W01jlen.Take Back the Night
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...,: .\ .~ ' . ,.': .:, :.~, ! .,,~' .~: ,4-' oj · . i (, ','(,Si Bentley Historical Library ';. " 1150 Beal Avenue .:k' Ann Arbor. rvt 48109-211~ :~" " , ~( .. ,t W01Jlen .Take Back the Night .~. BY .M oHAN KRISHNAN .. rather forget, such as abuse in les tine White, who made headlines when ernor John Engler. One speaker~ s, .' . bian relationships. They stressed vio she, as a survivor of violent sexual member of ADAPT, decried Engler .. ~ VER.THgYEARS, THE TAKE lence against children 118 a major is- crime, volunteered to be pictured in for caning the group "militant terror. Back the Night rally has been ue, claiming that 33 percent ists," while simultaneously and point the source oftiome conlroversy .. of girls and 10 percent of boys edly embracing that description. She ', -r. on campus. The event, which consists are sexually abused before the aJso assailed nursing horne lobbyists" of 01 rally with numerous ~peakers , age of18. and demanded that states provide . , and a march through the streets, and One speaker, Dawn frecin-bome care to the disabled. She ~JI\ nsore'd by the Ann Arbor Coali, Ritchberg, also stressed the failed to provide any method for this ,. '. i tion AgrunstRape, has been held an dangers of racial prejudice in or any details about cost or feasibility: nually in Ann Arbor since 1979, and the public perception of Ih......~'" Another speaker blasted State Sena- .. .ulso is held in many other locaJes~ Its exuaJ violence. She empha- . tor Van Rigcnmorter for not recogniz~ .• , purpose is to help stop violence against sized that rapists are not all ing gay marriage ceremonies. women. Ov~rthe past'several years, stereotypicalublack men lurk Many of the speakers felt that it has recClved criticism for using this ing around," and that many poverty was at the root of domestic cause to crudely veil a podium for sex offenders are people who violence, and used this to begin an left-Wlnf ideologues. It also has betn eem "safe." She also empha attack on initiatives such as the "'Con decned fot bemg anti-male, and fot size~ that society must not tract with America." Touting figures ,. questionable practices in the past such How itself to say1;hat it is about the oppression of women and Students hear speeches on violence against women ~ as a prayer to Artemis. .~omehow a lesser crime when minorities in the workplace, and us • Over'lll; this year the rally !jearn homosexuals. prostitutes, or any the newspaper, emphagized the need ing this as the basis for broad attacks have l'vndl'd such complninL-;, How Otap whose behavior it considers to focus on the cri minal and the crime. on the middle' class, they called for ever. tumoutat the event was minus- unacceptable, are victims. hand She stated that people, particularly redilitribution of government r! :,. cule, and it may be that this evasion 0 Another, speaker focused on vil' hepoticp, need to take survivors more outs, !'ttntmg that, while the govcrn ~ cnnl roversy was_simply a result of lcnce ogainst those WIth digl\bililie~, seriously. She cmphasiz(·d the need ment spends $7000 n year on each · lack Qfgeneral knowledl!e about the stating that over three million people to treat rape as a viohmt crime, say student, it on Iy gives $5000 in weltar : rally. '" , with disabilities are "incarcerated" in ing "rape is not sexual - it is like to a family of three. They denounced · Take Back the Night begins with nursinginstituti~ns, and are "beaten, being hit over the head with a base welfare reform plans from the GOP a · yery·solid id_e.~ls _ While people '~ay . raped, robbed, and left to die in their ball bat," and that the offender is "a "economic violence," and claimed that · argue about statistics, no one can own urine." She claimed that 90 per horrible person [whowiU] do it again." it would "fan the flames of all other dispute that Violence against women cent of tho~ YJ ho incur a disability However, in the midst of all the kinds of violence against women." f:',: · ~ particularly sexual violence - is a before the age of 18 are assaulted. positive words were liberal sprinklings lfTake Back the Night continues . ( serious problem that society mutit of anti-male, anti-conser to use violent crime as a soapbox for ' t t,· "confront. Between speakeJ'!