The Collection: a bibliography The following bibliography lists the contents of the Irving Layton Collection. The Collection is housed in the Special Collections unit of the Queen Elizabeth II Library, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

1. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London: MacMillan & Co., 1924. This copy is inscribed by one “Irving Lazarr, of 4158 City Hall Ave, , , 1927. Student of Literature.” It contains on the front endpaper a note from Irving Layton, inscribed to John Metcalf: “who knows a good book and a good investment when he sees one.” There is also a note on the half-title by John Metcalf: “This copy of Coleridge belonged to Irving Layton when he was 15. Throughout the text the various passages marked show the sort of rhetoric that appealed to him then. At the back of the book he has listed pages he has read. When I showed him the book he claimed that he‟d changed his name to Lazarr because he‟d been writing a poems and needed a rhyme for near and „near and far‟.”

2. Flecker, James Elroy. The Collected Poems of James Elroy Flecker. London: Secker & Warburg, 1947. This is Irving Layton‟s copy, bearing his ownership signature on the front endpaper.

3. Plato. Five Dialogues. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1942. This copy bears Layton‟s ownership signature on the front endpaper, dated December 1946, with scoring and marginalia in his hand throughout, and a note on the rear endpaper about his reading. There is also what appears to be a poem, in two different states, on the rear endpapers.

4. Layton, Irving. Here and Now. Montreal: Press, 1945. This is the first edition of Layton‟s first book and also the inaugural book of First Statement Press. This copy is inscribed by Layton on front endpaper: “For John Metcalf, who, I declare, here and now, is a very excellent writer and, to boot, a truly noble man.”

5. Other : An Anthology of the New Poetry in 1940-1946. John Sutherland (ed.). Montreal: First Statement Press, 1946. This copy is inscribed by Layton to John Metcalf on front endpaper, with an author sketch: “This book, John, holds many memories for me … you keep adding to them.”

6. Other Canadians: An Anthology of the New Poetry in Canada 1940-1946. John Sutherland (ed.). Montreal: First Statement Press, 1946. The front endpaper of this copy bears a poem penned by Layton, “Schoolteacher in Late November,” followed by his signature and a date of December 16, 1947.

7. Layton, Irving. Now is the Place. Montreal: First Statement Press, 1948. This copy of Irving Layton‟s second book bears his signature twice on the front endpaper, the second time with the following inscription: “Now is the Place to declare my admiration for the distinguished heart and talent of John Metcalf.”

8. Layton, Irving. Now is the Place. Montreal: First Statement Press, 1948. This copy is signed twice by Layton, the first dated in the year of publication, and the second in 1991 to John Metcalf. Layton misspells Metcalf‟s name (Metcalfe). At rear of the book Layton has written a poem in what appears to be the same blue ink with which he signed his name in 1948.

9. Layton, Irving. The Black Huntsmen. Montreal: Self-published, 1951. Layton‟s third book, and the scarce first state, without the additional poems in the centre selected from Here and Now and Now is the Place. After the book was distributed, Layton added 12 additional poems to the remaining copies, with an explanatory note at the rear about the additions. Though both states are very, very scarce, this is the more uncommon of the two. This copy is signed twice by Layton, the second with an inscription to John Metcalf: “Another odd ball on the Canadian literary landscape. With pleasure and gratitude.”

10. Layton, Irving. The Black Huntsmen. Montreal: Self-published. 1951. This second state copy has the additional 12 poems (marked by roman numerals) added to centre). The book is inscribed by Layton to “John Metcalfe, with a warm handshake.” Also bears Metcalf‟s ownership signature. This is a review copy and contains a hand written review slip from contact Press (in ‟s hand), and with “contact Press/ 29 Mayfield Ave/ 3, Ont./ Canada hand-written in blue ink at bottom of title page, again by Souster. Also loosely inserted is a mimeographed fact sheet from the Contact Press listing CEREBUS, Dudek‟s TWENTY-FOUR POEMS. Though this book is not a Contact Press book, it was distributed by them.

11. Dudek, Louis; Layton, Irving; Souster, Raymond. Cerberus. Toronto: Contact Press, 1952. The first publication of Contact Press, this copy is inscribed by Layton on the front endpaper: “With affectionate regards for John Metcalf.” Also bears Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

12. Dudek, Louis; Layton, Irving; Souster, Raymond. Cerberus. Toronto: Contact Press, 1952. This copy is signed by Layton, Dudek and Souster.

13. Canadian Poems, 1850-1952. and Irving Layton (Eds.). Toronto: Contact Press, 1952. This copy is signed by Louis Dudek and Irving Layton.

14. Canadian Poems, 1850-1952. Louis Dudek and Irving Layton (Eds.). Toronto: Contact Press, 1952. This is the second printing of the first edition, bearings both John Metcalf‟s and previous owner‟s signatures.

15. Canadian Poems, 1850-1952. Louis Dudek and Irving Layton (Eds.). Toronto: Contact Press, 1952.

16. Layton, Irving. love the conqueror worm. Toronto: Contact Press, 1953. This copy is inscribed by the author to Howard Sergeant, dated February 6, 1953. Also written in the same blue pen, is an address, presumably Layton‟s, on Cote St. Luc. This copy is also inscribed to John Metcalfe, March 6, 1991.

