?''? ? OUR SHEET IS DEDICATED TO THE REFUAH SHLEIMAH OF ALL THOSE INFECTED BY THE CORONAVIRUS. DAF YOMI SUMMARY MAY HASHEM KEEP EVERYONE STAYING AT HOME, SAFE AND WELL! ????? ?? ?? HUGE HAKARAT HATOV TO ALL THE DOCTORS & MEDICAL STAFF THAT ? - ?? ??? ARE LOOKING AFTER EVERYONE DURING THIS TOUGH TIME. BE A MATCH NOT A FLAME PINAT HALACHA THANKS TO RABBI EFFIE KLEINBERG THANKS TO DANI SCHREIBER As we journey through the 3rd Perek of M asechet and Question: Before Corona, we bought my son a scooter for his study the laws of permissible and prohibited forms of food birthday so that he could to and from shul more easily on preparation, the discusses the concept of foods being Shabbat. Unfortunately, we then discovered that the scooter had cooked or heated by secondary forms of heat. One of the great lights on the wheels which are activated when riding the scooter. conundrums of this discussion is the principle of kli sheini eino Can we allow him to ride the scooter? mevashel- this means that broadly speaking, a secondary vessel Answer: You may not cause a light to be turned on during does not have the ability to cook.The principle is first understood Shabbat, even when it is not your primary intention. (For instance, through an episode involving Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi instructing his you may not open a refrigerator if it will turn on the light, even student Rabbi Yitzchak bar Avdimi to place the jar of body oil into a though your primary intention is merely to get food from the second bowl of warm water that had been drawn from the hot fridge). springs of Teverya that Rabbi Yehuda had been bathing in. The principle at play was that the hot water being used to heat up the In this case, the primary intention is to ride the scooter, but you oil had been removed from the source of the heat and was now in KNOW with certainty that it will activate the lights. Obviously ,if you a secondary vessel, making it permissible to heat up the oil. could take out the lights, it would obviate the problem entirely. I might even have been able to find a leniency if you could at least How does this principle work, especially given the potential cover the lights. But from what you've told me, the lights cannot be scenario that the substance in the secondary vessel could in theory covered, therefore your son should not ride the scooter on be much hotter than the 45 degrees celsius yad soledet Shabbat. temperature, which is the prohibited minimum for cooking on Shabbat? As an aside, some might look at this and say it's a "psik reisha delo nicha lei" (an unintentional act which the doer does not care The main approach to this was a comment from the Tosafot on about, or does not want). M y response is that even though your that very narrative with Rabbi Yehuda. The Tosafot say that a son's primary intention is not to turn on the lights, it's clear that the substance absorbs heat from another source and as soon as it manufacturer put the lights there because they know that kids will leaves that source of heat, it begins to lose its heat quickly due to enjoy them. Hence it is not "lo nicha lei". the temperature exchange of the cool walls of the vessel the food is going into. The walls of the second cup that receives the liquid or food absorbs some of the heat but also causes the temperature direction to go down. The liquid at this point has lost its heat intensity and can no longer cause a prohibited cooking process to occur even if the liquid temperature is much hotter than yad soledet bo.

Rav Avigdor Neventzal wrote in his essays on parashat Beha?alotcha that the role of the kohen in lighting the menorah each day in the Beit Hamikdash, was to keep the match to the wick until it would rise on its own. If we want to inspire others, we ourselves need to never cease our own learning and growth. To cause other flames to rise, we ourselves must be a match to other wicks. This is the concept of the kli sheini- if we are simply a secondary heating source, just a receptacle and not a primary vessel such as a pot on the fire, that is working on ourselves and lighting our own fire, we would not be able to ?heat? up anyone else.

The great lesson from the laws of cooking on Shabbat teaches us to be like a match or a pot on the fire, and then in turn we will be able to inspire others! ? ? S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3 A ? ? 1 3 0 1 6 ? 0 3 ? 1 4 6 ? 5 6 7 2 7 ? ? 1 5 ? 1 2 ? 4 5 2 3 6 5 6 ? ? 0 0 4 ? 3 ? ? ? ? 1 5 ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 0 ? ? 2 ? ? ? ? ? 2 2 ? ? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? ?

