InstituteInstitute forfor HistoricalHistori cal ReviewRIHReview • P.O.P.O. BoxBox 27392739 • NNewportewport BBeach, eachUPDATE, CACA 9265992659 USAUSA • •
[email protected] • NoNo.. 7 • NoNovembervember 20052005 Stormy Rally at Wiesenthal Center Defi es Zionist Thugs IHR Demonstration Protests Zionist Lies, Deceit and Bigotry In the middle of the demonstration at the Wiesenthal Center offi ce in Los Angeles, July 29, with some Zionists among the IHR activists. IN A “RALLY FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE” orga- A dozen or so reporters and photographers were on nized by the Institute for Historical Review, some hand for the event, including print media journalists 15-20 men and women demonstrated at the Simon and camera crews from two Los Angeles television Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles to focus public at- stations. In a series of interviews, Weber explained the tention on what IHR director Mark Weber called the purpose of the rally, citing specific examples of lies Center’s “record of deceit and lies in support of war, and misrepresentation by the Center in support of its Zionist oppression and Jewish supremacism, and to pro-Israel and Jewish-Zionist agenda. protest the give-away of millions of dollars in public Participants held placards with slogans that funds to this bastion of Jewish-Zionist power.” Partic- included “No Tax Dollars To The Wiesenthal Center,” ipants gathered outside the Center’s offices on Friday “Zionism Kills,” “Wiesenthal Center Promotes War,” afternoon, July 29, 2005, defying verbal and physical “No To Wiesenthal Center Lies, Bigotry and Deceit,” assaults, threats and intimidation by obscenity-shout- and “Wiesenthal Center Promotes Zionist Oppression.” ing Zionist counter-demonstrators.