Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors

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Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors Ton CO2/year 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 Year 2007 2020 Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors Table of Contents Foreword 3 1. Summary 5 Background of the EU Covenant of Mayors 6 Frederikshavn Municipality’s accession to the Covenant and municipal obligations 6 2. Vision and objectives 7 3. Measures 8 4. Planning and Strategies 9 5. Procedures for evaluation and revision of the Action Plan10 10 6. Organizing 11 7. Priorities and actions 12 7.1 Frederikshavn Municipality as company 12 7.1.1 Municipality plans, local plans and development strategies 12 7.1.2 Integration of renewable energy 12 Short-term action plans (3-5 years 13 Long-term actions (2020) 13 Coastal wind turbines 13 Biogas 14 Transport 15 Efforts energy savings in Frederikshavn 17 Energy Advisors, private homes in cities and in rural areas 17 Municipal buildings 18 Budget for Energy Initiatives 18 Frederikshavn Port 20 7.2 Utilities 21 7.2.1 Frederikshavn Utility 21 7.2.2 Skagen District Heating Company 23 7.2.3 Strandby District Heating 24 7.2.4 Sæby District Heating 25 7.2.5 Public housing 26 Frederikshavn Housing 27 Vesterport Housing 29 8. Conclusions 30 2 Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors Foreword Frederikshavn Municipality aims to graphically limited trial area, called ”Energy City Frederikshavn” has been be one of the first fossil free munici- ”Energy City Frederikshavn” shall be tasked to generate activities that are palities in Denmark. The overall goal provided with 100% renewable en- consistent with the municipality’s is to create a climate wise statement ergy, where renewable energy should vision on climate and the environ- and image, which we can use as a re- cover all consumption of electricity, ment as a growth track that can also vitalization that opens new horizons heat and transport. promote local business development for everyone - citizens, residents and Frederikshavn will be among the first strategy, settlement policy and edu- businesses. cities in the modern world to switch cation policy. from fossil to renewable energy sup- Frederikshavn Municipality has de- ply. In addition, Frederikshavn must Frederikshavn will continue to be cided to actively contribute to Den- become a ”demonstratorium” where known and to market itself as a green mark’s emissions of greenhouse Denmark’s leading energy technology municipality. In short, Frederikshavn gases can be reduced significantly will be developed, tested and dem- is trying to create ”new sustainable and that Denmark can become in- onstrated in full 1:1 scale. livelihoods” for its citizens and busi- dependent of fossil fuels by 2050. nesses. Frederikshavn Municipality has a long Frederikshavn Municipality’s Action tradition to prioritize energy and en- Plan 2012 is based on the Energy Sincerely, vironment particularly high. As the city’s Energy scenarios for the tran- first municipality in Denmark in 2007 sition to renewable energy, supple- Frederikshavn signed an agreement mented by municipal solid effort in Lars M. Møller with the Danish Society for Nature energy savings both in the context of Mayor of Frederikshavn Conservation about 3% reduction in climate municipality agreement and the municipality’s own CO2 per year, the ongoing energy-saving activities and the first municipality in North in the municipality as defined geo- Jutland joined Frederikshavn EU cov- graphical area. enant of Mayors in April 2011. In November 2006, a number of leading Danish energy experts gath- ered at the Energy Camp 06, where they designated Frederikshavn as the most obvious Danish city that had the potential to become Denmark’s renewable energy city. The experts emphasized the city’s qualities as special favorable for this particular project. Frederikshavn City Council adopted energy experts’ recommendation and decided in spring 2007, that a geo- 3 Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors 4 Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors 1. Summery This Action Plan has been prepared by the EU’s key figures for CO2 inventory transportation can also reduce local Energy City Frederikshavn. is used. There has also been made CO2-emissions by 1,242 tons / year, new categorization of the survey so equivalent to a CO2-reduction of 1% The action plan is Frederikshavn Mu- that it is consistent with the EU Com- compared to 2007. nicipality’s roadmap for EU Commis- mission’s requirements for baseline sion’s Covenant of Mayors. Prepara- emission inventory. Frederikshavn Further, the implementation of the tion of the Action Plan is carried out Municipality’s baseline year for this action plans for the integration of re- in full compliance with EU Commis- plan is therefore 2007. newable energy in municipal‘s energy sion guidelines for CO2 mapping and production will increase the propor- action planning. This action plan