


[This chapter is based on the lectures of Professor Dr. Hans J. Haubold of the Office of Outer Space Affairs, United Nations, at the 5th SERC School.] Statistical Mechanics, Fractional , Reaction-Diffusion and Mathai’s Pathways

9.1. : -Liouville

Mathematics of dynamical systems: There are three distinct paradigms for sci- entific understanding of dynamical systems. (i) In the Newtonian approach the sys- tem is modeled by a differential equation and subsequently solutions of the equa- tions are obtained. (ii) In the approach through the geometric theory of differential equations (= qualitative theory) the system is also modeled by a differential equa- tion but only qualitative information about the system is provided (Poincare,´ Smale). (iii) Algorithmic modeling uses the computer, uses maps (discrete-time dynamical system) rather than differential equations (continuous-time dynamical system) that means to use algorithms instead of conventional formulas. This approach is a data driven modeling process.

Integer-order and their inverse operations (integer-order integrations) provide the language for formulating and analyzing many laws of physics. Integer calculus allows for geometrical interpretations of derivatives and integrations. The calculus of fractional derivatives and does not have clear geometrical and physical interpretations. However the fractional calculus is almost as old as integer calculus (Srivastava and Saxena, 2001). As early as 1695, Leibniz, in a reply to de l’Hospital, wrote “Thus it follows that d1/2 x will be equal to x √dx : x, . . . from which one day useful consequences will be drawn”.


The first way to formally introduce fractional derivatives proceeds from the re- peated differentiation of an power

n d m m! m n x = x − . (9.1.1) dxn (m n)! − For an arbitrary power µ, repeated differentiation gives n Γ + d µ (µ 1) µ n x = x − (9.1.2) dxn Γ(µ n + 1) − with gamma functions replacing the factorials. The gamma functions allow for a generalization to an arbitrary order of differentiation α, α Γ + d µ (µ 1) µ α x = x − . (9.1.3) dxα Γ(µ α + 1) −

The extension defined by the latter equation corresponds to the Riemann-Liouville . It is sufficient for handling functions that can be expanded in Taylor se- ries. A second way to introduce fractional derivatives uses the fact that the nth derivative is an operation inverse to an n-fold repeated integration. Basic is the integral identity

x y1 yn 1 x − 1 n 1 . . . dyn . . . dy1 f (yn) = dy f (y)(x y) − . (9.1.4) Z Z Z (n 1)! Z − a a a − a

A generalization of the expression allows one to define a fractional integral of arbitrary order alpha via x α = 1 α 1 aD−x f (x) dy f (y)(x y) − , (x a). (9.1.5) Γ(α) Za − ≥ A fractional derivative of an arbitrary order is defined through fractional integra- tion and successive ordinary differentiation. The following causal convolution-type integral t f (t) = dτh(τ)g(t τ) (9.1.6) Z0 − transforms the input signal h(t) into the output signal f (t) via the memory (the impulse response) g(t). If g(t) is the step function = 1 for t 0 g(t) 0 for t≥<0 (9.1.7) n 9.1. FRACTIONAL CALCULUS: RIEMANN-LIOUVILLE 323 then the latter expression is a first-order integral. If g(t) = δ(t) is the Dirac delta- function, then transformation represented by the former integral reproduces the in- put signal (this is the zeroth-order integral). It may be assumed that the fractional integration of order ν, (0 < ν < 1),

t 1 ν 1 f (t) = dτh(τ)(t τ) − (9.1.8) Γ(ν) Z0 − interpolates the memory function such that it lies between the delta-function (total absence of memory) and the step function (complete memory).

Stanislavsky (2004) developed a specific interpretation of fractional calculus: It was shown that there is a relation between stable probability distributions and the fractional integral. The time degree of freedom becomes stochastic. It is the sum of random time intervals and each of them is a random variable with a stable . There exists a mathematically justified passage to the limit from discrete time steps (intervals) to a continuous limit. Corresponding processes have randomized operation time. The kinetic equations describing such processes are written in terms of time derivatives (or time integrals) of fractional order. The exponent of the fractional integral (derivative) is directly related to the parameter of the corresponding stable probability distribution. The occurrence of the fractional derivative (or integral) with respect to time in kinetic equations shows that these equations describe subordinate stochastic processes. Their directional process is directly related to a stochastic process with a stable probability distribution. This introduces a stochastic time arrow into the equations. In contrast to the traditional determinate time arrow with a “timer“ counting equal time intervals, the stochas- tic “timer“ has an irregular time step. This time step is a random variable with a stable probability distribution. This character of the probability distribution gives rise to long-term memory effects in the subordinate process, and the relaxation (re- action) in such a system has a power-law character. Although the abovementioned transformation of stochastic processes does not violate the laws of classical ther- modynamics, it requires some modification of their macroscopic description. This manifests itself in the appearance of a generalized (fractional) operator with respect to time in the kinetic description of such anomalous systems. The order of this op- erator permits finding the parameter α corresponding to the stable distribution (Jose and Seetha Lekshmi, 2004). 324 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS 9.2. Reaction Equation

9.2.1. Standard: Exponential function Which is the simplest ordinary differential equation (Tsallis, 2004)? It is dy = 0 , (9.2.1) dx whose solution (with y(0) = 1) is y = 1. What could be considered as the second in simplicity? It is dy = 1 , (9.2.2) dx whose solution is y = 1 + x. And the next one? It is dy = y , (9.2.3) dx whose solution is y = ex. Its inverse is y = ln x, which coincides with the celebrated Boltzmann formula

S BG = k ln W, (9.2.4) where k is Boltzmann constant, and W is the of the space where the sys- tem is allowed to “live”, taking into account total energy and similar constraints. If we have an isolated N-body Hamiltonian system (microcanonical ensemble in Gibbs notation), W is the dimensionless Euclidean measure (i.e., (hyper)volume) of the fixed-energy Riemann (hyper)surface in phase space (Gibbs’ Γ-space) if the system microscopically follows classical dynamics, and it is the dimension of the associated if the system microscopically follows quantum dynamics. In what follows we indistinctively refer to classical or quantum systems. We shall nevertheless use, for simplicity, the wording “phase space” although we shall write down formulas where W is a natural number.

If we introduce a natural scaling for x (i.e., if x carries physical dimensions) we must consider, instead of equation (9.2.3), dy = ay , (9.2.5) dx in such a way that ax is a dimensionless variable. The solution is now y = eax . (9.2.6) 9.2. REACTION EQUATION 325

This differential equation and its solution appear to admit at least three physical interpretations that are crucial in Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics. The first one is (x, y, a) (t, ξ, λ), hence → ξ = eλt , (9.2.7) ∆X(t) where t is time, ξ lim∆X(0) 0 ∆ is the sensitivity to initial conditions, and λ is ≡ → X(0) the (maximal) Lyapunov exponent associated with a typical phase-space variable X (the dynamically most unstable one, in fact). This sensitivity to initial conditions (with λ > 0) is of course the cause of the mixing in phase space which will guar- antee ergodicity, the well known dynamical justification for the entropy in equation (9.2.4).

