The Ann Arbor Register. I TWELVE VOL.XXIV.NO. 21. 1 PAOBS. ANN ARBOB, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 26.1898. WHOLE NO. BENNETT WILL CASE. Regent* Independent. GARROTED NARCISO LOPEZ An article in last week's Register i mentioned tho fact that Auditor Gener- ->W * If from us they are right.'' AUi,i>ii:>rs 11 > n.itii v% . al Dix had refused to audit the bills for HE WAS THE I lies I TO ATTEMPT the construction of the new law build- CUBA'S LilBEICATION. .Inrj Has a Peculiar Ca»o to Settle- ing holding that the Regents had not All Sort* of Opinion* an lo Outcome properly observed the law in regard to Raised a Small Band In the I nllod SPECIAL It 1* Relieved It will Take the submitting plans and specification. He Mates—They met Only Dimmer and Jury Some Time to Decide If finally agreed to submit the matter to Death—Spaniard* Uarroted Lopez. They Iteuch a Deci- Attorney-General Maynard for an Tho following, from a recent issue of Consider Your LADIES' sion at all. opinon which was furnished Sat- urday. The attorney-general holds the Times-Herald, of Chicago, concern- The Circuit Court has for the past the first attempts of Cuban liberty, will week been the scene of an unusually that the law requiring an ex- amination of building plans by thebe read with interest at the present ...Wants... interesting suit. It is the case of state boards named does not apply to time. Jerome Schemerhorn, a mulatto, who the regents of the University. "When Did you ever hear of Narciso Lopez? and come to The Store claims that the late Mollio Bennett will the state appropriates money to theHe was the man who wrote about the ed him her property valued at some first chapter of our trouble with Cuba, SHOE University, the attorney-general says, and the international complication SATURDAY—THIS WEEK, $12,000. The relatives of the deceased "it passes to the regents and becomes which began in 1848 has grown more are contesting the claims of Schemer- the property of the University to be ex-and more troublesome to the govern- SALS horn. The latter claims that Mollie pended under the exclusive direction of ment for just half a century. Narciso You'll find \ Bennett made a will in his favor, which the regents, and passes beyond the con- Lopez was born in Venezuela, of a dis- tinguished family. Ho was an aristo- will mysteriously dissappearod when trol of the state through its legislative crat, a royalist, and wheD Spanish arma "THE CORNELL' Miss Bennett diod about a year ago. department." The people by the con- clashed against those of the rising Ven- Great Reductions stitution, it is held, have excluded all ezuelan patriots he fought to put down He, however, claims to possess a copy in everything that's Seasonable A Shoe of lasting beauty. Stylish of thewill which gives him the prorerty departments of the state government the insurrection. At Madrid he be- enough for the drawing room reception- from any interference with the state came a hero. In the first and greatest and Wearable that day. Shemerhorn's attorneys also made an of the Carlist uprisings Lopez fought Strong enough for all-day tramping. effort to show that Shemerhorn was an board of regents, and constitutional with the crown soldiers and against Don Special attention is directed to Has all the winning points of the beat boards are not to be subordinate to Carlos. And when the war was over— illegitimate son of Mollie Bennett's sis- boards created by the legislature. our big bargains in shoe made. Fine silk vesting top, new ter, and farther that the Bennetts it lasted from 1883 to 1840—Lopez was coin toe, lace boot, either in black or themselves had negro blood in their tan. All sizes. Widths AA to E. veins. Numerous witnesses were pro- Ladies' Shoes duced to substantiate their claims. Several witnesses testified that the HEMORIAL DAY. Colored Dress Goods GOODSPEED'S, Bennetts were of a decidedly swarthy MAIL. OK HERS THE FOLLOWING QENBRALOEDEB8 HAVE BEEN ISSDED BY W. B. SMITtl Black Dress Goods \ ) PKO.VPTLV FILLED. 