17. Layton, Irving. The Long Pea-Shooter. Montreal: Laocoon Press, 1954. This copy is signed by Layton on the front endpaper. It also bears ownership signature of John Metcalf. There is a tipped in frontispiece, a drawing of Layton by Betty Sutherland. There is a small Harvard Library release stamp to inside cover.

18. Layton, Irving. The Long Pea-Shooter. Montreal: Laocoon Press, 1954. This copy is inscribed by Layton in red pen to William Carlos Williams on front endpaper. “For W. C. Williams, Great poet, and friend to poets. With affectionate regards. Dec. 2, 1954.” There is a tipped in frontispiece, a drawing of Layton by Betty Sutherland.

19. Layton, Irving. The Long Pea-Shooter. Montreal: Laocoon Press, 1954. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf. There is a tipped in frontispiece, a drawing of Layton by Betty Sutherland.

20. Layton, Irving. In The Midst Of My Fever. Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, 1954. This copy is inscribed by Layton to Metcalf, “Sept/88”. It also bears Metcalf‟s ownership signature. The dust jacket is illustrated by Jonathan Williams, Layton‟s nephew. An errata slip is laid in.

21. Layton, Irving. In The Midst Of My Fever. Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, 1954. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

22. Layton, Irving. In The Midst Of My Fever. Palma de Mallorca: The Divers Press, 1954. This copy is inscribed by Layton to Robert Weaver: “cordially as ever,” It also bears Weaver‟s ownership signature.

23. Layton, Irving. the cold green element. Toronto: Contact Press, 1955. This copy is signed by the author on the front endpaper, which also carries John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

24. Layton, Irving. the cold green element. Toronto: Contact Press, 1955. This copy is signed by the author on front endpaper. There is an also an inscription by Layton to Metcalf, “friend and favourite book-collector.” There are two corrections in black pen, on page 9 and page 20: for the latter Layton has crossed out “worms” and replaced it with “birds.”

25. Layton, Irving. the cold green element. Toronto: Contact Press, 1955. This copy is inscribed by the author on the front endpaper: “To Siseyboo: With all my Love, Father. 2 April 1955.”

26. Layton, Irving. The Blue Propeller. Toronto: Contact Press, 1955. This first edition is inscribed by the author to John Metcalf on the front endpaper: “in friendship, with my warmest best wishes and my compliments.” Designed by the Divers Press, and printed in two colours and handset in Futura and Mercedes types by Mossen Alcover in Palma de Mallorca, April 1955.

27. Layton, Irving. The Blue Propeller. Toronto: Contact Press, 1955. This copy is signed by Layton on the front endpaper. It also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

28. Layton, Irving. Music on a Kazoo. Toronto: Contact Press, 1956. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

29. Layton, Irving. Music on a Kazoo. Toronto: Contact Press, 1956. This copy is inscribed by Layton to Louise Scott on front endpaper, “with love and kisses. Sept 20, 1956.”

30. Layton, Irving. The Bull Calf and Other Poems. Toronto: Contact Press, 1956. This copy is inscribed by the author to John Metcalf: “With esteem and fellowship. For an ongoing warm friendship. Best wishes. Irving Layton.” It also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

31. Layton, Irving. The Bull Calf and Other Poems. Toronto: Contact Press, 1956. This copy is inscribed by the author to his daughter, “For my dearest Naomi, with love, Father. March 15, 1956.”

32. Layton, Irving. The Bull Calf and Other Poems. Toronto: Contact Press, 1956. Simultaneous paperbound edition: this copy is inscribed by the author to George Johnston, “cordially as ever. March 10, 1956.”

33. Layton, Irving. The Improved Binoculars. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1956. This copy is inscribed by Frank Scott to John Newlove. It also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

34. Layton, Irving. The Improved Binoculars. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1956. This copy contains a review slip for Migrant Books, the UK distributor, with their rubber stamp on the colophon. It also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

35. Layton, Irving. The Improved Binoculars. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1956. This second edition copy belonged to was . It bears her ownership signature and marginalia.

36. Layton, Irving. The Improved Binoculars. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1956. This copy is signed by the author to his daughter: “June 1, 1957/ For my Darling,/With heaps of love./ Daddy.// Happy, happy birthday!”

37. Layton, Irving. The Improved Binoculars. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1956 This copy is inscribed by the author to John Metcalf on front endpaper. It also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

38. Origin: A Quarterly for the Creative: featuring New . Cid Corman, (ed.) . Issue XVIII, Winter-Spring, 1956. London, England. A magazine containing poetry by Layton, Hine, Dudek and others; it was Layton‟s first appearance in print in England.

39. Pan-ic: A selection of contemporary Canadian Poems. Irving Layton (ed.). New York: Pan, 1958. A periodical containing poems by , , Louis Dudek, George Johnston, D. G. Jones, James Reaney, and many others.

40. Pan-ic: A selection of contemporary Canadian Poems. Irving Layton (ed.). New York: Pan, 1958. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

41. Layton, Irving. a laughter in the mind. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1958. This copy is inscribed by the author, “For Kim McRobbie,/ With all kind wishes./ Sept 12, 1958.” It also bears ownership signature of John Metcalf.

42. Layton, Irving. a laughter in the mind. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1958. This copy is inscribed by the author, “For John/ who loves laughter as much as I do…I hope.” It also bears ownership signature of John Metcalf.

