of nobility which cast lot with Lopez. jeen put on record in the office of the er due to his promotion to the command They had all the money and amunition 1 instead of 2. Mr. Thompson, of the Dexter Leader, Register of Deeds some years ago. of the 1st. Brigade, second division. they wanted. The agents of our gov- ernment were secretly in sympathy, was in the city last Saturday. Dishes, Table Spreads, The opposition made an attempt to Major Biddle, the chief surgeon of Marshal Sweet made complaint Tues- and a convenient blindness seized all Ben Huehl, of Freedom, was In the disprove the greater portion of this the 3lst. Mich, at Camp Thomas, re- day against John Berger, saloon keep- the United States officials at New Or-city a few hours last Saturday. Curtains, er, for keeping a disorderly house. estimony and to impeach other parts ports that the average health of the leans. Mack White left Tuesday for his old Borger plead not guilty and his trial of it. Numerous witnesses were pro- boys is far above that usually found in With 600 men Lopez soiled from New Orleans, July 1, 1850, and July 11 he home in Canada for a short visit. Wash Lines, Wringers, was set for June 6. duced to prove that there was no negro camp life. landed at the northern coast of the isl- jlood in the Bennett family; that it was It is reported that, if the soldiers re- and, east of Cardenas, aad away from B. St. James has removed to his new Dr. J. W. Lee's horse became fright- not possible that Shemerhorn could be main at Camp Thomas for any longth cities. He left Col. Chittenden with home, No. 708 E. Kinsley street. Hosiery, Safety Pins, 100 men to hold that position. With 500 ened at the cars in Scio village Monday he son of Miss Delight Bennett, that of time, Rev. Moody will go down there Leonard Bassett has removed from and tipped the carriage over throwing Americans he struck for the interior nobody had ever heard of any such sus- and conduct religious services among of the island and raised the banner of Thompson street to 326 Williams. Etc., Etc., out the doctor and Robt. DeVinney. )ition until the case was started. the boys. Cuban revolution. And the Cubans Jacob Dengler, of Owosso, spent Sun- Mr. DeVinney's right shoulder was dis- Witnesses testified that Mollie Bennett let him raise it as high as he liked. and it is plainly apparent that At first.'great trouble was experienced day in the city visiting his mother. located and both were considerably had declared that Jerome had no pro- They went on rolling cigarettes. in getting mails. Now arrangements Mrs. W. W. Beman left Monday for they are going to need some bruised. perty, that she had not made a will but The Spaniards came down from Ha- have been made so that the boys at vana and captured Crittenden and hisAlbion for a visit with her brother. lad arranged to see an attorney soon of these things before long. A lawn fete will be given on the Chickamauga receive their mails with- party, took them back and shot them. and have the will drawn up, but The execution occured July 16, three Dr. W. B. Smith left last week on a afternoon of Saturday, June 4, at the out much delay. had died before it was done. Witness days before Lopez had been attacked. short business trip to Ottaumwa, Iowa. home of Prof. Russell. The U. of M. a were also brought in to prove that Col. Gardner gave all the boys in hisThe few Cubans who had ralied to his Miss Octavia Bates left yesterday for Solomon Regal Green in 56-piece band and the Glee Club will be in at- side deserted him. Some of them sold tea sets $4.47 Shemerhorn had made several attempts regiment a red handkerchief and as a England where she will spend the sum- tendance. The proceeds are to go to- camp information and led the Span- to, and actually had, offered certain result the boys have been dubbed the iards to the attack. July 18 the revo- mer. The same in 100-piece Dinner Sets 9.89 wards a fund to employ a nurse to look people large sums of money if they "Red Handkerchief Brigade." lution was over. Lopez was walking Mrs. Fred Showerman, of New York Evangeline Tea Sets, 56 pieces 2.99 after the University students who are back to Havana—in irons. The Span- would witness Mollie Bennett's will The 31st. Mich, opened a canteen City, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. in the service during the war. ish cavalry was hurrying him and his Ferndale Dinner Sets, 100 pieces.. G.90 months after she was dead. The last Saturday. It will keep for sale unhappy friends through the white Swift. This is extra handsomely deco- At a meeting held in Oddfellow's hall eracity of several of the witnesses call lemonade, soft drinks, beer, stamps, dust and the terrible heat. Mr. Floyd Smith, of Salem, became a rated and stylish shapes and pat- last Saturday evening, arrangements ed by Shemerhorn's attorney was dis-writing material etc. The sale of beer Spain asked President Taylor what member of the Elks last Thursday terns. were completed for the organization of juted by witnesses on the other side. will be carefully restricted. he wag going to do about it. The Amer- night. Rockland Semi-porcelaine, 100- ican government replied by outlawing piece sets 5.93 a Rebekah lodge with twenty-nine The contest has been a keen one between When the boys were at Island Lake every man in the filibustering party. Attorney Geo. B. Greening, formerly chartermembers. The lodge will prob- Lehman, Stivers and Cavanaugh for extra blankets and overcoats were in We had to do it. Otherwise our nation of this city, now of Detroit, .visited here Tea Sets of the same, 56 pieces ... 2.88 ably be instituted next week. The de-ShemerhorD and Judge Babbitt and demand. Nothing of the kind has been was to be held responsible for an armed last Thursday. attack on a friendly nation. The prep- The above crockery goods gree team of Lois Lodge, No. 115, of apt. Allen for tho Bennett heirs. heard of at Camp Thomas—The boys aration was too open, too notorious for Mrs. B. M. Thompson and daughter Ann Arbor will exemplify the work, The evidence was all in Tuesday night. found it "hot" down there. It will be any pretense of ignorance in this coun- will return from their European trip in are not the old fashioned Yesterday was taken up by the argu- try. And Sept. 1, 1851, the last chap- about two weeks. This has been a big wheat week. hotter stili when they reach Cuba. ments by the opposing attorney?. The ter came—at Havana. The volunteers Mrs. Chas. Nichols, of the North heavy thick ware used in Res- The price has been $1.35 and farmers were shot. Lopez was garroted. case has'created a great deal of interest, FOR SCIENCE SAKE. Side, is recovering from a severe at- have taken advantage of it by market- It is a rather instructive passage especially in Ypsilanti, near which city tack of bronchiti8. taurants but nice goods for the ing a great many thousands of bushels. from history just now. ;he Bennetts lived and where all theThat 1* Why major Nam-redo Entered Misa Cora Riebel, of Toledo, was the Allmendinger & Schneider alone have home and family. Every parties to the suit are well known. The Service^ See Here, Ladle*! guest last week of ths Misses Schleede, moved seventeen car loads from their Later—The arguments were finished Maj. Nancrede while in the city last You should see those elegant Bal- on Jefferson street. piece guaranted not to craze or various stations within the past seven at five o'clock last evening and Judge week appeared before the senior medi- briggan Vests a'St. James.' They are Geo. Millen, of Detroit, was in Ann days, which shows that the wheat worth 2iic. and cheap at that. You can money refunded. Kinne had delivered hi3 charge by half cal class to say a last farewell. He Arbor last Saturday to attend the market is unusually lively. get them Saturday at 15c. (22) past five. By nine the jury had stated that he had gone to the front funeral of the late Mrs. Roberts. LADIES, SAVE WIM:\ reached an agreement in favor of sus- not only from a spirit of loyalty but al- Marriage Licenses. City Treasurer. E. L. Seyler and Toilet or Chamber Sets B. St. James has some elegant La- taining the will, giving the entire so from a desire to advance science. AGE wife will spend Sunday with Mr. Sey- Edward Roehm, Ann Arbor 26 dies' Vests which he will sell on Satur- property to Jerome Schemerhorn, the "There are certain things," he said, ler's mother acd brother in Detroit. at Racket prices and you day for only 15c. They are really colored man who it was claimed was that can only be learned by experience Rosa Hoffman " " 26 worth twice that amount. Sold at 15c and for that reason I have gone. The James O. Markey, Springwells 33 A. D. Parker, of the Register office, know by this time that on Saturday only. (22) endeavoring to secure the property by dangers which I run in every surgical Mary O'Connor, Northfield 24 left this morning for a short visit with fraud. his parents and friends at Kalkaska. Dr. Bournes, who graduated a few operation are just as great as those Clinton F. Stimpson, Saline 24 years ago from the Medical depart- Dr. Nancrede Appreciated. which I will encounter while facing the Minola H. Cook, Saline 20 Karl Harriman, of the Free Press, RACKET PRICES ment, and who has had three years' ex- Speaking of Dr. Nancrede the De-Spanish bullets." spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and THE MARKETS. perience in the Philippine Islands, has troit Free Press says: "Dr. Nancrede Mrs. W. D. Harman on Washtenaw ARE been commissioned a major and ordered * * * one of the most popular mem- WAS WITH DEWEY. Corrected Every Thursday Forenoon, ave. to join Gen. Merritt who will soon leave bers of the faculty as well as being a The Ann Arbor correspondent of the Wheat, per bushel 81 10-1 30 August Dieterle, of Detroit, was in for Manilla. Major Bournes is well recognized authority on the subject he Detroit Tribune says that "Old" Jim Oats, " " 30—32 the city over Sunday. He is now on known in Ann Arbor and his many teaches. He has always been very Hill, the night watchman of the U. of Corn, shelled, per bushel 40—45 the road for Eeieon, Moore & Co., of SPECIAL PRICES. M., was coxswain of the ship Tyler in Corn, in ear " " 20 Detroit. friends will rejoice in his good fortune, close to the students. An ardent sup- the civil war, when Rear Admiral Beans, " " .... 1 00-1 25 porter of athletics, he has for years Hay, per ton 4 00-7 00 Mrs. M. A. Burt, of Ceresco, Mich., VESTS—LADIES' VESTS Dewey was a lieutenant in command of Genuine held a position on the board of control the Mississippi under Admiral Porter. Clover seed 2 50 formerly of this city, is visiting her sis- At B. St. James' next Saturday. for the athletics of the University. It The old salt never misses an opportun- Pork, live 3 75-4 00 ter, Mrs. D. M. Cowie, of W. Huron Worth 25c. Saturday you can get them ity to praise the gallant commander. ' dressed 4 75-5 00 street. Wadsworth Scythe, 50c. for only 15c. (22) is always a familiar sight at every ath- Beef, alive 3 25-4 25 letic event on Regents' Field to see Dr. He was with him at Port Hudson, when " dressed 6 50-7 25 Mrs. Geo. Holden, of Palmer, Mass., No better sold. An attempt is being made in the NaDcrede's carriage drive in, loaded the Mississippi was blown up by a tor- Fowls, alive 7 who has been visiting her parents, Mr. pedo, and says that Admiral Dewey Probate Court to break the will of the down with children. The doctor in- " dressed 10 and Mrs. D. Cramer, left for her home Snaths, 50c. Whetstone, 3c. was the last man to leave the sinking Spring Chickens alive 14 last Friday. late Richard Webb, of Dexter. One of variablyjpresented a bill of no small ship, and then only as the waters en- " dressed 16 the seven children, a Mrs. Stevenson, denomination in payment of their fare, gulfed her. He always showed great Eggs, per dozen 8 Mrs. H. M. Sill, of S. Division street, A few left—Guaranteed was cut off with only $100 from a $20000 and it was generally understood that coolness in action and never hesitated Butter, per pound 12i returned last Wednesday nignt from a he would be insulted if any change to speak a kindly word to the common Potatoes, per bushel 70 six weeks' visit at her old home in estate. She is now endeavoring to Wool, Unwashed 15—18 Lawn Mowers at S2.40 show that undue influence was brought were offered him. His departure from seamen, in his treatment of hia men " Washed 17 20 Chillicothe, Ohio. to bear upon her father to prevent him the campus, even for a briof period, he was always thoughtful, yet demand- Hides, per pound 8 Eugene K. Frueauff returned last and $2.70. These are the from leaving her a just portion of the will be greatly regretted by the students ed strictest obedience. Tallow, per pound 2-i Saturday after a two weeks' trip for goods that make the single estate. in all departments. the Travelers' Accident association for which he is at work. line dealers say "they are no THOSE SATI'tlll.Vl SUI> WHY KEEP IT SECltEl'. Miss Lottie R. Griest, of Hartford, good, all cast iron—if you At St. James' are naturally popular be- cause of the bargains offered. Next Prominent Student married Secretly Conn., who has been the guest of Miss want such trash as that you Saturday will not be an exception. at Windsor Last November. Grace Moore, of S. Division street the Those 15c Ladies' Vests are great bar- past week, left for Chicago Monday. will have to go to the Racket gains. Don't fail to secure some of Monday morning's Detroit Tribune for it; we don't keep it" etc., them. (22) coatained the following rather surpris Mr. Titus Hutzel and M. Gauss will ing correspondence from its Ann Arbor represent the local branch of the Arbe- but those who have bought A very pleasant "Patriotic" supper representative: iter Bund of Michigan at its 30th con- them know they are all right was given last Saturday night in the The announcement of the secret mar vention to be held in Saginaw June 14 Y. W. C. A. rooms by the young ladieB riage at Windsor, Ont., on Nov. 7, 1897, Disease !M to 16. and back of our guarantee the of that society. The rooms were pret- of John F. Thomas, of South Bend, Ind., can be driven in or driven out. Dr. Averts Sarsaparilla Ex-Prosecuting Attorney, S. C. Ran- and Miss Ethel Louise Gammon, of manufacturer stands and also tily decorated, the national colors being Vicksburg, Mich., has created great drives disease out of the blood. Many medicines suppress dall, left Monday for his old home in the largest wholesale house in the most prominent feature. Red, consternation among the groom's disease—cover ib but don't cure it. Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Oakland county to attend the celebra- white and blue napkins and pretty menu friends in the University. Mr. Thomas cures all diseases originating in impure blood by purifying tion of his mother's 79th birthday, Detroit. cards with minature Hag covers were has been one of the ||most prominent the blood itself. Foul blood makes a foul body. Make the M Tuesday. very pretty. Even the refreshments and respected young men in college. Regular 10c Window Shades mounted He came here five years ago, and has blood pure and the body will be sound. Through the blood Rev. W. L. Tedrow was at Grand on Hartthorn patent I oilers ready to were made to represent the stars and worked his way through, meantime Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures eczema, tetter, boils, eruptions, Ilapids last Sunday assisting in the cer- put up 8c stripes. An enjoyable hour was spent rising to the highest position in college humors, rheumatism, and all scrofulous diseases. emonies of laying the corner stone of journalism. He has contributed to the Cloth Shades, all colors 19c by a numbor who remained for a socia! " Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla was recommended to me by my the new Grace Lutherian church being time after the supper. Inlander, and for tho past two years erected there. has been managing editor of the U. of physician as a blood purifier. When I be;,:an taking it I had We are not afraid to publish M. Daily. This year he was treasurer risings or boils all over my body, but one bottle cored me. I W. D. Adam3, the Bazaar man, has our prices on everything for LVDIES' rant. of the Students' Lecture Association. consider Dr. AVer's Sarsaparilla the best blood medicine gone on the roal for the wholesale 15c will buy ono of those elegant La That something has been in the air has made."—BONNER CRAFT, Wesson, Miss. house of A. A. Vantine & Co., of New dies' Vests at B. St. James next Satur- long been suspected by the young man's York City, dealers in Japanese and Racket Prices are Special Prices day. Regular price 25c. (22) acquaintances, because of his weekly Chineese goods. visits to Detroit, where the bride has Messrs. Lamb & Spencer who are The Ann Arbor Loan Associations followed the business of stenographer. (Jet jeer's Jarsapartlia partners in business in Charlotte, were have desirable homes obtained by fore in the city last Thursday to visit their closure. Will sell s.imo very cheap Just why Mr. Thomas should wish to brothers who re^( ntly formed a partner- THE RACKET Apply to the Secretary, 212 E. Huron keep his marriage secret is a mystery ship and bought the Maynard stock of street. 14tf to his many friends. goods on State siree'. 202 E. Washington St. THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER. MAY 26, 1898. PAGE 6

PARKERS MANY HAIR BALSAM C1C»M>L! did the hair. 15ut Tery I.Itll"' Authentic News of tl>"' Proim.1,8 a luxuriant pruwth. 88 Court St., Rochester, N. Y. D«« Fa.18 to KcBtore Gray Movements of Wur Vessels. Hair to Its Youthful Color. MTICVM1. SCHOOL OV B18IKM6 i M. M1OKTHJJIIV. Curet e<-»'P diii-use." * hair tailing. Interesting Events and Doings in Uncle Sam thinks he has Buffered Jjte.andtl-Wat enough from taking the public into ins THE C'hlchmtor'n 1 nclUti Diamond Two Hemispheres. confidence regarding every mov< ,'//£SS army and navy makes or is about to Orletnul nod Only Genuine, make, lie finds that Spain has as sure, al»«v» rranlli. L»DIL» «sk DECISIVE BATTLE EXPECTED. Druggist for'ChicheUcra . much curiosity about such things as kmond Brand in Ited and Gold meulln. COLUMBIA DET, DETROIT, MICH. »xe». scaled with bloa ribhon. Take liiC Monitor Monterey Sent to the Alo the people of this country, aud thai .1 ,.,...1- In »« fur juiing^ men. anji Spain learns of them as soon as the j-acir»<( imitation*. At Dru^pnia, or Wnd 4i». of Dcwey—Cruiser Charleston Sailed in utamri for pivrticulnra, totiracuiiaU a:>i American public. He has, therefore, EKSUSSKSr =S«S _, *• Kcltef for fj«dle»," »n ie((cr. far return for Manila—U.S. Volunteers Land or . ^h.Jh««roieuacalC ..M dl.on Pl.'.e. decided to be less liberal in supplying ? f Cuban Soil. such information to the dear public, 01AINIISS Boldbr ail Local Dmuuu. I'll 1 L.VI> A.. PA. miOlllOAD I'OLLEOB OF AIMS*. and incidentally to Spain, and is clos- MACK & MACK, Onlv collose In D. B. excJtuivelj preparing .Army Corps Commanders Assi ing up many of the sources of infor- men U) aid In developing our in neral wealth The war department has n mation. Censors have taken char MAKES FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Practical works electlre Bystem. C<>llege year -t:> weeks. Summer term. For Cata- commands as follows: Maj.-Gen Wes- telegraph and cable offices at certain an Congress Street. logues, address l>r- M. E. Wadsworth, l'resi- ley Merritt, U. S. A., department ol important points and restrictions are DEALERS IN FURNITURE. dent, Honjrliton. Mich. the Pacific; Maj.-Oen. John II. Brooke, placed on press dispatches. At \\ ash- YPSILAXTJ. - MICH. U. s. A., the first corps and the depart- Ington only such matters as th< HILL W3I. W. NICHOLS, ment of the (iulf; Maj.-Oen. Win. M.partments are willing to have gener- Graham, U. S. volunteers, the Beeond ally know are given to the newspaper WALLACE & CLARKE, corps with headquarters at Falls correspondents. This accounts for the CLIMBING Dental Parlors! Church. Va; Maj.-Oen. las. P. Wade, scarcity of reliable news as to the FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 1'. S. volunteers, the third corps, re- movements of war vessels. porting to Maj.-Ceu. Brooke, Chicka- When Admiral Cervera with his 208 Congress St., Or Eli SAY JAGS IIAKK OPPO mauga; Maj.-Oen. John .1. Coppinger, EASY SITE V0U11T HUVSJH SQUARE. Spanish fleet turned up at the i-'rench IP ILANTT, - MICH. 1". S. volunteers, the fourth corps, Mo- West Indian island of Martinique it bile, Ala.; Maj.-Gen. W. R. Shatter. was thought there would beabattle FRANK STAFFAN & SON 1". S. volunteers, the fifth corps, Tampa, at once, but the Spaniard was wily and PRICE ' Atterney »t Lair, Idllan, Fla.; Maj.-Gen. Elwell S. Otis, D. S. he was next heard of off the coast of OHBLSBA, HIOH volunteers, to report to Maj.-Oen. Mer- Venezuela, at the Dutch island of Cur- FI.Milt.VL IllllKfTOK AND E1I- Money loaned lor outside partles.AU legal business given prompt atUntion. ritt, U. S. A., for duty with troops in acao, where it is understood he took on KLTIUUV the department of the Pacific; Maj.- coal and supplies which had been sent re Up liifer Ire. Gen. .lames II. Wilson. I'. S. volunteers, across the Atlantic ahead of the fleet. the sixth corps, Chickamauga, report Again the Dons disappeared as com- All Columbia^ are Abstracting aid Conveyancing. inn-to Gen. Brooke; Maj.-Gen. Eitzhugh pletely as if swallowed up by the Car- PlateGlass Lee, U. S. volunteers, the seventh corps, ibbean sea, and although there were made of famous 5 Examination of title and all teansac- The only jobber in this territory handling Tampa, Fla.; Maj.-Gen.Joseph Wheeler, tlons affecting estate In Washtft- reports that they had reached Porto per cent Nickel Steel naw county made on reasonable terms— stock sheets of Plnte Class. Keep in stock 1'. S. volunteers, the cavalry division, Rico and a score of other points none can be found at the Court House. Ann ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IN TKE GLASS LINE. Seed your orders or write for estimates. Tampa,Fla. of them could be verified and were not Tubing—the strong- Arbor. fl. Seery. WH. TJKID. 1*4 W. T.nrne.lFt.. DETROIT, MICH. believed. It was the opinion of strate- The Mouterey Sent to Dewey. gists at Washington that the Spanish est material known The h\g monitor Monterey has been Beet was trying to reach some Cuban to tbe art If any- "LEHMAN BROSTSTIVERS, ordered to proceed to Manila to rein port, either Havana, Cienfuegos or force Admiral Dewey s fleet. Tht Santiago de Cuba with needed supplies thing better can be At orneys at Law. Monterey is probably the most formid- for Blanco, without engaging in con- found we will put it 4 Savings Bank Blk, Ann Arbor, Mloh. Morphine able monitor in the world, yet sheflict with the American warships sur- combines with the enormous offensive rounding the island. It was under- in Columbian. General Law Practice OPIUM, CHLORAL AND COCAINE HABITS and defensive qualities of the monitoi stood that the V. 8. navy department A radical, positive and permanent cure type a seaworthiness that is almost had accepted this view and had taken Also Loans, Collections and Conveyancing. guaranteed in 5 days. Absolutely harmless. phenomenal. The Monterey is 4.00C the necessary precautions to prevent No "tapering off" process — No substitu- tons displacement. '250 feet long by v. Cervera from reaching those points, JOHN COSTELLO, tioa method, *££«SSaSf * feet beam and 14 feet 0 inches draft. but the next reports which had any ap- R. A. GUNN, M.D., DEAT.KK IN She carries in two turrets surrounded pearance of authenticity were that the SSANDARDOFTflEWORlD 41 East 2ist Street, New York City. I»ry ftoodx. «<>•.!» iiud Slice*,Groceries by barbettes, two l-'-inch and two 10-Spanish Fleet Arrived at Santiago Safely Frovl*l<>u«, Ktr. t'uriiliurr aud I u- inch guns, six (i-pounders. four one- .Madrid: The Spanish squadron has dci taking. MICHIGAN CENTRAL pounders and two gatlings. The tur-arrived at Santiago de Cuba without POPE MFG CO. HARTFORD, CONN. DBXTRB. - - MICH rets are eight inches thick and the sur- accident, and found there two Ameri- rounding barbettes are 14 inches and can warships, which retired with all ART CAIAL0GUE OF COLUMBIA BICYCLES BY MAIL "The Niagara Falls Route." 1 A. C. CLARKE, II ;.' inches of steel, and against this speed. The queen regent has cabled TO ANY ADDRESS FOR ONE TWO CENT STAMP. I'ENTUAL STANDARD TIME armor all the batteries of Manila might congratulations to Admiral Cervera. thunder without effecting an entrance. Funeral Director and Dealer in Tit.11X1 AT jUffl ARBOR. The Monterey's personnel is 19 officers Washington: The navy department Taking Effect 2V6i\ 21, '07. and 172 men, and once she is safely in has received semi-official information all Kinds of Furniture. the entrance of Manila harbor nothing confirmatory of the dispatches from WAGNER & CO., COLUMBIA DEALERS, GOING EAST. Madrid announcing the arrival of the ANN ARBOR, HIGH. SAIIM: 1!I« II in the Spanish navy would he likely tc Hall >ui(l Express 3 47 p.m. budge her. Spanish fleet at Santiago de Cuba. N. Y. and Boston special 4 58 Cervera Sails From Santiago. HARRIS North Shore Limited ,,.... 8 10 THE NEWS CONDENSED. which will consist of the" Priucesa de YoluutccrH Land In Cuba. Madrid: It is asserted that Admiral 00 tons, with a speed of Fast Eastern 9 47 Cervera s squadron has left Santiago CANCER CANCER CURE Atlantic Express 7 30 a. in. Unless some accident has befallen Hon. Win. J. Bryan has been ap- 20 knots; the Cardinal Cisneros, same de Cuba. Home treatment warranted to remove aily Detroit Night Kxpress 5 50 the U. S. transport Florida there arc pointed as colonel of the Third Ne- ml speed: the Lepanto, 5,000 tons, CANCER Or TUMOK 111 T11HEE WEEKS. Send four Grand Rapids Express 11 10 now U. S. volunteer troops on the Admiral Cervera's dispatch to the braska volunteers. 20 knots, and the Numancia and tho cents In »tamps for boon mid testimonials minister of marino contained further No patent medicine bamboo. 1H£. J. It. island of 0»ba. The Florida left Port Between 8,000 and 10,000 Spanish . which are being rearmored. HAEBIH & 00 . -The Pike". Cincinnati. O. GOING WEST. Tampa last week with seraral hundred details for tfe into nation of the gov- Mail and Express 9 18 a. m. ernment alo«e. It is pointed out here troops are said to be embarking at Bar- Premier Sagasta formed another volunteer troops on board. The pas- celona for the Philippines. Boston, N. Y. and Chicago.... 