ISSN 0041-6436

Food and Agriculture An international journal Vol. 62 Organization of and of the United Nations industries 2011/2 238 IN THIS ISSUE... Spotlight on the Acacia Operation project

A cooperative effort among countries, Read a news item about the project on page 66. local stakeholders and FAO, the Watch a video at Acacia Operation project has involved watch?v=AfbM-DNMnNg. the planting and managing of Acacia Learn more about arid zone forestry and the in arid lands, helping to combat aridzone/en/. Download the new publication Highlands and drylands – mountains, a source of resilience in arid regions at i2248e00.pdf. FAO/FO-1021/S. BRAATZ FAO/FO-1021/S.

Acacia tortilis in a desert landscape, the Niger ISSN 0041-6436

Food and Agriculture An international journal Vol. 62 Organization of forestry and forest of the United Nations industries 2011/2 238

Editor: R. Obstler Editorial Advisory Board: P. Csoka, L. Flejzor, T. Hofer, F. Kafeero, W. Kollert, Contents R. Obstler, E. Rametsteiner, S. Rose, J. Tissari, P. van Lierop, P. Vantomme, M.L. Wilkie Editorial 2 Emeritus Advisers: J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, C. Palmberg-Lerche, L. Russo M. Simula and E. Mansur Regional Advisers: F. Bojang, C. Carneiro, P. Durst, M. Saket A global challenge needing local response 3

Unasylva is published in English, French L. Laestadius, P. Potapov, A. Yaroshenko and Spanish. Payment is no longer required. and S. Turubanova Free subscriptions can be obtained by sending Global forest alteration, from space 8 an e-mail to [email protected] Subscription requests from institutions (e.g. A. Gerrand, E. Lindquist and R. D’Annunzio libraries, companies, organizations, universities) Remote sensing survey updates rather than individuals are preferred to make the journal accessible to more readers. forest-loss estimates 14 All issues of Unasylva are available online free of charge at M. Herold, R.M. Román-Cuesta, V. Heymell, Comments and queries are welcome: Y. Hirata, P. Van Laake, G.P. Asner, [email protected] C. Souza, V. Avitabile and K. MacDicken Reproduction and dissemination of material in this publication for educational or other A review of methods to measure and non-commercial purposes are authorized without monitor historical carbon emissions any prior written permission from the copyright from forest degradation 16 holders provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of material in this publication for I. Thompson resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission of the Chief, Publishing Biodiversity, ecosystem thresholds, resilience and forest degradation 25 Exchange, Research and Extension, FAO. Articles express the views of their authors, K.P. Acharya, R.B. Dangi and not necessarily those of FAO. M. Acharya The designations employed and the presentation Understanding forest degradation in Nepal 31 of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever C.L. Meneses-Tovar on the part of the FAO concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city NDVI as indicator of degradation 39 or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The L. Laestadius, S. Maginnis, S. Minnemeyer, P. Potapov, C. Saint-Laurent and N. Sizer manufacturers, whether or not these have been Mapping opportunities for forest patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to landscape restoration 47 others of a similar that are not mentioned. To order the FAO publications reviewed in R. Nasi and N. van Vliet Unasylva, contact the Sales and Marketing Group, Measuring the abundance of wildlife populations in Central African concessions 49 Extension, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy. International Year of Forests special 56 Tel.: (+39) 06 57051; Fax: (+39) 06 5705 3360; FAO Forestry 59 Telex: 625852/625853/610181 FAO I; E-mail: [email protected] World of Forestry 63 Books 68 Cover: Landsat images demonstrating forest fragmentation: front: 1990; back, top to bottom: 1990, 2000, 2005 Cour tesy of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the United States Geological Survey EDITORIAL

assessing it, including spatial and temporal scales, and the Measuring forest establishment of baseline data against which measurements can be compared. degradation L. Laestadius et al. invite readers to take a satellite’s-eye view of forest degradation. A method for gathering informa- tion on forest degradation is introduced, showing that expert nasylva closes the International Year of Forests 2011 analysis of satellite imagery alone can provide information on with a selection of papers initially developed as part the extent of human disturbance across large forest landscapes. U of a special study FAO and its partners conducted Methods recommended for measuring forest degradation on forest degradation. will often include both analysis of remote sensing images Although it is more complex to define and to measure, forest and validation on the basis of field surveys. Yet one or the degradation is a serious problem comparable in dimension to other is often a challenge, especially for developing countries. . It has adverse impacts on the forest ecosystem and M. Herold et al. propose that countries combine analysis of on the goods and services it provides. Many of these goods and historical remote sensing images with consistent, current services are linked to human well-being, and some to the global field surveys to fill in data gaps. carbon and water and climate cycles – and thus to life on Earth. A measure of forest degradation may be in terms of loss of Countries need information on forest degradation. They need biodiversity, forest health, productive or protective potential to be able to mon itor cha nges happ en i ng i n forests. T hey ne ed or aesthetic value. The next two articles explore the issue to know where forest degradation is taking place, what causes from an ecosystem perspective. I. Thompson describes the it and how serious the impacts are, in order to prioritize the resilience of forest ecosystems, and how forests may lose their allocation of scarce human and financial resources for the !- prevention of degradation and the restoration and rehabilita- taining biodiversity and avoiding thresholds, or tipping points. tion of degraded forests. K.P. Acharya, R.B. Dangi and M. Acharya focus on Nepal, which The goal of the study was to come up with a reasonable set !"# of indicators that can be easily measured and that provide the thematic elements of sustainable that countries with information on the state of forest degradation. have been addressed by these surveys, forest ecosystem services It began as a special study under the umbrella of the Global has rarely been considered as a way of valuing degradation. Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2010, but later evolved The final two articles also rely heavily on ground-based into a multi-partner initiative led by members of the Collabora- analysis. C.L. Meneses-Tovar focuses on forest health, describ- tive Partnership on Forests (CPF) in collaboration with other ing an effort in Mexico to apply an index to satellite images partners including countries, the United Nations Collaborative and then to overlay it on data from field analysis, in order to Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and measure change in “green”. R. Nasi and N. van Vliet discuss Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) measuring and monitoring wildlife in Central African logging and the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration. concessions. From walking transects to counting dung pellets, A key output was a document – “Assessing forest degradation – readers are invited to consider how wildlife is monitored to towards the development of globally applicable guidelines”. ensure effective management measures can be developed. This working paper is intended to provide relevant agencies Shorter articles present: a major study that analysed remote and other stakeholders with direction on measuring forest sensing imagery to understand forest-cover and land-use degradation. It can be used for the development of programmes change; and a way to use such data to map the myriad oppor- for assessing forest degradation, and should be regarded as tunities for forest landscape restoration. a precursor to the development of comprehensive globally And so we hope to end from the perspective that the future applicable guidelines in the future. holds tremendous opportunity. The special study envisioned The study recognized that forest degradation means dif- that building the capacity of countries to assess, monitor ferent things to different people, depending on their point and report on forest degradation can lead to action to reduce of view or interest in forests, and ways of measuring forest current rates of degradation – and to effective restoration degradation had to be determined to reflect those differ- efforts. Where it can be done, restoring degraded forests not ing points of view. The articles presented in this issue of only improves the amount and quality of the many goods Unasylva demonstrate the breadth of expertise and variety of and services they provide, it also enhances and improves perceptions among those invited to participate in the study. their resilience and thus the capacity to withstand natural An overview, by M. Simula and E. Mansur, lays out the issue and human-induced changes or disturbances, including those of forest degradation and introduces some considerations in caused by climate change. 3

A global challenge needing local response

M. Simula and E. Mansur

E. MANSURE. Forest degradation involves a change orest degradation is a serious envi- process that negatively affects the ronmental, social and economic characteristics of a forest Fp roblem, pa r t icu la rly i n develop - ing countries. Yet it is difficult to define with varying intensity. Ten years ago, the and assess. Degradation is viewed and International Tropical Timber Organiza- perceived differently by various stake- tion (ITTO, 2002) estimated that up to holders who have different objectives. It 850 million hectares (ha) of tropical forest is technically and scientifically difficult and forest lands could be degraded. This to define, and its definition can have policy implications, which further com- area of non-degraded tropical forests. plicates reaching consensus and devel- However, more recently, the Global Markku Simula is Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, oping common approaches applicable Partnership on Forest Landscape Res- University of Helsinki. at both international and country levels. toration (Laestadius et al., 2011) sug- Eduardo Mansur is Assistant Director, Quantifying the scale of forest degra- gested that more than two billion ha and Forest Management, International Tropical Timber $ worldwide of forest land that has either Organization, Yokohama, Japan. causes, and occurs in different forms and been completely cleared over the

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 4

One person’s degraded forest is another person’s livelihood

international purposes, in a consistent, transparent manner. A particular issue is definition of suitable thresholds for degraded and non-degraded forests, especially with regard to the interna- tional negotiations on climate change. From the perspective of reporting on forests at an international level, a coherent, comparable and harmonized definition of forest degradation is desir- E. MANSURE. able. However, national circumstances centuries or has been degraded offers Forest degradation is one of the major have implications for how internation- opportunities for restoration (see Map- sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- ally agreed definitions can be applied. ping opportunities for forest landscape sions, as shown by some regional and Nevertheless, the general definition restoration, in this issue). country studies, but its significance has of forest degradation given above is In practice, local response should be not been quantified on a global scale. compatible with an ecosystem services the main focus in addressing forest deg- approach; as such, it provides an ade- radation as a global challenge. WHAT IS FOREST DEGRADATION? quate umbrella at the international level Perceptions of forest degradation are and a common framework for develop- WHY DOES FOREST many and varied, and so are its drivers. ing more-specific interpretations for DEGRADATION MATTER? Therefore, it is difficult to find a com- particular purposes. Forests provide a wide range of eco- mon approach for defining forest degra- system services such as protecting soil dation: one person’s degraded forest is WHY SHOULD FOREST from erosion, regulation of the water another person’s livelihood. For exam- DEGRADATION BE ASSESSED? regime and provision of freshwater, ple, for a conservationist, any change in Forest degradation involves a change capturing and storing carbon, produc- natural forest induced by human action process that negatively affects the ing oxygen and maintaining habitats for can represent “degradation”. A sustain- characteristics of a forest, reducing biodiversity. In addition, production of ably managed planted forest may be the value and production of its goods -based products, fibre and various regarded as “degraded” if considera- and services. This process is caused non-wood products is critical for satisfy- tion is based only on the criterion of by disturbance (although not all dis- ing the needs for shelter, communication, biodiversity. Degradation is, therefore, turbance causes degradation), which packaging, food and many other uses of a relative concept that has to be linked varies in origin, extent, severity, qual- the global population. with the forest’s management objectives. ity and frequency. Disturbance may be There are about 300 million people An Expert Meeting (FAO, 2002) devel- natural (e.g. fire, storm or drought), in the tropics, consisting of indigenous oped a common definition of forest deg- human-induced (e.g. harvesting, road peoples, local communities, settlers and radation: construction, , hunt- smallholders, who depend on degraded ing or grazing) or a combination of forests and forest lands for their liveli- However, the definition, being generic, the two. Human-induced disturbance hoods, and they are often suffering from has proved to be difficult to operational- may be intentional (direct), such as that extreme poverty (ITTO, 2002). Bringing ize. In practice, the focus has been given caused by logging or grazing, or it may degraded areas under sustainable man- to productivity, or biodiversity. be unintentional (indirect), such as that agement would not only help in mitiga- Definitions that refer to multiple forest cause d by t he sp r ea d of a n i nva sive a l ien tion of and adaptation to climate change, benefits may treat forest values in a com- species (FAO, 2009). We need to know but would also create employment and prehensive manner, but are more diffi- if forests are being degraded and, if so, income for millions of people. cult to use beyond national purposes, for what the causes are and to what extent

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 5

the ecosystem has been impacted, so ! the capacity of a forest to produce certain that measures can be taken to arrest and !! goods and services are often part of a reverse the process. Information on the $%&" natural cycle or the result of planned degradation process is also necessary to human interventions (e.g. silvicultural adjust national policies that may directly HOW CAN FOREST DEGRADATION treatment) (Figure). In forest manage- or indirectly lead to it. BE ASSESSED? ment, the objectives are always set in the Countries are required to report on The articles in this issue of Unasylva long term, which also holds true for the the state of their forests, including their provide in-depth information on assess- maintenance and enhancement of car- efforts to tackle forest degradation, at the ing forest degradation from different bon reservoirs. For example, we should international level, to various fora. The perspectives (productivity, biodiversity, avoid a situation in which, although a tenth Conference of the Parties to the soil and others). Some considerations in forest is under sustainable management, Convention on Biological Diversity, for assessing degradation relate to spatial short-term fluctuations in the growing example, adopted the Strategic Plan for and temporal scales and thresholds. stock resulting from harvesting in some Biodiversity 2011–2020 with the Aichi Forest degradation needs to be assessed st a nd s a r e c ou nt e d a s em issions. I nclud- Biodiversity Targets, including reduc- at different spatial scales for different ing such data would make sustainability tion of forest degradation. To deter m ine purposes. Assessment at the scale of a an unattainable goal, and thereby lead if the targets are reached, an effective stand or site is needed for taking effec- to significant losses of other benefits. process for monitoring and reporting on tive corrective action at the local level; What matters is that the carbon pools forest degradation is required. many indicators of a forest’s capacity be maintained and enhanced in the long The agreement to establish a mecha- to supply goods and services vary over run in the entire management unit or nism under the United Nations Frame- time within a stand, without implying forest landscape. work Convention on Climate Change forest degradation. Degradation is also A forest that is considered degraded (UNFCCC) aimed at Reducing [GHG] to be assessed and monitored over an has passed a threshold, i.e. the value Emissions from Deforestation and Forest entire forest management unit, and over set for an indicator of measurement. As Degradation (REDD+) provides another a landscape (see Global forest altera- forest types and biophysical situations reason to measure forest degradation. tion, from space, in this issue). Assess- vary extensively, it will not be possible The REDD+ mechanism has the poten- ment over higher scales is necessary for to establish common thresholds. Similar tial to generate substantial funds for national and international reporting and to the concept of a threshold is that of developing countries for reducing forest other purposes. a tipping point – the point at which a degradation and restoring, or otherwise Temporal scale is another important process of degradation becomes irre- improving, the management of forests aspect in assessment of degradation (see versible. Avoiding irreversible change – (thereby increasing forest-based car- N DV I a s i nd icat or of for est d eg r a d at ion, tipping points – may be one of the most bon sequestration). How degradation is in this issue). Short-term fluctuations in important measures towards sustain- ability (see Biodiversity, ecosystem thresholds, resilience and forest deg- Variation for natural and management reasons radation, in this issue).

Non- WITH WHAT CAN DATA BE Canopy degraded cover (%) forest COMPARED? (Example) The assessment of degradation requires Restoration the establishment of a reference state – a Forest baseline or “ideal state” – against which Rehabilitation Degraded forest the changed situation can be assessed. In practice, establishing a reference state is not an easy task. Primary forest could theoretically serve as a baseline, but Non-forest this approach is sometimes problematic

Time Source: FAO, 2011. Note: Canopy cover is used here as an example of an indicator of degradation. Restored or rehabilitated forest may not be similar to the original one. Degradation process and thresholds

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 6

Human-induced through low-intensity interventions, such disturbance may be intentional (direct) as extension of fallow periods and setting or unintentional aside for natural regeneration. (indirect) Rural populations living in or near degraded forests can take remedial action when awareness is raised and economic incentives are made available. The successful restoration of the Loess Plateau in China is one such example. Restoration could provide many co-ben- efits, such as reduced erosion, reduced risk of flooding, improved agricultural productivity, and production of fuel- wood, timber and other forest products. Useful guidelines for remedial action exist on both an international level – e.g. ITTO (2002) – and a national one – e.g. CONAFOR (2007). The Global Partner- ship on Forest Landscape Restoration E. MANSURE. (2011) provides a platform for informa- because of past changes in the ecosys- when abiotic and biotic factors are trig- tion and exchange of experiences. tem. Sustainably managed forests for gered by changes in weather patterns The REDD+ mechanism under the production could also serve as a refer- that lead to a greater frequency, scale UNFCCC negotiations has raised great ence state, even though they may lack and impact of forest degradation. expectations for financing of restora- some species, processes, functions or Degradation can be, but is not nec- tion, rehabilitation and sustainable for- structures found in a primary forest. In essarily, a precursor to deforestation. est management. There is, however, a addition, all forest ecosystems are char- Forests may remain degraded for a long risk that the rural poor may not be able acterized by inherent change and natural time but never become completely defor- to benefit from REDD+ and that their variation. Degradation occurs when the ested; change can also be abrupt, such forest tenure and use rights might be production of an identified good or ser- as when an intact forest is converted to vice is consistently below an expected another land use. At any stage on the Degraded forest land offers tremendous value and is outside the range of varia- continuum depicted in the Figure, forest opportunities for reforestation tion that would be expected on the site degradation can be halted or reversed under the selected management regime. by forest improvement or other manage- Therefore, assessment often tends to be ment interventions, including restoration based on judgement, because the range through silvicultural measures and the of natural variation can only be known rehabilitation of degraded non-forest through long-term research or monitor- land through reforestation. ing, and data available for a given time are usually deficient. (See A review of HOW CAN THE GLOBAL methods to measure and monitor his- CHALLENGE BE ADDRESSED? torical carbon emissions from forest The more than two billion ha of degradation, in this issue.) degraded forest land – a global com- Natural and human-induced degrada- bined area greater than that of China – tion are often interdependent. Human offers huge opportunities for restoration actions can affect the vulnerability of and rehabilitation. Degraded areas are a forest to be degraded from natural not usually subject to intensive land use, causes, while natural damages can lead even in areas that may be densely popu-

to increased human-induced disturbance. lated. Sometimes, reversing degrada- E. MANSUR Distinguishing between natural and '!" %$ However, more often it can be achieved

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 7

Solutions to degradation have to be the needs of different forest stakeholders


CONAFOR. 2007. Protección, restauración Manual de obras y prácticas. Zapopan, Mexico, National Forest Commission. FAO. 2002. Proceedings: Second Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest- Stakeholders, Rome, 11–13 September E. MANSURE. 2002. Rome. Available at: negatively affected when maintenance same time, resilience can be improved, docrep/005/y4171e/y4171e00.htm. and enhancement of the forest carbon and the recovery capacity of vulnerable FAO. 2009. ! pools become a binding objective by biodiversity can be enhanced. The " REDD+ financing. Without estab- opportunity costs are low, and the results #, by M. Simula. Forest lishing clear and secure land tenure, have important co-benefits. Time will Resources Assessment Working Paper building capacity, providing financial be needed for capacity-building, tenure No. 154. Rome (also available at support and taking due consideration reforms and strengthening of govern- docrep/fao/012/k6217e/k6217e00.pdf). of the values and needs of local people, ance, but action cannot be delayed. FAO. 2011. " it is unrealistic to assume that these There is no one size that fits all; solu- ! people will really benefit from REDD+. tions for degradation are always unique applicable guidelines. Working Paper. Another issue is that, in many coun- t o t h ei r s et t i ng. T h ey h ave t o b e a d apt a ble Rome. tries, lands that have been transferred and flexible over time, because they seek Global Partnership on Forest Landscape to community ownership have often to channel the needs of many different Restoration. 2011. Web site. Available at: been degraded and require significant forest stakeholders towards sustainable investment through restoration. practices that create change.  ITTO. 2002. $% <<=$ restoration, management and and differentiated to address variation in local conditions. By the same token, if . ITTO Policy forest owners, communities and dwell- Development Series No. 13. Yokohama, ers are paid for “doing nothing”, the Japan, International Tropical Timber system is not likely to work. Many pay- Organization. ment schemes for forest environmental Laestadius, L., Saint-Laurent, C., services have suffered from becoming Minnemeyer, S. & Potapov, P. 2011. A simple subsidy schemes in which the link !"!S between the payment and the obligation . The for corrective action by the owner has Global Partnership on Forest Landscape remained unclear. Mitigation of climate Restoration, World Resources Institute, change requires quick results, and restora- South Dakota State University & the tion of degraded forests can absorb more International Union for the Conservation carbon dioxide fast. As such, it represents of Nature. Available at: an excellent bridging strategy. At the of_opportunity_brochure_2011-09.pdf. 

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 8

Global forest alteration, from space

L. Laestadius, P. Potapov, A. Yaroshenko and S. Turubanova

A novel approach examines ssessing forest degradation at cost, relatively rapidly. Moreover, suit- the regional and global scales able historical satellite images (Landsat) A is difficult for various reasons. dating back to approximately 1980 are Degradation is a complex concept that available in public archives, making it is difficult to define. As such, and in possible to assess change over time. addition, it is difficult, and expensive, This article describes the result of to measure. What little information is an attempt to use satellite images to available is often inadequate, lacking assess forest degradation. The method in detail, richness and consistency, par- described was originally developed to ticularly across jurisdictional bounda- map intact forest landscapes, or IFLs ries. Non-productive aspects such as (Yaroshenko, Potapov and Turubanova, biodiversity tend to be particularly 2001; Aksenov et al., 2002; Lee et al., poorly described. 2002; Strittholt et al., 2006; Potapov Satellite observations provide a prom- et al., 2008). It is therefore referred to ising approach to gathering information. as the IFL Method. The method and its The availability and technical quality of satellite images are improving steadily, to work with satellite imagery and are while the price is decreasing. Satellite therefore different from what would be imagery makes it possible to assess large, used for ground-based observations. The and even inaccessible, landscapes at a low results are replicable and consistent in

A forest landscape is dominated by forests but may include naturally occurring treeless areas such as these wetlands in the northern European part of the Russian Federation. The changes in a forest landscape

Lars Laestadius is Senior Associate, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C., United States of America. Peter Potapov is Associate Professor, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States of America. Alexey Yaroshenko is Forest Coordinator, Greenpeace Russia, Moscow. Svetlana Turubanova is Research V. KANTOR Associate, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States of America.

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 9

both time and space – that is, for a coun- try, a continent, or the world, at the same Criteria point in time. A. Alteration DEFINING FOREST ALTERATION Portions of the study area with evidence of human-caused alteration are consid- The concept of a , as ered disturbed and not eligible for inclusion in an IFL. Such evidence includes: it is used here, is a mosaic of naturally 1. Settlements (including a buffer zone of 1 km); interspersed land cover types. A forest 2. Infrastructure used for transportation between settlements or for industrial devel- landscape is dominated by forests but opment of natural resources. Evidence would include roads (except unpaved trails), may also include naturally occurring railways, navigable waterways (including seashore), pipelines and power transmission treeless areas, such as small lakes, wet- lines (including, in all cases, a buffer zone of 1 km on either side); lands, rivers and rocky outcroppings. 3. Agriculture and forest ; Forest degradation is an ambiguous 4. Industrial activities during the past 30–70 years, such as logging, mining, oil and gas concept. One person’s degradation may exploration and extraction, peat extraction; be another person’s improvement; it X" #$%\^N{^ all depends on one’s perspective. For located in the vicinity of infrastructure or developed areas. the purposes of this article, the more |]& neutral term is used. "P$&Q]$ Forest alteration is used here to indicate ~€"$&]$ a visible change in a forest landscape low-intensity selective logging, and hunting. resulting from human influence. B. Fragmentation THE IFL METHOD Portions of the study area that remain eligible for inclusion in an IFL are then assessed for The IFL Method consists of two mutu- fragmentation. Portions considered otherwise eligible, but that are too small, or too narrow, ally dependent components: the method are eliminated. An IFL must satisfy the following criteria: itself and a set of definitions and criteria. 1. Larger than 50 000 ha; Well-defined criteria are used to prove 2. At least 10 km wide at the broadest place (measured as a diameter of the largest circle that an area is not intact (see Box). These $‚ƒ rules have been designed to be globally 3. At least 2 km wide in narrow parts connecting wider patches, and in appendages. applicable and easily replicable, allow- ing for repeated assessments over time as well as independent verification. ! not altered. The method then seeks to The assessment logic has three major Two types of criteria are used to separate !PQ$ characteristics: intact and non-intact forest landscapes: evidence of alteration. Once all altered (A) alteration, and (B) fragmentation. areas have been eliminated, only These criteria are used in sequence intact areas remain. The logic is that altered or not altered (intact). Although to determine if an area qualifies to be it is easier to spot evidence of alteration the IFL Method can be adapted to assess considered an IFL. and fragmentation than to prove their different types and degrees of alteration, First, the level of alteration is assessed. absence. this article takes a very simple view on Altered parts of the study area are alteration: a landscape is either intact, or rejected as being ineligible for inclu- APPLYING THE IFL METHOD it is altered. sion in IFLs. Remaining parts are then The IFL Method was used to assess An IFL is an unbroken expanse of assessed for their degree of fragmen- the ecological integrity of the world’s natural ecosystems that shows no signs tation. Again, parts determined to be '. The forest land- of significant human activity and is ineligible are rejected. scape zone is different from what FAO large enough to maintain all native calls the ' in that it includes biodiversity, including viable popula- The landscape is considered intact treeless areas that occur naturally tions of wide-ranging species. In this until proven otherwise. The assessment within the broader ecosystem that we assessment, an intact area had to be at logic works much as a court process. call a forest landscape. Assessments of least 50 000 hectares (ha) in size to be The initial assumption is that the entire these two types of areas are, therefore, considered an IFL. area of study is “innocent”, i.e. intact/ not comparable.