The second physical interpretation is given by (x, y, a) (t, Ω, 1/τ), hence → − t/τ Ω = e− , (9.2.8)

(t) ( ) where Ω O −O ∞ , and τ is the characteristic time associated with the relaxation ≡ (0) ( ) of a typical Omacroscopic−O ∞ observable towards its value at the possible stationary state (thermal equilibrium for BG statisticalO mechanics). This relaxation occurs pre- cisely because of the sensitivity to initial conditions, which guarantees strong chaos (essentially Boltzmann’s 1872 molecular chaos hypothesis). It was Krylov the first to realize, over half a century ago, this deep connection. Indeed, τ typically scales like 1/λ.

The third physical interpretation is given by (x, y, a) (E , Zp , β), hence → i i − W e βEi − βE j p = Z e− , (9.2.9) i Z  ≡   Xj=1      where Ei is the eigenvalue of the i-th quantum state of the Hamiltonian (with its associated boundary conditions), pi is the probability of occurrence of the i-th state when the system is at its macroscopic stationary state in equilibrium with a ther- mostat whose temperature is T 1/kβ (canonical ensemble in Gibbs notation). It is a remarkable fact that the exponential≡ form of the distribution which optimizes the Boltzmann-Gibbs generic entropy

W S = k p ln p , (9.2.10) BG − i i Xi=1 326 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS with the constraints W

pi = 1 , (9.2.11) Xi=1 and W p E = U (U internal energy), (9.2.12) i i ≡ Xi=1 precisely is the inverse functional form of the same entropy under the hypothesis of equal probabilities, i.e., pi = 1/W( i), hence the logarithmic equation (9.2.10). To the best of our knowledge, there is∀(yet) no clear generic mathematical linking for this fact, but it is nevertheless true. It might seem at first glance a quite bizarre thing to do that of connecting the standard Boltzmann-Gibbs exponential weight to the solution of a (linear) differential equation, in contrast with the familiar procedure consisting in extremizing an entropic functional (equation (9.2.10)) under appropri- ate constraints (equations (9.2.11) and (9.2.12)). It might be helpful to remind to those readers who so think that it is precisely through a differential equation that Planck heuristically found the celebrated black-body radiation law in his October 1900 paper, considered by many as the beginning of the path that led to quantum mechanics.

In concluding the present remarks by saying that, when we stress that equa- tions (9.2.10), (9.2.11) and (9.2.12) naturally co-emerge within Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics, we only refer to the generic (or more typical) situations, not to all the situations. It is known, for example, that relaxation occurs through a power-law function of time at any typical second-order phase transition, whereas the Boltzmann-Gibbs weight remains exponential.

9.2.2. Fractional: Mittag-Leffler function In terms of Pochammer’s symbol = 1,n=0 (α)n α(α+1)...(α+n 1),n N (9.2.13) n − ∈ we can express the binomial as

r α ∞ (α)r x (1 x)− = . (9.2.14) − r! Xr=0 9.2. REACTION EQUATION 327

The Mittag-Leffler function is defined by

∞ zn E (x) := . (9.2.15) α Γ(αn + 1) Xn=0 This function was defined and studied by Mittag-Leffler. We note that this function is a direct generalization of an exponential function, since

E1(z) := exp(z). (9.2.16) It also includes the error functions and other related functions, for we have E ( z1/2) = ez[1 + er f ( z1/2)] = ezer f c( z1/2), (9.2.17) 1/2   ∓ where z 2 2 = u = er f (z) : 1/2 e− du, er f c(z) : 1 er f (z), z C. (9.2.18) π Z0 − ∈ The equation ∞ zn E (z) := (9.2.19) α,β Γ(αn + β) Xn=0 gives a generalization of the Mittag-Leffler function (Saxena et al., 2002). When β = 1, equation (9.2.19) reduces to equation (9.2.15). Both the functions defined by equations (9.2.15) and (9.2.19) are entire functions of order 1/α and type 1. The of Eα,β(z) follows from the integral

∞ pt β 1 α β α 1 e− t − Eα,β(λat )dt = p− (1 ap− )− , (9.2.20) Z0 − where (p) > a 1/α, (β) > 0, which can be established by means of the Laplace integral< | | <

∞ pt ρ 1 ρ e− t − dt = Γ(ρ)/p , (9.2.21) Z0 where (p) > 0, (ρ) > 0. The Riemann-Liouville operator of fractional integra- tion is 0, (9.2.22) Γ(ν) Za − 0 = with aDt f (t) f (t). By integrating the standard kinetic equation d N (t) = c N (t), (c > 0), (9.2.23) dt i − i i i 328 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS it is derived that = 1 Ni(t) N0 ci 0Dt− Ni(t), (9.2.24) 1 − − where 0D−t is the standard Riemann integral operator. Here we recall that the num- ber density of species i, Ni = Ni(t), is a function of time and Ni(t = 0) = N0 is the number density of species i at time t = 0. By dropping the index i in equation (9.2.24), the solution of its generalized form ν ν N(t) N = c D− N(t), (9.2.25) − 0 − 0 t is obtained as ∞ ( 1)k(ct)νk N(t) = N − . (9.2.26) 0 Γ(νk + 1) Xk=0 By virtue of equation (9.2.19) we can rewrite equation (9.2.26) in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function in a compact form as N(t) = N E ( cνtν), ν > 0. (9.2.27) 0 ν − 9.2.3. Generalized: q-exponential function Equations (9.2.1), (9.2.2) and (9.2.3) can be unified in a single differential equa- tion (Tsallis, 2004) through dy = a + by . (9.2.28) dx This can also be achieved with only one parameter through dy = yq (q ). (9.2.29) dx ∈ R Equations (9.2.1), (9.2.2) and (9.2.3) are respectively recovered for q , q = 0 and q = 1. The solution of equation (9.2.29) (with y(0) = 1) is given by→ −∞ 1/(1 q) x x x y = [1 + (1 q)x] − e (e = e ). (9.2.30) − ≡ q 1 The inverse function of the q-exponential is the q-logarithm, defined as follows 1 q x − 1 y = − ln x (ln x = ln x). (9.2.31) 1 q ≡ q 1 − The Boltzmann principle, equation (9.2.4), can be generalized, for equal probabili- ties, as follows 1 q W − 1 S (p = 1/W, i) = k ln W = k − . (9.2.32) q i ∀ q 1 q − 9.2. REACTION EQUATION 329

As for the Boltzmann-Gibbs case, if x carries a physical dimension, we must con- sider, instead of equation (9.2.4), dy = a yq, (a = a), (9.2.33) dx q 1 hence aq x y = eq . (9.2.34) As for the Boltzmann-Gibbs case, we expect this solution to admit at least three different physical interpretations. The first one corresponds to the sensitivity to initial conditions λqt ξ = eq , (9.2.35) where λq generalizes the Lyapunov exponent or coefficient. Equation (9.2.32) was conjectured in 1997, and, for unimodal maps, proved recently. The second interpre- tation corresponds to relaxation, that is,

t/τq Ω = eq− . (9.2.36) There is (yet) no proof of this property, but there are several verifications (for in- stance, for a quantum chaotic system). The third interpretation corresponds to the energy distribution at the stationary state, that is,

βqEi W e− = q βq E j pi Zq e−q  . (9.2.37) Zq ≡ =  Xj 1    This is precisely the form that comes out from the optimization of the generic en- tropy S q under appropriate constraints. This form has been observed in a large variety of situations.

