Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

Worplesdon Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on Thursday 14 May 2015 in the small hall, Memorial Hall, Perry Hill, Worplesdon at 7.30pm

221-2015 - Present: Outgoing Chairman Dr P Cragg, Mr G Adam, Mr D Bird, Cllr D Elms, Mr S Knight, Mrs J Messinger, Mrs E Nagle, Mr D Slaymaker and Mr C Venables.

Cllr K Witham, Miss Unwin-Golding, Mr Shapland, Mr Bryan, Mr Mitchell and the Clerk to the Council were also in attendance.

222-2015 - Election of Chairman

Mrs E Nagle nominated Dr P Cragg, seconded Mr G Adam. No other nominations being made it was unanimously resolved that Dr Cragg be elected Chairman for the forthcoming year.

223-2015 -Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be signed by the newly elected Chairman

Dr P Cragg duly signed the acceptance of the Office of Chairman.

224-2015 - Apologies and reason for Absence in accordance with the LGA 1972, Sch12, para 40.

Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Mr R Clark, Mrs J Panton and Mrs S Morgan.

Apologies and reasons for absence accepted.

225-2015 - Public participation session

Mr Mitchell raised the following points:

1. Clay Lane link road – New Inn Lane – Proposal for a maximum axel load? 2. Liddington Hall Farm – Spoil is currently being placed on the eastern (lower fields) hidden from public view. The spoil appears to be soil and grass. Where is it coming from? What does it contain? Are there any contaminants? Is this being done to avoid Landfill tax? It was agreed that the Parish Council would write to Merrist Wood College asking why the spoil is being dumped on this land etc. etc.

226-2015 Co-option of two new members – 1 for the ward – 1 for the Wood Street Ward

The Clerk advised that 14 candidates had stood for election. These candidates were duly elected uncontested. By law the remaining two seats have to be filled by co-option within 35 days of the elections. In addition, two resignations had been received on 13 th May from Mr John Steer and Mr Nigel Smith. This has created two further casual vacancies that will also need to be filled. The casual vacancies will, however, need to be advertised in accordance with rule 5 of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) ( & Wales) Rules 2006.

Three applications had been received from Mr Neville Bryan, Miss Helena Unwin-Golding and Mr Nigel Mitchell.

Each of the candidates was asked to give a presentation to the Council explaining why they wanted to join the Council and what experience they can bring to the Council. Whilst each candidate gave their presentation the other candidates were asked to wait outside. Mr Shapland also waited outside during this stage of the meeting.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

All of the candidates were then asked to wait outside whilst the Council considered the candidates presentations/CVs. The votes then took place, as a result of which it was resolved that Mr Neville Bryan and Mr Nigel Mitchell be co-opted onto the Council with immediate effect.

Mr Bryan and Mr Mitchell were given their Welcome Packs, signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting.

Dr Cragg extended his thanks to Miss Unwin-Golding and expressed the Council’s hope that she would re-apply for the one of the Casual vacancies in due course.

Miss Unwin-Golding and Mr Shapland stayed for the rest of the meeting.

227-2015 - Declaration of Acceptance of Office

All members had already signed their forms in accordance with legal requirements.

228-2015 - Register of Interests

All elected members had returned their Register of Interest forms to the Clerk. These will be uploaded to the Parish Council’ s website and the originals will be passed onto Borough Council in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

229-2015 - Election Expenses

All members are legally required to complete their Election Expense form and to return it to the Clerk, even if the return is a nil return.

The forms will be hand delivered to Electoral Services, Guildford Borough Council as soon as practicable.

230-2015 - Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) by Councillors in accordance with The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012. (SI 2012 No. 1464)

No declarations were made.

231-2015 - To receive and consider written requests for new DPI dispensations

No DPI dispensation requests were received.

232-2015 - Declaration of non-pecuniary interests in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct

No declarations were made.

233-2015 - Declaration of Gifts or hospitality over £25

No declarations were made.

234-2015 - County Councillor’s report

At the Chairman’s discretion the County Councillor’s Report was brought forward.

Cllr Witham gave the following report.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

Bus Review

“I advised residents last November of a wide transport review regarding Buses. A second consultation has now been launched, for those bus routes where changes are proposed.

