Palestine Railways] the I Connecting Link I Between 5

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Palestine Railways] the I Connecting Link I Between 5 - ׳ - ־ *-- ATI !BEHSBS -ך^■ ו11״ ft nn ■ ■־*■ jl-.L-^ r ■irn ■ fl 7 PALESTINE RAILWAYS] THE I CONNECTING LINK I BETWEEN 5 L* L* When in Egypt the most comfortable and interesting route to Palestine H is via Kantara W The Palestine Railways cross Sinai in the tracks over which the Pharaoh Rameses IIover. Napoleon Bonaparte and other great figures of history have travelled M M The Palestine Railways connect the most famous places of the Holy Land with the Land of the Pharaohs. * * ffl i j EXPRESS CORRIDOR TRAINS j j RESTAURANT a SLEEPING CARS j " j Full particulars obtainable from the general 2 manager, Haifa station. iililliiillllliiiilllliiiilllliiiilllliiiilllliiiilllliiiilllliiiilllliM^ nil! BARCLAYS BANK (DOMINION, COLONIAL AND OVERSEAS( ן 10,000,000 ״£ 1AUTHORISED CAPITAL ן 1SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL 6,975,500 ן PAID-UP CAPITAL " 4,975,500| 1RESERVE FUND 1,650,000 f = 1DEPOSITS over » 60,000,000 OVER 400 BRANCHES PALESTINE: ACRE, HAIFA, JAFFA, JERUSALEM, NAZARETH, NABLUS and TEL-AVIV. IALSO — THROUGHOUT— EGYPT, THE SUDAN, 1EAST SOUTH SOUTH-WEST AND WEST- -1 AFRICA, BRITISH GUIANA AND THE BRITISH WEST INDIES, AND AT MALTA, GIBRALTAR, HAMBURG AND NEW YORK. Barclays Bank (Canada): Montreal and Toronto Agents in Iraq: Eastern Bank Limited, Amara, Baghdad, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul ־א־ * -א- = The Bank acts as Correspondent for Home, Colonial and Foreign Banks. = Head Office : W | § LOMBARD STREET,* * LONDON, E.C.3 4, יצ * AFFILIATED TO BARCLAYS BANK, LIMITED TOTAL RESOURCES OVER £ 300,000,000 2 ill?!■!m FINEST PALESTINE OLIVE OIL AD IN LUXURY OLIVE OIL TOILET SOAP O R A OLIVE OIL SOAP FLAKES SHE M E N CASTILE ־SOAP SPECIAL TOI LET SOAPS FOR HARD WATER SHEMEN WORKS HAIFA EXPORT TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD INQUIRIES INVITED. illllhiilllllliiilllliiiilllliiiilllllMllllliiiilllliiH^ The Jaffa-Oranges & Grapefruit packed under the Trade Mark lORD ARE THE RICHEST IN SWEETNESS, IN FLAVOUR, IN JUICE. ןוו״וןןןןווווןןןןו״וןןןןווווןן Packed by the Jaffa Fruit Company Ltd. P. O. Box 64, Jaffa (Palestine( ןןןןווןןןןן ןןןןווןןןןןןווןןןןן ןןן ןןןווווןןןן ןןן ןןןו״וןןןןווווןןןן^וווןןןו״וןןןןו״וןןןןו״וןןןןווווןןןן GUIDE TO NEW PALESTINE Published by the ZIONIST INFORMATION BUREAU FOR TOURISTS IN PALESTINE SEVENTH EDITION. Price :50 Mils. Printed and Published at JERUSALEM 1933 TOURS IN PALESTINE under the expert Guidance of COOK'S They have unequalled facilities for arranging your sight-seeing so as to,ensure your seeing the most important things under the best conditions. Their tour arrangements include visits to the Jewish Agricultural Settlements. PETRA Cook's maintain a camp at Petra for the use of their clients, which is most comfortable and pleasantly situated. An illustrated brochure on travel arrangements in Pa- lestine and Egypt maybe obtained free on request from COOKS WAGONS-UTS JERUSALEM HAIFA BEIRUT Tel. 541 Tel. 91 P.O.B. 83 P.O.B. 593 P.O.B. 273 350 offices all over the world. CONTENTS. * I. A TOUR OF JEWISH PALESTINE Jerusalem ... ... ... ... ... 10 Dead Sea, Jordan and Jericho ... ... 18 Jerusalem to Tel Aviv... ... ... ... 19 Tel Aviv ... ... ... ... ... 20 South of Tel Aviv ... ... ... ... 24 North of Tel Aviv ... ... ... ... 25 The Valley of Jezreel (The Emek) ... ... 28 Haifa ... ... ... ... ... 33 Haifa-Nazareth ... ... ... ... 36 Lower Galilee ... ... ... ... 