Football Players N~Ceiving Nligibility Ol' L'liitpiit Playprs Is .\Rias I'xplaitwd in a Il'cturl' Gifts from Kimberly Dunbar, Not an Issue

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Football Players N~Ceiving Nligibility Ol' L'liitpiit Playprs Is .\Rias I'xplaitwd in a Il'cturl' Gifts from Kimberly Dunbar, Not an Issue Drew goes back to school NATO escalates airstrikes • See what rhe critics had to say about Drew • As refugees continue to flee Kosovo, NATO vows Monday B<~rryn;~)re's latest movie, "Never Been to continue its bombing campaign against Serbia. Ktsscd. APRIL 19, Scene· 12 World & Nation • 5 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXII NO. 125 WWW. N D.EDU/-OBSERVER Arias: Military rules budget NCAA to investigate By F.RICA THESING t\.\!'.Oll.ltl' NL·w~ Fdito1 Dunbar's gifts to Irish Th1• amou11t ol' moiwy dndi­ By ERICA THESING llw case. llwy dPridnd it was a l'atl'd to militarism and lhP Associatl' News Editor sn1~ondary mat.ter," Moon• said. arms lradl' is immoral. and tlw If the rommitl!'P dons opt for l 1.S. is onl' ol' llw worst oiTPrHI­ The NCAA Committee on tlw secondary ruins violation. I'l'S, t lsrar Arias. l'ornH'r JH'I'Si­ Infractions will ask Notrn Damn sanctions could rangP from pro­ dl'nl. ol' Costa llira and IIJS7 to appear at a !waring in con­ bation without penalties to a ~ohl'l i'l'al'l' l'rizl' lallrl'at.l' nection with the ease of Notre minor loss of sr.holarships. Tlw said Friday. Dame football players n~ceiving nligibility ol' l'liiTPIIt playPrs is .\rias I'Xplaitwd in a il'cturl' gifts from Kimberly Dunbar, not an issue . that thl' U.S. will soon hn who pl!Htded guilty to using A major violation could carry sp1•nding $:100 billion on its embnzzlml funds to purchase harslwr penalties, surh as los­ dl'fl'nSI' hudgl'l. the gills. ing scholarships or l.Pinvision "Till' Unitl'd Statns ... stands The University re1~eivnd pre­ contracts. It could also inrludP as an I'Xlrl'ml' PXamplP ol' liminary noticn of the hearing rnstrict.ions on recruiting and moral irrPsponsibility." Arias and experts to rnenivn ol'lieial post season bans. said. "By maintaining a mas­ notice Wedrwsday. No date f(n· Dunbar is now snrving a l(nrr­ siw military industrial hudgl't, the !waring has bonn set. and ynar prison term f(u· nmb1~zzling this rountry SPIHis tlw wrong the University is uncertain more than $1.4 million from mnssagP to otlwr rountrins." about the outcome, according lw r l'o nne r n 111 pI oyn r. liP Pxplainl'd that thn U.S. to Dennis Moore, director of Dominiaek M1~chanical Inc. Slw sl'lls thPSP wPapons indisrrimi­ Notre Dame Public Relations. used the rnorwy to eov1~r travd natPly. not just to dPmorradPs "Nothing's been detnrmined expenses, jnwnlry and other or rountriPs fighting l'or The Observer I Mary Calash on that yet," Moore said. gifts for up to a dozen Irish dPilliHTary as sonw politirians Former president of Costa Rica Oscar Arias discussed the impact of "Nothing has been decided." players. 111 ay r I ai 111. the United States' international arms sales at a lecture Friday. The NCAA enforcement staff The NCAA inv1~stigation only "It's a mallPr ol' making has recommended that the mat­ involves Dunbar's actions af'tm· monny with thn saln ol' military loaders can receive Arias said. ter be considered a secondary June 1995, wlwn she joinml the Wlmpons and that's not prop1~r. inrroasod funding whnnover a ''The Ameriean public noeds rules violation, as opposed to a Quarterback Club. Ae1~ording to That's immoral," lw said. eonfliet arises, am ironie. to be educated about peacn major violation. Moore stressed the NCAA, nwmbership in the Arias pointnd out that ono of "You could do so murh with because, as I pointed out, that this is merely a recommen­ Quartnrback Cluh mad1~ Dunbar nvnry fivn AmPrican rhildrnn even a small portion of that you've been involved in wars dation and the committee may a representative of the grows up in povPrty. and over money if it's nldireeted," said all your history, but you tell me still go either way. University. Thn Qual'terbac.k I 4 0 m iII ion A nw ric an s I a c k Arias. you are a peace-loving country, "We haven't seen those docu­ Club is now disbandnd. lwalth insuraiH~P. liP said those Part of the problem is the a peaee-loving people," he ments, so we don't know what The University snll'-reportml fal'ls. eomparnd to military American culture and its their reasoning was, but obvi­ spnruling and liH• notion that acceptance of this behavior, see ARIAS I page 4 ously based on their