Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences Vol. 43(12), December 2014, pp. 2320-2326 Gastropod diversity in Mudasal Odai and Nagapattinam, southeast coast of India Kollimalai Sakthivel* & S. Antony Fernando Centre for Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai University, Parangipettei – 608 502, Tamil Nadu – India *[E.mail:
[email protected]] Received 17 July 2012; revised 17 December 2012 Gastropods list prepared from Mudasal Odai (Lat.11°29'N; Long. 79°46' E) and Nagapattinam (Lat. 10° 46' N; Long. 79° 59' E) coast of Tamil Nadu, south east India. List consists 75 species, 45 genera and 31 families in Mudasal Odai and 67 species, 42 genera and 29 families in Nagapattinam coast. Among the 31 families 21 are single genera, 7 are two genera and 3 are three genera and in 45 genera 28 of the have single representives, 2 of them are four species, and 1 of that is have six species in Mudasal Odai landing centre. Out of 29 families 20 of them are single genera, 4 of them are two genera, 2 of them are three genera and 1 of that is four genera and in 42 genera 28 of them have single species, 2 of them have four species and 1 of that is have 5 species in Nagapatinam landing centre. Among the families three are (Naticidae, Muricidae and Nassariidae) dominant in both landing centre. Among the 76 species 10 of them are dominant, 23 of them are abundant, 14 of them are co-abundant, 28 of them are present 1 of that absent in Mudasal Odai, among the species, 14 of them are dominant, 19 of them are abundant, 13 of them are co-abundant, 21 of them are present and 8 of them are absent in Nagapattinam coast.