Before closing this subsection, let us stress that there is no reason for the values of q appearing in equations (9.2.34), (9.2.35) and (9.2.36) be the same. Indeed, if we respectively denote them by qsen (sen stands for sensitivity), qrel (rel stands for relaxation) and qstat (stat stands for stationary state), we typically (but not neces- sarily) have that qsen 1, qrel 1 and qstat 1. The possible connections between all these entropic indices≤ are not≥ (yet) known≥ in general. However, for the edge of chaos of the z-logistic maps we do know some important properties. If we consider the multifractal f (α) function, the fractal or Hausdorff dimension d f corresponds to the maximal height of f (α); also, we may denote by αmin and αmax the values of α 330 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS at which f (α) vanishes (with αmin < αmax). It has been proved that 1 1 1 = . (9.2.38) 1 q α − α − sen mim max Moreover, there is some numerical evidence suggesting 1 (1 d ) . (9.2.39) q 1 ∝ − f rel − Unfortunately, we know not much about qstat, but it would not be surprising if it was closely related to qrel. They could even coincide, in fact (Tsallis, 2004b; Burlaga and Vinas, 2005).

9.3. Diffusion Equation 9.3.1. Standard: Exponential function Fick’s first law of diffusion - diffusion is known to be the equilibration of concentrations

- particle current has to flow against the concentration

- in analogy with Ohm’s law for the electric current and with Fourier’s law for heat flow, Fick assumed that the current j is proportional to the concentration gradient ∂c(r, t) j(r, t) = D (9.3.1) − ∂r D: diffusion coefficient ; c: concentration if particles are neither created nor destroyed, then, according to the continuity equa- tion ∂c(r, t) ∂ j(r, t) = . (9.3.2) ∂t − ∂r Combining Fick’s first law with the continuity equation gives Fick’s second law = diffusion equation

∂c(r, t) ∂2c(r, t) L2 = D , [D] = . (9.3.3) ∂t ∂r2 T 9.3. DIFFUSION EQUATION 331

Einstein’s approach to diffusion

- Fick’s phenomenology missed the probabilistic point of view central to statistical mechanics - in statistical mechanics particles move independently under the influence of ther- mal agitation - the concentration of particles c(r, t) at some point r is proportional to the probabil- ity P(r, t) of finding a particle at r - according to Einstein, the diffusion equation holds when probabilities are substi- tuted for concentrations - if a particle is initially placed at the origin of coordinates in d-dimensional space, then its evolution according to the diffusion equation is given by

1 r2 P(r, t) = exp (9.3.4) (4πDt)d/2 (−4Dt) the mean squared displacement of the particle is thus

< r2(t) >= d3rr2P(r, t) = 2dDt (9.3.5) Z

< r2(t) > t. ∝ 9.3.2. Fractional: H-function In the following we derive the solution of the fractional diffusion equation using the results from Saxena et al., 2004. Consider the fractional diffusion equation

t ν ∂2 0DνN(x, t) − δ(x) = cν N(x, t), 0 < ν < 1, (9.3.6) t − Γ(1 ν) − ∂x2 − with the initial condition

ν k D − N(x, t) = = 0, (k = 1, . . . , n), (9.3.7) 0 t |t 0 where n = [ (ν)] + 1, cν is a diffusion constant and δ(x) is Dirac’s delta function. Then for the

2 ν 1 2,0 x (1 ,ν) N(x, t) = H | | − 2 . (9.3.8) (4πcνtν)1/2 1,2 "4cνtν |(0,1),(1/2,1)# 332 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS

In order to derive the solution of equation (9.3.6), we introduce the Laplace- in the form

∞ ∞ st+iks N˜ (k, s) = e− N(x, t)dxdt. (9.3.9) Z0 Z −∞ Applying the Fourier transform with respect to the space variable x and Laplace transform with respect to the time variable t and using equation (9.2.20), we find that

ν ν 1 ν 2 s N˜ (k, s) s − = c k N˜ (k, s). (9.3.10) − − Solving for N˜ (k, s) gives

sν 1 N˜ (k, s) = − . (9.3.11) sν + cνk2 To invert equation (9.3.11), it is convenient to first invert the Laplace transform and then the Fourier transform. Inverting the Laplace transform, we obtain

ν 2 ν N∗(k, t) = E ( c k t ), (9.3.12) ν − which can be expressed in terms of the H-function by using the definition of the generalized Mittag-Leffler functions in terms of a H-function as

1,1 ν 2 ν (0,1) N∗(k, t) = H c k t . (9.3.13) 1,2 |(0,1),(0,ν) Using the integral h i

1 ∞ ikx 1 ∞ e− f (k)dk = f (k)cos(kx)dk, (9.3.14) 2π Z π Z0 −∞ and the cosine transform of the H-function to invert the Fourier transform, we see that

1 ∞ N(x, t) = cos(kx)H1,1 cνk2tν (0,1) dk (9.3.15) k 1,2 |(0,1),(0,ν) Z0 h i 1 x 2 = H2,1 | | (1,1),(1,ν),(1,1) . x 3,3 "cνtν |(1,2),(1,1),(1,1)# | | Applying a result of Mathai and Saxena (1978, p.4, eq. 1.2.1) the above expression becomes 9.4. REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATION 333

1 x 2 N(x, t) = H2,0 | | (1,ν),(1,1) . (9.3.16) x 2,2 "cνtν |(1,2),(1,1)# | | If we employ the formula (Mathai and Saxena, 1978,p. 4, eq. 1.2.4):

+ xσHm,n x (ap,Ap) = Hm,n x (ap σAp,Ap) . (9.3.17) p,q (bq,Bq) p,q (bq+σBq,Bq)  i  i Equation (9.3. 17) reduces to

2 ν 1 2,0 x (1 ,ν),(1/2,1) N(x, t) = H | | − 2 . (9.3.18) (cνtν)1/2 2,2 "cνtν |(0,2),(1/2,1) # In view of the identity in Mathai and Saxena (1978, eq. 1.2.1), it yields

2 ν 1 1,0 x (1 ,ν) N(x, t) = H | | − 2 . (9.3.19) (cνtν)1/2 1,1 "cνtν (0,2) #

Using the definition of the H-function, it is seen that

ξ 1 Γ( 2ξ) x 2 − , = ξ. N(x t) ν ν 1/2 −ν | ν| ν d (9.3.20) 2πω(c t ) ZΩ Γ[1 + νξ] "c t # − 2 Applying the well-known duplication formula for the gamma function and inter- preting the result thus obtained in terms of the H-function, we obtain the solution as