Locally, there are minor changes to routes 34 and 35 through Jacobs Well. I have sent the details to the JWRA (Jacobs Well Residents’ Association) and members of the Parish Council and am happy to receive feedback from the Parish Council.

None of the other of the local routes, the 17 through and Fairlands; 20 through Fairlands or the 538 at Jacobs Well to Sainsburys, have any proposed changes. There are no changes proposed for the routes which lead through Worplesdon to Normandy and either.

Dr Cragg thanked Cllr Witham for his report.

Cllr Witham left the meeting at 8.23pm

235-2015 - Parish Council training session

It was agreed that the Clerk deliver a training session to all members on Wednesday 17 June at 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, Worplesdon Memorial Hall.

236-2015 - Police matters in Worplesdon

A written report had been received from the Police. Whilst the report contained details of the crimes in Worplesdon and Jacobs Well it did not have details about Fairlands or Wood Street Village, but had instead provided details for Normandy and Pirbright.

The Clerk was instructed to inform the Police that the report was incomplete.

237-2015 – Resolution – Eligibility to use the Power of Competence

It was proposed Cllr D Elms, seconded Mr D Slaymaker and unanimously resolved that following the Elections the Parish Council is eligible to use the Power of Competence as it continues to meet the prescribed conditions which are:

a) The number of members of the Council that have been declared to be elected, whether at ordinary elections or at a by-election is equal to or greater than two-thirds of the total number of members of the Council b) The Clerk to the Parish Council holds the Certificate in Local Council Administration (including the new Power of Competence module)

A further resolution confirming eligibility to use the Power of Competence will be required at the next relevant annual meeting (i.e. the date of the next ordinary elections in May 2019).

There are certain restrictions regarding the use of the Power of Competence being:

 The Parish Council has a duty to act with regard to crime and disorder (Crime and Disorder Act 1997)  The Parish Council must comply with procedural and financial duties and laws i.e. H&S, FOI, Data protection and Employment law  The Parish Council must abide by company law if it sets up a company or co-operative society  If a principal authority has a statutory duty, it remains their duty to provide that service e.g. education.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

238-2015 - Election of Vice-Chairman

Cllr D Elms nominated Mr C Venables seconded Mrs E Nagle. No other nominations being made it was unanimously resolved that Mr Venables be elected Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.

239-2015 - Fundamental Service Review

It was agreed that the newly elected council should carry out a Fundamental Service Review to review:

 The services provided by the Council – Is there anything else the Parish Council could or should do?  The way in which the Council operates – Is the existing Committee structure sufficient for the Council’s needs?  The policies and procedures of the Council – are they fit for purpose?  The efficiency and effectiveness of the Council – Could any improvements be made?  The staffing levels of the Council – are they sufficient for the workload?  The recommendations made by the Internal Auditor.

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Mrs J Messinger and unanimously resolved that a Fundamental Service Review Working Party be established comprising all members of the Council. The inaugural meeting of the working party to be held in the Conference Room, Worplesdon Memorial Hall on Wednesday 15 July at 7.30pm.

The Clerk to draft the Terms of Reference in readiness for the first meeting.

240-2015 - Election of the General Purposes and Finance Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the General Purposes and Finance Committee:

Mr G Adam, Mr D Bird, Mr N Bryan, Mrs J Messinger, Mr N Mitchell and Mrs J Panton. Dr P Cragg and Mr C Venables were also elected as Ex-Officio members.

Mr D Slaymaker and Mrs S Morgan were elected as substitute members.

241-2015 - Election of the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee:

Mr G Adam, Mr D Bird, Mr N Bryan, Mrs J Messinger, Mr N Mitchell and Mrs J Panton. Dr P Cragg and Mr C Venables were also elected as Ex-Officio members.

Mr D Slaymaker and Mrs S Morgan were elected as substitute members.

242-2015 - Election of the Planning Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the Planning Committee:

Mr G Adam, Mr D Bird, Mr N Bryan, Mrs J Messinger, Mr N Mitchell and Mrs J Panton. Dr P Cragg and Mr C Venables were also elected as Ex-Officio members.

