


Winston F. Ponder, Donald J. Colgan, John M. Healy, Alexander Nützel, Luiz R. L. Simone, and Ellen E. Strong

Caenogastropods comprise about 60% of living Many caenogastropods are well-known gastropod and include a large number marine and include the (peri- of ecologically and commercially important winkles), (), (creep- marine families. They have undergone an ers), (slipper ), extraordinary adaptive radiation, resulting in (tuns), (helmet shells), (tri- considerable morphological, ecological, physi- tons), (strombs), (moon ological, and behavioral diversity. There is a snails), (rock shells, oyster drills, etc.), wide array of often convergent shell morpholo- (balers, etc.), (miters), Buccin- gies (Figure 13.1), with the typically coiled shell idae (whelks), (augers), and being tall-spired to globose or fl attened, with (cones). There are also well-known freshwater some uncoiled or -like and others with families such as the , , and the shells reduced or, rarely, lost. There are and a few terrestrial groups, nota- also considerable modifi cations to the head- bly the . foot and through the group (Figure 13.2) Although there are no reliable estimates and major dietary specializations. It is our aim of named species, living caenogastropods are in this chapter to review the phylogeny of this one of the most diverse metazoan clades. Most group, with emphasis on the areas of expertise families are marine, and many (e.g., Strombidae, of the authors. Cypraeidae, , , Triphori- The fi rst records of undisputed caenogastro- dae, Olividae, Mitridae, , Tereb- pods are from the middle and upper Paleozoic, ridae, , Conidae) have large numbers and there were signifi cant radiations during the of tropical taxa. A few families have diversifi ed , , and Paleogene (see subse- more in cooler waters (e.g., , Eatoni- quent section on the record). They have ellidae, ), and many others are diversifi ed into a wide range of and diverse in both temperate and tropical seas. have successfully invaded freshwater and ter- Caenogastropod diversity has increased, espe- restrial ecosystems multiple times. cially since the Mesozoic (Sepkoski and Hulver


FIGURE 13.1. (Opposite.) Shells of some Recent caenogastropods showing the range of morphology. (A) Leptopoma (); (B) Pupinella (Pupinidae); (C) (Cerithiidae); (D) (); (E) (); (F) (Epitoniidae); (G) Ataxocerithium (); (H) (); (I) (Hydrobiidae sensu lato); (J) (Janthinidae); (K) (); (L) (); (M) (Thiaridae); (N) (); (O) (); (P) Colpospira (); (Q) (); (R) (); (S) (); (T) (Littorinidae); (U) (Littorinidae); (V) (); (W) Sirius (Capulidae); (X) (Calyptraeidae); (Y) (Naticidae); (Z) (Strombidae); (Aa) (Strombidae); (Bb) (); (Cc) Serpulorbis (); (Dd) (Ovulidae); (Ee) (Cypraeidae); (Ff) (Ranellidae); (Gg) (Tonnidae); (Hh) (Cassidae); (Ii) (); (Jj) (); (Kk) (Buccinidae); (Ll) (Muricidae); (Mm) (Muricidae); (Nn) (Mitridae); (Oo) (Volutidae); (Pp) (Olividae); (Qq) (); (Rr) (); (Ss) (Turridae sensu lato); (Tt) (Turridae); (Uu) (Conidae); (Vv) (Terebridae). All fi gures reproduced with permission from Beesley et al. (1998), some slightly modifi ed. Not to scale.

1985; Signor 1985), accelerating during the Cre- caenogastropods (as discussed subsequently). taceous with the radiation of neogastropods and A sister group relationship of Caenogastrop- other predatory gastropods (Sohl 1964; Taylor et oda with Neritimorpha may be just as feasible al. 1980), suggesting that diet and competition as one with the heterobranchs, especially as all (e.g., Vermeij 1978, 1987) played a signifi cant role three groups share aragonitic crossed-lamellar in their adaptive radiation (discussed later in this shell structure and lack of nacre. While hetero- chapter). The pattern of steady diversifi cation in branchs have a heterostrophic larval shell, in caenogastropods differs from that of most other neritimorphs and caenogastropods the larval major groups of marine metazoans, which are shell is orthostrophic. characterized by marked waxing and waning or Neritimorphs are sister to the apogastro- even complete (e.g., Ammonoidea). pods ( ) in Since the late Paleozoic, caenogastropods the supertree analysis of published molecu- form large portions of the richest known gastro- lar and morphological trees in McArthur and pod faunas, both in numbers of species and in Harasewych (2003, fi g. 6.2) and Aktipis et al. abundance of individuals (Table 13.1). (Chapter 9), sharing (perhaps convergently) the development of complex genital ducts, the reduction of the pallial organs on the right side, PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATION and larval planktotrophy. Some other analy- ses (Ponder and Lindberg 1997; Colgan et al. SISTER GROUP RELATIONSHIPS 2003) show vetigastropods as the sister to the Heterobranchia are usually shown as the sis- apogastropods. ter group to caenogastropods in recent analy- Heterobranchs have been regarded to be the ses involving extant taxa using morphological sister group to caenogastropods by many pale- (e.g., Ponder and Lindberg 1997) or molecu- ontologists (e.g., Bandel and Geldmacher 1996; lar data (e.g., Tillier et al. 1992; McArthur and Kaim 2004; Figure 13.5A), but some evidence Harasewych 2003). However, this is not always suggests they may not be (Nützel, unpublished the case, with neritimorphs being the sister data; Figure 13.5B). Putative early heterobranchs taxon in some molecular analyses such as those have subulitid-like or turreted teleoconchs of Colgan et al. (2000, 2003, 2007) and Aktipis (Fr´yda and Bandel 1997), perhaps suggesting et al. (Chapter 9). Whereas modern neritimorphs a caenogastropod relationship. However, they have highly convolute larval shells with resorbed coexisted with several caenogastropod clades, inner walls, the assumed early members of this suggesting that the stem group evolved earlier clade had planktotrophic larval shells, which than indicated by the fossil record. An alterna- are not fundamentally different from those of tive explanation might be that Heterobranchia

caenogastropoda 333 FIGURE 13.2. External morphology of living caenogastropods. (A) (Pupinidae); (B) (); (C) Gabbia (Bithyniidae); (D) (Caecidae); (E) (Eulimidae); (F) (Eulimidae); (G) (Vitrinellidae); (H) Ascorhis (Hydrobiidae sensu lato); (I) Cryptassiminea (); (J) Janthina (Janthinidae); (K) Strombus (Strombidae); (L) Aletes (Vermetidae); (M) Epitonium (Epitoniidae); (N) (); (O) (Capulidae); (P) Sabia (Hipponicidae); (Q) (Naticidae); (R) (); (S) (); (T) Cypraea (Cypraeidae); (U) Tonna (Tonnidae); (V) Oliva (Olividae); (W) Austroginella (); (X) (); (Y) Nassarius (Nassariidae); (Z) Ficus (Ficidae); (Aa) (Olividae); (Bb) (). All fi gures reproduced with permission from Beesley et al. (1998), some slightly modifi ed. Not to scale. TABLE 13.1 Proportions of Caenogastropod Species and Individuals


Recent, New Caledoniaa Bouchet et al. 2002 0 72 63 Late , Mission Creek, United States Nützel and Erwin 2004 205 52 88 Late Triassic, Pucara Formation, Peru Haas 1953 210 41 29 Late , United States Kues and Batten 2001 310 56 32 note: Proportions are relative to the total numbers of all gastropods of some rich gastropod collections from the late Paleozoic, early Mesozoic and from a Recent Indo-West Pacifi c site. Caenogastropods form a major or even dominant part of these faunas. aThis site also includes shell-less taxa, so it is not strictly comparable with the fossil faunas; with the shell-less taxa excluded, the proportion of caenogastropods would be higher.

is nested within Caenogastropoda (e.g., Nützel Golikov and Starobogatov’s (1975) revolu- unpublished, fi g. 13.5B); although this possi- tionary classifi cation of gastropods included bility is concordant with views expressed by what we now know as caenogastropods within a some (e.g., Gosliner 1981), we consider it highly subclass Pectinibranchia, which also included unlikely on the basis of current molecular, mor- neritimorphs and some vetigastropods, nota- phological, and ultrastructural evidence (e.g., bly . Extant caenogastropods, in Ponder and Lindberg 1997). this scheme, were diphyletic, with two super- In summary, although the sister group of orders, and , caenogastropods is often the heterobranchs in both of which included non-caenogastropod analyses involving extant taxa, it is also pos- taxa, derived independently from “Anisobran- sible that an extinct, non-heterobranch taxon chia,” a group containing several vetigastro- (e.g., a neritimorph) is the actual sister group. pod families. Graham (1985: 174) also found Although fossil taxa shed some light on sister that “the boundary between that are taxon relationships, the data are by no means clearly archaeogastropod or caenogastropod is clear (see also Fr´yda et al., Chapter 10). extremely blurred,” and, in particular, he referred to the architaenioglossan groups and OUTLINE OF CLASSIFICATION/PHYLOGENY the vent-living neomphaloideans (see Geiger RECOGNITION OF THE CLADE CAENOGASTROPODA et al., Chapter 12) as being problematic. Although the name Caenogastropoda was used Haszprunar’s (1988) ground-breaking analy- by Cox (1960a, b) nearly half a century ago to sis of gastropod relationships using morphol- encompass Thiele’s (1925–1926) ogy, including osphradial ultrastructure, showed and Stenoglossa ( Wenz, an unresolved Caenogastropoda (Figure 13.3B) 1938–1944), the general recognition of this included with in a paraphy- group has been relatively recent. Caenogastro- letic “Archaeogastropoda.” This arrangement pods were incorporated in a paraphyletic sub- was modifi ed by Ponder and Warén (1988) (Fig- class, , in synoptic works (e.g., ure 13.3C), who, as in the morphological cladistic Thiele 1929–1931; Wenz 1938–1944; Cox 1960b) analyses of Ponder and Lindberg (1996, 1997) (Figure 13.3A) and the taxonomic overviews (Figure 13.3D), had the architaenioglossans as of Taylor and Sohl (1962), Ponder and Warén the sister group to the rest of the caenogastro- (1988) and Vaught (1989), and they often con- pods (the ), with the “mesogastro- tinue to be treated as such in many textbooks pod” groups and (e.g., Brusca and Brusca 2002) and other litera- as sister taxa to the remaining caenogastro- ture, keys, indexing systems, and checklists. pods (). The great majority

caenogastropoda 335 FIGURE 13.3. Some alternative hypotheses from morphology prior to 1999. (A) Thiele (1929– 1931). (B) Haszprunar (1988). (C) Ponder and Warén (1988). (D) Ponder and Lindberg (1997).

of caenogastropods are contained within Hyp- and Warén 1988; Bieler 1992; Tillier et al. 1992, sogastropoda, where there is little resolution to 1994; Rosenberg et al. 1994; Ponder and Lindberg date. Strong’s (2003) morphological analysis 1996, 1997; Taylor 1996; McArthur and Koop maintained a monophyletic Architaenioglossa 1999; Colgan et al. 2000, 2003, 2007; Strong and Neogastropoda, but the sorbeoconchan taxa 2003; McArthur and Harasewych 2003). were contained in two separate clades, one of In terms of rank, Cox (1960b) treated Caeno- which also included the only cerithioidean in as an order, but Bandel (1991b, her analysis (Figure 13.4A). 1993; Bandel and Riedel 1994) used Caeno- The major burst of interest in gastropod gastropoda as a subclass. It was treated as a phylogeny in the last three decades (see Bieler superorder by Ponder and Warén (1988; within 1992; Ponder and Lindberg 1997; Aktipis et al., Prosobranchia) and Beesley et al. (1998; within Chapter 9) has identifi ed and delineated the ), while Ponder and Lindberg major monophyletic groups and most analyses (1997), Strong (2003), and Bouchet and Rocroi have recognized Caenogastropoda as a clade (2005) treated caenogastropods as an unranked (Salvini-Plawen and Haszprunar 1987; Ponder major clade.

336 caenogastropoda FIGURE 13.4. Phylogenies from the most recent analyses of caenogastropod phylogeny based on morphology. (A) Strong (2003). (B) Simone (2000a).

In summary, caenogastropods are currently the rectum never passes through the ventricle. thought to comprise the majority of the Only the left kidney remains, although elements Mesogastropoda of Thiele (1929–1931) and all of the right kidney are incorporated in the ovi- of the Neogastropoda. Several groups (Archi- duct. There is a single pair of buccal cartilages, tectonicoidea, , Omalogyridae, Pyra- and the is plesiomorphically taenioglos- midellidae, Valvatidae) previously included in sate. The esophagus lacks conspicuous ventral Mesogastropoda are now included in Hetero- folds, the intestine is not markedly looped, and branchia (Haszprunar 1985b, 1988; Ponder and fecal pellets are produced. Pallial genital ducts Warén 1988; Healy 1990d, 1993b; Bouchet and enable internal fertilization and, consequently, Rocroi 2005). Although the monophyly of Caeno- the production of encapsulated eggs and non- gastropoda is well supported in recent morpho- planktonic early development (i.e., lacking a logical analyses (Ponder and Lindberg 1997; trochophore stage). Planktonic larvae are often Strong 2003), it is often not strongly supported planktotrophic. The nervous system is concen- in molecular analyses (see discussion below). trated with well-defi ned cerebral and pedal gan- glia. Most caenogastropods are epiathroid (the MAIN DISTINGUISHING FEATURES pleural ganglia lie close to, or are fused with, the Caenogastropods are defi ned by a number of cerebral ganglia), in contrast to the condition in signifi cant characters, including a shell that is vetigastropods, where the pleural ganglia are typically coiled, with a multispiral, orthostrophic close to the pedal ganglia (the hypoathroid and crossed-lamellar shell structure. condition). The foot is typically simple and usually bears an . The mantle cavity organs are PHYLOGENY OF CAENOGASTROPODA reduced, including a single (left) monopectinate Despite the great diversity and extensive fossil ctenidium with skeletal rods; a single left osphra- record of caenogastropods, detailed relation- dium, which is typically hypertrophied and has ships within the group have remained largely unique histology; and a single (left) hypobran- unresolved, although a few broad groups have chial gland. The heart has a single auricle, and usually been recognized (Table 13.2). Release

caenogastropoda 337 FIGURE 13.5. Examples of phylogenies based on fossil taxa. (A) Tree based on Kaim’s (2004) hypothesis; (B) majority-rule tree based on 25 shell characters (Nützel, unpublished).

from the constraints of ancestral adult mor- () and Viviparoi- phologies (Ponder and Lindberg 1997) appears dea (Viviparidae). While having some shared to have played a major part in the evolution plesiomorphic characters, including a partially of the group, although the differentiation of or fully hypoathroid nervous system and sub- innovation and ancestral conditions in various radular organ, the included taxa do not share traits has often been diffi cult or impossible to any obvious synapomorphies. Considerable determine in the absence of a robust phylogeny. modifi cation in some features has occurred Compounding this lack of resolution are the as a result of the nonmarine of all liv- signifi cant and rapid radiations that occurred ing architaenioglossans. These include the during caenogastropod history and, in particu- protoconch, which is typical of many direct- lar, during the latter part of the Mesozoic. developing caenogastropods; in cyclophorids, modifi cations due to terrestriality, notably loss MAIN GROUPS RECOGNIZED WITHIN of the pallial organs; in ampullariids, develop- CAENOGASTROPODS ment of a separate lung in the mantle cavity as a architaenioglossa This exclusively non- consequence of their amphibious habits; and, in marine grouping, which may represent a grade, viviparids, modifi cations due to fi lter feeding. not a clade, is usually regarded as the sister to Architaenioglossa was included as part of all other living caenogastropods. It comprises the Mesogastropoda by Thiele (1929–1931) and the terrestrial cyclophoroideans (the major Wenz (1938–1944) and included in the caeno- group of operculate land snails) and two fresh- gastropods by Cox (1960b) and Ponder and water families, previously in Ampullarioidea Warén (1988) but excluded by Haszprunar but now included in separate superfamilies, (1988, 1993). In Simone’s (2004b) analysis the

338 caenogastropoda TABLE 13.2 Some Recent Classifi cations of Living Caenogastropoda