43. Layton, Irving. a laughter in the mind. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1958. This copy was inscribed by the author, “to John Metcalf/ with hurrahs/ and warmest good wishes// Montreal April 14, 1990.” It also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

44. Layton, Irving. a laughter in the mind. Montreal: Editions d‟Orphee, 1959. This copy is inscribed by the author to John Metcalf, with a quick sketch of himself. This is the second edition, which adds 20 poems to the 1958 text.

45. Layton, Irving. a laughter in the mind. Montreal: Editions d‟Orphee, 1959. This is the second edition, which adds 20 poems to the 1958 text. This copy bears John Newlove‟s ownership signature.

46. Layton, Irving. a laughter in the mind. Montreal: Editions d‟Orphee, 1959. This is the second edition, in sewn unbound sheets, which adds 20 poems to the 1958 text.

47. Layton, Irving. a laughter in the mind. Montreal: Editions d‟Orphee, 1959 This is the second edition, which adds 20 poems to the 1958 text.

48. Layton, Irving. A Red Carpet for the Sun. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1959. This is the first American edition.

49. Layton, Irving. A Red Carpet for the Sun. Highlands: Jonathan Williams, 1959. This copy of the first American edition is inscribed by Layton on front endpaper, “Diana, the moon Goddess/ Yours For sex, sanity, and lots of green growing things.”

50. Layton, Irving. A Red Carpet for the Sun. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1959. The first Canadian edition inscribed by the author to John Metcalf. It also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

51. Layton, Irving. A Red Carpet for the Sun. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1959.

52. Layton, Irving. The Swinging Flesh. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1961. This paperback edition bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

53. Layton, Irving. The Swinging Flesh. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1961. This paperback edition bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

54. Layton, Irving. The Swinging Flesh. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1961. This hardcover edition bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

55. Layton, Irving. The Swinging Flesh. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1961. This hardcover edition bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

56. Love Where the Nights are Long: An Anthology of Canadian Love Poems. Layton, Irving (ed.); Harold Town (drawings). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1962. The first paperback edition.

57. Love Where the Nights are Long: An Anthology of Canadian Love Poems. Layton, Irving (ed.); Harold Town (drawings). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1962. A limited edition elephant folio, one of 199 copies bound in off-white cloth with red and black stamped lettering to front board, illustrated throughout in black and white, with an original lithograph frontispiece. This copy is signed both by Layton and Town on the limitations page. It is also inscribed by Layton to the model who sat for the etchings.

58. Robinson, Brian. Laytonic Love. Montreal: Three Star Printing, [n.d.] This is a collection of satirical love poems, bearing John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

59. Persis, Ivy. Lust Where the Summer is Short. Engravings by Harrietta Nowt. Hyperbole, No.11, 1963. This is a collection of satirical love poems that bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

60. Layton, Irving. Balls for a One-Armed Juggler. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1963. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

61. Layton, Irving. Balls for a One-Armed Juggler. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1963. This is a first edition, later state, bearing John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

62. Layton, Irving. The Laughing Rooster. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1964. This is a first edition in hardcover, bearing John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

63. Layton, Irving. The Laughing Rooster. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1964. This is a first edition in softcover, inscribed by the author on the front endpapers, and bearing John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

64. Layton, Irving. Collected Poems. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1965. This is the first softcover edition. It bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

65. Layton, Irving. Collected Poems. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1965. This is the first softcover edition, second printing. This copy is inscribed by Layton to Stephen Williams, his nephew, with a note by Williams on the title page. This copy also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

66. Layton, Irving. Collected Poems. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1965. This simultaneous hardcover edition bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

67. English Poetry in Quebec. John Glassco (ed.) Montreal: McGill University Press, 1965. This anthology contains three poems and an essay, „the Creative Process,‟ by Irving Layton. There are also contributions by A. J. M. Smith, F. R. Scott, Milton Wilson, Louis Dudek and George Whalley.

68. Anvil: A Selection of Workshop Poems. Irving Layton (ed.). Montreal: Kuritzky, Frohlinger, 1966. This work contains poetry by participants in Layton's poetry workshop, 1965-66, at Sir George Williams University. It also contains four poems under Layton pseudonym of Hy Jinkes. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

69. Layton, Irving. Periods of the Moon. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1967. This first edition softcover copy is signed by the author and bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature

70. Layton, Irving. Periods of the Moon. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1967. This first edition softcover copy has a review slip laid in and bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

71. Layton, Irving. Periods of the Moon. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1967. This simultaneous hardcover edition belonged to Miriam Waddington and contains marginalia in her hand –comments and criticisms – in pen and pencil throughout. There is a Globe and Mail envelope loosely inserted with more comments about the book. On the title page, Waddington has written: “poems about poems/ ambition – dissimulation/ consciousness – unconsciousness/ the balance – too much consciousness.” In the margins of the first poem, she writes: “Why must man be so interested in phallic images?” And later: “I doubt this … I doubt this too.” This copy also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

72. Layton, Irving. Periods of the Moon. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1967. This hardcover edition is inscribed by Layton on front endpaper: “For Rosemary/ There are no periods/ to true friendship./ Admiringly,/ Irving Layton.” Also bears ownership signature on front pastedown, and Metcalf‟s signature on front endpaper.

