a CCOEC 266 Amtners 26

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a CCOEC 266 Amtners 26 USOO891848OB2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,918,480 B2 Qureshey et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 23, 2014 (54) METHOD, SYSTEM, AND DEVICE FOR THE (56) References Cited DISTRIBUTION OF INTERNET RADO CONTENT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Safi Qureshey, Santa Ana, CA (US); S3. A 's Stille Daniel D. Sheppard, Brea, CA (US) WW-1 (Continued) (73) Assignee: Black Hills Media, LLC, Wilmington, DE (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this E. 8:303 E; patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 847 days. (Continued) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 11/697,833 "A Music Revolution ... SoundServer” imerge, 2 pages. (22) Filed: Apr. 9, 2007 (Continued) (65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Duyen Doan (57) ABSTRACT US 2007/O18OO63 A1 Aug. 2, 2007 A network-enabled audio device that provides a display device that allows the user to select playlists of music much Related U.S. Application Data like a jukebox is disclosed. The user can compose playlists (63) Continuation of application No. 11/563,227, filed on from disk files, CD’s, Internet streaming audio broadcasts, Nov. 27, 2006 Pat. N s O45 953 hi hi online music sites, and other audio Sources. The user can also OV. Z. f. , now Fal. No. S.U4),932, Which 1S a select a desired Web broadcast from a list of available Web (Continued) broadcasts. In addition, the user can play standard audio CDs and MP3 encoded CD’s and have access to local AM/FM (51) Int. Cl. stations. Further, the Software, the user controls, and the dis G06F 15/16 (2006.01) play in the network-enabled audio device are operably con G06F 7/30 (2006.01) figured and connected Such that the user can listen to playlists that include CD's and other audio sources just as the user (Continued) would choose a playlist in a jukebox. The user accesses a (52) U.S. Cl. server site via a PC and the Internet. From the server site, the CPC. G06F 17/30772 (2013.01); G06F 17/30749 user obtains a list of the devices in his or her Internet Personal (2013.01); G06F 17/30775 (2013.01); Audio Network (IPAN) and what songs are on those devices. s s The IPAN includes an IPAN server, an IPAN client, and IPAN (Continued) software stored on the network-enabled audio device. Thus, (58) Field of Classification Search the network-enabled audio device provides people who are or CPC ................ H04N 71/17318; H04N 212/25891; are not comfortable with computers a way of taking music H04N 21/47202; G06F 21/10; G06F from various sources and putting it into one place for listening 17/30017; H04L 67/26 pleasure. In one embodiment, the Personal Computer (PC) is USPC .......................... 709/203, 217, 219; 725/153; used to compose the playlists, but the user is able to listen to 379/101.01; 455/414.1-414.4 playlists and other audio sources without using the PC. See application file for complete search history. 30 Claims, 49 Drawing Sheets o WOLUME as 24 y W. 32? MEMORY G.I.... A CCOEC 266 AMTNERs 26. MODEM a FM (UNER - ext. - 2 for a- a K. DH S. DATA STRACE SEECT 27- - ADC 72 COMMAND SPLAY #2% TUNINC US 8,918,480 B2 Page 2 Related U.S. Application Data 5.440,336 8, 1995 Buhro et al. 5,442,701 8, 1995 Guillou et al. continuation of application No. 09/805,470, filed on 5,455,570 10, 1995 Cook et al. Mar. 12, 2001, now abandoned, which is a 5,475.835 12, 1995 Hickey 5,481,535 1, 1996 Hershey continuation-in-part of application No. 09/096,703, 5,512,935 4, 1996 Majeti et al. filed on Jun. 12, 1998, now abandoned. 5,526,284 6, 1996 Mankovitz 5,534,913 T/1996 Majeti et al. (60) Provisional application No. 60/246,842, filed on Nov. 5,539,635 T/1996 Larson, Jr. 8, 2000, provisional application No. 60/072,127, filed 5,544, 161 8, 1996 Bigham et al. on Jan. 22, 1998. 