Caenogastropoda Caenogastropoda Archaeogastropoda Caenogastropoda Caenogastropoda

Architaenioglossa (including Architaenioglossa Architaenioglossa Architaenioglossa Architaenioglossa (informal) ) Apogastropodab Sorbeoconcha (Cerithioidea Sorbeoconcha (Cerithioidea Neotaenioglossa Discopoda (including Caenogastropoda and Campaniloidea) and Campaniloidea) Heteroglossa Campanilidae) Cerithiimorpha Hypsogastropoda Hypsogastropoda Stenoglossa Ctenoglossa Ptenoglossa Littorinimorpha Heteropoda Neotaenioglossa Littorinimorpha Ptenoglossa (informal) Neogastropoda Stenoglossa Neogastropoda Neogastropoda Campanilimorpha (Campanilidae)

NOTE: See text for explanation of names. aHaszprunar (1988) provided several alternative classifi cations; the one summarized in the table is based on his fi gure 5, “the most probable phylogenetic reconstruction.” bHaszprunar also included in Ectobranchia (Valvatidae), Allogastropoda (, Rissoellidae, Omalogyridae), while the remaining heterobranchs (sensu Haszprunar 1985b; Ponder and Warén 1988; Ponder and Lindberg 1997) were included in the “subclass” . Ponder and Lindberg (1997) used Apogastropoda to encompass both Caenogastropoda and Heterobranchia. architaenioglossan taxa were paraphyletic, form- include the rissooidean Hydrobiidae and some ing three branches of basal caenogastropods. related families, some of these groups having sorbeoconcha This term was introduced undergone large radiations. A few terrestrial by Ponder and Lindberg (1997) to include all groups are found in the (Pomati- caenogastropods other than the architaenioglos- idae) and (some , san clade or grade. Basal members are Cerithi- , and Assimineidae). A major oidea and Campaniloidea, the former including subgroup of Hypsogastropoda is the Neogas- numerous freshwater taxa, notably the Thiaridae tropoda ( Stenoglossa), members of which are and several related families (e.g., Lydeard et al. almost exclusively marine and virtually all are 2002). This grouping differs primarily from carnivorous. It contains well-known, diverse, the architaenioglossan grade in having a pri- and ecologically signifi cant families such as mary emphasis on control of the inhalant water Muricidae, Volutidae, Mitridae, Buccinidae, and fl ow rather than the exhalant fl ow (Ponder and conoideans (Turridae sensu lato, Terebridae and Lindberg 1997; Lindberg and Ponder 2001), with Conidae). Members of this large clade share sev- corresponding emphasis on the chemosensory eral apomorphies (Ponder and Lindberg 1997; role of the osphradium. This is correlated with Strong 2003) related to the digestive system, three synapomorphic osphradial characters including unique structures such as a rectal (Haszprunar 1985a, 1988; Ponder and Lindberg (anal) gland, tubular accessory salivary glands, 1997): an increase in size, the presence of and the possession of either a stenoglossan or a ciliated lateral fi elds, and Si4 cells (Haszprunar toxoglossan radula. Additional signifi cant char- 1985a). Other synapomorphies identifi ed by acters include the salivary gland ducts not pass- Ponder and Lindberg (1997) include an epiath- ing through the nerve ring, the esophageal gland roid nervous system, the formation of a seminal separated from the esophagus (as the gland of vesicle, a coiled radular sac, and the formation Leiblein or poison gland), and the enlargement of a polar lobe in early development (Freeman of the ventral tensor muscle of the radula (m11 and Lundelius 1992). of Simone 2003), working to enable the sliding hypsogastropoda This term was intro- movement of the radula (this muscle does not duced by Ponder and Lindberg (1997) to include function in this way in other caenogastropods; the great majority of extant caenogastropods Simone 2000a). (most “mesogastropods” and all neogastro- other groupings Neotaenioglossa is a pods)—that is, all caenogastropods other than paraphyletic (e.g., Ponder and Lindberg 1997) architaenioglossans, Cerithioidea, and Cam- grouping used by Haszprunar (1988) and paniloidea. It equates with the “higher caeno- Ponder and Warén (1988), but with different gastropods” of Healy (1988a) and is defi ned by concepts. The latter encompassed all the non- Ponder and Lindberg (1997) by some sperm architaenioglossan “mesogastropods” (other characters (Healy 1988a); a single statolith in than those now treated as basal heterobranchs), each statocyst, rather than several statoconia; whereas the former excluded the Campaniloidea, exophallic penis (Simone 2000a); osphradial Si1 Cerithioidea, and Ptenoglossa. and Si2 cells (Haszprunar 1985a); and absorp- The higher category names Cerithi- tive cells in the larvae (Ruthensteiner and imorpha and Littorinimorpha were used by Schaefer 1991). Members are largely marine and Golikov and Starobogatov (1975), the former include families of medium to large size such being used for the basal group of caenogas- as the Littorinidae, Cypraeidae, Calyptraeidae, tropods (from which architaenioglossans Tonnidae, Cassidae, Ranellidae, Strombidae, and were excluded) by Haszprunar (1988). Most Naticidae; small-sized families such as the very recently Bouchet and Rocroi (2005) have used diverse , , and Eulimidae; Littorinimorpha to encompass the taenioglos- and the pelagic heteropods. Freshwater families sate Hypsogastropoda.

340 caenogastropoda Heteropoda comprises only the pelagic Ptero- relationships of intermediate groups (super- tracheoidea ( Carinarioidea) and was used as a families, families) are unresolved. Only one high-rank taxon until recently. It is included in the phylogenetic hypothesis has been previously Littorinimorpha by Bouchet and Rocroi (2005). published for caenogastropods as a whole3 Ptenoglossa ( Ctenoglossa, e.g., Bandel based on morphological data (Strong 2003), 1993) is a probably polyphyletic grouping (see but phylogenies of some family group (or following paragraphs) of Eulimoidea, Janthi- higher) taxa within caenogastropods have been noidea, and . This assemblage was proposed, examples being Rissooidea (Ponder based on the presence of an acrembolic1 probos- 1988; Wilke et al. 2001); Cerithioidea (Houbrick cis and, in some members, a ptenoglossate rad- 1988; Ponder 1991; Lydeard et al. 2002; Simone ula and two pairs of salivary glands. The group, 2001); Neogastropoda (Taylor and Morris 1988; with Eulimoidea excluded, is treated as mono- Kantor 1996); Littorinidae (Reid 1989; Williams phyletic by Nützel (1998) in a study using fossil et al. 2003); Ampullariidae (Berthold 1991; Bieler and Recent taxa. Ponder and Lindberg (1997) 1993); Olivioidea (Kantor 1991; Kantor and argue that the broader concept of Ptenoglossa Pavlinov 1991); Muricidae () (Kool (including Eulimoidea) is polyphyletic, and this 1993); toxoglossans () (Taylor et al. view is supported in molecular analyses (Colgan 1993; Kantor 1996; Rosenberg 1998; Simone et al. 2000, 2003, 2007). 2000b; Kantor and Taylor 2002); “neomesogas- Suggestions of heterobranch affi nities of tropods” (Bandel and Riedel 1994); Epitoniidae have been made by Robertson (as Cassoidea) (Riedel 1995, 2000); Ptenoglossa (1985) and Collin (1997) on the basis of the sup- (excluding Eulimoidea) (Nützel 1998); Colum- posed homology of pigmented mantle organs bellidae (deMaintenon 1999); Nassariidae (Haasl and shared hydrophobic larval shells, respec- 2000); Calyptraeoidea (Simone 2002, 2006; tively, but other characters and molecular data Collin 2003); Muricidae (Oliverio et al. 2002); do not support such a relationship. Cypraeidae (Meyer 2003, 2004); Heterogastropoda was erected by Kosuge (Simone 2005), (Simone 2004a); (1966) to encompass Ptenoglossa and Architec- Architaenioglossa (Simone 2004b); and Buc- tonicoidea,2 which he considered to lie between cinidae (Hayashi 2005). the meso- and neogastropods. For further discussion of the status and com- THE PALEONTOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE position of some of these groups, see the later Although several higher-level caenogastropod section “Summary of Major Groups.” taxa have been proposed in the paleontologi- Present caenogastropod classifi cations are cal literature, there are few attempts to frame essentially based on a few key shell and ana- explicit hypotheses using cladistic methodol- tomical (including radular) details, although ogy and even fewer involving fossil caenogas- Healy (e.g., 1988a, 1996b; see also below) tropods using maximum-parsimony methods. used sperm ultrastructure to determine the Fr´yda (1999) introduced Perunelomorpha, a relationships of several groups. Available data group with open-coiled protoconchs, initially suggests that some of the currently recog- as a sister taxon to Caenogastropoda, but they nized higher taxa (orders, suborders) are prob- were later (Bouchet and Rocroi 2005) incor- ably paraphyletic or even polyphyletic, and the porated within it. Bandel (1991b, 1993, 2002) proposed higher taxa, some based primarily on the time of their appearance in the fossil record 1. In an acrembolic proboscis, the proboscis retractor muscles are attached to the distal end of the proboscis so that the buccal mass lies behind the retracted proboscis 3. Simone (2000a) presented a phylogeny (see (Fretter and Graham 1962). Figure 13.4B), but as of this writing the full details have not 2. Now in Heterobranchia. yet been published.

caenogastropoda 341 and not on explicit phylogenetic hypotheses. the fossil Zygopleuridae were the sister groups These include the Palaeo-Caenogastropoda to that clade. The Paleozoic Pseudozygopleuri- for those with Paleozoic origins, the Meta- dae were identifi ed as the extinct stem group to Mesogastropoda for those fi rst appearing in mid Triphoroidea Janthinoidea, while the Paleo- Mesozoic times, and the Neo-Mesogastropoda, zoic precursors of the Cerithioidea were shown which appear in the late Mesozoic and are to be the possible sister group to the combined united by an “expanded ontogeny,” but does grouping. Although the monophyly of Recent not include the Neogastropoda. Bandel (1993) ptenoglossans is widely seen as unlikely (see also erected the Scaphoconchoidea for taxa subsequent discussion), the long separation of with larvae that have their true larval shell sur- the triphorid/cerithiopsid line from that of the rounded by a pseudoshell—the echinospira and Janthinoidea, as suggested by the fossil record, limacosphaera types of larvae. Riedel (2000) could explain the marked disparity of their living proposed two additional high-level taxa: the representatives. Nützel et al. (2000) analyzed Latrogastropoda and Vermivora. Latrogastrop- the Late Paleozoic , and although oda included the Pleurembolica [encompassing several genera could be arranged in family level Troschelina (Troschelina Bandel and Riedel, groups (Soleniscidae, Meekospiridae, Imoglo- 1994 composed of Laubierinioidea and Calyp- bidae), monophyly of the ingroup could not be traeoidea) Vermivora]. Vermivora included established with various outgroups, suggesting Ficoidea, Tonnoidea, and Neogastropoda. probable nonmonophyly of the traditional Subu- Although comprehensive analyses of fos- litoidea. Polyphyly has also been hypothesized sil caenogastropods are diffi cult because there for the Early Paleozoic Subulitoidea (Wagner are comparatively few shell characters, there are 2001, 2002). cladistic hypotheses using parsimony methods for a few groups (Roy 1994 for ; MORPHOLOGICAL DATA Nützel et al. 2000 for Subulitoidea; Wagner Traditional taxonomic work on caenogastro- 2002 for early Paleozoic gastropods including pods has mainly focused on shell and radular caenogastropod ancestors). Other phylogenetic characters, and this is one of the reasons there studies involving fossil taxa but not using par- is a paucity of anatomical information for many simony methods include studies on “higher” groups. caenogastropods (Latrogastropoda: Neomeso- gastropoda Neogastropoda) by Bandel and SHELL/PROTOCONCH Riedel (1994) and Riedel (2000). According to The shell (Figures 13.1, 13.2, 13.6, 13.13) is typically Riedel (2000), the origin of Latrogastropoda is coiled, very elongate to fl attened, loosely coiled obscure, but he suggested a relationship with to uncoiled, as in Vermetidae (Figure. 13.1Cc) rissooideans and proposed Ficoidea as the and Caecidae (Figure 13.1H), or openly coiled, as sister taxon of neogastropods. Kowalke (1998: in Siliquariidae (Figure 13.1D) and a few mem- fi gs. 12, 13) presented phylogenetic hypoth- bers of other families (e.g., Cyclophoridae, Epi- eses for Cerithimorpha (sensu Golikov and toniidae, Hydrobiidae sensu lato; Rex and Boss Starobogatov 1975 ( Cerithioidea sensu lato)) 1976). Others have secondarily become limpet- and vermetoideans that are almost exclusively like (Capulidae, Figure 13.1Q; Calyptraeidae, based on larval shell morphology (especially orna- Figure 13.1X; and Hipponicidae), while a few ment) of a few Cretaceous, Cenozoic, and Recent families produce one or two limpet-like taxa (e.g., representatives of these groups. Nützel (1998) in Eulimidae; in Muricidae; investigated ptenoglossans (excluding Eulimoi- in Coralliophilidae). Remarkably, only dea) and their possible stem groups. Modern two small groups of caenogastropods have lost Triphoroidea formed a clade with the extinct Pro- their postlarval shell: a few endoparasitic, worm- torculidae as the sister group. Janthinoidea and like Eulimidae and the pelagic Pterotracheidae.

342 caenogastropoda FIGURE 13.6. Selected Paleozoic (Carboniferous/) caenogastropods and putative outgroup taxa. (A, B) Protoconch of a naticopsid (Neritimorpha) from the Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous, ca. 330 Mya; Ruddle Shale, Arkansas, United States). Protoconchs of Recent neritimorphs are highly convolute with resorbed inner whorls; however, protoconchs of Naticopsidae show no major differences from those of caenogastropods, except for a relatively high expansion rate. Width 0.8 mm (from Nützel and Mapes 2001). (C, D) Cerithimorph caenogastropod from the Upper Carboniferous (Late Moscovian, c. 305 Mya; Buckhorn Asphalt deposit, Oklahoma, United States); this small heliciform, planktotrophic larval shell resembles the protoconch of some modern cerithioids. C, height 2.0 mm; D, height 0.4 mm. (E–G) Stegocoelia (Goniasmatidae, Palaeostyloidea), a slit-bearing caenogastropod from the Upper Carboniferous (Late Moscovian, c. 305 Mya; Buckhorn Asphalt deposit, Oklahoma, United States), representative of a rich late Paleozoic group of Murchisonia- resembling caenogastropods; E, teleoconch detail showing slitlike structure () slightly above mid-whorl; width 0.5 mm; F, height 2.0 mm; G, protoconch in side view, a lecithotrophic larval shell with a distinct sinusigera. Protoconchs of planktotrophic species of this group resemble Figure 13.6D; height 0.36 mm (from Bandel et al. 2002). (H) Soleniscus, a widespread subulitoid (Soleniscidae) from the Upper Carboniferous (Gzhelian, c. 300 Mya; Finis Shale, Texas, United States), showing a distinct, twisted , a columellar fold, and a smooth larval shell; height 3.2 mm (from Nützel et al. 2000). (I–K) Imogloba (Imoglobidae) from the Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous, c. 330 Mya of Arkansas, United States); these globular, subulitoid gastropods have an open coiled initial whorl followed by early whorls (probably larval shell) with a very characteristic ornament of noncollabral threads; I, height 2.5 mm; J, probably isolated larval shell, height 0.85 mm; K, width 4.4 mm. (L, M) Pseudozygopleura (Pseudozygopleuridae) from the Late Carboniferous (ca. 300 Mya, Gzhelian, Ames Shale, West Virginia, United States); pseudozygopleurids were abundant and diverse for about 100 million years (during the late Paleozoic) and became extinct at the end-Permian mass extinction event; they have highly characteristic larval shells with an ornament of curving, collabral ribs that form a spiral thread (from Nützel 1998); L, larval shell; height 0.86 mm; M, height 3.0 mm.

