Heavy Liquid Hydrocarbons: Their Production and the Resulting CO2 Footprint Tony Kovscek Stanford University Energy Resources Engineering email:
[email protected] First, a little quiz … Where does imported oil originate? Jan - Jul 2007 1%1%1%1%0% 4% 4%1%1% Domestic Production 3% 3% 36% 6% 7% 9% 9% 12% Energy Information Administration, www.eia.doe.gov Where does imported oil originate? 0% 4% 1%1%1%1%1%1% 4% Domestic 3% Canada 3% 36% Mexico Saudi Arabia 6% Venezuela Nigeria Algeria Iraq Angola Saudi Colombia 7% Kuwait Arabia Libya Mexico United Kingdom 9% Canada Ecuador 9% Brazil Equatorial Guinea 12% Other Energy Information Administration, www.eia.doe.gov Who has large proved oil reserves? Oil and Gas J., 2003 300 250 200 150 reserves (Bbbl) 100 50 0 Reserve≠Resource Reserve is energy that you can recover economically with existing technology. reserves (Bbbl) oil reserves? large proved has Who 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Saudi Arabia Canada Oil and Gas J., 2003 Iraq Iran Kuwait United Arab Emirates Russia Venezuela Libya Nigeria United States Today’s Presentation • What has Canada got? – What is heavy oil? – What is heavy oil? – Why do you care about heavy oil? • Heavy-oil recovery methods are energy intensive – Alberta Canada Oil Sands – Kern River, CA • CO2 foot print for heavy oil production – energy needed to produce heavy oil – implications for CO2 production • Summary USA-Alaska Middle East 80 Bbbl 1400 Bbbl conventional oil Canada 2732 Bbbl USA-Continental 137 Bbbl Venezuela Oil Resource 700-3000 Bbbl - Heavy Say that world What