37 Tiberias to Safed— Upper Galilee ... ... 39 Model Itinerary ... ... ... ... 41 Miscellaneous Information ... ... ... 46 11. THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT,ITS ORGANISATION AND ACTIVITIES. 1. Origin of the Movement ... ... ... 48 2. Pre-War Settlement ... ... ... 51 3. The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate... 53 4. The Jewish Agency, Keren Kayemeth Leisrael, Keren Hayesod ... ... ... ... 54 5. The Jewish National Council (Vaad Leumi) 63 6. Health and Sanitation(Hadassah, Kupath Holim) 63 7. Industrial Development ... ... ... 72 111. Appendices (Statistics) ... ... ... ... 77 * The official Languages of the country are Hebrew, Arabic and English. ABBREVIATIONS : — KKL (or JNF) Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (Jewish Nati- onal Fund). — KH Keren Hayesod (Palestine Foundation Fund). — ZIB Zionist Information Bureau for Tourists in Palestine. Printed at Goldbergs' Printing Press, Jerusalem. Blocks : M. Pikovsky Jerusalem, I. Soskin, Tel-Aviv. Photos and Cover by : J. Schweig, Jerusalem.- Supervission : J. Gal E se r. TOURIST DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION OF PALESTINE formed The Association— has been with the object of : Making Palestine & Transjordan known abroad. Development of Travel to these countries. Making Palestine & Transjordan more attractive to Visitors, in co- .operationwith other organisations Facilitating touring in Palestine & Transjordan ; taking necessary steps with the Authorities & Consular Bodies of Palestine to this end. ־The Association is non-political and non commercial. If you are interested in the above and would like to assist the projects outlined, communicate with the Hon. Secretary, P. O.B. 841, Jerusalem, for further information. FOREWORD. The majority of Palestinian guide-books are confined to describing sites of religious, historical and archaeological interest, largely, if not wholly, omitting reference to modern Palestine, represented in the main by the progressive upbuilding of the Jewish National Home. Similarly tours arranged by the various Travel Agencies usually apportion very little, if any, time to modern Jewish settlements and institutions, despite their remarkable advance in the past few years. This booklet does not aspire to take the place of the regular guide-books, but to supplement them with an account ofthe achievements due to Jewish settlement. We believe that precisely the traveller who is desirous of reconstructing the scenes of the Bible will be most interested in the country's present development proceeding, as it largely does, on the lines of Biblical tradition. Not only the Jew coming to Palestine to witness his people's return to its ancestral soil, but also the Gentile, watching the trend of the times with an open mind, will be fasci- nated by the unprecedentedpicture of the homecoming of a people after 2,000 years of exile, by the revival of the language of the Pentateuch and the Psalms and by the striving for improved forms of social life. Visits to Jewish villages are easily fitted into the frame of regular itineraries. The Zionist Infor- mation Bureau, located in St. Julian's Way, opposite the offices of the Jewish Agency and Anglo-Palestine Bank, places its services at the disposal of every visitor. Programs are prepared and information pro- vided on the various aspects of Jewish constructive work without any charge. Spring and autumn are the most favourable seasons for visiting Palestine. But summer, too, is being increasingly taken advantage of for this purpose. Spring is the time