73. Layton, Irving. Periods of the Moon. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1967. This hardcover edition is inscribed by Layton on front endpaper “to Kathleen Moore.” This copy also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

74. Layton, Irving. The Shattered Plinths. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1968. This first edition in softcover is inscribed by Layton to his nephew, Stephen Williams. This copy also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

75. Layton, Irving. The Shattered Plinths. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. 1968 This first edition hardcover is inscribed by the author to John Metcalf on the front endpaper.

76. Baab, Otto J. The Theology of the Old Testament. New York: Abingdon Press, 1959. This is Irving Layton‟s copy, bearing his ownership signature on the back of the front cover. Loosely inserted is a poem in Layton‟s hand, „To a Nepalese Woman,‟” signed by Layton and dated June 4, 1968, Kathmandu. The poem was later published as “Nepalese Woman and Child” in his Collected Poems.

77. Layton, Irving. Selected Poems. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969. This hardcover edition bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

78. Layton, Irving. Selected Poems. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969. This softcover edition bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

79. Young, Ian. Year of the Quiet Sun. Toronto: Anansi, 1969. This copy bears Irving Layton‟s ownership signature.

80. Layton, Irving. The Whole Bloody Bird. (obs, aphs & pomes). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969. This hardcover copy is inscribed by Layton to his nephew. “April 16, 1969: This copy is for my favourite nephew, Jonathan Williams, with admiration and much love. Irving. Montreal, Que.” It also bears ownership signature of John Metcalf.

81. Layton, Irving. The Whole Bloody Bird. (obs, aphs & pomes). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969. This hardcover copy is inscribed to Bill Hawkins, “Friend and fellow poet. All good things.” It also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

82. . Irving Layton. Toronto: Forum House, 1969. This copy is inscribed by Mandel on the title page.

83. Poems to Color: with an introduction by Irving Layton This is an anthology of university student‟s poems, with a three page introduction by Irving Layton. This copy is inscribed by the Layton “for Eli,” and also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

84. Mandel, Eli. Five Modern Canadian Poets. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. This is the second printing of this work, containing twelve poems by Irving Layton. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

85. Layton, Irving. Nail Polish. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1971. This hardcover copy is inscribed by the author to Stephen Williams. It also bears the ownership signatures of Williams and John Metcalf.

86. Layton, Irving. Nail Polish. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1971. This simultaneous softcover issue is inscribed to Fred Walker of the Montreal Star, “for Fred Walker/ in warm appreciation for your great patience/ and many courtesies. Best wishes…”

87. Layton, Irving. Nail Polish. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1971. First Page Proofs, dated November 17th, likely of 1970. 62 poems on “long proofing sheets, printed rectos only.

87. Layton, Irving. The Collected Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1971. This copy is 22 of 35 numbered and signed copies of this limited, leather-bound edition of Layton‟s collected poems, containing a signed Harold Town lithograph of Irving Layton as a frontispiece. It is signed by Layton on the title page; also inscribed by Layton to Metcalf on front endpaper, “with affection and all the damned typos!” This comment refers to the fact that there were many mistakes made in this edition of Layton‟s collected. This copy also bears Metcalf‟s ownership signature on front endpaper.

88. Layton, Irving. The Collected Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1971. This trade hardcover edition is inscribed by the author to Doug Featherling: “To Doug,/ For friendship and a very great party/ All good things….May 27, 1972. Toronto.” This copy also bears Metcalf‟s ownership signature. An errata slip is laid in.

89. i side up. Toronto: , 1971. This workshop anthology of poetry contains a three page introduction by Layton. It also contains early poems by Pat Lane.

90. Solomon, Michael. Magadan. Montreal: Chateau, 1971. Irving Layton contributed a foreword to this book. This copy also bears Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

91. Layton, Irving. Engagements: The Prose of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1972. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

92. Layton, Irving. Engagements: The Prose of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1972. This copy is inscribed to Miriam Waddington, “Nov 2, 1972. For Miriam/ with admiration and much love. Yassu/ Irving.” This copy also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf on the half-title page.

93. le chien dór/ the golden dog. No. 1. January 1972. This issue contains Lawrence J. Resnizky‟s, an interview with Irving Layton. It also bears two ownership signatures, one being John Metcalf‟s.

94. The Tamarack Review. Toronto: issue 61, 1973. This issue contains Milton Wilson‟s “Notebook on Layton.” Two copies.

95. Layton, Irving. Lovers and Lesser Men. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973.

96. Layton, Irving. Lovers and Lesser Men. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

97. Layton, Irving. Lovers and Lesser Men. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973. This softcover issue bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

98. Anvil Blood. Toronto: York University, 1973. The introduction to this York University poetry workshop publication is by Irving Layton.

99. Rath, Dorothy. The Slender Thread. Fredericton: Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1973. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

100. Rath, Dorothy. The Slender Thread. Fredericton: Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1973. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

101. Layton, Irving. Selected Poems. London: Charisma Books, 1974. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

102. Layton, Irving. The Pole-Vaulter. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1974. These are revised Galley Proofs, April 10, 1974. 21 loose leaf pages, folded.

103. Layton, Irving. The Pole-Vaulter. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1974. This copy contains a review slip and promotion material laid in. It also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

104. Five Canadian Poets in Greece. Theodore Sampson (ed.). Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sciences, 1974. This anthology contains thirteen poems by Irving Layton as well as poems by , David Solway, Louis Dudek and Ralph Gustafson. It also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

105. Layton, Irving. “For the Fraulein From Hamburg / The Ventriloquist.” The Creative Writing Department, University of Victoria, 1974. 1 of 200 copies printed. Oblong, folded broadside.