Mr D Slaymaker and Mrs S Morgan were elected as substitute members.

243-2015 - Election of the Staffing Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the Staffing Committee: 94

Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

Mr R Clark, Mr S Knight, Mrs J Messinger, Mrs S Morgan and Mr C Venables.

Two substitute members need to be appointed to this Committee. This appointment was deferred until the next full council meeting.

244-2015 - Election of the Traffic Committee

It was resolved that the following members be elected to serve on the Traffic Committee:

Mr G Adam, Dr P Cragg, Cllr D Elms, Mr S Knight, Mr N Mitchell, Mrs S Morgan and Mr D Slaymaker.

Cllr Witham and Mr B Smith also serve on this Committee.

245-2015 - To review/approve the Terms of Reference of the above Committees

The revised Terms of Reference had been issued to all members via email in advance of the meeting.

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Dr P Cragg that unanimously resolved that the revised Terms of Reference for following committees be approved and adopted:

 General Purposes and Finance Committee  Health, Safety and Welfare Committee  Planning Committee  Staffing Committee  Traffic Committee

246-2015 - Staffing Committee

It was resolved that the Staffing Committee meeting be held in the Conference Room, Worplesdon Memorial Hall on Monday 15 June 2015 at 7.30pm. The purpose of the meeting is to review the pay and conditions of service of existing employees.

247-2015 - Parish Representatives – Annual reports

The following reports had been received:

Fairwood Helpers – Mrs S Morgan

“I have attended most of the meetings and found them most interesting. They have a team of drivers who ferry people to hospital, shops, and the chiropodist in fact anywhere they may require. They are a very much needed service to the community and are ably led by Sue Harris. Once a year they use surplus funds to provide grants to local groups or local people in need. An outing to the seaside is held in July.

FLGCA – Mrs S Morgan

Having served 50 years on the Management Council and represented the Parish Council for some of that time I now wish to retire from that position. I hope my successor will enjoy it as much as I have always done. The FLGCA is thriving and its bookings are usually well filled with all the regular sections, weddings and parties. I am a life member so will continue to take an active interest in its activities.

The Council extended a vote of thanks to Mrs Morgan for all her work whilst Parish Representative to the FLGCA.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

Surrey Association of Local Councils – Dr P Cragg

 Local Council Award Scheme

The CEO updated the Board on the Local Council Award Scheme. The CEO attended a marking panel for a Kent council’s Quality Gold submission on Friday 24th April 2015 in Tenterden; this exercise confirmed that there is a tremendous amount of work needed to obtain the Gold Award for no apparent benefit. SALC has agreed that they will not promote the Gold Award scheme.

 SALC’s 2015 Events

(a) Drop-in New Councillor Inductions

Tuesday 12th May 2015 1000-1200 – East Horsley Village Hall Monday 18th May 2015 1300-1500 – Centenary Hall, Smallfield

(b) Surrey ALC AGM & joint conference with SCC & SCA

15th October 2015 0930-1530 – Dorking Halls

(c) Surrey Local Councils’ Update –

2nd December 0930-1300 – Manor House Hotel, Guildford

Stoke Hospital – Mrs E Nagle

Stoke Hospital continues to provide (Alms-houses), secure homes for those of little means, who have a connection with Guildford. The Hospital was established by the Parson Brothers in 1796. Residents of Worplesdon, who meet the criteria, are able to apply for accommodation in the Hospital. The parish representative is actually a Trustee and, as such, I am very involved with the running of the Alms-houses. I attend all meetings and coffee mornings. There are 8 Trustees in all. Three appointed by the Borough Council and five others.

During the past year the live-in warden retired and the trustees voted to change to a non-resident warden, buying into the services of Guildford Borough by having a 'daily visiting warden' arrangement with them. This seems to be working well. We have a new self-employed clerk and look forward to meeting the three newly appointed Guildford Borough Councillors to the board of trustees.

I am willing to stay as the WPC representative (Trustee) for the coming year.

WSVA – AGM – Cllr Bob McShee

The Wood Street Village Association held their AGM on the 27 th April at St. Albans church hall.

