Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Cultural and Social Dimensions
Skrifter från SMDF, Nr.7 Editors: Christer Bergsten, Eva Jablonka, Tine Wedege Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Cultural and Social Dimensions Proceedings of MADIF 7 The Seventh Mathematics Education Research Seminar Stockholm, January 26-27, 2010 SMDF Svensk Förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Skrifter från Svensk Förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning, Nr 7 ISBN 91-973934-6-0 ISSN 1651-3274 Given to the authors 2010 SMDF Svensk Förening för Matematikdidaktisk Forskning c/o Bergsten, Matematiska institutionen Linköpings universitet SE 58183 Linköping Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education For information see web page Printed in Sweden by LiU-Tryck 2010 Preface This volume contains the proceedings of MADIF 7, the Seventh Swedish Mathe- matics Education Research Seminar, held in Stockholm, January 26-27, 2010. The seminars, organised by the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education (SMDF), aim at enhancing the opportunities for discussion of research and exchange of perspectives, amongst junior researchers and between junior and senior researchers in the field. The first seminar took place in January 1999 at Lärarhögskolan in Stockholm and included the constitution of the SMDF. The second meeting was held in Göteborg in January 2000, the third in Norrköping in January 2002, the fourth in Malmö in January 2004, the fifth in Malmö in January 2006 and the sixth in Stockholm in January 2008. Printed proceedings of the seminars are available for all but the very first meeting. The members of the 2010 programme committee were Christer Bergsten (Linköping University), Eva Jablonka (Luleå University of Technology), Katarina Kjellström (Stockholm University), Thomas Lingefjärd (University of Gothenburg), and Tine Wedege (Malmö University).
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