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title page Viability in the danish outskirts A method to highlight the condition of Danish outskirts cities and preserving their unique qualities The Danish outskirts 01.02.2018-24.05.2018 ma4-urb7 Shelley Smith Associate Professor Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology Markus Löchtefeld Assistant Professor Department of Architecture and Media Technology 5 122 35 Anders Brinkmann Jacob Mandstrup Mikkelsen abstract Urbanization is a growing phenomena, which causes serious problems for the parts of the country where de- population occurs. This project zoom out and looks at the national consequences of urbanization and explores how to uncover the viability of Danish outskirts cities. Through a theoretical and analytical review of literature that deals with the subject, the project present an analysis and de- sign tool of 9 criteria that affect the viability of Danish outskirts cities. The tool is tested at the outskirts city of Ravnshøj and a vision and a conceptual design proposal has been made to strengthen the viability of Ravnshøj. Table of contents Preface 1 Acknowledgements 1 2 How is the Danish outskirts Detached? 4 National consequences of centralization 6 Research Problem 19 20 80 24 Condition of a city 25 82 9 criteria of viability 49 Case study 83 Evaluation of viability 50 Concept 84 Ravnshøj Rundt 85 52 Setting the scene 54 108 Problems and Potetials 75 Evaluation of Ravnshøj’s viability 76 112 Conclusion 78 Conclusion 113 Reflection 114 Litterature List 115 Illustration List 119 122 1. Interviews 124 2. Design process 149 preface This master thesis report is a strategic framework project, produced by Anders Brinkmann and Jacob Mandstrup Mikkelsen at the Master of Urban Design, at the Depart- ment of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at Aalborg University. The project is based on Denmark’s outskirts areas and the issues they are facing. Through an in-depth theoretical and analytical survey, a strategic tool is developed which is subsequently used for the project’s site, the town of Ravnshøj. Based on this tool a catalog will be produced, where several conceptual design pro- posals will be presented, which aims to improve Ravn- shøjs viability. acknowledgements We want thank our supervisors: Shelley Smith and Markus Löchtefeld from Aalborg University, who have provided us with great guidance throughout the master thesis. A special thanks to Frederikshavn Municipality employees Line Søndergaard Schulz and Marianne Ellers- gaard for providing us with external guidance, insight knowledge and material for Frederikshavn Municipality, the development of Ravnshøj and setting us in contact to the right people. Finally, a thanks to the participating citi- zens of Ravnshøj, who kindly invited us to their homes for coffee and an interview. 1 introduction In the middle of the 18th century, the industrial revolu- tion had its beginning in the UK, which later acted as a catalyst for the rest of Europe and the Western world (Historiensverden 2018). The industrialization created a working class, due to an efficiency of the then existing work and production methods, which meant that many were migrating into the bigger cities in the hope of find- ing a job, where new industrial workplaces appeared (Historiensverden 2018). Denmark, on the contrary, has never been a heavily industrialized country, which ment that Denmark did not experience the same boom in the manufacturing production as much as other countries until around the 1960s (Christoffersen 1978). The Danish economy was traditionally relied on agriculture and trade which is reflected in the physical organization of the territo- ry. “From around the 1960s, a strong urbanization and bureaucratization was introduced, which reflected in the establishment of the so-called large municipalities. The old rural areas became worn, so what was once the center of Denmark now became ‘the outskirts’” (Frand- sen 2015; 52). The reason for the large emigration from the rural areas to the big city is due to the lack of work opportunities in the local areas. This was, as mentioned, a result from the industrialization, where the work in agriculture, like many other professions, became mech- anized, and forced tens of thousands of people to move into the big cities (Frandsen 2015). The industrial produc- tion superseded the agricultural production in Denmark, and today Denmark might best be described as a coun- try of industry and know-how (Christoffersen 1978). Al- though there was a larger emigration from around 1960, one can date an emigration from rural areas back to the 1900 (Danmarks Statistik, 2018), and it can still be seen as shown on the next page. 2 Rural areas Cities under 10.000 inhabitants Cities above 10.000 inhabitants 100 % 75 % 50 % 25 % 0 % 1901 1921 1941 1961 1981 2001 2015 Ill. 1: The population in Denmark through tinme divided into settlements 3 HOW IS the danish outskirts DETACHED? RealDania has launched the project ‘Stedet Tæller’, which works with highlighting the potentials in the outskirts of