The Chairman, Neville Bryan gave his report and the Treasurer Bill Chester also gave a report.

The committee was re-elected en-bloc, and events for the coming year agreed.

Reports were not received from the following representatives:

Mr R Clark, JWRA Mr R Watson, Worplesdon Parish Charities Mr T Cater, Worplesdon Memorial Trustees. 96

Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

248-2015 - Appointment of Parish Representatives (2015/2016)

The following appointments were made:

a) Stoke Hospital – Mrs E Nagle b) Fairwood Helpers – Mrs S Morgan c) JWRA – Jacobs Well Residents’ Association – Mr R Clark d) FLGCA – Fairlands, Liddington Hall and Gravetts Lane Community Association – Mrs J Panton e) Worplesdon Parish Charities – Mrs Nagle asked for further information regarding responsibilities f) WSVA – Wood Street Village Association – Mr N Bryan g) Worplesdon Memorial Trustees (Mrs Messinger, Mr Venables and Mr Welch to serve out their existing terms of office) h) SALC – Surrey Association of Local Councils – Dr P Cragg i) Slyfield Area Regeneration Plan (SARP) – Mr G Adam j) Guildford Residents’ Association – Mr D Bird

The appointment of a representative to the Worplesdon Parish Charities to be deferred until the agenda of the next full council meeting.

249-2015 -To fix the dates and times of the full Council and committee meetings

It was resolved that the full council meetings to be held on the 4th Thursday of the month excluding August and December. The main Committee meetings to be held on the 2 nd Thursday of the month. The existing Schedule of Meetings was confirmed.

250-2015 - To appoint a Councillor/s to undertake the quarterly financial checks

In accordance with Financial Regulations Mr G Adam and Mrs J Messinger were appointed to share responsibility for the quarterly financial checks. Mr Adam to carry out the next financial check in June 2015.

251-2015 - To approve a Councillor to undertake training to enable them to carry out quarterly playground inspection

Mr S Knight volunteered to be trained to carry out the quarterly playground inspections. Training to be arranged as soon as practicable.

252-2015 - To approve the draft Standing Orders

A copy of the draft Standing Orders which are based on the NALC model Standing Orders were issued to all members via email in advance of the meeting.

It was proposed Cllr D Elms, seconded Mr D Slaymaker and unanimously resolved that the new Standing Orders be approved and adopted.

253-2015 - To approve the draft Financial Regulations

A copy of the draft Financial Regulations which are based on the NALC model Financial Regulations were issued to all members via email in advance of the meeting.

It was proposed Mr G Adam, seconded Mr C Venables and unanimously resolved that the new Financial Regulations be approved and adopted.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

254-2015 - To review all other policies and procedures of the Council

The Clerk had reviewed all of the policies and procedures of the Council. Where necessary the policies and procedures had been updated. All were issued to members via email in advance of the meeting.

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Mr S Knight and unanimously resolved that the following policies and procedures be approved and adopted:

 Administration of the playgrounds  Advice on commenting on planning applications

 Business Plan 2015-2019  Complaints Procedure  Complaints procedure – Habitual or vexatious complaints  Dealing with planning applications  Disciplinary Procedure  Duties of the Responsible Financial Officer (The Clerk)  Emergency Plan  Equal Opportunities in Employment policy  Exercise of Pension Discretions Regulation 60 – Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)  Filming and Recording meetings  Freedom of Information Act 2000  General Communications Policy  General Information  Grant Aid policy  Grievance Procedure  H & S Policy  Hiring of the Village Greens  Internal audit procedures  Investment Policy 2015/16  Maintenance of the Tennis Courts  Press/Media Protocol  Protocol for staff dealing with the public  Recording Decisions by Officers  Retention of documents  Snow Clearance – Tennis Courts  Statement of Intent - Community Engagement  Statement of Intent - Training  Work Related Stress Policy  Year End Procedure

255-2015 - To review the Council’s insurance policy – as per the Asset Register and Insurance Schedule

The Clerk read out the various sums assured and advised that the Insurance Schedule aligns fully with the Asset Register.

It was proposed Mr G Adam, seconded Mr C Venables and unanimously resolved that the Parish Council’s insurance arrangements are satisfactory and the sums assured are adequate.

