Dalrev Vol90 Iss1 Bookreviews.Pdf (171.2Kb)
Book Reviews Obituary Of Light: the Sangan river MeditatiOnS. By SuSAn muSgRAvE. LAnTzviLLE, Bc: LEAF pRESS, 2009. 64 pAgES. $16.95. the new bLue diStance. By JEAnETTE LynES. hAmilton, on: woLSAK AnD wynn, 2009. 80 pAgES. $17.00. gravity MatterS. By SonyA RuTh gREKoL. ToRonTo, on: inAnnA poETRy AnD FicTion, 2009. 120 pAgES. $18.95. Suburban LegendS. By JoAn Crate. cALgARy, AB: FREEhAnD BooKS, 2009. 84 pAgES. $16.95. POrcuPine archery. By BiLL howELL. LonDon, on: inSomniAc pRESS, 2009. 96 pAgES. $11.95. frOM Out Of nOwhere. By John ToonE. winnipEg, mB: TuRnstonE pRESS, 2009. PagES. $17.00. the Sway Of OtherwiSe. By DAviD hELwig. oTTAwA, on: oBERon, 2008. 68 pAgES. $18.95. Le POèMe inviSibLe / the inviSibLe POeM. By E.D. BLoDgETT. oTTAwA, on: BuSchEK BooKS & ÉDiTionS Du noRoîT, 2008. 83 pAgES. $17.50. surely it cannot be an accident when nine recent volumes of poetry from nine different presses across Canada sound similar themes and modes of organiza- tion, similar tempers and tropes. When similitudes cluster, literary scholars are tempted to speak of a “movement.” i’m not sure that’s what we have on hand; there are many much more formally radical or experimental kinds of Canadian poetry—not to mention regions, populations, and languages—than are repre- sented here. Rather, i think the likenesses suggest something we might call a “national Anglophone literary drift,” cultivated and tempered by what are now mature or middle-aged “national institutions” of poetry—if we dare to call them that—ranging from literary magazines and competitions to writing classes, grant- ing agencies, presses and poetry readings.
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