The sluglike Velutinidae ( Lamellariidae) occur sporadically in some families (Robertson (Fig. 13.2N) have a reduced internal shell. Most 1993). caenogastropods have dextral shells, with mem- Preliminary phylogenetic analyses (Nützel, bers of only one family (Triphoridae) being unpublished) suggest that high-spired shells almost entirely sinistral, although sinistral taxa could be diagnostic for some Paleozoic and early

caenogastropoda 343 Mesozoic clades. Although there are many cases of ctenidia (Cox 1960b: 143), slits (e.g., Siliquari- of convergent teleoconch morphology with rep- idae) or deep notches (e.g., some Turritellidae) resentatives of each of the other major gastropod are known in a few modern caenogastropods clades (vetigastropods, neritimorphs, hetero- with a single monopectinate gill. branchs), the protoconch morphology and shell When shell growth ceases and the lips of the microstructure can be used to determine the thicken, they are sometimes modifi ed group. Specialists are usually able to recognize in shape or have special ornament. This deter- members of a particular group reliably by the minate growth is found in many caenogastro- teleoconch morphology alone, suggesting that pods but is typically clade specifi c (Vermeij and this is often diagnostic, although differences can Signor 1992). Apertural thickening may also be subtle and diffi cult to quantify, resulting in occur intermittently during growth, and the a low number of scorable characters. It is also thickened part of the outer may be retained frequently diffi cult to establish homology and as a distinct . consistent coding of shell characters because The shell microstructure of caenogastropods many are not suffi ciently complex to reject is aragonitic crossed-lamellar, and although convergence convincingly. Nevertheless, Wag- comprehensive comparative studies are lack- ner (2002) comprehensively coded teleoconch ing, there are some indications of signifi cant characters of Early Paleozoic gastropods, and variation (e.g., Falniowski 1989), although Schander and Sundberg (2001) have shown that these differences can sometimes be correlated shell characters can provide a similar level of with environment (e.g., Taylor and Reid 1990). resolution to other data sets in some analyses. Nacre is absent in all Caenogastropoda, and Growth lines and the shape of the outer lip calcite is rare (e.g., Epitoniidae) (see Bandel can refl ect the organization of the mantle cav- 1990 for a review of caenogastropod shell ity (especially inhalant and exhalant fl ows) and microstructure). the orientation of the shell. For paleontologists, Protoconchs, as extensively shown by the these not only provide clues about the way the work of Bandel (1982 and subsequently), are organism functioned but can have phylogenetic a rich source of characters and refl ect life his- signifi cance. Many modern caenogastropods tory. The following parameters have proved use- have straight or slightly opisthocline growth ful for defi ning at least species and sometimes lines, with inhalant and exhalant fl ows restricted genera: size and ornament of embryonic shell; to the anterior and posterior corners of the aper- size and shape of entire protoconch; number ture, which are often modifi ed with siphonal of larval whorls; transition from protoconch notches or canals. This confi guration is seen to teleoconch (abrupt, presence or absence of in the Late Paleozoic Pseudozygopleuridae and sinusigera, fl uent) and whorl shape. Protoconch Subulitoidea, but many other fossil caenogas- morphology can be very useful for at tropods have strongly parasigmoidal (loxone- generic and species levels (e.g., Triphoridae, matoid) growth lines or possess slits, sinuses, Marshall 1983), but they are also assumed to and selenizones. A slit occurs in Late Paleozoic be diagnostic for caenogastropods because lar- probable caenogastropods4 of the family Goni- vae of modern representatives of basal clades asmatidae (Nützel and Bandel 2000; Bandel (vetigastropods, patellogastropods) are never et al. 2002; Nützel and Pan 2005). Although it planktotrophic. Heterobranchia have sinistral has been suggested that the slit or deep sinus in protoconchs, and modern neritimorphs have this group may indicate the presence of a pair highly characteristic convolute larval shells (e.g., Bandel 1982). Thus, multi-whorled, orthos- trophic larval shells characteristic of planktotro- 4. They have crossed-lamellar shell structure, have multiwhorled planktotrophic larval shells, and are high phic larvae are present only in Caenogastropoda. spired. As indicated previously, the situation appears to

344 caenogastropoda be more complicated in the Paleozoic because limpet-like taxa. The foot is laterally compressed presumed early neritimorphs (Naticopsidae and in stromboideans and xenophorids, where it Trachyspiridae) can have planktotrophic larval can be used as a lever or for leaping, and in the shells (Figure 13.6A, B) that show no signs of actively swimming heteropods. resorbed inner whorls (Nützel and Mapes 2001; In some, lateral fl aps emerge from the sides Nützel et al. 2007) and thus are not fundamen- of the neck or foot (e.g., Viviparidae, Vanikori- tally different from those of caenogastropods. dae), while in others the shell can be covered by Moreover, some Paleozoic gastropods with lateral or anterior extensions of the foot and/or typical pleurotomarioid teleoconch morphology mantle in Naticidae (Figure 13.2Q), , (and thus assumed to be vetigastropods) have Olividae (Figure 13.2V, Aa), some Volutidae, simple, smooth larval shells of about two whorls Marginellidae (Figure 13.2W), and Cypraeoidea (Nützel and Mapes 2001; Kaim 2004). (Cypraeidae, Figure 13.2T; Ovulidae), with the In caenogastropods, it is especially easy to shell becoming internal and reduced in Veluti- infer larval feeding strategies (i.e., planktotro- nidae (Figure 13.2N). phic vs. non-planktotrophic) from the larval Some amphibious or terrestrial rissooidean shell with well-preserved material (e.g., Bandel taxa (e.g., Assimineidae, Pomatiopsidae) have 1982). Jablonski (1986) tested possible selec- a deep omniphoric groove running down each tivity of larval strategies at the end-Cretaceous side of the neck, which carries mucus and waste extinction event, and Nützel (1998) separated to the sides of the foot. A few taxa possess tenta- larval strategies of Late Paleozoic and Triassic cles that emerge from the sides of the foot (e.g., zygopleuroid gastropods based on protoconch some Cerithiidae [Bittiinae] and ) or measurements. posteriorly (e.g., the neogastropod Nassariidae, Although the phylogenetic utility of shell Figure 13.2Y, and some rissooideans: Stenothy- characters is considerably increased with proto- ridae, some Rissoidae, and Vitrinellidae, Fig- data, the latter have greater value if coded ure 13.2G). Tentacles emerge laterally from the from species with the same or a similar onto- opercular lobe in some (Ponder genetic strategy (e.g., only from planktotrophic 1965). The foot is very reduced and lacks a sole species). Often the protoconch shows less evolu- in vermetids. tionary change than the teleoconch (e.g., in the The cephalic tentacles are typically long and families Pseudozygopleuridae, Epitoniidae, and narrow, with the eyes on swellings at their outer Cerithiidae) and, in such cases, can provide apo- bases (Figure 13.2A–H, L–P), although there is morphies for families or even higher taxa. How- considerable variation in the length of the ten- ever, there are other cases in which protoconch tacles, and they are lost in some Assimineidae morphology is highly variable within families, (Figure 13.2I). The tentacles, especially of small- especially in groups with diverse life history sized taxa, can have complex patterns of ciliation, traits. Also, protoconchs, like any other char- with some developing long compound cilia dis- acter complex, are subject to convergence and tally. Although the eyes may be on short stalks other homoplastic phenomena. or situated along the tentacle (Figure 13.2K, Bb), they are always located on the outer side of the HEAD-FOOT, OPERCULUM, AND MANTLE EDGE tentacles (plesiomorphic in gastropods), in con- Head-foot characters (Figure 13.2) have not been trast to most basal Heterobranchia. A cephalic greatly used in morphological analyses to date. penis arises from the right to center of the head The foot is plesiomorphically elongate-oval but behind the base of the tentacles in many hyp- has been extensively modifi ed in many groups. sogastropods, where it appears to have been Lateral expansion of the foot has occurred in sev- derived independently in several groups. In eral groups (e.g., many neogastropods, tonnoi- contrast, cerithioideans, cingulopsoideans, ver- deans) or it has become disk-like for clamping in metoideans, triphoroideans, and janthinoideans

caenogastropoda 345 lack a penis, and penial structures are differently inverted on retraction. The acrembolic has derived in the three architaenioglossan clades: appeared independently several times in gas- two from noncephalic structures ( tropods, including some heterobranchs, while from right tentacle, Ampullarioidea from man- the pleurembolic proboscis may have appeared tle) and one cephalic (Cyclophoroidea). only once. This latter type is a synapomorphy An operculum is usually present but is lost of the node that precedes the calyptraeoideans in the adults of a few groups (e.g., Cypraeidae, in Simone’s (2000a) cladogram (Figure 13.4B) Triviidae, Ovulidae, Velutinidae, , and includes all the higher hypsogastropods, Pterotracheidae, Calyptraeoidea sensu stricto, while in Strong’s (2003) analysis (Figure 13.4A) Mitridae, Marginellidae, and many Volu- the proboscidate taxa also form a separate clade, tidae). Checa and Jiménez-Jiménez (1998) although it comprises both pleurembolic and distinguished three main types of operculum: acrembolic taxa. (i) fl exiclaudent spiral (mostly multispiral) oper- The mantle edge can have one or more short culum, the shape of which does not fi t the aper- to moderately long papillae or one or two cili- ture, (ii) rigiclaudent spiral, fi tting the aperture ated anterior or posterior tentacles, rarely very and usually paucispiral, and (iii) rigiclaudent long, as in Finella (Figure 13.2B). The anterior concentric, also fi tting the aperture. Their mantle edge is extended as a siphon in many study showed that the rigiclaudent spiral type caenogastropods, although this may have arisen predominates in caenogastropods, with fl exi- independently in Cerithioidea, Stromboidea, claudent spiral opercula found in some cerithi- and the higher Hypsogastropoda (Simone oideans. Concentric opercula are predominant 2005) and probably also Triphoroidea. A - in higher caenogastropods. nal notch or canal in the shell is found in many A well-developed, narrow snout, typical of cerithioideans and stromboideans, but they do basal caenogastropods, is sometimes very exten- not have any clear modifi cation of the mantle sile (e.g., some rissooideans, stromboideans, and edge (Simone 2001, 2005). On the other hand, a cerithioideans) and is used to assist in locomo- clearly defi ned siphon at the mantle border (i.e., tion in some Truncatellidae and Pomatiopsidae. a long fold in the inhalant canal separated from The snout has become infolded to form a pro- the mantle edge) occurs in most higher hypso- boscis (introvert) convergently in several groups gastropods and is elongated, mobile, and explor- (e.g., Ptenoglossa, Neogastropoda, Tonnoidea), atory in many (Figures 2U–Bb). The specialized and in many such taxa the proboscis is capable inhalant siphon is a synapomorphy of the node of considerable extension (e.g., Figure 13.2M, X). that precedes the calyptraeoideans in Simone’s Unique structures can be associated with the (2000a) cladogram (Figure 13.4B), with a rever- snout/proboscis; a pseudoproboscis is formed sal in the naticoideans, while in Strong’s (2003) in the Capuloidea (e.g., Pernet and Kohn 1998) analysis (Figure 13.4A) the siphonate hypsogas- and an epiproboscis in the Mitridae (Ponder tropods are found in two separate clades. 1972; West 1990). Two main types of probos- cis are usually recognized in caenogastropods: RADULA the acrembolic and pleurembolic (Fretter and The radula has been used as an important char- Graham 1962), which differ in the way in acter set at both the species level and higher which they lie in the body in their retracted levels within caenogastropods, representing state. In the acrembolic type of proboscis, the the basis of such names as Stenoglossa, Pteno- tip of the proboscis is fully inverted by retrac- glossa, and Taenioglossa. By far the most sig- tor muscles that attach mostly to the anterior nifi cant historical review is the work of Troschel buccal region. With the pleurembolic type, the and Thiele (1856–1893), synthesized and added retractor muscles are inserted on the sides of to by Thiele (1929–1931). These early work- the proboscis, so that the anterior part is not ers relied on light microscopy, but the advent

346 caenogastropoda of scanning electron microscopy provided an century, including those on the nervous system excellent tool for more detailed examination (Bouvier 1887), kidney (Perrier 1889), pallial and illustration of radulae. Most subsequent cavity (Bernard 1890) and anterior gut (Amau- studies have focused on lower-rank taxa; a nota- drut 1898). Many anatomical accounts have ble exception being Bandel’s (1984) study of the been published since. Notably, these include a radulae of Caribbean caenogastropods. large body of work by Fretter and Graham and The taenioglossate condition, with seven their students on mainly European taxa (sum- teeth in each row (two marginals and a lateral marized in Fretter and Graham 1962, 1994) on each side and a central tooth) is found in while the Marcuses provided detailed accounts all architaenioglossans and many sorbeoconch of mainly Brazilian taxa (e.g., Marcus 1956; caenogastropods. Remarkably, this type of rad- Marcus and Marcus 1963, 1965). Many aspects ula is retained by the majority of the group with of caenogastropod anatomy and histology were very little modifi cation to refl ect the enormous reviewed by Fretter and Graham (1962, 1994), diversity of feeding strategies (see subsequent Hyman (1967), and Voltzow (1994). Reviews of section on Adaptive Radiation). Exceptions are the evolution of organ systems for gastropods the neogastropods and some of the ptenoglossate in general, including the gut (Salvini-Plawen groups. Within neogastropods the toxoglossan 1988), kidney (Andrews 1988), and mantle cavity type (5–1 teeth per row) is found in the Conoidea, (Lindberg and Ponder 2001) are also relevant. with the most extreme modifi cation being the Recent morphological studies include toxoglossan “harpoon” tooth (Shimek and Kohn Strong’s and Simone’s detailed investigations. 1981; Kantor 1990). An unusual, very elongate Strong’s (2003) study, based on the examination tooth type (nematoglossan) is found in Cancel- of 16 caenogastropods (Figure 13.4A), resulted larioidea, while the remaining neogastropods in the reformulation of homologies for several have a rachiglossan (3–1 teeth per row) radula. key characters (jaw, subradular organ, buccal The typical ptenoglossate radula occurs in pouches) and the identifi cation of characters Epitoniidae and Janthinidae, exhibiting numer- new to caenogastropod systematics, including ous similar simple teeth in each radular row. those of the kidney (blood circulation patterns), Multiple similar teeth are also known from a few nervous system (tentacular nerve, siphonal gan- eulimids (Warén 1984), and tooth multiplication glion), foregut (esophageal ventral folding) and is seen in some cerithiopsids (Marshall 1978) stomach ( midgut; details of the gastric shield and triphorids (Marshall 1983), although some and style sac ciliary tracts). As an illustration of other triphoroideans have taenioglossate radulae. how reinterpretations of some of these structures The spongivorous triphorids possess a modifi ed change our ideas of homology, we detail the fol- radula with 5-63 teeth per row (the rhinioglossate lowing examples from the anterior gut. Based condition). Although cerithiopsids are also spon- on criteria of position (Figure 13.5A–C) and his- givorous, they usually retain a taenioglossate tological detail (Figure 13.7D–F), Strong (2003) radula but the tooth morphology is extremely proposed that the glandular structures below the variable, with some genera having very elongated radula in many sorbeoconchan taxa are homol- teeth (Marshall 1978; Nützel 1998). ogous to the subradular organ (Figure 13.7A–F, The radula has been lost in some conoidean sro) of architaenioglossans. Also, in contrast to taxa (e.g., Ponder 1974; Kantor and Sysoev 1989), long-held views (Graham 1939; Salvini-Plawen some other neogastropods (Ponder 1974), and and Haszprunar 1987; Haszprunar 1988; Pon- many eulimids (Warén 1984). der and Lindberg 1997), the buccal cavity and anterior esophagus of some basal caenogastro- ANATOMY pods were shown to possess the ventral folding Major synoptic anatomical studies on caenogas- characteristic of vetigastropods (Figure 13.7G–I), tropods were undertaken in the late nineteenth including a mid-ventral fold (Figure 13.7G–I, vf)

caenogastropoda 347 FIGURE 13.7. Foregut characters. (A–C) Scanning electron micrographs of subradular organ. Right lateral view of radular apparatus, ventral is to the right. (D–F) Histology of subradular organ. Transverse section through subradular organ, ventral is below. (G–I) Histology of foregut showing ventral folding. Transverse section through anterior esophagus, ventral is below. A. Neocyclotus dysoni. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. B. Lampanella minima. Scale bar, 100 µm. C. littorea. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. D. Neocyclotus dysoni. Scale bar, 0.25 mm. E. Lampanella minima. Scale bar, 1 mm. F. Littorina littorea. Scale bar, 1 mm. G. Neocyclotus dysoni. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. H. Lampanella minima. Scale bar, 1 mm. I. Littorina littorea. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. Abbreviations: bp, buccal pouch; df, dorsal fold; j, jaw; lf, ventro-lateral fold; sd, salivary gland duct; sro, subradular organ; vf, mid-ventral fold. Reproduced from Strong (2003). and two ventro-lateral folds (Figure 13.7H, I, lf). extended given the diversity of neogastropod The ventro-lateral folds, commonly associated stomach morphology (e.g., Smith 1967). Some with the inner margins of the buccal pouches, important caenogastropod stomach characters are retained in many caenogastropods, even are shown in Figure 13.8. They include a ventral in those lacking buccal pouches. In contrast to gastric shield (gs) and a ciliary tract along the vetigastropods, the mid-ventral fold is not asso- major (and sometimes minor) typhlosole of the ciated with an underlying gland. style sac (ct). Complex typhlosolar folding and Strong’s (2003) analysis also included the presence of a discrete ciliary rejection cur- detailed stomach morphology that built on rent in the proximal stomach are plesiomorphic earlier functional studies, particularly that of for caenogastropods (Strong 2003). The sim- Graham (1949). She identifi ed several stom- plifi cation of these and other features, such as ach characters found in a broad spectrum of development of the sorting area (sa) and com- taxa, regardless of feeding mode, which dem- plexity of the style sac (ss), are not necessarily onstrated an underlying phylogenetic, rather related to the innovation of carnivory. The two than functional, signal. This was also shown by architaenioglossans included in Strong’s (2003) Kantor (2003) in buccinoidean neogastropods, analysis were characterized by the presence of and it is likely that this set of characters can be mucus-secreting glandular pouches (gap), a