2 ν 1 2,0 x (1 ,ν) N(x, t) = H | | − 2 . (9.3.21) √4πcνtν 1,2 "4cνtν (0,1),(1/2,1) #

Finally the application of the result of Mathai and Saxena (1978, p.10, eq. 1.6.3) gives the asymptotic estimate

1 2 ν 2 ν ν (2 ν)( x ν ) − N(x, t) O x 2 ν [exp − | | ] (0 < ν < 2). (9.3.22)  −  1   ∼ | | − (4cνtν) 2 ν h i  −       9.4. Reaction-Diffusion Equation

A specific form of the master equation is the reaction-diffusion equation. The simplest reaction-diffusion models are of the form 334 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS

∂φ ∂2φ = ξ + F(φ) (9.4.1) ∂t ∂x2 where ξ is the diffusion constant and F is a nonlinear function representing the reac- tion kinetics. Examples of particular interest include the Fisher-Kolmogorov equa- tion for which F = γφ(1 φ2) and the real Ginzburg-Landau equation for which F = γφ(1 φ). The nontrivial− dynamics of these systems arise from the competition between the− reaction kinetics and diffusion.

Open macroscopic systems with reaction (transformation) and diffusion (trans- port): Evolution of a reaction-diffusion system involves three types of processes: (i) internal reaction (transformation), (ii) internal diffusion (transport), and (iii) in- teraction with the external environment. Of special interest are asymptotic states of reaction-diffusion systems that are reached after some time and wherein the sys- tem will remain unless internal or external disturbances bring the system out of this state. At one extreme, asymptotically the system may become a closed system with no interaction with the environment, relaxing to a state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium. Another extreme, when all internal transformations cease, the system reaches a state of transport equilibrium with the external environment. Both these asymptotic states are stationary. Starting from either of them and gradually switch- ing on external transport or internal transformation, one obtains two basic branches (diffusion and reaction) of stationary asymptotic states. It may be the case that these two branches meet midway in such a manner that the stationary state remains unique and stable in the whole range of parameters. However, it may also occur that somewhere away from the two equilibrium limits both thermodynamic branches un- dergo some kind of bifurcation leading to their destabilization and to the emergence of a variety of other asymptotic states, not all of them being stationary, symmetric, or even ordered. Such phenomena are known as kinetic instabilities. The primary characteristic of a kinetic system is the kind of instabilities it may exhibit. Attempts to develop a unified theory of instabilities in nonequilibrium systems are contained in the works of Nicolis and Prigogine (1977) and Haken (2004).

9.4.1. Introduction Reaction-diffusion models have found numerous applications in pattern forma- tion in biology, chemistry, and physics. These systems indicate that diffusion can produce spontaneous formation of spatio-temporal patterns. 9.4. REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATION 335

The simplest reaction-diffusion models are of the form

∂N ∂2N = d + F(N), N = N(x, t), (9.4.2) ∂t ∂x2 where d is the diffusion coefficient and F(N) is a nonlinear function representing reaction kinetics. It is interesting to observe that for F(N) = γN(1 N 2), equation (9.4.2) reduces to the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation and if we set F(N−) = N(1 N 2), it gives rise to the real Ginsburg-Landau equation. Recently, del-Castillo-Ne−grete, Carreras, and Lynch (2003) discussed the dynamics in reaction-diffusion systems with non-Gaussian diffusion caused by asymmetric Levy´ flights and solved the fol- lowing model

∂N = ηDαN + F(N), N = N(x, t), (9.4.3) ∂t x with F = 0. In the following we present a solution of a more general model of reaction- ff ∂N ∂βN di usion systems (9.4.3) in which ∂t has been replaced by ∂tβ , β > 0. This new model extends the work of del-Castillo-Negrete, Carreras, and Lynch (2003). Most of the results are obtained in a compact form suitable for numerical computation.

A generalization of the Mittag-Leffler function

∞ zn E (z) := , α C, (α) > 0, (9.4.4) α Γ(nα + 1) ∈ < Xn=0 was introduced by Wiman in 1905 in the generalized form

∞ zn E (z) := , α, β C, (α) > 0. (9.4.5) α,β Γ(nα + β) ∈ < Xn=0 The H-function is defined by means of a Mellin-Barnes type integral in the follow- ing manner (Mathai and Saxena, 1978)

m,n = m,n (ap,Ap) Hp,q (z) Hp,q z (b ,B ) (9.4.6)  q q  1 = m,n (a1,A1),...,(ap,Ap) = Θ ξ Hp,q z (b ,B ),...,(B ,B ) (ξ)z− dξ, 1 1 q q 2πi ZΩ   where i = ( 1)1/2, − 336 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS

Πm Γ + Πn Γ j=1 (b j B jξ) j=1 (1 a j A jξ) Θ(ξ) = h i h − − i , (9.4.7) Πq Γ(1 b B ξ) Πp Γ(a + A ξ) j=m+1 − j − j j=n+1 j j and an empty product ish always interpreted asiunity;h m, n, p, q Ni with 0 n ∈ 0 ≤ ≤ p, 1 m q, A , B R+, a , b R or C(i = 1, . . . , p; j = 1, . . . , q) such that ≤ ≤ i j ∈ i j ∈

A (b + k) , B (a l 1), k, l N ; i = 1, . . . , n; j = 1, . . . , m, (9.4.8) i j j i − − ∈ 0 where we employ the usual notations:N = (0, 1, 2 . . .), R = ( , ), R+ = (0, ) 0 −∞ ∞ ∞ and C being the complex number field. The contour Ω is either L , L+ , or Liγ . The explicit definitions of these contours are given by −∞ ∞ ∞

(i) Ω = L is a left loop situated in a horizontal strip starting at the point +iϕ 1 and terminating−∞ at the point + iϕ with < ϕ < ϕ < + ; −∞ − −∞ 2 −∞ 1 2 ∞

(ii) Ω = L+ is a right loop situated in a horizontal strip starting at the point + +iϕ1 and terminating∞ at the point + + iϕ with < ϕ < ϕ < + . ∞ ∞ 2 −∞ 1 2 ∞

(iii) Ω = Liγ is a contour starting at the point γ i and terminating at the point γ + i , where∞ γ R = ( , + ). − ∞ ∞ ∈ −∞ ∞ A detailed and comprehensive account of the H-function is available from the monograph by Mathai and Saxena (1978). The relation connecting pΨq(z) and the H-function is given for the first time in the monograph by Mathai and Saxena (1978, p.11, Eq.1.7.8) as