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Mrs E Nagle and unanimously resolved that the Fidelity Guarantee insurance should remain at £180,000.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

256-2015 - Borough Councillor’s report

Cllr D Elms gave the following report:

1. Borough Council Elections

Cllr McShee, Cllr Roche and I were re-elected onto the Borough Council representing the Parish of Worplesdon.

Cllr McShee will be serving on the Planning Committee and the Local Area Committee. Cllr Roche will be dealing with issues affecting Health and Vulnerable People. I will be serving on the Licensing Committee, the Corporate Scrutiny Committee and the Standards Board and will continue to Chair the Steering Committee until the Armed Forces Day.

2. Armed Forces Day - Saturday 27 June

No tickets are required to watch the parade or enter the free Stoke Park show.

On Armed Forces Day the military parade will begin at 11.30am from the bottom of the High Street to Stoke Park, with hundreds of Armed Forces personnel, veterans and cadets taking part.

From 10.30am food and drink stalls and static displays will be open in Stoke Park, followed by the live action show at 1pm, with free access to the park throughout the day.

Guildford Borough Council and partners are planning an exciting line-up of family focused activities for about 60,000 people. The live military displays will feature:

 Red Arrows flypast  Household Cavalry Regiment’s musical ride  Royal Navy’s Swordfish bi-plane flypast  Band of the Royal Marines  Royal Air Force Falcons  Royal Signals ‘White Helmets’ motorbike display team  Queen’s Colour Squadron of the Royal Air Force  Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flypast  Royal Army Physical Training Corps gymnastic display  3rd Battalion Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment Infantry display  Royal Navy’s sole official parachute display team the ‘Raiders’.

In addition to “ From The Jam” , the live music and entertainment on the Guildford Fringe Stage and Arena Stage at Stoke Park will include:

 Military bands  Charlotte Jaconelli from Britain’s Got Talent  West End Kids - dance  Rock Choir  Patriot Girls – West End leading ladies who sing  Tenor opera singer Thomas Hobbs  Performing Arts - dance  Aldershot Military Wives Choir  Firefly live music and poetry  Remix Voices - choir  Samuel Haughton - comedy singer 99

Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

 Bollywood dancing  Performance Preparation Academy (PPA) - singers  Local folk singer Majella Yorston.

Entertainment will continue until 7.30pm when the event closes.

3. Mayor for the Municipal Year 2015/16

The new Mayor is Cllr Nicki Nelson-Smith and the Deputy Mayor is Cllr Gordon Jackson.

Dr Cragg thanked Cllr Elms for his report.

257-2015 - Planning Applications for consideration

Planning Application No: 15/P/00691 – 2 Brooke Forest, Fairlands, Guildford, GU3 3JH – Erection of a single storey rear extension.

No comment.

Planning Application No: 15/P/007902 – Tangley Place Farmhouse, Tangley Farm, Tangley Lane, Guildford, GU3 3JZ – Proposed single storey side extension to form utility and cloakroom.

No comment.

258-2015 - Minutes of the previous meetings

It was proposed Mr D Slaymaker, seconded Mr D Bird and unanimously resolved that the minutes of the full council meeting held 23 April 2015 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

259-2015 - Invoices for payment

It was proposed Cllr D Elms, seconded Mrs E Nagle and unanimously resolved that payments to the value of £4,118.48 be signed and approved.

Payment type: Payee: Details: £ Budget heading

Online XL Displays Notice board - Booking of tennis courts 1 & 2 68.40 Tennis courts Debit card CCP Cleaning Supplies Paper plates and napkins 12.07 Chairman's Allow. Debit card Repropoint 12 x A1 maps for Welcome packs 47.52 Est Charges Debit card Maplin 3.5mm - 10m Extension lead 22.99 Est Charges Debit card Nonstop Party Shop Decorations for function 15.43 Chairman's Allow. Debit card M&S Food for function 37.00 Chairman's Allow. Audit 500341 Mulberry & Co Internal Audit (year-end) 199.98 fees 500342 Norris & Gardiner Ltd Grass cutting 2,921.52 Grass cutting Worplesdon Memorial 500343 Trustees Hire of hall for Community Event (VE Day 70) 79.50 Est Charges 500344 Viking Stationery 600.07 Est Charges Zurich Management Membership LCAS (Local Councils Advisory 500345 Services Ltd Serv) 114.00 Est Charges