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?''? ? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ? ???? 2 | DAF YOMI SUMMARY GADOL OF THE WEEK between Abaye and Rava, including in our and take steps to increase peace with one?s THANKS TO AMI ELKUS daf on .??, regarding insulation of hot water brothers and one?s relatives, and with all from ??? ?? ? ???. people, even with a non-Jew in the Abaye ? (277 - 337CE) ???? marketplace, so that he will be loved above in These disputes are core to our development 4th Generation Amorah. Succeeded his G-d?s eyes, pleasant below in the eyes of the and analysis of halacha. Despite the uncle to be Head of Pumpedisa Yeshivah. people. frequency of debate, Rava is seen as superior Buried in Israel. in such halachic analysis. The source of the name ???? has long been Hence, other than six decisions that went debated. His real name was Nachmani after like Abaye, known by the Yael his grandfather. Orphaned at a young age, Kagam (?"?? ?"??), the opinions of Rava were Abaye was raised by his Uncle, Rabbah Bar always accepted as final. Nachmani. The name Abaye is either ?little ???? to distinguish from his namesake In this time of being confined to our homes grandfather. Or an acronym of the passuk in with the ones most dear to us, ?????s mussar Hoshea, ???? ???? ?? ?? ? referring to ???? from ?? ?????. is worth remembering: being an orphan. Finally, it may simply be the ???? ?? ???? ????? ,??? ??? ? ?? ???? Aramaic translation of his name Nachmani, ?????? ,??? ?? ??? ?????? ??? comfort. ????? ???? ???? ??? ,??? ? ??? ?? Abaye established Talmudic guiding ?????? ?? ????? ???? ,???? ????? principles such as the correlation between a passuk, its peshat and what is extrapolated from it in the M ishna. A soft answer turns away wrath? (?? ??? ?)? The Gemarah lists hundreds of debates

strengthen our covenant with mankind, and the master of the ?? ? ?? (Thursday 9 April) world. Thanks to Hadran (www.hadran.org.il)

Following up on the M ishna?s outlining the three questions that ? ? ? ?? (Friday 10 April) should be be raised in a home as dark approaches on Friday evening, Thanks to Rabbi David Ziering the proceeds to define what ?darkness? means. Rava later defines this time period as ??? ?? ? ??? and the problems The Gemara continues to clarify each of the 3 opinions of when is determining whether twilight is day, night or both. Bein Hashmashot. R Yehuda: sunset until the eastern sky darkens, R Yossi: blink of the eye and Rav Nechemia from sunset to walk a half Latent in the Talmud?s discussion are the following questions: Is of a mil. the doubt due to a lack of knowledge to define the exact time when day becomes night? OR is the issue not a lack of information but the Abaye sees Rava examining the western sky and not the eastern unique and natural duality of the time as both day and night. sky to follow Rabbi Yehudas view. Rava claims he can judge the redness of the east easier by the strength of the sun in the west. Is it a time that gradually changes and is therefore day and night? Rav Nechemias view of a half mil can be measured by standing on The Gemara continues to define ??? ?? ? ??? utilizing three different top of M ount Carmel going to the bottom to the sea ,taking a mikva perspectives: An artistic lens defines ??? ?? ? ??? through the view dip and getting back to the top. and range of colors in the sky?s upper and lower horizons. Another interesting point is that you can see the Well of M iriam A mathematical approach defines twilight as a distance of time it from on top of M ount Karmel. It looks like a big sieve in the middle takes to travel 3/4 of a mil. Lastly, ??? ?? ? ??? is philosophically of the water. described as a time period that passes in the blink of an eye. Shmuel claims that Rav Yossi's view of ?the blink of an eye? starts No matter which approach you favor, ??? ?? ? ??? is halachically only after Rabbi Yehudas time completely ends. Shmuel gives problematic and therefore requires stringencies. another sign for the end of Bein Hashamasot. When one can see 3 The Rabbis are perplexed by this uncertainty of time and how mid size stars in the evening. unexpected things can happen. Similarly we are living through a Rava gives some advice to take in Shabbos a little early and to light time period of much uncertainty and anxiety. However, uncertainty candles already when the sun is on top of a palm tree. If it?s a cloudy doesn?t have to be destabilizing when grounded in certainties of day, take a look when roosters disperse or in a field when the ravens time and faith. disperse. ??? ?? ? ??? is surrounded by the absolutes of morning and night. 35b Fri afternoon we blow 6 blasts to warn the nation about We too can therefore find order in the chaos, courage in Shabbat starting. vulnerability, ? solace in our companionship with G-D? and wisdom in our responsibilities. Our challenge is to find the appropriate The first blow is for people in the field to go home; the second balance between predictable and unpredictability and therefore blast is for people in the stores, the 3rd is for candle lighting and

