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The Semi (01-21-2008)

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Saint Bloggistine: The Bishop of Hippo Bares All STATUS UPDATES St. Augustine is being By Phil Gable emo on Xanga

“Today is very or­ Richie Mouw is cooking dinary.” “You are cur­ a grit. rently looking at my Sophomore year history Barry Taylor is searching teacher...the tight pants for God and Culture in wearing, Ibanez gui­ G ig li. tar playing, sex god...” “Meanwhile my sins multiplied. The woman The SEMI is rockin'(in the with whom I habitu­ free world). ally slept was torn away from my side because she was a hindrance NEW S FEED to my marriage.” “I’ve Paul of Tarsus joined the group been on something of an "The Way." emotional roller coaster since watching Broke- Jimmy Dobson wrote on Richie back Mountain...” Can Mouw's wall. you spot the Neopla­ tonic confession hiding Johnny Goldingay wrote a new amongst the comments note: "Going to see the Beatles of online bloggers? In tomorrow, I'll have to, like, wash reading Augustine’s Confessions, you get this my tie-dye stuff... Blimey." same sneaky suspicion that you’ve just stum­ Jeff Bjorck created a group: bled upon the mother load of a person’s sciously wrestles before God, and such Hang-gliding, Power-Lifting Psy­ psyche, displayed in its entirety before the statements as “I directed my mind to un­ chology Teachers Anonymous. public eye. Were we to format excerpts derstand” reveal his struggle to reconcile of his Confessions into a blog, it would his internal world with the situations and Rick Warren wrote on your wall: easily blend in amongst the ramblings people around him. In a similar manner, "What is the Purpose™of Fuller of other bloggers’ internal worlds. But is albeit less sophisticated, it is not uncom­ Seminary? Find out in my new his self-reflection tragic, profound, or a mon for a self proclaimed “cam whore” five-step series!" cocktail of both? The point I’m making to post about her school counselor’s lack here is that Augustine’s turmoil reflects a of scruples on one day, profess an emo­ . g r o u p s .; m w m m m fundamental human drive: we crave that tional deadness the next, and then post our confessions be heard, and yet have pictures of herself online only twenty- You have 1 new group request: become accustomed to a westernized dis­ four hours later. Lest we attempt to dis­ connection from the world around us. associate ourselves from the impulses of "Ruth Vuong for What remains consistent both in this teenager, let us not forget that we President" Confessions and in the personal exposés share the same urges to anonymously yet Why Not? 4 members. of today’s self-proclaimed online journal­ publicly display our own emotional “is­ ists is a need to grapple with the content sues” on our web journals de jour. But of the inner world. Augustine self-con- JOIN IGNORE Clickthrough to page 11 to read m ore... SEMI Relevant [0SX.9 WILDCAT]

“My spiritual gift is talking trash. ” ones to read. So I have listed below a few worth -Andy Konigsmark on American Gladiators checking out. 1. benwitherington.blogspot.com Prolific Blogging is a funny phenomenon. So many people N T scholar Ben Witherington offers up movie with so much to say about nothing. Like any medium, it reviews, archaeology and discussion. can be educational, promote community and fun. But 2. superflat.typepad.com/nevermindthebri- it can also be detrimental, petty and a waste of time. colage/ Barry Taylor tells you what’s up with When I was in high school, it seemed like every films, theology and music. Crazy Brits. youth minister or guest speaker was talking about the 3. www.netbloghost.com/mouw/ Dr. dangers of the chat room. These mediums of course Richard J. Mouw’s musings. are not inherently evil, but we need to be on guard, 4. newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith and vigilant about what we are consuming. Religious leaders from all faiths respond to As Phil Gable shows, baring our souls in confession questions like “is torture justifiable?” is a noble idea, but we must be wary of the over-indi­ vidualization that often results. Matt Lumpkin shows “I gotta get on that internet. I ’m late on every­ a great example of how technology can really serve to th in g ” increase the quality of our friendships and our enjoyment -Jerry Seinfeld of art. Linda Moon does a great service of telling us how -Ben Cassil blogging can be problematic, but still fun. SEMI Editor My biggest problem with blogs is finding worthwhile

We re looking for contributors for the following upcoming issues: Speaking in Tongues, Black History Month, and Reviews of Music, Films, Restaurants, ».SEMI Books and Theatre. If you are interested in contributing writings or artwork, or want to write a letter to the editor, e-mail: [email protected]. All submissions are subject to editing for length and clarity. Dean o f Students Ruth Vuong Managing Editor Carmen Valdés Editor BenCassil ANNOUNCEMENT [email protected] Production Editor Scott Arany [email protected] Ads Coordinator Eugene Suen [email protected] °ä ä !!fn e„! The SEMI is published weekly as a service to the Fuller community by Student Life and Services, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA 91182. Articles and commentaries do not necessarily re­ flect the views of the Fuller administration or the SEMI. Final editorial responsibility rests with the dean of students.

Letters to the editor: The SEMI welcomes brief responses to articles and commentaries on issues relevant to the Fuller community. All submissions must include the authors name and contact infor­ mation and are subject to editing. “Therefore, 1 will now allure her, Announcements: Notices may be submitted to and bring her into the wilderness, [email protected] or dropped off at the < I and speak tenderly to her. | SEMI Office on the 2nd floor of Kreyssler Hall above the Catalyst. They must be submitted by the jJ losea 2:14 deadlines printed below and not exceed 35 words. jsL ■ Advertisements: Notices for events not directly Rob Johnston sponsored by a Fuller department, office, or orga­ School of Theology Faculty nization will be printed in the “Ads” section and charged per word. All requests should be made with the Fuller Vocal Ensemble through the ads coordinator.