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 10

The boundary of the forest landscape Proportion of forest landscape zone that has been altered, by forest type zone was defined using a global Forest type Total Altered Proportion Intact Proportion canopy cover dataset – part of the Veg- area area altered area intact (Mha) (Mha) (%) (Mha) (%) etation Continuous Fields MODIS 500 m product (VCF) (Hansen et al., 2003). Closed forests 2 748.4 1 901.3 69.2 847.1 30.8 Forest was defined as an area with a tree Open forests and woodlands 1 377.6 1 108.0 80.4 269.6 19.6 canopy cover greater than 20 percent in Naturally treeless areas 1 461.5 1 265.3 86.6 196.2 13.4 the year 2000. Forest patches smaller Forest landscape zone total 5 587.6 4 274.7 76.5 1 312.9 23.5 than 4 km2 were excluded. Forest land- scape fragments smaller than 500 km2 The second step was to use high spatial area can be divided into three major were not considered in the analysis. resolution Landsat TM (global coverage forest ecosystem types, based on tree The forest landscape zone was assessed representing an average date of 1990) canopy cover (Hansen et al., 2003): in two steps. First, a preliminary frag- (Tucker, Grant and Dykstra, 2004) and 1. * with a tree canopy mentation analysis was carried out for ETM+ (global coverage representing cover greater than 40 percent countries for which Geographic Infor- an average date of 2000) imagery to (49.2 percent of the forest land- mation System (GIS) datasets for trans- assess all remaining potential IFL areas scape zone); portation infrastructure and settlements systematically for alteration and to draw 2. %! with were available at a scale of 1:500 000, precise boundaries for each IFL. a tree canopy cover of 20–40 per- or finer. Areas in the vicinity of roads, The image analysis was conducted cent (24.7 percent of the forest land- pipelines, power lines and settlements through expert-based visual interpreta- scape zone); and were eliminated from the area of study, tion, using GIS overlays with additional 3. Naturally treeless areas with a tree fragmenting the forest landscape zone thematic and topographic map layers. canopy cover below 20 percent, e.g. into a mosaic. The goal was to identify savannahs, grasslands, wetlands, landscape fragments free from major A GLOBAL ASSESSMENT OF agriculture areas, mountain eco- elements of infrastructure and greater FOREST ALTERATION systems, lakes (26.1 percent of the than 50 000 ha in size. Areas that did The current extent of the world’s forest forest landscape zone). not qualify were eliminated from further landscape zone, as defined above, is IFLs represent 23.5 percent of the for- consideration, while other areas were 5 587.6 million ha (Mha), or 37.3 percent est landscape zone (1 312.9 Mha). The retained as candidates for IFL. of the Earth’s total land surface. This balance is affected by development or fragmentation (Figure 1). In the context of the IFL Method, this part is considered altered. The extent of alteration differs among closed, open and non-forest eco- systems (Table). Approximately two-thirds (69.2 per- cent) of the world’s closed forests are non-intact. There are more remaining IFLs in the boreal and subtundra zones of the north than there are in the south; a long history of human activity has transformed the original woodlands and savannah-type ecosystems of the trop- ics and the temperate forest–steppes into croplands, pastures, or pyrogenic shrubland or grassland communities.

1 The world’s intact and altered forest landscapes. The IFL Method produces maps that are relevant for planning and monitoring at the global, national and regional scales. The regional-scale map shows non-intact forests in light green and treeless areas in yellow

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2 as the proportion of altered landscapes within the forest landscape zone of selected countries. Countries included in the analysis are shown in dark gray (62 countries total)

The least altered dense forests are found among the countries of Central Africa, in Latin America and in Papua New Guinea. The large proportion of dense forests within the IFLs of these countries makes them important repositories of carbon, and their alteration would lead COUNTRY-LEVEL BASELINE Two different groups of countries to significant carbon emissions. A country-level assessment was con- emerge when the composition of the ducted that was limited to countries IFLs is examined in terms of closed, ASSESSMENT OF THE IFL METHOD with at least 10 million ha of area in open and non-forest ecosystems (see The IFL Method has many advantages the forest landscape zone (Figure 2). Figure 3). The first group is made up for assessments of large areas. It is suit- Of these 62 countries, the forest has of developed countries in which there is able for all countries and continents. been almost entirely altered, i.e. less industrial forest management. In these It is inexpensive to apply, and it can than 1 percent of the forest landscape countries, the densest and most produc- be applied quickly. Its data needs are zone remains as IFL, in 19. This group tive forests have been altered by manage- fulfilled by satellite imagery, which is consists of European countries other ment or c onver t e d t o pla nt at ions. W her e available in the public domain for free than Finland, the Russian Federation the natural tree canopy density is low and or at a low, and diminishing, cost. It is and Sweden, and African countries forests are, therefore, less attractive, in rigorously defined and lends itself to outside the Congo Basin. Major lev- terms of forest management, most areas independent replication and verifica- els of alteration, i.e. the proportion remain intact. Examples are mountain- tion. It is also suitable for monitoring – of remaining IFLs is between 1 and ous regions, wetlands and the northern through replication at different points 10 percent of the forest landscape zone, part of the boreal zone. in time in order to measure change. It are seen in a group of 21 countries. This A different pattern prevails in the sec- can be adapted and refined, for example group includes African countries on the ond group. In these areas, accessible to assess smaller landscapes. Remote edge of the humid tropical forest biome, forests have been cleared for agricul- and otherwise inaccessible landscapes Central American countries, countries ture or grazing, while inaccessible tracts can be assessed. The result is consist- in Southeast Asia, and Northern Europe. of dense forests remain largely intact. ent across the entire area of study (for China and India also belong to this group. The remaining 22 countries have an IFL proportion that is greater than 10 percent of the total forest landscape zone. Only five of them, however, have an IFL proportion greater than 50 per- cent: Canada, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru and Suriname.

3 Intact forest landscapes in selected countries and their composition, by forest type. Countries included in the analysis are shown in dark gray (62 countries total)

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example, a country, or the world), and The IFL Method is biased towards work should be focused on verifying results can, therefore, be compared. overestimating the area of IFLs. This the interpretation at important points in Results are spatially explicit, in that is because of its “innocent until proven which there is a lack of clarity, rather they take the form of a map that is guilty” logic. Human influence that is than on a random or systematic sampling. detailed enough to underpin decisions difficult to detect in satellite imagery, about conservation priorities and meas- such as selective logging, small-scale CONCLUSIONS ures. Statistical information can easily slash-and-burn agricultural practices, The IFL Method provides a cost- be derived from the map. The method and hunting (for example, poaching in effective way to assess the degree of is tested and ready to use. Central Africa), may be overlooked, human influence across a large forest The resolution, and quality, of the causing an altered area to be mapped landscape, be it a country, or the world. maps has been judged sufficient for as an IFL. The accuracy of the result The method is designed to use satel- them to be used as a tool to support will depend on the quality and spatial lites as the main source of data, reduc- wood procurement and forest manage- resolution of the satellite imagery. ing cost and enhancing speed. Targeted ment in the boreal forest. For example, A significant limitation of the method, ground verification of selected spots in Canada and the Russian Federation, as it was used for this study, is its binary helps increase accuracy. The result is a and in the standard for controlled wood, nature. Landscape is classified as being map that shows the precise location and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is either intact or altered. Neither type nor boundaries of intact forest landscapes, using maps produced by the IFL Method degree of alteration is differentiated. i.e. the remaining patches of un-altered (Aksenov et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2002) However, the method can be modified land in the forest landscape zone, with as a proxy for large landscape-level to suit different purposes. It can be sufficient accuracy to guide wood pro- forests, a type of forest considered by made more sensitive to different types curement, at least in the boreal forest. FSC to have a high conservation value of alteration by defining additional and This map provides a guide for policy- (FSC Canada, 2004; FSC Russia, 2008; less strict categories, e.g. in terms of making and priority-setting, as well as a FSC, 2006). patch size and alteration within patches. baseline for monitoring change by recur- The IFL Method can also be used to It could include smaller patches as frag- rent application of the IFL Method to monitor how forest alteration expands ments of intactness to make the method intact forest landscapes. The distinction over time. Monitoring simply involves more suitable for assessment of small between intact and non-intact forests applying the method at a different point landscapes (Lee, Gysbers and Stanoje- used here is consistent with experience in time than that of the baseline study vic, 2006; Mollicone et al., 2007). from satellite-based deforestation meas- and comparing results. Examples of The method is capable of generating urements and can be used to provide regional monitoring in the northwest- useful results without adding field verifi- important background data for account- ern part of the Russian Federation and cation when it is applied by experienced ing of carbon loss from forest alteration. Central Africa are given in FAO (2009). analysts who have expert knowledge of The method can be refined to be more There are also limitations. Skills in the landscape they are assessing and sensitive to the intensity or type of altera- GIS and interpretation of remotely who have access to Landsat TM/ETM+ tion without changing its logic or data sensed data are required. It is suitable images. In particular instances, field requirements, thus enabling it to measure only for large areas (province, country, verification will improve the accuracy degrees of alteration. region, the world). Its consistency makes of the method. For example, verification The method will benefit from improve- it insensitive to variations among nations could be applied in cases in which the ments in the quality and price of, and in the understanding of “intactness” and satellite imagery is poor or in which access to, satellite images. The effect “alteration”. For example, in interpret- human influence is difficult to detect, of such improvements will be particu- ing burned areas, would the cause of a e.g. because the influence is diffuse larly strong in the humid tropics, where fire factor in – such that they be might rather than distinct, or because it is persistent cloudiness makes it difficult considered intact, if the burning is the invisible from space because it is on a to acquire images. result of natural fires, or altered, if it is small scale or occurs under the canopy. The usefulness of the method can be the result of human-caused fires? Should There is a certain degree of subjectivity expanded through at least three types the smallest allowed size of an IFL be in determining IFL boundaries across of measures: differentiated with regard to biome (e.g. transition zones from intact to disturbed Capacity-building. An analyst using boreal vs. tropical forests) or natural areas, especially within non-forest ter- the IFL Method must have two areas disturbance regime (e.g. fire dynamics ritories, savannahs, woodlands and of expertise: interpretation of sat- vs. gap dynamics)? mountain areas. Resources for field- ellite images and GIS, and forest

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 13

ecology and management. This com- Lee, P., Aksenov, D., Laestadius, L., bination of skills is rare, particularly Nogueron, R. & Smith, W. 2002. Canada’s in developing countries. Concerted / training efforts can certainly help in References Global Forest Watch Canada). Edmonton, this regard. Global Forest Watch Canada (also  !. Aksenov, D., Dobrynin, D., Dubinin, M., available at The results of the IFL Method are Egorov, A., Isaev, A., Karpachevskiy, M., english/canada/pdf/Canada_LIFL-Text_ relatively easy to communicate and Laestadius, L., Potapov, P., Purekhovskiy, Section.pdf). understand because they can be artic- A., Turubanova, S. & Yaroshenko, A. Lee, P., Gysbers, J.D. & Stanojevic, Z. ulated on maps. These maps need to 2002. 7S 2006. *S 4 be reviewed by regional and local landscapes. Moscow, Global Forest "#/5 exp er t s, a s wel l a s by releva nt st a ke - Watch Russia (also available at Forest Watch Canada Report). Edmonton, holders. As such, the logistical chal- Global Forest Watch Canada (also available lenges for a rigorous, paper-based russia/Atlas_report_pdfs/Cover-032.pdf). at review process are many, particularly FAO. 2009. Global mapping and monitoring †‡ˆ%€%%‰X^"‚" for a regional or global assessment. #" Mollicone, D., Achard, F., Federici, S., It is possible to let reviewers access Intact Forest Landscapes Method, by Eva, H.D., Grassi, G., Belward, A., maps and provide feedback via the P. Potapov, L. Laestadius, A. Yaroshenko Raes, F., Seufert, G., Stibig, H.-J., Internet. Development of a Web- and S. Turubanova. Forest Resources Matteucci, G. & Schulze, E.-D. 2007. based platform for transparency and Assessment Working Paper No. 166. Rome An incentive mechanism for reducing review is, therefore, needed. (also available at: emissions from conversion of intact and + k7611e/k7611e00.pdf). non-intact forests. Climatic Change, 83: application. The IFL Method has FSC. 2006. 8 477–493. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-006-9231-2. been developed thanks to financial +8 * ! . FSC-STD-40-005 Potapov, P., Yaroshenko, A., Turubanova, S., contributions from corporations (Version 2-1) EN. Bonn, Forest Stewardship Dubinin, M., Laestadius, L., Thies, C., and foundations in the private sec- Council (also available at Aksenov, D., Egorov, A., Yesipova, Y., tor. Government engagement in fileadmin/web-data/public/document_ Glushkov, I., Karpachevskiy, M., the further development and appli- center/international_FSC_policies/ Kostikova, A., Manisha, A., Tsybikova, cation of the method would be standards/FSC_STD_40_005_V2_1_EN_ E. & Zhuravleva, I. 2008. Mapping the extremely beneficial. Company_Evaluation_of_Controlled_ world’s intact forest landscapes by remote In the case of the present study, the Wood.pdf). sensing. Ecology and Society, 13(2). authors envision that the global IFL FSC Canada. 2004. National boreal Available at: map will be periodically updated and standard. Toronto, Canada, Forest vol13/iss2/art51/. improved to reflect further alteration. Stewardship Council Canada Working Strittholt, J., Noguerón, R., Bergquist, J. & The continual improvement of satellite- Group (also available at www.fsccanada. Álvarez, M. 2006. Mapping undisturbed borne sensors and analytical techniques org/docs/boreal%20standard.pdf). landscapes in Alaska: an overview report. will gradually reduce the necessary FSC Russia. 2008. Russian national Forest Washington, D.C., World Resources effort. A continuous external review pro- Stewardship Council standard. FSC-STD- Institute (also available at cess has been organized on a dedicated RUS-01 2008-11 Russian national standard publication/mapping-undisturbed- Web site (, which ENG. Moscow, Russian Forest Stewardship landscapes-alaska-overview-report). allows users to view the IFL map against Council National Initiative (also available Tucker, C.J., Grant, D.M. & Dykstra, J.D. a background of satellite imagery.  at Š^^‹"Œ##S$€ Hansen, M.C., DeFries, R.S., Townshend, data set. Photogrammetric Engineering J.R.G., Carroll, M., Dimiceli, C. & and Remote Sensing, 70: 313–322. Sohlberg, R.A. 2003. Global percent Yaroshenko, A.Y., Potapov, P.V. & tree cover at a spatial resolution of Turubanova, S.A. 2001. The last intact X^^ ’ “<~ 6 ! " Russia. Moscow, Greenpeace Russia and Earth Interactions, 7:1–15. DOI: Global Forest Watch (also available at 10.1175/1087-3562(2003)007<0001:GPT CAA>2.0.CO;2. pdf/GFW_Russia_Report_en.pdf). 

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 14

FAO led remote sensing studies focused on  easy access to satellite imagery through Remote sensing tropical forests for Global Forest Resources an Internet-based data portal; and Assessment (FRA) reports for 1980, 1990  enhanced capacity in many countries for survey updates and 2000. A new study, carried out as part monitoring, assessing and reporting on of FRA 2010, was more comprehensive, forest area and forest-area change. forest-loss estimates with satellite images collected globally. The objective was to improve our knowledge A scientific sampling design of changes in tree cover and forest land The survey used a sampling grid design use over time. A key driver of the study with imagery taken at each longitude and A. Gerrand, E. Lindquist was the increasing importance of climate latitude intersection (approximately 100 km and R. D’Annunzio change, which has heightened the need apart), reduced to two-degree spacing above for better information because forest and 60 degrees North (Figure 1). There were related land-use changes are estimated to approximately 13 500 samples, of which be responsible for approximately 17 percent about 9 000 were outside deserts and A new study has improved our of human-induced carbon emissions.1 permanent ice (Antarctica was excluded). 9! Satellite data enable consistent information Each sample site was 10 km by 10 km, to be collected globally, information that can, giving a total sampling area equivalent to over time. in turn, be analysed in the same way for diffe- about 1 percent of the Earth’s land surface. rent points in time to derive better estimates This grid was compatible with that used for of change. Remote sensing does not replace many national forest assessments, including the need for good field data, but combining those supported by FAO. both methods provides better results than does either method alone. Easy access to tools and satellite images The outcomes of the FRA 2010 Remote FAO and its partner organizations made pre- Sensing Survey were: processed imagery for the sample areas  improved knowledge on land cover and easily available through the Internet.2 Access land-use changes related to forests, to free remote sensing data and specialized Adam Gerrand, especially deforestation, and Erik Lindquist and Remi D’Annunzio natural expansion of forests; are the FRA Remote Sensing Team, 1 IPCC. 2007. Climate change 2007. The  FAO Forestry Department, Rome. information on the rate of change between physical science basis: Contribution of 1990 and 2005 at global, biome and re- Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment gional levels; Report of the IPCC. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.  a global framework and method for moni- 2 See 1 toring forest change; portal. The systematic sampling grid

UnasylvaUnasylva 238, 213, Vol. Vol. 62, 55, 2011/2 2003 15

1) Satellite data 2) Classify and label 3) Validate, check changes

Tree cover Tree cover mosaic Shrubs cover Gain in tree cover Other land cover Loss Burnt cover Water Shrubs (young ?) Cloud and shadow No data


2 software has particularly benefited develop- nership with external agencies, with funding ing countries with limited forest-monitoring support from the European Commission map and resulting land cover change, d a t a o r c a p a c i t y. A u t h o r i z e d n a t i o n a l e x p e r t s and technical expertise from their JRC. The 1990–2000 can log in and download draft labelled results from this work have been reviewed polygons for checking and then upload the and validated by over 200 national experts validated data. in 102 countries. This input has made the Net loss – in which losses of forest cover results some of the most detailed and widely are partially offset by afforestation or natural Improved globally consistent estimates checked global statistics on forest-cover expansion – was 72.9 million ha between of forest extent and change over time change from satellite data. 1990 and 2005. The planet lost an average of For each sample, three Landsat images – 4.9 million ha of forest per year, or nearly 10 ha from around 1990, 2000 and 2005 – were Key findings of forest per minute, over the 15-year period. extracted by South Dakota State University The findings of the survey show that the The new data also show that the net loss and further processed by FAO or the Euro- world’s total forest area in 2005 was of forests increased from 4.1 million ha per pean Commission Joint Research Centre 3.69 billion hectares (ha), which is approxi- year between 1990 and 2000 to 6.4 million ha (JRC) to a consistent standard using an auto- mately 30 percent of the global land area. between 2000 and 2005. mated image-classification process. Draft The findings suggest that the rate of world Although the data and analysis have not land-cover labels were then prepared, and deforestation averaged 14.5 million ha per yet been applied to forest degradation, they the changes in land cover over time were year between 1990 and 2005, a figure that could be reprocessed later for that purpose. highlighted. National experts validated the is consistent with previous estimates. Defor- Detailed results of the survey, including preliminary results and then helped under- estation was highest in the tropics, likely information on regional losses and gains, take the transformation from land-cover clas- attributable to the conversion of tropical are planned for release in early 2012. Initial ses to land-use classes (Figure 2). forests to agricultural land. results from the survey, and further informa- The survey shows that, worldwide, the tion, are available at: Strong technical partnerships and net loss in forest area between 1990 and engagement with countries 2005 was not as great as had previously survey/en. The project combined the technical forest been reported, as gains in forest areas are and land-cover experience in FAO, in part- larger than had previously been estimated.

This discussion has been adapted from the FRA 2010 report to reflect key findings of the survey.

Unasylva 213,238,212, Vol. 55,62,54, 20032011/2 16

A review of methods to measure and monitor historical carbon emissions from forest degradation

M. Herold, R.M. Román-Cuesta, V. Heymell, Y. Hirata, P. Van Laake, G.P. Asner, C. Souza, V. Avitabile and K. MacDicken

$ isturbances that lead to forest area changes. All estimates should be data, developing countries can rely degradation have been estimated transparent, consistent and as accurate on consistent current ground data Dto affect roughly 100 million as possible, and uncertainties should be and remote sensing assessments. hectares (ha) of forest globally per year reduced, as far as national capabilities (FAO, 2006, in Nabuurs et al., 2007). and capacities permit. With respect to mitigation of climate Measuring forest degradation and change, forest degradation refers to a related forest carbon stock changes is loss of carbon stock within forests that more complicated and more costly than remain forests (IPCC, 2003a; UNFCCC, measuring deforestation. Countries can 2008). Degradation, therefore, implies measure current rates of degradation that measured forest variables, such as through field data and/or remote sensing canopy cover, remain above the threshold data; a combination of the two types of "~ data provides the strongest estimates. from deforestation, which is commonly However, developing countries fre- associated with a land-use change. quently lack consistent historical field In 2005, the eleventh session of the data. Therefore, in assessing histori- Conference of Parties (COP-11) to the cal degradation, they are forced to rely United Nations Framework Conven- strongly on remote sensing approaches tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC) mixed with current field assessments of highlighted the role of reducing defor- carbon stock changes. estation and forest degradation as tools This article aims to support develop- to mitigate climate change (Reducing ing countries in the implementation Emissions from Deforestation and For- of REDD+ activities by providing an Martin Herold is Professor of Remote Sensing, est Degradation – REDD). The Confer- overview and review of methods to Center for Geoinformation, Wageningen ence reinforced Article 2 of the Kyoto measure and monitor carbon emissions University, the Netherlands. Rosa María Román-Cuesta is working on Protocol regarding the protection and from forest degradation. It focuses on the design and implementation of MRV enhancement of sinks and reservoirs of historical periods in order to provide systems for REDD+ within the UN-REDD greenhouse gases not controlled by the insight into the historical reference for Programme, FAO. Victoria Heymell is a consultant in the Forestry Montreal Protocol. degradation under REDD+ activities Department, FAO. Developing country Parties to (UNFCCC, 2009b). Yasumasa Hirata is head of the Climate Change UNFCCC have been encouraged to  Institute, Tsukuba, Japan. take certain guidance into account when ESTIMATING EMISSIONS FROM Patrick Van Laake is the Technical Specialist engaging in REDD and REDD+ activi- FOREST DEGRADATION on the UN-REDD Viet Nam Programme, Hanoi. ties (UNFCCC, 2009a), in particular, IPCC Good Practice Guidance Gregory P. Asner is a Professor of Ecology and Remote Sensing, Department of Global Ecology, those related to establishing national for- Under the UNFCCC, countries are Carnegie Institution for Science, United States est monitoring systems. These systems encouraged to use the Intergovernmental of America. need to use an appropriate combina- Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Good Carlos Souza is Senior Scientist at IMAZON, Belem, Brazil. tion of remote sensing and ground-based ;5<=<4 Valerio Avitabile is a postdoctoral researcher, approaches to forest carbon inventory Use Change and Forestry (Good Prac- Center for Geoinformation, Wageningen to estimate anthropogenic emissions of tice Guidance) as a basis for reporting University, The Netherlands. Kenneth MacDicken greenhouse gas by sources, removals by greenhouse gas emissions from defor- Global Forest Reporting and Assessment, FAO. sinks, forest carbon stocks and forest estation and forest degradation (IPCC,

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 17

toring should be considered. Challenges !"#" associated with the different methods are diverse: $#!!%%'*+ Temporal thresholds and spatial biomass, belowground biomass, litter, dead wood and soil organic carbon. Key source scales. The effect of forest degrada- categories should be assessed and selected. A key source category is “an emission or sink tion on forest carbon stocks depends category that is prioritised within the national inventory system because its estimate on time. Temporal thresholds for +T#++ each forest type should be estab- terms of the absolute level of emissions, the trend in emissions, or both”. Key source lished to avoid combining the effects +++<=>'> of short-term reductions in carbon available. In the tropics, the most generalized approach is to monitor only aboveground stock with the effects of long-term biomass, even though soil carbon stocks in peatlands also require attention because reductions. Sustainable forest man- they can contain more carbon stock than aboveground biomass. agement practices, for example, can cause temporary changes to carbon stocks that do not lead to degrada- 2003b; 2006). To estimate the emis- different reporting approaches under the tion, while unsustainable practices sions associated with forest degradation, UNFCCC, in terms of tiers. The higher can lead to forest degradation in the countries should consider: the tier, the lower the level of uncertainty long term. Areas of forest that remains forest associated with the data, and therefore $ affected by degradation, considered the better the accuracy (Box, below). sets. Monitoring changes in carbon at the national level, ideally strati- stocks resulting from forest degrada- fied into different disturbance or Challenges and considerations tion relies heavily on field surveys. degradation types. Statistics calcu- There is not one method to monitor forest However, data benefit from integrat- lated through forest inventories or degradation. The choice of method, or ing remotely sensed data with site- through remote sensing can be used a combination of methods, depends on specific biophysical field attributes. to quantify how much forest area is a number of factors, including the type Key issues to consider are which undergoing degradation changes, of degradation, available data, capaci- biophysical parameters should be and where. Such data are referred to ties and resources. Additionally, the measured and which time thresholds as activity data. potential, and limitations, of various would be appropriate for relating the Changes in forest carbon stocks that approaches to measurement and moni- two approaches. result from degradation processes, per area and time units. The carbon lost from forests and released to the Good Practice Guidance tiers for estimates of emissions atmosphere through the degrada- tion process is commonly measured IPCC (2003b) provides three tiers to categorize methods to estimate emissions. The through forest field sampling and higher the tier number, the more rigorous the requirements for the data, and the repeated forest inventories. Changes more complex the analysis performed. Hence, the higher the tier number, the more should be calculated for each of five accurate the estimate. forest carbon pools (Box, above). - Measurements are reported in ment (MAI). They are obtained from the IPCC Emission Factor Data Base (EFDB) tonnes of carbon produced per ha and correspond to broad continental forest types (e.g. African tropical rainforest). per year (Mg C ha-1 yr-1). These data are referred to as . - (IPCC, 2003b; 2006) ries). Forest biomass is resolved at finer scales through the delineation of more The national emissions from forest detailed strata. degradation result from combining - activity data and emission factors for ure changes in forest biomass directly. In addition, or instead, well-parameterized each forest and degradation type, as models may be used, in combination with plot data. indicated in the IPCC methodology. A Tier 3 approach requires a long-term commitment of resources, and therefore generally The Good Practice Guidance provides involves establishing a permanent organization to house the monitoring programme. the level of complexity and certainty of