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

£4,118.48 260-2015 - Finance

a) Bank reconciliation – April 2015

This item was deferred until the next full Council meeting.

b) Monthly budget report – April 2015

This item was deferred until the next full Council meeting.

c) Internal Audit – Undertaken 12 May 2015

Mark Mulberry had carried out the end of year Internal Audit on 12 May 2015. Mr Venables and Mrs White were present whilst the audit was undertaken. Mr Mulberry had provided an extensive report. The summary of which is as follows:

“I enclose my final report for your kind attention and presentation to the Council. I am pleased to report that overall the systems and procedures you have in place are entirely fit for purpose and I would go so far as to say are a model of good practice; I therefore make no recommendation for change at this stage.

However, I have noticed and pointed out to the Clerk that over time the level of administrative work required in local authorities is increasing and indeed is set to increase further with the transparency regulations. Whilst it is outside the scope of my audit I would suggest that Council consider carefully the outcomes of its internal review of services when it discusses them with a view to a greater level of role segregation. I have suggested Council may want to approach Anne Bott at the SALC offices to assist in this matter as this is a service that is offered to members. I would also suggest that Council consider again the need for offices to house all staff together as this will have a number of ongoing benefits.

My audit was conducted in accordance with current practices and guidelines and testing was conducted in line with the inherent risks assessment. Whilst I have not tested all transactions, my sample has where appropriate has covered the entire year to date. Amongst others the following areas were covered in my testing:

• Review of the Financial Regulations & Standing orders • Review of the Risk Assessments • Review of the Budgeting process • Proper Bookkeeping – review of the use of the accounts package • Review of Income • Review of Salaries • Review of Fixed Assets • Review of Annual Accounts • Review of Trust information


The Scribe system was tested to verify the brought forward balances and to review the entries made to the cashbooks. Entries were posted in a clear and logical manner and the brought forward balances were correct. I make no recommendation to change this system.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015


The Financial Regulations and Standing Orders were reviewed in 2013 and Council agreed and minutes these properly. These documents are current and I make no recommendation to change at this time given that Council is in the process of reviewing the new NALC models. I selected at random items to test from the financial regulations and am pleased to report these were being followed properly.

Payment procedures, including invoice authorisation, purchase order matching and cheque signing are satisfactory; and in accordance with financial regulations. I make no recommendation to change.

I have mentioned to the Clerk that the payments lists, which form part of the minutes, should perhaps be given their own “finance section” of the website for greater transparency.


A regular review of risks is carried out and I am satisfied that all appropriate risks are accounted for and documented properly. I was pleased to see the Council has a good system of risk assessment and documentation.


Budgets are reported against monthly and there is sufficient detail to show actual versus budget. Council is aware that the budget is a form of control.

General reserves are, in my opinion, a little low at £40,000 and Council may want to consider increasing these over time.


Income was tested to documentary evidence; it is banked properly and recorded correctly on the annual return.


No petty cash.


Council approves the wages scale annually and this is minuted properly. Payroll calculations were checked and PAYE and National Insurance deductions were tested. There were no errors. Councillors are not paid allowances. Expenses were properly approved and minuted.

Council may want to consider outsourcing its payroll function for when the new auto enrolment pension rules come into force.


The asset registers are up to date and properly maintained. I was pleased to note Councillor involvement in the physical verification of fixed assets.



Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

The bank reconciliations for all accounts are properly prepared and presented to Council and committee for verification and approval. The year-end reconciliation was correct with no adjustments. The system of reconciliation is working correctly.


Accounts were prepared on the income and expenditure basis. Debtors and creditors are properly shown and agreed to documentary evidence. Boxes 7 & 8 on the annual return are reconcilable. The variance analysis report showed reasons for the changes from the proper year.


No trusts.

End of summary.

The recommendations made by Mr Mulberry will be considered when the Fundamental Service Review is carried out.