Submission______Deadline a .m . Winter 5 Jan. 21 Wednesday, 10:00 Winter 6 Jan. 28 Travis Auditorium January 23,2008

Page 2 - Winter 3 • the SEMI The Program: Or How I Learned to Stop Downloading and Love the By M att Lumpkin

The Music another time I have this friend. We’ll call him perhaps), I “Cleveland.” He’s one of the few people knew that being I know who loves to listen to music as controlled by or much as I do. We met in college. After loving anything browsing each other’s CD collections we more than God knew it was the beginning of a beauti­ is rarely pleas­ ful friendship. I was interested in learn­ ing to Him and ing more about the Beatles (he had their is one definition complete catalog). He was amazed that of sin. It all came someone else had heard of and enjoyed to a head in De­ Rusted Root. cember of 2006 This was about 1999, which as you when I couldn’t may recall, was about the time something find more than called “Napster” came onto the scene and five albums, in completely changed the way we think literally hun­ about music. The size of my music col­ dreds that I had lection tripled in about two months. listened to that For the past two years, up until I year, which I came out to seminary, Cleveland and I could honestly lived in the same town. We shared music. recommend to A lot of music. The playlists on our iPods friends. Some­ were hopelessly inbred. He would get an thing had to album and share it with me. I would get change. All at once it hit me. I knew of the week we talk about it. an album and share it with him. We kept what to do. Cleveland loved the idea so much he each other alert for shows of our favorite gave it a name and a blog: mog.com/ artists, though it was rare that a major act The Program I called Cleveland and told him of my matt_cleveland. He posts weekly about would deign to pass through our South­ “The Program,” listing the albums were ern backwater. After a couple of years of vexing problem. He knew it all too well. Then I told him my solution: to intro­ listening to, and at the end of the week this, we both had a lot more music than we both leave comments, sharing our re­ we had time to listen to, at least not more duce discipline and community into our music listening. We would each pick one flections after seven days of intentional than once, before franticly moving on to listening with others who join us from scan the next “great” album. album of music that was new to us every week and listen to them both, at least five time to time or have started their own The Problem or six times. We would listen to no other “Programs.” In spite of this unprecedented access new music that week. Old, familiar mu­ Shared Media Consumption to sampling any music we could Google sic is fair game, but nothing new other This has had two outcomes. First, for, I wasn’t enjoying it, at least not like I than the albums of the week. This was I have a real Top Ten Albums of 2007 used to. Sure, I was more aware of what the discipline part. The community part this year (mattlumpkin.com, then click different bands sounded like. But every would be that we would not just be pick­ “blog”) of albums I really love. Second, it time I loaded a new album on my iPod, I ing music for ourselves, but for one an­ means that Cleveland is the only friend remembered all those CD’s I had bought other. This was no small thing. Though I have back home that I’ve talked to or as a teen-ager with hard earned allowance our musical tastes overlap, there is a lot emailed on a weekly basis since leaving and fast-food wages. I remembered the of music Cleveland loves that it has taken Arkansas. sinking feeling on the drive home from me years to appreciate, and vice versa. I We’re a year through The Program, the store disappointed by an album, only still don’t like Son Volt very much and and this got me thinking about the role of to fall in love on the fifth or six spin he still can’t tolerate They Might Be Gi­ shared media as a means of maintaining through the disk. I wasn’t listening to ants (and most electronic music) but I’m relationships, particularly long distance anything five or six times anymore. I was slowly making headway on that front. relationships. Most of our friendships are gorging on music, but not savoring any We would be listening to it together, forged around common experiences— of it. I was drowning in choice. And yet though not listening simultaneously. I of­ the pressure cooker of freshman year in I continued to download more music, ten began to think of how Cleveland was college, that trip across Europe, or maybe compulsively. responding to the music I was explor­ surviving the Greek intensive. Though it I even started to wonder what God ing for the first time, laughing at things may be a poor substitute, when we have thought of this. Ethics of music down­ I know he will laugh at and predicting loading aside (a dead horse to beat at things he will love and hate. At the end Click through to page 11 to read m ore...

the SEMI • Winter 3 • Page 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS

Fuller Arts1

The Fuller Symposium Postcard Corife on the Integration ¡ L ' of Faith and Psychology a postcard write a secret ct WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20-22. 2008 FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY * P A S A D E N A S à i' L be artistic

be creative be true

j dccît-befi'iW.in ßodJ Welcome to Fuller Seminary New SOT Students! We invite you to have dinner in Old Town Pasadena. :4 I Come enjoy delicious food, make new friends, and have some fun! Spouses and children are encouraged H i'Ä .lk IS Send the postcard fftSL to join! We'd like to get to know you and make you anonymously feel at home. to Fuller Box 174 Inviting: New SOT Students

For more info: postsecret.blogspot.com Date: Friday, January 25,2008 Arts Concerns Facebook Group Tim e: 5:15 p .m . (depart 5:30 p .m .) artsconcems® gmail.com Location: Meet in front of The Catalyst Contact: Daniel Ra — 310.386.5211. Questions: [email protected]

[religion and therapy] FUTURE DIRECTIONS




And more!


Ephany Kings ay Nights Carrie Graham 5:30p - 7:30p Michelle Payton 101

Page 4 • Winter 3 • the SEMI Fuller 2.0: New Systems for the New Year Announcement courtesy o f Howard Wilson, Executive Vice President for Administration

