...,: .\ .~ ' . ,.': .:, :.~, ! .,,~' .~: ,4-' oj · . i (, ','(,Si Bentley Historical Library ';. " 1150 Beal Avenue .:k' Ann Arbor. rvt 48109-211~ :~" " , ~( .. ,t W01Jlen .Take Back the Night .~. BY .M oHAN KRISHNAN .. rather forget, such as abuse in les­ tine White, who made headlines when ernor John Engler. One speaker~ s, .' . bian relationships. They stressed vio­ she, as a survivor of violent sexual member of ADAPT, decried Engler .. ~ VER.THgYEARS, THE TAKE lence against children 118 a major is- crime, volunteered to be pictured in for caning the group "militant terror. Back the Night rally has been ue, claiming that 33 percent ists," while simultaneously and point­ the source oftiome conlroversy .. of girls and 10 percent of boys edly embracing that description. She ', -r. on campus. The event, which consists are sexually abused before the aJso assailed nursing horne lobbyists" of 01 rally with numerous ~peakers , age of18. and demanded that states provide . , and a march through the streets, and One speaker, Dawn frecin-bome care to the disabled. She ~JI\ nsore'd by the Ann Arbor Coali, Ritchberg, also stressed the failed to provide any method for this ,. '. i tion AgrunstRape, has been held an­ dangers of racial prejudice in or any details about cost or feasibility: nually in Ann Arbor since 1979, and the public perception of Ih......~'" Another speaker blasted State Sena- .. .ulso is held in many other locaJes~ Its exuaJ violence. She empha- . tor Van Rigcnmorter for not recogniz~ .• , purpose is to help stop violence against sized that rapists are not all ing gay marriage ceremonies. women. Ov~rthe past'several years, stereotypicalublack men lurk­ Many of the speakers felt that it has recClved criticism for using this ing around," and that many poverty was at the root of domestic cause to crudely veil a podium for sex offenders are people who violence, and used this to begin an left-Wlnf ideologues. It also has betn eem "safe." She also empha­ attack on initiatives such as the "'Con­ decned fot bemg anti-male, and fot size~ that society must not tract with America." Touting figures ,. questionable practices in the past such How itself to say1;hat it is about the oppression of women and Students hear speeches on violence against women ~ as a prayer to Artemis. .~omehow a lesser crime when minorities in the workplace, and us­ • Over'lll; this year the rally !jearn homosexuals. prostitutes, or any the newspaper, emphagized the need ing this as the basis for broad attacks have l'vndl'd such complninL-;, How­ Otap whose behavior it considers to focus on the cri minal and the crime. on the middle' class, they called for ever. tumoutat the event was minus- unacceptable, are victims. hand­ She stated that people, particularly redilitribution of government r! :,. cule, and it may be that this evasion 0 Another, speaker focused on vil'­ hepoticp, need to take survivors more outs, !'ttntmg that, while the govcrn ~ cnnl roversy was_simply a result of lcnce ogainst those WIth digl\bililie~, seriously. She cmphasiz(·d the need ment spends $7000 n year on each · lack Qfgeneral knowledl!e about the stating that over three million people to treat rape as a viohmt crime, say­ student, it on Iy gives $5000 in weltar : rally. '" , with disabilities are "incarcerated" in ing "rape is not sexual - it is like to a family of three. They denounced · Take Back the Night begins with nursinginstituti~ns, and are "beaten, being hit over the head with a base­ welfare reform plans from the GOP a · yery·solid id_e.~ls _ While people '~ay . raped, robbed, and left to die in their ball bat," and that the offender is "a "economic violence," and claimed that · argue about statistics, no one can own urine." She claimed that 90 per­ horrible person [whowiU] do it again." it would "fan the flames of all other dispute that Violence against women cent of tho~ YJ ho incur a disability However, in the midst of all the kinds of violence against women." f:',: · ~ particularly sexual violence - is a before the age of 18 are assaulted. positive words were liberal sprinklings lfTake Back the Night continues . ( serious problem that society mutit of anti-male, anti-conser­ to use violent crime as a soapbox for ' t t,· "confront. Between speakeJ'!