8 12 sengers belonged to the regiment oi that the American plan was to get com- tet with Lieut.-(len. Correa as Fast Western Express 1 IH p. m. Cuban volunteers organized in the mand of the sea as a condition to future Rev. Thos. Ewing Sherman, son of minister of war; Capt. Aunon, minister in your nw-n country Grand Rapids and Kal Ex.... 5 SS movements. Admiral Cervera's bril- the famous general, has been n of marine, and Senor Castillo, minister •elllas Chicago Night Express 9 17 lower extremity of Florida some weeks ago. If this expedition is a su liant move deprive* America of the chaplain of the Fourth Missouri regi- of foreign affairs. The latter is Span- Oiwcll's Tree Pain! Paciite Express 12 SO a. m. command of the seas and demonstrates ment. ish ambassador at Paris and delined to Write to-day to other troops will be rushed into the 0. W. UUGGLES, II. W.HAYES, island as soon as possible. Besides to the world that the blockade in Cuba Apparently well-founded reports '. saying that he could be of W. B. OTWELL, greater service to his country where he FATKNT1K, G. P. & T. A.. Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor. the 400 Cubans, the Florida carried is merely nominal. Admiral Cervera state that the President is about to CarllnviHe, 111. five carloads of ammunition, 10,000 has given the slip to two powerful issue another call for volunteers. The is now. Springfield rifles, several Ilotchkis- fleets that have been scouring the ocean number is given at from 100,000 to It is now reported that the New one-inch rapid fire field guns and 7 for a fortnight in an endeavor to catch 200,000. ¥or . was the only vessel of Sampson's The Seel to return to Key West last week. Hotel in Detroit pack mules. Just where the landing him. All the American schemes de- Gen. Greely, chief of the U. S. signal Can do no more for YOU In tbe way of comfortable place was to be was kept a secret, but pend thereupon. Admiral Cervera, Tho real reason for the return of the bedsand i:ood IIIORIK than tbe Pranklln House, at service, has forbidden West Indian lip was to get a new searchlight Bates and Mirets. Rates are $1.50 to $2.00 a it was supposed in Tampa that the with four cruiers and a few destroyers, cable companies sending any met day, American plan. Woodward and Jetrerson Aven- alone to the Atlantic, ignoring events and replace the smashed paraphernelia ues are only a block away, with cars to all parts of Florida was to land within twelve disclosing U. S. fleet movements in the city. Excellent accommodations for wheelmen. Farmer miles of Havana. in Cuba and in Porto Rico and the posi- of her 8-inch guns. It was this that H. H. JAMES & SO*, Proprietors tion of the American squadron has <-aribbean waters. led to the story that the whole licet Bates and i-arned SU., Detroit, Mich. We want you to The Spanish gunboat Isabel II fired had returned. Charleston Sailed to Aid Dcwey. out-maneuvered, disorganized and dis- persed the later, making the Ameri- on and disabled the Dritish steamer The U. S. government is investigat- Kelly's Pruning Shears, After numerous delays the cruisei Roth at San Juan, Porto Rico, in order Hower Oatherer and lirapc Picker. Charleston got under way from Val- cans believe they were threatened on ing the reported sale by France to m one simple tool, which, unlike every side. to oblige her to unload a cargo of coal Spain of the islands of St. Pierre and ordinary Shears, lejo, Cal., for Manila. Capt. Henry she had on board. holds firmly any- Iilass, commanding. The Charleston A dispatch from Key West says that Miquelon. south of Newfoundland. It thing cut. Indis- it is believed there that the Spanish Owing to the immense amount of d Spain intends to use the islands •pensible to Flor- Bring Your was heavily loaded with ammunition coal, ammunition and supplies at Port lsts. Grape or for her own guns, in addition to a large fleet after coaling and leaving supplies as a base of supplies. If the report is »Plant Growers. supply of powder and projectiles foi at Santiago de Cuba has again put to Tampa, Fla.. the fortications on the true Uncle Sa-n will take the islands Circulars Free. Pruning Shear Co., fremo'nt. 0. Admiral Deweys fleet. No troops were sea. It is possible it may try to make keys commanding the bay are being and will also l>ri;.g France to time for carried on the Charleston, as she hasHavana. greatly strengthened. ion of neutrality. Laundry... no room for more than her own crew Sampson's and Sehley'g Fleets Unite. The new Spanish ministry seems to I e British steamer Ardnamhor was AN ENTIRELY NEW DEPARTURE of 380 men. The attempt to prevent the Spanish have infused great activity into war captured while attempting to run the IN FENCE WEAVING Your Cuffs, Collars and Later—After putting to sea it was fleet reaching a Cuban port led to the preparations, according to Madrid dis- blockade at Havana with a cargo of Fine Shirts to the discovered that the condensers of the recall of Sampson's fleet after the patches. The defenses of the coast cit- Supplies, and was taken to Key West THE BUCKEYE Charleston were out of order. She bombardment of San Juan and also re- ies are being jjreatly strengthened and as B prize of the auxiliary gunboat therefore put back for repairs and was sulted in Commodore Schley's flying mines laid in the important harbors. Osceola. The Ardnamhor was warned delayed three days. squadron being ordered to Cuban Reports from Manila state that Ad- away several weeks ago while trying waters. The smaller gunboats under miral Dewey's blockade is thoroughly to run the blockade with a cargo of WHITE STAR NOTES ON THE WAR SITUATION Commodore Watson were left to con- efficient. It is becoming daily more ap- cattle. Later.—The Ardnamhor has tinue the blockade of Cuban ports and parent that the Philippine insur id. The navy department is proud of the Sampson and Schley effected a junction cannot be trusted as allies of the Amer- S. auxiliary cruiser St. Louis record made by the battleship Oregon at Key West. icans, half of them being in favor of ampatuck cut the Spanish LAUNDRY, from an engineering point of view. Sampson aud Sehley Leave Key West. Spain. Santiago de Cuba and also the The reports to the department from Key West: A greater American fleet The Spanish loss during the recent one al (Inantanamo, thus leaving Cuba 109 East Liberty Street, the ship shows that she does not need than any that has been in the waters bombardment at Cienfuegos is nowwith only one line by which Blanco a particle o.' repairs to her machinery off Key West since the war began was known to have been much heavier than can communicate with Madrid, and and have them done up in ele- after her 13,000 miles continuous run Pcrtab.e weaving macnine will weave 3 assembled there when Sampson and at first reported. Over 300 Spaniards that via Jamaica. The warships had rods of fence while one is being woven by gant shape at reasonable rates. from our l'aciiic coast to Cuban waters. Schley effected a junction of their hot fights with the batteries at both any other machine. Send for circulars. were killed and several hundred more The record has never been equaled. squadrons. They coaled and replen- wounded. Great damage was done points, but came off with little damage The Buffalo, which came with the Ore- ished their stores of ammunition and along the coast. after silencing most of the batteries. HOLMES & WARD BROS.. CADIZ, OHIO. We Will Treat You Right. gon from Brazil, is to be overhauled at then parted, sailing in opposite direc- Senor Polo, formerly Spanish minis- The Spanish auxiliary cruiser Mont- Newport News, armortvU, given a new tions, making what is believed to be serrat arrived Corunna, Spain, unex- battery of 6-incl gtu.s and altogether ter to Washington, later chief of Span- the most decisive move that has yet ish spies in America, sailed from Mon- pectedly from Cienfuegos, Cuba, hav- made an effective modern cruiser. been made. All that is known of the ing escaped the American blockading Santiago advices state that the ap- treal on the steamship Dominion for iTHE STORE.: ships' movements with certainty is that Liverpool, en i Madrid. Senor ships. Large crowds of people pearance of the Spanish fleet off that Sampson with the swiftest vessels thronged the quays and the members port compelled four American cruisers, went to the southwest and Schley du Bosc, ex-charge d'affaires, at Wash- of the crew received an ovation when then bombarding the city, to retire. sailed east. If neither commander ington, Will continue the spy depart- they went ashore. The people em- On entering the port Admiral Cervera changed his course after he got out of ment. i the captain and officers of the discovered that when the Americans, sight of the watchers in Key West, The lake revenue cutter Gresham steamer. Popular demonstrations i'ol- who would now know his position, re- that means that Sampson headed for was cut in two at Ogdensburg, X. Y.. I throughout the city and at DECORATION turned in force his fleet would be en- the Yucatan channel and that he may preparatory to being passed through Madrid. trapped, as only one ship at a time be bound for the southern coast of tin-Canadian canals to reach the At- The powder mill at Ilessville, Ind., could pass the channel, the ships coaled Cuba and perhaps to Santiago de Cuba. lantic. While waiting for tugs to tow has blown up. The mill was under quickly and went out, purposing to try Schley's ships, according to this move- t he sections the bow section slid off orders to furnish 12,000,000 cartridges to catch the American ships separately ment, are bound along tho north coast the pontoons and sunk, bottom up, in to the government. DAY if possible; or at any rate, give Samp- 25 feet of water. of Cuba. The intention is evidently to son battle on the open sea. The fleet force Cervera to fight one of the two ...Is near at hand went northerly. President McKinley has established squadrons if he leaves Santiago, or to a "censorship" over the cabinet. Here- Positive, but secret, orders are said bottle his fleet up if he remains in that after, only Secretary Long and Secre- to have been given for the movement harbor until the American vessels ar- tary Alger are to he cognizant of war of the reserve squadron, the armored rive there. secrets. Other members of the cabinet "AlJCP'S We've the sizes—2 inches to 18 feet warship Pelayo, the protected cruisers are to know only such war news as the Carlos V. and Alfonso XIII, the torpedo THE WAR SITUATION. President and his war aids may think boat destroyers Audaz, Prosperina and it advisable to tell them. Cherry Pectoral Prices—lc each to $1C>.5O each. Destructor, the dispatch boats Giralda, It is reported that the U. S. gunboats Rapido and Patria, and the armed Orders have been issued to coast coi- saved my little girls' lives when detailed to cut the cables running from n's of customs to prevent Hie elear- Silk Flag Pins, 5c each. trans-Atlantic liners Jaguin, Alfonso Santiago de Cuba were only partially they had XII, Antoslo Lopea, Ciudad de Cadiss successful, not l>«in« nbl« to cut one of vosels laden with coal for and Buenos Ayres. The Reina Regente cable. They had aiwst figlrt with the West Indian, Mexican, Central Amer- and the Leon XIII are also being rap- shore batteries. ican or South American ports without a special permit from the treasury de- Whooping cough." idly armed. It is said that a portion One hundred carloads of ambulances of this fleet will sail for the Philip- partment as long as the Spanish fleet Mrs. A. H. BEERS, MACK & CO, FURNITURE. and government wagons have been is at large in American waters. pines and the remainder to American shipped by the Studebaker Co., at South Barnes, N. Y. 300, 302 and 304 S. Main St. Both 'Phones. waters. Bend, Ind., within 30 days. The Spaniard are preparing what thev call.their third Atlantic squadron HALF-SIZI3 BOTTLES, 50c. L THE ANN ARBOR REGISTEfi, MAY 20, 1898. PAGE 7. LEARNED WOMEN. Trlj of tu* Trade. LEGAL NOTICES. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. One of the moat successful dressmak- Some Masculine Krasona fur l!im'« Aver' ers in New York owes her prosperity (OFFICIAL) slon t-o Tliom. very largely to a scheme so simple it "A PERFECT FOOD-as \i1iolesonic as it in Delicious." COUNCIL CHAMIIEK, I Some very masculine reasons for Default having been made in ihe condi- is strange that no one had ever thought tions of a certain mortgage upon the prem- Ann Arbor, May 18, 1898. f man's aversion to the "learned woman" of it before. It is as follows: Her cs- WALTER BAKER & CO.'S ises lierelnHftor descrlbod, executed l>y were given recently by Albert Vandam, Joseph Baumgartnor und Mary Baumirart- Special Session. tab'ishment Is in a double house—thai ner, nl» wife, and Solomon Baumgartner to Called to order by Glen V. Mills, who says: " 'A bluestocking,' said the s to say, one with rooms on e! Edward Treadwell, now deceased, and Noaii great German poet, 'is like an aspara- W. Cheever, executors of tho will of Hiram !ity Clerk. ide of its hallway in the middle. One Arnold, deceased, bearing date November Roll called. Quorum present. gus; when one has done with her head, ide Is dedicated to one sort of custo- 1st. A. l) 1887, and recorded In the office of one has done with everything.' • • • mers, the fat; the other to another BREAKFAST Absent Aid. Kxiuger, Weeks, Stev- ihe Register of Deed* for Washtenaw Uounty, I am as ignorant of the problems of c "Has stood the test of more than loo years' use among all Michigan, November 1st, A. D. 1887. lu Liber M8, Prem. Luick. ort, the lean. No "plump" woman e!3sses,and for purity and honest worth la unequalled." 