348 caenogastropoda FIGURE 13.8. Stomach characters. (A) Neocyclotus dysoni (macrophagous grazer). (B) Lampanella minima (microphagous grazer). (C) Littorina littorea (microphagous grazer). (D) Strombus mutabilis (microphagous grazer). (E) Conus jaspideus (carnivorous predator). Scale bar, 100 m. (F) obsoleta (opportunistic scavenger). Scale bar, 100 m except E, 1 mm. Abbreviations: ce, cecal extension; cf, ciliated fold; cs, ciliated strip; ct, ciliary tract; dd, duct of digestive gland; dv, digestive diverticulum; e, esophagus; gap, gastric pouch; gp, glandular pad; gs, gastric shield; if, intestinal fl ap; pc, pyloric cecum; sa, sorting area; ss, style sac; t1, major typhlosole. Reproduced from Strong (2003). digestive gland vestibule bearing the apertures of closely related superfamilies (1999, 2000b, of the digestive gland ducts (dv) and pyloric 2001, 2002, 2004a, b, 2005, 2006). These and cecae at the distal end of the style sac (pc). The ongoing studies of some superfamilies, including latter were also found to be present in cypraeids, representatives for most caenogastropod families, where they are probably convergent, as are vari- have generated much new comparative anatomi- ous cecal extensions (ce), which originate from cal data. The overall intention of this work was to different portions of the stomach. obtain a better defi nition of each superfamily and Simone has studied the anatomy of over 250 their relationships. Some details resulting from species in most extant families and carried out cla- his unpublished analyses are outlined later in the distic analyses at the level of superfamily or groups Summary of Major Groups section.

caenogastropoda 349 Simone’s work has paid particular attention to the odontophore and buccal muscles, clari- fying their homology and standardizing their terminology. These muscles are reduced in number in comparison with those of vetigas- tropods and neritimorphs, in part related to the possession of a single pair of odontophoral car- tilages. Additionally, the muscles between the odontophoral cartilages and the radula stretch over the odontophoral cartilages (Figure 13.9). The main muscles of the caenogastropod odon- tophore (Figure 13.10) are the pair of lateral- dorsal tensor muscles of the radula (called “m4” in Simone’s papers). These large muscles are located mostly between the cartilages and FIGURE 13.9. Modifi cation of the main tensor muscle of subradular membrane, an arrangement that the radula (m4) as an example of odontophoral muscle prevents the two structures from sliding across modifi cations in caenogastropods. Most other muscles each other, except in neogastropods, in which and structures are not shown. (A) Typical vetigastropod (e.g., [Haliotidae], Calliostoma []) with sliding movements between the radula and car- two pairs of cartilages and several pairs of muscles; tilages occur. In that group, the pair of ventral showing left side of odontophore (internal view), with tensor muscles of the radula, that is responsible most structures except cartilages and adjacent muscles removed. (B–E) Typical basal caenogastropod (e.g., for the sliding movement, appears to be derived [Cerithiidae]; B, corresponding view to A, with a from median fi bers of the m4 muscles, not the single muscle (m4) present. C, ventral view, right half (left ventral tensor muscles as in neritimorphs and in fi gure) removed, some adjacent structures also shown; vetigastropods. connection between subradular membrane (br) and tensor muscle (m4) suggesting its function as a tensor. D, dorsal Ontogenetic data for some apomorphic view; E, schematic representation of position of left m4 structures in the anterior gut have proved use- in odontophore, most other muscles not shown. Not to ful in testing putative homologies. Such stud- scale. Abbreviations: ac, anterior cartilage; br, subradular membrane; dt, dorsal tensor muscle of radula; ir, insertion ies include the development of the anterior of m4 in radular sac; m4, main tensor muscle of radula; gut (e.g., Page and Pedersen 1998; Page 2000, m8, approximator muscle of cartilages; mj, peribuccal 2002, 2005), the neogastropod accessory sali- muscles; oc, odontophore cartilage; pc, posterior cartilage; ra, radula; rn, radular nucleus; rs, radular sac; sc, vary glands (Ball et al. 1997b), and the proboscis subradular cartilage; vt, ventral tensor muscle of radula. (Ball et al. 1997a; Ball 2002). Similarly, recent Illustrations from Simone (2000a). detailed studies of the anatomy, histology, and ultrastructure of gut structures, such as those on the osphradium have been valuable in gas- by E. Andrews (e.g., anal gland, Andrews 1992; tropod phylogenetic studies but do not provide digestive gland, Andrews 2000; salivary glands, resolution within Sorbeoconcha. Scanning elec- Andrews 1991; Andrews et al. 1999) have pro- tron micrographic (SEM) studies of osphradial vided data to test phylogenetic relationships. surface morphology (Taylor and Miller 1989) showed many features with potential phyloge- ULTRASTRUCTURAL DATA netic utility (e.g., leafl et structure, ciliary pat- Ultrastructural information on sperm and sen- terns/type) in the families they examined, but sory organs has contributed signifi cantly to our most of these results have not yet been suffi - current understanding of gastropod phylogeny, ciently developed or scored in enough taxa to be but other tissues may prove equally useful in the incorporated in analyses. future if investigated in comparable detail. The Spermatozoa of caenogastropods are struc- ultrastructural fi ndings of Haszprunar (1985a) turally complex, are usually strongly dimorphic

350 caenogastropoda FIGURE 13.10. Main odontophore intrinsic muscles showing modifi cations in different clades. (A, B) Cyclophoridae (Neocyclotus), A, dorsal view of whole odontophore with superfi cial layers of muscles and structures removed, both cartilages defl ected from each other, middle region of radular ribbon also shown, left m5 (right in fi gure) defl ected; B, left half mainly shown, horizontal muscle (m6) sectioned longitudinally, most muscles defl ected showing multiple components of m4 (m4 m4a and branches) suggesting multiple origins. (C) left half of an ampullariid () odontophore in dorsal view with most muscles and cartilage defl ected; m4 still multiple (bottom in fi gure) but simpler than in cyclophorids. (D) Dorsal view of the odontophore of an annulariid (Annularia),with superfi cial structures and muscles removed. This represents the basic type of odontophore of Viviparoidea Sorbeoconcha (except neogastropods) with each m4 a simple, strong muscular mass. Both cartilages are defl ected and the middle part of the radular sac also shown. (E–F) odontophore of a calyptraeid (Crepidula), with most muscles seen as if the superfi cial structures were transparent. This represents further modifi cation in Calyptraeoidea, where most of the intrinsic muscles have become directly attached to the subradular membrane; E, ventral view, F, dorsal view. (G–H) Odontophore of a pseudolivid (Benthobia), representing a basal neogastropod, where the pair of ventral tensor muscle of the radula (m11) become stronger, indicating that the radula has reverted to undertaking sliding movements; G, ventral view, some structures seen by transparency; H, ventral view, superfi cial structures and dorsal portion of radular ribbon removed, both cartilages slightly defl ected. Abbreviations: br, subradular membrane; bv, blood vessel; ir, insertion of m4 in radular sac; is, insertion of m5 in radular sac; m2, retractor muscle of odontophore; m2a, continuation of m2 connected also in cartilages and subradular membrane (only in some calyptraeoideans); m3, superfi cial circular muscle; m4, main dorsal tensor muscle of radula; m5, accessory dorsal tensor muscle of radula; m6, horizontal muscle; m7, muscle running inside radular sac; m8, bending muscle of cartilage (only in some calyptraeoideans); m10, protractor muscle of odontophore; m11, ventral tensor muscle of radula; m12–m13, accessories of m6; m14, ventral protractor muscle of odontophore; mj, jaw or peribuccal muscle; mt, transversal superfi cial muscle; oa, auxiliary cartilage; oc, odontophore cartilage; ra, radula; rn, radular nucleus; rs, radular sac; sc, subradular cartilage. A–D from Simone (2004b); E–F from Simone (2002); G–H from Simone (2003). FIGURE 13.11. Types of gastropod paraspermatozoa: (A) with anterior and posterior tail (, Neritimorpha); (B) with head and posterior tail tuft (e.g., Cerithiidae, Cerithioidea); (C) with undulating lateral wings (Strombidae, Stromboidea); (D) with numerous attached eusperm (e.g., Epitoniidae, Janthinoidea); (E) vermiform (Cypraeidae, Cypraeoidea); (F) round (, Muricidae, Muricoidea); (G) vermiform (Terebridae, Conoidea). Source of fi gures: Nishiwaki (1964).

(for reviews see Healy 1988a, 1996a; Buckland- the latter type often showing distinctive shapes that Nicks 1998), and have provided many important are taxon specifi c even at the light- microscopic characters. For this reason, a detailed summary level (see Figure 13.11; Nishiwaki 1964; Tochimoto follows. 1967). For example, the parasperm in Strombidae Much of the work on sperm morphology (Figure 13.11C) have lateral, undulating “wings.” has been directed towards the phenomenon of and the ptenoglossan families (except Eulimi- sperm dimorphism (sometimes polymorphism) dae) (Figure 13.11D) have large paraspermatozoa seen in many caenogastropods5 (for reviews or bearing hundreds of attached euspermatozoa— comparative accounts see Melone et al. 1980; an association known as a “spermatozeugma.” Healy and Jamieson 1981; Giusti and Selmi 1982; Paraspermatozoa are apparently absent in some Healy 1988a; Hodgson 1997; Buckland-Nicks taxa (e.g., Eulimoidea, Naticoidea, Rissooidea) 1998; Bulnheim 2000). In such instances, fertile (Kohnert and Storch 1984; Koike 1985; Healy sperm (euspermatozoa) are accompanied by co- 1988a, 1996a). occurring nonfertile sperm (paraspermatozoa), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has revealed taxa-specifi c features within euspermatozoa that are not visible at the light- 5. Paraspermatozoa are also known in Neritimorpha and some (see Nishiwaki 1964; Healy microscopic level or with SEM, namely, internal 1988a, 1990e). details of the acrosome, nucleus, midpiece, and

352 caenogastropoda glycogen deposits (Figure 13.12).6 Although not While a few vetigastropods (e.g., Healy 1990e) all groups of caenogastropods show wide diver- have parasperm, heterobranch euspermatozoa gences in eusperm or parasperm ultrastruc- are not accompanied by paraspermatozoa. Het- ture (e.g., some families of Neogastropoda), erobranch eusperm are characterized by, among the internal structure of the eusperm midpiece other things, a rounded acrosomal vesicle and a in particular can be very informative, with very complex, continuous mitochondrial sheath caenogastropod higher taxa differing in the (Figure 13.12C, E, M, N) (often with paracrystal- number of periaxonemal mitochondria, their line layers and an enclosed glycogen helix) (e.g., arrangement relative to the axoneme, and the Thompson 1973; Anderson and Personne 1976; structure of the mitochondrial cristae (plates) Healy 1983b, 1988a, 1990d, 1993b, 1996a; Healy or their derivatives (Figure 13.12H–L; contrast and Willan 1984, 1991; Giusti et al. 1991; Hodg- with Figure 13.12D, F showing midpiece of gas- son and Healy 1998; Wilson and Healy 2002; tropod aquasperm of a vetigastropod). Thus, Fahey and Healy 2003). for example, Campaniloidea are characterized by seven to eight straight mitochondria with DEVELOPMENTAL DATA unmodifi ed cristae, partly enclosed by a sheath While there is a great deal of data on caenogas- of dense (probably non-mitochondrial), seg- tropod larval and intracapsular development mented structures (Figure 13.12L); Cerithioidea (e.g., Thorson 1946; Fretter and Graham 1962, have four straight mitochondria with com- 1994; Fioroni 1966, 1982; Bandel 1975), good plex, parallel cristae and lack any segmented data is lacking for some groups. sheath (see Figure 13.12K); and Cyclophoroidea Detailed studies on early cleavage and embry- are intermediate between these two, though, ology have been undertaken on relatively few like the Cerithioidea, lack the campaniloidean taxa, these including two viviparids (Johansson dense sheath (Figure 13.12I). Families such as 1951; Tanaka et al. 1987), an ampullariid (Demian Campanilidae, Cerithiopsidae, , and Yousif 1973a), a turritellid (Kennedy and and Vermetidae have been excluded from Ceri- Keegan 1992), a strombid (D’Asaro 1965), a thioidea largely based on the results of com- calyptraeid (Conklin 1897), a naticid (Bondar parative eusperm ultrastructure (Healy 1983a, and Page 2003), a bursid and personid (D’Asaro 1988b, 1990a, b; for discussion and literature 1969), two muricids (D’Asaro 1966; Stockmann- see Healy 1996a, 2000). Some families whose Bosbach 1988), two nassariids (Tomlinson 1987), affi nities were uncertain, even after anatomi- a melongenid (Conklin 1907), and a columbellid cal study, could be placed within the system- (Bondar and Page 2003). atic framework of the Caenogastropoda on Different modes and timings of D quadrant examination of their sperm. For example, Ple- formation during early embryo development siotrochus, long considered a cerithiid and later are characteristic of different gastropod clades separated as a distinct cerithioidean family (Freeman and Lundelius 1992; van den Bigge- (, Houbrick 1990), was shown laar, 1996; van den Biggelaar and Haszprunar to have Campanile-like eusperm and parasp- 1996; Guralnick and Lindberg 2001; Lindberg erm (Healy 1993a; see Figure 13.12L). Moreover, and Guralnick 2003). These include the pres- and Campanile share a simple lar- ence of either unequal cell cleavage or polar val shell morphology (Kiel et al. 2000), which lobes and the cell stage (i.e., number of cells) is also present in other Recent and fossil basal at which the 4d cell forms and timing of the caenogastropods (Nützel and Pan 2005). formation of the 2a–2d and 3a–3d lineages. Although known only from a relatively small number of taxa, these characters show that 6. For broad, comparative studies see Giusti 1971; Healy 1983a, 1988a, 1996a; Kohnert and Storch 1984; caenogastropods have a unique cleavage pat- Koike 1985 and literature therein. tern, with the fi rst cleavages associated with