2008 is here, and the time to bid fare­ Starting with Spring quarter, Fuller gives you the ability to do many things well to the old and usher in the new has students will register for classes online! with your online student account, in­ come. Fuller Seminary is excited to an­ Beginning the last week of February, on­ cluding viewing your balance anytime, nounce significant advancements in on­ line registration will be available through enrolling in a tuition payment plan, and line services, for students, faculty, staff, Portico. Students will be able to register, making online tuition and fee payments administrators, and alumni/ae. The ser­ add and drop classes, or change grading using credit cards, check cards, and elec­ vices listed below will bring you greater status in minutes, wherever and when­ tronic checks. convenience and efficiency in various ever they find it convenient, 24/7. Fur­ Students will receive an email mes­ internal seminary communications and ther information will be distributed to sage with specific instructions on how to transactions. students by email (through Portico) and login to the Portico portal and gain ac­ The new “portal” technology is set made available in Portico early in Febru­ cess to all these new features and services. to debut on January 28. “Portico,” the ary. Instructions will be sent on Friday, Janu­ replacement to Campus Pipeline, will Web-based email will be accessible ary 18. By following these instructions, bring a single interface for online services through Portico (or your email client.) you will be able to use Portico when it is that’s easy to use and targets individual Fuller will be replacing its former FISH released on Monday, January 28. Please groups with information pertinent to email system with new email systems for make sure to read these instructions so them. We are excited about Portico, be­ students and employees, providing more you too can take advantage of Portico! cause it provides a unifying gateway for features, integrated calendaring, enter­ Our commitment is to make Fuller all institutional web-based services. In­ prise spam filtering, and simpler remote a great place for students to learn and cluded in these services are those listed access to email, without changing your for faculty and staff to serve. We trust below plus course management, library “@fuller.edu” addresses. these changes will help to accomplish services, online communities, calendar­ Fullers new online tuition/fee pay­ that purpose. Campus-wide teams have ing, messaging, announcements, chat, ment system, TouchNet, was imple­ been working diligendy for a long time account information access, document mented in the fall quarter. Accessed to make them happen, and deserve our management, and more. directly or through Portico, the system thanks for their efforts. 0 Stop the Trafficking By Andy Sexton

In June 2006, a couple from Egypt The UN has introduced protocols, on February 13. This declaration will be pleaded guilty to forcing a ten year old and the government of the United States calling governments to a major campaign Egyptian girl to work as a domestic ser­ has recognized the issue and is acting. of action. There will also be a sign-up ta­ vant to their family of seven in Irvine, Now it’s your turn. It’s time to STOP ble in the Garth (hopefully) around the California. The couple had forced the THETRAFFIK. last week of January where you can sign girls to sleep in the garage, with no light STOP THE TRAFFIK is a grow- the petition or find out more. or ventilation, and had forbidden her to ing global coalition of nearly 900 orga­ We have one shot at this; the deadline attend school or see a doctor in 2 years. nizations working in over 50 countries is fast approaching, so please show your Sammy Cheung was sentenced to 12 through education, advocacy, and fund­ support by signing up and passing this years in prison for leading a criminal ring raising to: prevent the traffic of people, on to your networks of friends. in which he recruited women and girls protect the victims of trafficking and Stop the trafficking! People should from Mexico to work as prostitutes in prosecute the traffickers. They are work­ not be bought and sold! 0 Long Beach. During this time he kept ing with the US government and the UN the victims under guard and forced them to raise public awareness and knowledge to work without pay until police freed of human trafficking, raise cooperation the captives in a raid on the brothel. and partnership with key organizations, Around the world, UNICEF esti­ and raise profile and support for anti­ mates that over 1.2 million children are trafficking projects. trafficked every year. That’s a child every Andy Sexton is a first-year MA student in You can influence the UN to endorse Intercultural Studies. 30 seconds who is deceived or forced a global fund to stop human children He is also the Oasis into slavery. The US State Department trafficking by signing our Global Decla­ International Director estimates that these children make up ration at www.stopthetraffik.org/decla- for Children at Risk. at least half of all human trafficking vic­ ration. By signing the petition, you will tims. They are vulnerable, cheap, and re­ join the million-name declaration to be usable. presented to the UN Secretary-General

the SEMI • Winter 3 • Page 5 The Top Ten Music Revin An

Writing a best of list is always a funny task, because it is music. The music alone is worth it, and the stories in based solely on the likes and dislikes of the author. So the lyrics might just expand how you see life and the here I am writing my best records of 2007 and feel no Spirit working. shame about it. These are records that are worth hearing. Pay your $9.99 to download or take a trip to Amoeba Iron and Wine, The Shepherds Dog Panda Bear, Oh, so good and oh, so beauti­ Person Pitch ful. I think at this point I under­ Think Brian Wil- stand why I love Americana and son’s “Smile” or “Pet Sounds” Folk music. There is something fused together with smart elec­ about Sam Beam that knows tronic manipulation. Count me how to write a story and convey it beautifully. Iron and in. If you have not heard Deer- Wine’s music is maturing, and new ideas and formulas hoof or Animal Collective this for seem to be apparent. It’s almost like his voice might be a tough record to start with, but let me say it lulls you to sleep through telling you haunted stories. is worth the time and energy to understand the tones The layers in this album are thick, which lends a hand and textures that surround the record. It’s smart and to making the record that much more beautiful. beautiful, somewhat awkward at times but that’s what I like about it.

The National, Boxer Band of Horses, While I think the Cease to Begin album is good from beginning This is not the to end, there is no clear consen­ best record in the world, but it sus on the record. It’s sharp, fun, had me listening over and over and distinctive. It has a clear again to some of its lyrically throw back to 80’s (non-dance) simplistic tracks. I like a re­ New Wave, but a clear direction for it being modern. cord that reminds me of simple I like it. My favorite tracks are “Green Gloves” and truths like: “the world is a wonderful place” and “no “Fake Empire.” one is gonna love you more than I do.” Maybe I just want these things in my life, so when tight guitar rock tells me that I need to look you in the eye when I walk down the street, I want to remember to do that. The m record reminds me of the simple beauties that emanate , from humanity. Graduation Gosh, this record is smooth and soulful. I think at first people didn’t know what to Explosions in do with it, because there was an the Sky , A ll o f absence of the beat-filled super 08) a Sudden I Miss pop song. The album is strong Everyone from beginning to end with great songs like: “Good This band has some of the most Morning” and “Stronger.” The beats are taken from beautiful instrumental builds 70s Soul, and used well to enhance the original lyrics. that transport your feelings and I love Kanye. I am glad he is eclectic and does what he desires in only a way that beau­ wants. tiful music can. The cover art and song titles make me feel like I need to rest in the arms of strangers as well as This article was originally published on Amy friends. It is beautiful and haunting; you need to insert Kaherl’s blog: iattackwithlove.blogspot. yourself into the music to understand the emotional com. Am y loves a good concert, making you depth of the record. You end up finding out about coffee, and watching “The Adventures o f Pete things in the process and see the journey that the mu­ and Pete. ” Petunia was my favorite charac­ sic can only tell. ter; who can resist a dancing tattoo woman?