69 of Mortnagej on page 123. by which default Euclid as my bulldog Is of the alphabet, was ever known to pass beyond the i lie power oi sale contained In »a Id mortgage Aid. Hamilton moved that Aid. Cady —JUdteal und suryicul Jomrmd, became operative and no suit or proceed- but even the prospective honor of pass- ortals leading to the side not intended ing In law or equity having be,en Instituted ct as president pro tern. ing the 'Pons Asinorum' would not Cost3 less than ONE CENT a Cup. to recover i hedebt secured by aald mortgage Adopted. or her, and no "sylph" has ever yet or any part thereof, and the sum of one tempt me to study mathematics on an- een permitted to acquaint herself with Trade-Mark on Every Package. thousand Bve hundred and twenty six dol- CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSION. gular representatives of the gentler he mysteries of the apartments conse- larsand eighty-seven cents (tl.S26.8T) being sex. Tho sweet surrender of a woman's WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD., now claimed to be due upon said i 'Wage, Ann Arbor, Mich., May IS, 1898. rated to those of adipose figure. Of And. whereas, default has been made in ilen V. Mills, City Clerk. heart would not be sweet to me if the ourse, it is the mirrors. Every drers TiMDE-MARK. Established I 78O. DORCHESTER, MASS. the conditions of a certain other mortgage hand that clenched the bargain felt like upon the pn mlsos hereinafter described, ex- Call a special session of the Common r.aker has them of the two sorts, but ecuted by Mary A. Baumgartner to Edward Council to be held at tho Council Cham- old parchment and displayed inkstains oi every dressmaker has been shrewd Treadwell, now deceased, and Noah W. besides. The pursuit of comparative Ohoever, executois of the wiH of Hiram er May ISth, 1898 at 8 o'clock p. m. to nough to keep the two distinct and Arnold, deceased, bearing dale August 18th, atablivh. tho prade on West Liberty anatomy by placing my arm round a • pirate. Tho fat customer at this par- A.. D. 1894, and recorded in said Beg.ster B treet from Ashley to 7th street. woman's waist would have no charm office August 20th, A. I). 1891, in Liber 82 of Fcular establishment sees herself on mortgages on page 114, by wliirli diTanli the John Koch, for me If this waist were larger than '1 sHes in glasses that make her look power oi sale contained In said mortgage be- C. H. Cady, her life, 'and life is but a span.' In 'o the sylph she isn't while the living came operative and no suit or proceeding In F. M. Hamilton, short, I am still sufficiently old-fash- law or equity having been Instituted to re- Members of tho Common Council. r'loton herself would present rounded cover the debt cecured by said mortgage or ioned to require a woman to be the de- •ntours if reflected by the magic mir- any pan thereof, and the sum of live hun- .'o the Common Council: light of my eye3, even if she should Drink Clean Water! dred and thirty-five dollars and thirty-two •t lining; the walls of the thin rooms. cents (1685.34) being now c'almedto be due Your committee on Streets would rec- turn out subsequently th* worry of my u»on said mortgage, and therefore upon both hick" and "thin" is the way the two of said mortgages tnere is now claimed to be mmend that the gfede on W. Liberty soul and the ruin of my pocket." As a « cf apartments are designated. The due the sum of two thousand and sixty-two treet from Ashley to 7th street be lix-type of the woman of brain and beauty, Hence room into which a brand new dollars and nineteen cents ($2,062.19). d and established to tbe end that such Mr. Vandam cites Mme. de Glrandin, Fine Artesian Water only a few cents Notice is therefore hereby given that the treet may be suitable for public travel roa is ushered for the first time is aforesaid two mortgages will be fore. "not only a poet of sterling merit, an mirrors of any kind, and the by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein nd herewith submit tile proper resolu- accomplished student of literature, but per week. Send for Sample. described or some part thereof, to-wit: All ion lixinjr and establishing the same. it thing that Elise says to Celeste, of the following described land situated In one of the most elegant and most beau- ! en she announces the new arrival, io, the city of Ann Arbor. In tlie county of Respectfully submitted, tiful women of France, her elegance Washtenaw and. state of Michigan, viz: lie- ;'l.i:ro, an' is she thick or thin?" Address ginning at. the south-west corner of block John Koch, even surpassing her beauty." No. three <:i; soul li of Huron street In range Geo. W. Sweet, A Ureat Opportunity. No. three (Si east; thence east on the south Frank Vandawarker, We give away, absolutely freeof cost, Hue of said block t hree (31 rods; thence north ANN ARBOR CELERY CO., ANN ARBOR, MICH. parallel with the west line of said block si.\ George Spathel/, Jr., Ueautr sf Saxon Words. or a limited time only, The People's and one-half IC'.I rods; thence west parallel lOmmett Coon, How beautiful does Ruskin, who did lommon Sense Medical Adviser, by R, with the south line Of said block three CD V. Pierce, M.D., Chief Consulting Phy- rods to the west line of said block; thence C. H. Cady, so much to popularize art and har- south on the west line of said block six and Committee on Streets. mony among the lower classes in Eng- ician to the Invalid's Hotel and Surgi- "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR- one-half (t>H> rods to the place of beginning, Recommended by the Board of Pub- al Institute, a book of 1008 largB pages at public vendue, on Friday, the 10th day of land In "Sesame and the Lilies," ex- )rofusely illustrated, bound in strong June. A. 1). 1S98, at ten o'clock in thg fore- ic Works. press his Idea of the true sphere of wo- noon, at the east front door of the Court >aper covers, to any one sending 21 GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES Bouse, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said GLEN V. MILLS, man. He says: "What do you think ients in one-cent stamps to cover cost county, that being the place of holding the Clerk of Board of Public Works. the beautiful word 'wife' comes from? Circuit Court in said county. of mailing only. Over 080,000 copies of Dated, March IS, A. I>. 1898. Adopted as follows: It is the great word in which the Eng- his complete family Doctor Book al- NOAH W. OAEEVER, Yeas—Aid. Hamilton. Richard?, lish and Latin languages conquer the ready sold in cloth binding at regular Surviving executor of the will of Coch, Dieterle. Sweet, Vandawarker, French and Greek. I hope the French jrice of $1.50. World's Dispensary SAPOLIO Hiram Arnold, deceased, [24] Mortgagee. Jrown, Spathelf, Coon, Howell, Cady will some day get a word for it In- Medical Association, Buffalo, N. V. —11. stead of their femme. But what do Nays—None. ".My wife," said Tangle, "is a mind Mortgage Sale. you think it comes from? The great reader." "Pity my lot," said Jangle; Whereas, default has been made in the con- STREET GRADE RESOLUTION. value of the Saxon words is that they my wife is a mind speaker."—Tit-Bits. ditions of payment of an installment of in- iy Alderman Koch. mean something. Wife means weaver. Ann Arbor Savings Bank. terest, due on a certain mortgage, made i n Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of tula State. the 32nd day of January, A. 1). 1896, by C. Whereas, in the opinion of the Coun- You must be either housewives or All the healing, balsamic virtues of Lincoln McGuire, of the City of Ann Arbor, cil the grade on West Liberty street house moths, remember that. In the ,he Norway pine are concentrated in Dr. County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, ought to bo fixed and established, to Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, nature's mortgagor, to Mary Kurnum, of the same deep sense you must either weave CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $150,000. TOTAL ASSETS, $1,000,000 place, mortgagee, and recorded in the office .he end that such street may be made own remedy for coughs and colds. of the Register of Deeds, for Washtenaw suitable for public travel and trallic, men's fortunes and embroider them, or County, aforesaid, on the 22ud day of .Janu- feed upon them and bring them to de- Look Out. ary, A. D. 1896, in Liber T9 of Mortgages, on Therefore Busirxss Men,Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this Bank page 230; And whereas, such default has Resolved, and it is hereby ordered cay. Wherever a true wife comes Don't be deceived by the extensive tinued for more than thirty days, where hat the grado on West Liberty street home is always around her. The stars newspaper advertising of the high by the said mortgagee hath power and au- rotn center line of A. A. & N. M. R. R. may be over her head, the glow worm >riced Powders. Every can of their A Sate and Convenient thority to elect and declare, and hath elect- -o the center lino of Seventh street be, roods you buy you are assisting tkem ed ana declared, to have the whole of the in the night'B cold grass may be the n paying for this advertising which is Place to make Deposits and do Bxisiness. Interest is allowed at the rate of S PER principal sum of money, and interest there- and the same is hereby chanjjed from fiTe at her feet; but home Is where on, secured by said mortgage to lie now due he present grade and tixed and estab- misleading to you. Why do you want CENT, on all Savings Deposits of $1.00 and upvxirds, according to the rules of the and payable, which -aid default has contin- she is, and for a noble woman it ,o pay 45 or 50 cents a pound for Baking bank, and interest compounded semi-annually. isbed, so that the grade on and along 3 ued after such elect ion, and due notice there- stretches far around her, better than owder, when you can buy a Baking of , whereby the power Of sale in said mort- such street shall bo as follows, that is 3 Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,000. gage contained has become operative; And o say: houses! ceiled with cedar or painted owder that is guaranteed to bo as good whereas, by reason of said default, and the with vermilion, shedding Its quiet or 25 cents, and that Baking Powder Secured by unlncumbered real estate and otber good securities. continuance thereof for more than thirty At center of A A & N M UK 790 HO ft will not leave in the Food any Rochelle days, and such election by said mortgagee « 110 ft east of • SOll.00 light for those who are homeless. This, 91REC7OES: Christian Mack, W. D. Harriman, WUliam Deubel, Davtd . i« Secont. d s..t and due notice thereof to said mortgagor, At N14.50 _ialts? Calumet Baking Powder Co. there is now claimed to be due and payable, At 85 ft west of ' i II ., » 818.50 I believe, is the woman's true place will give $1000.00 for any Rochelle Salts, Iiinsey, Daniel Uiscock, W. li. Smith and L. Grurter. at the date of this notice, for principal and •• 286 ' ' " •* *• 831.51 and power."—Chattanooga News. Alum, Lime or Ammonia found in OFFICEBS: Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman, Vice-President; CAos Interest the sum of eight hundred and eighty- At ' " Third " seven dollars and (ifty-six cents, and no pro- 1 " Fourth " 825 00 3read baked with their Baking Powder. E. Miscock, Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. ceeding at law or In equity having been in- A1200 ft west of' 828.50 The Matter °f Whiskers. There is no better Baking Powder than stituted to collect the said sum of money, At Fifth " tUi.OO or any part thereof: At (i) ft west of " '• •' 83.").00 London Truth: The day he went to Calumet" on the market at any price. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby given, 841 WJ th« Palais de I'lndustrie to Inform the The next time you buy Baking Powder, that by virtue of said power of sale in said " 610" " " ' n 847l0C try "Calumet." At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, May 5th. BBS mortgage contained, and in pursuance of the At ' " Seventh" 848.<0 Emperor *nd Empress of the Archduke statute in such case made and provided, on ,he elevation given being above the of- Maximillian'B execution the revealing RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. the 2.sth day of May, A. D. 1898, at ten o'clock She—I heard about the elopement. Capital Stock paid In f 50,000 00 In the forenoon of said day, at the south ici&l city datum and along tbe center whiskers fell quite lank. They recov- 3as her mother forgiven themV He— Lof.ns and Discounts % 487,492 10 Surplus fund 150,000 00 front door of the Court House, in said City ino of said street, and the grade lines ered their triumphant air soon after, I understand she has gone to live 3tocka, Bouds. and Mort- Undivided profits lets Cur- of Ann Arbor, that being the building where- ,o consist of straight lines between the with them.