caenogastropoda 353

FIGURE 13.12. (Opposite.) Gastropod euspermatozoan features. (A) Basic features of caenogastropod euspermatozoon in littorinid (a, acrosomal complex, an, annulus, gp, glycogen piece, mp, midpiece, n, nucleus). (B) Acrosomal vesicle (av) (conical) of Bembicium auratum: note the accessory membrane (am). (C) Acrosomal vesicle (rounded) associated with acrosomal pedestal (ap) and anterior portion of nucleus and axoneme in the heterobranch Rissoella micra. (D) Eusperm of pleurotomariid, Perotrochus westralis, showing irregular spaces in nucleus (nuclear lacunae) and short midpiece with relatively unmodifi ed mitochondria. (E) Nucleus-midpiece junction of euspermatozoon, showing coarse fi bers (cf) and complex mitochondrial sheath (with internal glycogen helix). (F–N) eusperm midpiece in transverse section (F, , 4 round, “unmodifi ed” mitochondrial cristae; G, Neritidae, 2 straight mitochondria; H, Littorinidae, 6–10 helical mitochondria with “unmodifi ed” cristae, the commonest pattern in Caenogastropoda; I–K, with parallel cristal plates, Cyclophoroidea, 7–8 straight mitochondria; J, most Ampullarioidea, 4 helical mitochondria; K, Cerithioidea, 4 straight mitochondria; L, Campaniloidea, 7–8 straight mitochondria, accompanied by a dense segmented sheath; M, , Heterobranchia, continuous sheath [ms] with helical grooves, and thick coarse fi bers; N, most other Heterobranchia, continuous sheath with paracrystalline layers and glycogen helix [gh]). Sources of fi gures: A, B, H: Healy (1996b); C, M, N: Healy (1993b); D: Healy (1990c); E: Healy and Willan (1991), F: Healy (1988c), G: Healy (1988a, 1993b); I–L: Healy (1993a). polar lobe formation (van den Biggelaar and There is considerable morphological varia- Haszprunar 1996). tion in caenogastropod spawn, ranging from Studies on organogenesis are relatively few, gelatinous masses to benthic or pelagic cap- with the most comprehensive being those of sules. The capsules may be complex, with deli- Demian and Yousif (1973a–d, 1975) on cate to tough walls, and their shape and size can (Ampullariidae). Recent detailed studies by Ball vary within families and genera (e.g., Thorson et al. (1997a, b), Ball (2002), Page (2000, 2002, 1946; Fretter and Graham 1962). This varia- 2005), Page and Pederson (1998), Pederson and tion may be in response to selective pressures, Page (2000), and Parries and Page (2003) on the because the encapsulating structures reduce ontogenetic development of the anterior gut have embryo mortality through protection from substantially added to the available data, although predation, salinity stress, desiccation, bacterial some key taxa (e.g., ptenoglossan groups) attack, and, possibly, ultraviolet light (Rawlings have not yet been studied. In some proboscis- 1994; Przeslawski 2004). Some adults actively bearing gastropods— (Velutinidae) defend their spawn from predators, whereas (Page 2002), the naticid Euspira (Page and others brood capsules in the mantle cavity, Pedersen 1998, Pedersen and Page 2000), and oviduct, foot, shell , or even a special the direct-developing neogastropods (Ball chamber in the head. et al. 1997a) and Conus (Ball 2002)—the new anterior gut develops independently to the larval FOSSIL RECORD gut and opens at the larval mouth at metamor- The origin and the early evolution of Caeno- phosis. However, during the development of the gastropoda are summarized by Fr´yda et al. anterior gut in the planktonic larva of Nassarius (Chapter 10). Putative caenogastropods fi rst (Fretter 1969; Page 2000, 2005), the larval appeared during the Early gastropod mouth is sealed off and a new postmetamorphic radiation (c. 490 Mya) (e.g., Loxonematidae, mouth, develops into which the new anterior gut Subulitidae), although their identity as caeno- structures (including the proboscis) open. This gastropods is not confi rmed because informa- separated development has been postulated to tion on shell microstructure and protoconchs facilitate a rapid switch from larval microherbiv- is not available. It is likely that the last com- ory to postlarval carnivory. It will be of great inter- mon ancestor of all extant caenogastropods est to see whether this arrangement is common lived in the Paleozoic prior to the Carbonifer- in other carnivorous proboscidate caenogastro- ous and that some stem groups of the various pods with planktotrophic development, and, if crown group clades were present in the Early not, how this transition is achieved. Paleozoic.

caenogastropoda 355 Recently suggested hypotheses regarding shell, and closure of the protoconch umbilicus caenogastropod ancestory include Wagner’s as apogastropod apomorphies. (2002) analysis of early gastropods based on tele- Caenogastropods have a rich fossil record oconch characters. He suggested that in the Early from the , with about one-third Paleozoic the Murchisoniinae gave rise to four of the approximately 190 families extinct groups, among them the hormotomoids and eoto- (Bouchet and Rocroi 2005). Many superfami- marioids, the latter being possible precursors of lies and orders with living representatives (e.g., modern vetigastropods. Hormotomoids split into Rissooidea, Cerithioidea, Stromboidea, some loxonematids, subulitids, and, according to his “Ptenoglossa”7) have a fossil record from the hypothesis, apogastropods (i.e., Caenogastropoda early Mesozoic or even late Paleozoic (e.g., Heterobranchia) arose from the hormotomoid- Bandel 1993; Nützel 1998; Nützel and Erwin loxonematid lineage (i.e., subulitids are the sister 2004; Kaim 2004). Supposed basal caeno- group of loxonematids and apogastropods). gastropods, such as Cerithioidea, Rissooi- Fr´yda (1999) assumed that Caenogastropoda dea, and Littorinoidea, as well as some fossil and Heterobranchia arose from the Perunelo- groups were assigned to a paraphyletic Palaeo- morpha, a Paleozoic (Ordovician to Devonian) Caenogastropoda (Bandel 1993, 2002). Proto- group characterized by an open-coiled initial conch morphology and shell microstructure is protoconch whorl and, commonly, fusiform currently available from the Devonian/Carbon- teleoconchs (Fr´yda 2001; Fr´yda et al., Chapter 10, iferous onward (ca. 350–400 Mya). Figures 10.4, 10.9) (Figure 13.6I–K). Perunelo- The oldest known gastropod with a preserved morpha was left without assignment to a caenogastropod-type larval shell, the Devonian higher category by Fr´yda (1999). Bandel (2002) Pragoscutula, has a limpet-shaped teleoconch included them in the Procaenogastropoda, a (Fr´yda 2001; see Fr´yda et al., Chapter 10, poorly characterized and heterogeneous assem- Figure 10.10E) and was included in Neritimor- blage of Paleozoic caenogastropods (Nützel and pha by Bouchet and Rocroi (2005) because Pan 2005) (discussed subsequently). To date, the larval shell of the Devonian Pragoscutula no explicit phylogenetic hypothesis has been is similar to that of some fossil neritimorphs presented clarifying the systematic placement (Figure 13.6A, B; see subsequent discussion). of Perunelomorpha. Late Paleozoic perunelo- However, this conclusion was reassessed fol- morphs (Family Imoglobidae) seem to be lowing examination of recently discovered Early caenogastropods, as suggested by their teleo- Carboniferous pragoscutulid limpets from conch morphology and dextral planktotrophic that have slender, caenogastropod- larval shell (Nützel et al. 2000; Nützel and like larval shells. Pragoscutulids are now inter- Pan 2005). Fr´yda (1999: fi g. 7) suggested that preted as early (but derived) caenogastropods Perunelomorpha split into Caenogastropoda (Cook et al., in press). It is unlikely that the fi rst and Heterobranchia, but Fr´yda was not explicit caenogastropods were limpets, because if there about possible sister group relationships, and had been a reversal from limpet to coiled shells no apomorphies were given. in ancestral caenogastropods, there would be Kaim’s (2004: fi g. 140) phylogenetic scheme signifi cant anatomical implications, of which (Figure 13.5A) assumes a sister group relation- there is no hint in modern taxa. ship of Heterobranchia and Caenogastropoda. Open-coiled protoconchs are present in As in several previous scenarios, Kaim (2004) several Paleozoic gastropod clades (notably placed Loxonematidae as the stem group of the Perunelomorpha), but this character was apogastropods, while the apogastropod sister lost by the Mesozoic (Nützel and Fr´yda 2003). group was an unresolved cluster of taxa previ- ously included in “Archaeogastropoda.” Kaim (2004: fi g. 140) noted loss of nacre, high-spired 7. Triphoroidea, Janthinoidea, and .

356 caenogastropoda Open-coiled protoconchs may represent the ple- and were united in the order Procyclophorida siomorphic state in caenogastropods. Based on by Bandel (2002). Others, however (e.g., Solem exceptionally well-preserved material, several and Yochelson 1979), interpreted most of these Late Paleozoic families have been reported that Paleozoic nonmarine snails as pulmonates. possess multiwhorled larval shells (indicat- Even if the oldest (Carboniferous) nonmarine ing planktotrophy) with well-separated, ortho- snails were architaenioglossans, it still remains strophic whorls, aragonitic crossed-lamellar an open question as to which marine group (or shell structure, a high-spired or fusiform shape, groups) gave rise to them. Caenogastropoda are and, in some, anterior siphonal structures (e.g., almost certainly much older than Carbonifer- Yoo 1994; Nützel and Cook 2002; Bandel et ous, but the assumption of a basal split between al. 2002; Bandel 2002; Pan and Erwin 2002; architaenioglossan groups and other caenogas- Nützel and Pan 2005) (Figures 13.6C–M), tropods (Sorbeoconcha) is neither supported or characters strongly suggestive of caenogastro- rejected by the fossil record. Because there are pod affi nities (see also Fr´yda et al., Chapter 10). several synapomorphies for the sorbeoconchs However, their relationships to Mesozoic and that suggest that the architaenioglossan grade/ extant caenogastropod clades are unclear. clade lies outside them, it remains a plausible Late Paleozoic Orthonematidae and the slit- hypothesis that the architaenioglossan lineage bearing Goniasmatidae (Figure 13.6E–G) are prob- (or lineages) is older than the known fossil ably stem group members of the Cerithioidea; record suggests. they share a simple caenogastropod-type larval The Paleozoic/Mesozoic Zygopleuroidea shell similar to that seen in extant basal caenogas- (Figures 13.6L, M, 13.13C–E) contains some tropods such as Cerithioidea (Nützel 1998; Nüt- groups of the traditional polyphyletic Loxonem- zel and Bandel 2000; Bandel et al. 2002; Nützel atoidea (Bandel 1991a; Nützel 1998). The zygo- 2002; Nützel and Pan 2005). The same type pleuroid group represents a grade (Nützel 1998), of larval shell was also reported in Cretaceous or, in its present composition, even a polyphyletic Campaniloidea, corroborating the basal position assemblage, which encompasses close relatives of that group (Kiel et al. 2000). The Devonian of extant Janthinoidea and Triphoroidea (Bandel Murchisonia (Murchisoniidae) superfi - 1991a; Nützel 1998). It is also possible that the cially resembles these Late Paleozoic high-spired zygopleuroid group (grade) contains the ances- caenogastropods, but Murchisonia is a high-spired tors of the Rissooidea and Stromboidea, as indi- vetigastropod (Fr´yda et al., Chapter 10). cated by a zygopleuroid teleoconch morphology A scenario that sees the nonmarine Architae- (high with axial ribs) present in several nioglossa as the sister group of all other caeno- early members of these superfamilies. The old- gastropods (Sorbeoconcha) is, not surprisingly, est certain Rissooidea were reported from the unsupported by the fossil record. Because all earliest Middle Jurassic (Gründel 1999b; Kaim extant architaenioglossans are nonmarine and 2004) (Figure 13.13F). The earliest stromboi- direct developers, they do not build larval shells. deans are Aporrhaidae from the Early Jurassic Thus, their protoconchs cannot be meaningfully (Figure 13.13K, L). Houbrick (1979) suggested compared with those of marine planktotrophic that the non-planktotrophic Abyssochrysidae caenogastropods. Similarly, the recognition of were modern representatives of the Loxonema- potential ancestral teleoconchs may be com- toidea (i.e., zygopleuroid group). plicated by the assumed Paleozoic marine rep- The traditional Subulitoidea from the middle resentives having shell morphologies distinct and late Paleozoic form a polyphyletic assem- from those of modern architaenioglossans. blage of caenogastropods (Nützel et al. 2000; The earliest nonmarine gastropods that may be Fr´yda 2001) (Figures 13.6H–K). Their relation- related to architaenioglossans are of Carbonifer- ship to the early Paleozoic subulitids is unclear, as ous age (Wenz 1938–1944; Knight et al. 1960) are their links to modern groups. It is very likely

caenogastropoda 357 FIGURE 13.13. Selected Mesozoic (Triassic/Jurassic) caenogastropods. (A, B) Protorcula (Protorculidae) from the Late Triassic (Carnian, c. 230 Mya; Cassian Formation, northern Italy), a close relative of the modern cerithiopsids (from Nützel 1998); A, height 3.8 mm; B, larval shell, height 2.2 mm. (C, D) (Zygopleuridae) from the Late Triassic (Carnian, c. 230 Mya; Cassian Formation, northern Italy); the Zygopleuridae may be related to either modern Janthinoidea or Rissooidea (from Nützel 1998); C, height 5.9 mm; D, larval shell, height 1.0 mm. (E) Ampezzopleura (Zygopleuridae) from the Early Triassic Monekopi Formation (c. 247 Mya; Utah, United States); this genus appeared shortly after the end-Permian mass extinction and may be related to the late Paleozoic Pseudozygopleuridae (see Figure 13.6L, M); height 1.4 mm. (F) Bralitzia ( Palaeorissoina) (Rissoidae) from the Early/Middle Jurassic (Toarcian/Aalenian, ca. 180 Mya; southern Germany); Bralitzia is an early rissoid; the teleoconch morphology indicates a possible close relationship with the Zygopleuroidea; height 1.5 mm. (G–I) Jurassic/Triassic species of Cryptaulax, a typical, widespread genus of early Mesozoic Cerithioidea ( or Cryptaulacidae); like many modern Cerithioidea, they commonly posses bicarinate larval shells; G, Late Triassic (Norian, c. 210 Mya, western United States), height 10.5 mm; H, Middle Jurassic (southern Germany), showing typical bicarinate larval shell; height 0.8 mm. I, Early/Middle Jurassic (c. 180 Mya, S Germany); height 15.4 mm. (J) Cerithimorph caenogastropod from the Late Triassic (Carnian, c. 230 Mya, Cassian Formation, northern Italy); perhaps an offshoot of the Paleozoic Orthonematidae; height 1.6 mm. (K, L) Dicroloma (Aporrhaidae) from the Early/Middle Jurassic (c. 180 Mya; southern Germany); this early member of the Stromboidea has a relatively large, smooth larval shell; the typical apertural spines are broken away; K, height 8.7 mm; L, height 2.5 mm. (M) Angularia () from the Norian (c. 210 Mya; Idaho, United States); members of this family were sometimes thought to be ancestral or closely related to neogastropods; height 11.8 mm (from Nützel and Erwin 2004). (N) Astandes (?) ( Maturifusus) (Maturifusidae) from the Norian (ca. 210 Mya; Idaho, United States), one of the earliest distinctly siphonostomatous gastropods with cancellate teleoconch ornament. It could be ancestral or closely related to neogastropods; height 11.8 mm (from Nützel and Erwin 2004). (O, P) Astandes ( Maturifusus) from the early Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) (c. 154 Mya; Russia) (from Guzhov 2004, by courtesy of A. Guzhov); O, teleoconch showing distinct siphonal canal, height 13.3 mm; P, relatively large planktotrophic larval shell; height 1.2 mm. that the Early Paleozoic (Ordovician/) moreover, a number of modern cerithioideans Subulitidae (“true subulitids”) are caenogas- lack an anterior canal whereas some putative tropods, as indicated by their fusiform shape procerithiids have a well-developed canal. Thus, and the presence of anterior siphonal canals. the separation of these two superfamilies is not However, no data about their protoconch mor- justifi ed. Several families (Ladinulidae, Lanas- phology and shell microstructure are available. calidae, Popenellidae, and Prostyliferidae) from The same is true for the Permian Ischnoptyg- the Late Triassic Cassian Formation (Bandel matidae, which are probably closely related 1992), based on their larval shell morphology, to the Soleniscidae. Some subulitoid families can be included within Cerithioidea. (Soleniscidae, Meekospiridae, Imoglobidae, One of the reasons why gastropods (and par- Sphaerodomidae) were placed in a subclass ticularly caenogastropods) are so diverse is their Procaenogastropoda by Bandel (2002), a taxon supposed “extinction resistance” (Erwin and largely based on a single character: a seemingly Signor 1990). However, it is obvious that the fl uent protoconch/teleoconch transition. How- end-Permian mass extinction event about 250 ever, the material on which this observation was Mya ago had a major impact on the evolution based was worn, with better-preserved material of caenogastropods (Nützel and Erwin 2002; indicating that members of this group have a Nützel 2005). Important late Paleozoic families normal caenogastropod protoconch (Nützel and (e.g., the Pseudozygopleuridae; Figure 13.6L, M) Pan 2005). These families are now regarded as became extinct or were marginalized. During the early Caenogastropoda (see Bouchet and Rocroi recovery period there was a high degree of turn- 2005 for current classifi cation). over, and many new genera and several families Subulitoid gastropods, especially Solenisci- appeared (e.g., Ampezzopleura, Figure 13.13E; dae, survived the end-Permian mass extinction Nützel and Erwin 2002; Nützel 2005). The rise event (Nützel 2005) and are possible ancestors of the modern, strongly ornamented cerithioide- of Mesozoic to modern caenogastropod clades. ans (Figure 13.13G–I) started in the Triassic and Mesozoic descendants are possibly included in could represent a recovery phenomenon. The the families Coelostylinidae and Pseudomela- impact of the end-Triassic mass extinction event niidae, which represented extremely diverse, on gastropods has not been well studied. Some largely Mesozoic caenogastropod groups. Gen- widespread genera, such as Protorcula (Protorcu- erally they possessed high-spired to conical, lidae; Figure 13.13A, B), seemingly became extinct smooth teleoconchs and probably contained in the latest Triassic. As far as we know, the end- descendants of late Paleozoic subulitoids as well Cretaceous mass extinction event did not have a as other caenogastropods of yet unknown affi n- major impact on caenogastropod evolution, as ity. In their present composition, both families no major group became extinct. Highly diverse are almost certainly polyphyletic. extant groups (such as neogastropods, tonnoi- The Late Triassic to Jurassic/Cretaceous deans, Turritellidae, cerithiopsoideans, eulimoi- Procerithiidae (Figure 13.13G–I) were globally deans, and rissooideans) started to radiate in distributed and diverse (e.g., Gründel 1999a; the Cretaceous and continued to undergo major Nützel and Erwin 2004, Kaim 2004; Guzhov radiations in the Cenozoic. Conversely, a few 2004). Many of them have bicarinate larval previously diverse families in the late Mesozoic– shells, as in some Recent Cerithioidea (e.g., Kow- early Cenozoic (e.g., Campanilidae; Aporrhaidae) alke 1998, pl. 2). Procerithiidae were included have few living species. in a separate superfamily (Procerithioidea) and distinguished from modern cerithioidean fami- MOLECULAR STUDIES lies largely on the lack of a pronounced anterior Some of the more signifi cant molecular analy- siphonal notch or canal. In all other respects ses, including smaller groups of caenogastro- the shells of both groups are very similar, and, pods, are listed above. To date, DNA sequence