reviewing see NCAA I page 4 From football games to the Keenan Revue, the First Aid Services Team is on hand to provide A FAST response By LAURA PETELLE Bookstore Baskotball roordinator AssiSI.IIll M.111aging Editor for FAST. "Wo get one !wart attack per ganw and one death per year "Control, WI' havP a blar.k tag. at footba II gamns." two major injuriPs, two minor." "We have more resources lwre at An l'pisodP of I·:H? No, just a mul­ tho stadium than many towns lipll' rasualty inridPnt - a minor havn," said Brother l.ou llureik. disastPr- staw•d Sunday l'or train­ lin nxplainml that at naeh game ing purpos1•s by NotrP llanw's First tlwrn arn six doctors, six nurses Aid SPrvirns Tl'illll ( I:ASTJ. and three paramndie teams avail­ F:\ST providPs lirst-rl'sponse first able, but FAST is tho l'irst to aid rar1• for a varil'ty ol' Univm·sity respond whnn somnonn is hurt. PVI'nls. from football games to according to llurdk. VoluntnP!'s sBe llPrSporls I'VPnts to tlw Kennan nvnrything from cut lingers to lwad i!I'Vlll'. FAST's;;;; studPnt nwmbors lacPt'ations, from hnat. stroke to an· ill'd Cross-r1•rtifiod in First Aid hypotlwrmia, from sprained ankles and CI'H l'or thP l'rol'ossional to uneonscious drunkards. 1!1-sruPr. ,\lost ol' tlwm an~ not prn­ Sunday's mock disaster featured lllPd. a variety of accidents oftnn found ;\t Sunday's mock disastor, FAST at. l'ootball ganws, induding a bon nwmlwrs pradil'l'd rPSJlOIHling to sting with allnrgi1: rnaction, an thP ty(li'S of incidl'llts that could "unwalkabln bonn injury" on the ocr u r i 11 Not r I' I> a 1111' S lad i um . stairs. an uneonsdous drunk in the \\'hl'n l'ull to rapacity, tlw an~na bathroom who bneame belligerent holds owr SO,OOO JWopln, tlw pop­ upon waking and a variety of peo­ ulation ol' a small rity. ple passing out from a variety of "A lot of' potPntially roally bad causos. things happl'n at thn football The training snssion culminated gamns," said Nikki .Johnson, with a scenario whore five people I;AST's I 1)1)R-1J1) football coordina­ wnrn injurnd while rushing the tor. field. The f'i rst FAST team on thn 'Tiw numlwr o1w injury at l'ool­ seeno radioed for baek-up and hall ganws is pooplo passing out - bngan tr·iage - an assnssment of oitlwr IJI'rausn they've had too the extent of the injuries - and The Observer I Mary Calash murh to drink or it's hot or it's first aid. Junior Kate Rowland (right) and sophomore Kirk Anderson attend to sophomore John ~~olcl." said Katn Howland. 199R-9CJ see FAST I page 4 Osborn during Sunday's First Aid Services Team practice drill. page 2 The Observ~r • INSIDE Monday, April 19, 1999 • INSIDE COlUMN The Amazing utside the Dome Compiled from UWire reports Spider-Man Law enforcement officials set up fake ID crackdown In American society today, there are so many pop culture icons in television, music, AUSTIN, Texas but now we're seeing a shift and movies, books, comics, sports and even poli­ City and state law enforcement offi­ they'm understanding that the problem tics. I have become jaded with not just the cials say anyone who owns a fake ID lies with the people making these IDs," mere number of such should think twice before using it in he said. · icons, but also tho qual- C.R. "Teo" Teodoro coming months. Similar training sessions will occur ity of pop icons today. Illusrraror "Operation Fakeout," the combined before future opnmtions, Ball said. Yet. I still have one pop effort of I 8 law enforcement agencies, Ball also said the publicity Opnration culture icon that I have remained true to since will continue to conduct large-scale Fakeout has drawn will be more e!l"ec­ my childhood. Though I know it is impossible stings and educate bar employees tive in discouraging fake ID use than to accurately imitate the pop culture icon about counterfeit identification. The targeting one bar at a timP. from my youth, I still try my best to emulate crackdown initiated in February is only operation "It was like shooting BBs in tho my favorite comic book supr,rhero: the the first in a series of stings. Starting in September, a minimum of water," Ball said. "Nowwe're saying Amazing Spider-Man. On Feb. 12, 120 officers worked in . eight major operations per month are let's get a shotgun and see if we can't To understand Spider-Man, you must first conjunction with doormen at every bar scheduled in all major cities around get somebody's attention." understand who he really is. He is Peter on 6th Street double-checking ques­ Texas.
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