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Spatial impact and intensity. Cumulative, long-term and gradual for measuring carbon stock changes Different activities causing for- carbon stock losses can be measured on a consistent basis have not been est degradation are often focused using direct methods. For carbon established – but they can be, given on specific areas within a coun- losses that happen more rapidly, the following considerations. Histori- try. Efforts to measure and moni- canopy closures impede field and cal emission factors can be derived by tor must track the most important satellite observations. analysing present-day data on carbon activities and their impacts to use $ stock losses that have resulted from resources most efficiently (Herold sources. It is rare that data sets on similar degradation processes, and by and Skutsch, 2011). historical forest degradation are studying and linking their chronose- $9 available. Integrating remotely quences with available historical data, sensed data with site-specific such as archived remote sensing images. Methods for calculating changes biophysical field attributes from For certain degradation activities, data in carbon stocks vary for each rel- past assessments and other sources, might be collected from the records of evant carbon pool (Box, page 17, top), such as forest management data, companies that performed the activities.

as well as for emissions of non-CO2 is challenging. For example, records of wood volume greenhouse gases including methane Inconsistencies when linking extracted in selective logging activities and nitrous oxide. historical and present data sets and could be considered. Measuring historical forest degradation methodologies. Different systems In using such approaches to estimate involves further challenges. Historical used to acquire data through dif- historical emissions, it is important to degradation is important for quantifying ferent processes are often incom- take into account the uncertainties asso- a country’s potential reduction in emis- patible and require harmonization ciated with the resulting estimates. One sions. Ex ante estimations of forest deg- and consistency. particular consideration is when coun- radation may be required to estimate the % reference emissions level against which Approaches the change in carbon stocks per area em i ssion r e duc t ion s w i l l b e c a lcu la t e d fo r Many developing countries have limited, and time units (e.g. through the tier 2 a given period. In addition to the general or no, field data. Further, procedures approach; see Box, page 17, bottom). considerations relating to methodology, challenges in assessing historical forest degradation include: Selection of studies on methods used to measure forest degradation <9Many countries, in Country Remote Field data Combination Details on methodology Source sensing collection of both particular those in tropical regions, lack historical data on forest degra- Brazil X Relationship between FAO spectral mixing analysis (2009a) dation and its impact on forest carbon and aboveground biomass stocks. Historical data at a national measured through forest transects level are often limited to archives of Democratic X Field measuring of FAO satellite images, while remote sens- Republic of forest degradation using (2009b) ing, itself, has limitations pertaining the Congo permanent plots Mexico X c. 25 000 1 ha plots de Jong to the detection of degradation. established, of which et al. $While many 23 000 measured; (2010) 20 percent re-measured developing countries have some level every year of experience monitoring commer- Forest disturbance: cial forestry activities and have main- intact forest, tained some data, human resources secondary-tree dominated, secondary-shrub dominated and other capacities are often not Mexico X Relationship between FAO sufficient to implement a national MODIS-derived normalized (2009c) s u r v e y t o a s s e s s h i s t o r i c a l d e f o r e s t a - difference vegetation index values and areal biomass tion and forest degradation. volume derived from the Temporal considerations. There is national currently no agreement regarding Nepal X X X Comparison of FAO methodologies used (2009d) a temporal threshold associated in Nepal to measure with long-term carbon stock loss. degradation

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1 Examples of direct methods applied to measure forest degradation

Left: spectral mixing analysis (SMA) and estimations of aboveground biomass (AGB) used to follow the degradation dynamics of Amazonian lowland forests

Right: lacunarity analysis and the index of translational homogeneity (ITH) used to estimate crown widths in Amazonian forest landscapes. Further examples are available at

The estimation of country-specific values for a given parameter relies heav- ily on field sampling, which is frequently done through national forest invento- ries. However, the estimation of area affected by degradation might be per- formed more reliably through national wall-to-wall or sample-based remote Sources: Left: Souza, Roberts and Cochrane, 2005. Right: Malhi and Román-Cuesta, 2008. sensing approaches (Table). Therefore, Note: GV is green vegetation fraction; NPV is nonphotosynthetic vegetation fraction; NDFI is normalized the use of remote sensing to support difference fraction index. field data collection should be promoted, as should the use of field validation as methods. First, observations must be forest areas, but are less effective for ground truth for remote sensing. made frequently, such as annually or repeated degradation. biannually, because the spatial signa- One effective indirect approach is Selected examples tures of degraded forests change when the “intact forest” approach. In this Direct and indirect methods canopy gaps close. Second, not all deg- approach, the presence of human There are two approaches to estimating radation processes can be monitored infrastructure is viewed as a proxy for forest degradation area through remote with high certainty using remote sens- degradation, and its absence is used sensing, direct and indirect: ing data. As a general rule, the more to identify forest land without anthro- 1. Direct detection of degradation severe the degradation and the canopy pogenic disturbance, or intact forest processes and related area changes damage, the easier it is to map it accu- (Mollicone et al., 2007; Potopov et al., focuses on forest canopy damage. rately, directly from satellite observa- 2008). An intact forest is fully stocked, The features enhanced and extracted tions (Coops, Wulder and White, 2007). or any forest with tree cover between from the satellite imagery are forest However, many local-scale activities that 10 and 100 percent that is undisturbed, canopy gaps, small clearings and the result in degradation, such as collection i.e. without timber extraction. A non- structural forest changes resulting of fuelwood, affect only the understory intact forest is not fully stocked. Tree from disturbance (Asner et al., 2005; and are undetectable through remote cover is higher than 10 percent, so that Souza, Roberts and Cochrane, 2005; sensing analysis. Figure 1 presents two it qualifies as a forest under the Kyoto Oliveira et al., 2007). examples of direct methods. Protocol, but it is assumed that the forest 2. Indirect approaches focus on the Indirect methods prove useful when has undergone timber exploitation and/ spatial distribution and evolution of the intensity of degradation is low and or canopy degradation. human infrastructure (e.g. roads and the area to assess is large, when sat- Another indirect method, which can population centres), which are used ellite imagery is not easily accessible be applied to estimate both future and as proxies for newly degraded areas. or when the direct approach cannot be historical forest degradation dynamics, There are limiting factors when map- applied for any other reason. These meth- is scenario modelling for forest degrada- ping forest degradation using direct ods work best to map newly degraded tion. Soares-Filho et al. (2006) published

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2 Examples of indirect methods applied to measure forest degradation

Top: estimation of intact and non-intact (buffers) from human infrastructures. The example depicts the evolution of a forest landscape where new roads are built, reducing the total area of intact forests (green grid)

Bottom: future deforestation models for the Amazon Basin based on two possible scenarios: (a) business as usual; and (b) effective governance

an example of a “deforestation model- ling” approach for the Amazon Basin that produced annual maps of simulated future deforestation under user-defined scenarios. With the right support from field data, a similar modelling approach could be used for (re)constructing his- torical and future scenarios of forest Sources: Top: Mollicone et al., 2007. Bottom: Soares-Filho et al., 2006. degradation. Figure 2 offers two exam- ples of indirect methods to evaluate forest degradation. Collecting data on selective logging Aerial photography ITTO (2006) estimates that 350 million ha of humid tropical forest are currently Aerial photography has played an impor- tant role in forest surveys (Caylor, 2000; impact of selective logging may be available from different sources: Hall, 2003). It was the unique means to +>+> monitor canopy condition in detail until permanent sample plots (often implemented as local studies); ‰––– >++++> collect publicly available high-resolution focused on related concession areas; and imagery – IKONOS. Aerial photographs =Q>'>- can provide information on structural tion rates estimated from , sales and export statistics (Nepstad et al., 1999). changes of forest canopies over time that The use of (direct or indirect) satellite mapping of selective logging for estimating can be used to assess historical rates of degradation at a national level is currently in an expansive research phase. Research forest degradation. The methods used st a r t e d at t he b e g i n n i n g of t h i s c e nt u r y, w it h r e s u lt s st e ad i ly i mpr ov i n g over t i me (A s n er to detect gaps through multi-temporal et al., 2002; 2004; Souza et al., 2003; Souza, Roberts and Cochrane, 2005). In the past digital surface models (DSM) have been >+>++++ applied for long-term studies on canopy degradation have been published for a large portion of the Brazilian Amazon (Asner dynamics (Nakashizuka, Katsuki and et al., 2005), throughout Africa (Laporte et al., 2007), for parts of Oceania (Shearman Tanaka, 1995; Tanaka and Nakashizuka, et al., 2008) and for other Amazonian countries (Oliveira et al.>%%X'[> 1997; Itaya, Miura and Yamamoto, 2004; global-scale direct mapping of selective logging in humid tropical forests has shown Ticehurst, Phinn and Held, 2007). DSM that logging activities strike deep into forest interiors, often far from deforestation derived from aerial photographs or light fronts (Asner et al., 2009). detection and ranging (LIDAR) data can also be used to estimate forest growth.

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Road, stream and forest area, Indonesia. combustion factor Cf, which is the Aerial photographs can provide proportion of biomass consumed as a information on structural changes -1 of forest canopies over time result of fire (g g ), and the emission factor or emission ratio Gef, which is the amount of gas released for each gaseous species per unit of biomass creates boundaries, or “watershed lines”, load consumed by the fire (g g-1). on the basis of the pixels of the greatest With this method, there is significant magnitude. The latter method can be use- uncertainty associated with the area ful for the identification of degradation burned and the combustion factor. at the canopy level. In particular, there is uncertainty associated with historical assessment Monitoring burning of biomass of biomass burning events, where few Satellite systems have proved useful in data sets exist. 2. A direct method that measures the ’ power emitted by actively burning !$ fires and derives total biomass con- %—‚ sumption. The radiative component —"" ! % of the energy released by burning leased). For the purposes of estimating vegetation can be remotely sensed FAO/H. HIRAOKEFAO/H. emissions, the latter two uses are of par- at mid-infrared and thermal infrared The quality of estimates of historical ticular relevance. Two main approaches – wavelengths (Ichoku and Kaufman, rates of forest degradation benefits from N!$ 2005; Wooster et al., 2005; Smith further analysis of images, in particu- (GOFC-GOLD, 2010): and Wooster, 2005). This instanta- lar assessing carbon stock changes of 1. A “bottom up”, or indirect, method neous measure, the fire radiative individual trees. Tree height and crown (Seiler and Crutzen, 1980): power expressed in watts (W), has areas of individual trees can be estimated L = A × Mb × Cf × Gef, been shown to be related to the rate of from aerial photographs or LIDAR data; where the quantity of emitted gas or consumption of biomass (g/s). Direct allometric equations, which provide for particulate L (g) is the product of the methods, however, have yet to tran- extrapolations on the basis of few meas- area affected by fire A (m 2), the fuel sition from the research domain to urements, can help in the estimation of loading per unit area Mb (g m-2), the operational application. their carbon stocks. However, individual allometric equations relating tree height, diameter and biomass are frequently not available for the complex structure and species composition of tropical forests. Two other methodologies to assess individual crown areas from aerial photographs are the valley-following method (Leckie et al., 2003; 2004; Gougeon and Leckie, 2006), which involves following valleys of shade in a grey-level image, and the water- shed method (Wang, Gong and Biging, 2004; Hirata, Sakai and Tsuboto, 2009),

which views the gradient magnitude of FAO/C. PALMBERG-LERCHE an image as a topographic surface and

Satellite data can be analysed to estimate emissions from burning of biomass

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CONCLUSIONS 260(10): 1689–1701. DOI: 10.1016/j. Measuring forest degradation and foreco.2010.08.011. related forest carbon stock changes is FAO. 2006. 5 more complicated and more costly than References assessment 2005 – progress towards measuring deforestation. Measurements . FAO are based on observing changes in the Asner, G.P., Keller, M., Pereira, R. Jr. & Forestry Paper No. 147. Rome (also structure of the forest that do not imply Zweede, J.C. 2002. Remote sensing of available at a change in land use – changes that are selective logging in Amazonia: assessing a0400e/a0400e00.htm). not necessarily easily detectable through limitations based on detailed field FAO. 2009a. $ remote sensing. observations, Landsat ETM+, and textural Measuring all carbon stock changes analysis. 786, within a country that are caused by for- 80(3): 483–496. DOI: 10.1016/S0034- Brazilian Amazon, by C.M. Souza, Jr., M.A. est degradation, and at consistent levels 4257(01)00326-1. Cochrane, M.H. Sales, A.L. Monteiro & of detail and accuracy, is not likely to Asner, G.P., Keller, M., Pereira, R. Jr., D. Mollicone. Forest Resources Assessment be possible in the near future. Focusing Zweede, J.C. & Silva, J.N.M. 2004. Working Paper No. 161. Rome (also efforts to monitor carbon stock changes Canopy damage and recovery after available at on the most important categories of ! #’ k7180e/k7180e00.pdf). carbon pools and on specific areas satellite studies. Ecological Applications, FAO. 2009b. <  within the country in which activities 14(4 Suppl.): S280–S298. DOI: 10.1890/01- République Démocratique du Congo, by that degrade forests are concentrated 6019. C.M. Kamungandu. Forest Resources can help both to make the monitoring Asner, G.P., Knapp, D.E., Broadbent, E.N., Assessment Working Paper No. 169. Rome more targeted and efficient and to cap- Oliveira, P.J.C., Keller, M. & Silva, J.N. (also available at ture the most important components 2005. Selective logging in the Brazilian k8270f/k8270f00.pdf). with priority. Amazon. Science, 310(5747): 480–482. FAO. 2009c. ' Countries need to assess both carbon DOI: 10.1126/science.1118051. # /O$Q stock changes (emission factors) and Asner, G.P., Rudel, T.K., Aide, T.M., the total area undergoing degradation Defries, R. & Emerson, R. 2009. coverage in Mexico 2008–2009, by C.L.M. (activity data) for their monitoring to A contemporary assessment of change Tovar. Forest Resources Assessment be in line with the I PCC Good P ractice in humid tropical forests. Conservation Working Paper No. 173. Rome (also Guidance. Measurements would ideally Biology, 23(6):1386–1395. DOI: available at be taken for different types of activi- 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01333.x. k8593e/k8593e00.pdf). ties resulting in carbon stock changes Caylor, J. 2000. Aerial photography in the FAO. 2009d. Forest degradation in Nepal: in forests remaining forests, including next decade. > +, 98(6): !, by K.P. fire, logging and fuelwood harvesting. 17–19. Acharya & R.B. Dangi. Forest Resources The assessment of changes in car- Coops, N.C., Wulder, M.A. & White, J.C. Assessment Working Paper No. 163. Rome bon stocks requires consistent ground 2007. Identifying and describing forest (also available at data. The evaluation of the total area disturbance and spatial pattern: data k7608e/k7608e00.pdf). undergoing degradation, particularly selection issues and methodological GOFC-GOLD (Global Observation of for developing countries, is more reli- implications. In M.A. Wulder & S.E. Forest and Land Cover Dynamics). ably measured through remote sensing Franklin, eds., 2010. 9 for the major degradation processes of disturbance and spatial pattern: remote selective logging and fire. Both current sensing and GIS approaches. Boca Raton, anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and historical assessments of forest USA, Taylor and Francis, pp. 31–62. DOI: = degradation will need to collect data 10.1201/9781420005189.ch2. 9 on emission factors and activity data De Jong, B., Anaya, C., Masera, O., =. GOFC-GOLD consistently to estimate emissions from Olguín, M., Paz, F., Etchevers, J., Report version COP15-1. Alberta, Canada, forest degradation.  Martínez, R.D., Guerrero, G. & Natural Resources Canada (also available Balbontín, C. 2010. Greenhouse gas at emissions between 1993 and 2002 from Gougeon, F.A. & Leckie, D.G. 2006. The land-use change and forestry in Mexico. individual tree crown approach applied to and Management, Ikonos images of a coniferous

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area. Photogrammetric Engineering and (also available at www.ipcc-nggip.iges. Elsiddig, E., Ford-Robertson, J., Remote Sensing, 72(11): 1287–1297. Frumhoff, P., Karjalainen, T., Hall, R.J. 2003. The roles of aerial Itaya, A., Miura, M. & Yamamoto, S. 2004. Krankina, O., Kurz, W.A., Matsumoto, photographs in forestry remote sensing Canopy height changes of an old-growth M., Oyhantcabal, W., Ravindranath, image analysis. In M.A. Wulder & evergreen broad-leaved forest analyzed N.H., Sanz Sanchez, M.J. & Zhang, X. S.E. Franklin, eds., Remote sensing with digital elevation models. Forest 2007. Forestry. In B. Metz, O. Davidson, " Ecology and Management, 194(1–3): P. Bosch, R. Dave & L. Meyer, eds., case studies. Boston, USA, Dordrecht, 403–411. * * \]]`" [ Netherlands & London, Kluwer Academic ITTO. 2006. 8 Climate Change. *f9 Publishers, pp. 47–75. management 2005. ITTO Technical Series Group III to the Fourth Assessment Herold M. & Skutsch, M. 2011. Monitoring, No. 24. Yokohama, Japan, International 7$; ! Tropical Timber Organization. Climate Change. Cambridge, UK, & New REDD+ programmes: two proposals. Available at: York, USA, Cambridge University Press, Environmental Research Letters, PageDisplayHandler?pageId=270. pp. 541–584. 6(1): 014002. DOI: 10.1088/1748- Laporte, N.T., Stabach, J.A., Grosch, R., Nakashizuka, T., Katsuki, T. & Tanaka, H. 9326/6/1/014002. Lin, T.S. & Goetz, S.J. 2007. Expansion 1995. Forest canopy structure analyzed Hirata, Y., Sakai, A. & Tsuboto, Y. of industrial logging in central Africa. by using aerial photographs. Ecological 2009. Allometric models of DBH and Science, 316(5830): 1451. DOI: 10.1126/ Research, 10(1): 13–18. DOI: 10.1007/ crown area derived from QuickBird science.1141057. BF02347651. panchromatic data in Cryptomeria Leckie, D.G., Gougeon, F.A., Walsworth, N. Nepstad, D.C., Verissimo, A., Alencar, A., japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa & Paradine, D. 2003. Stand delineation Nobre, C., Lima, E., Lefebvre, P., stands. $>7 and composition estimation using Schlesinger, P., Potter, C., Moutinho, P., Sensing, 30(19): 5071–5088. DOI: semi-automated individual tree crown Mendoza, E., Cochrane, M. & Brooks, V. 10.1080/01431160903022977. analysis. 786, 1999. Large-scale impoverishment of Ichoku, C. & Kaufman, Y.J. 2005. A 85(3): 355–369. DOI: 10.1016/S0034- Amazonian forests by logging and method to derive smoke emission rates 4257(03)00013-0. fire. Nature, 398: 505–508. DOI: from MODIS fire radiative energy Leckie, D.G., Jay, C., Gougeon, F.A., 10.1038/19066. measurements. IEEE Transactions Sturrock, R.N. & Paradine, D. 2004. Oliveira, P.J.C., Asner, G.P., Knapp, D.E., on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Detection and assessment of trees with Almeyda, A., Galván-Gildemeister, R., 43(11): 2636–2649. DOI: 10.1109/ Phellinus weirii (laminated root rot) using Keene, S., Raybin, R.F. & Smith, R.C. TGRS.2005.857328. high resolution multi-spectral imagery. 2007. Land-use allocation protects the IPCC. 2003a. [ $>78, Peruvian Amazon. Science, 317(5842): % $ 6 25(4): 793–818. 1233–1236. Direct Human-induced Degradation Malhi, Y. & Román-Cuesta, R.M. 2008. Potapov, P., Yaroshenko, A., Turubanova, S., +% Analysis of lacunarity and scales of Dubinin, M., Laestadius, L., Thies, C., Vegetation Types. Hayama, Japan, Institute spatial homogeneity in IKONOS images Aksenov, D., Egorov, A., Yesipova, Y., for Global Environmental Strategies of Amazonian tropical forest canopies. Glushkov, I., Karpachevskiy, M., (IGES) for the Intergovernmental Panel 786, Kostikova, A., Manisha, A., Tsybikova, E. on Climate Change (also available at 112(5): 2074–2087. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse. & Zhuravleva, I. 2008. Mapping the 2008.01.009. world’s intact forest landscapes by remote gpglulucf/degradation_contents.html) Mollicone, D., Achard, F., Federici, S., sensing. Ecology and Society, 13(2):51. IPCC. 2003b. Good Practice Guidance Eva, H.D., Grassi, G., Belward, A., Available at: < = <4 * Raes, F., Seufert, G., Stibig, H.-J., vol13/iss2/art51/. Forestry. Hayama, Japan, IGES for the Matteucci, G. & Schulze, E.-D. 2007. Seiler, W. & Crutzen, P.J. 1980. Estimates IPCC (also available at www.ipcc-nggip. An incentive mechanism for reducing ]$$ emissions from conversion of intact and the biosphere and the atmosphere from contents.html). non-intact forests. Climatic Change, biomass burning. Climatic Change, 2(3): IPCC. 2006. \]]^ $;** 5 83(4): 477–493. DOI: 10.1007/s10584- 207–247. DOI: 10.1007/BF00137988. National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. 006-9231-2. Shearman, P., Bryan, J., Ash, J., _"= Nabuurs, G.J., Masera, O., Andrasko, K., Hunnam, P., Mackey, B. & Lokes, B. use. Hayama, Japan, IGES for the IPCC Benitez-Ponce, P., Boer, R., Dutschke, M., 2008. 8+;

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New Guinea: mapping the extent and Tanaka, H. & Nakashizuka, T. 1997. Fifteen Action taken by the Conference of the years of canopy dynamics analyzed by "#!$ aerial photographs in a temperate deciduous at: 1972–2002. Port Moresby, Papua New forest, Japan. Ecology, 78: 612–620. DOI: eng/11a01.pdf#page=11. Guinea, University of Papua New Guinea. 10.1890/0012-9658(1997)078[0612:FYO UNFCCC. 2009b. * Smith, A.M.S. & Wooster, M.J. 2005. CDA]2.0.CO;2. methodologies and monitoring systems $& Ticehurst, C., Phinn, S & Held, A. 2007. “<~ ! Using multitemporal digital elevation = smoke plume observations. International model data for detecting canopy gaps in 9 >f+, 14(3): 249–254. tropical forests due to cyclone damage: DOI: 10.1071/WF05012. an initial assessment. Austral Ecology, = Soares-Filho, B.S., Nepstad, D.C., 32(1): 59–69. DOI: 10.1111/j.1442- 9. Technical paper. Curran, L.M., Cerqueira, G.C., 9993.2007.01734.x. Available at: Garcia, R.A., Ramos, C.A., Voll, UNFCCC. 2008. Informal Meeting of 2009/tp/01.pdf. E., McDonald, A., Lefebvre, P. & Experts on Methodological Issues related Wang, L., Gong, P. & Biging, G.S. 2004. Schlesinger, P. 2006. Modelling to Forest Degradation, 20–21 October Individual tree-crown delineation and conservation in the Amazon basin. Nature, 2008, Bonn, Germany: chair’s summary treetop detection in high-spatial-resolution 440: 520–523. DOI: 10.1038/nature04389. of Key Messages from the meeting. Bonn. aerial imagery. Photogrammetric Souza, C. Jr., Firestone, L., Silva, L.M. Available at: Engineering and Remote Sensing, 70(3): & Roberts, D. 2003. Mapping forest redd/items/4579.php 351–357. degradation in the Eastern Amazon from UNFCCC. 2009a. Decision 4/CP.15: Wooster, M.J., Roberts, G., Perry, G.L.W. SPOT4 through spectral mixture models. Methodological guidance for activities & Kaufman, Y.J. 2005. Retrieval of 786, 87(4): relating to reducing emissions from biomass combustion rates and totals from 494–506. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2002.08.002. deforestation and forest degradation and ! $!’  Souza, C. Jr., Roberts, D.A. & Cochrane, the role of conservation, sustainable derivation and calibration relationships M.A. 2005. Combining spectral and spatial management of forests and enhancement $ $ information to map canopy damage from of forest carbon stocks in developing radiative energy release. > !"Remote countries. In 7* Geophysical Research, 110: D24311. DOI: 86, 98: 329–343. DOI: =* 10.1029/2005JD006318.  10.1016/j.rse.2005.07.013. `|}\]]}. Part two:

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Biodiversity, ecosystem thresholds, resilience and forest degradation

I. Thompson

Following certain ecological orests comprise multiple ecosys- goods and services that are expected principles in management tems associated with variance in (e.g. FAO, 2009), the loss of biodiversity 4 Fedaphic and microclimatic con- is a key criterion for measuring forest ditions across broad landscapes. The degradation. Conserving biodiversity adaptation to climate change. composition and nature of forest eco- is a cornerstone of sustainable forest systems vary over time, depending on management (e.g. Montreal Process, natural disturbances and changes to the 2009) and a key to maintaining forest climate regime. However, they remain ecosystem functioning. more or less the same within the bounds This article explores the ways in which of natural variation (see Figure), referred forests maintain their stable states over to as a stable state. In a stable state, a time and outlines what happens when forest can produce a range of associated disturbances overwhelm the natural goods and services that humans value. mechanisms of recovery. It describes Biodiversity underpins most forest eco- how sustainable management of forests, system goods and services, and many including the conservation of biodi- tropical forests, in particular, maintain versity, is key to supporting a forest’s high levels of biodiversity. Loss of bio- recovery mechanisms, and presents eco- diversity may have considerable negative logical principles that can be applied to consequences for the productive capac- forest management. ity of forests (e.g. Thompson et al., 2009; Bridgeland et al., 2010; Cardinale et al., RESILIENCE AND RESISTANCE 2011) and for the provision of goods ] and services. Therefore, because forest An important characteristic of forests degradation can be defined as the loss is their resilience, which is the capacity of the ability of a forest to produce the to recover following major disturbances

Illustration of tipping points, or thresholds, in ecosystems Pressures Tipping point

Existing biodiverstity CHANGED STATE

Actions to increase resilience

SAFE Less diverse Fewer ecosystem OPERATING services Degradation of SPACE human well being

Changed Ian Thompson is a research scientist, working biodiverstity for the Canadian Forest Service, in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. Source: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2010.