caenogastropoda 359 FIGURE 13.14. Some previous caenogastropod phylogenies using molecular data. (A) Strict consensus tree from a maximum-likelihood (ML) analysis using partial 18S rDNA of mainly lower caenogastropod taxa (Harasewych et al. 1998). (B) Single ML tree obtained from partial 18S rDNA of neogastropods using Cerithium as the outgroup (Harasewych et al. 1997). data has also been used to address more general additional segment of 28S ribosomal DNA, small questions regarding caenogastropod evolution. nuclear RNA U2, and part of cytochrome c oxi- These include the monophyly of Caenogas- dase subunit 1. A larger survey of caenogastropod tropoda itself, Architaenioglossa, Sorbeoconcha, molecular phylogeny (Colgan et al. 2007) added Hypsogastropoda, Ptenoglossa, Neogastropoda, additional data (two segments of 28S ribosomal and several superfamilies for which multiple DNA, histone H3, and cytochrome c oxidase sub- exemplars are available. The published molecu- unit 1) and new data from additional genes (part lar investigations that included a wide range of of 12S rDNA domain III, another region of the caenogastropod taxa are summarized below. 28S rDNA) and part of the 18S ribosomal DNA Harasewych et al. (1997) sequenced parts of the and elongation factor 1 alpha) were also added. 18S rDNA gene in 21 caenogastropods (17 neo- The data set comprised more than four thousand gastropods) and part of cytochrome c oxidase 1 aligned bases for 29 caenogastropods (six non- for 17 of these (16 Neogastropoda) (Figure 13.14B). hypsogastropods and 23 Hypsogastropoda) and Harasewych et al. (1998) sequenced parts of the six outgroup taxa. One of the trees resulting from 18S rDNA gene in 19 caenogastropods, including this analysis is shown in Figure 13.15. Of particu- fi ve Architaenioglossa (two species of Cyclopho- lar interest is the division into “asiphonate” and roidea, two Ampullariidae, and one Viviparidae), “siphonate” clades, support for the Hypsogas- Campaniloidea, and Cerithioidea (three spe- tropoda, the non-monophyly of the neogastro- cies) (Figure 13.14A). McArthur and Harasewych pods, and the long branch length exhibited by the (2003) included 18S rDNA data from 23 caeno- eatoniellid (see Colgan et al. 2007, for detailed gastropods in their Bayesian analysis of overall discussion). gastropod phylogeny but obtained very little res- Caenogastropod monophyly has generally olution within a monophyletic Caenogastropoda been supported in synoptic molecular studies with Heterobranchia as the monophyletic sister of Gastropoda, although these included lim- taxon. Included in Colgan et al.’s (2000) study of ited representation. This was observed for the overall gastropod phylogeny were 17 caenogastro- six caenogastropods included in Tillier et al.’s pod taxa scored for two segments of 28S rDNA (1992) study of D1 28S rDNA. The fi ve represen- and histone H3. Colgan et al. (2003), with 16 tatives included in McArthur and Koop (1999) caenogastropod taxa, added three extra genes, an were monophyletic in parsimony analyses (but

360 caenogastropoda FIGURE 13.15. Maximum likelihood tree obtained by Colgan et al. (2007: fi g. 2). Numbers on the branches are the maximum-likelihood bootstrap support percentages over 50. Higher-level taxa are indicated by bars to the right of the topology. * indicates a nonmonophyletic group. The scale bar is graduated in units of 0.01 substitutions per site. not maximum likelihood) when data from analysis. In addition to the more traditional char- both D1 and D6 28S rDNA expansion regions acters associated with the shell, radula, head- was included. In the larger studies, monophyly foot, nervous system, alimentary canal, kidney, was observed in Harasewych et al. (1998) and and reproductive system, recent studies have McArthur and Harasewych (2003), in all anal- targeted the complex musculature of the buccal yses in Colgan et al. (2007), and in some but mass/ proboscis (Simone 2001, 2002, 2004a, not all analyses in Colgan et al. (2003), with b, 2005; Kantor 1988, 1990, 1991; Kantor and the exceptions mostly due to the inclusion in Taylor 1991), the stomach (Strong 2003; Kantor Caenogastropoda of the sequenced neritimorph 2003) and radular development (Guralnick and or the exclusion of the cyclophorid. Monophyly Smith 1999). The full character list and data set has never been strongly contradicted. are available at http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/ science/archived_data.php. MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS The morphological terminals coded in the Ponder and Lindberg’s (1997) data set of 117 analysis that generated the tree in Figure 13.16 morphological characters was used as a start- are composite family-level terminals in order to ing point to develop characters appropriate to minimize ambiguity and decrease the amount of the fi ner levels of resolution required in this missing data. Although not ideal, this approach

caenogastropoda 361 FIGURE 13.16. Strict-consensus tree generated from the morphological data by a heuristic search using PAUP* with 1,000 replications using random addition sequence, tree bisection-recombination (TBR) and with steepest descent not invoked, resulted in 72 trees (length 668, CI 0.436, RI 0.713, RC 0.311, HI 0.564). Bootstrap values 50 resulting from 100 replications are shown. has been necessary as a consequence of the information. These few “model” species include often-fragmented anatomical data, with studies , , Littorina focusing on a single organ system or on a sub- littorea, Nucella lapillus, Ilyanassa obsoleta, and set of characters. Thus, there are few caenogas- viviparus. Some large families have tropod species for which large data sources are remained virtually untouched by comparative available, including (but not universally) compre- approaches, with only incomplete information hensive anatomy for each major organ system, available in a few scattered publications (e.g., ultrastructure, histochemistry, as well as develop- cerithiopsids, triphorids), while with others only mental, ecological, karyological, and cytological anatomical information may be available.

362 caenogastropoda Characters and character states in the Ponder molecular data set of Colgan et al. (2007)8 and Lindberg (1997) data set that are rendered with areas of uncertain alignment removed inapplicable by the restricted taxonomic scope and a pruned (taxa only) version of the of this analysis have been omitted (for details morphological data set referred to above. As see data set). Additional characters comprise the molecular dataset is based on species, these features of external anatomy and shell morphol- were aligned with the taxa in the morphologi- ogy that are informative within caenogastropods. cal data set at the family level. The full data The most signifi cant additions are in the areas of set is available at http://www.ucmp.berkeley. buccal musculature, stomach, and nervous sys- edu/science/archived_data.php. A Bayesian ana- tem. In the last decade, as discussed previously, lysis was performed using MrBayes version 3.1.2 the morphological data set for caenogastropods (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001) with two mil- has benefi ted from broad comparative surveys lion iterations and the following parameters: that have signifi cantly added to our knowledge of DNA data nst 6 rates invgamma; unlink caenogastropod anatomy for poorly understood shape (all); pinvar (all); statefreq (all); rev- groups (e.g., epitoniids, cyclophorids, and hip- mat (all); prset ratepr variable; out group Fis- ponicids) and provided characters new to caeno- surellidae; mcmcp ngen 2,000,000; nruns gastropod systematics (Simone 1999, 2000a, 4; printfreq 100; samplefreq 100 nchains 2001, 2002, 2004a, b, 2005; Strong 2003). 4 savebrlens yes startingtree random. 5,000 The eusperm characters included in the trees were discarded to allow for convergence. present study are those we consider the most A strict consensus of the sampled trees is robust and for which substantial amounts of shown in Figure 13.17. The resulting tree con- data are available (and for which comparable tains a monophyletic Caenogastropoda, with data is available for the out groups). The parasp- Heterobranchia the sister taxon. Within Caeno- erm are divided into different types, which are gastropoda, Architaenioglossa is paraphyletic, treated as separate characters, as they are likely the Sorbeoconcha is well supported, with Cam- not homologous. panilidae sister to the remaining sorbeoconchs The dataset of 55 taxa and 164 characters was and the Cerithioidea are sister to the rest (Hypso- used for a maximum-parsimony analysis using gastropoda). The Hypsogastropoda is composed PAUP* ver. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2001); for details of asiphonate and siphonate clades, similar to see caption of Figure 13.16. The strict consensus those found in the molecular analysis (only the tree is shown in Figure 13.16. Caenogastropoda position of Calyptraeidae has changed), although is strongly supported, with a bootstrap value of neither is strongly supported. 95. The architaenioglossan taxa are basal but The neogastropods are monophyletic, with the paraphyletic, and Cerithioidea and Neogastrop- tonnoideans as their sister group, but Latrogas- oda are monophyletic. Sorbeoconcha is weakly tropoda is not recovered because of the inclusion supported, and, while Hypsogastropoda is not of Cypraeidae as the sister to the tonnoideans, supported by bootstrap values greater than even though this has poor support. The pteno- 50%, the Campaniloidea Cerithioidea are well glossans are polyphyletic, with the eulimids sis- supported as a clade separate from the rest of ter to the rissoids; the triphoroidean is in a poorly the sorbeoconchs. The “asiphonate” clade seen supported clade including the littorinid and the in the molecular analysis, is paraphyletic, but heteropod; and the position of the epitoniid is the siphonate clade is supported, with Naticidae unresolved within the “asiphonate group.” being the sister of that group.

COMBINED ANALYSIS 8. The data set used included the architectonicid Philip- pia lutea, which was not in the Colgan et al. (2007) dataset A combined analysis, the fi rst carried out for and 18S data for the pleurotomariid was not included. This caenogastropods, was conducted using the latter data did not infl uence the topology.

caenogastropoda 363 VETIGASTROPODA Pleurotomariidae Neritidae NERITIMORPHA Viviparidae 93 Cyclophoridae Architaenioglossa Ampullariidae 95 Campanilidae 100 Batillariidae Turritellidae 94 Naticidae Epitoniidae Triphoroidea 100 53 Littorinidae 88 85 71 Pterotracheidae 70 Eatoniellidae 63 Rissoidae

89 Eulimidae asiphonate groups 57 Vermetidae 98 Hipponicidae CAENOGASTROPODA 100 Calyptraeidae Sorbeoconcha Xenophoridae 57 100

Strombidae Hypsogastropoda

52 Cypraeidae 97 Ranellidae 100 Tonnidae 84 Nassariidae 99 Mitridae 100 siphonate groups 87 Muricidae Conidae 89 Volutidae 62 Cancellariidae Architectonicidae 93 Cornirostridae Aplustridae HETEROBRANCHIA 86 100 Aplysiidae 80 Amphibolidae FIGURE 13.17. Strict-consensus tree obtained from a Bayesian analysis using the combined morphological dataset and the molecular data from Colgan et al. (2007), with the regions of questionable alignment excluded and an architectonicid (Philippea lutea) included. Named higher-level taxa are indicated by bars to the right of the topology. Clade credibility values (50) are indicated.

SUMMARY OF MAJOR GROUPS (Sorbeoconcha). Haszprunar (1988) could not fi nd support for the monophyly of Architaenio- The following discussion summarizes the major glossa, but this grouping, using morphologi- groups of caenogastropods as determined by cal characters, is weakly supported in Ponder our analyses and other recent work. and Lindberg’s (1997), Strong’s (2003),9 and in our morphological analyses (Figure 13.16). ARCHITAENIOGLOSSA Ponder and Lindberg’s (1996, 1997) morpho- 9. Only two (Cyclophoroidea, Ampullarioidea) of the logical analyses placed Architaenioglossa as three architaenioglossan superfamilies were represented the sister to the rest of the caenogastropods in this analysis.

