PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. June 2S,1862. Vo,, r. THURSDAY PORTLAND, MORNING, APRIL 2, 1868 Ten,,, $s.oo „,„mm,^adl,anee:~ „™E.P0RTLA,ND DAILY PRESS is published BUSINESS CARDS. COPARTNERSHIP every day, (Sunday excepted,) at No. J Printers' NOTICES. SCHOOLS. Ml SCELLANEOUS. of an indictment a as a districts Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. against termagant many large by severe and ^finely common of witnesses to Our readers have N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. MRS. M. A. DAILY PRESS. scold, summoning frosts. been informed bow Terms:— BOSWORTH, Dissolution of No. G. prove that what she said wa3 not true. It is Eight Dollars a year in advance. Copartnership Poiftlaiifl ] much the have suffered lor the Academy! people want PORTLAND. the noise and disturbance of the neighbor- of By Single copies 4 c^nta. Nos. 14 aud 50 Middle Wired, SIMILIA hood that is the not a of food In Northern Sweden. The have Fashionable millinery Copartnership hereto ore existing uu- FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ! provocation or irritation which causes the failed in these districts only last season tame place every Thursday morning at $2.00 a year, outbreak. I Thursday Morning, 1868. nvariably in advance. Dress SOULE