shows that Frederik- tion of renewable energy production shavn Municipality, by impletion of in Frederikshavn from 16% in 2007 to The calculation of the municipality’s the specified actions will be able to 70% in 2020. The municipality’s total total CO2- emissions have been car- reduce local CO2-emissions for elec- CO2-reduction is thus amounted to ried out by using Frederikshavn mu- tricity and heat production and trans- 354,537 tons in 2020. This corresponds nicipality’s existing energy and CO2 port by 354,537 tons / year, equivalent to a total CO2 savings in Frederikshavn mapping, which was prepared in to a CO2-reduction of 53%, compared of 53% compared to 2007. cooperation between Frederikshavn to the baseline year of 2007. Imple- Municipality and Cowi in 2007, where mentation of the action plans on The table below indicates Frederikshavn Municipality’s CO2 accounts for years 2007 and 2020. MWh/year 2000000 Year 2007 Year 2020 1500000 1000000 500000 0 El- and heat consumption CO2-emission, Energy CO2-emission, transport RE-share 5 Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors BACKGROUND OF EU COVENANT OF MAYORS In 2007 the EU started up an initiative of the Covenant, as a tool for European cities who wanted to take the lead on climate change. On accession to the Covenant binds the cities to make a specific effort to reduce CO2-emissions in an amount that is above the EU target of 20% CO2 reduction by 2020. Cities must submit an action plan for reductions within a year of their accession and regularly submit detailed rapports of realized actions. In addition, cities must assist to com- municate the idea of Covenant of Mayors through among other things, an annual Conference of Mayors and contribute to the sharing of experiences and exchange of know-how with the other signatories to the Covenant of Mayors. FREDERIKSHAVN MUNICIPALITY’S ACCESSION OF THE COVENANT AND OBLIGATIONS By Mayor Lars Møller Mejlvang’s signature on 19 May 2011 joined Frederikshavn Municipality joined the Covenant of May- ors. Upon accession has Frederikshavn Municipality committed itself to the following: • To achieve higher goals than those set by the EU climate targets for 2020 to reduce CO2- emissions in accordance with the agreement guidelines for reducing CO2-emissions by at least 20%. • To submit an action plan for promoting sustainable energy for evaluation, monitoring and control within one year after the above entry date. • To organize Energy Days in cooperation with the European Commission and other interested parties, to enable people to directly benefit from the opportunities and benefits that more intelligent use of energy offers. And to regularly inform the local media on the progress of the Action Plan. • To participate in and contribute to the annual EU Conference of Mayors. 6 Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors 2. Vision and objectives With the adoption of the project En- Frederikshavn Municipality’s total ergy City Frederikshavn in 2007 the energy consumption for electricity, municipality decided to convert a heat and transportation amounted to geographically defined areas’ con- 1,561.3 GWH. The share of renewable sumption of electricity and heat to energy in Frederikshavn Municipality 100% renewable energy in 2015. In in 2007 was 249.8 GWH, equivalent addition, Frederikshavn Municipality to 16% of all energy consumption. has a vision is to become a 100 % fos- The current renewable energy comes sil free municipality in 2030. To fulfill mainly from wind turbines installed its vision, Frederikshavn Municipality on land and at sea. has set the following goals: By signing the Covenant of Mayors • The municipality’s fossil energy Frederikshavn as defined geographi- production should adjust to re- cal area has committed itself to re- newable energy as much as pos- ducing municipality’s total CO2-emis- sible. sions by minimum 20% compared to the baseline year of 2007 in accord- • Energy conservation efforts must ance with EU Commission guidelines have a high priority particularly for CO2 inventory. both in municipality as an or- ganization and municipality as a Frederikshavn Municipality has set geographical area. itself the goal to implement energy saving savings efforts in buildings and • Sustainable use of energy resourc- the residential sector. This includes es and climate considerations the preparation of actual action plans must be an integral part of daily for energy conservation efforts in the day for all employees and citizens municipality as a company, in private in the municipality. homes and in public housing asso- ciations, representing minimum 20% • Frederikshavn want to be a role of the energy consumption of these model for transport sector’s tran- buildings, compared with consump- sition to renewable energy in- tion in 2007. cluding commissioning of sus- tainable vehicles in to employees and citizens’ daily lives to benefit the environment and health. 7 Action Plan for EU Covenant of Mayors 3.
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