5,550,576 8, 1996 Klosterman 5,553,126 9, 1996 Tang Int. C. 5,557,541 9, 1996 Schulhofetal. (51) 5,568,645 10, 1996 Morris et al. G06O 30/06 (2012.01) 5,570, 134 10, 1996 Hong H04B I/08 (2006.01) 5,572,442 11, 1996 Schulhofetal. H04H2O/38 (2008.01) 5,577,128 11, 1996 Farinelli H04H2O/82 (2008.01) 5,581,461 12, 1996 Coll et al. H04H 60/06 (2008.01) 5,581479 12, 1996 McLaughlin et al. 5,583,763 12, 1996 Atcheson et al. H04H 60/74 (2008.01) 5,592,511 1/1997 Schoen et al. H04L 2/28 (2006.01) 5,594.779 1/1997 Goodman H04L 29/06 (2006.01) 5,616,876 4, 1997 Cluts H04L 29/08 (2006.01) 5,617.565 4, 1997 Augenbraun et al. 5,618,045 4, 1997 Kagan G06F2L/10 (2013.01) 4, 1997 Grewe et al. HO4M 3/53 (2006.01) 5,625,608 5,628,056 5, 1997 Grysiewicz et al. 455.74 HO4M 3/533 (2006.01) 5,629,867 5, 1997 Goldman HO4M 7/OO (2006.01) 5,636,211 6, 1997 Newlin et al. U.S. C. 5,640, 193 6, 1997 Wellner (52) 5,652,841 7/1997 Nemirovsky et al. CPC .............. G06Q 30/0641 (2013.01); H04B I/08 5,654,886 8, 1997 Zereski, Jr. et al. (2013.01); H04H 20/38 (2013.01); H04H 20/82 5,661,787 8, 1997 Pocock (2013.01); H04H 60/06 (2013.01); H04H 60/74 5,671,436 9, 1997 Morris et al. (2013.01); H04L 12/28 I2 (2013.01); H04L 5,673,322 9, 1997 Pepe et al. 5,682,525 10, 1997 Bouve et al. 29/06027 (2013.01); H04L 65/4076 (2013.01); 5,684,799 11, 1997 Bigham et al. H04L 65/4084 (2013.01); H04L 6700 5,706.427 1, 1998 Tabuki (2013.01); G06F 2 1/10 (2013.01); H04L 5,710,970 1, 1998 Walters et al. 2012/2849 (2013.01); H04M 3/5307 (2013.01); 5,721,827 2, 1998 Logan et al. 5,727,048 3, 1998 Hiroshima et al. H04M 3/533 (2013.01); H04M 7/0006 5,732,216 3, 1998 Logan et al. (2013.01); H04M 220 1/60 (2013.01) 5,734,719 3, 1998 Tsevdos et al. USPC ........... 709/219; 709/203; 709/217; 725/153; 5,734,893 3, 1998 Li et al. 379/101.01; 455/414.1; 455/414.2:455/414.3: 5,740,035 4, 1998 Cohen et al. 455/414.4 5,742,226 4, 1998 Szabo et al. 340/425.5 5,758,257 5, 1998 Herz et al. References Cited 5,768,527 6, 1998 Zhu et al. (56) 5,781.889 7, 1998 Martin et al. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,790,935 8, 1998 Payton 5,793.980 8, 1998 Glaser et al. 5,794,217 8, 1998 Allen 3,895,327 A * 7/1975 Hulsebusch et al. .............. 334/7 5,805,154 9, 1998 Brown 4,682,370 A 7, 1987 Matthews 9, 1998 Goldman 4,720,873. 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    Register your product and get support at www.philips.com/welcome WACS7500 WAS7500 EN User manual 1 Contact information 94 Philips Consumer Electronics HK- 0738-WACS7500 (report No.) EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, Philips Consumer Electronics (manufacturer’s name) Philips, Glaslaan 2, 5616 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands (manufacturer’s address) declare under our responsibility that the electrical product: Philips WACS7500/12, /05 (name) (type or model) Wireless Music Center & Station (product description) to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards: EN55013 : 2001 +A1:2003 + A2:2006 EN 300 328 : 2004 EN55020 : 2002 + A1:2003 +A2:2005 EN 301 489-1 : 2005 EN 55022:2006 EN 301489-17: 2002 EN 55024: 1998 +A1:2001 +A2:2003 EN 50371 : 2002 EN 60065: 2002 +A1:2006 (title and/or number and date of issue of the standards) following the provisions of R &TTE Directive 1999/5/EC ( incl. 73/23/EEC & 93/68/EEC directives and is produced by a manufacturing organization on ISO 9000 level. Eindhoven, Eric Tijssen September 18, 2007 Program Manager (place, date) PCE I-Lab Entertainment Solutions (signature, name and function) EN Wireless Music Center + Station 1 Norge Typeskilt finnes på apparatens bakside. Important notes for users in the U.K. Observer: Nettbryteren er sekundert Mains plug innkoplet. Den innebygde netdelen er der- This apparatus is fitted with an approved 13- Amp for ikke frakoplet nettet så lenge appa- plug.To change a fuse in this type of plug, proceed as ratet er tilsluttet nettkontakten. follows: 1 Remove fuse cover and fuse. For å redusere faren for brann eller elektrisk 2 Fix the new fuse which should be a BS1362 5- støt, skal apparatet ikke utsettes for regn eller Amp, A.S.T.A.
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