(a1,A1),...,(ap,Ap) 1,p (1 a1,A1),...,(1 ap,Ap) Ψ z = H z − − , (9.4.9) p q (b1,B1),...,(bq,Bq) p,q+1 (0,1),(1 b1,B1),...,(1 bq,Bq) | − − −  Ψ h i where p q(z) is Wright’s generalized hypergeometric function defined by means of the series representation in the form

p r ∞ [Π Γ(a j + A jr)]z (ap,Ap) j=1 pΨq(z) = pΨq z = , (9.4.10) (bq,Bq) | [Πq Γ(b + B r)(r)!] h i Xr=0 j=1 j j where z C, ai, b j C, Ai, B j R = ( , ), Ai, B j , 0 (i = 1, . . . , p; j = 1, . . . , q),∈ q B ∈p A > 1;∈ C being−∞the∞set of complex numbers and Γ(z) j=1 j − j=1 j − is Euler’sPgamma function.P This function includes many special functions. It is 9.4. REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATION 337 interesting to observe that for A = B = 1, i and j, equation (9.4.10) reduces to a i j ∀ generalized hypergeometric function pFq(z) as

p Π Γ(a j) (ap,1) j=1 pΨq z = pFq(a1, . . . , ap; b1, . . . , bq; z), (9.4.11) (bq,1) Πq Γ(b ) h  j=1 j where a j , ν, ( j = 1, . . . , p and ν = 0, 1, 2, . . . .); p < q or p = q, z < 1. A special case of (9.4.11)− is | |

∞ 1 zr Φ(a, b; z) = Ψ − z = , 0 1 (b,a) Γ(ar + b) (r)! Xr=0 h i which widely occurs in problems of fractional diffusion. It has been shown by Saxena, Mathai, and Haubold (2004b) that

= Ψ (1,1) Eα,β(z) 1 1 (β,α) z (9.4.12) h  = 1,1 (0,1) H1,2 z (0,1),(1 β,α) . (9.4.13) − −  = If we further take β 1 in (9.4.12), we find that

= = Ψ (1,1) Eα,1(z) Eα(z) 1 1 (1,α) z (9.4.14) h i = H1,1 z (0,1) , (9.4.15) 1,2 − (0,1),(0,α) h i where (α) > 0, α C. From Mathai and Sax ena (1978) it follows that the Laplace transform< of the H-function∈ is given by

ρ 1 m,n σ (ap,Ap) ρ m,n+1 σ (1 ρ,σ),(ap,Ap) = − L t − Hp,q zt (b ,B ) s− Hp+1,q zs− (b ,B ) , (9.4.16)   q q   q q  min b j n where σ > 0, (s) > 0, [ρ + σ ( )] > 0, argz < [π/2]θ, θ > 0; θ = = A j 1 j m B j j 1 p m< q< ≤ ≤ | | − A + = B B . By virtue of the cancellation law for the H-functionP j=n+1 j j 1 j − j=m+1 j P(Mathai andPSaxena, P1978), it can be readily seen that

1 ρ m,n σ (ap,Ap) = ρ 1 m,n σ (ap,Ap),(ρ,σ) L− s− Hp,q zs (b ,B ) t − Hp+1,q zt− (b ,B ) , (9.4.17)   q q   q q  1 a j 1 + max − where σ > 0, (s) > 0, [ρ σ1 j n( A )] > 0, argz < 2 πθ1, θ1 > 0; < < ≤ ≤ j | | θ = θ a. Two interesting special cases of (9.4.17) are worth mentioning. If we employ−the identity (Mathai and Saxena, 1978) 338 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS

H1,0 x = xαexp( x), (9.4.18) 0,1 (α,1) − we obtain h i

1 ρ σ ρ 1 1,0 σ (ρ,σ) L− [s− exp( zs )] = t − H zt− , (9.4.19) − 1,1 (0,1) where (s) > 0, σ > 0. Further if we use the identityh (Mathai i and Saxena, 1978) < 2,0 1/2 H x ( ν ,1)( ν ,1) = 2Kν(2x ), (9.4.20) 0,2 2 − 2 equation (9.4.20) yields h i

2 2σ 1 ρ σ = ρ 1 2,0 z t− (ρ,2σ) 2L− [s− Kν(zs )] t − H1,2 ( ν ,1),( ν ,1) , (9.4.21) " 4 2 − 2 #

2 where (ρ) > 0, (z ) > 0, (s) > 0, and Kν(.) is the Bessel function of the third kind.

∞ ρ 1 m,n µ (ap,Ap) t − cos(kt)H at dt (9.4.22) Z p,q (bq,Bq) 0   µ 1+ ρ µ π n+1,m k (1 bq,Bq),( , ) = − 2 2 Hq+1,p+2 1+ρ µ , ρ (ρ,µ),(1 ap,Ap),( , ) k " a − 2 2 #

+ min 1 where [ρ µ1 j m] > 1, arg a < 2 πθ; θ > 0, θ is defined with the result equation (9.4.17).< ≤ ≤ | |

The Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of order ν is defined by

t ν = 1 ν 1 0Dt− f (t) (t u) − f (u)du, (9.4.23) Γ(ν) Z0 − where (ν) > 0. < Following Samko, Kilbas, and Marichev (1990, p.37), we define the fractional derivative for α > 0 in the form

n t α 1 d f (u)du 0D f (t) = , n = [α] + 1, (9.4.24) t Γ(n α) dtn Z (t u)α n+1 − 0 − − where [α] means the integral part of the number α. In particular, if 0 < α < 1, 9.4. REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATION 339

t α = d 1 f (u)du 0Dt f (t) α , (9.4.25) dt Γ(1 α) Z0 (t u) and if α = n N = 1, 2, . . . , , then − − ∈ { } n = n = 0Dt f (t) D f (t)(D d/dt), (9.4.26) is the usual derivative of order n.

From Erdelyi,´ et al (1954b), we have ν = ν L 0Dt− f (t) s− F(s), (9.4.27) where 

∞ F(s) = L f (t); s = f ∗(s) = exp( st) f (t)dt, (s) > 0. (9.4.28) { } Z0 − < The Laplace transform of the fractional derivative is given by Oldham and Spanier (1974)

n α α r 1 α r L D f (t) = s F(s) s − D − f (t) = . (9.4.29) 0 t − 0 t |t 0  Xr=1 In certain boundary-value problems, the following fractional derivative of order α > 0 is introduced by Caputo (1969) in the form

1 t f (m)(τ)dτ Dα f (t) = , (9.4.30) t Γ(m α) Z (t τ)α+1 m − 0 − − m 1 < α m, (α) > 0, m N. − ≤ < ∈ dm f = , if α = m. (9.4.31) dtm Caputo (1969) has given the Laplace transform of this derivative as

m 1 α α − α r 1 r L D f (t); s = s F(s) s − − f (0+), m 1 < a m. (9.4.32) t − − ≤  Xr=0 The above formula is very useful in deriving the solution of differ-integral equa- tions of fractional order governing certain physical problems of reaction and diffu- sion. We also need the Weyl fractional operator defined by 340 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS

1 dn t f (u)du µ = Dx f (t) n µ n+1 , (9.4.33) −∞ Γ(n µ) dt Z (t u) − where n = [µ] is an integral part of −µ > 0. Its−∞Fourier− transform is (Metzler and Klafter, 2000)

µ = µ ˜ F Dx f (x) (ik) f (k), (9.4.34) −∞ where we define the Fourier transform as

∞ h˜(q) = h(x)exp(iqx)dx. (9.4.35) Z We suppress the imaginary unit in Fourier−∞ space by adopting the slightly modified form of above result in our investigations (Metzler and Klafter, 2000)

µ = µ ˜ F Dx f (x) k f (k) (9.4.36) −∞ −| | instead of (9.4.34). Finally wealso need the following property of the H-function (Mathai and Saxena, 1978) 1 m,n δ (ap,Ap) = m,n (ap,Ap/δ) Hp.q x (b ,B ) Hp,q x (b ,B /δ) , (9.4.37)  q q  δ  q q  where δ > 0.