106. Layton, Irving. The Darkening Fire: Selected Poems 1845-1968. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1975. This copy is inscribed by Layton on front endpaper: “who put me at ease and made my Driver‟s Test a pleasant experience. Irving Layton. Niagara on the Lake July 5, 1980.”

107. Layton, Irving. Seventy-five Greek Poems 1951-1974. Athens: Hermias, 1974. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

108. Layton, Irving. Il Freddo Verde Elemento. Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1974. Translated by Di Amleto Lorenzini, with an introduction by , and containing a selection of poems, in English and Italian, translated from Layton‟s 1971 Selected Poems, published by M&S. The title translates into The Cold Green Element, the title of an early Layton collection.

109. Layton, Irving. Il Freddo Verde Elemento. Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1974. Translated by Di Amleto Lorenzini. Introduction by Northrop Frye. Selection of poems, in English and Italian, translated from Layton‟s 1971 Selected Poems, published by M&S. Title translates into The Cold Green Element, the title of an early Layton collection.

110. Layton, Irving. The Unwavering Eye: Selected Poems 1969-1975. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1975. This hardcover edition is inscribed by Layton on half title and bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

111. Layton, Irving. The Unwavering eye: Selected Poems 1969-1975. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1975. This softcover edition bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

112. Layton, Irving. The Unwavering eye: Selected Poems 1969-1975. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1975. This softcover edition bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

113. Osterlund, Steven. Fumigator. London, : Killaly Press, 1975. This is a short memoir of a time with Irving Layton, and it bears both John Newlove‟s and John Metcalf‟s ownership signatures.

114. New holes in the wall. Toronto : York Poetry Workshop, 1975. This is a York University poetry workshop anthology for which Irving Layton contributed the foreword. The foreword also contains two poems “I am A Curious Fellow” and “Above All Avoid Halitosis,” which appear to be uncollected. The anthology also contains early work from Judith Fitzgerald and Sky Gilbert. This copy is signed by Layton on the title page and also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

115. Layton, Irving. The Uncollected Poems of Irving Layton 1936-59. Oakville: Mosaic Press/Valley Editions, 1976. This is No. 88 of 199 copies produced for Mosaic by the Porcupine‟s Quill. This copy is signed by the author both on half-title and limitations page. It also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature on title page.

116. Layton, Irving. For My Brother Jesus. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1976. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

117. Layton, Irving. Catacombe dei Capucini. Palermo, 1976. A broadside (stored with oversize material).

118. Shark Tank. Irving Layton (ed.). Toronto: York Poetry Workshop Anthology, 1977. This copy is signed by Irving Layton on half title and contains four poems by him. It also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

119. Layton, Irving. The Covenant. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1977. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

120. Layton, Irving. The Covenant. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1977. In addition to Metcalf‟s ownership signature, this copy bears John Newlove‟s signature on the inside front cover.

121. Layton, Irving. The Selected Poems of Irving Layton. New York: New Directions, 1977. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

122. Layton, Irving. The Poems of Irving Layton. Eli Mandel (ed.). Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1977. This item is from M & S‟ New Canadian Library Series (N/012).

123. Layton, Irving. Taking Sides: The Collected Social and Political Writings. Howard Astor (ed.). Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1977. This simultaneous softcover issue bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

124. Layton, Irving. Taking Sides: The Collected Social and Political Writings. Howard Astor (ed.). Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1977. This simultaneous hardcover issue belonged to Miriam Waddington.

125. Layton, Irving. The Love Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: Canadian Fine Editions, 1978. Number 61 of 200 numbered copies signed by the author and by the artist Graham Coughtry on the limitations page. This copy also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature twice. Oversize.

126. Layton, Irving. The Love Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: Canadian Fine Editions, 1978. Number 4 of 30 numbered copies. This copy is signed by the author and by the artist Graham Coughtry on the limitations page. It is also inscribed by the author to John Metcalf on the half title. Oversize.

127. Layton, Irving. The Love Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: Canadian Fine Editions, 1978. Number 8 of 30 numbered copies signed by both Irving Layton and artist Graham Coughtry on the limitations page, with 5 signed lithographs by the artist, and with a signed poem in the author's hand. The work was designed by Peter Maher and printed on 80 pound Caress paper (uncut folded sheets) by The Porcupine's Quill. Lithographs pulled at Open Studio. The book was hand bound by Seamus McClafferty. The item is enclosed in a white buckram archival box. This copy also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature on the half title. Oversize.