chosen by the majority because the countryside is then strewn with flowers; and in addition the Purim Festival in Tel Aviv, celebrated along popular lines, and Passover week in Jerusalem, offer special attractions for many. Jerusalem. M. CRUNHUT Tishri 5693 (October 1932( Manager of the Zionist Information Bureau for Tourists. Jerusalem :The Jewish National Fund Building- Headquarters, Kehavia PART I. Zionist Information Bureau for Tourists in Palestine. A tour of Palestine is best begun—by a visit to the Zionist Information Bureau (Z.1.8.) the official ,the Jewish Agency ״tourist and information office of the Keren— Kayemeth Leisrael and the Keren Hayesod St. Julian's Way. A TOUR OF JEWISH PALESTINE. I. SEEING JERUSALEM. Central Offices of National Organisations. — TheJewish Agency and Zionist Executive Birkath Mamillah Road (see Pt. 11. p. 54( Head Office of the Keren Kayemeth Leisrael (X.X.L., Jewish National Fund)., housed in its own building in Rehavia, the first wing of the building which, when completed, will accommo- date the Jewish Agency Headquarters as well as those of the Keren Hayesod and the Vaad Leumi. See Herzl Room and Golden Book, 10 )see Pt. 11. p. 55) The Keren Hayesod wing is now in course of construction. Head Office of the Keren Hayesod (Palestine Foundation fund)— Suleiman Road, on the way from the Post Office to Damascus Gate (see ־ ).Pt. 11. p. 57 Vaad Leumi (General Council of the Jewish Com munity in Palestine) — Ben Yehudah Street (Pt. 11. p. 63) (Will be housed in the Keren Hayesod building now in course of construction in Rehavia.( Anglo-Palestine Bank Ltd., Birkat MamillahRoad. Pt. 11. p. 52( Hadassah Women's Zionist Organisation of U.S.A. (Medical Organisation), Aminoff Bldg., Jaffa ־ )Road (Pt. 11. p. 64 WIZO (the— Womens' International Zionist Organi sation) Offices at the Jewish Agency(Pt.11.p.70( The City of Jerusalem 0 Jews constitute 60 /0 of the total population and live in various sections of the city. In the Old City, they concentrate in the south-eastern part; in the New City in Mahne Yehuda, Mea Shearim, Zichron Moshe and the Bukharian Quarter. More recent Jewish suburbs within easy reach by bus are: Rehavia, Romema, Talpioth, Mkor Haim, Kiriath Moshe, Montefiore, Beth Hakerem, Bait Vegan, Neve Jacob. The Old City or "City within the Walls ". The existing walls of the Old City are about 400 years old and partly follow the walls of the ancient Jewish capital. The Old City includes the Temple Area (quarter of whole) and is divided into Moslem, Christian and Jewish quarter. The Jewish section lies in the south-eastern part, bounded on one side by the Armenian quarter, and on the other by the Western Wall and its adjoining lanes. The Western Wall (Wailing Wall.( This is an authentic remnant of the ancient Jewish Temple wall. Since the destruction of the Temple the wall has been venerated through the ages, serving as a place of prayer for pilgrim and resident. 11 Jerusalem :Old City. Synagogues of the Old City. Some representative ones are Hurvah,the Synagogue of Rabbi Yehudah Hehassid. Site originally acquired in 13th century. Rebuilt in17th century by Rabbi YehudahHehassid. Destroyed shortly after and rebuilt 114 years later on same spot. Sephardic Synagogue. According to traditiondatesback to Ist century, time of Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai. Congregants are either Palestinian-born or from adjoining countries— Sephardic, Mesopotamian, Persian, Moroccan, Cau- .casianand Yemenite Jews Synagogue of Nissan Beck.
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