Page 6 • Winter 3 • the SEMI ums of 2007 svici Kaherl

«REMINDER ¿FEIST Feist, \ Ryan Adams, The Reminder l l < I EasyTiger 04■ )g I cant tell you J Since I bought how many times the record it this record has been played in hasn’t stopped playing. I think my home, my car, or the iPod. this may be Ryan Adams’ stron- There is an array of emotions ;est record to date. It’s solid, conveyed here that many art- “ “ fyrically tight, musically strong ists don’t know how to touch or even accomplish. She and connected. You can tell he has put his past ex­ seems like such a strong woman, and the music is sad periences of drug/alcohol abuse to good lyrical use. A and then makes you laugh. I know that the song “12 strong note of the past with how you make amends 3 4” is overplayed, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg with the future. Plus the music is so, so good! There is as far as what the record contains. From soulful ballads something that is incomplete for him, and I am inter­ to shaking your shoulders Indie Pop. Solid record from ested to see how he continues to write and work with start to finish. his backing band, The Cardinals.

\ Radiohead, In Rainbows 4m n The most accessible Radiohead record since The Bends. The songs " are simple, but fresh and resonate with me from beginning to end. I am always a bit sad when the record reaches to track ten, because I know it’s over. I had a fantastic conversation about this record with my friend Wess; we talk about how good this record is, but more importantly, about how this band single-handedly changed how we use our money to place value on music. That has to propel the record higher on the list...and it did. Simple and gorgeous. How could you go wrong?

38? o T4 Wilco, U sfetP jab' jÄ >. „ '*7 Sky Blue Sky . v y x * ; ; - • • I love the laid back attitude of this record. There is a feel to this ; album that has never been on any Wilco record before. As if things / ' are coming together, and everything is going to be okay. There is » s a hope on this record that seemed absent in “A Ghost Was Born.” This is my favorite band of all time and to be honest there was a I day or so that I didn’t think it was going to make it as number one, f i f e ’ but then I realized that it needed to be because of the strength and clarity it possesses. It is sad that some fans were disappointed in the lack of experimentation, but why would you want to box a band in? That’s why most bands can’t put out more than a couple of records. They are forced to stay in a space that they got there in the first place but can’t move on. I love Wilco because they explore and take chances. This record is so beautiful. Just like the cover art, there seems to be a sense of wonder but also the need of another. It’s tight, well produced, and solid. The beginning track of “Either Way” and concluding with “On and On and On” are the perfect bookends of love and relationships. Buy this record. 0

the SEMI - Winter 3 • Page 7 There Will Be Blood Movie Review by Eugene Suen and Scott Arany

Director Paul Thomas Anderson’s film’s uncompromising eccentricity. new film There W ill Be Blood is one of Scott: It seems that the audience was the most anticipated films of the award surprised by something, though we didn’t season. After Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, exactly know what had surprised us. Magnolia, and Punch-Drunk Love, the While walking out of the theatre, I over­ young maverick directors first film in heard other people exchanging confused five years is a significant departure from commentary. We knew we had seen the sprawling, emotionally gritty ensem­ something tremendous, but the specific ble dramas that the audience has come to qualities eluded us. A bleak landscape, a identify him with. Loosely based on Up­ sparse yet psychedelic atonal soundtrack, ton Sinclair’s 1927 novel Oil! (and we do and ferocious performances are com­ mean loosely), There W ill Be Blood is an bined into a definite work of art, though from Eli Sunday’s calls to repentance and ambitious and deeply eccentric historical a work that calls for repeated viewings to requests for money to further develop drama that focuses on the quintessential comprehend. his ecclesiastical “empire.” Plainview of­ American themes of power, greed, and Eugene: What did you think of the fers growth in hopes of getting money, family. Simultaneously fascinating and music by Radiohead’s Jonny Green­ and Sunday asks for money in hopes of flawed, profound and problematic, the wood? gaining growth. Both greed and funda­ film provides a memorable movie-going Scott: That soundtrack has to be one mentalism seem to me to be intrinsically experience that is sure to polarize audi­ of the most psychedelic and ominous triumphalistic with clearly defined win­ ences and provoke discussions. We saw orchestrations I’ve heard in ages. In the ners and losers—who in the end, sadly, it at the Hollywood Arclight theatre on opening scenes of the film, it’s almost as all become losers. Such high hopes that the film’s opening weekend back in De­ if the harsh desert earth is wailing away, inevitably crush the spirits of those in­ cember. (We just had that much money protesting Plainview’s drills and dyna­ volved make for an incredibly grim and to spend. Thanks family and friends for mite. The landscape certainly is brought unrelenting film. There’s very little re­ your Christmas generosity!) The follow­ to life through the soundtrack, almost demption. Plainview, by drinking the ing is our reflection: becoming another character alongside blood of the earth, becomes rich yet Warning: spoilers ahead! the oilman and the preacher. I’d need to loses his soul. Sunday, in preaching the Eugene: For what is ostensibly a his­ view the film a second time to fully ap­ blood of the Lamb, ministers nationwide torical epic, I was mesmerized by the preciate the purpose of the scoring, and for his (note: his, not God’s) gospel, yet film’s single-minded focus on the char­ the choices for existing classical works succumbs to greed. Both are lost. (Note acter of Daniel Plainview. For those who (both Brahms’ Violin Concerto in D ma­ the multi-layered meaning of the film’s don’t know it, the film is set in the early jo r and Arvo Part’s Fratres) used sporadi­ title.) 20th Century California, and follows the cally throughout. Eugene: It’s fascinating to me that, expansion of this oil tycoon’s empire as Eugene: I was struck also by the cin­ perhaps unbeknownst to them, the char­ he attempts to drill oil out of the ground ematography and the authentic period acters are driven not so much by the ac­ on which a deeply religious community details, thanks to Anderson regular Rob­ tual acquisition of wealth and power as resides. The rising tension between him ert Elswit and production designer John much as by the process of getting there— and a young charismatic preacher named Fisk, who’s had a long association with the fever, the rush that one experiences Eli Sunday forms the central arc of the the great Terrance Malick. Thematically, when working and trying to overcome story. While the press has compared it Anderson clearly believes that greed and obstacles. When their perceived goals to Citizen Kane, Giants, and Treasures power are at the heart of the American are indeed achieved, there isn’t much o f the Sierra Madre—all of which deal mythology. We see here the power play substance there at all. I was, however, with power, wealth, and the rise and fall between capitalism and fundamental­ surprised by the relentless grimness and of empires—Anderson’s film insistently ist religion— two seemingly competing misanthropy. I didn’t mind it—some plays like a chamber psychodrama and forces that Anderson suggests are inextri­ films are powerfully bleak— but it is an has an offbeat sensibility all its own. In cably linked and fueled by the same im­ unexpected quality coming from Ander­ fact, in the end it reminds me of Stanley pulse. I was fascinated by this provoca­ son, whose past films have all movingly Kubrick—particularly The Shining and tive point. dealt with the messiness of the human Clockwork Orange—more than any of Scott: When capitalism and Christi­ condition and the need for redemption. those great American epics. It is essen­ anity are mentioned in the same sentence, (Just ask Fuller film guru Dr. Robert tially a misanthropic, even apocalyptic, I wonder about the commercialization of Johnston.) I was also troubled by the tale about madness and the mysterious the Gospel, and certainly Plainview has vagueness with respect to the characters: human impulses that govern our be­ a gospel of community renewal that he They are abstract and function largely at haviors and drives. I think the audience is selling when he proposes drilling to a an archetypal level. You know what they would be surprised by that, and by the local town. This is not too far removed Click through to page 10 to read m ore.. ■

