The Laws & Customs of Pesach

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The Laws & Customs of Pesach The Laws & Customs of Pesach-Summary Edition The Laws & Customs of Pesach An English compilation of laws from the Shulchan Aruch Harav, Chabad custom, and sea of Poskim Based on Shulchan Aruch Harav Chapters 429-494 Summary Edition The summary provided in this booklet was composed from the upcoming Sefer “The Laws and Customs of Pesach”. The summary does not contain the sources or footnotes, to allow for easy flow of the reader. To browse the content of the Sefer, footnotes, sources online please visit our section of Pesach provided in Compiled by: Rabbi Yaakov Goldstein Copyright © A project of Page 1 The Laws & Customs of Pesach-Summary Edition The Laws & Customs of Pesach-Summary Edition Published and copyrighted © by Yaakov Goldstein Lohamei Hagethaot 9/17, Tzefas For orders, questions, comments contact: Tel: 050-695-2866 E-mail: Available on All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photo-copying, without permission in Writing from the copyright holder 5777 • 2017 is a state of the art Halacha website that contains the largest English database of detailed Halacha available on the web. As part of this site a special Pesach database has been established to help the learner research any Halacha in Pesach and have it available on his fingertips. For further information visit our site at Please support us! Our website is available free of charge and is dependent on Donors like you! Please contact the above email to become a partner in our holy work! Copyright © A project of Page 2 The Laws & Customs of Pesach-Summary Edition Copyright © A project of Page 3 The Laws & Customs of Pesach-Summary Edition Table of contents 1.Thirty days before the festival: .................................................................................................................. 9 2. From Rosh Chodesh Nissan: ................................................................................................................... 10 3. Shabbos Hagadol: ................................................................................................................................... 11 4. Laws relating to Chametz: ...................................................................................................................... 12 5. Cleaning for Pesach: ............................................................................................................................... 19 6. Bedikas Chametz: ................................................................................................................................... 24 7. Bittul Chametz: ....................................................................................................................................... 28 8. Biur Chametz .......................................................................................................................................... 28 9. Mechiras Chametz: ................................................................................................................................. 30 10. Kosher for Pesach foods and products: ................................................................................................. 33 11. Pesach Chumros: ................................................................................................................................... 38 12. Matzah: ................................................................................................................................................. 42 13. Kashering: ............................................................................................................................................. 45 14. Erev Pesach: .......................................................................................................................................... 51 15. The Seder: ............................................................................................................................................. 57 16. The Pesach Davening and schedule: ..................................................................................................... 67 17. Throughout Pesach reminders:.............................................................................................................. 70 18. Erev Shevii Shel Pesach:....................................................................................................................... 71 19. Shevii/Achron Shel Pesach: .................................................................................................................. 