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(e.g. Gunderson, 2000). Under most caused by the loss of functional groups in large part, on these key species and natural disturbance regimes, forests (see Mechanisms and Tipping points) the functions that they perform rede- maintain their resilience over time. For- resulting from environmental changes veloping as a forest recovers following est resilience is an emergent ecosystem such as large-scale climate change, poor disturbances, including forest manage- property resulting from biodiversity at forest management or a sufficiently large ment interventions. multiple scales, from genetic to land- or continual alteration of natural dis- At a genetic level, the capacity for scape diversity (Thompson et al., 2009). turbance regimes (Folke et al., 2004). resilience comes from the ability of To sustain the goods and services that a species to persist over a range of humans derive from forests, forest eco- Mechanisms environmental variability, such as by systems must recover after disturbances There is strong evidence that forest resil- tolerating a range of temperatures or a and not become degraded over time. ience is tied to the biodiversity that certain level of drought. At the species Related to the concept of resilience normally occurs in the ecosystem (e.g. level, there are various behavioural and is resistance, which is the capacity of Folke et al., 2004; Thompson et al., functional responses that can assist a a forest to resist minor disturbances 2009). In particular, certain species and species to repopulate a disturbed area over time, such as the death of a few groups of species perform key functions or respond to environmental changes. trees or a chronic level of herbivory in forests and so are essential for the Further, ecosystem assembly processes by insects. Forests are generally stable forest to maintain all of its functional very much reflect the landscape pool of and change little as a result of non- processes (Díaz and Cabido, 2001). For available species (e.g. Tylianakis et al., catastrophic disturbances. Minor example, bird predation can maintain 2008), as well as landscape connectiv- changes are mitigated, such as when low abundances of insects in a forest, ity. At the landscape scale, heterogene- canopy gaps created by the death of reducing the possibility of catastrophic ity among forest patches can provide a individual or small groups of trees are levels of insect herbivory of trees, and measure of redundancy among species quickly filled by new young trees. For- thus increasing tree productivity (e.g. and a source for colonizers that, as a ests may also be resistant to certain Bridgeland et al., 2010). Pollinators, forest begins to redevelop or recover environmental changes, such as weather including some insects, bats and birds, after disturbance, should enable com- patterns over time, owing to redundancy are also excellent examples of highly munities to converge on the original among the functional species (redun- functional species in ecosystems, and forest types. Hence, the consideration of dancy refers to the overlap or duplica- without them, many plants could not resilience necessarily involves thinking tion in ecological functions performed reproduce. Forest resilience depends, from small to large scales. by a group of species; see Mechanisms) (e.g. Díaz and Cabido, 2001). Ecosystems may be highly resilient but have low resistance to a given dis- turbance. For example, many boreal forests are not especially resistant to fire, but they are highly resilient to it and usually recover fully over a number of years. Generally, most natural forests, especially primary old forests, are both resilient and resistant to various kinds of changes. Loss of resilience may be FAO/A. YANCHUK FAO/A. Hardwood forest composed primarily of trembling aspen in the boreal forest of northern Canada. Forests may not be particularly resistant to certain disturbances to which they are resilient

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Degraded juniper (Juniperus thurifera) forest in the High Atlas, Morocco

Loss of resilience and forest degradation An ecosystem state is defined by the dominant floristic (tree) composition and stand structure expected for a given stand. A change in forest state results from a loss of resilience, with a partial or complete shift to a different ecosys- tem type from what is expected for that area. Such changes in state result in a reduction in the production of goods and PERLIS FAO/A. services. Therefore, “change in ecosys- tem state” can be used as an indicator of degradation. For example, if a forest is expected to be of mixed species but is has been degraded can be determined Tipping points can be reached rap- instead dominated by only a few species, through remote sensing. Using satel- idly or as a result of chronic change or if it should be a closed canopy forest lite data, Souza et al. (2003) mapped that wears away the capacity of an eco- but is actually open or savannah, then forest in the Amazon region of Brazil system to recover, such as through the the state has changed. These would be that had been excessively burned or gradual attrition of species over time. considered negative changes in state, as heavily logged and burned, and Strand For example, forest fragmentation is a they degrade the forest, from a biodiver- et al. (2007) reported on several cases process that opens up continuous forests sity perspective and from a production in which remote sensing was used for through multiple disturbances. A forest perspective, and would generally affect monitoring forests affected by invasive can readily tolerate some loss of spatial the level of goods and services available. tree species and insects from several continuity and still maintain its species Often, the degradation of forests results regions of the world. and functions, but studies suggest that from the use of poor harvesting tech- certain levels of fragmentation are actu- niques over a period of time. However, TIPPING POINTS ally tipping points, with a resulting loss forests can also become degraded for Forests may not always recover after of forest biodiversity and f unction and a many reasons not involving logging. For severe and protracted disturbances. reduced capacity to produce goods and example, forests may appear intact but Thresholds exist for populations of indi- services (e.g. Andrén, 1994; Arroyo- be missing most large animal species as vidual species and for individual pro- Rodríguez et al., 2007). a result of over-hunting (e.g. Redford, cesses within ecosystems, and ultimately Ecosystems can be used and harvested 1992). As a result, there could be long- for the ecosystems themselves. The point for services, but the derivation of those term consequences for forest health at which the ecosystem loses its capacity services cannot exceed sustainable levels, because of increased insect herbivory to recover, or at which its resilience and nor can goods be removed in a manner that resulting from a lack of control by preda- integrity are lost, is referred to as a tip- destroys ecosystem processes (Figure). tors, or reduced seed dispersal, functions ping point, or an ecological threshold. If Once a tipping point is reached, changes that the missing animals might have per- there is too much disturbance, a cascade to the ecosystem are large and nonlinear, formed. Another example of degradation of effects with marked changes to the often unpredictable, and usually dramatic might be the successful establishment of forest ecosystem will result, ultimately (e.g. Scheffer and Carpenter, 2003). For an that out-competed moving the forest to a new state. For example, parts of northern Africa under- endemic species, thereby constraining example, severe drought and fire can went a rather spectacular change from the goods available from the ecosystem. convert a dry forest type to a savannah dry forest to desert as a result of past In any of the cases described, if changes or even into grassland. Most often, the climate change (Kröpelin et al., 2008). are severe enough to cause a change new state will provide a lower level of Unfortunately, we often only recognize in state, the extent to which the forest products and services to humans. a tipping point once it has already been

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As the global climate changes, for- forest resilience even if the ecosystem est ecosystems will change because the type may change. If ecosystems do physiological tolerances of some spe- change, there must be an understanding cies may be exceeded and the rates of of how to respond through forest man- many biophysical forest processes will agement. In most cases, some forms of be altered (e.g. Scholze et al., 2006). active management will be necessary to Most studies suggest that many tropical enable forests to adapt to climate change. forests may not be resilient to climate Maintaining forest resilience can be an change over the long term, if the cur- important mechanism both to mitigate rent and predicted trend continues, with and to adapt to climate change. reduced rainfall and increased drought (e.g. Betts, Sanderson and Woodward, MANAGING FORESTS TO AVOID 2008; Malhi et al., 2008). TIPPING POINTS Forest ecosystems are composed of Sustainable forest management is eco- distinct assemblages of species. Across system management of forests that, in regions, the ranges of individual species large part, has an underlying objective to reflect their physiological and ecologi- enable the natural resilience to continue. cal niches, which, in turn, reflect where One of a forest manager’s main tasks is environmental conditions are advanta- to help forests recover after harvesting geous. Species with broad physiological of timber or other products, through tolerances may be highly resilient to even sustaining the properties of the ecosys- significant global climate change. Like- tem over the long term. In recent years wise, species with apparently narrow this task has become more complicated ecological niches might be more resilient through the additional stress of climate FAO/T. HOFER than they appear, if changed conditions change on terrestrial ecosystems. While Eastern Himalaya mountains, India. Biodiversity underpins forest provide them with an advantage at the proper, biologically sound sustainable resilience and is a key consideration exp ense of c omp et it or s. I n eit her of t hese forest management is a major part of for forest managers two potential situations, this capacity maintaining forest resilience, response would apply to species that have large to climate change requires additional reached and the generally negative con- and variable enough gene pools to adapt planning and actions. If we understand sequences to the ecosystem have become and the ability to migrate. However, for ecosystems better and can accurately obvious. Therefore, to manage a forest many species this is not the case. Where predict at what level of use thresholds sustainably requires learning to identify population size and/or genetic diver- might exist, the management of forest possible tipping points in advance. sity have been reduced, or the mobility goods and services can be more benign. of species is restricted through habitat Climate change considerations loss and fragmentation or is naturally Maintaining biodiversity Superimposed on many other human- low, successful autonomous adaptation Maintaining biodiversity is a key to main- caused impacts on forest ecosystems to environmental change becomes less taining forest resilience and avoiding is global climate change, which adds likely. Populations may be doomed to tipping points. The biological diversity uncertainty to the identification of extinction if exposed to a rate of envi- of a forest is linked to and underpins tipping points. Climate has a major ronmental change exceeding the rate at the ecosystem’s productivity, resilience, influence on rates of respiration, produc- which they can adapt, or the rate at which resistance, and its stability over time and tion and other forest processes, acting individuals can disperse (e.g. Schwartz space. A reduction in biodiversity in forest through temperature, radiative forcing et al., 2006). systems has clear, often negative, implica- (increase in energy remaining in the Most of the emphasis in negotiations on tions for the functioning of the systems atmosphere) and moisture regimes, over global climate change concerning forests and the amounts of goods and services medium and long time periods. Climate has been on how to manage forests to that these systems are able to produce. and weather conditions also directly mitigate climate change. Adaptation to Understanding how biodiversity sup- influence shorter-term processes in for- climate change has received less atten- ports local forest resilience and resist- ests, such as , herbivory and tion. Adaptation of forests to climate ance provides important clues to improve species migration. change is primarily about maintaining forest management. For example, while

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it is relatively simple to plant trees and may change in response to changes in entry pathways), and reduce reliance produce a short-term wood crop, it is climate. The following suggested actions on non-native tree crop species for much more difficult to recover a forest were developed from ecological princi- plantation, afforestation, or refor- ecosystem. The lack of diversity at all ples that can be employed to maintain estation projects. levels (gene, species of flora and fauna, and enhance long-term forest resilience, 8. Reduce the possibility of negative and landscape) in simple plantation for- and especially to aid adaptation of forests o u t c o m e s b y a p p o r t i o n i n g s o m e a r e a s ests reduces resilience and resistance to to climate change: of assisted regeneration with trees disturbances, degrades the provision of 1. Plan ahead to maintain biodiversity from provenances and from climates services and many goods that the system at all forest scales (stand, landscape, of the same region that approximate can provide and renders it vulnerable to region) and of all elements (genes, expected conditions in the future. For catastrophic disturbance. Through the species, communities) based on an e x a m p l e , i n a r e a s p r o j e c t e d t o b e c o m e application of ecological forest manage- understanding of thresholds and of more dry, consider also planting tree ment principles, forest plantations can expected future climate conditions. species or provenances that may be provide much more than just a wood crop, This means basing actions on ecolog- more drought-resistant than local spe- and forest ecosystems can be restored at ical principles and expert knowledge cies and provenances, with special the same time that the productive capaci- to conserve biodiversity during and consideration to regional species. ties of the forest for the chosen product after forest harvesting. 9. Protect isolated or disjunct popula- are improved (e.g. Parrotta and Knowles, 2. Maintain genetic diversity in forests tions of species, such as populations 1999; Brockerhoff et al., 2008). through management practices that at the margins of their natural dis- do not select only certain trees for tribution ranges, as possible future Understanding thresholds harvesting based on site type, growth source habitats. These populations Forest ecosystems change continuously rate and superior form. may represent pre-adapted gene in response to short- and long-term 3. Do not reduce the landscape-scale pools for responding to climate environmental pressures, resulting in populations of any tree species to change and could form core popula- inherent variance over time. As a result, the extent that self-replacement is tions as conditions change. measures of function, such as produc- not possible. 10. Ensure that there are national and tion of given goods, also fluctuate over 4. Maintain stand and landscape struc- regional networks of comprehensive time. Therefore, thresholds should be tural complexity using natural forests and representative protected areas perceived as a range in values to accom- as models and benchmarks. When that have been established based modate both this fluctuation and the managing forests, managers should on scientifically sound principles. statistical uncertainty associated with try to emulate the processes and com- Incorporate these networks into insufficient understanding of ecosystem position in natural stands, in terms of national and regional planning for functioning. To avoid forest ecosystem species composition and stand struc- large-scale landscape connectivity. degradation, forest managers require ture, by using silvicultural methods 11. Develop an effectiveness monitor- some basic understanding of how local that relate to the major natural dis- ing plan that provides data on natural biodiversity is related to productivity turbance types. disturbances, climate conditions and the levels of disturbance that their 5. Maintain connectivity across for- and consequences of post-harvest ecosystems can tolerate. est landscapes by reducing frag- silvicultural and forest manage- mentation, recovering lost habitats ment actions. Adapt future plan- Suggested actions (forest types), and expanding pro- ning and implementation practices A s for est s cha nge a f t er logg i ng or i nse ct tected area networks. Intact forests as necessary. attack, or because of climate change or are more resilient than fragmented The capacity to conserve, sustainably extreme weather events, managers need forests to disturbances including use, and restore forests rests on our to be concerned with bringing the forest climate change. understanding and interpretation of pat- back to a condition that will supply the 6. Maintain functional diversity (and terns and processes at several scales, the goods and services that were desired species redundancy) and minimize recognition of thresholds, and the ability from that forest. A key aspect of any plan the conversion of diverse natural to translate knowledge into appropriate to maintain a flow of forest goods and forests to monotypic or reduced- forest management actions in an adap- services is an understanding of local for- species plantations. tive manner.  est ecology on which to base sustainable 7. Reduce non-natural competition by forest management, and how the forest controlling invasive species (and

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Understanding forest degradation in Nepal

K.P. Acharya, R.B. Dangi and M. Acharya

A rich experience in ground-based FAO/P. DURST inventory provides a solid basis 4

Forests play an integral role in the farming system of Nepal

orests provide a wide range of reg- This article reviews past forest re- ulating, cultural and supporting sources assessments, methodologies and F services for human well-being collectively known as ecosystem ser- to identify a way forward in understand- vices. The sustainability of forest eco- ing and addressing forest degradation. It systems requires careful management, proposes that using satellite images in efficient utilization and effective pro- ›!$ tection measures against deforestation a suitable approach for assessing forest and forest degradation. In a mountain- degradation in Nepal. It includes discus- ous country such as Nepal, forests are sion on major drivers of degradation and important for the protection of water methods of their detection, and proposes catchments, the conservation of soil and using a participatory valuation approach the maintenance of biodiversity, as well applying the ecosystem services index as for their contributions to sustainable to quantify forest degradation. K.P. Acharya is Director General at the rural livelihoods and the maintenance Department of National Parks and Wildlife of the environment. It is imperative to ROLE OF FORESTS IN NEPAL Conservation, Kathmandu. develop common understanding of the The widespread forest degradation in R.B. Dangi is Chief, REDD Forestry and Climate Change Cell at the Ministry of effects of forest degradation among developing countries remains poorly Forests and Soil Conservation, Kathmandu. the users of forests, forest managers, understood and quantified (Niles et al., M. Acharya is Environment Associate at the policy-makers and politicians so that 2001). It has been argued that a single South Asia Wildlife Enforcement Network Secretariat, Department of National Parks appropriate public policy to address it major cause of degradation is that forest and Wildlife Conservation, Kathmandu. can be developed. resources are grossly underpriced and

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are, therefore, undervalued by society understory. Further, the trade-off of Master Plan for the Forestry (Richards, 1994). In countries in which different kinds of ecosystem services Sector, 1986 the primary sector – the use of raw mate- has not been considered. The Master Plan for the Forestry Sector rials from the earth – is the mainstay of In order to provide a common way to (MPFS) Project was implemented by the the national economy, and, in particu- view results of the studies conducted over Ministry of Forests and Soil Conser- lar, in countries in which the resources ! vation. The data were based on LRMP are land-based natural resources, such a brief description of each major assess- information and forest inventory data as forests, these resources are both an ment of Nepal’s forest resources that has from the Department of Forest Research important source of national revenue been undertaken. Further sections and and Survey (MPFSP, 1989a; 1989b). The and a staple of rural livelihoods. accompanying tables analyse the data aim was to update resource information In Nepal, the role of forests is particu- gathered on the basis of thematic elements with changes that had occurred during larly evident in rural communities that of sustainable forest management, meth- the intervening period since LRMP. rely on forests for securing assets such odology used for data collection, land as energy, employment, supplementary cover, and forest degradation as a function National Forest Inventory, 1994 foods, safe drinking water and good of increase in shrub land. The section The National Forest Inventory (NFI) health to sustain and improve their live- concludes with a table comparing the was started in the early 1990s and lihoods. In these communities, forests different methods used for assessment. completed in 1998, with a base year are also an integral part of the farming of 1994 (DFRS, 1999). The programme system. For example, it has been esti- Forest Resources Survey, 1963/64 was implemented with support from mated that, in the high-altitude area of The Forest Resources Survey Office the Government of Finland. The NFI Nepal, to maintain one hectare (ha) of conducted the first forest inventory dur- involved satellite image analysis – using paddy land requires up to 50 ha of forest ing the period 1963–1967. Using aer- Landsat (an Earth-observing satellite and grazing land (FAO, 1980), whereas, ial photography from 1953–1958 and programme currently managed jointly in the Middle Hills, an area of 3.5 ha of 1963–1964, the inventory involved visual by the National Aeronautics and Space forest is required (Wyatt-Smith, 1982). interpretation of aerial photographs and Administration of the United States of National Forest Inventory data have mapping, combined with field inventory. America and the United States Geo- estimated forest and shrub, in combina- The land categories included forest, crop, logical Survey), aerial photographs and tion, to cover 39.6 percent of the country grass, urban, water, badly eroded and field measurements. area, and the average annual rate of defor- barren. The forest land was subdivided estation to be 1.7 percent (DFRS, 1999; into commercial and non-commercial Forest cover change analysis of the 2008); degradation of forests represents a forest (HMG, 1968; 1969; 1973). The Terai districts, 1990/91–2000/01 serious threat to livelihoods. A common inventory focused on assessing extent The Terai districts are near or border- understanding of forest degradation must of forest area and growing stock per ha ing the Siwalik Hills, the lowest outer be developed among all stakeholders so that was up to 10 cm in top diameter. foothills of the Himalaya. This study, that appropriate public policy can be formed and implemented. Land Resource Mapping Project, Forest infested by Mikania micrantha 1978/79 (“American rope”, “Chinese creeper”, “mile-a-minute weed”), central FOREST RESOURCES The Land Resource Mapping Project Nepal. Forest health and vitality, and ASSESSMENTS UNDERTAKEN (LRMP) was implemented with finan- biodiversity, have not often been a focus Historical assessments cial support from the Government of of forest resources assessments Forest degradation has been understood, Canada. The objective was to develop among the assessments over the past appropriate forest land-use maps based fifty years, as a reduction in capacity on forest types, composition, structure to produce timber, or timber volume, and status of land degradation. The pro- tree canopy cover, tree density and ject was implemented during the period regeneration. Assessments have been 1977 to 1984 (LRMP, 1986a; 1986b). focused on investigating the association The forest resources assessment was of canopy cover with commercial timber prepared through the combined use of volume. This approach recognizes nei- aerial photographs (1977–79) and exten- ACHARYA K.P. ther ongoing degradation within dense sive ground-truth checks, land surveys canopy forests nor degradation of the and topographic maps.

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TABLE 1. National-level forest assessments in Nepal and linkages to sustainable Thematic elements of sustainable forest management forest management covered in each Study Thematic element assessment undertaken are described of sustainable in Table 1. By the standards of the FAO forest management framework, not all elements are covered Forest Resources Survey 1, 5 in the assessments. Resource assess- Land Resource Mapping Project 1, 5 ments are focused on the extent of forest Master Plan for the Forestry Sector 1, 5, 7 area and standing timber volume. None National Forest Inventory 1, 5 Forest cover change analysis of the Terai districts 1 incorporates the elements of carbon Economic valuation of ecological goods and services 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 stocks, biodiversity, forest health and Contribution of forestry sector to gross domestic product in Nepal 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 vitality and protective functions of the Note: The thematic elements of sustainable forest management are. 1. Extent of forest resources; forests in the assessment report. 2. Contribution to the carbon cycle, forests and climate change; 3. Forest health and vitality; 4. Biological diversity; 5. Productive functions of forests; 6. Protective functions of forests; and 7. Socio-economic functions of forests (FAO, 2011). Methodology There is consensus that measuring for- commissioned by the Department of ment to be: extent of forest resources; est degradation is more complex and Forests, estimated the extent of forest contribution to the carbon cycle, forests difficult than measuring deforesta- cover and the annual rate of change of 20 and climate change; forest health and tion (Panta, Kyehyun and Joshi, 2008; Terai districts. The forest cover change vitality; biological diversity; productive Lambin, 1999; Souza et al., 2003). was estimated by analysing satellite functions of forests; protective func- Table 2 summarizes the criteria and images, supported by ground verifica- tions of forests; and socio-economic methods used by each study in defin- tion (Department of Forests, 2005). functions of forests. ing and assessing forest degradation.

Economic valuation of ecological TABLE 2. Review of methodology of forest assessment studies goods and services, 2005 This study, commissioned by the Min- Study Degradation criteria Methods istry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Forest Resources  Stocking class (crown  Means estimator Survey cover < 10 percent is a  Visual interpretation of aerial photographs aimed to estimate the value of goods non-forest area) and  1:12 000 to 1:60 000 aerial photographs and services of forest ecosystems rep- density class  Dot counting  Scrub and shrub  Area rectification and adjustment resenting different ecological zones and  Encroached forest  Field inventory, in commercial forests management regimes (MoFSC, 2005). Land Resource  Stand stocking  Visual interpretation of aerial photographs Mapping Project  Soil surface erosion (black and white, scale 1:20 000 to 1:50 000)  Ground-truth checks by helicopter Contribution of forestry sector to gross  Land surveys domestic product in Nepal, 2008  Topographic maps This study aimed to estimate the actual Master Plan for the  Crown closure  Desk review Forestry Sector  Regeneration  Visual interpretation of aerial photographs contribution of the forestry sector to and field verification national gross domestic product (GDP). National Forest  Crown cover–stand  Satellite images, Geographic Information Both “use” and “non-use” values were Inventory density System (GIS), topographic maps, vector data boundary taken into consideration in estimating  Ground-based inventory the contribution. The use values included  Visual interpretation of aerial consumptive goods such as timber, fuel- photographs, scale 1:50 000 Forest cover  Crown cover  GIS, satellite image analysis and ground wood, grass/fodder/bedding materials, change analysis of verification non-timber forest products, sand and the Terai districts boulders. Non-use values included rec- Economic valuation  Crown cover  Forest inventory of ecological goods  Use value of  Questionnaires reation, ecotourism, soil conservation and services ecosystem services  Market price/substitutes and (DFRS, 2008).  Benefits transfer  Total net stock Contribution of  Crown cover  Ground-based forest inventory Linkages with thematic elements of forestry sector to  Questionnaire sustainable forest management gross domestic  Market price product in Nepal  Market price of substitutes FAO (2011) has defined the thematic  Benefits transfer elements of sustainable forest manage-  Total net stock

