50 KEY INDIVIDUALS WHO HAD A PART IN DEFENDING CANADA AGAINST AMERICAN INVASION LEGIONMAGAZINE.COM 8riliicl1 Pu(Jl.r(!iinu .,_,.,,••ut t".>M~,1twhi'I"J\'f'ul'1fl. ·w ,m"''!IIN J./,v.1 .lt:ui,, n/1.;;, ,J J"n,o./T.llHJtt/; inJ .,,,. w.,, f'inru,m H] . llt,,,i _,1;.,.,.) i,,.J; P.~•·"*' J',w11.'!,1,.,,.,.;i, .1Ni..ow (JJ,,._ ~frf!I ,1/kW:f«,.7;.,.,.;,.~ _n,,..,,,-..,,,,'p ~ / (J, 111~(' .\',,....lrw,.ni'hW "' l ,ltlUf,1 .L.,uw, l ~•Uld ,I.,.. f)p, 1,•ti11wil11 r1,o, I/,t/tiit .r ~,,,A,,, :v--,,,{ :r"',...'""' (tmtt¥1.fl'.mt •# JftJ/,/M .11 ,T Special Collector’s Issue www.legionmagazine.com Legion Magazine is published by Canvet Publications Ltd., ISSN 1209-4331. Member of CCAB, a division of BPA International. Printed in Canada. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40063864 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO LEGION MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT 86 AIRD PLACE, KANATA, ON K2L 0A1 email:
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