Political Slogans, Chinese Or Tibetan Words That Are Not Names, and Titles of Books and Songs Are Italicized
Index Political slogans, Chinese or Tibetan words that are not names, and titles of books and songs are italicized. abbots 27, 84, 103, 148 student activists 33 Ama 97, 387, 394 abuse 65, 85, 99, 148, 153, 155, 222, 333, Tibetan activists xxxiii Ama Adhe xix, 394 393, 401 wounded activists 141, 391 Ama Kyi- la 97, 387 insults 93, 96, 252 Adhe Tapontsang. See Ama Adhe ambans xx, 37, 170, 381, 396 accountable. See responsibility administration office 124, 155, 252, 381– Amdo xxi– xxii, xxv– xxvi, 69, 132, 169, accusations 71, 99, 127, 148, 207, 230, 32, 384, 386, 397, 404 324, 387, 394– 95, 403 253, 255, 280, 374, 403 advertising 326, 329 Amdo ’58 394 accused 87, 93, 108, 115, 123, 141, agate. See zi Amdo Jampa 26, 387, 396, 408 206, 278, 280, agricultural and pastoral production American imperialists 248, 272 accuser 93 299 Amitabha 292 aiding foreign powers, 123 agricultural plants 289 ammunition 212, 214 achieving a basically well- off society Agricultural Machinery Plant Amoghasiddhi 292 131, 381 236, 383 Ani Lhadrön 97, 100– 101, 387 activism 20, 47– 48, 223 agricultural production mutual- aid Ani Sita- la 109– 10, 387 activists xii, xviii, xxiii, xxxii, 89, 131, 137, groups 287 Annals of Major Events in History of 151, 153, 155– 56, 158– 59, 172, 210, agriculture 181, 252, 386, 407 the Party in Tibet 69, 123, 238, 312, 219, 224, 267, 308, 350, 362, 388 learn agriculture from Dazhai 402, 408 activist leaders 152 287, 289, 383 anniversaries 249, 354 aggressive activists 33, 48, 85, airport 110, 324 of the founding of prc 97, 182, 97,
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