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The tree canopy stocking level is the TABLE 3. Extent of forest and shrub land cover in Nepal main criterion used in assessments. Study Forest Forest Shrub Shrub Forest and Forest and Therefore, it seems accepted among them ‘000 ha % ‘000 ha % shrub total shrub total ‘000 ha % that forest degradation is the reduction Forest Resources 6 402 45.5 – – 6 402 45.5 in timber volume, or perhaps changes in Survey sp e cies, si z es, st r uct u r e, or i n t he capa cit y Land Resource 5 616 38.1 689 4.7 6 285 42.8 of a forest to produce timber. Mapping Project Master Plan for the The stocking level (stems/ha) is linked 5 424 37.4 706 4.8 6 210 42.2 Forestry Sector to forest productivity or growth and National Forest 4 268 29 1 560 10.6 5 828 39.6 yield potential. Proxies used include Inventory ca nopy closu r e, nu mb er of m at u r e t r e es, number of preferred trees, density, cut TABLE 4. Estimation of forest degradation rate in terms of increase in shrub land stumps, growing stock, regeneration Study Shrub land Shrub land Forest degradation capacity, stand maturity, lopping, spe- ‘000 ha % (1978/79 to 1994) cies composition, grazing and soil sur- % per year face erosion. The level of canopy cover Land Resource Mapping Project 689 4.7 5.57 at which land is described as “forest National Forest Inventory 1 560 10.6 area” is 10 percent. Among the stud- ies, there is a lack of clarity among the Therefore, shrub land can be viewed as in particular, if remote sensing method- definitions of forest and shrub land, an outcome of forest degradation or as ologies are supported by the ground- shrub and scrub land, and forest and a kind of degraded forest. based information. degraded forest. A comparison of the NFI study with the LRMP shows that the area DISCUSSION Results: shrub, scrub and degradation classified as shrub land increased ] The extent of land falling into the for- by 126 percent between 1978/79 and For the period of 1978/79 to 1994, the est and shrub categories, respectively, is 1994, at an annual rate of 5.57 percent aver age r at e of for est c onver sion t o sh r ub shown in Table 3. The Forest Resources (Table 4). There is no substantial change land (5.57 percent per year) was signifi- Survey recognizes the quality differen- in total forest and shrub land area. How- cantly higher than the rate of deforesta- tiation primarily based on stand size, ever, the estimate of degradation does tion (1.7 percent per year). This statistic density classes, crown closure and mer- not include degradation that remains would indicate that forest degradation chantable volume. within the category of “forest”, i.e. above may be a more important issue to con- There is neither clear national defi- 10 percent crown cover. sider in efforts to reduce carbon emis- nition nor clear national assessment The Department of Forests (2005) sions or boost the resilience capacity of of forest degradation. Rather, degrada- definition of a degraded forest includes forest ecosystems. tion is characterized by fewer trees, shrub land. However, other elements But there is no global definition for lopped trees, unwanted species, heavy among the different inventories cannot forest degradation. Classical forestry grazing pressure, unpalatable species readily be compared across the inven- literature assumes that degrading forests and bushy species. The study does tories because the definitions used and are characterized by such attributes as identify encroached forest as a kind coverage are too varied. loss of canopy cover, declining popula- of degraded forest. tion of tree species, loss of reproductive Total forest area has not changed Degradation assessment methods potential, poor regeneration and loss of very much, through the various studies The different assessment methodolo- capacity to produce various consumptive (Table 3), although forest cover is recorded gies used in the various surveys can be forest products. More recent literature as having been degrading (Table 4). Tak- grouped into aerial photography, field adds the loss of potential to sequester ing into account the Department of Forest survey, satellite image and ecosystem carbon, conserve biodiversity, harvest !$ service valuation. Table 5 compares water, realize recreational value, and land (DFRS, 1999), and the data from the strengths and weaknesses among these others. These environmental attributes studies (Tables 3 and 4), one can assume methodologies. This analysis would have also been considered as important that shrub lands are those forest areas lead to the conclusion that accuracy of indicators of forest degradation. from which tree stems have been removed the assessment of forest degradation The lack of a uniform definition also but that maintain woody vegetative cover. increases if methods are combined, and, applies to the differentiation between

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shrub land and forest. The NFI defines Drivers The sources of degradation are com- shrub land as forest area without well- Though no consensus has been reached monly referred to as “drivers” of deg- defined stems, whereas the assessment on what constitutes degradation, policy radation. Drivers of degradation usu- by the Department of Forests defines does need to attempt to address it, and ally correlated to the anthropogenic sparsely distributed trees or forest land particularly at the source of the degrada- category can be viewed as direct or with less than 10 percent crown cover – tion. Regulatory and market instruments indirect. Direct drivers could include, including shrub lands – as degraded generally work if appropriate policy, but are not limited to, over-extraction, forests. Neither assessment offers a institutions and legal frameworks are intentional fire, free grazing, target- clear, simple and consistent definition in place. But there are limitations to ing of high-quality commercial tree of degraded forests and shrub lands. the influence that policy can have. For species, , encroachment, Context of the studies adds yet more example, the cause of forest degrada- shifting cultivation and forest fragmen- variables to the definition of degrada- tion can be loosely divided into the tation. Indirect drivers might include tion. Forest degradation in one context categories of anthropogenic and natural, market failure, unplanned development, may not necessarily hold the same mean- although there is no clear demarcation policy failure, weak tenure rights and ing in another context. The scale and between them. But natural causes would capacity gaps. scope of its measurement may vary along be considered exogenous and uncontrol- The vulnerability of a particular for- with change in management objectives lable, and policy instruments would not est to such drivers depends on intensity and expected outcome for the forests. help to control them. and magnitude of individual drivers,

TABLE 5. Relevance of different forest degradation assessment methodologies in Nepala

Methodology Advantages Disadvantages Accuracy Costs Implications for level Nepal Aerial  Easily understood by local  Difficulty in mountain area High High No recent aerial photography community  High costs photographs  Easy to demonstrate forest  Long time requirement available – degradation such as crown cover  Nearly abandoned and replaced less useful change, shifting cultivation, forest by new technologies fragmentation  No latest aerial photographs  Long experience available  Infrastructure exits  Degradation elements such  Requires low input on technology as grazing, fire damage, non- timber forest products (NTFPs) and understory damage, encroachment are not completely detectable

Field surveys  Data available for comparison  More resources High Medium Considerable  More accurate  Time-consuming (standard experience  Widely understood  Difficult in mountain terrain error for the exists; labour  Cheap labour  No recent data available top 4 volume is cheap;  Considerable experience ranged from community  Simple technology 2.61–6.66 involvement  Capture all kinds of ecosystem percent) is available – services a good option  Local to national scale possible  Case study and research data available Satellite  Global uniformity  Technical capacity and Medium to Low or image  Rapidly advancing technology infrastructure demanding high medium support it; analysis  Easy interpretation in  Cloud, shadow and slope in (67– 98 (i.e. free to needs capacity and GIS high-resolution images hilly areas percent to moderately development –  High-resolution images usable as  Few control plots for ground distinguish expensive – if combined with a map for demonstration verification in different Landsat to  Requires low forest inventory  Seasonal images availability stocking IKONOS) one of the best  Limited data to replace ground class) options inventory  Difficult to assess understory, including NTFPs Ecosystem  Recognizes broader value of  Technically demanding Medium to Low to Community service forest ecosystem  Outside forestry discipline high moderate participation, valuation true valuation of forest services a Based on photographs 1:12 000 to 1:60 000 and Landsat TM images.

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as well as the scale of their interaction Indicators the drivers of degradation. Field-survey- with other factors. Methods to detect Past assessments based on spatial and based assessment in combination with degradation may not be inclusive of all temporal mapping of forest conditions remote sensing techniques produces factors. Understanding the direct and suggest that forest degradation is caus- more technically robust information indirect drivers of degradation assists ing changes in the forest structure, that better captures the key degrada- in estimating the extent of degradation. function and other attributes. Sharma tion elements and their consequences. The key is detecting the degradation and Suoheimo (1995) found that about through appropriate means of measure 45 percent of trees in the Makawanpur Value (Table 6). Although the drivers of forest and Rautahat districts are affected by Forest degradation can be understood on degradation are complex, direct drivers rot diseases. Acharya (2000) found that the basis of the reduction in the capac- are often detectable through observa- there is degradation of existing forest ity of forests to produce all ecosystem tion or image analysis. Indirect drivers stock resulting from repeated logging services. Therefore, a comprehensive are more difficult to understand, and, practices, which has resulted in a change methodology should include under- therefore, to measure discretely. of forest type. An illustration is made of standing and valuing forest degradation Forest encroachment and invasion of conversion of Sal forest (> 60 percent of on the basis of provision of ecosystem alien species have emerged as important basal area) to Sal Terai hardwood, and services. An effective approach to meas- drivers of forest degradation, and in finally to Terai hardwood (Sal basal area uring degradation would use satellite Nepal, particularly in the Terai plains. < 20 percent). images combined with field survey. To Illegal settlement drives forest degra- Crown cover is often taken as a proxy value services, and therefore degrada- dation, and may lead to the permanent indicator to detect forest degradation. tion, a participatory ecosystem services conversion of forests to non-forest land It may, however, not be a sufficient valuation approach (PESVA) would be uses. Invasion and colonization by alien indicator to determine forest degrada- recommended. Such an approach cap- species can slowly reduce growth and tion. Canopy reduction will reduce car- tures a “degradation factor” by valuing potential for restoration of forests, and bon sink potential, but it may enhance ecosystem services comprehensively infestations can ultimately affect entire watershed conservation and biodiversity. (Table 7). forests. Another important driver is The understory may remain intact. Con- The PESVA is based on the concept forest fire. Additionally, high-altitude versely, loss of ground vegetation or of the forest ecosystem services index forests suffer degradation as a direct understory, which may not be detected, (ESI). ESI is a summary index of eco- result of the stocking of livestock units could also be key degradation element, as system services of a forest. It measures in quantities up to nine times greater it affects ecosystem resilience (Table 6). the average performances of use val- than their carrying capacities (MoEST, Therefore, crown-cover-based assess- ues of the forest. The ESI is estimated 2008; MoFSC, 2002). ment alone is not sufficient to detect against ecosystem services as defined by

TABLE 6. Anthropogenic drivers of degradation and their detection potentiality

Drivers of degradation Key degradation element Detectability (1 = low; 3 = high)

Field Aerial Images survey photographs

Overexploitation of wood products High Crown cover, biomass, understory 3 2 1

Overexploitation of non-wood High Green biomass, crown density, 311 products species diversity, understory Forest encroachment High Crown cover, habitat, biomass, understory 3 2 2 (illegal settlement or occupancy) Overgrazing High Surface soil, natural regeneration, habitat 3 1 1

Unplanned development: road, High Crown cover, habitat, commercial species, 333 hydropower, etc. biomass, fragmentation Medium Understory, biomass, soil, biodiversity 2 1 2

Invasion and colonization of alien Medium Biomass, understory, habitat, biodiversity 3 1 1 species Pests and diseases Low Biomass 3 1 1

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TABLE 7. Survey and measurement methods for selected variables data sources on forest stock. The meth- Key parameters Indicators of Data source Detection or measurement ods used have been aerial photographs, observed degradation techniques field inventories and satellite image Biological analysis. The further development of attributes methodologies to assess forest degrada- Canopy cover Decreasing NFI/DFSP/ tion will largely depend on establishing CFOP for data validation a consensus definition of degradation Growing stock level Declining NFI/DFSP/ CFOP for data validation that includes full ranges of biophysical and socio-economic conditions and, in Forest structure Poor regeneration and NFI/DFSP/ missing young stands CFOP/FGD for data validation particular, forest ecosystem services. In Nepal, for example, a clear distinc- Species composition Abundance of inferior NFI/DFSP/ Forest inventory tree species CFOP/FGD Field observation tion between shrub land and degraded

Invasion and alien Invasion by exotic CFOP/FGD Field observation forest, and methods to assess shrub species species lands, are required. In addition, a robust Environmental methodology that can capture a range attributes of drivers causing forest degradation Watershed Increasing surface NFI/DFSP/ Participatory observation is necessary. conservation erosion CFOP The methodologies currently in use Carbon FRA/DFSP/ Forest carbon inventory can be improved in two ways. First, sequestration reduced carbon stocks CFOP measurement should use satellite images Biodiversity Loss of species FRA/DFSP/ Field inventory supported by ground-based inventory, to abundance CFOP combine the strengths of both methods. Water harvesting Polluted water FGD Participatory observation Second, the PESVA should be adopted Field survey to provide information about the extent Resilience capacity Poor FGD Participatory observation of forest degradation or enhancement. There is a need for capacity and data- Wildlife conservation Disturbed habitat FGD/ Participatory observation observation Field survey management development at national and local levels. Pilot studies should Note: NFI is National Forest Inventory; DFSP is District Forestry Sector Plan, an integrated approach to forest resource management planning at the district level; CFOP is Community Forest Operational Plan, be conducted to test methodology and a management plan for community forests for a given period of time; FGD is focus group discussion; and FRA is Global Forest Resources Assessment. gather information on forest degrada- tion. A better understanding of forest the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Ecological outcomes have included a degradation needs commitments at a (2005). Periodic monitoring and com- reduction in canopy cover, a decline political level, and national strategy that parison of indices with a base-line index in forest quality, structure and com- understands both the drivers of degra- will provide information about the extent position, a decrease in the productive dation and methods to detect them, and of forest degradation or enhancement. capacity of forests, a n increase in inva- the resources required. Then, the need The PESVA requires expert inputs to sive species and a loss of biodiversity. to establish an effective degradation develop ranking matrices and proce- The environment has undergone soil monitoring system can be met.  dures for acquisition of information, to erosion, fragmentation of habitats and set default values and to interpret results. shifts in wildlife movement resulting However, if implemented properly, it from new obstacles. The combination should be simple and manageable for of these factors has had broad and community institutions so that local damaging implications on society and people can actively participate in the livelihoods, as the number of natural process of detection and measurement disasters has increased, and the pro- of forest degradation. duction of forest products and services has declined. CONCLUSIONS Nepal has substantial experience in In Nepal, forest degradation has had ground-based forest inventory, and the adverse, and overlapping, ecological, inventories conducted over the past half environmental and social implications. century have established considerable

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sensing: some methodological issues. Sharma, S. & Suoheimo, J. 1995. Global Ecology and Biogeography, % 8 8(3–4): 191–198. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365- Terai. Forest Management and Utilization References 2699.1999.00123.x. Development Project Working Paper LRMP (Land Resource Mapping No. 20. Kathmandu, Ministry of Forests Acharya, K.P. 2000. Unfavourable structure Project). 1986a. Land Utilisation Report. and Soil Conservation & Finnish of forest in the Terai of Nepal needs Kathmandu, HMG, Survey Department & International Development Agency. immediate management. Banko Janakari, Kenting Earth Sciences Limited. Souza, C. Jr., Firestone, L., Silva, L.M. 10(2): 25–28. LRMP. 1986b. Summary Report. Kathmandu, & Roberts, D. 2003. Mapping forest DFRS. 1999. + O HMG, Survey Department & Kenting degradation in the Eastern Amazon from (1987–1998). Publication No. 74. Earth Sciences Limited. SPOT4 through spectral mixture models. Kathmandu, Department of Forest Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005. 786, 87(4): Research and Survey, Ministry of Forests Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: 494–506. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2002.08.002. and Soil Conservation & Forest Resource Synthesis. Washington, DC, Island Press. Wyatt-Smith, J. 1982. The agricultural Information System Project, Government MoEST. 2008. 86 O" of Finland. (Agriculture, Forest and Biodiversity). DFRS. 2008. * Kathmandu, Ministry of Environment, . Agricultural sector to gross domestic product in Science and Technology. Project Services Centre Occasional Nepal. Kathmandu, Department of Forest MoFSC. 2002. Nepal Biodiversity Strategy. Paper 1. Kathmandu, Agricultural Project Research and Survey, Ministry of Forests Kathmandu, Ministry of Forests and Soil Services Centre.  and Soil Conservation, His Majesty’s Conservation. Government of Nepal. MoFSC. 2005. 6 Department of Forests. 2005. Forest ecological goods and services. Kathmandu, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation. /|}}]}|N\]]]]|Q. Kathmandu, MPFSP (Master Plan for the Forestry Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Sector Project). 1989a. [; Department of Forests, His Majesty’s Forestry Sector: Main Report. Kathmandu, Government of Nepal. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation. FAO. 1980. Agronomy research in the MPFSP. 1989b. [ ; + „O. Hill Agricultural 8"+7$ Development Project. Terminal Report, by Planning Report. Kathmandu, Ministry of P.T.S. Whiteman. Kathmandu. Forests and Soil Conservation. FAO. 2011. f Niles, J.O., Brown, S., Pretty, J., Ball, A. & management? Available at: Fay, J. 2001. Potential carbon mitigation forestry/sfm/24447/en/. and income in developing countries His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMG). 1968. + . Centre Tarai and adjoining regions, 1967. Forest for Environment and Society Occasional Resources Survey. Kathmandu, Forest Paper 2001-04. Essex, UK, University !" of Essex. HMG. 1969. Timber resources and Panta, M., Kyehyun, K. & Joshi, C. 2008. development opportunities in the Lower Temporal mapping of deforestation and Bheri and Karnali watersheds. Forest forest degradation in Nepal: applications Resources Survey No. 6. Kathmandu, to forest conservation. Forest Ecology Forest Resources Survey Office. and Management, 256: 1587–1595. DOI: HMG. 1973. +„ 10.1016/j.foreco.2008.07.023. Region, 1973. Forest Resources Survey. Richards, M. 1994. Towards valuation Kathmandu, Forest Resources Survey of forest conservation benefits in Office. developing countries. Environmental Lambin, E.F. 1999. Monitoring forest Conservation, 21(4): 308–319. DOI: degradation in tropical regions by remote 10.1017/S0376892900033610.

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NDVI as indicator of degradation

C.L. Meneses-Tovar

A method to interpret remote orest degradation has become a It presents a study carried out to identify sensing images is applied to serious problem, especially in relationships between indicators of for- F developing countries. In 2000, est functions and the normalized differ- over time. the total area of degraded forest ence vegetation index (NDVI), which is in 77 countries was estimated at estimated through analysis of satellite 800 million hectares (ha), 500 million ha images to give an indication of “green- of which had changed from primary ness”. The premise is that NDVI is an to secondary vegetation (ITTO, 2002). indicator of vegetation health, because Among other impacts, the process of degradation of ecosystem vegetation, or forest degradation represents a signifi- a decrease in green, would be reflected cant proportion of greenhouse gas emis- i n a d e c r ea se i n N DV I va lue. T her efor e, sions. There is an urgent need to measure if a relationship between the quantity and analyse it, in order to design action of an indicator – aerial biomass – to reverse the process. in various forest ecosystems and the This article describes how one method NDVI can be identified, processes of of analysing remote sensing data in degradation can be monitored. Carmen Lourdes Meneses-Tovar is Sub- conjunction with field data to monitor manager for Remote Sensing, National Forestry forest degradation was put into practice. Commission of Mexico. FAO/C. PALMBERG-LERCHE FAO/C.

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MEASURING CHANGE can be distinguished, encompassing the is a dimensionless index, so its values Remote sensing and phenology more complex dynamics of flowering, range from –1 to +1. One of the most important applications fruiting, change of leaves and branches, In a practical sense, the values that are of remote sensing is the monitoring of and thickening of the trunk, in a constant below 0.1 correspond to bodies of water processes occurring on Earth. process of change in the above-ground and bare ground, while higher values are Images can be used for the analysis living matter, or aerial biomass. indicators of high photosynthetic activity of short-term processes, for example Observation of phenological processes linked to scrub land, temperate forest, monitoring the growth cycle of crops is more complicated in a primary or rain forest and agricultural activity. to evaluate the yields of one harvest. natural stand containing individuals of Satellite images taken at various stages different ages and species, in which each THE STUDY in the cropping cycle for a single year exemplar has its own rhythm or pheno- Background, data sets are evaluated, including: soil prepara- logical behaviour: flowering, fruiting, Drawing on remote sensing imagery and tion, sowing, establishment of seedlings, loss of leaves and regrowth, and survival !$ active growth, flowering, fruiting and strategy in terms of competition for light, a relationship between NDVI and aerial translocation of nutrients or ripening nutrients and water. biomass. First, images had to be col- of fruit and harvesting. lected. Then NDVI values had to be estab- They can also be for the analysis of NDVI and phenology lished through analysis of the imagery. medium- or long-term processes. Analy- There are various methodologies for Then, these values had to be applied to ses of forest degradation and change in studying seasonal changes in vegetation different vegetation communities both land use are major examples of appli- through satellite images, one method to validate the method and to establish cations of this approach. Images from of which is to apply vegetation indi- a baseline for observations. They were different years can be compared. These ces relating to the quantity of green- then observed over time. Finally, NDVI images must be captured during the ness (Chuvieco, 1998). The NDVI is a could be correlated to aerial biomass, same time of year so as to minimize measurement of the balance between an indicator of forest health, through the expression of variations in such energy received and energy emitted %!$ factors as light quality, the geometry by objects on Earth. When applied to the validity of the method and to make of the observation and differences in plant communities, this index estab- it applicable to monitoring forest use. the behaviour of a community over the lishes a value for how green the area The study focused on Mexico, which course of the year, in the case of plant is, that is, the quantity of vegetation has a land area of almost two million km2. ecosystems (Singh, 1986; Mouat et al., present in a given area and its state of Given its particular location and relief, cited by Chuvieco, 1998). health or vigour of growth. The NDVI the country features a diversity of Both are phenological approaches. Phenology involves studying the tim- _<`{!%%|%%X ing of life cycle events of plants and NDVI analysis animals, and in particular, in relation Vegetation community National Statistics and Geography Institute key Number of sites to changes in season and climate. In the case of annual crops, observing change Holm oak forest Holm oak and holm oak-pine 20 139 in images is relatively easy. Changes in Pine forest !""# 6 276 reflectance of light over the course of with predominance of pine crop growth are evident and occur over Desert and dune Microphyllous desert scrub land 199 short periods of time. In the case of forest Mangrove Rhizophora spp. 980 ecosystems, the natural processes, and the approaches to observing them, are Scrub land Various types of scrub land 10 945 protracted. Behaviour in an individual Mesophile forest Very moist montane forest 1 526 takes place over a longer period (5 to Rangeland Natural rangeland and through presence of sodium 235 25 years), which also applies to forest and chalk plantations that are “pure ecosystems” High- and medium- High- and medium-altitude rain forest (deciduous 16 976 altitude rain forest or evergreen) (i.e. same-age stands). Over this period Lowland rain forest Lowland rain forest (deciduous or evergreen) 6 470 of time, the phases of planting, estab- lishment of seedlings and active growth Tule vegetation Thyphus spp. 190 up to the time of commercial maturity Without plant cover Without plant cover 1 229

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1 Average NDVI, by month, for High- and medium- established classes of vegetation altitude rain forest

Mesophile forest ecosystems and life zones, ranging from tropical to temperate. Data for the study Mangrove included satellite images and informa- Tule vegetation tion obtained from inventories. The satellite images were obtained from Pine forest MODIS, the Moderate Resolution

Imaging Spectroradiometer, launched Holm oak forest by the United States National Aero- NDVI nautics and Space Administration on Lowland rain forest board two satellites, which is designed to provide measurements in large-scale Scrub land global dynamics. The National Forest and Soil Inventory Desert (INFyS) of Mexico, maintained by the National Forest Commission (CONA- Rangeland FOR), provided basic information and ground truth for the estimates. INFyS Land use data were collected during the period Months 2004–2007 and updated in 2008–2009. Note: NDVI is translated and mathematically scaled to a range of 0 to 256. Establishing NDVI values In order to estimate the phenologi- of 65 165 sites were observed and clas- of water in the ground. The minimum cal behaviour of wooded ecosystems, sified as seen in Table 1. NDVI values occur between February composites of images from MODIS for The sampled sites were superimposed and April each year, corresponding to cloudless months, with a spatial reso- on the series of 53 images that had been the driest period. The maximum NDVI lution of 500 m, were analysed. These developed from the monthly composites values occur during July and August, images were processed by the Maryland of MODIS images. An average NDVI which are the months with the highest Institute for Advanced Computer Stud- value was calculated for each type of rainfall. There is further variation, as the ies (United States of America). Fifty- plant community for each month in order dates of the rainy season vary depending three consecutive composite images to assess its behaviour over the course on latitude. Mexico stretches over a con- of 30 days from 16 November 2000 to of the year. siderable distance from north to south. 13 Aug ust 2 0 05 wer e use d. N DV I va lues The extreme oscillations show that were calculated for the images. Observations lowland rain forests have the greatest Then the NDVI values had to be cor- The highest NDVI values correspond to range in their cycle. As with holm oak related to vegetation types present at the high- and medium-altitude rain forests forests and pine forests, they have val- various sites. Field data were obtained and mesophile montane forests, which ues below the reference threshold value from INFyS in a systematic stratified remained above the reference threshold of 190 between February and May in sampling covering all of the country’s for the quantity of greenness throughout the years analysed. Dips in the NDVI ecosystems. The vegetation community the year (Figure 1). This threshold has value occur because the level of green- type assigned to an area indicated the a value of approximately 190 (see note, ness reflected in these periods is low, vegetation most frequently observed in Figure 1, regarding NDVI values) and as a result of falling leaves or change the field for each of the sampled sites. can be linked to the evergreen habit of in their colour. Labels used for this exercise were based the ecosystem or can be used to separate Readers should be aware that the value on the classification system of the Land forests from other wooded land. shown is the combined response of the Use and Vegetation Map of the National A sinusoidal trend or annual cycli- whole ecosystem (soil and grassy, shrub Statistics and Geography Institute used cal behaviour is a classic response to a nd t r e e layer s). T her efor e, it is a lso p os - in its Series II (INEGI, 2000). A total a regular cycle of rainfall and storage sible that, during this period, part of the

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2 Annual behaviour of the dry-season NDVI for various types of ecosystem grassy layer dries out completely in these Mesophile forest forests because of seasonal water stress. High-altitude rain forest The vegetation communities with the lowest NDVI values are deserts, where leaves are very sparse, followed Pine forest by rangeland and scrub land. These Mangrove communities show no sinusoidal trend; Holm oak forest rather, their response is that of a region that has irregular rainfall. Analysis of Lowland rain forest Scrub land degradation processes in these com- NDVI Dry-season munities is made more complicated by Reference such fluctuation. Rangeland Mangrove and tule ecosystems present Desert the most complex behaviour, in terms of NDVI values. While the values are Water bodies always above the reference value, they follow no regular pattern, with no clearly defined peaks. Their value is very much affected by fluctuations in water level. The sample included a series of sites Note: NDVI is translated and mathematically scaled to a range of 0 to 256. classified as “land use”, a term that, for the most part, corresponds to the pres- This type of analysis can show the behaviour was calculated for each type ence of agriculture. These areas show natural changes to vegetation over a of plant community (Figure 2). a sinusoidal behaviour that is slightly period of time. For it to be applied to A definite pattern is seen relating to narrower than that of lowland rain for- such purposes as monitoring forest the biomass contents of the various eco- est. Average NDVI values of these areas degradation, it is necessary to separate systems. Among the various vegetation never fall below the reference thresh- the fluctuations in greenness resulting types, an almost constant increase in old. These consistently “green” values from the natural oscillation of vegetation NDVI is seen over the period. Excep- are difficult to explain, if mechanized from those caused by other processes. tions are seen in mesophile montane annual crops are involved; one would forest, high- and medium-altitude rain have expected the values during the NDVI from year to year forest and scrub land, which show almost period of preparation of the soil to be The next step was to establish annual no fluctuation between the 2007 and close to those of bare ground. The phe- behaviour of NDVI for the different 2008 seasons. nomenon can perhaps be attributed to the vegetation areas. The dry season was fact that crops are being grown without selected because there is less cloud Linkages to aerial biomass any type of mechanization. cover affecting the MODIS images and Aerial biomass was chosen as the vari- The exercise reflects the fact that, when because arable land is generally bare, able indicator of forest function to carrying out a multitemporal analysis and is, therefore, distinguishable, dur- compare with the behaviour of the NDVI. of processes, an important considera- ing this period. A forest can experience a change in cover tion is the dates on which the satellite A composite of MODIS images was without necessarily a loss from its origi- images are taken. It is vital to compare prepared with a spatial resolution of nal condition, but a negative change to a images corresponding to the same dates, 250 m, using images obtained between structure that can diminish its capacity as there are differences in the vigour of 15 February and 15 April each year, to provide services and products can be growth during the different months of the dry season. Average NDVI values considered a form of degradation. the year, and pronounced differences were calculated for the period. The Twenty-five thousand points were between the dry and rainy seasons – even points observed in the previous round !- in evergreen stands. were superimposed, and the average tory. Each measurement point, or plot,