128. Layton, Irving. The Tightrope Dancer. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1978. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

129. Handouts from the Mountain. Layton, Irving (ed.). Toronto: York University, 1978. From a York University poetry workshop conducted by Layton, including four pages of poetry by him and one page of Laytonisms. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

130. Irving Layton: The Poet and His Critics. (ed.). Toronto: McGraw- Hill Ryerson Limited, 1978. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

131. Layton, Irving. Droppings from Heaven. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1979. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

132. Layton, Irving and Algi Sassu. There Were No Signs. Toronto: Madison Gallery, 1979. This is a promotional booklet for the limited edition portfolio published by the Madison Gallery. All of Layton's 15 poems in the portfolio also appear in this booklet. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

133. Layton, Irving and Algi Sassu. There Were No Signs. Toronto: Madison Gallery, 1979. This is a promotional booklet for the limited edition portfolio published by the Madison Gallery. All of Layton's 15 poems in the portfolio also appear in this booklet. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

134. Layton, Irving and Algi Sassu. There Were No Signs. Toronto: Madison Gallery, 1979. This is a promotional booklet for the limited edition portfolio published by the Madison Gallery. All of Layton's 15 poems in the portfolio also appear in this booklet. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

135. Prospectus for There Were No Signs. Toronto: Madison Gallery, 1979.

136. Prospectus for There Were No Signs. Toronto: Madison Gallery, 1979.

137. Layton, Irving. Irving Layton / Carlo Mattioli: Quattrodici poesi e sette disegni. Virgo Press, Toronto, 1979. This copy is number 145/500 and bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

138. Layton, Irving. Irving Layton / Carlo Mattioli: Quattrodici poesi e sette disegni. Virgo Press, Toronto, 1979. This copy is number 325/500.

139. Layton, Irving. Irving Layton / Carlo Mattioli: Quattrodici poesi e sette disegni. Virgo Press, Toronto, 1979. This copy is inscribed by the author on the front endpaper and also bears the author‟s signature on the half title.

140. Layton, Irving. Irving Layton / Carlo Mattioli: Quattrodici poesi e sette disegni. Virgo Press, Toronto, 1979. This copy is number 243 of 560 and bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

141. Layton, Irving. Irving Layton / Carlo Mattioli: Quattrodici poesi e sette disegni. Virgo Press, Toronto, 1979. This copy is number 244 of 560 and bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

142. Layton, Irving. Mr. Ther-apis. Toronto: Letters, 1980. This is a folded broadside.

143. Layton, Irving. For My Neighbours in Hell. Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1980. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

144. Layton, Irving. For My Neighbours in Hell. Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1980. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

145. Layton, Irving. The Love Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1980. This second edition contains more poems than the 1978 edition. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

146. Layton, Irving. Reflections in an Old Ontario Cemetery. No date. C. 1980. This item is an illustrated broadside that was privately produced. It is signed by both Layton and Gustave Gallernit, the photographer.

147. Layton, Irving. Butterfly on Rock. No date. C. 1980. This folio-sized broadside was illustrated and printed by Jim Rimmer at Pie Tree Press. Published by Colophon Books in an edition of 50 numbered and 26 lettered copies, all signed by the poet. This copy is number 30.

148. Francis, Wynne. Irving Layton and His Works. Toronto: ECW Press, 1984.

149. An Unlikely Affair: The Irving Layton – Dorothy Rath Correspondence. Introduction by Adrienne Clarkson. Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1992. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

150. Rosenberg, Leah. The Errand Runner: Reflections of a Rabbi’s Daughter. John Wiley, Toronto, 1981. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

151. Layton, Irving. Europe and Other Bad News. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1981. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

152. Layton, Irving. In unéta di ghiaccio. Roma: Lerici, 1981. This work is in English and Italian. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

153. Layton, Aviva. Nobody’s Daughter. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. 1982. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

154. Layton, Aviva. Nobody’s Daughter. Special Preview copy. 1981. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf

155. Layton, Irving. A Wild Peculiar Joy: Selected Poems 1945-1982. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1982. This copy is inscribed by the author on the front endpaper, this is number 40 of 100 special collector‟s editions signed and numbered by the author. This collector‟s issue was published for the author only, as McClelland & Stewart only released their version in paperback.

156. Layton, Irving. A Wild Peculiar Joy: Selected Poems 1945-1982. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1982. This trade softcover edition bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

157. Layton, Boshka. The Prodigal Son. Mosaic Press, Oakville, 1982. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

158. Layton, Irving. Shadows on the Ground. Oakville: Mosaic Press/Valley Editions, 1982. This is no. 191 of 200 folio copies in a red illustrated folder, containing five Layton broadsides, signed by the author.

159. Layton, Irving. The Gucci Bag. Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1983. This copy is number 386 of 429 copies signed by the author. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

160. Layton, Irving. The Gucci Bag. Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1983. This copy is number 44 of 429 copies signed by the author. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

161. Layton, Irving. The Gucci Bag. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1983. This softcover trade edition bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

162. Layton, Irving. Le poesie d’amore di Irving Layton. Alfredo Rizzardi (ed). Piovan Editore, 1983. This is an Italian translation of The Love Poems of Irving Layton, with the poems set in English and Italian. A note from the editor to John Metcalf is loosely inserted. This copy also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

163. Layton, Irving. The Love Poems of Irving Layton. Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1984. This copy is inscribed by Layton in 1991 to John Metcalf, where he misspells the latter‟s name (Metcalfe).

164. Layton, Irving. A Spider Danced a Cosy Jig. Toronto: Stoddart, 1984. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

165. Layton, Irving. Waiting for the Messiah. With David O‟Rourke. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1985. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

166. Layton, Irving. Una Nuova Glaciazione. Ex-Libris, 1985. This copy is number 95 of 150 copies and is signed by the author on the title page. Loosely inserted is a lithograph portrait of Layton, signed by the artist.