We have taken care not to use '? ?? or quote full ????? ?. Accordingly, this sheet does Daily Daf images kindly provided by Style·A·Daf. - Rabbi NTahtea n? ZFiacrhbreur .- RMeecmeiovrey SCtoyrlnee Ar ?D sauf mthmroauryg h aWsh kaitnsdAlyp pb e(enm apirlo svtidyeleda bdya fZ@icghmraui (l.c)o.m Fo) ro fru frrtohmer t heir not need to be placed in shaimos but should be disposed of in a respectful manner. website www.style-a-daf.com. Also icnhfoercmk ahttitopns :a/n/dw two wre.ycuetiovera dha.oilryg c/osnetaerncth /fr?otmea Zcihcehrr=u 8p3le2a1s6e R vaishiti Dwawf wfo.zri cehverury.c Roamshi on the daf! ?''? ? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ? ???? 3 | DAF YOMI SUMMARY

removing . (Sunday 12 April) After the 3rd blast, there is a short time for last minute activities ?? ? ?? Thanks to Style A Daf and then 3 more blasts. We can learn from here, that Shabbos enters not at candle lighting, but at kabalat Shabbat( Rosh) The Babylonians had a different order, but we are told not to rebuke them because it is their fathers and we don?t mess with that.

?? ? ?? (? ?? 11 April) Thanks to Alex Drucker

The second perek of M asechet Shabbat ends with a discussion of different things and places that were once known by a certain name but over the passage of time the names have changed or become transposed with on another. and Tasfos both comment here on the practical ramifications of these name changes. With the two types of Aravos, one is kosher for Arba M inim, the other not. With the different animal stomachs,

? ? ? ?? (Monday 13 April) Thanks to Joel Goldstein Credit to Rav Rosner and the M esivta Hachzarah returning a cooked food to the fire; either like Rashi and other rishonim because looks like cooking, or like R? Tam who says even before Shabbas and more because maybe will end up stoking the coals. 5 conditions to allow: 1 Fully cooked according to Rambam/Smag/Smak/Tur etc but the Rashba/Rosh/RTan etc holds after ma?achel ben dorasoy there is no bishul. We lechatchila are machmir 2. Gorufed and Kotumed (covered flame). Ritva has a kula that if its mitztamek v?ra lo, it doesn?t need to be covered. Bedieved the damage to one would render an animal a triefa, the other not. CBLuItC, K rema says we can rely on this. as with so much of Shas, there is a deeper message here. HERE 3. Not totally cold (Ritva/Remo) or still needs to be ?Rotachat?/yad M uch of M asechet Shabbat is practical halacha, not only do these soledes (Tur/M echabe) variants all affect life on a practical halachik level but the cognisance 4 Needs to remain in your hands to make sure no break of mind. of social changes, be they practical, linguistic, or otherwise, is an Poskim discuss if need to hold in hand and not put on the table at invaluable tool to any Talmud chacham. all. Or if holding on is ok. Putting on a chair would be ok even It is unquestionably preferable to learn Torah in the original without hand as that?s a clearly not a final putting down language (Hebrew, Aramaic, whatever) when it comes to applying 5 Intention to put back when you took it off the fire. Halacha it isn?t enough to know roughly what the Gemara is talking about. A good translation, an up-to-date understanding and a keen Question is do you need to have intention to put back or just cant sensitivity to the issue at hand can be the difference between a have intention to not return. (The Rambam omits this one, perhaps mitzvah and a bracha levatala, eating kosher or treif or even, ???, based on the Yerushalmi (GRA) Ran has a big leniency (not issurei kares. paskened like lechatchila), all condition only needed to if taken off erev shabbas and want to put it back ON Shabbas. But if it was on the fire when Shabbas started and u want to take it off and put it back on in the morning need fully cooked and covered but don?t need the rest. Shaar tziyon says if u only have one of 4 and 5 you can put back. Reb moshe is meikel you can move from one covered fire to another. Shmiras shabbas, taking by mistake you can put it back (relying somewhat on the ran). R Akiva Eiger (RAE), wonders can I take off someone else?s pot and mess it up. Rav Shach assumes it is a problem as it?s no different from falling which appears to be a