Page 8 • Winter 3 • the SEMI Blogosphere and Community: Mutually Exclusive By Linda Moon

At first, I believed a blog to be akin Facebook, and the myriad of others out veyed only so much through the use of to writing a journal or diary entry on­ there have now reduced it to the click of emoticons, exclamation marks, or typ­ line, wherein all I had to do was record the “search” button. As our society be­ ing in CAPS, miscommunication brews the days events, occasionally coloring comes more and more fast-paced, the more often than a sense of community. in parts that are not usually within the internet proves to be invaluable for com­ It becomes even more complex when scope of my diurnal routine. It was with munication, business and pleasure alike. it gets to blog content. Even though each this mentality that I first started blogging In the social realm, one needs only to blogging site contains a clause regarding on Xanga, December 10, 2002, during post an interesting occurrence in one’s vulgar or expletive content, there also ex­ an intense week of finals as an under­ day or a pensive food-for-thought to ists a tacit code of conduct that has now grad. Though I had some experience elicit responses from avid readers. This evolved into more than a fledgling enter­ posting on web forums and the like prior becomes instrumental in connecting prise for bloggers globally. This often en­ to my first official blog, as I opened the with people without face-to-face en­ acts the use of veiled references that ends text editor and began to type, a form of counters over lunch, or even having to up confusing the audience more than it writer’s block came over me as I stared at be online simultaneously! These sites are elucidates the matter at hand. While this the screen, wondering how I should start updated frequently with the capacity to might be in place to ensure anonymity the post. “Dear Diary?” “To whom it post more than words, but photos, mov­ of persons mentioned in any one person’s may concern?” “For all the people out in ies, hyperlinks, and what have you. Face- blog, it proves unbeneficial to the blogger cyberspace who have no idea who I am book enables applications that can com­ who looks back at the same post some yet would like to know about my day?” pare movie tastes or send virtual gifts. time later, and simply cannot remember While this above scenario may appear Moreover, blog technology is becoming what was meant by this particular am­ trivial and asinine, it still demonstrates integrated into more than just the social biguous sentence. This is a classic exam­ the transition from private to public ac­ arena, including news sites, class settings, ple of the disparity between numerous cess; blogging is intended for community and more (case in point: Fuller now uses modes: author and reader, author and versus the individual. In a sense, we have Moodle for courses!). perceived author, perceived author and become small-scale journalists reporting As useful and convenient as blogging reader, perceived author and friend of on our own current affairs. Alas, as is the is, or may seem, in many ways, it can be­ the friend of the reader.. .so on, so forth. case with most autobiographical work, come a façade of community building, Reading a blog then swiftly becomes an blogging does not foster a genuine or ac­ while actually perpetuating community art, or even exegesis. curate representation of oneself. Person­ deterioration, perhaps not owing to the This is not to derail the blogging ally, I think The Diary of Anne Frank is system itself but its abuses. While one endeavor altogether, but the sheer an­ to blame for instilling in the minds of di­ can remain in the web network of ac­ ticipation of fortuitously creating more ary-writers across the globe that there is a quaintances through blogging machina­ avenues of misconception has steered possibility that someone other than your­ tion, it is difficult to say if it improves me away from continuing in what was self will be reading the words encased in the quality of such relationships. O f once “active blogging.” Blogging, while it your literary sanctum. Blogging further course there are exceptions aplenty, but does little in this writer’s mind to foster detracts from the individual self, because for the most part, it seems to degrade genuine community even in the remotest it is for certain that someone other than the quality of real-life encounters. Many sense, can prove at the very least to be an yourself will access it, and thus focuses a times have I been on both the giving outlet of various kinds and is in fact, and more on the persona that is displayed for and receiving end of the oh-so-descrip- inarguably, fun. 0 the general viewing public (that is, unless tive happenings of my life with the rather you have your site protected so that only dismissive phrase, “oh, go read my blog.” your friends could read your blog). In addition, the worth of one’s personal In the relatively short time span of a experience or profound contemplation decade, the term “blog” came into com­ of a subject often becomes diminished to mon usage (as both noun and verb) nothing more than “something online” where in previous times would have that merited an “e-prop” or two. merited perplexed stares. Though I am In other cases, over-analysis of even unfamiliar with all the various types of the most minute of gestures occurs— Linda’s new outlet for her withdrawl blogging sites that have been created, the why did X remove Y’s picture from her pains from the blogosphere is to write for the SEMI. Indulge paramount usage of these engines is the profile? Do you suppose he . is upset with her, please. I f you want me because I did not request to be his , ^ -1 ability to stay in touch with old friends to get in touch with or network with new ones. Where once friend? What is the meaning of A’s terse her, go to www.Blog- the average degrees of separation between reply on B’s post? We are having to equate srule. lindaknowsall. two people might have been four, the on­ our emotional responses with our online ascrocks.com. line world of Xanga, Blogger, MySpace, activity and because emotion can be con­