167. Rizzardi, Alfredo. Canada: The verbal creation / la creazione verbale. Piovan Editore, 1985. This is a collection of essays in English and Italian on Canadian writing, including an essay on the love poetry of Irving Layton by Rizzardi. This copy also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

168. Cameron, Elspeth. Irving Layton. Toronto: Stoddart, 1985. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

169. Cameron, Elspeth. Irving Layton. Toronto: Stoddart, 1985. This copy is an uncorrected proof, bearing the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

170. Cameron, Elspeth. Irving Layton. Toronto: Stoddart, 1985. This copy is an uncorrected proof.

171. Final Reckoning: Poems 1982-1986. Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1986. This copy is signed by the author on the title page and also bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

172. Layton, Irving. Dance With Desire: Love Poems. Toronto: McClelland &Stewart. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

173. Layton, Irving. Fortunate Exile. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1987. An early hardcover copy, containing a letter from an M&S employee (Bernice Eisenstein) attesting to its early state. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

174. Layton, Irving. Poem and Letter to John Metcalf about the attached poem composed for John Newlove‟s birthday. The letter says, in part: “Should you write to Newlove, you might tell him about it and wish him for me a very happy birthday. He‟s one of a small number of North American poets for whom I‟ve had both unfailing affection and respect. I hope the enclosed poem shows that.” (Contained in a brown 8.5” x 11” folder).

175. Layton, Irving. Poem. 2 pages. No date. Thoughts on Titling My Next Book “Bravo, Layton”. The poem is signed by Layton, with 2 minor corrections in his and to second page. (Contained in a brown 8.5” x 11” folder).

176. Layton, Irving. Attending Suzanne’s Funeral. Broadside, no date, signed by Layton. Printed on Yellow, 8 ½ x 11 paper, folded twice. (Contained in a brown 8.5” x 11” folder).

177. Layton, Irving. Logos. Single poem typed and signed by Layton. (Contained in a brown 8.5” x 11” folder).

178. Alfredo Rizzardi. Italian Critics on Irving Layton. Abano Terme: Piovan Editore, 1988. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

179. Layton, Irving Tutto sommato: poesie 1945-1989. Translated by Alfredo Rizzardi. Abano Terme: Piovan Editore, 1989. This copy is inscribed by translator to John Metcalf.

180. Wild Gooseberries: The Selected Letters of Irving Layton. Francis Mansbridge (ed.). Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1989. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature on front endpaper.

181. Rawprint: Concordia Poetry Workshop 1989. Irving Layton (ed.). This copy is signed by Irving Layton and also bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature. The anthology also contains four early poems by Ken Babstock.

182. Irving Layton and Robert Creeley: The Complete Correspondence, 1953-1978. Ekbert Faas, Sabrina Reed (eds.). Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1990. This copy is inscribed by Faas to John Metcalf and also bears Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

183. Bruni, Valerio. Danza Sulla Fune. Studio sulla poesia di Irving Layton. Piovan Editore. Abano Terme, 1990. This copy is inscribed by Layton to “John Metcalfe, in friendships, in admiration and warmest personal regards. March 6, 1991, Montreal.”

184. Layton, Irving. Nazi Airman. Pie Tree Press. 1990. This broadside is number 20 of 50, signed by Layton. Oversize.

185 & 186. Metcalf, John. Contact Press (1952-1967). Exhibit. National library of Canada. 1990. This is a catalogue of Metcalf‟s Contact Press collection. Layton was, alongside Raymond Souster and Louis Dudek, one of the principals of Contact Press, and many of his early books first appeared in Contact Press editions. (two copies)

187. Layton, Irving. The Improved Binoculars. Erin: Porcupine‟s Quill, 1991.

188. Layton, Irving. Dance With Desire: Selected Love Poems. Erin: The Porcupine‟s Quill, 1992. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

189. Layton, Irving. Dance With Desire: Selected Love Poems. Erin: The Porcupine‟s Quill, 1992. This copy is a blue-line proof, one of two copies produced and also contains a note from publisher Tim Inkster to the book‟s editor, John Metcalf.

190. Gorman, Richard. When Bathtubs had Feet. An original drawing, included in Layton‟s Dance with Desire, and signed by the artist.

191. Gorman, Richard. Magic Carpet. Another original drawing from Layton‟s Dance With Desire, signed by the artist.

192. Gorman, Richard. Dance With Desire. Prospectus. Multiple copies.

193. Layton, Irving. A Selection of Poems. : Magnum Reading Series, 1992.

194. Layton, Irving. Fornalutx. Montreal: McGill-Queen‟s University Press, 1992. This hardcover copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

195. Layton, Irving. Fornalutx. Montreal: McGill-Queen‟s University Press, 1992. This simultaneous softcover issue bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

196. An Invitation to the Launch of Fornalutx, on November 19, 1992.

197. Bennett, Joy. A Catalogue of the Letters, Tapes & Photographs in the Irving Layton Collection. : The University of Calgary, 1993. This copy bears the ownership signature of John Metcalf.