We have taken care not to use '? ?? or quote full ????? ?. Accordingly, this sheet does Daily Daf images kindly provided by Style·A·Daf. - Rabbi Natan Farber. Receive Style A Daf through WhatsApp (email [email protected]) or from their not need to be placed in shaimos but should be disposed of in a respectful manner. website www.style-a-daf.com. Also check https://www.yutorah.org/search/?teacher=83216 RashiDaf for every Rashi on the daf! ?''? ? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ????? ?????? ? ???? 4 | DAF YOMI SUMMARY

problem. RAE however thinks that point is a machlokus rishonim. ???? ?? suggests another answer. If we had only the ??? ? later, The Gemara does not answer if u can move from one pot to we might have thought that ????? is prohibited only ???????, but another onto the fire. Rashba says go lechumra, Rambam doesn?t ??????, if one did ????? the food is permitted. The episode in ????? teaches us that the food itself is also prohibited. ???? ?? cites ???? ????? who answers that the incident in ????? teaches that one may not do ????? in material that adds heat even with a raw food. Even though one may do ???? with raw food on Friday, one may not do ????? with a raw food. Finally, the ????? ,??????, and ???? ? explain that the ???? stated in the ??? ? later was taught as a result of the incident in ?????. It was in ?????, during the episode described in the ??? ? here (:??), that the ????? first said that ????? in material that adds heat is prohibited.

quote and the beis Yosef assumes you can be lenient. If there is a power cut and hot plate goes off, the Chazon Ish says even if the power was reconnected b?heter you need to remove before it goes back on because it?s a problem of hachzorah. Reb Shlomo Zalmon allows even if it was only fixed b?issur.

? ? ? ?? (Tuesday 14 April) Thanks to M arc Zeffren

????? in material that adds heat (adapted from Rabbi M ordechai Kornfeld) CLICK ??? ? ?? says that we learn from the incident with the peopleH oEfR E ????? that ????? in material that adds heat is prohibited. Why does he state this as the reason when when the ??? ? later (??:) states this ???? explicitly?

???? ?? answers (??? ???? ???) that without the episode in ?????, we might have thought that it was only during ??? ?? ? ??? that the ??? ? prohibits ?????, but while it is still daytime on Friday afternoon, ????? is permitted. We learn from what happened in ????? that even during the day, before Shabbos, ????? in material that adds heat is prohibited.

We have taken care not to use '? ?? or quote full ????? ?. Accordingly, this sheet does Daily Daf images kindly provided by Style·A·Daf. - Rabbi Natan Farber. Receive Style A Daf through WhatsApp (email [email protected]) or from their not need to be placed in shaimos but should be disposed of in a respectful manner. website www.style-a-daf.com. Also check https://www.yutorah.org/search/?teacher=83216 RashiDaf for every Rashi on the daf!