—Boston Traveler. gages, 628,894 02 rent expenses. Interest in the Circuit Court for the County of Wash- to lose it on September 4. They cer- Overdraft* L3Q3 Ml and Taxes paid 13,468 57 tenaw Is held, the undersigned will sell at several points or stations above stated, tainly did not recover that air at Tours Banking house 20,500 00 Dividends unpaid 332 01) public auction to the highest bidder, the .he roadway to conform thereto. It's folly to su.Ter from that horrible Furniture, and Fixtures 7,417 33 lands, tenements and premises,described in or Bordeaux, where Prince Metternich plague of the night, itching piles. Other Real Estate £3,804 79 DEPO8ITS. and conveyed by said mortgage, to satisfy Adopted a3 follows: looked very much the fish out of wa- ine claim for the sum of money secured by Yeas—Aid. Hamilton, Richards, Ooan'a Ointment cures quickly and Commercial deposits sub- said mortgage, and so elected and declared ter. Jules Ferry's whiskers were often sermanently. At any drug store, 50 CASH. 221,116 to be due and payable as aforesaid, and the \och, Uieterle, Sweet, Vandawarker, ject to check f H costs and expenses of these proceedings, in- 3rown, Spathelf, Coon, Howell, Cady an index to his state of feeling. I saw cents. Saving deposits 844,800 M cluding an attorney fee >of twenty-live dol- him on the day he escaped from the Due from Bunks In re- Saving certificates of 41 lars, as provided in said mortgage. —11. deposits 151.703 commune of Paris to Versailles. He serve cities $ 149,641 J: Due to banks and bank- T ho lands and tenements In said mortgage Nays—None. Exchanges for clearing ers 19,829 IS- 1,237,4oO 19 mentioned, and then and there to be sold, related his adventures at the Hotel des house... C10 13 are described as follows, to wit: "The fol- On motion tho Council adjourned. Reservoirs to friends who gathered Checks aud cash Items.. all CO lowing described lands and premises, situate GLEN V. MILLS, City Clerk. Nlobleg nod Cents f~,2 27 Total 1.151,350 7« In the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washte about him. The whiskers which ha- Gold Coin a>i.2 ii :< i naw, and State of Michigan, vi/.: Commenc- Drunk SllverCoin 7,400 00 STATI OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WASHTJUJAW, SS COUNCIL CHAMBER. / bitually stood well out like those (his ing at the north-east corner of Hlock num- U. 8. and National bank ber three north of Huron stieet. range thir- Ann Arbor, May 23, 1898 i enemies said) of a garcon de cafe, were I, CBAS.E. HiscocK.Cashlerof tho above namert teen east, thence west parallel with Cather- m^ %>r*vr ennessNotes ST,7til 00 $251.s.» s, Special S-ssion. limp, and lay flat to the cheeks. The Bank,do solemnly awear that the above sta:e ine street two hundred and seventy-five feet, Absolutely and permanently cured in 9 days ment is true, to the best of my knowledge and thence SOUth parallel With Thirteenth stieet Called to order by Pres. Luick. most leonine whiskers I ever saw were ninety nine feet, thence east parallel with by a new scientific and invigorating treat- 11.451,2.0 7ii belief. CHAS. E. H1SCOCK,Cashier Catherino street one hundred and forty- Roll called ; quorum present. Skobeleff's. They were of immense ment. No publicity — no injections — no three feet, thence north parallel with Thir- length when he drew them out, as restraint. Can be given secretly. No"fre« Correct—Attest: OHRI8TIAH HACK, DAVID RINSSY, L. URUNER, Directors. teenth street sixty-nine feet, thence east Absent Aid. Koch, Exinjjer, Vanda- parallel witli Catherine street one hundred warker, Spathelf. was his wont, but when let alone treatment" schemeR. A. OUNN. ESESS^"", M.D., ™ Subscribed and sworn to before me tliis 11th dayiof May. 1898. •ind thirty-two feet, the ee north parallel seemed only half as long. I dare say 41 East 21st Street. New York City. MICHAEL J. KBITS. Notary 1'uWJa. with Thirteenth street thirty feet to the CALL FOK SPECIAL SESSION. place of beginning: Subject to a right of they had their lank days, but not so way, twelve feet wide, running north and Ann Arbor, Mich., May 23, 1898. south across said land, one hundred and far as I knew. The term "whisker- thirty-two feet west from Thirteenth street." LEN V. MILLS, City Clerk: ando" (now well-nigh obsolete) had Hated Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 28th Call a special session of the Council more meaning than those who used it A. D. 1898. to be held at the Council Chamber at 8 thought. MARY FURNITM. Mortgagee. o'clock tonight to consider the subjftct ANDREW E. GIBSON, Atty. for Hortgagi The Brooks Visible Writing Typewriter. of employing an attorney to take charge of the Walker case in the Supreme Iteal Estate For Sale. Women ox Foreign Lands. Court. In China a wife is never seen by her TATE OKMICHIGAN, 1 GOTTLOB LUICK, S COUNTY OK WASHTBNAW I B' future master. Some relative bargains In the, matter of the estate of Ira Aldrlch, President of the Council. for the girl, the stipulated price is paid deceased. Aid. Brown moved that T. D. Kear- Notice is hereby given that in pursuance and she is afterward a submissive of an order granted to the undersigned Wm. ney be employed to conduct the Walk- slave. The women of ancient Rome K. Chi ids, administrator of the estate of said er case in tho Supreme Court. deceased by the lion, Judge of Probate for were treated with the greatest respect. the County of Washtenaw, on the'Jth day of Aid. Hamilton moved to adjourn. Still they were not allowed to inherit April A. D. ixiW, there will be sold at Public Adopted. Vendue. to the highest biddor, at the east property and could be divorced by their front door of the Court House In the City of GLEN V. MILLS, husbands for counterfeiting their keys Ann Arbor, In the County of Washtenaw In said state, on Wednesday the 1st day of Juno City Clerk. and for drinking wine. In Turkey a A. I), ls'.is, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of woman is held In the most rigid seclu- that day (subject to all encumbrances by The Covta sciciiu Counterfeiter*. mortgage or otherwise existing at tho time sion. She must always appear veiled. of the death of said deceased) the following For many months the Costa Rican With pigs and dogs, she is forbidden described real estate, to-wit: counterfeiters have been issuing bogus Lots number twelve U-l and thirteen [131 notes of the government of the island to enter a mosque, and the koran de- in block number nine L'J| Brown and Fuller's clares a woman who is unmarried to he addition to the village now city of Ann until the amount, it is said, has reached Arbor. $1,000,000. Inspectors of the secretser- in a state of reprobation. Siberian WM. K. C'HILDS vice bureau were chiefly instrumental women are raised as abject slaves, un- 22 Administrator of Said Estate. in bringing the malefactors to justice. tidy in dress, and are bought with The efliciency of the secret servico is money or cattle. The most capricious The- undoubted, but it is by no means a sec-whim of her husband Is law to the Si- ret, but a patent fact, that the service berian woman, and should he desire a Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. that Hoffstetter's Stomach Bitters does divorce he has only to tear the cap DAILY STEAMERS BETWEEN the weak, nervous and dyspeptic is of genuine value. There have been from from her head.—Exchange. Buffalo - and - Cleveland, time to time counterfeits of it, as there are of the genuine Costa Rican notes, Rival reaches. Via "C. & B. Line," but the minitnro note of hand on the Miss Keedick—I read of a peach also daily between label and the vignette of St. Georjre which was raised in Tennessee and Cleveland, Lorain, and the Dragon, coupled with the ex-weighed a pound and a half. Mr. Spatts quisetly finished typographical work, Put-in-Bay and Toledo. are not successfully imitable. Any one —That isn't such a very big peach. Elegant fust side Wheel Steamers who has used the bitters knows its ad-Miss Keedick. Miss Keedick—Isn't it? "City of Hrle," [building] will RO lnt( Mr. Spatts—No, indeed. You weigh commission about Jane 15th, mirable quolsties and the features of "< 11) <>l Illldalo," | new.] the exterior of the bottles. This agree- much more than that.—Judge. ••Mule iitohiii," able tonic absolutely prevents and re- "Mate of New YorK," medies malaria, rheumatism, liver com- Chicago Modesty. will, wit ii t lie opening of navigation, abou plaint, kidney trouble and dyspepsia. A prll 1st, form a dally line between theabovi "Did she have a church wedding?" points. "No. There's no foolish desire for Tickets sold to all points East and Wes The Bent spring aud Summer Climate at lowest rates. ostentation about her. Why, every III the World. Bend I ••cuts In stamps for handsome illus time she's been divorced the case has trated pamphlet. The advantages of Asheville and Hot always been heard in the judge's little Time Table and further Information can Springs, N. C , as resorts, in the spring side room."—Cleveland Plain-Dealer. be obtainrd by addressing and summer months, are superior to W. I'. Herman, Gen'l Passenger Agen any other in tho world. This "Land ( I.KVELAND, OHIO. of the Sky" country is the most bene- Japanese Letters. ficial health-resort and a delightful The Japanese address their letters in SrliediilR of Teacher*' Kxaiuliialioii pleasure retort. First-class hotel ac- Tbe regular examinations for all'Jtrade just the opposite way to other people will be held at Ann Arbor tbe third Thurs commodations. They wrK« the country first, then the clay and Friday of August, 1HH7, and tlie las Asheville and Hot Springs are reach- Thursday and Friday of March, 1898. Ex ed on convenient schedules via thecity, the street and the number, and ABOUT ONE-THIRD ACTUAL SIZE. nmhiatlons for second and third grades a the name last of all. Ypsilanti, t he third Thursday and Friday o Southern Railway, from all points. The Machine shows the writing as it actually appears, the pointer indicating the position of October. 1SSI7. nnd at A t.n Arbor the thin Excursion tickets on sale the year Thursday and Friday of June, 1898. Specia around. For information, address, Great men too often hare greater the next letter. Our free literature will tell you about it. Your name on a postal card will bring it. examinations for tbird tirade onlyatSalln the third Friday of September, I«i7. Wm. II. Tayloe, Aral. Gen'l Puss. Agt., faults than lkt\f> men can find room tf W. N. LISTEN, Commissioner 216 Fourth Ave., Louisville, Kentucky. for. I jj O.B. WOOD & CO,, Getil. Agts, Dayton, Ohio. THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER, MAY 26, 1898. PAGE 8 Nearly everyone is The Twenty-fifth AnnualJune Fcsti-j There will bo a Faculty conoert alI bbyy St. Thomas Conservatory will be the School of Music at 8 o'clock INA P. KING'S AGENCY. iven on the evening of June 3 at the night. thens theatre. J. P. Thomas, of the U. of M. Daily, General Insurance. Complaining Thirty-five Knights Templar visited has been elected principal of the Zee- ..ifo, Fire. Tornado, Accident, Plate land school next year. Stylish Outdoor Garments "oreat Hill cemetery Sunday afternoon Glass, etc., at lowest premium rates. at this time of year of corns or nd observed Ascension Day by decor- C. H. Keyee, the proprietor of the sweating ting the graves of their departod opera house jewelry store, has removed jrothers. his business to State st. flortgage Loans. Spring; Jackets. Tender Feet. The County Treasurer handed City There will bo a war concert for the floney to loan at the lowest current >easurer Seyler a check for $7,020.00 rules of Interest. $5.00 for the pick from about 50 Sample Jackets made You need not suffer if you will use Cuban Relief held at Newberry Hall, ast Saturday, that being the city's Friday evening, May 27, at 8 o'clock. from Covert and Lightweight Broadcloth, Silk and Satin Allen's Foot Ease, - ascts. jortion of the saloon licenses for the Admission 10 cents. Yale's Foot Relief, - iscts. urrent year. Collections. Liued Velvet Collar. They are worth 17.50. or Our Corn Salve, - iocts. The annual contest between the U. Harris Ball has resigned the office of olleotions of all kinds made on reaa. of M. faculty ami tho High School deputy sheriff. Jt is reported that he onablc: termH. faculty base bull teams will occur will be a candidate for justice of tho No. 218 Main Street, South, Wednesday, June 1. Spring Capes. Mummery's Drug Store, jeace if the council decides to hold a Ann Arbor, - Mich. 123 K. WaalUngton-nt, Cor. 4tli Ave. pecial election. The farm known as the Eliza North Beautiful Silk Capes trimmed with Lace, Chiffon, Ribbon estate in tho town of Salem will be sold Prof. P. M. Taylor, of tho Political at auction on Thursday. June 2, at 10 and Jet. Special Sale at $2.98, $3.50 and $4.00. POP * fine photo call at Seymour's Science Department, will