364 caenogastropoda However, the contained superfamilies are para- With the three superfamilies (Cyclophoroidea, phyletic in Simone’s (2000a, 2004b) analyses Ampullarioidea, and Viviparoidea) comprising (Figure 13.4B) and in our molecular and com- the architaenioglossans forming two or three bined analyses (Figures 13.15, 13.17). Similarly, in branches of basal caenogastropods, there remains most molecular analyses to date, the architae- the puzzling question as to why nonmarine taxa nioglossan groups are basal caenogastropods are the likely sisters to the largely marine caeno- but are not monophyletic (e.g., Figure 13.14A). gastropods, with the most likely assumption Harasewych et al. (1998), the fi rst molecular being that their marine ancestors are extinct. study to include a substantial number of non- However, some molecular analyses (as discussed hypsogastropod caenogastropods, found that previously) suggest that the marine Campaniloi- non-hypsogastropod taxa comprised a mono- dea may be associated with one of these branches. phyletic group in maximum-likelihood analy- Such a relationship is intriguing given the report ses and in parsimony analyses considering of a hypoathroid nervous system in the possible only transversions. Monophyly was not found campaniloidean Cernina (discussed later). in other analyses by Harasewych et al. (1998) or in later analyses of 18S data (McArthur and SORBEOCONCHA Harasewych 2003) or other genes (Colgan et al. This group contains caenogastropods other than 2007), but it remains an hypothesis worthy of the architaenioglossan clade or grade. Within consideration. this grouping, the relative position/relationships Although monophyly of Architaenioglossa is of the Cerithioidea and Campaniloidea (see also rare in analysis of DNA sequences, Colgan et al. previous discussions), which probably represent (2000) showed monophyly of the two included the most primitive extant marine caenogastro- Architaenioglossa, but as sister to Caenogastrop- pods, are unclear because morphological (Ponder oda plus Heterobranchia and Nerita and Nautilus. and Lindberg 1996, 1997; Simone 2000a, In Colgan et al. (2003), the same two Architae- Figure 13.4B; Strong 2003, Figure 13.4A) and nioglossa formed a monophyletic group only in molecular data (Harasewych et al. 1998, Colgan maximum-likelihood analysis of a reduced data et al. 2000, McArthur and Harasewych 2003), set and in Bayesian analyses. In Harasewych give different results (see previous discussion). et al. (1998), Cerithioidea, Ampullariidae, and The enigmatic Campanilidae is represented by Cyclophorioidea were monophyletic. However, a single extant species endemic to southwestern Ampullarioidea and “Architaenioglossa” were Australia. Plesiotrochidae (Houbrick 1990) is never monophyletic in these analyses because of included in Campaniloidea based on sperm mor- the (variable) position of Viviparidae. phology (Healy 1993a). Cernina fl uctuata (previ- While molecular studies have consistently ously included in Naticidae) has a hypoathroid included Campaniloidea in Caenogastropoda nervous system (Kase 1990), suggesting archi- (Harasewych et al. 1998; McArthur and Koop taenioglossan affi nities, but its sperm morphol- 1999; McArthur and Harasewych 2003; Colgan ogy is like that of campaniloideans (Healy and et al. 2000, 2003, 2007), this taxon is grouped Kase, unpublished data; J. M. H., personal obser- with Cyclophoridae (Colgan et al. 2003, some vation), other members of which are epiathroid. analyses; McArthur and Harasewych 2003) or Simone’s (2001) morphological analysis of Ceri- Ampullariidae (McArthur and Koop 1999; Col- thioidea (which lacks sperm data) has Campanile gan et al. 2007, maximum likelihood and some closely related to turritellids and vermetids, with maximum parsimony analyses) rather than as the distinctive characters seen in Campanile and a basal sorbeoconchan as suggested by mor- Vermetidae interpreted as autapomorphies. phology (Ponder and Lindberg 1997; Simone Despite some seemingly good morpho- 2001) and our morphological and combined logical support for Sorbeoconcha (see earlier analyses (Figures 13.16, 13.17). discussion of main groups recognized within

caenogastropoda 365 caenogastropods), this grouping is only weakly do contradict monophyly, a clade containing all supported in the strict-consensus tree in our new studied hypsogastropods is still seen, but it also morphological analysis (Figure 13.16). Although includes cerithioideans (either Turritellidae or the Sorbeoconcha has not been supported by Batillariidae, but not both) and, often, Vivipari- any large molecular data set, generally because dae. The hypsogastropods are recovered in both of the inclusion of a cerithioidean or campanil- our new morphological (Figure 13.16) and com- oidean in the group containing the architaenio- bined (Figure 13.17) analyses. glossans (discussed earlier), it is recovered in Relationships within Hypsogastropoda are our combined analysis (Figure 13.17). poorly resolved in all molecular and morpho- logical analyses to date. Within Hypsogas- CERITHIOIDEA tropoda, the molecular analysis of Colgan et al. In the morphological analysis of Simone (2001) the (2007) (Figure 13.15) and our combined analy- Cerithioidea also included the Campaniloidea and sis (Figure 13.17) revealed two main clades: a . Molecular (Lydeard et al. 2002) and siphonate paraphyletic clade and one in which ultrastructural sperm data (Healy 1983a, 1988a, the anterior siphon is lacking, apart from Ceri- 1996a), however, support the restricted interpre- thiopsidae, suggesting that the siphon in that tation of Cerithioidea. In our new morphological group (Triphoroidea) may not be homologous analysis the strict-consenus tree (Figure 13.16) with those in other caenogastropods. The only has the Cerithioidea and Campaniloidea as sis- exception was that the Calyptraeidae changed ter taxa and the Viviparidae as sister to this clade from the asiphonate clade in the molecular Hypsogastropoda. In the majority-rule tree of analysis to the siphonate clade in the combined the combined analysis the Campaniloidea are analysis. The siphonate clade was also recovered sister to Cerithioidea Hypsogastropoda, with in the morphological analysis, but the asipho- Vermetidae included among the partially resolved nate clade was paraphyletic. “lower” hypsogastropods (Figure 13.17), forming Apart from the asiphonate and siphonate an “asiphonate” group. clades, little consistent structure above the superfamily level has been observed within HYPSOGASTROPODA Hypsogastropoda in published molecular analy- Hypsogastropoda (Ponder and Lindberg 1997) ses. In Harasewych et al. (1998), two of the three includes all the extant caenogastropods other Littorinoidea were monophyletic in most analy- than architaenioglossans, Cerithioidea, and Cam- ses. In Colgan et al. (2003), Vermetidae plus paniloidea. According to the latest classifi cation Epitoniidae was supported in all analyses, with (Bouchet and Rocroi 2005), this group contains the Cerithiopsidae being the sister group to two orders, three suborders, and 30 superfami- this pair in a number of analyses, notably when lies. It is not known whether the “mesogastropod” third base positions are excluded. component of the hypsogastropods (the “higher In Simone’s (2000a) analysis, a sister group mesogastropods” sensu Healy 1988a) is monophy- relationship between Tonnoidea (including letic, but the late appearance of clearly identifi able Ficidae) Neogastropoda ( Latrogastropoda) neogastropods relative to “higher mesogastro- is supported by several characters including a pods” (discussed subsequently) strongly suggests pleurembolic proboscis.10 Latrogastropoda is that the latter group is paraphyletic. Hypsogastropoda is often observed in molec- ular analyses (all analyses in Harasewych et al. 10. If Tonnoidea Neogastropoda is a monophyletic group, there remains the question as to whether their pro- 1998; McArthur and Harasewych 2003; most boscis is homologous. Kantor (2002) argued that a short analyses in Colgan et al. 2007, Figure 13.15) but proboscis is plesiomorphic for neogastropods, and the probably basal tonnoidean families Pisanianuridae and is weakly contradicted in Colgan et al. (2003). In also have a short proboscis, but detailed the analyses in Colgan et al. (2003, 2007) that comparative studies are lacking.

366 caenogastropoda also recovered in part in our morphological separate superfamilies but are both regarded analysis (Figure 13.16), with the Ficidae (not as Calyptraeoidea in Simone’s (2002) morpho- included in the molecular analyses), consid- logical analysis. In contrast, Collin’s (2003) ered to be the sister to the Neogastropoda by molecular analysis involving three genes indi- Riedel (2000), well outside Tonnoidea Neo- cated that vanikorids are well removed from gastropoda. In the combined analysis, a similar both hipponicids and calyptraeids and that grouping is achieved, although the cypraeid is in both the latter groups are separate clades. In the same monophyletic group as the Tonnoidea that analysis vanikorids were sister to the two (Figure 13.17). tonnoideans, although with a very long branch, Kosuge (1966) suggested that his Heterogas- while Littorina and naticids were sisters (Collin tropoda lay between the meso- and neogastro- 2003: fi g. 6). pods, but Graham (1985: 177) argued that “this suggestion is not acceptable.” Interestingly, NEOGASTROPODA Strong’s (2003) analysis has an epitoniid (the The Neogastropoda are usually considered to only ptenoglossan in her analysis) as the sister be monophyletic, this view being supported to the neogastropods. However, in other analy- by several morphological synapomorphies ses involving ptenoglossans and neogastropods (Ponder 1974; Taylor and Morris 1988; Kantor (Ponder and Lindberg 1997; Colgan et al. 2000, 1996; Ponder and Lindberg 1996, 1997; Strong 2003, 2007) there is little or no support for this 2003). They tend to have higher chromosome relationship. This is also the case in our mor- numbers and larger cellular DNA content than phological analysis, where the triphorids and other gastropods have (see Thiriot-Quiévreux Ficidae are unresolved sisters to the “higher” 2003 and Gregory 2005 for references). In our hypsogastropods while the remaining pteno- morphological analysis the neogastropods are glossans Atlantidae are sister to that clade recovered as a group, with the Buccinidae as (Figure 13.16). In the combined analysis the the sister to the remainder, in the consensus ptenoglossan taxa are scattered among the other tree (Figure 13.16). They were also strongly sup- “lower” hypsogastropod taxa (Figure 13.17). ported in the combined analysis (Figure 13.17). The placement of the heteropod Ptero- However, results from molecular data are trachoidea in our morphological analysis ambivalent (discussed subsequently). (Figure 13.16) as sister to the eulimids, epitoni- The origin and subsequent radiation of ids, and janthinids is at variance to a littorinoi- the Neogastropoda represent a major event dean relationship suggested by morphological in caenogastropod evolutionary history, but similarities, primarily in reproductive anatomy the identity of the sister taxon to this group (Gabe 1965; Martoja and Thiriot-Quiévreux remains unresolved. Different hypotheses have 1975) and supported with molecular data been presented by neontologists: that the neo- (Strong and Harasewych 2004; Colgan et al. gastropods arose from an “archaeogastropod” 2007; Harasewych and Strong, unpublished or primitive “mesogastropod” (Ponder 1974) data; our combined analysis, Figure 13.17). or that they arose from a “higher mesogastro- Bandel and Hemleben (1987) and Bandel pod,” usually considered to be a tonnoidean (1993) suggested that the sister taxon to the (Graham 1941; Ponder 1974 [gives summary heteropods was or of early literature]; Taylor and Morris 1988; based on the similarity of their larval shells with Kantor 2002), or Ficoidea (Riedel 2000), or those of atlantids; these relationships remain noncommittal (e.g., Kantor 1996). The “higher untested, because no molecular or morpholog- mesogastropod” hypothesis has support from ical analyses have included representatives of morphological (Ponder and Lindberg 1996, these suggested sister taxa to date. Vanikoridae 1997; Strong 2003), molecular (Tillier et al. and Hipponicidae are usually included in 1992, 1994; but not Rosenberg et al. 1994, in

caenogastropoda 367 which the neogastropods form a clade with the aperture, and the relatively large larval shell sug- only vetigastropod in their analysis) and ultra- gest that Astandes is a neogastropod or closely structural data (sperm and osphradium) (e.g., related. A possible Late Triassic maturifusid Haszprunar 1985a; Healy 1988a, 1996a). Buck- was reported by Nützel and Erwin (2004) as the land-Nicks and Tompkins (2005) have recently earliest member of this group (Figure 13.13N). suggested the Ranellidae (and presumably However, even if the fossil ancestor is convinc- therefore the Tonnoidea) are the sister taxon to ingly identifi ed, the identity of the living sister the Neogastropoda, based on shared occurrence taxon remains necessary for the interpretation of a particular type of vermiform parasperm of the homology of anatomical characters. (‘lancet parasperm’), and this is also consistent Neogastropoda has usually been contra- with eusperm morphology (see Kohnert and dicted, albeit weakly, in molecular analyses, Storch 1984; Koike 1985; and Healy 1996a for with monophyly supported by Tillier et al. (1992) comparative fi gures of eusperm and literature). and questionably by Rosenberg et al. (1994) or In Colgan et al. (2007), Tonnoidea are the sis- weakly contradicted by Tiller et al. (1994) and ter group to Volutidae in all likelihood-based Colgan et al. (2000, 2003, 2007). Harasewych et analyses, sometimes with substantial support. al. (1997) failed to resolve neogastropod mono- This set of three taxa was generally included in phyly in their 18S rDNA analyses. Monophyly of a monophyletic clade including two other neo- Neogastropoda could not be tested with the CO1 gastropods (Nassariidae and Mitridae). data of Harasewych et al. (1997), but three of The identity of fossil sister taxa has been the four superfamilies (Conoidea, , equally contentious. Suggestions that Paleozoic and Muricoidea) within the group were sup- siphonate subulitoid gastropods (Figure 13.6H) ported in all analyses. Harasewych et al. (1998) or other basal caenogastropods are precursors recovered Neogastropoda (three taxa) in a few or close relatives of neogastropods (Cox 1960a; of their analyses (MP ML), but not all. Riedel Ponder 1974) have not attracted recent support (2000) was also unable to retrieve a monophy- (e.g., Riedel 2000). The Triassic/Jurassic Pur- letic Neogastropoda using 16S and 18S sequence purinidae (Figure 13.13M) have been hypoth- data. In Colgan et al. (2003), at most two of the esized as close relatives, or even members of, fi ve studied neogastropods were included in a Neogastropoda (Taylor et al. 1980; Kaim 2004). monophyletic clade exclusive of other taxa. In These assumptions are based on the more or one analysis, three Neogastropoda (Conidae, less fusiform shell shape, teleoconch ornament, Mitridae, and Cancellariidae) were included in and presence of an anterior siphonal notch/ a monophyletic clade with Cerithiopsidae. At canal. Kaim (2004) placed the Purpurinidae in most, fi ve of the six studied Neogastropoda were the Neogastropoda, implying that this lineage in the same monophyletic clade in parsimony was present as early as Middle to late Triassic. analyses conducted by Colgan et al. (2007). However, Bandel (1993) and Riedel (2000) Given that the position of any recognizable doubted that Purpurinoidea are neogastropods, neogastropod group was predominantly basal because they have a small larval shell as exem- within Hypsogastropoda, Colgan et al. (2007) plifi ed in a Triassic member (Angularia) (Fig- argued that the group has a deep phylogenetic ure 13.13M; Bandel 1993: pl. 14 fi g. 4). The Early history in Hypsogastropoda, implying that the Jurassic to Cretaceous genus Astandes ( Matu- stem group is not yet recognized or extinct. rifusus, family Maturifusidae) has been repeat- This large and important group is still in a state edly suggested as a possible early member or of fl ux, with even some supposedly well-known close relative of the Neogastropoda (Szabó 1983; taxa recently reinterpreted. For example, Schröder 1995; Bandel 1993; Riedel 2000; Kaim was considered to be a cassid (Tonnoidea) until 2004) (Figure 13.13N–P). The cancellate teleo- shown to be a harpid (Neogastropoda) (Hughes conch ornament, distinctly siphonostomatous 1986b), and the commercially important genus

