Ahavas Israel February 2021 / Shevat - Adar 5781 Davening Locations: Women’s Parsha Shiur - Rabbi Eisenman*: Daf Yomi - Rabbi Jacobowitz: 181 Van Houten Ave. Passaic, NJ 07055 ♦ http://www.ahavasisrael.org * = Blatt BeisMedrash (downstairs) Mon: 8:30- 9:30 pm: Zoom Conference Sun-Thurs: 10:00 pm, Blatt Beis Medrash Shul Office: 973-777-5929, ext. 2 ♦
[email protected] ** = Main Shul Men’s Cholent Shiur - Rabbi Eisenman*: Shabbos/ Yom Tov: 2:40 pm, Blatt Beis Medrash Rabbi Eisenman: 973-777-5929, ext. 1 ♦
[email protected] *** = Ballroom Thurs: 8:30- 9:30 pm: Ballroom Daf Hashavua Chaburah - Rabbi Yehudah Kovacs: President, Ely Markowitz:
[email protected] ♦ = Vasikin Minyan in Main Shul * Check email for schedule changes Mon-Thurs: 9:15 – 9:45 pm Security:
[email protected] Conference call: 515-606-5187 and use Pin 449443 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Shabbos Purim Night Schedule Purim Day Schedule 5 Shevat 23 6 Shevat 24 Earliest Talis &Tefillin: 5:41 Earliest Talis&Tefillin: 6:06 Yisro Ma’ariv: 6:05**, 6:05***, 7:15**, 8:15**, Shacharis with a women’s section: 5:30***, 6:04♦, 7:00***, 7:45**, 8:30***, 9:30** Shach: 6:00*, 6:30***, 6:32♦, 7:00*, 9:15** Shacharis without a women’s section: 6:30*, 8:00*, 9:45* Shach: 7:10***, 8:30**, 9:15*** 7:30***, 8:00**, 8:30***, 9:00**, Sof Z’man Krias Shma: 9:36 Megilla preceded by Ma’ariv: 6:20**, Megilla during Shacharis with a women’s section: 6:05***, 6:45♦, 7:35***, 8:20**, 9:30***, 10:00** Min: 1:00**, 1:30**, 2:15**, 6:20***, 7:30**, 8:30**, 9:30**