have an ar- studio, 316 South iMain-st. For a short a. m., at the court house in Ann Arbor. Over Two Hun= time only we aro making regular $3.00 iclo in the Juno number of the Journal Carbonette photophotos for J2.00 per dozen. if Political Economy on the Report of One hundred and fifty people took dred Schools and Call and examine work. lOtt he Monetary Commission. supper at the patriotic tea given by the Seminaries... Ladies', Dress Skirts. Amateur work finished. lOtf Presbyterian church last Thursday Ernest, the four-year-old son of Mr. night. Flag napkins wero used and and Mrs. Duane Forn, of Fosters, died prosented a pretty effect. are using the ^^The Skirt of the Century THE CITY, ast Sunday, from inflamation of the Appropriate memorial exsreises in In Work on the new law building is pro- oowels. Funoral servicas were held honor of the late William Gladstone Grenadine gressing rapidly. Tuesday at 1 p. m. at the home. B. SCHOMGER will be held in University Hall at It is announced that the Carl Wuerth The annual banquet of the Mozart o'clock tonight. President Hutchins Brocade Skirts... ner case will be appealed. lub was held last Wednesday night at will preside. Good music and speeches the home of Prof. W. W. Beman. Mrs. will makeup the program. The schedule time on the new lino to lieman furnished the refreshments and PIANO Positively the best Bro- Detroit will bo about two hours. delightful time was had by all. Mr. Zina P. King has had a splendid engraving made showing tho wrecket cade Woven Grenadine The excursion to Detroit last Satur- The University has ordered a flag opera house at, Ypsilanti at- the time o and that means the highest rec- Dress Skirt ever offered day contained 260 Ann Arbor people. pole to cost $375. From it will float the cyclone In 1893. Mr. King is using ognition as to their wearing for the money. Four yds Sunday. June 5, will be^observed as one of the two forty foot World's Fair this upon a circular he is using in qua.'itics and tine tone. children's day at the Church of Christ. flag3 secured by the University boys at soliciting cyclone insurance. sweep, lined with fast hicago at the close of tho fair. The fine and first class black taffeta lining (> inch President MoKinley has appointed Edith Lansing who wus last weok Dr. Nancrede one of the chief surgeons Clia*. II. Manly, who had a chattel charged with stealing money from hei Farrand & Yotey Organs interlined; black velveteen in the army. mortgage on Manly Bros', restaurant, room mate, Bertha Klager, was from £45 up to $75; Piano Case bound bottom, all seams took posession last waek. Capt. Manly brought back from Detroit Saturday Major H. Soule is amusing himself bj Organs at $98.00. will continue the business until he has by Marshall Sweet. At tho hearing closed. This skirt has no drilling a company of boys aged from a chance to dispose of the same. Tuesday before Justice Duffy she was We also keep in stock the superb equal and would be cheap 10 to H years of age. discharged. The directors of the Wesley»n Guild al 18.50. There are over forty bicycle agencies Prof. E. G. Conklin, of the Univer Schumacker Gold String Piano elected the following officers last week: in the city this 9prin?, and almost al sity of Pennsylvania, was in the citj We have made big pur- President, Prof. H. S. Carhart; Vice- and three different grades of the of them aro doing well. last week in conference with Prof president, J. W. Booth; Secretary, D. well known chase and make the price Trueblood relative to the prospective The Detroit, Ypsllanti & Ann Arbor W. Spriofer; Treasurer, J. E. Beal. electric road, we are informed, will be debate with the U. of P. It appears Smith and Barnes Piano. in running order by June 1. The High School Oratorical associa- that the outlook for a debate is quite tion elected the following officers last favorable. Divorce proceedings have been be $1.98. week: President, T. E. Cooper; Vice- Transferable 1003 mile books to bi gun by Fred II. Stimpson, of Saline president, H. D. Gross; Secretary, Effle Schaeberle Music Store against his wife, Rose Stimpson. sold at ten dollars, may be had ove Godfrey; Treasurer, H. H. Woodrow. the D. Y. & A. A. electric road as soon II4W. Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. Letters to the soldier boys should be as it Is in operation. This will make Miss Marie Turner, a student In the addressed to Chickamauga, Ga., no the faro from herd to Detroit fort high school, suffered from a severe at- The School of Shorthand is willing to Tennessee as some have supposed. cents as that will be tho distance b tack of hemorrhage of the lungs while furnish some worthy young man or the new line. woman, who is unable to pay the tuition The New State Telephone Co. has at school last Fridaj. It was some fee, a complete course in Shorthand begun work upon its extention to time before she was able to b« taken The caw of Carl Wuerthner versu and Typewriting and accept payment SGHAIRER & MSLLEN Whitmore, Portage and Zukey Lakes home. in light o8<-'t t'Urk- lisre is a good tha Workiugaen'i Ben«Tolen» society ohanos for «one v&bitioa* young man of Manchestsr, which hu excited ie It is reported that a number of Uni The Sunday school hold at the stone or woman 1w seeure » thorough Short- The Busy Store much interest was submitted to the hand education without having to pay versity profes=ors have united and wil school house on the motor Una gave a jury last Wednesday night. It tool a cent in money for tuitions. Call at erect an elegant club house at Winan' large social last Friday evening at the the jury only half an hour to docid* tho School of Shorthand, 30S S. State lake. home of Mr. Curtis. Prof. J. B. Staere Street, third floor front. Do not wait that the plaintiff had no caie aguins gave an interesting talk on the Phil- until the place is spoken for. the society. 21 tf O. K. Wagner, Principal. Robert Scott, accused of larceny, wa ippines. sent to the Detroit House of Correction The High School Students' Christian Do you want a high grade bicycle, for 90 days last Thursday by Justice The Anti-saloon Loagu* cases which association haa elected the following one of a well-known make, brand now, Duffy. were to have been heard last Friday right from the factory, "i)$ model, list officers for the first semester of th were postponed for two weeks, the act- $60? Ann Arbor agency for this wheel next school year: President, Mildre' asks $50 spot cash. We will sell you From letters received from some o ing prosecuting attorney Judge Babbitt the boys at Chiokamauga some of them L. Ware; vice-presidents, Louise Par one for $44.DO. No better wheel made. being engaged at the time in a Circuit For particulars call upon S. A. Morau, are woofully homesick. They will a] don and Luella Swift; secretary, H. C Court case. Register office, 21ti E. Hurou-st. tf recover. Mover; treasurer, R. D. Paxson; bulle ..Shirt.. S. B. Bluntoch, who has been con- tin editor, H. II. Woodrow, Have you tried the board at the Portland Cafe? If not, why not? On- Lieut. A. C. Pack of Co. "A" ha ducting the Elite Cigar Parlor, 110 E. been made adjutant of the third batal It seems to be the general impressio ly $3.00 per week for tho finest board Huron street, was closed up on a chatel in the city. Try it. Also nicely fur- lion of the Thirty-first regiment a that O. E. Wagner, principal of th mortgage Monday morning. The nished rooms. Chickamauga. Stenographic Institute, has gone to th mortgagee will dispose of the stock at 18tf C. L. CARUAO, Prop. war. This is a mistake. He desires i private sale. Ex-Regent Levi P. Barbour will pre understood by those who are intercste Do you want to buy a home that will side at the Oratorical League contes trive you a good income? If so, enquire The arc lights upon the campus are in shorthand and typewriting that : of A. M. Clark, 439 S. Division-st. 22 to be held in Newberry hall next Sat- a great improvement over the two or they will call at the school they wi Waists urday evening. three gas lamps of tho past. One may find him doing business as usual at th A petition is being circulated among now cross the campus of a dark night old stand. the residents along Spring street ask- and not feel a danger of losing himself Airs. A. C. Roberts, of Fort Madison The Rocker Washer ing the council to change the name to n dark forest. hu proved the most satisfactory Iowa, died from the effects of paralys «f any Wuhcr ever placed upon Dewey avenue. the market. It is warrant"! tfl It is conceded that the "lion's share" of tho Shirt Waist business comes last Thursday. The deceased, wh wash »n ordinary family washing There will be a patriotic service in of 1 OO I»I ECK« I* OH K to us. Best of reasons for it too. As we closo out each season's Waists during was a formor resident here, was th IIOl'IC. as clean as can be Mrs. J. C. Schryver has purchased University hall next Sunday. A col- washed on the wa*hl

« Illi \( O 19 JEALOI S. is so 1 at a charge thit is based only on a similar- THSHATIOK'S PRIDE. Campus. I'lic Complaint Atfalntt IMIIOM linn ity in form can u this Ladies! Wiley's Hygienic No Foundation. ory. Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by There was a handicap shoot of the The debating board of tho TJ. of M. DR. MILES' HEART CURE. STAN DARD 'Alaska' gun club at 1:30 Saturday. Oratorical Association is Investigating Lieut. SinoIiB l««-r« Agulu. The score was 8 to 5 in favor of Obor- the cfiarge made by the Chicago A> Socks Liout. Smoke was in the city again 11 you i i lin vs Wisconsin Tuesday. ing board, that Dillon, one ol tho Miel - ROTARY Thursday night. Ii'' came to enlist I'S f<>c-v igan winners of thu Api il contest, rais- When The war has taken several ol tho best the studerjts who have boon examined they begin to ed Lord Salisbury. v. ;i!k !' i ir mi t hem tennis men from the University. by CharlesLyster, '99 M., who desire SEWING MACHINE when >on t iick them ir Edward Itemenyi dropped dead in The misquotation charged is in re- to join the regular army. Tno lieuten- ni^lils. Lei yon r LUeir gard to Lord Salisbury's attitude to- rubber boots, w If, ai 'I pre SanFrancisco last Saturday night. ant is enthusiastic over tho opportunity sen t ;t pair to your iiusl tiould ward the •Monroe Doctrine as related to be without :i pair for <••. i the Dr. Kabethoge has been given sole Offered to the. boys hero and beii family. They are lit:-' . wool the question of International arbitra- and finished by , and charge of the track team training. thoroughly that it is the chanccof their are tip tion. The Michigan debating board life time to gain an invaluable cx- F. H. 'Wing, lit '9S, has been chosen has not 0.3 yet rendered a decision but y Wiley's P' rlence and 111 themselves for a career "Alaska". If your sh as an assistant in the general library. the Investigation has proccedod far ment store should not h;i * >• i hr:;i In after life. Tho students havo been tons, and they will tu sent promptly, post- The class team contest between the enough to show that Chicago's com- paid. Mention s d that if enough of them enlist to ; '98 lits and '00 medics occurs at 9 a. m. plaint rests upon a misquotation of Mr. form a company it will bo kept intact Saturday. Dillon. When it is remembered that Chicago has won from Michigan only throughout tho war and that each Gov. Pingree lias appointed Prof. E. man will re F. Johnson a member of the slate board once the complaint settlesdown danger- ously near the level of jealousy. at the clo war. Two students, of education. EM gar Bate?, 1900 law, of Heading, and E. C. C. SHULTS, of Winterset, Iowa, JIOTHEKM If you Knit 1 a pair of Toilet Slippers fur your baby, daughter, It is announced that the '99 boys will Edward Richardson of Ann Arbor, were Inventor and manufacturer of Michigan Debater Aecu»ed of 1 sister, husband, son or brother, 1 give a return party to the lady mem- ready to leave for l'\ rt Wayne at once Shults Safety Whiffletreo Con] "(:i]jitnl" Lamb's fftt writes of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure "Two years For sale ;it nil shoe dry goods bers of the class. Prof. Trucblood recently received a and moro are sure to follow, seeing illll WO Will ago an attack of LaGrippe left mo Tilth a Bend postpaid, [naist on having the "Capi- June 16-17-18 are the dates which letter from the president of the Univer- that they will be sent to Mobile at once. weak heart. I had run down In flesh to tol", take no other. have been arranged for tho Western sity of Chicago Oratorical association A number of senior medics ar- anxious- mere skin and bone. I could not sleep lying is a beautiful piece of median WM. H. WILEY & SON, ly waiting a ohance 1oget Into the hos- down for smothering spells; frequent sharp Inter-Collegiate meet. accusing I). P. Dillon with making use darting paias and palpitation caused a con- ism. It is oue I'. O. Box No. 5. HAKTFOKD, CONN. As it is the laws' turn to have the of a false quotation from one of Lord pital corp3, as their work will soon be stant fear of sudden death, nothing could over. managing editor of tho Salisbury's letters concerning the Ven- induce me to remain away from home over Single Piece of Solid Steel, This