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3 Comparison between dry-season NDVI and the quantity of aerial biomass per type of plant community BA omitted, and no equations estimating biomass or timber volume were drawn up Average primary and for certain communities (thalias, savan- secondary tree nahs, tule, palms, mangroves and some Primary vegetation rain forests). Of the 1 305 307 trees observed, 1 230 127 individuals were BM Primary/Secondary taken into consideration (see Figure 4; tree-shrub vegetation ECOSUR, 2009). The 16 842 plots were Primary/Secondary superimposed on the NDVI images

Biomass Mg/haBiomass SAP herbaceous vegetation and were classified according to both type of plant community and condition (primary, primary with secondary tree vegetation and primary with secondary shrub vegetation) (Figure 3). The relationship between aerial bio- mass and NDVI shows an exponential behaviour in which the origin is the Dry-season NDVI NDVI value of bodies of water, for which an aerial biomass of 0 is assumed. The Note: NDVI is translated and mathematically scaled to a range of 0 to 256. highest biomass values correspond to fir forest (BA), while the highest NDVI comprised four sites, or subplots. In each from materials that reflect a commer- values correspond to mesophile montane site, measurements of variables were cial perspective, and pertain to conifer forest (BM), followed by evergreen high- taken for all trees with a diameter at and broadleaved ecosystems in temper- altitude rain forest (SAP). In estimating breast height (DBH) of more than ate regions. the aerial biomass of the latter two com- 7.5 cm. These variables included number Allometric equations were developed munities, general equations suggested of trees, number of species, number of for 120 of the almost 3 000 species listed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- live trees, number of stumps, total tree in INFyS. Most of the models use DBH mate Change Good Practice Guidance height, commercial height, clean height, and height as independent variables. for Land Use, Land-Use Change and DBH, diameter of the crown and basal Information from the measurement of Forestry are used (IPCC, 2003). The areas, together with 21 other quantita- regrowth was not used to estimate bio- overall relationship shows a correlation tive variables and some 45 qualitative mass, arid-zone succulent species were coefficient (R2) of 0.8334. variables connected to, for example, regrowth, impact condition, state of the topsoil and humus, and use of the resource (CONAFOR, 2011). The quantity of aerial biomass in tonnes per ha was estimated for 16 842 plots measured in the field for INFyS (ECOSUR, 2009). Biomass equations were established for each ecosystem based on a review of the lit- erature. Most equations were generated

4 General behaviour of NDVI, 2005–2009, across sample re-measured in 2009

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 44

It should be noted that the shapes that FOLLOW-UP in NDVI over the initial measure- compose rain forests and mesophile An initiative has been launched to re- ment. The general behaviour of the montane forests are very different from measure the sites visited in the first NDVI is shown in Figure 4. Behaviour those of conifers, and they are, therefore, round. Sites were revisited in 2009 and among specific classes of vegetation underestimated in the model. On the will be visited again in 2012. Thus, was also analysed. other hand, there is also “overestima- information is, and will continue to The box, and its illustrative table, tion”, in that only trees with a DBH be, available on growth and changes in figure and photographs, presents of more than 7.5 cm are considered in forest functions in 20 percent of the the data of one point from the group – estimating biomass, while the satellite- 25 000 established plots. Information on Plot 56890 – Campeche. This point was measured NDVI encompasses the whole soil, fires and health can be estimated among those taken at random in order response of the ecosystem (tree, shrub (INFyS database query, 2010). to demonstrate both the condition at the and grassy layers). In the first re-measurement, NDVI Figure 3 shows a decline in the relation- values of the 2009 INFyS field meas- how the NDVI can vary. Further discus- ship between aerial biomass and NDVI, urements were taken, and analysis was sion (Figure 5) presents results for one depending on condition or successive conducted for both points that had suf- grouping – land without plant cover. It state. This trend indicates that in a given fered some kind of disturbance and $& community there is more aerial biomass points that had not. points measured evaluate only 1 600 m2 for primary ecosystems than for those Of the total of 3 533 plots measured and are representative of 1 ha, and that affected by disturbance. in 2009, 3 486 indicated an increase the whole area of the pixels is 6.25 ha.

Follow-up: Plot 56890 presented an interesting case. In August 2005, the plot showed sub- Plot 56890 – Campeche Dry-season NDVI observed up to 15 April evergreen medium-altitude rain forest, 2009 showed that the plot had recently been and 192 trees measured (Photo, left). burned. NDVI behaviour for some years The April 2009 observation shows no }+'> plant cover and 0 individuals (Photo, analysis will have to be carried out. right; Table).

Survey results, Plot 56890 – Campeche

Visit No. trees DBH Crown diameter Cover Total height Stumps cm m % m

09/08/2005 192 11.82 2.51 60.1 8.98 0

17/04/2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 Behaviour of NDVI, 2005–2010, Plot 56890

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 45

5 Of the 3 533 plots measured in 2009, a revision of photographs and data Plots reported as “without vegetation a reduction in the NDVI was detected indicated that the plots were, in fact, cover” in 2009 survey, by case in 47. “without vegetation cover”; no reduc- Plots reported as being without plant tion in NDVI was detected for any of shadows created by the topography and cover, from the 2009 sample, numbered these cases (red points, on map); saturation values in the numbers gen- 258 (Figure 5). #‰‹Š^^‹NŠ^^{ erated by the geometry of the satellite Among this group, four classes of case observation showed plant cover observation or by the presence of water were identified: corresponding to some type of for- on the leaves of trees. #‰Š–! est, whereas the 2009 observation Regression models can be improved. round because they were interpreted showed them as being without plant One way is by comparing two temporal as “land use” and were validated by cover (blue points, on map). measurements of a single point of INFyS. interpreting images; no reduction in Another is by taking into account such NDVI was detected for any of these CONCLUSIONS factors as regrowth. Other measured cases (green points, on map); There are limitations to use of the NDVI variables are also contained in INFyS, #X\ to measure forest degradation, and areas such as standing dead trees and stumps, “without plant cover” in 2004–2007 for improvement. As phenology plays an that could also enable a better under- and were still without it in 2009; important role in the analysis of change standing of the dynamics of the forest at no reduction in NDVI was detected processes, the dates of the MODIS each point observed, as well as the age for any of these cases (yellow points, images used to assess those processes of the sample population, in coniferous on map); must be selected carefully. When pro- communities. Most allometric equations #‰$ cessing the images, care must be taken for estimating aerial biomass are based 2004–2007. Forest was indicated, but to eliminate clouds, shadows of clouds, only on the height of the individual and

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 46

the DBH; aspects such as the canopy, the ITTO. 2002. ITTO 54 diameter of branches and the basal area = are not taken into account. As estimates . of biomass in mesophile montane forest References ITTO Policy Development Series No. 13. and rain forest ecosystems are refined, Yokohama, Japan, International Tropical the method will prove more representa- Chuvieco, E. 1998. El factor temporal en Timber Organization (also available at tive of change. teledetección: evolución fenomenológica Attention should be paid to such other y análisis de cambios. Revista de Singh, A. 1986. Change detection in the aspects as climate anomalies that have Teledetección, 10: 1–9. tropical forest environment of northeastern a major impact on the vigour of growth. CONAFOR. 2011. ; India using Landsat. In: M.J. Eden & For example, “wet” years associated with the National Forest and Soil Inventory, J.T. Parry, eds. Remote sensing and the la Niña/el Niño phenomena will lead 2004–2009. Zapopan, Mexico, National tropical land management, pp. 237–254. to an increase in the NDVI, while “dry” Forest Commission. Chichester, John Wiley.  years generate very low values in the ECOSUR. 2009. 6 change indicator. FRA 2010 tables. Villahermosa, Mexico, Despite limitations pertaining to the Colegio de la Frontera Sur. imaging, including the resolution of the INEGI. 2000. Land use and vegetation images, and limitations in the estimation chart. Aguascalientes, Mexico, National of aerial biomass, the regression model Statistics and Geography Institute. of 0.83 is very good. Images generated IPCC. 2003. Good Practice Guidance by the MODIS sensor are suitable for < = <4 * analysis of changes resulting from deg- Forestry. Hayama, Japan, Institute for radation, when the impact has been suf- Global Environmental Strategies for the ficiently great to generate a change in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate radiometry, and, thus, in the NDVI. The Change (also available at www.ipcc-nggip. NDVI has an anticipated behaviour and can be used as an indicator.  contents.html).

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The typical response to the loss of forest Opportunities for restoration Mapping cover has been to plant trees, usually, but Experience shows that restoration is possible. not always, on an industrial scale, and with Forests have returned to vast, formerly defor- opportunities for a limited mix of species. Indeed, planted ested areas in North America and Europe. forests now make up 7 percent of the world’s Costa Rica and the Republic of Korea, among forest landscape forest area and contribute over 40 percent of others, have embarked on successful forest the global industrial wood and fibre supply restoration strategies. Restoration efforts restoration (FAO, 2010). in China, the Niger and the United Repub- However, many planted forests have $% L. Laestadius, S. Maginnis, limitations in that they cannot supply the and restoring woodlands with associated S. Minnemeyer, P. Potapov, broad range of forest goods and services dramatic improvements in livelihoods and C. Saint-Laurent and N. Sizer that society often requires. Therefore, about ecological health. systems are ten years ago, building on decades of field rapidly expanding in many parts of the world, experience and observation, the concept of enhancing the productivity of crop and live- More than two billion hectares forest landscape restoration was introduced. stock production. !S Forest landscape restoration is an integrating Most countries that have suffered forest framework that can, and should, be applied loss and degradation have opportunities N across a range of land uses to ensure that for restoration. Yet these opportunities are = key ecosystem functions and societal require- often overlooked. The Global Partnership security, reduce climate change ments are maintained and strengthened. on Forest Landscape Restoration therefore and protect the environment. Importantly, forest landscape restoration asked a consortium of organizations led by does not seek a return to past visions of land the World Resources Institute to map the use. Rather, it is designed to ensure that global opportunities for restoration (Figure; present and future generations have key eco- Minnemeyer et al., 2011). system goods and services at hand and deal effectively with the uncertainties of climatic, Method economic and social change. The potential extent of forests and wood- Forest landscape restoration restores func- lands, rather than today’s extent, was used tionality and productivity to degraded lands as the point of departure. Apart from the and forests. Trees in agricultural landscapes obvious reason that forests can grow in these can boost food production and resilience. areas, potential forest extent is also a use- Restored lands can supply clean water, ful benchmark for assessing the historical reduce erosion and provide wildlife habitat. change in forest cover. Forests and trees mitigate climate change Three categories of forests were distin- by sequestering carbon. guished: closed forests (canopy cover greater than 45 percent), open forests (canopy cover between 25 and Lars Laestadius is Senior Associate, World 45 percent) and woodlands Resources Institute, Washington, D.C., United (canopy cover between 10 and States of America. 25 percent). Land with less tree Stewart Maginnis is Director of the Environment and Development Group, International Union for cover was considered to be either the Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland. naturally non-forested or con- Susan Minnemeyer is GIS Manager, World v e r t e d t o s o m e o t h e r l a n d u s e f r o m Resources Institute. Peter Potapov is Research Associate Professor, any of the forest categories above. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States of America. Carole Saint-Laurent is Senior Adviser on Forest Policy and Partnerships, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and Lands with opportunities for Coordinator, Global Partnership on Forest restoration of forests and Landscape Restoration, Gland, Switzerland. landscapes. Forests without Source: Minnemeyer et al., 2011. Visit restoration needs and croplands on Nigel Sizer is Director of the Global Forests to view a large-size version of the map. Initiative, World Resources Institute. former forest lands are not shown

Unasylva 213,238,212, Vol. 55,62,54, 20032011/2 48

Only pre-existing information was used. Results deforestation. The world does not need to wait More than two billion hectares (ha) worldwide for deforestation and degradation to cease individual countries. provide opportunities for restoration. Most before it embarks on the path of restoration. We first mapped where forests and wood- of these lands are in tropical and temperate lands could potentially grow, if soils and areas. One and a half billion ha are best suited climate were the only limiting conditions, for mosaic-type restoration, and another The Bonn Challenge i.e. where forests would grow if there were half a billion for wide-scale forest resto- no human influence. Although trees play an ration of closed forests. However, these A global restoration goal has recently been important role there, dry areas such as the results must be interpreted with caution. The launched – to restore 150 million ha of lost Sahel were not included, because of their map is based on significant simplifications, and degraded forests by 2020. This goal was very low potential forest density. and the underlying information is both launched in September 2011 at a ministerial N e x t , w e m a p p e d t h e c u r r e n t e x t e n t o f f o r e s t s coarse and incomplete, and sometimes also roundtable at the Bonn Challenge on forests, and woodlands. Forest maps were derived of low accuracy. Good information was avail- climate change and biodiversity, which was from global 250 m resolution satellite imagery. able on land cover, land use, population hosted jointly by the International Union for We then identified restoration opportuni- density and other factors. Yet many impor- the Conservation of Nature and the German ties by comparing the maps of potential and tant factors, such as tenure and land-use Ministry of Environment on behalf of the current forest extent in light of information dynamics, could not be considered, for lack Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape about current land use. Croplands on former of data. Restoration. The Bonn Challenge links the forest land, intact forest landscapes and The map shows landscapes where restora- decisions on forests made under the United managed natural forests and woodlands were tion opportunities are more likely to be found, Nations Framework Convention on Climate mapped as having no potential for restoration not the location of individual restoration Change with those of the Convention on Bio- (although this is not always true). sites. Many features of the landscape are logical Diversity, which adopted the goal of Then, we considered constraints on res- not visible at the level of spatial resolution of restoring 15 percent of destroyed or degraded toration by mapping human pressure as a the map (1 x 1 km), and local context could ecosystems by 2020. combination of population density and land not be considered. No ground validation The map helped quantify these targets. use. Restoration opportunities in remote, was conducted. For more information, see: unpopulated areas were also identified. The map shows the location of land with Finally, deforested and degraded forest characteristics that indicate restoration While this goal may sound ambitious, it lands were divided into four categories, opportunities, but it does not prescribe any can be achieved through a doubling of cur- resulting in a map of restoration opportunity particular type of restoration intervention. rent rates of afforestation, forest regeneration areas and other former forest lands: It is intended to inform the policy-making and silvipastoral/agroforestry expansion.  Wide-scale restoration – Population process at the global level and should be This effort would meet the Bonn Challenge density of fewer than 10 people per km2 complemented by further investigation at and help turn the vision of no net forest loss and potential to support closed forest. regional and national scales, where more within the next decade into reality.  Mosaic restoration – Moderate human detailed information is needed and available. pressure (between 10 and 100 people per km2). Restoration to a mix of people, Conclusions trees and crops (e.g. into agroforestry Most countries have suffered forest loss parklands, small, frequent patches of or degradation. Opportunities for restora- woodlands, improved farm fallow and tion exist on all continents and are huge in References secondary forests and linear arrangements terms of area, although the estimate of their such as hedgerow, contour planting and extent is rough. FAO. 2010. Global resources along water courses). Mitigation of climate change is a major assessment 2010 – main report. FAO  Remote restoration opportunities – Very benefit of restoration, making it an important Forestry Paper No. 163. Rome (also low human pressure (density of less than complement to avoiding additional defor- available at 1 person per km2 within a 500 km radius). estation and degradation, as well as an i1757e/i1757e.pdf). Restoration may not be feasible here. opportunity in which many countries can Minnemeyer, S., Laestadius, L., Sizer, N.,  Agricultural and urban lands –Converted engage, including countries with little or no Saint-Laurent, C. & Potapov, P. 2011. former forest lands with intensive human deforestation left to avoid. !. Washington, D.C., pressure (density of more than 100 people Most areas that present restoration World Resources Institute. Available at: per km2), croplands and urban areas opportunities are located far from ongoing

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Measuring the abundance of wildlife populations in Central African logging concessions

R. Nasi and N. van Vliet

As timber concessions in Central n Central Africa, selective logging access to remote forests by opening roads is the most area-extensive extrac- in previously inaccessible areas, provid- hunting activities, methods Itive industry, with logging conces- ing access to markets and increasing sions occupying 30–45 percent of forests population density. Settlements linked !! (Nasi, Cassagne and Billand, 2006). The to forestry company infrastructures and presence of heavy machinery and log- camps attract large numbers of people, ging teams has effects on wildlife (Johns, including workers, their families and 1997; White, 1994; White and Tutin, traders, to areas that have been sparsely 2001), through direct disturbance and populated (Poulsen et al., 2009). Access modifications of the structure and com- to remote areas and a rise in population position of the habitat. Logging boosts increase hunting activities.

About half of Africa’s remaining forest cover is allocated to ! wildlife management in timber concessions is critical

Robert Nasi is Director, Consortium of

International Agricultural Research Centers FAO/O. SOUVANNAVONG Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry, Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia. Nathalie van Vliet is Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

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The blue duiker is an important source of protein in Central Africa. According to the IUCN Red List, “[T]his abundant, highly resilient species is suffering some decline in its distribution and numbers as human populations "Q

Hunting can, in turn, trigger numer- ous, yet not completely understood, effects that can alter the overall func- tion, structure and composition of the ecosystem. In many cases, these effects are relatively straightforward and easy to predict, especially for those species directly targeted by hunting activities. However, hunting may also have indirect effects, often referred to in the literature N. VAN VLIET as “cascading effects”, as several steps of consequential effects may be involved (e.g. Wright, 2003). Among the various systems dependent upon the presence of exploitation, wildlife management in Vliet and Nasi, 2008a) of defaunation fauna whose processes are potentially timber concessions is critical, particu- as an impact of hunting (see Azevedo- affected by hunting are plant regenera- larly as hunting activities press farther Ramos, de Carvalho and Nasi, 2005, tion (loss of pollinators, seed dispersers into remote areas. Because hunting is for a review on animal indicators and and seed predators), food webs (loss of about the only source of protein, with logging). In Central Africa, the abun- top predators or of their prey) and plant fish, insects and grubs, for a large part dance and density of large mammals are diversity (change in herbivory patterns, of the rural population in the tropics, used as indicators of forest defaunation, increased pests) (see Stoner et al., 2007, as well as being an important source with a particular focus on primates and for a review). Hunting, like other extrac- of income, hunting activities must be ungulates. The species usually chosen, tive activities, may therefore contrib- managed in such way that they continue on the basis of importance as a source of ute to the degradation of forests. One to provide protein and income to rural protein and income for rural and urban potential extreme effect is degradation populations, without leading to local people living in the Congo Basin, are to the stage of quasi-total defaunation1, extinction of the most vulnerable spe- duikers (Cephalophus spp.) and bush in which they become “empty forests” cies (Nasi et al., 2008). pigs (Potamochoerus porcus), as well (Redford, 1992). Managing hunting activities can only as small diurnal monkeys. Although the impact of logging be achieved if appropriate methods to Extent and spatial distribution of activities and hunting on wildlife is monitor wildlife populations and forest roads have been particularly useful well documented, the role of logging degradation as an impact of hunting are for indirect assessment of defaunation concessions as potential “wildlife res- available. This article presents some of (Laurance et al., 2006; van Vliet and ervoirs” compared with unmanaged the lessons learned from past and recent Nasi, 2008b). Indeed, the distribution land is also increasingly recognized efforts in assessing the impact of hunting of mammals within a forest concession (Meijaard et al., 2006; Clark et al., on wildlife populations. appears influenced much more by roads 2009). As about half of Africa’s remain- and hunting than by the direct effects ing forest cover is allocated to timber INDICATORS AND METHODS FOR of logging, such as disturbance and THEIR MEASURE modification of habitat (Marshall et Indicators al., 2006). Most indications of hunting 1 In this article, the word “defaunation” The abundance and density of certain activities are found less than 3 km from $ wildlife species appear the most com- logging roads, and there is a strong populations ranging from decrease in numbers or diversity to almost total mon direct indicators, if not the easiest correlation between hunting signs and fauna extirpation. to measure with any precision (see van distance from roads.

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Other indirect indicators used to assess degradation (Mathot and Doucet, 2006; - hunting intensity in logging conces- van Vliet and Nasi, 2008b). ferent ungulate species living in the same sions are: hunters’ harvesting profiles, Studies carried out by individual zone. When the number of observations in which data on hunting off-takes are researchers use shorter, more localized is scarce, the number of observations regularly collected for a sample of hunt- transects of 1–2 km, seeking sites that per km, or KAI (kilometric abundance ers; hunter effort,2 which is an economic are similar in terms of habitat and rep- index), can be used as a measure of abun- measure of the effort invested by the resentative of unlogged areas, recently dance (Mathot and Doucet, 2006). This hunter; household consumption of bush- logged areas and areas logged more than simple index can be used to compare meat; and quantity of bushmeat traded a certain number of years before. Data mammal abundance between sites or over in nearby markets. collected during line transect survey pro- a long-term monitoring period. tocols usually combine daytime visual As a substitute for line transects, some Survey protocols counts, pellet counts and nest counts for studies (e.g. Forboseh, Sunderland and Mammal abundance and density primates. Transects are walked during Eno-Nku, 2007; Hart et al., 2008) pre- Some studies have used diachronic the day, early in the morning to maxi- fer census walks or recces, where the approaches, or approaches in which mize direct sightings (from 06.30 a.m. observer follows a path that offers the measurements are taken at two differ- to 10.00 a.m.), at an average speed of least resistance through the vegetation. ent times at the same site; abundance 1 km per hour. For duikers, the call count Recces can be used to register diurnal of mammals is measured before and method (van Vliet et al., 2009) and night direct sightings, dung piles and nests. The after logging activities have taken place, t i me v isu a l c ou nt s (Ju lve L a r r ubia, 2 0 05) data obtained are not meant to estimate and the two sets of data are compared. have also been used. densities, but can easily be converted However, in most cases, data on wild- To obtain data on mammal densities into KAI. life abundance before logging activities from the line transect records, perpen- Other survey methods besides line have not been available. In these cases, dicular distances of the observations are transect counts are: capture-recapture researchers have favoured synchronic measured (or estimated). These distances methods using nets (Dubost, 1980; approaches, or approaches in which are analysed using distance sampling, Koster and Hart, 1988), in which ani- measurements are taken at one moment in which measurements of the distances mals are captured, marked and released, in time at different, but related, sites. of objects observed from a transect line with the marked animals counted, on Using these approaches, data collected are used to estimate the probability of recapture; net hunting encounters, from neighbouring hunted and not- observing an object (Buckland et al., which involves counting the number hunted sites are compared to assess the 1993). This method requires a minimum of animals seen per searched area impact of hunting. number of 60 direct observations for (Noss, 2000); and estimating densities The most commonly used protocol each species studied, which can be a from home-range size and population to survey mammal abundance is line limitation, given the elusive behaviour structure (Feer, 1996). These methods transects, in which data are collected of many tropical forest mammals. have mainly been used for duikers and along straight, parallel transects. For shy and elusive species, dung counts in relatively small areas because they In surveys performed by logging com- have often proved to be more practical panies during their forest management than direct sightings, as the number of Duiker dung pile. Counting dung pellets inventories, transects made for vegeta- observations is often much higher. If data may be more practical than relying on tion surveys, covering a whole conces- on defecation rates and dung degrada- direct sightings, for certain species sion, may be used for survey of wildlife tion rates are available for each species, and detection of human activity (e.g. dung observations can also be used to hunting). In Central Africa, the inven- assess animal densities using distance tory of more than 30 million hectares sampling. While counting dung pellets (ha) to comply with national forestry is a relatively simple method, there are laws (Nasi, Cassagne and Billand, 2006), many possible errors associated with it. represents an invaluable data bank that Pellet group counts are unworkable, at could be used for the assessment of forest times, because of variable defecation rates, use of transects and latrines by the

a n i m a ls, va r iable loss of p el let s by b e et le N. VAN VLIET 2 E.g. number of hunting days for a given yield or game harvested for a given attack (van Vliet, Nasi and Lumaret, hunting effort (e.g. Rist et al., 2008). 2009), extremely dense vegetation or

