N T.Ftevico State Co\\Ege
t.ftevico State Co\\ege oracy, Nev1 "· " m4r 1Jtuiurrsity nf tliuursnta AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 143 MINNESOTA WHEAT INVESTIGATIONS SERIES III COMPOSITION AND QUALITY OF SPRING AND WINTER WHEATS CROPS OF 1912 AND 1913 BY C.H. BAILEY CEREAL TECHNOLOGIST, DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY UNIVERSITY FARM, ST. PAUL SEPTEMBER 1914 AG RI CULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STATION STAFF A. F. WooDs, M.A., D.Agr., Director ]. 0. RANKIN, M.A., Editor HARRIET W. SEWALL, B.A., Librarian T. ]. HORTON, Photographer T. L. HAECKER, Dairy and Animal Husbandman M. H. REYNOLDS, B.S.A., M.D., D.V.M., Veterinarian ANDREW Boss, Agriculturist F. L. WASHBURN, M.A., Entomologist E. M. FREEMAN, Ph.D., Plant Pathologist and Botanist JOHN T. STEWART, C.E., Agricultural Engineer R. VI/. THATCHER, J\1.A., Agricultural Chemist F.]. ALWAY, Ph.D., Soils Chemist RICHARD WELLINGTON, M.S., Chairman of Horticultural Committee E. G. CHEYNEY, B.A., Forester A. D. vVILSON, B.S. in Agr., Director of Agricultural Extension and Farmers' Institutes L. D. H. WELD, Ph.D., Agricultural Economist A.]. McGi:;rnE, B.Agr., Superin_tendent, North Central Substation E. C. HIGBIE, M.A., Superintendent, West Central Substation C. G. SELVIG, l\LA., Superintendent, Northwest Substation CHARLES HARALSON, Superintendent, Fruit-Breeding Farm, Excelsior M. J. THOMPSON, 1\1.S., Superintendent, Northeast Substation DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY R. W. THATCHER, M.A., Agricultural Chemist R. M. WEST, B.A., Assistant Agricultural Chemist C.H. BAILEY, B.S.A., Cereal Technologist CORNELIA
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