May be News to Yon ezueIan dispute, in the Michigan-Chi- night. My local physician prescribed Dr. they have chosen D. F. Dillon for the Elected Fraternity Editor*. Miles' Heart Cure and in a few days I was hardened and polished in the BUT place. cago debate, The claim is made that atjle to sleep well and the pains gradually highest degree. Also the The Choral Union announced a Dillon intentionally misquoted in order Tho representatives of tho various lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced the to deceive the judges. The president tho doses, having gained fifteen pounds, and reception and danco to be given for fraternities and sororities met last week am now feeling better in every way than I STANDARD VIBRATOR members and friends in the Gym. last is magnanimous enough to concede and elected the editors for next years have for years." the finest Vibrating Shuttle Ma- Imperial Baking Saturday night. tbat the loss of the debate by Chicago Michiganensian. They were: Assist- Dr. Miles' Kemedles chine in the world. is not due to this claimed deception on The laws have elected the following ant managing editor, Wn>. M. McKee, are sold by all drug- FOR SALE BY the part of Dillon. The Oratorical As- Sigma Phi; Sorority editor, Miss See- gists under a positive editors of the '99 Micniganonsian: J. A. sociation is asked to consider the charg- guarantee, first bottle Powder ley, Delta Gamma; Associates, .J. C. benefits or money re- Bard in, C. E. Smith, D. F. Dillon and es, and to censure the debater, Dillon, L O'TOOLE, 119 N. Main, S. J. Motler. Osborne, S. A. E.: and Chas. Hale. Phi funded. Book on dis- his been manufactured by us for a so as to make an example of him and eases of the heart and Ann Arbor, Michigan. % reat many years and it cannot bo sur- Prof. J. B. Davij left Friday for Kappa r'si. The board will soon organ- passed in prevent a recurrence of such methods. ize ready for work next year. nevvesfree. Address, Opera House Block. Northern Michigan to mako prepara- Dillon denies that he misquoted and UK. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. tions for the annual trip of tho Junior asks that a searching investigation be HEAD: .tiAUK: I,I:AK\: Quality, Strength, civil engineers. made. He declares that ha read the —OR — Prof. E. C. Conklin, Ph. D.. of theextracts verbatim from the published Some IVi tluc-ut (lucittlous That Can RINSEY & SEABOLT WANTED. be Au»\\ errtl With One Hcjiir. Purity. University of Pennsylvania, lectured correspondence of the State Depart- HO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Live agents to canvass the Farm and on "Evolution and Theology" at thement. Why is it that Ann Arbor witb Threshing trade for orders for our We make no charge for our reputation its suburbs, with a combined popula- Methodist church Sunday evening. tion of 12,000 there is only one medic- Have always on hand a complete Stock Ash Your Grocer. bttar-ScbolaaUe Meet—May 27-28. of everything in the High Grade Lubricating The vacancy caused by the resigna- inal preparation which cives state- The Athletic Association has com- ments from residents to back up its Oils, Greases and 1 pound cans sell for 35c tion of W. D. Herrick, tennis manager, i pound cans sell for 20c pleted arrangement for the Inter-Schol- representations. Why is it that was filled by the athletic board Tues- Specialties. i pound cans sell for 10c astic Meet which will take place on Doan's Kidney Pills do this in Ann day night by the election of S. A. Stein. Arbor, as well us every other city Meyer Brotliem A Co., manufacturer!!, Friday and Saturday May 27-28. and town of any importance in the GROCERY LINE Liberal terms to reliable parties. Ft. Wayne, Indiana. The sale of the second edition of the The proposition made by the Athletic Union? Why is it that there are ad- Write at once for terms and territory '98 Michiganensian has been large. It Association was accepted by the Mich- vertised in every newspaper, a dozen remedies a::d only ono can supply lo- THE A. F. VOAK OIL CO. is a rare thing in the history of college igan Inter-High School Athletic As- cal proof, local indorsation of its Teas, Coffees and Sugar annuals that a second edition is ever sociation. It is as follows: Cleveland, O. claims? The solution of the problem All prime articles bought for cash and is simple. Only one remedy has the KALENE called for. 1. To furnish the use of Waterman can sell at low figures. Our frequent curing and the staying power. Other Wm. R. Moss, (law '99), the imperson- gymnasium and for an large invoices ofTeas is a sure sign we remedies make all kinds of gigantic ive bargains in ator, has been selected from a large inter-high school meet, 10 be open to yet futile efforts to get local proof, LOUIS ROHDE, all high sch< o's of Michigan and to be but the attempt ends in producing a number of applicants to travel with Quality and Prices. —DEALER IN— the famous l'ark Sisters on a ten weeks held in Ann Arbor May 27 and 2S, 1898. statement or two from places that, as far as Aun Arbor i9 concerned might We roast our own coffees every week FOR American tour. 2 To assume full control and respon- always fresh and good. Our bakery as well be in the moon. Here is|Ann turns out the very best of Bread, Cakoj Under the head of "Athletic Notes" sibility of said meet financially (it being Arbor proof which backs up the mer- COAL, WOOD, LIME, understood that the University of Mich- its of Doan's Kidney Pills. and Crackers. Call and see ui. the U. of M. Daily says: "Prof. Mun- —AND— igan Athletic Association takes all loss Mr. P. Wolter, of 1103 Forest Ave., sterbury, Germany's leading psycholo- carpenter, says: "Within the last two gist, has accepted the chair of psychol- or profit), and take full charge' of all years I began to have trouble with my "50 YEARS' Cements, Land Plaster, Drain «***THE TEETH. ogy at Harvard." arrangements, appointment of officials, kidneys, and in spite of all I could do it arrangement of programs, awarding of continued and gradually became worse. The trouble among the freshman lits Tiles, Sewer Pipes prizes (furnished by the University As- It seemed to be more of a weakness of It Whitens the Teeth. Purifies over tho Oracle election ended abrupt, the kidneys and a loss of control over IMPROVEMENTS IN sociation) and all other matters per- —CASH PAID FOR— the Mouth, Sweetens the Breath. ly Friday afternoon in the abandon- the secretions. At times when my taining to the successful conduct of the work necessitated my looking up or ment of the meeting that had been FARMING," ixIDES, IRON, BOXES. Manufactured by MILLER & COOK, Kala- meet. working over my head, 1 was taken called by the discontented faction. The mazoo, Mich. 3 To guarantee board and room for with spells of dizziness. I tried dilTer- Published by the New-York Tribune. Yards Near Aun Arbor Railroad, M election will occur Tuesday. ent remedies but they did cot give me Huron Street. Office. 30 K. Hurou-tl all contestants during the time of theany relief. When a friend advised me Second Edition. Harvard's alumni have raised $50,000 meet. to use Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a box 32 Pages, 18 by ia£ Inches. and begun the construction of Pnillips The rules governing the meet shall at Eberbach & Son's drug store and be- gan to use them. I felt better from the A general review of the advances and Brooks House, a memorial to Bishop bo those ratified by tho Michigan State start and they did me more good than improvements made in the leading branches of farm industry during the NO AUCTION! Brooks for his unlimited interest in the Teachers' Association. all the other medicine I ever took. I * religious life of Harvard. The build- Each school shall bo allowed'three en- have no hesitation in recommending last half century. Special articles by the best agricultu- Splendid Bargain. ing will be used as a home and work- tries iu each event, two of whom may Doan's Kidney Pills for I consider them to be a thoroughly reliable and honest ltural writers, on topics which they shop for all forms of spiritual activity contest. kidney remedy." havi made their life study. Fine.... HBJour * and benevolent action in the university. All entries must be in the hands of Illustrations of old fashioned imple- ments. A vast amount of practical in- Harvard has 287 students in her grad- the manager, Carl M. Green, on or be- Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by allformation. A valuable aid to farmers Double Harness, fore May 16, 1898. dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by who desire to stimulate production and It 13made from the "whole grain" of uate department. These students come Foster-Milburn Company, Buffalo. N. wheat and contains all the In 4 The committee appointed at the meet profit. Extremely interesting and in- 1 from 94 institutions. Harvard sends V.. sole agents for the United Slates. structive. Only $22. and bone and muscle makii 175, Kansas comes next with 8, then last year are empowered to receive and Kemember the name Doan's and take of the kernel, while the outer husk or •* act upon all protests submitted to it: no substitute. Should interest Every Farmer in ully eliminated. Brown follows with 7, Darmouth, Ver- ONLY 25 CTS. A COPY, by mail. Washtenaw County. We sell all kinds beyond their decision there shall be no HO NOT EAT which is principally mont and California follow with 0 each, Send your order to of Harness cheap." C. Steinbacli, WHITE BREAD, and from which the gluten appeal. "Oh, it's all very well for you girls to Stanford sends 4, Yale 4, Columbia 3, talk!" said Archie. "We fellows are THE RKGtSIEB, Ami Arbor, Midi (Mention Register.) Chclaca, Iflicli. iny poor, puny, Michigan 3, and Minnesota 1; Cornell, Ktitry blanks may be secured from the ones who will have to suffer in the faced persons wish they had not used white flour. Graham flour on the other Chicago and Wisconsin are not repre- Carl M. Green, 70 Cornwall place, Ann war. You won't run any risks." "Oh, Great Premium Offers. won't we?" said Polly. "How about hand contains all the i sented.—Ex. Arbor. We call } our attention to our club- when we go in bathing next summer, bing rate with Detroit papers as ad- and bran, and if you are YOU WON'T EAT Indoor meot( Waterman gymnasium, with tho harbors full of mines and tor- Let the Dogs ind take good advice G2AHAM BREAD. Friday evening). vertised elsewhere in this paper. We A booklet and free sample will 1 Colorado WniiU I*rot'. Iteed. pedoes and things? What do you sup- have secured lower rates than ever be- 40 yards dash. pose would happen if we stepped on fore and are able to offer you two pa- you on receipt of your dealer's name if one?"—Harper's Bazar. he does not keep it. Assistant Professor J. O. Reed, of the 40 yards hurdle. pers for the price of one. If you read Do the Barling! Wrestling (all classes). the Detroit Journal, The Free Press, or And is made only by Physics Department, has been offered The Michigan Farmer it will pay youYou won't have to if you'll go to W.G.isthf; a professorship in the University of Col- Field day (Regents Field, Saturday). A NECTARTOR THE GODS, to club them with THE REGISTER. most 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 440yard healthful A. H. HERRICK orado, located at Boulder. Prof. Reed A BLESSING TO MANKIND. Correspondingly low rate with other flour on ... & SON, has the offer under consideration but run, half mile run, mile run, mile walk, papers. Miimmeiy's market,. . strong hopes are entertained of his de-120 yard hurdle (high), 220 yard hurdle Biliousness, weak stomachs, debility WATERTOWN, N. Y. ciding to remain in Michigan. (low), running broad jump, pole vault, and a vast number of other ills are di- rectly traceable to the constant use of Drug putting lfi-pound shot, throwing lii- Please Write for Booklet. pound hammer, bicycle (distances to be cofl'ee. Yet coffee is dear to many. determined later). To a coffee cursed people thoro is a Stoie gleam of light and encouragement in 10 TO id DENTS ROD. Kick* On Criticism. "Golden Nectar," a perfect substitute And get a 8-ounce Package of 1 ' ' — I Strongest, lestejii Jriej The Northwestern does not take for colTee in aroma, tatta and color. Sibley & Holmwood's Cheapest and kindly to the accusation that her rep- Science has turned tho healthful Best Fence resentative is accused of plagiarism. grains of the fields into a beverage, QUICK RELIEF COUGH DROPS Made. In a recent issue the paper makes as when brewed and served, cannot be CADMPDC ifyouwant thecheapert, ptrrnifc- For 25 Years They only cost 5c a Package. I MR III Luo i est, darabtaat fi'iice tm earth; ono strong a defense as possible for Mr. Ne-distinguished fiom the purest coffee. thutlasti ;i lifetime; turns all stock; never factor gets out of ehape: easily built, any height or size; "Would you feel perfectly j smith. It says: Connoisseurs pronounce it tho only wire line and stay wfre i-able twisted together, "It must be conceded that Michigan's perfect substitute for coffee. making eomplete truss (Pat. Jan. -t- '98), a safe to put all your monoy X ELY'S CREAM BALM is a positivocuro. THE BEST WIRE FENCE CO.. Ltd.. Howell, Mich. in a new bank: ? Ono you 5 victory but fulfilled general expecta- GOLDEN INECTAIl, aside from Apply into the nostrils. It ia quickly absorbed. 