the SEMI • Winter 3 • Page 9 The Chaplains' Corner: New Year's Resolutions

Devotional Feature by Allison Ash

One of my New Year’s resolutions above account, I would snap my wrist as The psalm is filled with examples of re­ this year is to stop complaining. By com­ a reminder to stop being negative. demption, healing, and forgiveness, but plaining I mean, thinking about, talking However, the absurdity of this be­ surprisingly, the main character is not about, or dwelling on those things in my came evident as I vocalized the plan for the person who seeks God’s healing, but life that are negative and that I cannot the first time to a friend. Through our the God who heals. control. Here is an example of what I conversation, I discovered that I would Perhaps this psalm reminds us that, mean by “complaining.” After trying to be attempting to force myself, through ultimately, we cannot change ourselves. pass a car that is straddling two lanes on my own willpower, into being positive. We can make resolutions, convince our­ the highway and hearing the driver lay I thought that if I could just convince selves of the need to change, but lasting on his horn after I honk at him, I form myself how bad complaining is and re­ change comes from God making us new the argument in my mind about how ri­ mind myself to change, I would be trans­ people. Perhaps a transformed life is not diculous HE is and how justified I am formed. In other words, I was hoping realized by understanding how bad we for being angry. First of all, he is driv­ that realizing how bad I am would make are in order to create a greater resolve to ing like a crazy person and THEN he has me good. be good, but it is realized by understand­ the audacity to honk at me! I think to This idea seems to contradict what the ing our need to surrender to the trans­ myself, “I can’t wait to get home to tell writer of Psalm 103 says in verses 2-4: forming power of our good God. Instead my husband this story!” I proceed to re­ “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not of wearing a rubber band that will “snap hearse the story in my mind from start to all his benefits—who forgives all your us into shape,” perhaps each of us should finish the rest of the way home making sins and heals all your diseases, who re­ pray, “God, change me.” 0 my strategic case for this man’s wrongdo­ deems your life from the pit and crowns ing and my terrible victimization on the you with love and compassion...” I am Allison Ash is the Chaplain for Vocational 134 East. That’s what I mean by com­ struck that the psalm does NO T read, Services. She is also in plaining. My original method of imple­ “Praise yourself and remember your own her final year of the menting this New Year’s resolution was strength—remember how you got rid M D iv program. You to wear a rubber band around my wrist of your sinful ways and how you trans­ can find her on her and every time I complained or began to formed yourself from complaining and iPhone at a Dodgers game. dwell on something negative such as the filled your heart with love for others.”

There Will Be Blood Continued from page 8 each are supposed to represent, but you characters of Eli Sunday and Daniel Pla- the performances do indeed thunder never understand what makes them “tick” inview. We haven’t even touched on is­ and quake with great skill. It would be (You could say they stay theoretical with­ sues regarding fathers and sons yet! easy for anyone to be lost playing against out ever becoming “incarnational”). This Eugene: Daniel Plainview is played Daniel Day-Lewis, yet Dano certainly is especially true of Eli Sunday. I gener­ by Daniel Day-Lewis, who is a real holds his own. I was also impressed by ally like oblique characterizations, but I chameleon of an actor and a towering the young boy, Dillon Freasier, who think Anderson’s made a miscalculation presence in this film (He is in virtually played Plainview’s son. (He is a first-time here. As a result, the audience is often every scene.) Look at his body of work: actor Anderson found while scouting for left to marvel at the film’s increasingly My Left Foot, The Age o f Innocence, In the locations in Texas.) strange spectacles without being able to Nam e o f the Father, Gangs o f New York, Eugene: Despite our occasional bewil­ identify with them emotionally. All the etc. Every role is dramatically different, derment, I’d say this is a film well worth great dramatic themes are there, but the and the lengths he goes to in preparing checking out. It is too bleakly beautiful film rings a bit hollow ultimately. for a role are now legendary. I am always to miss. 0 Scott: I’m not sure that having pri­ struck by how incredibly different he acts marily archetypal characters is what rings and sounds in real life than he does in SEMI staffers Scott Arany (first-year MA hollow—many other great parables and the movies. (Mark my words now: There WTA) and Eugene stories can and have been told with ar­ Will Be an Oscar.) Eli Sunday is played Suen (second-year chetypes. I think it is really the lack of by Paul Dano, who was the “mute”, Ni- MDiv) drink their redemption that ultimately guts the im­ etzsche-reading brother in Little Miss milkshakes— they pact of the film. There is a great amount Sunshine. I thought he fared well against drink them UP! of depth and layering in this film found Day-Lewis. http://www. idrinkyo- in the contrasting (and even mirroring) Scott: While the story may be bleak, urmilkshake. com.

