La pid Monthly Newsletter Volume 1: Issue 3 Congregation Agudas Achim OCTOBER 2008 FOUNDED 1881 TISHREI / CHESHVAN 5769 2767 East Broad Street Bexley, Ohio 43209 614.237.2747 614.237.3576 FAX FROM THE RABBI GERALD B. ZELERMYER FROM THE PRESIDENT GREG ADAMS Point of order!
[email protected] …As I was saying… Steppin’ Out In a few weeks we will step out of the Point of order! That means comfort of our homes and into our all discussion stops until you Sukkot, in part as a fulfillment of the hear me. Any parliamentarian commandment from Leviticus Chapter will tell you that! 23 “In Sukkot you shall dwell seven days, every citizen in Israel they shall …OK, big mouth. What’s your point of order? dwell in Sukkot, in order that your generations shall know, that I think there should be a second YOM KIPPUR! in Sukkot did I cause the children of Israel to dwell, when I brought them forth from the land of Egypt.” What are you talking about? How does that qualify as a point of order? There can only be one tenth of As you walk around the neighborhood you will see sukkot of TISHRI (the Hebrew calendar slot for atonement). all sizes – from the very large sukkah in the Agudas Achim How many times do you expect even the most parking lot to small sukkot just large enough to accommodate fastidious to fast and be so good even the Holy a small table and chair. Some will be very simple in design One above is impressed with their annual display and decoration, while others will be more elaborate.