9.4.2. The fractional reaction-diffusion equation In this section we will investigate the solution of the reaction-diffusion equation (9.4.1). The result is given in the form of the following theorem.

Theorem 9.4.1. Consider the following fractional reaction-diffusion model

∂β , N(x t) = α + η Dx N(x, t) ϕ(x, t); η, t > 0, x R, 0 < β 2, (9.4.38) ∂tβ −∞ ∈ ≤ with the initial condition

N(x, 0) = f (x), N (x, 0) = g(x) for x R, (9.4.39) t ∈ where Nt(x, 0) means the first of N(x, t) with respect to ϕ evaluated at t = 0, η is a diffusion constant and ϕ(x, t) is a nonlinear function belonging to 9.4. REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATION 341 the of reaction-diffusion. Then for the solution of (9.4.38), subject to the initial conditions (9.4.39), there holds the formula

1 ∞ α β N(x, t) = f˜(k)Eβ,1( η k t ) exp( ikx)dk (9.4.40) 2π Z − | | − −∞ 1 ∞ α β + tg˜(k)Eβ,2(η k t ) exp( ikx)dk 2π Z | | − −∞t 1 β 1 ∞ α β + ξ − ϕ˜(k, t ξ)Eβ,β( η k ξ ) exp( ikx)dkdξ. 2π Z0 Z − − | | − −∞ Note 9.4.1. By virtue of the identity (9.4.12), the solution (9.4.40) can be expressed in terms of the H-function as can be seen from the solutions given in the special cases of the theorem in the next section.

9.4.3. Special cases When g(x) = 0, then applying the convolution theorem of the Fourier transform to the solution (9.4.40), the theorem yields

Corollary 9.4.1. The solution of fractional reaction-diffusion equation

∂β α = N(x, t) η Dx N(x, t) ϕ(x, t), x R, t > 0, η > 0, (9.4.41) ∂tβ − −∞ ∈ subject to the initial conditions

N(x, 0) = f (x), N (x, 0) = 0 for x R, 1 < β 2, (9.4.42) t ∈ ≤ where η is a diffusion constant and ϕ(x, t) is a nonlinear function belonging to the area of reaction-diffusion, is given by

∞ N(x, t) = G1(x τ, t) f (τ)dτ (9.4.43) Z − −∞t x β 1 + (t ξ) − G2(x τ, t ξ)ϕ(τ, ξ)dτdξ, Z0 − Z0 − − where 342 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS

1 ∞ α β G1(x, t) = exp( ikx)Eβ,1( η k t )dk (9.4.44) 2π Z − − | | −∞ = 1 ∞ 1,1 1/α β/α (0,1/α) cos(kx)H1,2 kη t (0,1/α),(0,β/α) dk πα Z0  

= 1 2,1 x (1,1/α),(1,β/α),(1 ,1/2) H3,3 1/α| |β/α (1,1),(1,1/α),(1,1/2) , α > 0, α x "η t # | | 1 ∞ α β G2(x, t) = exp( ikx)Eβ,β( η k t )dk (9.4.45) 2π Z − − | | −∞ = 1 ∞ 1,1 1/α β/α (0,1/α) cos(kx)H1,2 kη t (0,1/α),(1 β,β/α) dk πα Z − 0   1 x = 2,1 (1,1/α),(β,β/α),(1 ,1/2) , α > . H3,3 1/α| |β/α (1,1),(1,1/α),(1,1/2) 0 α x "η t # | | If we set f (x) = δ(x), ϕ 0, g(x) = 0 , where δ(x) is the Dirac-delta function, then we arrive at the following≡

Corollary 9.4.2. Consider the following reaction-diffusion model

∂βN(x, t) = α η Dx N(x, t), η > 0, x R, 0 < β 1, (9.4.46) ∂tβ −∞ ∈ ≤ with the initial condition N(x, t = 0) = δ(x), where η is a diffusion constant and δ(x) is the Dirac-delta function. Then the solution of (9.4.46) is given by

= 1 2,1 x (1,1/α),(1,β/α),(1,1/2) N(x, t) H3,3 |β |1/α (1,1),(1,1/α),(1,1/2) . (9.4.47) α x "(ηt ) # | | In the case β = 1, then in view of the cancellation law for the H-function (Mathai and Saxena, 1978), (9.4.47) gives rise to the following result given by Del-Castillo- Negrete, Carreras, and Lynch (2003) in an entirely different form.

For the solution of fractional reaction-diffusion equation

∂ = α N(x, t) η Dx N(x, t), (9.4.48) ∂t −∞ with initial condition 9.4. REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATION 343

N(x, t = 0) = δ(x), (9.4.49) there holds the relation

1 x N(x, t) = H1,1 | | (1,1/α),(1,1/2) , (9.4.50) α x 2,2 "η1/αt1/α (1,1),(1,1/2) # | | where α > 0.

It may be noted that (9.4.50) is a closed-form representation of a Levy´ stable law, see Metzler and Klafter (2000). It is interesting to note that as α 2, the classical Gaussian solution is recovered as →

1 x , = 1,1 (1,1/2),(1,1/2) N(x t) H2,2 | 1| /2 (1,1),(1,1/2) 2 x "(ηt) # | | 1 1,0 x (1,1/2) = H | | (9.4.51) 2 x 1,1 "(ηt)1/2 (1,1) #

| | 2 1/2 x = (4πηt)− exp[ | | ]. (9.4.52) −4ηt It is useful to study the solution (9.4.52) due to its occurrence in certain frac- tional and diffusion models. Now we proceed to find the fractional order moments of (9.4.47). Here we remark that applying Fourier transform with respect to x in (9.4.46) it is found that

∂β N˜ (k, t) = η k αN˜ (k, t), ∂tβ − | | which is the generalized Fourier transformed diffusion equation, since for α = 2 and for β = 1, it reduces to Fourier transformed diffusion equation

∂N˜ (k, t) = η k 2N˜ (k, t), ∂t | | being a diffusion equation, for a fixed wave number k (Metzler and Klafter, 2000). Here N˜ (x, t) is the Fourier transform with respect to x of N(x, t).