Page 10 - Winter 3 • the SEMI St. Bloggistine Continued from page 1

wait—is confession in the abstract really is hagah which, when translated, signi­ more acute by the dualisdc way in which confession? fies “emit a sound,” “murmur,” “mutter,” the Western mind has been separated Augustine’s torment is notable for its “speak in an undertone.” The devout from the Western body. Leave it to the aesthetic feelings of isolation. But isn’t Jew embodied contemplation, for prayer Bishop of Hippo to profoundly articu­ this a hallmark of Western thought? and the study of the holy books was a late the humanity of inner turmoil with We cannot help but feel trapped inside lively task, including dancing and shout­ the one hand while cordoning it off be­ the bishop’s head. By a similar token, a ing. And what about all the times in the tween his ears with his other hand. The casual perusal of many blogs yields the Bible when the people of God confessed result is a morass of triangulated intro­ same mentally exhausting experience; corporately and publicly (2 Chron. 7:14, spection made all the more ironic by its how long must one read before wither­ Neh. 9:1-10:39, Jonah 3:7)? There was incarceration within a text referred to as ing under the sheer quantity of cranial no mind-body dualism to shackle the Confessions. By contrast, Jewish thinking gyrations that internet junkies impose on Jewish thinker within the metaphorical is also Jewish feeling, acting, and dwell­ their unwitting readership? Such an ef­ cave of the mind. ing in community. Don’t get me wrong. fect is derived from a patently platonic, We are Augustine’s heirs. Some of us In its finest hour, blogging has the bene­ perhaps even Cartesian, understanding invariably post on a daily basis to more fit of enhanced connectivity. Yet taken in of the self. Somehow the individual must than one online journal. Blogging as a the extreme, we risk hiding some of the get out of himself and into the world of postmodern phenomenon speaks to a truest parts of ourselves in places only action and people. cavernous subjective need to be heard. strangers can see. Let us not neglect per­ This step may well be a Hebraic one. However abstract and sterile, the blog­ son-to-person self-disclosure, for “if we Even the most seemingly introspective ging culture recognizes a fundamental walk in the light, as he is in the light, we acts of the Jewish faith and practice of human yearning of desires for contem­ have fellowship one with another...” (1 antiquity were driven by action, action, plation and confession. In the hours John 1:7). In the extent to which we can and more action. This behavioral com­ originally required to draft this essay two do so, we will be better able to breathe. 0 ponent extended to meditative expres­ anonymous individuals posted to my blog sion, as one Marvin Wilson observes: subject “Think fast! Why do you blog?” “For the Hebrews, meditation was not citing the following range of answers: 1) like a Quaker meeting; it was not silent.” connection to the outside world, 2) more Phil Gable is an SOP student in his fourth Quite to the contrary, meditation was “intellectual conversations”, and 3) the year at Fuller. He is understood within the Jewish context “need to express myself in a very personal feverishly laboring to as a behavior that carried forward from way.” Never has the simultaneous expres­ finish his Odyssean the past; one may observe it today both sion of isolation and need for confession quest for a real job. I in Orthodox Jewish synagogues and at been so immediately demonstrated as it guess writing for the Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall. Not surpris­ is in today’s web-based world. SEMI doesn’t pay the ingly, the Hebrew word for “meditate” Perhaps this craving has been made bills. The Program Continued from page 3

to be far away I think shared media can game called “Portal” to play, partly be­ a means of furthering and reinforcing function like a surrogate for shared expe­ cause I was excited about it, and partly the relationships God has placed us in. rience to help keep relationships going. because my two brothers were also. You In doing this I hope we can push back One of my wife’s good friends has five see, I knew they were going to play it as against the powerful forces that would younger sisters. They all live far apart so well. I knew I would feel a little closer have us sitting alone in dark rooms, eyes she keeps in touch with several of them to them if I had walked the same halls, on screens, headphones on ears, isolated by watching TV with them—by phone. solved the same puzzles and laughed at from those all around us. 0 She tunes in at exactly the same time as the same jokes as they had. her sister to watch “So You Think You I’m not saying the amount of music I Matt Lumpkin is a first-year MDiv stu­ dent who thinks Wen­ Can Dance” and they call each other listen to is healthy or that playing video dell Berry had it right during the commercial breaks to discuss games isn’t a waste of time. But what I when he warned us to the proceedings. W ith another sister she am saying is that with a little reflection beware of screens... watches “Grey’s Anatomy,” and “Ameri­ and a few good friends, we can move be­ that said, he could sure can Idol,” with yet another. yond seeing the consumption of media use a 30-inch Apple Just last quarter I bought a video as an end in itself and start seeing it as Cinema Display.

the SEMI • Winter 3 • Page 11. FULLER HAPPENINGS ■ , jEl ài— J . ■. - j . \ J * * Z m