71 20. After Pesach: ......................................................................................................................................... 74 Copyright © A project of Page 4 The Laws & Customs of Pesach-Summary Edition 1.Thirty days before the festival: A. Learning the laws prior to the festival: B. Avoiding sticky Chametz starting from thirty days before Pesach: C. Giving children play dough within thirty days before Pesach: D. Sefarim: E. Starch: F. Avoiding Matzah: G. Bedikas Chametz for one who is traveling: H. Buying Hagada’s: I. Buying Pesach vessels: J. Avoid saying “This meat is for Pesach”: K. Pesach complaints: L. Maos Chitim: 2. From Rosh Chodesh Nissan: A. Omitting Tachanun and other prayers of supplication in the month of Nisan: B. Cemetery: C. Fasting: D. Nassi: E. Birchas Ilanos: F. Nuts: G. Jewelry and clothing: 3. Shabbos Hagadol: 4. Chametz: A. What is Chametz? B. The Chametz prohibitions: C. Owning-The prohibition of “Tashbisu” & “Baal Yiraeh Ubaal Yimatzei”: D. The prohibition of eating and benefit: E. Bedikas Chametz-Understanding the obligation of cleaning the house for Chametz: F. One who finds Chametz on Pesach: G. Buying Chametz after Pesach: H. May one touch Chametz on Pesach? 5. Cleaning for Pesach: A. The general rule of where and what to check: B. Chametz which is found in areas that are not reachable by hand: C. Chametz that is on walls: D. Chametz vessels-Cleaning and storing: E. Checking ones clothing for Chametz: F. Does one need to clean/search his backyard for Chametz? G. Yisrael Kidoshim Hem: Going beyond the letter of the law to destroy all Chametz: H. Traveling-Cleaning/Checking one’s home for Chametz prior to traveling for Pesach: I. Renting a home before Pesach from Frum Jew-who has to check? J. Renting a home for Pesach from a non-Frum owner, or gentile: K. Leaving sold Chametz in one’s home over Pesach: 6. Bedikas Chametz: A. Where? B. When: C. Prohibition of doing work, eating, or studying Torah prior to performing the Bedika: D. Maariv: E. Guarding the Chametz from the night of the 14th F. The blessing: G. May one talk while doing the Bedikah: Copyright © A project of Page 5 The Laws & Customs of Pesach-Summary Edition H. Walking from house to house and room to room during the Bedikah: I. Who in the house is obligated in doing the Bedikah: J. Appointing others to help perform the Bedikah: K. The ten pieces of bread: L. What may one use as light to check for Chametz? M. Does a shul or Beis Medrish need to checked for Chametz? 7. Bittul Chametz 8. Biur Chametz 9. Mechiras Chametz: A. The obligation: B. Where is one to store his Chametz that was sold? C. Doing the sale through a Rav: D. May one begin to eat Chametz after Pesach prior to the conclusion of the sale? 10. Kosher for Pesach foods and products: A. The definition of a Kosher for Pesach product: B. Not to use Kosher for Pesach foods which one used for Chametz foods: C. From what time on Erev Pesach must one be careful to only eat Kosher for Pesach products? D. Must Non-edible products be Kosher for Pesach? E. Kitniyos: F. List of foods and their Kosher for Pesach status: 11. Pesach Chumros: A. Matzah Shruyah/Gebrochts B. Matzah Ashira/Machine made Matzah: C. Sugar: D. Alcoholic beverages: E. Water: F. A vessel or food that fell on the ground: G. Radish: H. Garlic: I. Cinnamon: J. Eggs: K. Smoking: L. Peeling all produce: M. To wash all ones produce prior to Pesach: N. Processed foods: O. Eating out by others on Pesach: P. Lending vessels to others: Q. Not to wipe lips by Mayim Achronim: R. Using hot water in a sink on Pesach: S. Not to say the word Chametz: 12. Matzah: A. Shmura Matzah: B. Does one fulfill the mitzvah even if he eats Matzah which does not belong to him? C. Matzah Ashira/ “Rich mans Matzah”: D. Machine made Matzah: E. Kefulos and Nefuchos: F. Gebrochts: Matzah balls, Matzah dipped in liquids: Copyright © A project of Page 6 The Laws & Customs of Pesach-Summary Edition 13. Kashering: A. What to do with Chametz vessels that one does not plan to Kasher: B. Buying new vessels: C. Forms of Kashering: D. What form of Kashering does a vessel require-General rules? E. What materials may be Kashered? F. Practical list of items: G. How does one do Hagalah? 14. Erev Pesach: A. Taanis Bechoros-Fast of First Born: B. The Davening: C. Sof Zman Achilas Chametz: From what time on Erev Pesach must one be careful to eat only Kosher for Pesach products? D. Sof Zman Biur Chametz-Burning the Chametz: E. Doing work on Erev Pesach: F. Eating on Erev Pesach: G. Getting a haircut on Erev Pesach: H. Cutting the nails: I. Seder preparation to do list: J. Roasting meat for the Seder: K. Mincha Erev Pesach: L. Eiruv
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