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are time consuming and usually require from human settlement (Rao et al., 2005) dynamics are measured: quantity of and the presence of big, well-trained teams. or nearest point of human access (Hill daily availability of each species. These Capture-recapture methods using non- et al., 1997), or the distance travelled measures are expressed quantitatively as invasive genetic sampling, for example, by a hunter during the hunt itself (Sirén, daily abundance of a species and avail- from collection of hair and faeces, and Hambäck and Machoa, 2004). ability of each species in the market. The camera traps, which are automated cam- When assessing household consump- markets are visited on a regular basis eras that take photographs of wildlife, tion of bushmeat, detailed information (every day to once a week), and a sample are currently being tested for some of the is recorded about the composition of the of traders (or all, depending on the size Central African species, but the results principal meal of the day (or of the last of the market) is interviewed about spe- are as yet unpublished. few meals), including the unit price of cies sold, quantities and whether meat animal protein (fish, livestock or bush- is smoked or fresh. Hunting and trading activities meat), the quantities consumed and the Studies based on data collected at the species of bushmeat, if any (Starkey, DISCUSSION village or household level use regu- 2004; Poulsen et al., 2009). Line transects provide the possibility to lar (daily, weekly or monthly) semi- Most studies using data collected in carry out multiple species surveys and structured interviews to assess harvesting bushmeat markets to assess the impact have been used largely in the context $- of hunting on wildlife do not focus spe- of logging concessions. However, for meat consumption. cifically on logging concessions, but regular monitoring, line transects are Data collected to establish harvest- more broadly on a catchment area at a costly and time consuming. Records ing profiles include species hunted and regional scale (Fa et al., 1995; 2004). from line transects are often too scarce quantities, hunting technique (gun or The catchment area is often calculated to enable calculating density estimates. snares), number of days allocated to by evaluation of the total surface covered These constraints limit the effective- hunting activities, quantities of bush- by all locations mentioned as bushmeat ness of transect surveys as a tool for meat sold or consumed and average price sources by bushmeat sellers, which usu- the monitoring of wildlife population a nd weig ht of e a ch a n i m a l or pie c e of a n i- ally extends beyond the logging conces- trends. Line transects also imply col- mal (e.g. Wilkie et al., 1998; Tieguhong sion area. Two main attributes of market lateral environmental impacts such as and Zwolinski, 2009). As an alternative to the measure of hunting off-takes, the measure of hunter effort can also be used. Hunter effort may be quantified in units of time such as the number of hours (Franzen, 2006), days (Peres and Nascimento, 2006), or months (Noss, Oetting and Cuéllar, 2005) spent hunting. Hunter effort can also be measured in a number of ways other than in units of time, such as by an index based on the frequency of encoun- ters with hunter signs (Cullen, Bodmer and Valladares-Padua, 2001), by the number of hunters operating in an area (Naughton-Treves et al., 2003), in units of hunting equipment such as the number of nets used or traps set per unit time. Other measures are more spatially based, such as the distance of hunting location C. DOUMENGE

Bush pig. Consumption of, and market for, bushmeat can indicate the impact of hunting

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the degradation of the understory and a large sample of markets; timing and be established with the joint effort of the use, by hunters, of these transects coordination of sampling may be highly governments, logging firms, conserva- to set nets or hunt with guns. influential on the costs and quality of tion non-governmental organizations For these reasons, some researchers results; and sampling in blocks of days and forest certification bodies. now prefer to use census walks, or rec- is as efficient as random sampling in Van Vliet and Nasi (2008a) show how ces. Although this survey approach is estimating species richness, but not car- uncertainty is accumulated in various attractive when large areas need to be cass volume. One of the main limitations estimations (especially in those of surveyed, as there are fewer logistic of market studies is that they gener- wildlife populations). Results obtained constraints, further research is needed ally underestimate the real harvest rate in different sites are not comparable to evaluate the quality of the data col- because only a portion of the hunting because different methods have been lected using recces for different mam- off-take is sold to markets; the rest is used to calculate parameters, and each mal species and sign types (including consumed at the village level. method has different sources of error. dung, nests, direct observations). More In that sense, hunter interviews for the Without evaluation of accuracy and innovative methods, such as capture- estimation of harvesting profiles can standardization of methods, conclu- recapture methods using non-invasive be more appropriate because they are sions regarding harvesting sustain- genetic sampling (Petit and Valiere, useful to determine both the quantities ability and hunting impacts should be 2006) and camera traps, might open kept for own consumption and the quan- treated with caution. new, efficient ways to carry out mammal tities sold. Estimations of harvesting Further research is needed to lower surveys over large areas. These methods profiles and of hunter effort both are the human and financial costs of moni- are already used in other contexts for time consuming and can only provide toring protocols. The development of temperate species. With development, accurate results when a certain level of innovative methods associated with they may prove promising for appli- trust exists between the interviewers and new technologies, such as non-invasive cation to tropical species in Central the hunters interviewed, limiting the genetic methods and camera traps, is to African forests. extent of a study to the relatively small be encouraged. Priority for the coming Rather than trying to estimate abso- scale. Additional challenges associated years should be to develop more stand- lute values of densities (with the level with measuring hunter effort are: total ardized protocols that would allow com- of methodological caveats incurred), time estimations can be systematically parisons among sites. Until now, most the aim should be to estimate trends of biased, which can result in overesti- of the studies carried out in different abundance over time. The KAI offers one mation of relevant effort; quantifying logging concessions of Central Africa simple, but efficient, method to do so. trapping effort is problematic because have developed their own protocols for Similarly, methods based on the knowl- of variable trap checking rates, vari- the assessment of hunting on forest wild- edge of local experts – for example the able trap group composition and spe- life populations. The result has been pooled local expert opinion, PLEO – cies trap specificity; and economically that there are large dissimilarities in offer a way to monitor wildlife abun- relevant measures of catch taken from the data obtained, and, therefore, there dance (van der Hoeven, de Boer and the hunter perspective underestimate the are not comparable results across and Prins, 2004). In contrast with classical true biological impact of hunting (Rist within sites. The existence of a more methods, the PLEO method is inexpen- et al., 2008). standardized protocol at national or sive and ensures better local ownership regional levels would provide general- of the results. CONCLUSIONS ized results that could easily be trans- Indirect indicators of the role of hunt- Given the limitations of the different lated into practical recommendations ing in forest defaunation are receiv- methods discussed in this article, a well- for more sustainable hunting practices. ing increased attention, although not designed survey protocol might imply These recommendations could, in turn, specifically in the context of logging. the use of a combination of approaches be included in national laws or certifi- The existing literature provides some with both measures of mammal abun- cation processes to ensure that wildlife lessons learned that also apply to log- dance and measures of hunting and is properly taken into account in the ging concessions. For market studies, trading activities within a logging management of logging concessions.  Fa et al. (2004) assessed the efficiency concession. Instantaneous measures of a number of methods for measur- of these indicators have shown their ing the volume of bushmeat traded. limits in determining the effects of log- They found that: useful inferences at a ging and hunting on wildlife. Instead, regional scale can be drawn only from long-term monitoring protocols need to

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Educational, Scientific and Cultural Marshall, A.J., Nardiyono, Engström, Organization. L.M., Pamungkas, B., Palapa, J., Forboseh, P.F., Sunderland, T.C.H. & Meijaard, E. & Stanley, S.A. 2006. The References Eno-Nku, M. 2007. Priority setting for blowgun is mightier than the chainsaw in conservation in south-west Cameroon determining population density of Bornean Azevedo-Ramos, C., de Carvalho, O. Jr. based on large mammal surveys. orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) in & R. Nasi. 2005. Animal indicators: a Oryx, 41(2): 255–262. DOI: 10.1017/ the forests of East Kalimantan. Biological S0030605307001743. Conservation, 129(4): 566–578. DOI: ‰ Belem, Brazil, Instituto de Franzen, M. 2006. Evaluating the 10.1016/j.biocon.2005.11.025. Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazonia (IPAM). sustainability of hunting: a comparison Mathot L. & Doucet J.L. 2006. Méthode Buckland, S.T., Anderson, D.R., of harvest profiles across three d’inventaire faunique pour le zonage des Burnham, K.P. & Laake, J.L. 1993. 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Center for International Forestry Research 54: 205–266. Johns, A.G. 1997. Timber production and (CIFOR). Fa, J.E., Juste, J., Perez del Val, J. biodiversity conservation in tropical Naughton-Treves, L., Mena, J.L., Treves, A., & Castroviejo, J. 1995. Impact of . Cambridge, UK, Cambridge Alvarez, N. & Radeloff, V.C. 2003. market hunting on mammal species in University Press. Wildlife survival beyond park boundaries: Equatorial Guinea. Conservation Biology, Julve Larrubia, C. 2005. Mise en place the impact of slash-and-burn agriculture and 9(5): 1107–1115. DOI: 10.1046/j.1523- S'S   hunting on mammals in Tambopata, Peru. 1739.1995.951107.x. communautaire comme outil de gestion de Conservation Biology, 17(4): 1106–1117. Fa, J.E., Johnson, P.J., Dupain, J., DOI: 10.1046/j.1523-1739.2003.02045.x. Lapuente, J., Koster, P. & Macdonald, Sud-Est Cameroun. Faculté universitaire Noss, A.J. 2000. Cable snares and nets in D.W. 2004. Sampling effort and des sciences agronomiques de Gembloux, the Central African Republic. In J.G. dynamics of bushmeat markets. Animal Belgique. (graduate thesis) Robinson & E.L. Bennett, eds., Hunting Conservation, 7(4): 409–416. DOI: 10.1017/ Koster S.H. & Hart, J.A. 1988. Methods of , S136794300400160X. estimating ungulate populations in tropical pp. 282–304. New York, USA, Columbia Feer, F. 1996. Les potentialités de l’exploitation forests. >6, 26(2): University Press. durable et de l’élevage du gibier en zone 117–126. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.1988. Noss, A.J., Oetting, I. & Cuéllar, R.L. 2005. forestière tropicale. In C.M. Hladick, tb00962.x. Hunter self-monitoring by the Isoseño- A. Hladik, H. Pagezy, O.F. Linares, G.J.A. Laurance, W.F., Alonso, A., Lee, M. & Guaraní in the Bolivian Chaco. Biodiversity Koppert & A. Froment, eds., L’alimentation Campbell, P. 2006. Challenges for forest and Conservation, 14(11): 2679–2693. " conservation in Gabon, Central Africa. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-005-8401-2. et perspectives de développement, Futures, 38(4): 454–470. DOI: 10.1016/ Peres, C.A. & Nascimento, H.S. 2006. pp. 1039–1061. Paris, United Nations j.futures.2005.07.012. Impact of game hunting by the Kayapó

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of south-eastern Amazonia: implications logging towns in the Congo Basin. Journal sustainability of subsistence farming for wildlife conservation in tropical forest „+, 1(5): 065–080 and hunting in the Ituri Forest of Zaïre. indigenous reserves. Biodiversity and (also available at Conservation Biology, 12(1): 137–147. Conservation, 15(8): 2627–2653. DOI: JHF/PDF/Pdf2009/July/Tieguhong%20 DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.1998.96156.x. 10.1007/s10531-005-5406-9. and%20%20Zwolinski.pdf). Wright, S.J. 2003. The myriad consequences Petit, E. & Valiere, N. 2006. Estimating Van der Hoeven, C.A., de Boer, W.F. & of hunting for vertebrates and plants in population size with noninvasive capture- Prins, H.H.T. 2004. Pooling local expert tropical forests. Perspectives in Plant mark-recapture data. Conservation opinions for estimating mammal densities Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, Biology, 20(4): 1062–1073. DOI: 10.1111/ in tropical rainforests. >O 6(1–2): 73–86. DOI: 10.1078/1433-8319- j.1523-1739.2006.00417.x. Conservation, 12(4): 193–204. DOI: 00043.  Poulsen, J.R., Clark, C.J., Mavah, G. 10.1016/j.jnc.2004.06.003. & Elkan, P.W. 2009. Bushmeat Van Vliet, N. & Nasi, R. 2008a. Why supply and consumption in a tropical do models fail to assess properly the logging concession in northern Congo. sustainability of duiker (Cephalophus spp.) Conservation Biology, 23(6): 1597–1608. hunting in Central Africa? Oryx, 42: 392– DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01251.x. 399, DOI: 10.1017/S0030605308000288. Rao, M., Myint, T., Zaw, T. & Htun, S. Van Vliet, N. & Nasi, R. 2008b. Mammal 2005. Hunting patterns in tropical forests distribution in a Central African logging adjoining the Hkakaborazi National Park, concession area. Biodiversity and north Myanmar. Oryx, 39: 292–300. DOI: Conservation, 17(5): 1241–1249. DOI: 10.1017/S0030605305000724. 10.1007/s10531-007-9300-5. Redford, K.H. 1992. The empty forest. Van Vliet, N., Nasi, R. & Lumaret, J.P. BioScience, 42(6): 412–422. DOI: Š^^–"  ] & 10.2307/1311860. decay in north-east Gabon: are dung Rist J., Rowcliffe, M., Cowlishaw, G. & beetles hiding duikers? > Milner-Gulland, E.J. 2008. Evaluating Ecology, 47(1): 40–47. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365- measures of hunting effort in a bushmeat 2028.2007.00913.x. system. Biological Conservation, Van Vliet, N., Kaniowska, E., 141(8): 2086–2099. DOI: 10.1016/ Bourgarel, M., Fargeot, C. & Nasi R. j.biocon.2008.06.005. 2009. Answering the call! Adapting a Sirén, A., Hambäck, P. & Machoa, J. traditional hunting practice to monitor 2004. Including spatial heterogeneity duiker populations. > and animal dispersal when evaluating 6, 47(3): 393–399. DOI: hunting: a model analysis and an 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2008.00999.x. empirical assessment in an Amazonian White, L.J.T. 1994. The effects of community. Conservation Biology, commercial mechanised selective logging 18(5): 1315–1329. DOI: 10.1111/j.1523- on a transect in lowland rainforest in the 1739.2004.00024.x. Lopé Reserve, Gabon. > Starkey, M. 2004. Commerce and subsistence: Ecology, 10: 313–322. DOI: 10.1017/ the hunting, sale and consumption of S0266467400007987. bushmeat in Gabon. Fitzwilliam College, White, L.J.T. & Tutin, C. 2001. Why University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. chimpanzees and gorillas respond (PhD thesis) differently to logging: a cautionary tale Stoner, K.E., Vulinec, K., Wright, S.J., from Gabon. In W. Webber, L.J.T. White, & Peres, C.A. 2007. Hunting and plant A. Vedder & L. Naughton-Treves, eds., community dynamics in tropical forests: a synthesis and future directions. Biotropica, conservation: an interdisciplinary 39(3): 385–392. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744- perspective, pp. 449–462. New Haven, 7429.2007.00291.x. USA, Yale University Press. Tieguhong, J.C. & Zwolinski, J. 2009. Wilkie, D.S., Curran, B., Tshombe, R. Supplies of bushmeat for livelihoods in & Morelli, G.A. 1998. Modeling the

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The International Year of Forests (IYF) is drawing to a close. Since its launch at the ninth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests in February, communities around the world have tasted and tested and breathed and squeezed the essence of life of our planet through events celebrating forests for people. Unasylva is pleased to present a selection of FAO’s IYF activities, including a glimpse of FAO staff getting their hands dirty. IYF may be ending, but forests are on the international agenda – and forests are for people.

The year in print At the outset of 2011, this journal encouraged its readers to celebrate forests every day through a photographic montage of themes pertaining to the international days

©FAO/STEVE TERRILL ©FAO/STEVE celebrated throughout the year. Forests wove a thread through the International Day for Older Persons, World Teacher’s Day, &&$# World Creativity and Innovation Day. The ninth biennial State of the World’s Forests 2011, which considered the theme changing pathways, changing lives: forests as multiple pathways to sustainable development, was launched at the IYF inaugural event in February. A chapter on the local value of forests examined the nexus of forests and people. What role does traditional knowledge play in natural resource management? How much can small and medium forest enterprises contribute to rural livelihoods? How can policy support community-based forest management? FAO Forestry Papers shared the Organization’s technical work throughout IYF. Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry provided public information and guidance on how to address burgeoning threats to forest health by exploring phytosanitary concepts and showcasing good A mission to Rwanda focuses on wildlife and climate change practice. Reforming forest tenure – issues, principles and process provided government policy-makers and others concerned with forest tenure reform with a holistic view of key issues to consider in tenure reform and proposals to address them. presented the state of the art in a participatory approach # # change mitigation. Wildlife in a changing climate explored the effects that climate change has had, and is likely to have, on wild animals and provided information on how these changes might be addressed.

Special issues of Unasylva and State of the World’s Forests were published

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The year in wood NAPOLITANO FAO/G. In October, Rediscovering wood: the key to a sustainable future drew together 350 participants from around the globe and more than 3 000 members of the public in Bangalore, India, to discuss the key role of wood use as part of the path to sustainability. The conference placed a particular emphasis on the aesthetics of wood and included various exhibitions and side events as well as the involvement of a # The end of IYF featured an unusual sculpture exhibition. Some 30 large-scale works by the group of Finnish wood sculptors Puunkuokkijat were on display for FAO staff and visitors, who ]# FAO headquarters in Rome. The three artists in the group – Kari Kärkkäinen, Matti Kurkela and Seppo Kalliokoski – share a common mission to reinvent wood as a modern material for sculpture. $%&'

The year in dirt In August, FAO staff attended a tree-planting event that the Forestry

FAO/P. CSOKA FAO/P. Commission of Zimbabwe held to encourage local tobacco farmers to practise sustainable forest management. Honorable Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Management Francis Nhema was the guest of honour at the event, along with other *+> private sector, particularly those involved in tobacco production. October saw FAO staff planting trees in honour of IYF. The FAO Forestry Department, together with the Italian Corpo Forestale dello Stato, held an event at Castel Fusano, Italy, to which all staff from

FAO/G. NAPOLITANO FAO/G. FAO headquarters were invited. Participants learned about forestry FAO staff plant a forest in Italy and sustainable forest management – and planted a forest.

Sustainable forest management is Watch FAO staff get their hands dirty: the theme in Zimbabwe

The year in good will In May, popular recording artist and FAO Goodwill Ambassador Anggun visited Jakarta, in her native Indonesia, to view a forestry site and to discuss reforestation activities in areas affected by the 2004 tsunami. Goodwill Ambassador Anggun’s visit highlighted the protective functions of coastal forests. She stressed that IYF was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness on both the importance of forests for people and communities and the need to protect those forests. In June, FAO Goodwill Ambassador and Olympic track legend Carl Lewis visited the Dominican Republic and Haiti to mark IYF. In Haiti, reforestation efforts were under way to help the country ]] FAO Goodwill Ambassadors support IYF hurricane season.

To view a video of FAO Goodwill Ambassadors in support of IYF, visit

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The year in song FAO In April, less than a year after a devastating earthquake hit Chile, the Lollapalooza music festival debuted in Santiago, including headline acts from around the world. As part of the @[ trees of a programme supported by FAO and the Government of Chile to plant 20 000 trees in Santiago. Also in April, the fourth annual concert to mark Earth Day was held in Rome. The Assistant Director-General of the FAO Forestry Department, Eduardo Rojas-Briales, spoke to the audience of 30 000 young people about IYF, and, in particular, of the importance of forest ecosystems to local communities and to the planet as a whole. Assistant Director-General Eduardo Rojas-Briales participates in an Earth Day concert, Rome

The year in small-scale production FAO/K. WAGNER Sharing products and services On the occasion of the International Year of Forests (IYF), Germany, in close cooperation with FAO, held an international fair in Bonn on forests for people – the central theme of IYF. The event, International Bonn Forest Days, was convened 6–9 October 2011 at a central marketplace near the Bonn cathedral. Its concept was to showcase products and services from forests around the world. Visitors enjoyed performances about forests and their multiple roles. Dozens of exhibitors, from Germany and ten other countries representing all regions of the world, provided forest products for viewing, tasting and testing. Visitors chewed raw caoutchouc, sipped beer brewed from Black Forest waters, petted raccoons, and sampled cosmetics made from tropical forest plants. The booths of FAO-supported small producer groups from Burkina Faso, Central Africa, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Nepal showed how local people can generate income from sustainably managed forests. Information was shared on the role of forests, conservation of biodiversity and emerging technologies in the production of forest-based products. $*+ International Bonn Forest Days

Harnessing opportunities FAO/M. PERRI FAO/M. The IYF banners that have graced the south side of FAO’s Rome headquarters have found a new purpose. Thanks to an initiative spearheaded by FAO staff member Sergio Ferrara, and in close cooperation with Ora d’Aria, an association concerned with offering opportunities to those who live in isolation, in particular in prisons, the banners were cut and sewn into satchels by detainees at a local women’s prison. The detainees have an opportunity to earn money for their work, and to practise skills that will help them reassimilate into society in the future. IYF banners are sewn into bags by detainees at a women’s prison, Italy

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Second Mediterranean Forest Week addresses sustainable development and climate change The Second (II) Mediterranean Forest Week, organized by the \]>^[ (EFIMED) and Silva Mediterranea (FAO), with several other key partners, was held 5–8 April 2011 in Avignon, France, with the support of the Ministry for Agriculture, Food, Fisheries, Rural Policy and Local Development of France, the Provence-Alpes- Côte d’Azur region and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. The event was included in the agenda of the International Year of Forests 2011, and participants comprised actors

involved in the management of woodland ecosystems in C. BESACIER the Mediterranean. Plenary and several parallel sessions addressed the role

of forests for the sustainable development of Mediterranean Second Mediterranean Forest Week, Avignon, France prevention strategies and key resources such as water. During !!! and administration (consistency with existing activities and Mediterranean was adopted by the main stakeholders involved |{ $ " [_` politico-administrative, geographical and ecological contexts; Africa in May 2011 (see page 60). Partners also approved a  precise timetable for the extension of the European System resources to the learning processes offered by territorial of Information on Forest Fires (EFFIS) to Algeria, Lebanon, development operations, particularly in terms of running Morocco, the Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia. activities and communicating; Highlights among the sessions and meetings convened & included: Forest governance in the Mediterranean region; Water and forests interactions; EFIMED annual meeting; Developing sustainable funding mechanisms; &\^+&{ Developing, improving and adapting tools for collective Biodiversity of Mediterranean forest ecosystems: changing the approaches (including the use of prospective approaches) in paradigm of conservation. order to facilitate the emergence of joint visions, strategies and The Secretariat of the Committee on Mediterranean Forestry programmes of action; Questions, Silva Mediterranea, organized several statutory Testing, assessing and developing instruments and measures meetings and thematic sessions. The annual meeting of the (legal and economic) for the implementation of collectively Enlarged Executive Committee of Silva Mediterranea was co- adopted programmes of action; chaired by the Assistant Director-General of the FAO Forestry Developing and running networks for the effective sharing of Department, Eduardo Rojas-Briales, and the President of Silva experience between Mediterranean areas; and Mediterranea, Spas Todorov, from Bulgaria. Clarifying and enhancing the links between consultation and Three sessions on Forests, societies and territories promoted decision-making processes. the exchange of cross-sectoral experiences of forest governance \[# and provided the following key recommendations: Antalya, Turkey, in 2010, is a unique platform to improve dialogue Improving the knowledge base on the territorial context, among the Mediterranean forest research community, policy- the forest resources, the services provided by woodland makers and relevant stakeholders and to communicate to the ecosystems, and the risks and opportunities, by including international community and society at large the relevance and the “climate change” factor (impact, mitigation potential, challenges related to Mediterranean forests. adaptation options); The Third Mediterranean Forest Week will be hosted in 2013 Promoting intersectoral approaches and the inclusion of forest in Algeria. management within local projects for the long term; For further information on this event, see the newsletters Bringing relevant local stakeholders into projects from the of Silva Mediterranea at, or outset, particularly local decision-makers (political backing) }~

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 60


Wildfire 2011 builds on global cooperation $€[_P}~Q was held in Sun City/Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa, 9–13 May 2011. Convened by the regional sub-Saharan Wildland Fire Network, AfriFireNet, and funded by the Government of South Africa, the conference was held under the auspices of the

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and 2011.11.22/B. SUTHERLAND FAO, in conjunction with the Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva, Switzerland. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, conveyed an opening statement to the 500 delegates from ƒ„ around the world to develop a spirit of global cooperation in impacts on society. /45778:;<==+ $ South Africa management through technical sessions including Community- [ & Participants expressed strong concern at the escalation of ‡ ‡ era for the severe impact on communities, the environment and the need to prepare for this eventuality through forest and the world economy. landscape management. A highlight of the conference was an exhibition held during The conference concluded that international cooperation !+]`& P„Q ##$ from the Working on Fire programme (WoF), supported by water recommendations of the conference call for, among others: bomber aircraft and helicopters, demonstrated their skills in a live & [+ concern as: terrain contaminated by radioactivity, unexploded of South Africa and is one of South Africa’s most successful ordnance, land mines and chemical deposits, notably initiatives for the alleviation of poverty, creation of jobs and in regions affected by the nuclear fallout in Chernobyl uplifting of communities. (1986) and Fukushima (2011); securing peat bog/wetland FAO supported the development of several conference ecosystems that are subjected to drainage and climate-driven papers, among which were two plenary ones. One paper desiccation (Russian Federation, 2010); and unnecessary highlights the potential, and need, for REDD+ programmes burning on croplands, fallow and other lands; \ /45778:;<==+ ˆ South Africa management), applying controlled burning to improve livelihoods and health of local populations, and promoting management. It was additionally recommended that management be convened before the next International Wildland Fire Conference; Widespread application and adaptation of advanced ‰ application of the Voluntary Guidelines for Fire Management of FAO, ITTO and WHO/UNEP; global adoption of the Incident Command System (ICS) for the management of { and tools in the REDD+ scheme; and acknowledgement that { WILDFIRE 2011.11.22/B. SUTHERLAND WILDFIRE 2011.11.22/B.