Note 9.4.2. Recently, physical systems have been reported in which the diffusion rates of species cannot be characterized by a single parameter of the diffusion con- stant. Instead, the (anomalous) diffusion is characterized by a scaling parameter 344 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS alpha as well as a diffusion constant D and the mean-square displacement of dif- fusing species < r2(t) > scales as a nonlinear power law in time < r2(t) > tα. The case 0 < α < 1 is called subdiffusion and, accordingly, the case α >∼1 is called superdiffusion. The problem of anomalous subdiffusion with reactions in terms of continuous-time random walks (CTRWs) with sources and sinks leads to a fractional activator-inhibitor model with a fractional order temporal derivative op- erating on the spatial Laplacian. The problem of anomalous superdiffusion with reactions has also been considered and in this case a fractional reaction-diffusion model has been proposed with the spatial Laplacian replaced by a spatial fractional differential operator.

9.5. Mathai's Entropy Measure

We introduce a generalized entropy measure here. This is a generalization of Shannon entropy and it is also a variant of the generalized entropy of order α in Mathai and Rathie (1975, 1976). Let us take the discrete case first. Consider a multinomial population P = (p1, , pk), pi 0, i = 1, . . . , k, p1 + . . . + pk = 1. Define the function · · · ≥

k 2 α = p − 1 M (P) = i 1 i − , α , 1, < α < 2 (9.5.1) k,α P α 1 −∞ k −

lim Mk,α(P) = pi ln pi = S k(P) (9.5.2) α 1 − → Xi=1 by using L’Hospital’s rule. In this notation 0 ln 0 is taken as zero when any pi = 0. Thus (9.5.1) is a generalization of Shannon entropy S k(P) as seen from (9.5.2). Note that (9.5.1) is a variant of Havrda-Charvat´ entropy Hk,α(P) and Tsallis entropy Tk,α(P) where

k α = p 1 H (P) = i 1 i − , α , 1, α > 0 (9.5.3) k,α P21 α 1 − − and

k α = p 1 T (P) = i 1 i − , α , 1, α > 0. (9.5.4) k,α P 1 α − 9.5. MATHAI'S ENTROPY MEASURE 345

We will introduce another measure associated with (9.5.1) and parallel to Ren´ yi entropy Rk,α in the following form:

k 2 α ln i=1 pi − M∗ (P) = , α , 1, < α < 2. (9.5.5) k,α Pα 1  −∞ − Ren´ yi entropy is given by

k α ln i=1 pi R (P) = , α , 1, α > 0. (9.5.6) k,α 1P α  − It will be seen later that the form in (9.5.1) is amenable to power law, pathway model etc. First we look into some basic properties enjoyed by Mk,α(P).

The continuous analogue to the measure in (9.5.1) is the following: 2 α ∞ [ f (x)] − dx 1 M ( f ) = −∞ − (9.5.7) α R α 1 − ∞ 1 α 1 α [ f (x)] − f (x)dx 1 E[ f (x)] − 1 = −∞ − = − , α , 1, α < 2 R α 1 α 1 − − 1 α where E[ ] denotes the expected value of [ ]. Note that when α = 1, E[ f (x)] − = E[ f (x)]0 ·= 1. ·

When α < 0 and decreases then 1 α > 1 and increases. The measure of uncertainty decreases in the discrete case−when α < 0. Similarly when α > 0, then 1 α < 1 and decreases. In the discrete case the measure of uncertainty increases. Hence− we may call 1 α as the strength of information in the distribution. Larger the value of 1 α the−larger the information content and smaller the uncertainlty and vice versa.−

9.5.1. Mathai's distribution For practical purposes of analysing data of physical experiments and in building up models in statistical physics, we frequently select a member from a parametric family of distributions. It is often found that fitting experimental data needs a model with a thicker or thinner tail than the ones available from the parametric family, or a situation of right tail cut off. The experimental data reveal that the underlying distribution is in between two parametric families of distributions. This observation either apeals to the form of the entropic functional or to the representation by a 346 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS distribution function. In order to create a pathway from one functional form to another a pathway parameter is introduced and a pathway model is created in Mathai (2005). This model enables one to proceed from a generalized type-1 beta model to a generalized type-2 beta model to a generalized gamma model when the variable is restricted to be positive. More families are available when the variable is allowed to vary over the real line. Mathai (2005) deals mainly with rectangular matrix-variate distributions and the scalar case is a particular case there. For the real scalar case the pathway model is the following:

γ 1 δ 1 f (x) = cx − [1 a(1 α)x ] 1 α , (9.5.8) − − − a > 0, δ > 0, 1 a(1 α)xδ > 0, γ > 0 where c is the normalizing constant and α is the pathway parameter− − . For α < 1 the model remains as a generalized type-1 beta model in the real case. For a = 1, γ = 1, δ = 1 we have Tsallis statistics for α < 1 (Tsallis, 2004). Other cases available are the regular type-1 beta density, Pareto density, power function, triangular and related models. Observe that (9.5.8) is a model with the right tail cut off. When α > 1 we may write 1 α = (α 1), α > 1 so that f (x) assumes the form, − − −

γ 1 δ 1 f (x) = cx − [1 + a(α 1)x ]− α 1 , x > 0 (9.5.9) − − which is a generalized type-2 beta model for real x. Beck and Cohen’s superstatis- tics belong to this case (9.5.9) (Beck and Cohen, 2003). For γ = 1, a = 1, δ = 1 we have Tsallis statistics for α > 1 from (9.5.9). Other standard distributions coming from this model are the regular type-2 beta, the F-distribution, Levi´ models and related models. When α 1 the forms in (9.5.8) and (9.5.9) reduce to →

γ 1 axδ f (x) = cx − e− , x > 0. (9.5.10)

This includes generalized gamma, gamma, exponential, chisquare, Weibull, Maxwell- Boltzmann, Rayleigh, and related models (Mathai, 1993). If x is replaced by x in (9.5.8) then more families of distributions are covered in (9.5.8). The normal-| | izing constant c for the three cases are available by putting u = a(1 α)xδ for α < 1, u = a(α 1)xδ for α > 1, u = axδ for α 1 and then integrating− with the help of a type-1 −beta integral, type-2 beta integral→and gamma integral respectively. 9.5. MATHAI'S ENTROPY MEASURE 347

The value of c is the following: γ γ δ Γ + 1 + δ[a(1 α)] δ 1 α 1 c = − − , for α < 1 Γ γ Γ 1 +  δ 1 α 1 −   γ   δ Γ 1 δ[a(α 1)] α 1 1 γ = − − , for > 0, α > 1 Γ γ Γ 1  γ  α 1 − δ δ α 1 δ − − − γ    δ a δ = , for α 1. (9.5.11) Γ γ → δ   1 Observe that in (9.5.9) and (9.5.10), x also belongs to the same family of densities δ and hence in (9.5.9) and (9.5.10) one could have also taken x− with δ > 0.