198. Raging Like a Fire: A Celebration on Irving Layton. Henry Beissel and Joy Bennett (eds.). Montreal: Vehicule Press, 1993. This hardcover copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

199. Raging Like a Fire: A Celebration of Irving Layton. Henry Beissel and Joy Bennett (eds.). Montreal: Vehicule Press, 1993. This hardcover copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

200. Layton, Irving. Danza di Desiderio. translated by Alfredo Rizzardi. Piovan Editore, 1993. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

201. Layton, Irving. IL CACCIATORE SCONCERTATP/ THE BAFFLED HUNTER. Ravenna: Longo, 1993. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

202. Mansbridge, Francis. Irving Layton: God’s Recording Angel. ECW, Toronto, 1995. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

203. Layton, David. Motion Sickness: A Memoir. Toronto: MacFarlane Walter & Ross, 1999. This copy bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

204. Layton, David. Motion Sickness: A Memoir. Toronto: MacFarlane Walter & Ross, 1999. This copy is signed by the author and bears John Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

205. Layton, Irving. A Wild Peculiar Joy: The Selected Poems of Irving Layton. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2004.


206. Essays on Canadian Writing 45-46 (winter-spring 1991-1992). The “Eli Mandel Issue” for which Irving Layton was one of the contributors.

207. Quarry, 15 (3), March 1966. This issue contains Al Purdy‟s review of The Collected Poems of Irving Layton.

208. Viewpoints, 11 (4), spring 1981. The “A.M. Klein Issue” with memoir essay by Irving Layton.

209. Essays on Canadian Writing, 10, spring 1978. This issue contains and interview with Layton and several essays about his work.

210. Waves, 15 (3) 1987. Al Purdy interviews Irving Layton.

211. Artisan, 6. autumn 1954. This issue contains poems by Layton.

212. Matrix, 16, spring 1983. This issue contains Layton‟s review of New Poems by Henry Moscovitch.

213. The Malahat Review, 2, April 1967. This issue contains Irving Layton‟s “Worksheets.”

214. The Malahat Review, 24, October 1972. This issue contains “Nietzsche and Poetry: A Discussion,” by Irving Layton and Eli Mandel.

215. Matrix, spring 1985. Contains “Irving Layton and the Montreal Poets,” by Michael Benazon.

216. Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory/Revue Canadienne de la Theorie Politique et Sociale: 1 (1), winter 1977. This issue consists of Layton‟s essay, “: The Paradoxes of a Liberal Marxist.” This copy is signed by the author and also bears Johns Metcalf‟s ownership signature.

217. Saturday Night, March 1996. This issue contains an essay by David Layton about his father.

218. Canadian Notes and Queries, 65, 2004. This issue contains articles about Layton by David O‟ Rourke and by Carmine Starnino.

219. Cataract, 3, 1962. This issue contains several poems by Irving Layton.

220-231. Jewish Dialogue: 12 issues ranging from 1971 to 1978, including work by Layton.

232. “The Canadian.” The Toronto Star. March 20, 1976. This issue contains a four page article, with two photographs of Layton, and his defense of Zionism against those who think it racist.


233. Bologna: La Cultura Italiana e Le Letterature Straniere Moderne. Offprint from conference containing a copy of Alfredo Rizzardi‟s “Irving Layton‟s Italian Poems.”

234. Typescript for a proposed book on Layton for the Porcupine‟s Quill by Ken Rockburn, eventually published by Stoddart. It contains an account of the Magnum Dinner for Irving‟s 80th Birthday.

235. Contact Press advertising sheet, c. 1956.

236. Menu for Irving Layton‟s 80th Birthday Celebration, Opus Bistro in Ottawa. 1992.

237. Jargon 18. The Improved Binoculars: This copy was used to print the P.Q. Edition with pagination and proofing.


238. How I Write a Canadian Poem, by Dr. Dylan Laydek. [1965?] (45 rpm) This is a satire on Canadian poetry, focusing much of its bite on Layton and his poetry.

239. Layton Reads Layton: The poetry of Irving Layton as read by the poet himself. Recorded Live at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Public Library, November 10, 1981. (LP)

240. Canadian Poets 1: CBC Publications, 1966. Poems by Earle Birney, , Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, Gwendolyn MacEwan, John Newlove, Alfred Purdy and Phyllis Webb. (LP)

241. Layton. Caedmon Records Canada, 1971. (LP)

242. Canadian Poets 1: CBC Publications, 1966. Poems by Earle Birney, George Bowering, Leonard Cohen, Irving Layton, Gwendolyn MacEwan, John Newlove, Alfred Purdy and Phyllis Webb. (LP)

243. Irving Layton at le Hibou. Posterity.[n.d.] (LP)

244. Miscellaneous Photographs (in folders and envelopes)

An 8 ½ x 11 b&w photograph by Layton, inscribed to S.C. by the author and dated April 1973.

A postcard sized photo of Layton signed by the photographer, Antoine Sellerny.

An 8 ½ x 11 Signed photo. Inscribed to Ralph Gustafson. Photo taken by I. Meissner.

An 8 ½ x 11 Signed photo. Inscribed to Ralph Gustafson. Photo taken by Basil Zarov. The photograph is a water damaged, and the inscription is no longer really legible, though the photo remains clear. Circa mid-1960s.

A signed snapshot of Layton. No date, though perhaps the most famous Layton photograph, used on numerous books, including as the cover photo of A Wild Peculiar Joy.

A photographs taken by Sam Tata of Irving Layton for the reissue of The Improved Binoculars.

23 photographs of Irving Layton by Niagara-on-the-Lake photographer and painter Gustave Pellerin. Some with Irving‟s wife, Margaret.