-! Ilnd the vative propaganda. Al­ political agendas and tirades against ., informatiol11l1 program distributed to though one speaker con­ the conservatives, it will undoubtedly , participants of the rally, the organiz­ ceded that "some men are continue to dwindle. Although this 'era did a. tremendo\Jsjob of raising comrades too," the organiz­ year's rally was a step in the right •. ' awareness; . ers once again chose to al­ direction - away from politicking and Speakers at the event 'hit upon Ia\" only women to partici­ male-bashing - more needs to be " very important points; such as pre­ pate in the march and done. One important step is to aIlow t· venting those convicted of multiple stressed repeatedly their men to participate in the entire, pro­ , violentcnmes from receiving a single feelings that the help of men gram. As one speaker said, "an injus- ~ . (relatively short) sentence that cov­ in preventing violence tice to one is an injustice to all," and {':.:' ers the cntire set of crimes, the need against women was of ques­ violent crime, particularly ofa sexual . <. for increased' suppOrt opportunities tionable merit. nature, is not just an affronttowomer" . for the. friends and family of victims, Worse yet, many of the but to all of society. Take Back the . and the need to support a survivor Women march through Ann Arbor to protest agalnst rape speakers had far more to Night does remind us that violent . ',J regardless of whether sbe chooses ..to · . say about politics than about crimes against women are unaccept- . " able, and that something needs to be i: ba.ve a trial. The director of Latino Family violence. More than one specch quickly . ;~~!}. ~:: r." They also focused on domestic vio­ Services, in Detroit, spoke about abuse degenerated into attacks on conser­ done about them. For.this it should be., ... ' . lence ofkinds that many liberals would against women in prison, and Chris- vative politicians, particularly Gov- praised. Mt i' I; [,;' A Letter From From Suit e I5 Interview . 11 Life at U-M I 15 Living ,;... the Editor One I Extravaganza I Culture Wondering what the Our suggestions to the Columnist linda Chavez Four of our best relate their Original poetry, book ~" ~; lichigan Review is all administration for1996- discusses higher education experience at U-M and reviews, a look at The about? Find out 1997 and a look at affirma- and the controversies it give their ideas on how to Arrival and music reviews tlve action policy. now faces. enjoy your time here. courtesy of our arts staff. ~~ :;:: . .. ". '- ."'-- ~-- ' -"""C _-r' _ __~ ....... ,__ ~~~_._ ._.~~ __ ,~,_." •.. _ ._ __ M.. ' ___ _ ~.._\o • _ ... =!...,. _ :. £-. 2 THE MIblflGAN REVIEW April 12, 1995 rr "h<>"' , k ' f ( t ' TIll: lVlICIIIC,:\N REVIE\V o SERPENT'S TOOTH The Campus Affairs Journal of the University of Michigan 'Rashing our cluelessness like an AMEX platinum card." Due to an unfortunate typo, the U- M paign featured an "adult" Ronald re-release of a 1978 novel entitled EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Mohan Krishnan has announred that it will be institut­ McDonald's golfing, dancing at disco The Turner Diaries, a white PUBLISHER: Pat Eskew ing a "Code Cuniculum" this year clubs, and doing other "adult" things. supremacist's manifesto, which may MANAGING EDITOR: Geoff Brown instead of a "Core Cuniculum." Vice­ We have a suggestion for some new have inspired McVeigh to plan the President for Student Af:fairs Maureen ads: how about "adult" Ronald spill­ Oklahoma City bombing. Opponents ASSISTANT EDITOR: Thomas Jolliffe MUSIC EDITOR: Drew Peters Hartford quickly used her emergency ing coffee in his lap and burning him­ of the re--release maintain that the COPY EDITORS: Evan Knott, Anthony Wen powers (granted by the Code of Stu­ self, getting his arteries de-clogged, book should be suppressed due to its ADVERTISING MANAGER: Eddie Sanguanruang dent Conduct) to gain control of the and contacting his lawyer? racist content. In related news, pro­ COMPUTER CONSULTANT: Mark West department, and then announced it testers also are demanding the sup­ LITERARY CRITIC: Bill Ahrens would begin offering courses, includ­ Upon hearing ofth.e Arch Deluxe cam­ pression of any further books by PHOTOGRAPHER: Lisa Wagner ing "Code 101: The Code and You," to paign, President Clinton quickly Howard Stem, because "he is an idiot. ,. STAFF: Joe Arciero, Devorah Adler, Aaron Clements, be taught by ex-President stressed that the ads should not be Kevin Cooney, David Dodhenhoff, Jennifer Feria, Calvin Duderstadt, and "Code 233: Your considered contributions to his cam­ Serpent's Tooth hopes that 1996--97 Hwang, Ben Leroi, Mel Myers, Rodeen Rahbar, Don rights, or the absence thereof" The paign. He then jogged straight to the will be a more productive school year Robinson, Craig RogOWSki, John Squier, Michael Wheaton , Mary Jane Wagg, Michelle Williams. courses will not run for the usual nearest McDonald's to try the sand­ for the Michigan Student Assembly University semester, but rather have wich, to show he is a good sport. (MSA) , the U-M's student council, EDITOR-at-lARGE: James A. Roberts, II a variable duration of 5-10 years, which seems to have wasted previous PUBLISHERS EMERITI: Benjamin Kepple, Aaron with time off for good behavior. In related news, Republican candi­ years arguing over mandatory stu­ Steelman date Bob Dole launched ads attempt­ dent health care and whether or not The Michigan Reviewis an independent, monthly student­ Recently, the Information Technol­ ing to make him appeal to a younger­ certain members were losers.
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