Denmark. In this context, RealDania is working on a demarcation of the Danish outskirts that summarizes In the context of the Structural Funds, “which support three officially used definitions (Havelund et. al. 2012): less developed areas in the EU, for example, roads and harbors and the establishment of educational institu- tions” (Nedergaard 2017) is: In 2011, the parliament adopted a number of amend- • 16 municipalities defined as external areas on the ments to the Planning Law to improve the possibilities basis of low employment income and weak popu- for local development in rural Denmark. The changes lation growth concern housing and business in rural areas, planning • 27 small islands under the Association of Small Dan- in the coastal zone and planning for large commodity ish Islands designated as external areas stores in Denmark’s external areas. • and finally, some so-called transition areas have been designated (RealDania 2011) The included municipalities are located outside Copen- hagen and the East Jutland region, at least 40% of the The three definitions above draw an overall image of the population live outside urban settlements or the mu- Danish outskirts. nicipality is situated on an island not connected to the mainland by a bridge. Focusing on the further progress of this report, a delim- itation of the rest of Denmark is required. For this pur- pose, the above-mentioned delimitation of Denmark made by the Ministry of Food will be used. The division consists of the remaining rural, medial and metropoli- tan municipalities (Kristensen et. al. 2006). In order to The rural program provides the basis for the distribu- simplify the demarcation, and facilitate the further line tion of rural resources from the EU, and should give the of argumentation, the remaining rural and medial mu- population good opportunities for living in and by ru- nicipalities will simply be referred to as provincial mu- ral areas. In relation to the Rural Development Program, nicipalities. However, there is still an understanding that categorizations of external areas are used, which aim to there are differences between the rural and the medial identify the areas of the country that are economically municipalities. The final demarcation thus looks like as disadvantaged and thus most need the allocated grant shown on the next page. funds. The Rural Development Program has been prepared by the Ministry of Food and is based on a comparison of 14 geographical and socioeconomic criterias including de- mography, economy and urbanization. This divide Den- mark into 4 areas which is respectively external, rural, medial and metropolitan. 4 EXTERNAL MUNICIPALITIES PROVINCIAL MUNICIPALITIES METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES Ill. 2: Demarcation of municipalities 5 National consequences of centralization Often, urbanisation is perceived as an inevitable evil in the modern world, and often centralization is referred to In recent years, the municipalities are being forced to as a positive trend that benefits society, business, effi- cover a higher percentage of the transfer payments for ciency, etc. But something points to the fact that urban- early retirements. Earlier, it was covered by the state isation can be detrimental to our common community. alone. It is a huge challenge for some municipalities, and actually, this has resulted in cases where wealthy mu- However, the challenges differ depending on whether nicipalities more or less directly requested their social you look at Denmark as a whole, an individual munici- clients to move to other municipalities with cheaper pality, an individual city or an individual person. At a na- housing (Dybvad 2015, Danmark på Vippen 2017). tional level, one could decide to shut down the external municipalities because it could have some advantages for the wide population, but for the individual munici- Being an addict, early retirement or otherwise being pality or individual person it may have some bigger con- placed in a socially disadvantaged group causes some sequences. The following focuses on the municipal and other problems than being a social client in the bigger national consequences. cities. And in fact, circumstances of the social clients worsen on several parameters. In 2017, Council for So- cially Deprived made an analysis of social clients in the Danish outskirts (Rådet for socialt udsatte 2017). The analysis showed that alcohol and substance abuse In 2012 the amount of empty residentials were 5% in not seems to grow in the outskirts, more people are being external areas and 8% in external areas (Havelund et. al. registered in RKI and several people have complex prob- 2012). This difference, not surprisingly has a decreasing lems, for example, both an abuse and a mental diagno- effect on the house prices in external areas and an in- sis. Finally, the external areas are the only area that has creasing effect in the big cities. The low house prices -es not experienced a decrease in the number of children pecially attracts social clients and elderlies which result who have been placed outside the home.