368 caenogastropoda , the subject of many studies and long hypsogastropods are pelagic (Janthinidae), or considered to be a buccinid, was recently included active swimmers (, the hetero- in a separate family related to Olividae and Voluti- pods). From our phylogeny, it is clear that these dae (Harasewych and Kantor 2002). invasions of the water column have occurred independently from different benthic lineages. SUMMARY OF WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT THE Other habits, such as burrowing (e.g., Natici- MAJOR CAENOGASTROPOD LINEAGES dae, Terebridae, Olividae, Struthiolariidae) have It is apparent that the Caenogastropoda is a also occurred independently. Vermetids are one monophyletic group and, as far as living taxa of only two caenogastropod lineages that can are concerned, is sister to the heterobranchs. directly cement their shells to hard substrates, The basal taxa within the caenogastropods sometimes even forming conspicuous inter- are the architaenioglossan groups, with some tidal zones, while hipponicids secrete a shelly molecular results suggesting also the possible plate with their foot, which is fused to the sub- inclusion of the Campaniloidea and thus violat- strate independently of the shell. The other ing the monophyly of the original concept of direct-cementing caenogastropod is an enig- Sorbeoconcha (all caenogastropods other than matic freshwater taxon, Helicostoa (Lamy 1926), architaenioglossans). Cerithioidea is sister to of probable rissooidean affi nities. Some other the remaining caenogastropods (Hypsogas- taxa have independently adopted stationary tropoda) in most molecular and morphological lifestyles, embedded in corals or (e.g., analyses. Hypsogastropods are poorly resolved some Coralliophilidae, Siliquariidae), or their in morphological analyses. In the latest molec- host (some parasitic Eulimidae). ular analysis (Colgan et al. 2007) (Figure 13.15) Several caenogastropod lineages have and in our combined analysis (Figure 13.17), members that have independently undergone two groups of hypsogastropods are identifi ed: extensive freshwater radiations (Strong et al., asiphonate and siphonate clades. The asipho- in press). It is uncertain as to whether the nate clade is not retrieved in the morphological architaenioglossan Viviparidae and Ampullari- analysis (Figure 13.16), but the siphonate clade idae shared a marine or a freshwater ancestor. is. In morphological analyses and our combined The fi ve families of cerithioideans that live in analysis the neogastropods are monophyletic, freshwater entered that habitat independently but rarely so in molecular analyses. The general at least twice (Lydeard et al. 2002). The hyp- lack of resolution in the hypsogastropods may sogastropod rissooidean families Hydrobiidae be due to their very rapid radiation, particularly sensu lato, Pomatiopsidae, and Bithyniidae in the early Cenozoic. probably entered freshwater independently, but there is insuffi cient evidence to demon- strate this in published analyses. However, ADAPTIVE RADIATIONS some members of the predominantly brack- Given our reassessed phylogeny, we now discuss ish-water rissooidean families Assimineidae how this assists in interpreting the extraordinary and have also entered freshwa- adaptive radiations undergone by caenogastro- ter, as has one genus of Littorinidae. Interest- pods and expressed in the great morphological, ingly, the movement into freshwater habitats ecological, physiological, and behavioral diver- is rare in higher hypsogastropods, with only sity in the group. a couple of Recent genera of neogastropods While most are marine, benthic, and epi- (Buccinidae and Marginellidae) having man- faunal, including many of the minute cerithi- aged this transition, presumably via estuaries oidean and hypsogastropod taxa that live on (Strong et al., in press). Similarly, terrestriality beneath stones and rocks, some burrow has evolved several times. All members of in sediment or even live interstitially. A few the architaenioglossan Cyclophoroidea and

caenogastropoda 369 the hypsogastropod littorinoidean Feeding strategies range from the sup- are terrestrial, as are many species in the ris- posedly ancestral deposit feeding and surface sooidean Assimineidae and Truncatellidae, grazing in most architaenioglossans, cerithioi- with members of the latter family having been deans, and lower hypsogastropods to herbivory, shown to independently become fully terres- grazing carnivory, or active predation and, in trial a number of times (Rosenberg 1996). No Eulimidae and a few neogastropods, . higher hypsogastropods occupy this habitat. Some hypsogastropod families show a range of Most caenogastropods are small ( 10 mm feeding habits, with cypraeids grazing on algae in maximum dimension). For example, Bouchet or sponges and triviids on algae, sponges, and et al. (2002) found that small taxa are among the tunicates. By way of contrast, the related ovulids most abundant and diverse caenogastropods in feed exclusively on soft corals and the veluti- a tropical reef environment. The members of nids on tunicates. Such specialization in carniv- some families are mostly smaller than 5 mm, for orous feeding appears to be the norm in many example the hypsogastropod rissooideans, cing- groups; for example, within the ptenoglossan ulopsoideans, most Triphoroidea, Eulimoidea, taxa the Triphoroidea (Cerithiopsidae and Tri- and Marginellidae, many Columbellidae and phoridae) feed exclusively on sponges, the epit- Turridae sensu lato, with some a little less than onoideans on cnidarians, and the eulimoideans a millimeter in maximum shell dimension. At on . In the neogastropods mitrids the other end of the scale, members of some of feed exclusively on sipunculids, coralliophill- the higher hypsogastropod carnivorous groups ines on soft and hard corals, and (sensu achieve a size of 30 cm or more (e.g., Ranellidae, lato) on . Some neogastropod fami- , Cassidae, Volutidae, Fasciolariidae, lies appear to be more generalist; in marginel- , and ), while mem- lids (sensu lato), for example, some species graze bers of other hypsogastropod families attain on bryozoans or tunicates, a few are mollusc more than 20 cm (e.g., Strombidae, Tonnidae, shell drillers, and some are suctorial fi sh feed- Buccinidae, and Muricidae). Large size is also ers (discussed later). Some columbellids are attained by some non-hypsogastropods, includ- carnivores, and others have become ing Ampullariidae, Campanilidae, , (deMaintenon 1999). Nassariidae are primarily and Cerithiidae. scavengers (e.g., Morton 2003), but at least one One of the hallmarks of caenogastropod has reverted to selective deposit feeding (Con- evolution is modifi cation of the mantle cavity nor and Edgar 1998). Tonnoideans feed on a organs, with only the left (monopectinate) gill, range of prey including echinoderms, molluscs, osphradium, and hypobranchial gland being and tunicates, although some are more special- retained. The move from exhalant to inhalant ized at the family level. control of the water currents through the mantle Most carnivorous hypsogastropods feed by cavity was seen by Ponder and Lindberg (1997) biting or rasping at their prey, but the ability as a critical innovation of the Sorbeoconcha that to swallow large prey intact has evolved in at enabled better utilization of the chemosensory least two lineages: the tonnids (Tonnoidea), function of the osphradium and is correlated which engulf entire holothurians, and the with its enlargement and the development fi sh-eating conids (Conoidea). Other conids (probably independently in several lineages) of and other conoideans (Turridae sensu lato an anterior siphon. Adoption of a semiterrestrial and Terebridae) engulf worms. A or terrestrial lifestyle resulted in the atrophy or few groups feed suctorially, with some can- loss of the ctenidium in those lineages and with cellariids (O’Sullivan et al. 1987) feeding on the development of a lung in the amphibious resting rays (Elasmobranchia), while some Ampullariidae. colubrariids and marginellids suctorially feed

370 caenogastropoda on sleeping parrot fi shes (Bouchet and Per- developed in these taxa. Many vermetids use a rine 1996). Eulimidae feed suctorially on their mucus net secreted by pedal glands to ensnare echinoderm hosts. The hypsogastropod fami- fl oating food. lies Naticidae and Muricidae have long been Apart from overall shell thickening and the known to drill holes in the shells of their prey adoption of cryptic habits, some other adaptive and have independently evolved accessory changes to caenogastropod shells appear to be boring organs (Carriker and Gruber 1999). A responses to predation. These include the devel- few other groups also drill their prey (margi- opment of terminal growth, allowing thicken- nellids, Ponder and Taylor 1992; buccinids, ing of the aperture, including the formation Morton 2006; cassids, Hughes and Hughes of varices and/or spines, as a defense against 1971; Hughes 1986a), but the mechanisms predation in particular (e.g., Vermeij and involved have not yet been investigated in Signor 1992). Some velutinids employ chemi- detail. Other ways of entering shelled prey cal defense (e.g., Andersen et al. 1985), and have been evolved, including forced entry to dramatic escape responses have also evolved in bivalves using a spine on the aperture of the some taxa, as has the convergent autotomy of the predator, a mechanism that has independently posterior end of the foot (e.g., some cypraeids, evolved in several neogastropod families Burgess 1970; Harpa, e.g., Liu and Wang 2002) (Vermeij and Kool 1994). or mantle (e.g., Ficus, Liu and Wang 2002), a Macroherbivory is uncommon, with the mechanism that has also independently evolved Strombidae and Ampullariidae being the in some other groups of gastropods (notably main groups engaging in this type of feeding, stomatelline trochids). and it is seen in some cypraeids and colum- One of the major innovations in caenogas- bellids (Neogastropoda). This feeding mode tropod ancestors was internal fertilization. The is derived within the columbellids (deMain- advent of planktotrophy was also a signifi cant tenon 1999) and Stromboidea because, in the hallmark of the group and may have been asso- latter case, the ancestral (and paraphyletic; Roy ciated with internal fertilization, enabling the 1994) Aporrhaidae are deposit feeders (as are production of encapsulated eggs and thus allow- the stromboideans’ sister group, Xenophoroi- ing larvae to undergo their early development in dea). Another stromboidean family, Struthio- a protected environment to be released as veli- lariidae, fi lter feeds (Morton 1951). Other fi lter gers. A consequence of this was the ability to (suspension)-feeding taxa have also evolved forgo a planktonic larval stage—so-called direct independently: architaenioglossan Vivipari- development, either within an external capsule dae (Viviparoidea), the cerithioidean Tur- or in capsules or eggs retained in a brood pouch ritellidae and Siliquariidae, and, within the within the . Various mechanisms have hypsogastropods, the Vermetidae (Vermetoi- been evolved within caenogastropods to pro- dea),11 Bithyniidae (Rissooidea), Calyptraeidae vide nutrients to such embryos. These include (Calyptraeoidea), and Capulidae (Trichotropis) yolk, albumen, infertile eggs (“nurse eggs”), (Capuloidea) as well as the Struthiolariidae and cannibalism (adelphophagy). Although previously noted. Similar structures (elongated there appears to be considerable variation in gill fi laments, endostyle, food groove) associ- some groups, particularly the neogastropods, ated with this feeding mode have convergently mapping the distribution of these strategies phylogenetically within families and super- families will undoubtedly be informative. Egg 11. For an alternative view see Simone (2001), who encapsulation and intracapsular development treats vermetids and turritellids as closely related taxa within Cerithioidea, as was the case in earlier literature also facilitated invasion of marginal marine and (e.g., Thiele 1929). nonmarine habitats.

caenogastropoda 371 GAPS IN KNOWLEDGE AND understanding of gastropod phylogenetics, the FUTURE STUDIES potential for substantial new contributions via ultrastructure is considerable. Following are some of the signifi cant phylo- genetic questions relating to caenogastropods DEVELOPMENTAL AND GENOMIC DATA that remain to be resolved using a variety of Although the few available items of develop- approaches: mental data appear to be informative with very Which extinct lineage is the sister taxon of promising potential, many additional studies caenogastropods? are required. Even basic information on spawn What are the monophyletic groups in the and egg capsules has phylogenetic potential but “architaenioglossan” grade? has been little utilized because of many gaps in Is Sorbeoconcha a monophyletic group? the available data. Similarly, organogenesis is What are relationships within the a key to understanding many of the homology Hypsogastropoda? issues, but, again, very few studies have been What are the main monophyletic groupings? undertaken. What are the relationships of “ptenoglossan” groups? DNA SEQUENCE DATA Establish the composition of the smallest DNA sequence data has only recently begun to monophyletic group including add signifi cant insights into caenogastropod neogastropods and, if Neogastropoda are phylogeny, but interesting hypotheses are now monophyletic, identify their sister taxon. emerging. These include the close relationships Are some of the large, diverse groups currently of Littorinidae with heteropods and the associa- recognized as families or superfamilies tion of Campaniloidea with Ampullariidae and (e.g., Rissooidea) monophyletic? Cyclophoridae. A stable understanding of the main lineages within Caenogastropoda will, To achieve answers to these questions, the numer- however, likely require at least double or triple ous gaps in our knowledge need to be addressed. the numbers of aligned base positions and three Many characters and character complexes need times the taxa that have already been sequenced. to be reexamined in a phylogenetic context, and Mitochondrial gene order has hardly been looked more taxa need to be examined in detail, using at despite its signifi cance in some other gastro- histology and ultrastructure as well as examining pods, with changes recently demonstrated even physiological and functional aspects. within single families (Vermetidae, Rawlings et With morphological data, there are still few al. 2001; Ampullariidae, Rawlings et al. 2003). published studies on the anatomy of many family-level taxa, and in some cases we are still ACKNOWLEDGMENTS relying on accounts over 100 years old. While there are good data sets available for some W. F. P. acknowledges discussion and col- families, for others typically only one or a few laboration with many colleagues other than species have been anatomically described, and those involved in this chapter, including often these are known somewhat superfi cially. David Lindberg, Gerhard Haszprunar, Jeffrey Histological data is often not provided, and Stilwell, John Taylor, Jerry Harasewych, Yuri details are sometimes superfi cial or lacking Kantor, , Rosemary Golding, for organ systems such as the renopericardial and Louise Page. The Australian Research and nervous systems. A good sampling of ultra- Council provided some fi nancial support to structural data is lacking for all systems other W. F. P. and D. J. C. for caenogastropod studies. than sperm and osphradia. Given that these A. N. acknowledges collaboration with R. B. two systems have contributed so much to our Blodgett, Alex Cook, D. H. Erwin, J. Fr´yda, A.

372 caenogastropoda Guzhov (for the reproduction of Astandes), Muricidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies 57: A. Kaim, and Peter Wagner. Financial sup- 111–126. port of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ———. 1992. The fi ne structure and function of the anal gland of the muricid Nucella lapillus (NU 96/3-1, 3-2; 96/6-1, 6-2) is also acknowl- (Neogastropoda) and a comparison with that of edged. D. J. C. thanks Australian Museum col- the trochid Gibbula cineraria. Journal of Molluscan leagues Peter Eggler, Julie Macaranas, Emma Studies 58: 297–313. Beacham, Edwina Rickard, and Andrea Feilen ———. 2000. Ultrastructural and cytochemical for their help with the project. L. R. L. S.’s work study of the digestive gland cells of the marine prosobranch mollusc Nucella lapillus (L.) in rela- on caenogastropods is supported by Fundação tion to function. Malacologia 42: 103–112. de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo Andrews, E. B., Page, A. M., and Taylor, J. D. 1999. The (FAPESP). J. M. H. thanks many colleagues fi ne structure and function of the anterior fore- including Barrie Jamieson, Lina Daddow, Alan gut glands of intermedius (Cassoidea: Hodgson, Rüdiger Bieler, Paula Mikkelsen, Ranellidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies 65: 1–19. Folco Giusti, Richard Willan, Don Anderson, Ball, A. D. 2002. Foregut ontogeny of the Neogastrop- oda: comparison of development in Nucella lapil- John Buckland-Nicks, John Taylor, David Reid, lus and . Bollettino Malacologico 38 Emily Glover, Liz Platts, Gerhard Haszprunar, Suppl. 4: 51–78. Jerry Harasewych, Philippe Bouchet, and Aus- Ball, A. D., Andrews, E. B., and Taylor, J. D. 1997a. tralian Research Council, Queensland Museum The ontogeny of the pleurembolic proboscis in and University of Queensland for past funding. Nucella lapillus (Gastropoda: Muricidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies 63: 87–99. Oxford University Press, Blackwell Publishing, Ball, A. D., Taylor, J. D., and Andrews, E. B. 1997b. and The California Malacozoological Society Development of the acinous and accessory salivary are thanked for allowing the use of previously glands in Nucella lapillus (Neogastropoda: Muricoi- published fi gures. E. S. thanks, for discus- dea). Journal of Molluscan Studies 63: 245–260. sions and guidance, Philippe Bouchet, Jerry Bandel, K. 1975. Embryonalgehäuse karibischer Harasewych, Gerhard Haszprunar, Yuri Kantor, Meso- und Neogastropoden (). Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, Abhan- David Lindberg, and . Useful dlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen comments by Rosemary Golding, Yuri Kantor, Klasse 1: 1–133, 21 pls. Steffen Kiel, and two anonymous reviewers ———. 1982. Morphologie und Bildung der frühonto- improved the manuscript. genetischen Gehäuse bei conchiferen Mollusken. Facies 7: 1–198. ———. 1984. The radulae of Caribbean and other REFERENCES Mesogastropoda and Neogastropoda. Zoologische Verhandelingen 214: 1–188. Amaudrut, M. A. 1898. La partie antérieure du tube ———. 1990. Shell structure of the Gastropoda digestif de la torsion chez les mollusques gasté- excluding Archaeogastropoda. In: ed. Skeletal ropodes. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie Biomineralization: Patterns, Processes and 8: 1–291. Evolutionary trends. Vol. I. Edited by J. G. Carter. Andersen, R. J., Faulkner, D. J., He, C. H., and Clardy, New York: Van Nostrand-Reinhold, pp. 117–134. J. 1985. Metabolites of the marine prosobranch ———. 1991a. Über triassische “” und mollusc Lamellaria sp. Journal of the American ihre Beziehungen zu rezenten und paläozoischen Chemical Society 107: 5492–5495. Schnecken. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 65: 239–268. Anderson, W., and Personne, P. 1976. The molluscan ———. 1991b. Character of a microgastropod fauna spermatozoon: dynamic aspects of its structure from a carbonate sand of Cebu (Philippines). and function. American Zoologist 16: 293–313. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Andrews, E. B. 1988. Excretory systems of molluscs. Institut der Universität Hamburg 71:441–485. In The Mollusca. Form and Function 11. Edited ———. 1992. Über Caenogastropoden der Cassianer by E. R. Trueman and M. R. Clarke. San Diego: Schichten (Obertrias) der Dolomiten (Italien) Academic Press, 381–448. und ihre taxonomische Bewertung. Mitteilungen ———. 1991. The fi ne structure and function of the aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der salivary glands of Nucella lapillus (Gastropoda: Universität Hamburg 73: 37–97.

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