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Cllr D Elms and unanimously resolved that the Internal Audit report be approved and accepted.

d) To review the effectiveness of the Council’s internal control including management of risk

All members had received a copy of the full audit plan via email. Members duly undertook a review of the effectiveness of the Internal Audit as follows:

Scope of Internal Audit – Terms of Reference issued 1st October 2014. Audit takes into account risk management processes and wider internal control. Terms of reference define audit responsibilities in relation to fraud.

Independence – Internal Auditor has direct access to those charged with governance. Reports are made by Mark Mulberry of Mulberry & Co to the Council. Auditor does not have any other role within the Council.

Competence – The internal audit work has been carried ethically, with integrity and objectivity.

Relationships – Responsible officer and one member of the Council consulted on the Internal Audit Plan (November annually) and on the scope of each audit. Evidence is on audit files. Responsibilities for officers and internal audit are defined in relation to internal control, risk management and fraud and corruption matter.

The responsibilities of the Council members are understood: training of members is carried out as necessary.

Audit Planning and reporting – The Audit Plan properly takes account of corporate risk. The plan has been approved by the Council. Internal Audit has reported in accordance with the plan.

Internal audit work is planned and is based on risk assessment and designed to meet the Council’s governance assurance needs.

Understanding the whole organisation its needs and objectives – The Annual Audit Plan demonstrates how audit work will provide assurance in relation to the Council’s governance risk assessment.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

Catalyst for change – The Internal Auditor offers a supportive role of audit for corporate developments such as corporate governance review, risk management and ethics.

Add value and assist the organisation in achieving its objectives – Demonstrated through positive management responses to recommendations and follow up action where called for.

Forward looking – Identifying risks and in formulating the annual audit plan. Internal audit maintains awareness of new developments in the services, risk management and corporate governance.

Challenging – Internal audit focuses on risk and encourages members to develop their own responses to risks.

Correct resources available – Full documentation is provided to enable the internal auditor to complete the audit. Internal auditor understands the body and the legal and corporate framework in which it operates.

It was proposed Dr P Cragg, seconded Mr C Venables and unanimously resolved that the Review of Effectiveness of Internal Control/Audit be approved.

e) To approve the Annual Accounts 2014/2015

Copies of the Annual Accounts had already been issued to all members in hard copy.

The Internal Auditor had reviewed and approved the accounts without change.

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Mr S Knight and unanimously resolved that the Annual Accounts for 2014/15 be approved.

f) Earmarked Reserves – 2014/2015

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Mr S Knight and unanimously resolved that the Earmarked Reserves for the year 2014/15 be set at £47,700.

h) To approve the Asset Register 31 March 2015

It was proposed Mr G Adam, seconded Mr D Slaymaker and unanimously resolved that the Asset Register for 31 March 2015 be approved at £577,350.50

i) To approve the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2015 – Section 1 “Statement of Accounts” and Section 2 “Annual Governance Statement

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Dr P Cragg and unanimously resolved that Section 1 of the Statement of Accounts (Annual Return) be approved.

A copy of the Annual Return had been issued to all members at the meeting. Members responded as follows:

i) Unanimous Yes ii) Unanimous Yes iii) Unanimous Yes iv) Unanimous Yes v) Unanimous Yes vi) Unanimous Yes vii) Unanimous Yes viii) Unanimous Yes ix) The Council does not hold a trust fund


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

It was proposed Mr D Slaymaker, seconded Mr D Bird and resolved that Section 2 of the Annual Return be approved.

j) Concurrent Functions Grant Aid 2016/2017 – To consider any one-off projects that may be required next year

The Clerk advised that as residents of the parish are effectively “double rated” (or charged Borough and Parish council tax) the Borough Council offers a grant to Parish Councils for projects where the function is provided by both councils thereby reducing the precept (Council Tax) requirement of the parish. Members were asked to consider what, if any, projects members may wish to see carried out in 2016/17.

k) Bank mandates – Metro Bank and the Co-operative Bank – To amend/complete new bank mandates

The Co-operative bank requires all members who have left the Council to sign the bank mandate form. This item was deferred until the next full council meeting to give the Clerk time to obtain appropriate signatures.

l) Skipton and Nationwide accounts – To appoint a replacement/fourth signatory onto both accounts

It was proposed Mr C Venables, seconded Dr P Cragg and unanimously resolved that Mr N Bryan be appointed to replace Cllr McShee as the fourth signatory to these accounts. Mr Bryan will be required to provide appropriate ID as soon as practicable.

m) To approve the revised contract for the Groundsman’s position

The revised contract had been issued to all members via email in advance of the meeting.