-! Ilnd the vative propaganda. Al political agendas and tirades against ., informatiol11l1 program distributed to though one speaker con the conservatives, it will undoubtedly , participants of the rally, the organiz ceded that "some men are continue to dwindle. Although this 'era did a. tremendo\Jsjob of raising comrades too," the organiz year's rally was a step in the right •. ' awareness; . ers once again chose to al direction - away from politicking and Speakers at the event 'hit upon Ia\" only women to partici male-bashing - more needs to be " very important points; such as pre pate in the march and done. One important step is to aIlow t· venting those convicted of multiple stressed repeatedly their men to participate in the entire, pro , violentcnmes from receiving a single feelings that the help of men gram. As one speaker said, "an injus- ~ . (relatively short) sentence that cov in preventing violence tice to one is an injustice to all," and {':.:' ers the cntire set of crimes, the need against women was of ques violent crime, particularly ofa sexual . <. for increased' suppOrt opportunities tionable merit. nature, is not just an affronttowomer" . for the. friends and family of victims, Worse yet, many of the but to all of society. Take Back the . and the need to support a survivor Women march through Ann Arbor to protest agalnst rape speakers had far more to Night does remind us that violent . ',J regardless of whether sbe chooses ..to · . say about politics than about crimes against women are unaccept- . " able, and that something needs to be i: ba.ve a trial. The director of Latino Family violence. More than one specch quickly . ;~~!}. ~:: r." They also focused on domestic vio Services, in Detroit, spoke about abuse degenerated into attacks on conser done about them. For.this it should be., ... ' . lence ofkinds that many liberals would against women in prison, and Chris- vative politicians, particularly Gov- praised. Mt i' I; [,;' A Letter From From Suit e I5 Interview . 11 Life at U-M I 15 Living ,;... the Editor One I Extravaganza I Culture Wondering what the Our suggestions to the Columnist linda Chavez Four of our best relate their Original poetry, book ~" ~; lichigan Review is all administration for1996- discusses higher education experience at U-M and reviews, a look at The about? Find out 1997 and a look at affirma- and the controversies it give their ideas on how to Arrival and music reviews tlve action policy. now faces. enjoy your time here. courtesy of our arts staff. ~~ :;:: . .. ". '- ."'-- ~-- ' -"""C _-r' _ __~ ....... ,__ ~~~_._ ._.~~ __ ,~,_." •.. _ ._ __ M.. ' ___ _ ~.._\o • _ ... =!...,. _ :. £-. 2 THE MIblflGAN REVIEW April 12, 1995 rr "h<>"' , k ' f ( t ' TIll: lVlICIIIC,:\N REVIE\V o SERPENT'S TOOTH The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan 'Rashing our cluelessness like an AMEX platinum card." Due to an unfortunate typo, the U- M paign featured an "adult" Ronald re-release of a 1978 novel entitled EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Mohan Krishnan has announred that it will be institut McDonald's golfing, dancing at disco The Turner Diaries, a white PUBLISHER: Pat Eskew ing a "Code Cuniculum" this year clubs, and doing other "adult" things. supremacist's manifesto, which may MANAGING EDITOR: Geoff Brown instead of a "Core Cuniculum." Vice We have a suggestion for some new have inspired McVeigh to plan the President for Student Af:fairs Maureen ads: how about "adult" Ronald spill Oklahoma City bombing. Opponents ASSISTANT EDITOR: Thomas Jolliffe MUSIC EDITOR: Drew Peters Hartford quickly used her emergency ing coffee in his lap and burning him of the re--release maintain that the COPY EDITORS: Evan Knott, Anthony Wen powers (granted by the Code of Stu self, getting his arteries de-clogged, book should be suppressed due to its ADVERTISING MANAGER: Eddie Sanguanruang dent Conduct) to gain control of the and contacting his lawyer? racist content. In related news, pro COMPUTER CONSULTANT: Mark West department, and then announced it testers also are demanding the sup LITERARY CRITIC: Bill Ahrens would begin offering courses, includ Upon hearing ofth.e Arch Deluxe cam pression of any further books by PHOTOGRAPHER: Lisa Wagner ing "Code 101: The Code and You," to paign, President Clinton quickly Howard Stem, because "he is an idiot. ,. STAFF: Joe Arciero, Devorah Adler, Aaron Clements, be taught by ex-President stressed that the ads should not be Kevin Cooney, David Dodhenhoff, Jennifer Feria, Calvin Duderstadt, and "Code 233: Your considered contributions to his cam Serpent's Tooth hopes that 1996--97 Hwang, Ben Leroi, Mel Myers, Rodeen Rahbar, Don rights, or the absence thereof" The paign. He then jogged straight to the will be a more productive school year Robinson, Craig RogOWSki, John Squier, Michael Wheaton , Mary Jane Wagg, Michelle Williams. courses will not run for the usual nearest McDonald's to try the sand for the Michigan Student Assembly University semester, but rather have wich, to show he is a good sport. (MSA) , the U-M's student council, EDITOR-at-lARGE: James A. Roberts, II a variable duration of 5-10 years, which seems to have wasted previous PUBLISHERS EMERITI: Benjamin Kepple, Aaron with time off for good behavior. In related news, Republican candi years arguing over mandatory stu Steelman date Bob Dole launched ads attempt dent health care and whether or not The Michigan Reviewis an independent, monthly student Recently, the Information Technol ing to make him appeal to a younger certain members were losers.