
1. History of and 2. The growing role of Chatbots in 2020 3. A hands on look at the A.I learning sequence 4. Q & A Session Schedule:

1. History of chatbots and Artificial Intelligence 2. The growing role of Chatbots in 2020 3. A hands on look at the A.I Chatbot learning sequence 4. Q & A Session

Image credit: Archivio GBB/Contrasto/Redux History

•1940 – The •1948 – Turing Machine •1950 – Touring Test •1980 Zork •1990 – Loebner Prize Conversational Bots •Today – Siri, Alexa Assistant

Image credit: Photo 172987631 © Pop Nukoonrat - 1940 Modern computer history begins with Language Analysis: “The Bombe” Breaking the code of the German


Enigma Machine image: Photographer: Timothy A. Clary/AFP The Bombe image: from movie set for The Imitation Game, 1948 – comes up with the concept of Turing Machine

Image CC-BY-SA: , wvbailey 1948 – Alan Turing comes up with the concept of Turing Machine

.com/watch?v=dNRDvLACg5Q 1950 Imitation Game

Image credit: Archivio GBB/Contrasto/Redux Zork 1980 Zork 1980

Text parsing Loebner Prize: Competition Conversational Chatbots you can try with your students What modern chatbots do

•Convert speech to text •Categorise user input into categories they know •Analyse the emotion emotion in user input •Select from a range of available responses •Synthesize human language responses

Image sources: Biglytics screenshot Head Start Academy Screenshot: Images about Pizza and Real Estate: What modern chatbots do

The interpret simple commands about music, running an online search and ordering items online they do this by: •Convert speech to text •Categorise user input into categories they know •Select from a range of available responses •Synthesize human language responses

Image source: What modern chatbots do

The interpret simple commands about music, running an online search and ordering items online they do this by: •Convert speech to text •Categorise user input into categories they know •Select from a range of available responses •Synthesize human language responses Why Python For Chatbots

• Easiest language for to learn • Intuitive syntax • Easy manipulation of text data • Text analysis / Natural Language Libraries: NLTK and TextBlob

Image source: Python Creator: Guido Von Rossum DAY 1

What we are Nickname program going to be Learning Yes / no decision

•This is a step by step Check if word is in answer collection of programs that form the building blocks you need to program a chatbot Select a random question from a list

•Each program has a link at Sentiment analysis chatbot the top which the students can copy to access the teachers code Advanced Bot Integrating all previous programs

Advanced Bot + Mood and Memory Get In Touch

● If you need help with implementing this unit of [email protected] work in class ● If you need help with Python Extension for your advanced students