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 61


Systematic application of advanced technologies for wildland  `^ adaptation and protection at national to international levels; Observation products, meteorological observations and { forecasting, and climate modeling; ` Promotion of bilateral and multilateral/regional agreements assessments, formulate legal frameworks and strategies, build { Further involvement of the six FAO Regional Forestry The Republic of Korea will host the 6th International Wildland Commissions and the National Platforms for Disaster Risk Fire Conference in 2015. Reduction in the implementation of principles as laid down in All conference papers supported by FAO and/or about FAO Fire „[# Management activities are collected in: for Action 2005–2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and FAO. 2011. FAO at the Vth International Wildland Fire Conference. Communities to Disasters. FAO Fire Management Working Paper No. 27. Rome (also In response to global climate change and taking into account available at that global warming leads to an increasing occurrence and For a complete version of the conference statement, visit }~~}~_ the conference also recommended: Statement.pdf.

The Gambia’s Community Forest Policy wins award

The Republic of the Gambia, with the support of FAO and other development Africa to provide local populations with secure and permanent forest ownership rights. Transferring forest tenure from state ownership to management by local _ established producer groups, generating income from forest management. Over 350 villages manage 12 percent of the country’s forests, and there has been a net increase in forest cover of 8.5 percent over the past two decades. A target is for nearly half the forests in the Gambia to be under community management by 2016.

WORLD FUTURE COUNCIL COUNCIL FUTURE WORLD The inspiring and innovative forest policy of the Gambia was recently 2577=;$"" recognized by the World Future Council, which awarded the Gambia’s York, United States of America: H.E. James Kimonyo, Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to the United Community Forest Policy the Silver Award in its 2011 Future Policy Awards. States of America; Olympic track legend Carl Lewis, The awards were announced in New York, United States of America, in FAO Goodwill Ambassador; H.H. Jato S. Sillah, September, followed by a presentation ceremony in Bonn, Germany, in Minister of Forestry and the Environment, the Gambia October. Carl Lewis, FAO Goodwill Ambassador and Olympic track legend, who attended the awards ceremony in New York, said, OThe Gambia’s people-centered approach has been highly successful and represents a model to replicate in other countries with similar forestry environment.† $[_„+ policy solutions to global challenges. Information on the Future Policy Award and its 2011 winners, and the World Future Council and its activities, can be found at

The success of the Gambia’s Community Forest Policy proves that even in the world’s poorest countries, with the improve their food security and environment. The Gambia’s experience has shown that the challenge of sustainable forestry can be attained through the government’s willingness to empower rural populations.

Eduardo Rojas-Briales, Assistant Director-General, FAO Forestry Department

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ACPWP addresses the role of FAO Forestry in key areas The FAO Forestry Department and the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA) held the 52nd FAO Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products (ACPWP) \_}N}€\}~[ participants from seventeen countries convened to discuss matters pertaining to the sustainable development of forest industries, and to climate change and greenhouse gases related to wood energy. The Committee expressed its strong support to collaboration with FAO. It requested that FAO should elaborate further work in three main areas in 2011–2012. First, FAO should continue providing information and analysis useful to the development of sound climate change policies as they relate to the forest J. TISSARI industry. Second, in the context of preparations for RIO+20, FAO was requested to highlight the important contribution of the forest $:=/=: products industry to green economy. Finally, the Committee asked FAO to assess the concept of hosting a process in which industry and the conservation community could explore issues relevant to the paper and forest products industry, in modalities for supporting the industry’s continued commitment to support of the efforts of member countries to progress towards improving sustainable forest management. sustainable development. The 53rd session of the ACPWP will The ACPWP is an FAO statutory body composed of senior be held in New Delhi, India, from 23–25 May 2012, in conjunction executives from the private industry sector worldwide. It meets with the ICFPA Annual Meeting. yearly with the main objective of providing guidance on activities For more information on the ACPWP and its activities, visit: and programme of work of the FAO Forestry Department on

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Expert Meeting on the Governance of Forests and and a separate panel discussion highlighted the work of REDD+ gathers stakeholders in Rome governments and civil society organizations and explored how The UN-REDD Programme, Chatham House, FAO and the the documents would be useful for their activities. For example, World Bank organized the Expert Meeting on Governance Filippo del Gatto, from Madera Verde (Green Wood) in Ecuador of Forests and REDD+, held on 19–20 May 2011, at FAO and Global Witness, explained how the Framework for Assessing headquarters, Rome. The meeting drew together a variety of and Monitoring Forest Governance could help his work with the Center for International Forestry Research PRO-FORMAL recipient countries interested in forest and REDD+ governance; "^ experts drawn from international institutions and academia; (“subcomponents”) of local political economy and commodity national and international civil society organizations; and the chain governance, and design indicators for their analysis private sector. and measurement. The meeting aimed to encourage coordinated provision of The main outcomes of the meeting were: information and assessment of REDD+ and forest governance. & To this end, it launched two new guides to assist practitioners: a common language and common concepts for all those Framework for Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance, interested in assessing and providing information on emerging from the 2010 Stockholm Symposium on Forest governance; Governance Indicators, led by the World Bank and FAO, and The documents have a wide range of applications, from draft Guidance for the Provision of Information on REDD+ advocacy work to government-led reforms; Governance, developed by UN-REDD and Chatham House. The Ownership, created through participatory processes, will be two guides offer consistent and complementary guidance for key to their successful application; providing information on REDD+ and forest governance, drawing There are already several opportunities for early use of the ‡‡ documents: Participatory Governance Assessments for Presentations introduced the documents themselves, and REDD+, International Development Law Organization (IDLO) described the relationship between them and how they could e-training courses, Forest Law Enforcement, Governance be used in a complementary way. Participants were given the and Trade of the European Union (EU FLEGT) and REDD+ opportunity to comment and ask questions. Facilities, national forest programmes, and the Forest Policy A key theme of the meeting was to consider, more generally, and Economics Education and Research (FOPER) project of the governance information needs of different stakeholders, the European Forestry Institute; and including governments, the private sector and local communities. Participants made the following recommendations to the Users’ perspectives were addressed among working groups, lead agencies: Further develop the documents, including their dissemination and communication (e.g. through an e-network and/or Web site); Further analyse synergies among initiatives and encourage coordination between existing tools; Organize a “community of practice” to collect and share information on country best practice; Support in-country actions through training, capacity-building and pilot application.

Framework for Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance: i2227e00.pdf Draft Guidance for the Provision of Information on REDD+ Governance: option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid= 5336&Itemid=53

Source: Framework for Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance. = good forest governance

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CRP6 components within the forest and land use transition curve

Source: CGIAR Research Program.

Introducing CRP6, a new approach to NN forestry research { &]“  ˆ|$_+ ƒ~{ &]ˆ_+&]| ]^š _ ›`œ~“›`œ}ƒ™€{ []ˆ_[>]|_+&] £ ]!ƒˆ_]!ƒ|[$ &‰””+_]!ƒ • Tropical forests are the agenda at the Summit of _$&&_ the Three Rainforest Basins $ $ £ #$ $—ƒ ˆ&%•_• €~~ `&|“~£ ‡‰ $ ~€˜ {  ™N}˜“ Heads of States or their representatives present at the summit {  ~ƒ~ƒ“+_>} ]‡€~~ &”&`& ‰   BUREAU DE BRAZZAVILLE {  }{  €~{

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mitigation of climate change and achievement of economic and including the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Guyana, social development. To overcome these challenges, a sound with technical support of the United Nations agencies and WWF. cooperation among these countries is essential. $••%%% $}~~ƒ• of the Draft Cooperation Agreement, taking into account the Indonesia, by the Government of the Republic of the Congo, comments and remarks of the experts, and to gain the support of followed in 2010, also in Bali, by a proposal by the Government the countries for its adoption at the Rio+20 Summit, at the latest. of the Republic of Indonesia. To put the proposals into practice – The President of the Republic of Guyana, H.E. Bharrat Jagdeo, to take stock of what is happening in the tropical forests of these was nominated to act as a goodwill ambassador of the three crucial regions and to generate momentum for their sustainable rainforest basins. management – the Summit of the Three Rainforest Basins was For more information on the summit and its background held, hosted by the Republic of the Congo. documents, see In the lead-up to the summit, three UN agencies were contacted to produce background documents for the summit. FAO and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) First Africa Drylands Week explores potential were asked to prepare a publication on the state of forests for development in the Amazon, Congo Basin and Southeast Asia, the United *^`_>% [T]he trees in drylands sustain the land and have prepare a Draft Cooperation Agreement, and the United Nations come to mean the difference between living in Environment Programme to submit a Draft Declaration of the abject poverty and a sustainable livelihood. Summit. The State of Forests in the Amazon Basin, Congo Basin and Southeast Asia stressed that the potential value of the many Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary of the United *__ goods and services provided by rainforests clearly outweighs the use. “[T]he value of tropical forest services ...could reach many The First Africa Drylands Week was held in Dakar, 10–17 June thousands of dollars per hectare,” wrote Eduardo Rojas-Briales, 2011, back to back with the global observance on 17 June of the Assistant Director-General of the FAO Forestry Department and _$ towards a Emmanuel Ze Meka, Executive Director of ITTO. global vision and partnership on sustainable land and climate risk The summit took place in Brazzaville from 29 May to 3 June management for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative. The First 2011. About 600 people were in attendance, including Heads of Africa Drylands Week was a contribution to the International Year States or their representatives, ministers and media. The summit of Forests and to the United Nations Decade for Deserts and the comprised three segments: the Experts segment, the Ministerial [ segment and the Presidential segment. Presentations were The event was organized by the African Union Commission, given by participating organizations on thematic issues related the Earth Institute of Columbia University, the European to forest development, including REDD+ and poverty alleviation, Union, FAO, the Government of the Republic of Senegal, the Millennium Development Goals Centre for West and Central management. The presentations aimed to facilitate a common Africa, the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to understanding of critical issues, opportunities and challenges _•‡ facing the countries of the three rainforest basins. Over 17 partners and more than 200 scientists, technical A review of the Draft Declaration was conducted at the Experts specialists, development actors, NGOs, policy-makers and segment. An updated version was submitted to the Ministerial donors came together to explore the challenges posed by land % the Presidential segment, where it was adopted by the Heads of circum-Sahara region. States or their representatives. [" Delegates agreed that there was a need for more consultation ground. One itinerary took participants to the regions of Kébemer, among the countries, prior to discussion and signature of the Linguere and Louga to visit various project sites. Projects included proposed Draft Cooperation Agreement. ‡" Heads of States or their representatives agreed to take concrete being implemented by the Forest Service (Senegal) in partnership steps to promote dialogue and cooperation among their countries with NGOs and private sector organizations, and the Acacia and mandated their ministers in charge of forests to prepare Operation project (see Box, page 66), which was implemented by an action plan accordingly. A follow-up committee, Bureau de FAO with such partners in Senegal as the Forest Service, local Brazzaville, was set up, led by the Republic of the Congo, and women’s groups, the private sector and local communities.

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Gums, resins and livelihoods Sahelian countries have been severely affected by drought and systems such as cattle-breeding, agriculture and woodlands. Tree species producing gums generally belong to the Acacia genus, which is spread throughout the African continent, and, particularly, in arid and semi-arid areas. In addition to producing & favourable conditions for agriculture by protecting crops against heavy rain and wind erosion, by buffering extreme climatic conditions and by restoring soil fertility. FAO, in collaboration with its partners in Burkina Faso, Chad, Kenya, the Niger, Senegal and the Sudan, and the Network for FAO/R. FAIDUTTI Farmer growing beans around an Acacia senegal Natural Gums and Resins in Africa (NGARA), and funded by the Government of Italy through the Trust Fund for Food Safety and Food Security, successfully implemented the Acacia Operation project. The goal was to support food security, alleviation of poverty, and control of soil degradation in the arid lands of these countries that produce gums and resins. The approach was to strengthen the capacity of the countries to address these problems through the improvement and restoration of Acacia agrosilvopastoral systems, and through the sustainable development of the resin and gum sectors. Achievements of the project were many. In total, 13 240 ha of Acacia were restored. Agrosilvopastoral systems were established, and gum and resin production improved. Local people were empowered though an intensive capacity-building programme on use and application of technology; establishment of nurseries and plant production; agriculture production; and the harvesting and processing of gums and resins. Information exchange, training, technology transfer and quality control of gums and resins were improved through strengthening the organization and management of NGARA. A ten-year programme for gums and resins producer countries was elaborated. For more information, visit

The week featured plenary and world café sessions, as well as working groups. Among the themes addressed were: The combined effects of land degradation,  deforestation and soil exhaustion are particularly encroachment in arid zones; severe in arid and semi-arid lands. They are the science and practice of re-greening the Sahel; driven by overexploitation of forests, trees, bush small and medium enterprises – value chain of and grazing land, inadequate management of soil dryland products; and and water resource as well as poverty and limited initiatives and processes for sustainable land management development opportunities and exacerbated (contributing to the United Nations Framework Convention by climate change. …There are many major on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, successes that have already been achieved ›*__| providing [an] excellent basis on which to build. Building on Africa’s successes locally, nationally and From the Statement from the participants of the regionally, participants reinforced, throughout the sessions, that First Africa Drylands Week efforts to address current and future challenges must include an Africa-wide alliance. The alliance should include poverty- reduction strategies, based on the Millennium Development The First Africa Drylands Week demonstrated renewed Goals. Strategies should be aimed at transforming local solidarity and unity throughout the circum-Saharan region. community livelihoods and environment through such best Participants recommended the organization of a Second Africa practices as farmer-managed natural regeneration and other Drylands Week to maintain the momentum and commitment to agroforestry systems led by local communities; rehabilitation transform these ecosystems during the United Nations Decade and restoration of degraded forests and lands; integrated soil [& {‡{ For more information on the First Africa Drylands Week, visit peri-.

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Inaugural APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry is held in Beijing $&N!^_ˆ&!^_| Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry was convened 6–8 September 2011, in Beijing. The theme of the meeting was enhanced regional cooperation for green growth and sustainable forestry development. Participants included all 21 APEC economies, including 9 ministers, leading international forestry organizations and representatives from industry associations and the private sector. President Hu Jintao of the People’s Republic of China opened the meeting. The meeting included discussion on, among others, new

opportunities and challenges facing forestry in Asia and the APFNET ! $=:;& $N="+ and promote sustainable development, strengthening forest Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation governance and management, and enhancing cooperation to achieve growth for the forest sector in the region. and forest rehabilitation; to strengthen international cooperation Recognizing the roles of resource and energy constraints, on sustainable forest management; to strengthen cooperation climate change, loss of biological diversity, poverty and food among APEC economies on forest policies and management insecurity, the meeting adopted the Beijing Statement on Forests and to encourage these economies to enhance afforestation, and Forestry. The statement takes into account the diversity reforestation and tree-planting programmes; and to strengthen among APEC economies and development needs. Fifteen outreach programmes to raise public awareness about forest- points of commitment are elaborated, supporting green growth, related issues. sustainable forest management and rehabilitation. Among the The full Beijing Statement is available at commitments are to strengthen further political commitment in Meeting-Papers/Ministerial-Statements/Forestry/2011_forestry. support of sustainable forest management, forest conservation aspx.

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Addressing threats to forest health Towards secure tenure arrangements Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry. 2010. FAO Forestry Reforming forest tenure: issues, principles and process. 2010. FAO Forestry Paper Paper No. 164. Rome, FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-106785-7. No. 165. Rome, FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-106855-7. Produced by an international group of scientists, phytosanitary Secure tenure is an important prerequisite for sustainable forest authorities, forest experts and industry representatives and \ reviewed by more than 100 specialists from 46 countries, this guide basis for improving forest management and local livelihoods, provides easy-to-understand practical information on how good ` forest management practices and well-implemented phytosanitary forests. In the past decade, many countries have initiated efforts standards can minimize pest spread and facilitate safe trade. to reform their tenure arrangements for forests and forest land, Each chapter has been prepared as a stand-alone document devolving some degree of access and management from the State to others, mainly households, private companies and communities. interest. One chapter describes how the International Standards This publication provides practical guidance for policy-makers and for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) affect the import and export others concerned with addressing forest tenure reform. Drawing of forest commodities. Another addresses how people in the forest from many sources, including forest tenure assessments carried sector can reduce the risk of spreading pests through effective out by FAO in Africa, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin management approaches. Preventing forest pest introduction and America, it deduces lessons about what works and what does spread by using phytosanitary measures is explained in a further not, and why. It formulates a set of ten principles to guide tenure chapter. The way forward – how forest sector personnel can work reform, and proposes an adaptive process for diversifying forest together with national plant protection organizations to contribute to tenure in a context-appropriate way. The publication emphasizes the development and implementation of ISPMs and national phyto- that successful tenure reform is linked with reform in associated sanitary regulations that help reduce pest movement in a manner regulatory frameworks and governance arrangements, and must be least restrictive to trade possible – is another chapter’s focus. seen in the context of a wider national development agenda. Supplemental information includes examples of forest pests Also available online: and their impacts, with colour photographs that illustrate the i2185e00.htm. pest, symptoms/damage and possible hosts, and a glossary that Have you subscribed to Infosylva, The guide is an essential reference for those involved in FAO’s forestry news clippings service? nursery activities, planting, managing, harvesting, , policy-makers, planners, managers and educators, particularly in developing countries. It should be noted that this guide is for interpretation of the International Plant Protection Convention or its related documents. For more information, or to subscribe, visit: Also available online: i2080e00.htm.

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Forests and sustainable development $ State of the World’s Forests 2011. 2011. Rome, FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-106750-5. livelihoods, through a discussion of traditional knowledge, The ninth biennial issue of the State of the World’s Forests, community-based forest management, small and medium forest published at the outset of 2011, the International Year of enterprises and the non-cash value of forests. Considered together, Forests, considers the theme changing pathways, changing lives: these themes provide insights on the true contribution of forests to forests as multiple pathways to sustainable development. The the creation of sustainable livelihoods and alleviation of poverty. report explores the core subjects of sustainable forest industries, Also available online: climate change and local livelihoods and examines their potential to stimulate development at all levels. In addition, new New editions of FAO statistical publications regional-level analyses drawn from the Global Forest Resources Pulp and paper capacities: survey 2010–2015. 2011. Rome, Assessment 2010 are presented. FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-006911-1. The report is divided into four thematic sections. One explores This annual survey presents statistics on pulp and some of the key regional trends in the extent of change in forest paper capacity and production by country and area, the areas allocated for productive and protective functions, by grade. It is based on information submitted by levels of biomass, and employment, among other topics. The correspondents worldwide, most of them pulp and discussion provides an indication of regional approaches to paper associations or paper companies, representing about forest resource use and the measures that countries have taken 70 percent of the world production of paper and paperboard. to adapt to changes in biological systems and policies and new Also available online: management techniques. i2285t00.pdf. Adaptability is also a key theme in the second section, which is on developing sustainable forest industries. It reviews the extent FAO Yearbook of Forest Products 2009. 2010. Rome, FAO. to which the forest industry has developed, based on a number of ISBN 978-92-5-006544-1. key global drivers, and discusses how it can strategically modify This yearbook is a multilingual compilation of its approach to the use of forests. A key message is that the forest statistical data on basic forest products for all sector continues to make a real contribution to employment and countries and territories of the world. This sixty- economic growth for many countries. third issue contains annual data on production Climate change occupies a prominent position in international and trade in forest products for the years 2005–2009 and discussions, and forests have a particular role to play in the global on directions of trade in 2008 and 2009. response. The third area presents an update on the negotiations Also available online: under way related to forests and climate change. In particular, i1211m00.htm. the report focuses on developments in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and in conserving and A statistical heritage online enhancing carbon stocks (REDD+). It provides a snapshot of some A complete collection of FAO Yearbook of Forest Products, emerging legal guidance on forest carbon tenure and different 1947–, is now available on the FAO Web site: approaches to determining ownership of the resource. forestry/62283/en/.

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Forests and climate change – booklets !". 2011. Climate change for forest policy-makers: an approach for integrating climate change Bangkok, RECOFTC. ISBN 978-616-90183-4-6. into national forest programmes in support of sustainable forest management. 2011. The 16th Conference of the Parties (COP-16) of the United Nations FAO, Rome. Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Cancun, The critical role of forests in climate change mitigation and Mexico, in 2010 changed the shape of REDD+ negotiations and adaptation is now widely recognized. Forests contribute global forest policies. The Cancun Agreement carries REDD+ #}~} sink and carbon storage functions. They play an essential role climate change regime by describing its main elements and in reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing adaptation of people implementing its initial phase. and ecosystems to climate change and climate variability, the What effect will the decisions from the talks have on forests negative impacts of which are becoming increasingly evident in &!Ÿ• many parts of the world. of a similar initiative following COP-15 in Copenhagen, FAO In many countries climate change issues have not been fully and RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests, Bangkok addressed in national forest policies, forestry mitigation and – brought together 11 regional experts, with support from the adaptation needs at national level have not been thoroughly *]^*"]$ considered in national climate change strategies, and cross- 28-page booklet summarizes their responses to 12 key questions. sectoral dimensions of climate change impacts and response The questions directly address the many REDD+ issues and measures have not been fully appreciated. This publication seeks # to provide a practical approach to the process of integrating climate change into national forest programmes. The aim is to explore the implications of the Green Climate Fund and Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry methodology. representatives of other stakeholders, including civil society This short booklet provides succinct answers to some of organizations and the private sector, to prepare the forest sector the many questions arising in forestry and climate change for the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change. discussions today, with particular focus on the implications for Also available online: &N! 64862/en/. Also available online:

To subscribe, please send an e-mail to:

[email protected] with the message “SUBSCRIBE CLIM-FO-L”, leaving the subject line blank or visit the FAO Forestry and Climate Change Web site at:

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2 71


Introducing “Adaptive Monitoring” World of insects Effective ecological monitoring. D.B Lindenmayer & G.E. Likens. 2010. London, Forest entomology: a global perspective. W.M. Ciesla. 2011. Chichester, UK, Earthscan. ISBN 978-1-84971-145-6. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4443-3314-5. Ecologists and managers of natural resources readily This textbook examines forest insects in a global context acknowledge the importance of long-term monitoring for improved and addresses the species of major concern in the world’s understanding and management of complex environmental forest ecosystems. systems. Long-term data are crucially important for providing $‡ baselines for detecting and evaluating changes in ecosystem population dynamics and their effects on natural forests, structure and function, and for evaluating responses to plantations, agroforestry systems, urban , wood and non- disturbances such as climate change or pollution. This book wood products. Approaches to forest insect monitoring # are reviewed, and alternatives for management of damaging monitoring programmes. Some of the features of long-term forest insects within the framework of integrated pest monitoring programmes that are essential to make them viable $ are described, using case studies in Australia, Canada, the United forest insects into orders and families is reviewed. The second Kingdom and the United States of America. The authors propose }€ a new approach, which they call Adaptive Monitoring, which distribution, hosts, life histories and economic, social and collects the key characteristics of successful long-term monitoring ecological impacts. A series of tables provides summaries of the programmes in a logical and coherent framework. Written for the distribution and hosts of many more species. Included are those educated layperson and policy manager in an accessible style, that damage forests, others that are simply curiosities and some each chapter includes a summary and a reference list. This book is designed as a reference for students, practising and forest health specialists, especially for those who The new issue of work internationally or are concerned with species that have Nature & Faune is out! the potential to expand their ranges via international trade, travel or environmental changes. A companion Web site with Volume 25, Issue 2, considers the theme “Economic and and images from each chapter for their own use and teaching + purposes, is available at: for Africa’s sustainable development”. Visit publications/nature-and- faune-magazine/ to view current and past issues.

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Change, challenges and opportunities Innovation and European forestries Forests and society: responding to global drivers of change. G. Mery, P. Katila, Innovation in forestry: territorial and value chain relationships. G. Weiss, G. Galloway, R.I. Alfaro, M. Kanninen, M. Lobovikov & J. Varjo (eds.). 2010. D. Pettenella, P. Ollonqvist & B. Slee (eds.). 2011. Wallingford, UK, IUFRO World Series, Vol. 25. Vienna, IUFRO. ISBN 978-3-901347-93-1. CAB International. ISBN 978-1-84593-689-1. Produced by the Special Project on World Forests, Society Innovation is increasingly recognized as a key factor in and Environment of the International Union of Forest Research environmental protection and balanced sustainable development Organizations using a multidisciplinary collaborative approach, within the forestry sector. This volume presents the results of # innovation research in European forestry and forest-based world’s forests and forest-dependent people and the challenges industries, spanning a broad range of forestry processes from and opportunities they create. It also proposes ways to reduce business to institutional, and from ecosystem services to global the adverse effects of these drivers and to take advantage of the market commodities. By understanding the full range of factors new opportunities they may bring. ] The book analyses important environmental changes such as comprehensive theoretical foundation for the analysis of innovation climate change and air pollution, forest and water cycling and processes and policies in a traditional, rural sector as well as forest health in a changing environment. Also addressed are presenting empirical analyses of innovation processes from socio-economic changes related to markets and investments, major innovation areas. Using case studies, territorial services of technological development, changing social environments and the forest sector are examined, including various types of forest human health and well-being, and the crucial role of the drivers ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration or recreation of change that originate from outside the forest sector, such as and wood value chains, including timber frame construction and the demand for land for agriculture and bioenergy production. bioenergy. This book should be of interest to researchers and Many regional examples are provided that illustrate how society policy-makers in forestry and environmental sciences. and institutions strive to respond to the changes and challenges, at different scales in different parts of the world. To address the environmental, social and economic challenges facing the world’s forests, the study presents recent advances in approaches to managing forests for wood and other ecosystem goods and services, and on institutional arrangements that hold most promise in fostering efforts to manage these challenges in the long term. Suitable for a wide audience, this publication will contribute to discussions and further research related to the drivers of change, and the threats and challenges that forests, forestry and forest- dependent people are facing today and will face in the future. A companion policy brief, developed from the main conclusions of the book, and different chapters of the book are available online at:

Unasylva 238, Vol. 62, 2011/2