Copyright and the Shape of Digital Culture (Index)
Index Abbate, Janet, 32 Anderson, Geoffrey, 150 Access controls, technical Apache HTTP server, 234 as a means to subsequently regulate Apple Computer, Inc., 5–6, 157, 225, use, 7, 11, 51, 54, 171, 178–182, 267, 280. See also iPod; iTunes 185–186, 190, 217–218, 227, 248, Arbitrage, 263–264, 267, 275 262, 265, 267, 270 Aris Technologies, 160 as a new site for copyright Association of American Publishers enforcement, 102, 137–139, 169–170, (AAP), 343n61 171–173, 188, 191, 215 ARPANET, 32–33, 173 as also the point of purchase, AT&T Inc., 152, 159, 240 171–173, 248, 267 Audio Home Recording Act (AHRA), Active Internet, 268 146, 195, 221, 321n17 Advanced Access Content System (AACS) encryption, 269, 340n32 Baker, C. Edwin, 273 Advanced Research Projects Agency Barbrook, Richard, 42 (ARPA), 32 Barlow, John Perry, 35–36 Advanced Television Standard (ATV), Bell, Tom, 62 198 Benkler, Yochai, 126, 234, 275 Advanced Television Systems Bentham, Jeremy, 92 Committee (ATSC)), 202, 211, 231 Berman, Howard, 131 “Affordances” (Gibson), 86 Bertelsmann, 49, 151 AIFF music format, 145 Bettig, Ronald. 22 Akrich, Madeleine, 80 Bijker, Weibe, 66, 84, 87, 106 Amateurs, 233 Bitmusic, 151 American Library Association (ALA), “Black box” (Latour), 53, 239, 243 215–216 Blanford, Lawrence, 209 American Library Association, et al. v. Blogs, 280 Federal Communications Commission Blu-Ray DVD, encryption of, 340n32 and United States of America, 215–218 Bolter, Jay David, 284nn7–8 Analog hole, 159–160, 197, 219, Borland, John, 164 323n44 Boucher, Rick, 275–276 384 Index
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