In accordance with point 11.1/c on the newly approved Financial Regulations an application was made to waive the Financial Regulations to enable this contract to be negotiated without competition for the following reasons:

Mr Trevena has been contracted to carry out this function for the last six years. His work is exemplary. He lives in the Parish and is able to respond very quickly to any situation, including emergency flooding situations. Over the years Mr Trevena has repeatedly worked above and beyond the call of duty.

The remit of the Groundsman has increased significantly over the years and the duties stated within the contract have been increased to reflect the work actually carried out by the Groundsman.

It was proposed Cllr D Elms, seconded Mr C Venables and unanimously resolved that the new three year contract be approved and signed. Total value of the contract £20,000pa. RPI increase to apply on an annual basis.

261-2015 - Health and Safety Inspection Report

This item was deferred until the next General Purposes and Finance Committee meeting.

262-2015 - Land Management Report

This item was deferred until the next General Purposes and Finance Committee meeting.

263-2015 - WW2 Concert Party

Dr Cragg gave the following report:


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

1. The Concert Party had proved to be a resounding success. 2. Interim figures show the expenditure as £503 with income at £785. The final receipts are however awaited from Mr Marks-Oldham. A final report to be prepared by the Clerk in readiness for the next General Purposes and Finance Committee meeting. 3. No free tickets were issued in accordance with the recommendation of the working party. 4. No under 12s were present at the event. 5. I should like to thank the working party and all other volunteers for their assistance with this event.

It was proposed Mrs J Messinger, seconded Mr D Slaymaker and unanimously resolved that the Council donate all proceeds from the event to the charity “Help for Heroes” in accordance with the Council’s powers under section 137(3) of the Local Government Act 1972. In the opinion of the Council this donation is in the interests of the area or its inhabitants and will benefit them in a manner commensurate with the expenditure.

264-2015 - Clerk’s Report

The Clerk gave the following report:

1. Sime Gallery 150 th Anniversary Celebration and Thank-you reception

Members have been invited to attend a Reception on Friday 5 June 7-9pm at the Sime Gallery, Worplesdon Memorial Hall to mark Sime’s 150 th anniversary of his birth and to say thank you to those how have donated or provided grants towards the restoration programme in preparation for their Exhibition in 2017 at Woking’s Lightbox Gallery.

2. SALC – New councillor trainings

Local training events are being held on: 25 June – Manor House Hotel, Guildford – 3 July – Cranleigh Arts Centre & 9 July – Dorking Halls.

Anyone wishing to attend any of these events should contact the Clerk to the Council at the earliest opportunity.

Costs of training to be ratified at the next full council meeting.

3. Ethical Standards Training – Monday 8 June 2015 – 7pm, Guildford Borough Council

The Chairman and Clerk will be attending this event. All other councillors are respectfully requested to watch the webcast.

4. Thank you letters

Mrs Morgan had expressed her thanks for the card and bouquet of flowers following her recent operation.

Cllr McShee, Mr Cater, Mr Welch and Mr Dillon had expressed their thanks for the book tokens they received on account of their long service to the Parish Council. Mrs McShee also thanked the Parish Council for her book tokens given as a result of her retirement at the end of May 2015.

5. Guildford Design Awards 2015

The closing date for entries is 5 June 2015.


Approved at the full council meeting - 25 June 2015

265-2015 - Chairman’s Report

Dr Cragg gave the following report:

1. Sentry box and bicycle

Mr Marks-Oldham and Cllr McShee to liaise regarding the disposal of the sentry box and the WW2 bicycle.

266-2015 - Date of next meeting – Thursday 25 June 2015

Meeting closed 9.48pm