Among all densities, which one will give a maximum value for Mα( f ) ? Con- sider all possible functions f (x) such that f (x) 0 for all x, f (x) = 0 outside (a, b), a < b, f (a) is the same for all such f (x≥), f (b) is the same for all such b f , f (x)dx = 1. Let f (x) be a of x possessing continuous a deriRvatives with respect to x. Then for using calculus of variation techniques con- sider 2 α U = [ f (x)] − λ f (x). (9.5.12) − b [ f (x)]2 αdx 1 , a − − , Note that for fixed α, α 1, maximization of R α 1 , α 1, α < 2 is b 2 α − equivalent to maximizing a [ f (x)] − dx. If necessary, we may also take R b 2 α b [ f (x)] − dx f (x)dx M ( f ) = a a , α , 1, α < 2 α R α 1 − R α 1 b = − − since a f (x)dx 1. This will produce only a change in the Lagrangian multiplier λ in URabove. Hence without loss of generality the form of U is as given in (9.5.12). We are looking at all possible f for every given x and α. Hence the Euler equation becomes,

∂U 1 α = 0 (2 α)[ f (x)] − λ = 0 ∂ f ⇒ − − λ f (x) = , ⇒ 2 α free of x, α < 2, α , 1. Thus f (x) in this case−is a uniform density over [a, b]. 348 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS

Let us consider the situation where E[xδ] for some δ is a fixed quantity for all such f . Then we have to maximize

b [ f (x)]2 αdx a − 1 R α 1 − α 1 − − b = b δ subject to the conditions a f (x)dx 1 and a x f (x)dx is a given quantity. Con- sider R R 2 α δ U = [ f (x)] − λ f (x) + λ x f (x). − 1 2 Then the Euler equation is the following:

∂U 1 α δ = 0 (2 α)[ f (x)] − λ + λ x = 0 ∂ f ⇒ − − 1 2

1 α λ1 λ2 δ [ f (x)] − = [1 x ] ⇒ 2 α − λ1 − δ 1 f (x) = c [1 c x ] 1 α (9.5.13) ⇒ 1 − 2 − δ where c1 and c2 are constants and c1 > 0, 1 c2 x > 0 since it is assumed that f (x) 0 for all x. When c = β(1 α), β > 0,−we have ≥ 2 − δ 1 f (x) = c [1 β(1 α)x ] 1 α . (9.5.14) 1 − − − Then for δ = 1 we have the power law ∂ f = c f α (9.5.15) ∂x − 3 where c3 is a constant. The form in (9.5.13) for α < 1 remains as a special case of a generalized type-1 beta model; for α > 1 it is a special case of a generalized type-2 beta model and when α 1 it is a special case of a generalized gamma model when the range (a, b) is such that→ a = 0, b = . For δ = 1, (9.5.13) gives Tsallis statistics (Tsallis, 2004). ∞

Observe that the generalized entropy Mα( f ) of (9.5.7) gives rise to the power law with exponent α, readily, as seen from (9.5.15). Also notice that by selecting λ1 and λ2 in (9.5.13) we can obtain functions of the following forms also:

δ γ1 δ γ2 (1 β x )− and (1 + β x ) , β , β , γ , γ > 0. − 1 2 1 2 1 2 Both these forms are ever increasing and cannot produce densities in (0, ) un- less the range of x with nonzero f (x) is finite. ∞ 9.5. MATHAI'S ENTROPY MEASURE 349

In Section 9.5 we have given several interpretations for 1 α. We can also − derive the pathway model by maximizing Mα( f ) over all non-negative integrable b functions. Consider all possible f (x) such that f (x) 0 for all x, f (x)dx < ≥ a , f (x) is zero outside (a, b), f (a) is the same for all f (x), and similarlyR f (b) is ∞also the same for all such functional f . Let f (x) be a continuous function of x b , 2 α α with continuous derivatives in (a b). Let us maximize a [ f (x)] − dx for fixed and over all functional f , under the conditions that the folloR wing two moment-like expressions be fixed quantities:

b b (γ 1)(1 α) (γ 1)(1 α)+δ x − − f (x)dx = given, and x − − f (x)dx = given (9.5.16) Za Za for fixed γ > 0 and δ > 0. Consider

2 α (γ 1)(1 α) (γ 1)(1 α)+δ U = [ f (x)] − λ x − − f (x) + λ x − − f (x), α < 2, α , 1 − 1 2 where λ1 and λ2 are Lagrangian multipliers. Then the Euler equation is the follow- ing:

∂U 1 α (γ 1)(1 α) (γ 1)(1 α)+δ = 0 (2 α)[ f (x)] − λ x − − + λ x − − = 0 ∂ f ⇒ − − 1 2

1 α λ1 (γ 1)(1 α) λ2 δ [ f (x)] − = x − − [1 x ] (9.5.17) ⇒ (2 α) − λ − 1 γ 1 δ 1 f (x) = c x − [1 β(1 α)x ] 1 α (9.5.18) ⇒ 1 − − − δ where λ1/λ2 is written as β(1 α) with β > 0 such that 1 β(1 α)x > 0 since f (x) is assumed to be non-negativ−e. By using the conditions−(9.5.16)− we can determine c1 and β. When the range of x for which f (x) is nonzero is (0, ) and when c1 is a normalizing constant then (9.5.18) is the pathway model of Mathai∞ (2005) in the scalar case where α is the pathway parameter. When γ = 1, δ = 1 then (9.5.16) produces the power law. The form in (9.5.17) for various values of λ1 and λ2 can produce all the four forms

γ 1 δ 1 γ 1 δ 1 α x − [1 β (1 α)x ]− 1 α , α x − [1 β (1 α)x ] 1 α for α < 1 1 − 1 − − 2 − 2 − − and

γ 1 δ 1 γ 1 δ 1 α x − [1 + β (α 1)x ]− α 1 , α x − [1 + β (α 1)x ] α 1 for α > 1 3 3 − − 4 4 − − 350 9. APPLICATIONS TO ASTROPHYSICS PROBLEMS with αi, βi > 0, i = 1, 2, 3, 4. But out of these, the second and the third forms can produce densities in (0, ). The first and fourth will not be converging. When f (x) ∞ is a density in (xx) what is the normalizing constant c1? We need to consider three cases of α < 1, α > 1 and α 1. This c is already evaluated in section 2. → 1 9.5.2. Mathai's differential equation The functional part in (9.5.18), for a more general exponent, namely

f (x) γ 1 δ β g(x) = = x − [1 s(1 α)x ] 1 α , α , 1, δ > 0, β > 0, s > 0 (9.5.19) c − − − is seen to satisfy the following differential equation for γ , 1.

d γ 1 δ β x g(x) = (γ 1)x − [1 s(1 α)x ] 1 α dx − − − − β (1 α) δ+γ 1 δ [1 − ] sβδx − [1 s(1 α)x ] 1 α − β . (9.5.20) − − − −

= (γ 1)(α 1) , Then for δ − β − , γ 1, α > 1 we have

(1 α) d 1 − x g(x) = (γ 1)g(x) sβδ[g(x)] − β (9.5.21) dx − − = (γ 1)g(x) sδ[g(x)]α − − for β = 1, γ , 1, δ = (γ 1)(α 1), α > 1. (9.5.22) − −

For γ = 1, δ = 1 in (9.5.22) we have

d (1 α) g(x) = s[g(x)]η, η = 1 − (9.5.23) dx − − β = s[g(x)]α for β = 1. (9.5.24) − 9.5. MATHAI'S ENTROPY MEASURE 351 References

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