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Rlvi EW of POULTRY SCIENCE TOME XI. 4 / 1938. No. 1/2 i^äs: INTER N ATI 0 N At "RlVI EW OF POULTRY SCIENCE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE WORLD'S POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION 19'V'' O-^^* <y »• >»"' EDITOR: Dr. B. J. C. TE HENNEPE ROTTERDAM (Holland) This Review is free to all members of the World's Poultry Science Association. All Subscriptions should be sent to the Editor: Dr. B. J. C. fe Hennepe, Rotterdam, or to the Secretary- Treasurer: Dr. G. F. Heuser, Cornnell University, Ithaca, N.y., U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTIONS. $5.00 annually in advance. The personal membership of the W.P.S.A. per amounts to $5.00 year For affiliated societies „ „ $25.00 ADVERTISEMENT RATES One page, per issue $12.00 Half page, per issue $7.00 TOME XI. 1938. No. 1/2. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF POULTRY SCIENCE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE WORLD'S POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION EDITOR: DR. B.J. CTEHENNEPE ROTTERDAM (Holland) Published by: Fritz Pfenningsforff, Berlin W 35 EXCHANGING LIST THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF POULTRY SCIENCE IS EXCHANGED WITH THE FOLLOWING JOURNALS AUSTRALIA. THE AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE OF NEW SOUTH WALES, Department of Agriculture, Box 36 a, G. P. O., Sydney. THE AUSTRALIAN VETERINARY JOUR- NAL, University of Sydney, Faculty of Veteri- nary Science. AUSTRALASIAN POULTRY WORLD, 78 a Victoria Str., Melbourne. THE JOURNAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, Victoria Square, Adelaide. POULTRY, Goulburn Street 13, Sydney, N. S.W. 32. BELGIUM. AVISELECT, Tervurenlaan 254, S.P.Woluwe. BULLETIN OFFICIEL FEDERATION DES SOCIETES D'AVICULTURE, Douglaslaan, 13, Cappellenbosch. HET VLAAMSCH DIERGENEESKUNDIG TIJDSCHRIFT, Brusselschesteenweg 625, Gent. HET VLAAMSCH PLUIMVEEBLAD, Tervurenlaan 254, S. P. Woluwe. CANADA. THE CANADA POULTRYMAN, 618 Homer Street, Vancouver. THE CANADIAN POULTRY REVIEW, 184, Adelaide Str., W., Toronto. SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE, Can. Society of Technical Agriculturists, 306 Victoria Building, Ottawa. CHINA. LINGNAN SCIENCE JOURNAL, WilUam E. Hoffmann, Lingnan University, Canton. CUBA. DIVULGACIÓN TÉCNICA, Apóstol y Cis- neros Betancourt, Los Pinos, Habana. CZECHO-SLOVÄKIÄ. INTERNATIONALE EIER-BÖRSE, Mala Plynarni 6, Prague VIL PRAGER TIERÄRZTLICHES ARCHIV, Tier- ärztliches Institut der landwirtschaftlichen Hochschulabteilung, Tetschen-Lieb werd. PUBLICATIONS CLINIQUES DE L'ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES VETERINAIRES. Prof. Dr. F. Krall, Praszka, 67, Brno. SBORNIK CESKOSLOVENSKE AKADEMIE ZEMEDELSKE, Ustredni Knihovna zemedelska, Sleszka 7, Prague XII. DENMARK. TIDSSKRIFT FOR FJERKRAEAVL, Gl. Kongevej 31, Copenhagen V. EIRE. JOURNAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Dublin, C.17. ENGLAND. BRITISH DUCK KEEPERS ASSOCIATION NOTES, Captain J. L. Lipscomb, St. Antony's, Swanley, Kent. CHANTICLEER, Chilworth, near Guildford, EGGS, Rudgwick, Sussex. [Surrey. THE FEATHERED WORLD, 9, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W. C. 2. HARPER ADAMS POULTRY JOURNAL, Newport, Salop. THE JOURNAL OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, 10, Whitehall Place, London. LANCASHIRE UTILITY POULTRY SOCIETY'S REPORT, 22 Chapel Walks, Preston, Lancashire. MEMOIRS UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Department of Agriculture, Cambridge. NATIONAL POULTRY JOURNAL, Milford, Surrey. POULTRY, 71 Fleet Street, London, E.G.4. POULTRY INDUSTRY, W. M. Elkington, Milford, nr. Godalming, Surrey. POULTRY WORLD, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S. E. 1. POULTRY RECORD, Official Organ of the Nat. Utility Poultry Society, 53, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. FRANCE. LA REVUE AVICOLE, 34 Rue de Lille, Paris. GERMANY. ARCHIV FÜR GEFLÜGELKUNDE, Forsthaus Schönwalde b. Berlin, Kreis Niederbamim. DEUTSCHE EIER-WIRTSCHAFT, Steinmetz- strasse 2, Berlin. DEUTSCHE GEFLÜGELZEITUNG, Oertel & Spörer, Reutlingen. DEUTSCHE LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHE GE- FLÜGELZEITUNG, Steinmetzstr.2, Berlin. GEFLÜGEL-BÖRSE, Perthesstr. 5, Leipzig. DER KLEINTIERHOF, Steinmetzstr.2, Berlin W 35. NORDDEUTSCHER GEFLÜGELHOF, Nord- strasse 5, Oldenburg i.Olbg. OESTERREICHISCHE TIERARZT, Braun- gasse 38, Wien 17. ZÜCHTUNGSKUNDE, Invalidenstrasse 42, Berlin N 4. HOLLAND. BEDRYFSPLUIMVEEHOUDER, Misset, Doe- tinchem. SCHÄKELS, Maasstraat 106-11, Amster- dam (Z.). TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR DIERGENEESKUNDE, Prins Mauritslaan 9, Den Haag. INDIA. THE INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL. P. Srinivasa Rao, Madras. ITALY. LA FECONDAZIONE ARTIFICÍALE DEGLI ANIMALIDOMESTICL Via Monte Ortigare 35, Milano. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF AGRICUL- TURE, the International Institute of Agri- culture, Villa Umberto 1, Rome. RIVISTA DI AVICULTURA, Via Aurelio Saffi, 26, Bologna. RIVISTA DI ZOOTECNIA, R. Instituto Superiore Agrario e Foréstale, Cascine, Firenze. JAPAN. JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE, Prof. Osamu Emoto, Faculty of Agriculture, Imperal Univer- sity, Hongo, Tokyo. JUGO-SLÄVIÄ. VETERINARSKI ARHIV, Savska Cesta 16. Zagreb. NETHERLANDS-EAST-INDIA. LANDBOUW EN VEE- TEELT, Petjenongan 72, Batavia-Centrum. ' NED. BLADEN VOOR DIERGENEESKUNDE, Bataviascheweg 54, Buitenzorg, Java. NEW ZEALAND. N. Z. POULTRY WORLD, Massay Agri- cultural College, Palmerston North. NORWAY. NORDISK FJÄDERFÄTIDSKRIFT, Leif Svendsen, Oslo. TIDSKRIFT FOR FJAERFAEAVL, Raadhus, gaten, 9 IH, 10-3, Oslo. NORTHERN IRELAND, MONTHLY REPORT OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Stormont, Belfast. THE JOURNAL OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, Stormont, Belfast. POLAND. DROB POLSKL VI. Kopernika 30, Warsaw. SCOTLAND. THE SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF AGRICUL- TURE, Dept. of Agriculture, His Majesty's Stationery Office, Edinburgh. SOUTH AFRICA. BOERDERIJ IN SUID-AFRICA, Land- bouw Department, Pretoria. THE JOURNAL OF THE S. A. VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Dr. Curson, Ondersfepoort, Pretoria. THE S.A. POULTRY, PIGEON AND BIRD MAGAZINE, Box 286, Bloemfonteîn. THE ONDERSTEPOORT JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE AND ANIMAL INDUSTRY, Direkor of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry P. O. Onderstepoort, Pretoria. SCIENCE BULLETIN, Principal Stellenbosch- Elsenburg College of Agriculture of the Uni- versity of Stellenbosch. SPAIN. MUNDO AVíCOLA, Arenys de Mar, Barcelona. SWEDEN. SVERIGES FJÄDERFÄÄVELS FÖRENINGS TIDSKRIFT, Agronom Sune Träskman, Vasa- gatan 5, Stockholm. SWITZERLAND. DIE TIERWELT, Buchdruckerei Zofînger Tagblatt, Zofingen. L'ELEVEUR SUISSE, Case Postale 90, Lau- sanne-Gare. DER GEFLÜGELZÜCHTER, F. Siegrist, Post- fach 20, Buchs 9. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CACKLE AND CROW, New England's Poultry Newspaper, Guilford, Conn. EXPERIMENT STATION RECORD, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. HINTS TO POULTRYMEN, Agricultural Ex- periment Station, New Brunswick, N. J. INTERNATIONAL BABY CHICK NEWS, 3223 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. NEW ENGLAND POULTRYMAN, 4 Park Street, 2, Boston, Mass. NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRI- CULTURE EXPERIMENT STATION PUBLI- CATIONS, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.J. THE NEWS LETTER. College of Agriculture, Moscow, Idaho. OHIO AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, Wooster, Ohio. POULTRY SCIENCE, Dr. J. Hohnes Martin, 730 Rose Street, Lexington, Ky. POULTRY SUPPLY DEALER, 1230 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago. POULTRY TRIBUNE, Mount Morris, Illinois. U. S. EGG AND POULTRY MAGAZINE, 110 North Franklin Street, Chicago. 1 Professor J. E. Bloe, General Chairman of the 7th World's Poultry Congress. 2 Mr. Fred Elford, Honorary Memher of the General Executive Board, 7th World's Poultry Congress and Exposition. 3 Mr. Karl Vetter, President of the World's Poultry Association. 4 Sidney A. Edwards, Managing Director of the 7th World's Poultry Congress, to be held at Cleve- land, Ohio, U. S. A., July 28—August 7,1939. 5 W. D. Termohlen, Secretary of the 7th World's Poultry Congress. OFFICERS Honorary Past Presidents—Dr. Sir Edward Brown, F. L. S., 60 Castellain Mansions, London W. 9, England. Mr. F. C. Elford, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. Mr. W. Ä. Kock, Lykkevej 9, Charlottenlund, Denmark. Prof. A. Ghigi, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italic. President—VîT. K. Vetter, Neue Ansbacher Str. 9, Berlin W. 50. Secretary "Treasurer—Dr. G.F.Heuser, Cornell University, Ifhaca, N. Y., U.S.A. First Vice-President for America—Prof. J. E. Rice, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.y., U.S.A. First Vice "President for Europe—Prof. S. Castelló, Arenys de Mar, Barcelona, Spain. First Vice "President for Southern Hemisphere—Mr. J. J. Jordaan, South Africa. Vice "Presidents—Prof. Dr. K. Beller, University, Giessen. Mr. P. Francis, Ministry of Agriculture, 10 Whitehall Place, London. Mr. C. S. Th. van Gink, Voorburg, Z.-H., Holland. Prof. Chas.Voitellier, 89 Rue Erlanger, Paris lóeme, France. Secretary for Continental Europe—Dr. B. J. C. te Hennepe, State Serum In- stitute, Rotterdam, Holland. Editor International Review of Poultry Science : Dr. B. J. C. te Hennepe, Rotterdam. MEMBERS OF COUNCIL AUSTRALIA Mr. J. B. Merrett. BELGIUM Mr. F. K. Chrispeels. Prof. J. F. Frateur. Mr. K. de Rycke. CANADA Prof. R. K. Baker. Mr. W. A. Brown. Prof. F. N. Marcellus. CZECHO-SLOVAKIA Prof. F.KraL DENMARK Dr. J. Traberg. Dr. H. Folden. EGYPT Dr. M. Askar Bey. EIRE Miss Mary Hennerty. ENGLAND Mr. A. Arbuthnot. Dr. E. M. Cruickshank. Capt. E. T. Hainan. Mr. T. Newman. Mr. Gordon Stewart. FRANCE ProL P. Lesbouyries. Mr. René Caucurte. GERMANY Dr. J. Filler. Prof. F. Lehmann. Dr. L. Weinmiller. HOLLAND Prof. Dr. L. de Blieck. Dr. B. J. C. te Hennepe. IRISH FREE STATE Miss Mary Hennerty. ITALY Prof. E. Giacomini. Prof. Ä. Pirocchi. Prof. V. Vezzani. JAPAN Prof. K. Kimura. NEW ZEALAND Mr. J. Ä. Kissling. NORTHERN IRELAND .... Mr. J. Gefty. Mr. J. G. Rhyneharf. Miss M. J. Sheedy. PALESTINE Mr. Alexander Livshufz.
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