119 S. MAIN ST. complexion, that at their home colored COMMANDER OF WELCH POST, G. A. R. OF TUTS CITY, WHICH people were accustomed to gather, that ABE OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR CITIZENS. very few of the young men in the Wash Dress Goods neighborhood ever visited the Bennett HEADQUARTERS WELCH POST, NO. 137, ) Silks and Trimmings home because it was a common report DEPARTMENT OF MICH., G. A. R., - that they were part negro. Other wit- May 23, 1898. ) Tailored Dresses nesses stated that they had beard Doc GENERAL ORDERS: Bennett, a brother of Mollie, say that 1st. In obedience to General Orders from National and Department Skirts Capes and Waists LADIES, LISTEN! the property should go to Jerome Headquarters, Memorial Day will be observed by Welch Post. Shemerhorn. Still another witness Comrades will assemble at the Post Rooms on Sunday morning, Hosiery and Gloves If you will come into our store while down testified that she had heard Mollie at 10:00 a. m., sharp, for the purpose of attending a Memorial Bennett declare that her property sermon at the First Baptist Church, to be delivered by Rev. Ladies' Underwear town we will show you a large selection of.... should go to Jerome and that she, Mol- T. W. Young, pastor of the church. The Woman's Relief lie Bennett, had made a will to that Corps and Joe T. Jacobs Camp S. of V., are cordially invited Muslin Underwear effect and that the will was in safe to attend these services. All soldiers and sailors of the late keeping. Two witnesses were produc- civil war residing in this city and vicinity, not members off Summer Corsets METALIC BELTS ed who swore that they had witnessed Welch Post, are also invited to meet with us at the Post™ a will by Mollie Bennett giving the pro- Rooms, Corner of Main and Washington streets, and attend Ladies' Umbrellas of the latest designs. perty to Shemerhorn. One of these services with us at the church. witnesses stated that he had made a 2d On Monday, May 30, at ten o'clock a. m. a detachment will be Millinery Our spring styles of Shirt Waist Buttons, copy of the will he witnessed. It is conveyed from the Post Rooms to St. Thomas' Cemetery who upon this so-called copy that Shemer- will there decorate the graves of our deceased comrades. At Boys' Clothing Cuff Buttons, etc., has also arrived. horn is basing his claim. Another one o'clock p. m. all comrades and sons of Veterans will meet witness testified that he had leased a at the Post Rooms, and at two o'clock will march to the 5th Men's Clothing Nothing sets off a pretty garment so much tract of land from the Bennetts on a Ward Cemetery and decorate the graves of deceased comrades. as does some appropriate jewelry. (.Continued on page five] An address will be delivered by Rev. J. T. Sunderland. The and all kinds of notions. Appropriate Resolutions. procession will return to the Michigan Central Depot and will there be conveyed in street cars to Forest Hill Cemetery To the Board of Directors of Forest where the graves of deceased comrades will be decorated and Hill Cemetery Company: services held in accordance with the Ritual. Welch Post G. Charged with the duty of giving ex- A. R. cordially extends an invitation to the City Officials and pression to the sense of loss which this military, fraternal and other organizations of the city to join hoard has sustained by the death of our us in these services. late colleague, Elihu B. Pond, secreta- ry and treasurer of the company, your 3d. All comrades and officials and other organizations will assemble committee submit the following resolu- in the Chapel, at University Hall at 7:30 p. m. sharp and pro- 216 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. tions: ceed to the Auditorium to attend tho public exercises to be First, That the board of directors held there. Hon. A. J. Sawyer will deliver the address and learn with profound and inexpressible national and patriotic songs will be sung by some of our best sorrow of the death of their colleague, singers. "SOROSIS" Elihu B. Pond, whose fidelity to duty, Let us show by our presence at all these services that our and estimable qualities of head and fallen comrades are still held in grateful remembrance as heart endeared him to all who knew martyrs to the cause of liberty and the preservation of the The New Shoe for Women. him, and whoso demise is to every Union of all the state?. member of the board a personal le- School children and comrades and citizens generally are reavement. requested to bring flowers to the basement of the court house The Acme of Fashion— Second, That by his death Forest and the 5th Ward Cemetery on Monday morning at 9 o'clock, Hill Cemetery company loses a worthy where members of the Woman's Relief Corps will prepare The Smartest Boot on Earth. member and a faithful officer, the city them for decorating the graves. Comrade P. Irwin has been appointed Marshal of the Day and state an upright and respected cit- Spring and Summer What is more attractive than a handsome izen, and the members of this board a and will be obeyei accordingly. foot? "Sorosis" will make yours so, no matter true and trusted friend.
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