Friday Night Music and Art at Coffee by the and also provides the opportunity for everyone to more info, contact Fuller Psychological and Fam­ Books: observe and debrief an event of worship as orga­ ily Services at 626.584.5555. Jan. 25: Christina Young and Friends. nized by members of the other traditions present. If you would like to play an open spot please con­ If you have never been to Mass, or a Torah Service, Vocational Chaplain. Don’t know where God is tact Amy at [email protected]. Up­ here’s a chance. Students who are interested can calling you? Want someone to talk to about your coming Art: Kelly Pace starting the week o f Feb­ find more information at http://web.mac.com/af- future? Career Services now has a Chaplain for ruary 3, reception to follow Friday February 8. stein/Intersem_/Welcome.html. They can down­ Vocational Discernment. Please contact Allison load the registration brochure as well. Ash at 626.396.6027 or [email protected] "Anabaptism in a Latino/Latin American Con­ for more information. text" Ministry Enrichment Seminar: Hospice Chap­ Thun. Jan. 24, 10-11 am, laincy. Tickets to Amusement Parks: Student Life and Faculty Commons (Payton 100). Wed, February 20, llam -lpm , Conference Room Services sells tickets to Disneyland (2-fer tickets Everyone is welcome to this forum sponsored by 220 (2nd Floor, 490 E Walnut St ). Pamela Wright, $65 adults, $55 children) Legoland ($42) and Anabaptist Perspectives. Cookies provided! Dr. LCSW; Jason Medina, MDiv; and Cynthia Pierce, Universal Studios ($42). Come by our office on the Juan Martinez will present For more information MDiv (VITAS) will present. 2nd floor of the Catalyst, or call 626.584.5435. please contact [email protected]. Hispanic Summer Program 2008 June 28 -July Disability Seating Accommodation Ministry Enrichment Seminar: Self-care for 11, 2008, Mundelein, IL. Hispanic and non- The Access Services Office (ASO) appreciates Pastors: Attending to the Mind, Body and Spirit. Hispanic students welcome! Fuller students will your cooperation in ensuring that chairs and Mon., January 28, 1 lam-1pm, Conference Room receive four seminary credits, airfare, room and desks labeled “ASO Disability Accommodation: 220 (2nd Floor, 490 E Walnut St.). board for only $275.00. For more information, DO NOT REMOVE” are left in their designated Dr. Alexis Abernethy will present. contact Emily Romero: hisp-ministries@dept. places. To assist students with a documented dis­ fuller.edu or check out the website: www.hispan- ability, the ASO places chairs ands desks in spe­ Ministry Enrichment Seminar: Understanding cific locations throughout the classrooms each Hospital Chaplaincy: How to Prepare for CPE. icsummerprogram.org. You must apply before January 31. quarter. This furniture is labeled and placed based Fri., February 2, llam -lpm , Payton 101. on the needs of an individual classmate. It is very Rev. Cheri Coleman, Chaplain at Methodist Hos­ Installation of Dr. Marianne Meye Thompson important to your classmate that the labeled fur­ pital, Arcadia, California will present. into the George Eldon Ladd Chair of New Testa­ niture remain where it is placed. Questions on this Ministry Enrichment Seminar: Recognizing ment in the School o f Theology. matter can be directed to ASO at 626.584.5439 and Helping Those with Mental Illness in the Tues., March 11, 10:00-10:50 am. or at [email protected]. Church. Dr. Meye Thompson will speak on “What Holds the Bible Together.” FREE "Books & Culture Magazine" While sup­ Ihurs., February 7, 12-2pm, Payton 101. plies last, get your current issue (Jan/Feb 2008) Rev. Dr. James Stout, author of Bipolar Disorder: SOP Free Therapy. The School of Psychology is from the Fuller Bookstore or Student Life & Ser­ Rebuilding Your Life will present. offering free individual therapy to a limited num­ vices (2nd floor of the Catalyst) INTERSEM is a common retreat for Roman Cath­ ber of students and their family members on a olic, Protestant and Jewish seminarians. Students first-come first-serve basis. Therapy is provided by Attn: Bike Riders: Please remember to park your from Hebrew Union College, American Jewish supervised students earning a doctoral degree in bicycles in the appropriate bike racks located in University, Mt. Angel, St. John’s, Fuller and the clinical psychology. Ideal for relationship issues, the SOP: just east of the ramp, the Garth: close School of Theology at Claremont will meet in life transitions, personal growth, stress, sadness, to the Refectory and behind the Mail Center. Re­ Malibu February 10-11. The theme is “Struggles anxiety, self-esteem, and identity issues. Duration member to us a U-loCk to prevent theft. As an and Blessings: Encounters with our Traditions” of therapy will be determined by need, limited extra precaution, you may register your bike with only by the duration o f the academic year. For the Parking and Security office: 584.5450. I SERVICES

Auto Repair. Engine repair, tune-ups, oil change, Furnished Room for Rent: Private parking, tune-ups. Survey development. Provides multi­ brakes, batteries, etc. Complete service. Hrant kitchen, laundry, large pool. Female only; $650. variate data analysis using SAS or SPSS. Statisti­ Auto Service. 1477 E. Washington Blvd., Pasa­ Contact: Mrs. Valle. 626.791.0270. cal results explained in simple English! Assistance dena. Call 626.798.4064 for an appointment. Massage Therapy. Susan Young is a nation­ with statistical table creation and report write-up. Auto Collision Repair. 5 minutes west of Fuller. ally certified massage therapist, ready to serve you Final oral defense preparation. Fuller community Owned by family o f Fuller graduate for 25 years. in nearby La Canada. Liked by many at Fuller, discounts. Call for free phone consultation. Tom Discount for students! Columbia Auto Body. she is part o f the Fuller community herself. Call Granoff, PhD. 310.640.8017. E-mail tgranoff@ 1567 Colorado Blvd. 323.258.0565. Ask for John 626.660.6856 and visit www.relaxhealgrow.com. lmu.edu. Visa/Discover/ MasterCard/ AMEX ac­ or Paul. cepted. Do You Need Mortgage Financing for a Thinking of Pursuing a Career as a Profes­ Home Purchase or Refinance? Contact Fuller sional Classroom Teacher? Call Tim Brooks at alum Laurie Lundin at Vista Financial Advisors. Teacher Tutoring Services at 213.248.6343. 626.825.6173. [email protected]. Rings, Diamonds, and Things! Walter Zimmer J&G Auto Service. Complete auto repair. Co. is a jewelry design, manufacturing, and re­ Brakes, tune-up, mufflers. Certified Smog Sta­ pair business founded in 1917 and located in the tion. 1063 E. Walnut St. 626.793.0388. Monday jewelry district of downtown Los Angeles. Owner — Friday, 8 am — 5:30 pm Mel Zimmer is a longtime member of Glendale Presbyterian Church. Because of our appreciation Psychology Research Problems Solved! Fuller of Charles Fuller and the Seminary, we consider SOP PhD alumnus with 20 years experience as it a privilege to serve Fuller students. Phone Mel’s a statistician for thesis and dissertation consulta­ son Ken at 213.622.4510 for information. Also tions. Worked on hundreds o f projects. Teaches visit our website: www.walterzimmer.com. graduate research courses. Designing “survivable” research proposals a specialty. Methods chapter

The Services section o f the SEMI is for announcing services and events not offered by Fuller. Individuals are personally responsible for evaluating the quality and type o f service before contracting or using it. The SEMI and Student Life and Services do not recommend or guarantee any o f the services listed.

www.fuller.edu/student_life/SEMI/semi.html • the SEMI • Winter 3 • Page 12