
Recreating Ecosites After Mining in the at Syncrude : A Work in Progress!

Eric Girard P.Ag. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Agenda

Min pit landforming

Functioning diverse ecosystems FROM

2 www.syncrude.ca

. 1964: Syncrude incorporated

-beginning of our research culture

. 1978: Production begins

. Fort McMurray based company

. One of the largest oil producer in the region

. ~350,000 barrels of light crude oil / day

. Hire ~4,500 people directly and 3,500-4,000 contractors, many more indirect jobs across Canada. Oil Sands Mining 101

Surge pile/ Open Pit Conveyor Belt Mine 7% to 14% Bitumen

Bitumen Extraction Hydro transport PSV

Sand + water

Oil sands = sand particle coated with water layer and bitumen + Clay Oil Sands Mining 101

Natural gas Water = 85% recycled light gas

Boilers Bitumen Extraction PSV Power Sand plant + water Mine, buildings, Water = 0.2% Grid av. An. flow etc Athabasca River

Tailings Steam Hot water Light Sweet Oil Sands Mining 101 Crude oil (SSB)


Bitumen SERP & FGD Extraction PSV


Sand+ clay + water + residual Sulfur bitumen + salt

Ammonium sulphate Sold fertilizer + blend Closure

. Progressive reclamation

. Equivalent capability

. Integrated with the surrounding area (land forming)

. Boreal forest upland and lowland communities

. Yields water suitable for return to the natural environment.

7 How do we get there? . Planning: . Mining & landform . Closure design GIS Agriculture . Execution

Wildlife Civil/Geotechnical Soil Science & Biodiversity Engineering

Revegetation Biology Wetlands Plan Plans Chemistry

Tree Clearing & Soil Placement Landform Timber Salvage Plan Design

Soil Ecology Hydrology Conservation Hydrology Modeling & Management

Hydrogeology Tailings Plan Dewatering Modeling

Forestry Reclamation Hydro-geology Overburden Salvage Plan Plan

Reclamation Lease Stockpile Ore Plan Integration Mining Plan Environmental Engineering Sciences Aboriginal consultations …a conceptual design…

…then details Once plans are approved…tree clearing can start . Tree clearing with the end result in mind: 1. Remove commercial timber 2. Rough mulching

. Leave large woody debris (4 to 8 feet long)

Reduce risk of unbalanced C/N ratio

. Sometimes larger woody debris is used to create microsites. … Soil salvage

. Soil is tested at a 100m spacing pre-salvage to establish a salvage plan.

. Salvage soils before mine advance.

. 3 types of reclamation material: . Peat . Upland Forest Floor (LFH) . Subsoil (based on quality)

11 Soil salvage

Cover soil Stockpiling not Direct placement recommended Winter

15 LFH cm

Sub-soil Peat


Oil sand Peat

Cover soil Stockpile Direct placement Winter

Sub-soil Peat


Oil sand Sub-soil


Sub-soil placement



Oil sand Overburden

Cover soil 30 cm Sub-soil 70 cm

Cover soil 30 cm WaterSub-soil 20 cm FFT / CT Overburden

TailingsOil sands sand

Limestone Revegetation: Natural inputs . Use of natural soil (LFH-peat) and subsoil. . Winter direct placement (dormant plants). . Micro sites formation: woody debris & rough placement. . Avoid disturbances, weed, or aggressive spp. LFH 3 Months . Target canopy closure. . Proximity to natural forests with wildlife access . Work in progress to increase plant ingress. Rough placement + WD

Peat 3 Months Revegetation: planting /seeding

. Collect native and local seed or cuttings . Follow standards (FGRM) . Challenges for some species

. 7 species of trees White and Black Spruce, Trembling Aspen, Balsam Polar, Paper Birch, Jackpine, Tamarack. (Balsam Fir: limited seed supplies)

. and over 21 species of native upland shrubs (Dogwood, pin cherry, raspberry, blueberry, Willows, Buffaloberry, Alders, Saskatoon, Low bush cranberry, Dwarf birch, …

. Forbs: Rat root, Lily, sedges, grass, cattail… Revegetation: Planting . Planting/seeding as early as possible . Variable density (no pattern) . Multiple species per block . Planters required to plant species adapted to various microsites . Specialized planting for Bioengineering . Variety of ecosites Revegetation: Wetlands

. Essential part of our closure design and commitment . Various substrates: . Large tailings pond (base Mine lake) . Centrifuged cake . Soft tails (legacy material- CT or FFT) . Higher salt content

. Difficult to plan for due to lack of modeling accuracy . Fast to established on their own but slow to develop to Fen/Bog Sandhill Wetland Research Watershed

57 ha watershed: 50m deep soft tails with 2 to 5 m of sand: • Hydrogeologic Investigations of Watershed and Perched Water • Carbon Balance of the Constructed Fen

• Early development of Sandhill Fen: Plant establishment, community stabilization and ecosystem development • Forest reconstruction on upland sites in the Fen Watershed Revegetation: Maintenance . Fill planting (late succession SPP, grass, mortality) . Erosion control . Pest and weed MGT

Common Tansy Leafy Spurge Canada Thistle Scentless Spruce budworm Chamomile Revegetation: Monitoring for success

. Collect data on soil development, hydrology, vegetation and wildlife for each reclamation units (aspect, slope position, soil type, substrate): . biodiversity, . Resiliency . Sustainability . Commercial forests (regen survey) Reclamation achievement . 37 years of reclamation . 8.5+ millions seedling planted . ~5,000ha reclaimed . 104 ha certified - Gateway hill . Met equivalent capability and approved plans . Heard of 300 bison grazing on reclaimed land Path Forward

. Keep doing progressive reclamation

. Develop a good Closure & Reclamation Strategy & Plan

. Meet challenges with good science and collaboration with Regulators, first nations and other stakeholders THANK YOU!