60 Sent for inspection. Agents wanted in every county. havo just heard of? tion. The entire delivery of Mr. Sim- cents at Draepists or by mail; samples 10c. by mail. being a rich royal beverago, is a health ELY BROTHERS, 60 Warren St., New York City. But how about an old Stons was such as to leave no doubt in the Ftotncrnphed bank ? One that haa done 5 minds of tho audience that lirst place giving tonic, ndding lustre to the eyes, BARLO (rom Uta. business for over a quarter % would as usual go to Michigan. It is a beauty to the complexion and strength REVIVO of a century? One that has «J simple matter to draw the lesson. Noth- to tho general system. Contrast this RESTORES VITALITY always kept its promises ? '* ing succeeds like success, and the in-with the debilitating1 effect of coffee One that never failed ; never 3» spiration from this name has been great BAD What Is It? Made a misled you in any way? enough to arouse an interest in oratory drinking. You could trust such a bank, 2 at Michigan far surpassing that in any GOLDEN NKCTAlt, is superseding It is the best Pood drink made Well Man couldn't you? jj other institution represented in the coffee in thousands of families. It Only BREATH league. With a representative picked " I have been ualnsr OASCARKTS and ui from a field of seventy men. any college needs a trial. a mild and effective laxative they are elmplj won- Ask your grocer for GOLDEN NEC- derful. My daughter and I were fcxthere d with Where Can I Get It? could rightfully expect to make a show- bomaoh and our breath was very bad. After SCOTT'S I taking a few d< ses of Ca . roved ing of the first rank. Mr. Nesmith of TAB| the great coffee substitute. wonderfully. Tbey are a great help In the family." At all the leading grocers. orodnces tho above results i.Y3O days. It acts Northwestern made a splendid showing MICHIGAN 1TUEFO0DCO., WlI.HIl.MlVA NAl powerfully and quickly. Cure.-, when all others fail, EMULSION I and bis success in winning second place 1137 RittenUouse St., Cincinnati, Ohio. youngmon will regain their lost manhood, and old lvalamazoo, Michigan. men will recover their youthful v:eor by us'*? may be considered noteworthy, since KKVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous- Of COD-LIVER OIL WITH % he held a place on the program account- Sold by Davis & Seaboldt, S. Main-st. ness, Lost Vitality, Impoteucy, Nightly Emission:;, HYPOPHOSPHITES is just M ed least desirable. His high mark in What Will It Cost? Lost Power, Failing Memory. Wastinc Diseases, and like such a t ank. It has never 5 He—"Susie, dear, I enlisted today to all effects of eelf-abuso or excess and indiscretion, thought and composition nearly coun- which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It disappointed you, never will, jf terbalanced a recognized lack of fight against Spain." She—"Oh, you 15 cents in 1| lb packages. not only cures by starting at the Feat of disease, but It has never deceived you, X strength in delivery. The unfortunate lovely patriot! Won't I creato a sensa- iaagreat nerve tonic and blood bulkier, bring* never will. 2 tion at the circle this afternoon when I ing back tho pink glow to palo checks and ro- charge of plagiarism made by Michigan Try it and you will use no Btoring tbo fire of youth. It wards eff Insanity Look out that someone £ could not be substantiated by an un- go in all dressed in black in honor of and Consumption. Insist on bavins; KUVIVO. no does not ti-y to make you M biased judge. It must be admitted that tuo occasion."—Philadelphia Ameri- other. other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, invest your health in a new 3 there is to a certain extent a parallel- can. $1.00 per package, or six for $5.00, vith a posi- Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste <;«x). Do tive written guarantee to care or refund tonic, some new medicine J5 ism. 'The anoienta have stolen all our the money* Circular free. Address you know nothing of. X bright ideas' has been well said, and it ..c, 50c. K.ind You Have Always Bought 50c. and $1. 00; all druggists. almost necessarily follows that the form Bears the ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... You will fiind it at Royal Medicine Co Stealing lU'meily I IwptBy, Cfcleaga, •••tw«l, Ni-w Ynrk. :',['> SCOTT & BOWN.E, Chemists, New York. X adopted for an oratorical effort will fall Signature 1 For sale by Kberbaob Drng and i:ito some well-known cast, i'la^iarism t\ll Tfl OAF Sold an. by alldrug- lavis & Seabolt's, South Main Street. Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, """ U\i" I U-Dfty gUU 10 Cl iEJC Tobaooo Habit. THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER, MAY 20, 1898. PAGE 10 AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS. as passed th« oujirreor'S examination or the government service, ami sti J Those Vile, Is 11 DEXTER LEADER. 1 line for a summons. Chester is a stu- clean, dally newspaper. •nt of the. University engineering Theodore Haab died last evening of apartment, ami outside of school has t Nasty, consumption after a lingering Illness. ad practical application of wha1 lie Teachi pa and pupils ate busy prepar- lamed. :i Fake Try I ing for the annual commencement and Tliere siems to be a oonsld GASTORIA promotional excreta B. They expect to hancc of o ir neighboring town, Belle- t Nostrums The Detroit surpass all previous yens. ille, taking a boom in tho noar future For Infants and Children. y rcaso 1 of the recent finding of coal 1 aro advertised ro Bert Kenny has been elected a dele- rally nro n; gate from the Delhi Tent K. O. T. M. here, and which, if it can be mined in THE DETROIT JOURNAL. JournaL I The Kind You Have and Dennis Walker delegate from ayingquantitie.;, may become an indus- Crystal Tent to the annual meeting In ry for that place. Detroit parti It Is not quite so sensational, but >*• ., You aro In you can bring Tho . Detroit, June 8 11. nterested themselves, and work is al- Always Bought home and you can believe Tho Jour- 't', AvfegetablcPrcparationror As oady going mi, the vein being located Company naif >n the farm of Loren T. Dean near similating LhcToodandRcguta-' SALINE OBSERVER. If ling theStamachs andBowels of here. Your Advertisement Bears the Remember the May Festival at the AN AGENT IN EVERY TOWN. 1 opera hou; e Maj 27. t nUi-ti Rtaten War slii|>«. Is !n Deliven •! tor 10 cents per INFANTS /CHILDREN The graduating class of our high For the purpose of introducing .|uiek- Th" Detroit Journal. By Mall, 3 Months for ; Signature y and creating a large demand, the fromotest)i£esUon,Cheerful- school this year numbers nine pupils. jubltahers of A ••.-en's Pietoral Art Ser- ness andRest.Contains neither Batter and og^s moved lively Tues- s ol ihe United Sta'e.* War Ships will -end the readers of this paper, who will Opium,Morphine Mierl of day evening when C. 11. Carren'a team BI'Y D1KECT and pay out 0110 prom, our assortment is one of tho best the • to show them to live of their NOT NAHCOTIC. with u full load went dashing down riends, the entire twelve parts contain- street. Htlle damayo was done. ng nineiy-six handsomely engraved Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Miss Ethel House celebrated her ilctures for the special low lntrodu< Plants, Roses, Vines, Bulbs, Seeds. twelfth birthday Monday by giving a of ten cents each, the re Rarest new, choicest old. Send for our catalogue Pumpkin Set£~ being fifty cents. Tho parts are V today; ittcllsit all; an clcgaut book, 1GS pages, Mx.Samtr * tea party to her teacber, Miss Sears, published semi-monthly and readei * magazine size, profusely Illustrated, tree. JiochttUSJu- , Small Trees, etc. by mail post- Aaist Seed. '• and a company of hor class mates. If this paper sending five two cent sta aid, safe arrival and Bsitisfactli Uppcrmint - words can express it, they had a jollj now will receive Part One and have the . \ press or freight. Md Year. 32UrouuliOUse3. l.uoOAcres. fh Car&onattfoia * privilege of securing the remaining ^-l f farm Seed - time. flartfisd Sugar • uleven parts as published at the THESTORRS & HARRISON CO., Box 465 PainesvMe. O. \a*nr*nrunv l'luns for Decoration Day oxer rate providing they will show same to are nearly oompleted and a line progran friends who might he int< hav- A perfect Remedy fordanstipa- ing a set. Remember this is a spi tion, Sour.StoiDach.Diarrhoea is to b.: presented. Good speakers introduction oiler and you must at; Worms .Convulsions Jevensh- have been secured. A bund from Am quickly before this otter is withdrawn. uess andLoss OF SLEEP. Arbor will furnish the music and th A glance at these minute portrayals Typewriter Copying You Have S. of V. from A. A. will tire the salute of America's Modern Sea Filters and TacSinule"^Signature of a perusal of the copious descriptions Pull program next week. will fully acquaint you at once at Loiv Bates by an Experienced their sanguinary and destructive char- Operator at the REGISTBB OFFICE. YORK. YIV5ILANTI SENTINEL. acter. The pictures of the officers and (Always Bought. men in their various attitudes at work Atb months old Prof. E. F. Johnson, a Judson Re on the <;nns, firing at sea, bombarding 216 E. Huron Street publican and University professor, ha forts, the marines at drill on shore acd 35DOSES-35CENTS been appointed by Gov. 1'intrroe to sue the hundreds of evolutions of the attend- oeed Mr. Sinnnous on the State Boar ants on these colossal uoliaths of the ocean are things to be marveled at and EXACT COPY OF WKAEEEB. of Education. remembered by the beholder for all GASTORIA One subscriber to our war bulleti time. These views are not to be obtain- (omplains that we furnish no word con ed from any other source except at cerning the Moran-Judson bombard- normous cost. Send to-day as th umber to be sold at the introductory ment at Ann Arbor. >rice is limited both in time and num- W. D. Crocker, of the Commercial r. Address has disposed of his interest in that pa- AXSON PUBLISHING CO. 24 142 Monroe St., Chicago, 111. per. The change has bean known to WAR WITH SPAIN. The Sentinal for Bome days, but men- Cosmo Buttermilk Toilet Soap makes tion has been omitted in defeience to he skin soft, white and healthy. Sol" Tb©Greatest Remedy of th" the desire of the parties interested, everywhere, -- "California Catarrh Cure" Thomas Lamborn sr., died at his The Direct Line From 7Q|_£QO • relief and permanent cure THE WON DISKS OF SCIENrE. trail- home in Jarvis street, Thursday morn- ot (Jure or refund . TII» Reliable War News Dayton, Ists of a powder, ing of consumption, aged "2 years. He Lung Troubles and Contumptlon riA trilsby means of an apparatus, i»- IN THE GREAT was a native of England, but has resid- Be Cured. -^ Cincinnati. e. Price c;> ....TO.... . Wo Invite all the afflicted to consult us form her duties as teacher in the hi pleasant necessity of being compelled A BLANKETS atially and free of charge. Don't let quacks to get up manj' times during the night I and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. school because of illness. 1 We witl cure you w no pay. to urinate The mild and extraordinary -».e^ ROBES The ladies of the Congregationa effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is I HAS YOLK BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? church are making arrangements tc soon realized. It stands the highest for * WHIPS SYPHIL'S is the most prevalent and most serious I BUM).) disease. It saps the very life blood of tho give their annual excursion to Detroi its wonderful cures of the moot distress And all other Trappings at lowest ! victim an 1 unless entirely eradicated from tlieRys- and Belle Isle about June 4th. ing cases. If you need a medicine you pri' 1 torn will aiToct-tho offspring. Beware of Mercury. HIBIDITAET BLOOD DISEASE. should take the best. At druggists lifty lit only suppresses the symptoms-our NKW ME I HOD positively cures it for erer. The 18th annual May Festival will b< cents and one dollar. You may have a LOOK AT THIS MAP. I VO'NuOk "lUDLE-AOED MAN-You've lf,l a gay life, or Indulged In the follies RATES ALWAYS LOW A3 THE LOWEST. I or youth. Belf-abu •tcesses have broken di/»n your system. You feel the held at the M. E. church. Friday even sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent Repairing Promptly, Cheaply and SERVICE ALWAYS OOCD A3 THE BEST. • i 'ver you. Mentally, physically and sexually you are not the man free by mail, upon receipt of three two- EXPERIENCED TRAVELERS ALWAYS I you use.l to be or should be. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Will you heed the ing, May 27, under the auspices of the cent stamps to cover cost of postage on Neatly Done. USE THE O. C. I dang' Epwortn Leagtte, and the proceeds wil I Am you a victim? Have you lost hope? Aro you contemplating marriage? the bottle. Mention the REGK THE ONLY THROUOH CAH LINE DETWEEN i Has your blood 1 ui"y wenknoss? Our New Method go for the church fund. and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & DETROIT, TOLEDO AND SPR1NQ- I Trenton en: What it lias done, for others it will