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M Sa for one yaar. with the monejr, will be entitled One Column I year. ......................... MW toaoopygtatis. jEtpreial Notices. OO per cent aOdilieaal M the above ratest. Yearly advertisers of not less than one-foorth K.xecutora' ami Aduiiuistiatoia’ NetlssA >•» •f* eolumn furnished the J o c k s a l fre e . Coniniiftiionvnt' Kotiei-s. 1 M AAdTMS WEAVER & CCSTI88. VOL. XVII. tiuariiianit’ Xolit't-!* accoriliiig to l« n^h. WILLIMANTIC, CONN, FRIDAY. JANUARY 22, 1864. NO: 4. Traiiiiieut advvitiaementsto & pakj in advaaae. For the WiUiatnUe JonnaL ed in tbe minds of the French, llu^cnota afraid to truat the old man who bad follow HISTORY OF ANCIENT WINDHAM: 26. W i l l i a m CAar, carpenter and farm the divine benediction upon the parent.«j I TO DAY AND TO-MORROW. Ooligny was to them the Moses who was to ed her step« in childhoo-J, to lead her away THE BRIDE OF THE MAT. er, of Scotiand, m. Lucina Lillie, dau. of Children, graniUliildien, ar.d oti er friends I deliver them from the Pharaoh of oppree- GENEALOGY. To-day. a lis,>ing child, with hair snn-gnMsn. TAtB OrratlBUQUEJfOTS OPFLOaiDA. to Fort Carolins, on tbe distant banks of Em j of Scotiand, 1810; be d. March 14^ of the femily. I t was a sia iiii 7ong to b.‘ : And blue of summer m orning in biaeyesk > sion; and well did his seal in their cause the Msy. A trusty messenger was already 1 ¥ WIUIAM I- WXATn. •4nd cheeks ajiow with kisses of new loviiw 1844; aged 6 i ; his wid. went to IllliMis to i«inemberrd by all presient, and the chil- \ BT u n i j a m : g a t f d l l c k . deserve the confidence reposed in him. But on his way to Admiral Coligny, to acquaint XLVIL Suesohl things new, with ignorant snrpriw i reside with her children, where Shb wss liv (tren planned the a ffa ir witit so much skill To-nii*! row.aiid he knows the sooM lhey be bad to contend with mightier than Egyp ing m 1863. Chih: Therou,ia ni. Iivtii in him with the deciskm of his fair yonng CARY. it was a pleasant surprise to their parents in Fand;£o. , CHAPTKR VI. tian Pharaohs; against the strength of frie'd, and to secure accommodations for Midddletown, Ct.; Fmhrick, m., lives in apt aho abtwas asoldier tha and gratifying to all. Even a liberal mar- i To-day. a youth; in pride of early iMabaadU * Rome and his own kingdom combined. her on the vessel. Her little maid would 20. C . J C of Greenville, C t.; Mary. m. George Bsss, W itu liKbt of rar-otf t op* upon his l_ While til* aboresoftlie New world were Revolution, and a re^setad fermer of Scot settied in Illinois; Htrdee, m. Cornelia E. JMgefeewas provided for tUe clergyman: W ith eagor nsneetatioM of the comii.g. As I have just remarked, Henri’s observa accompany her, and join ber &ther, who thw U B dly welcoming the stranger colo land. Brown, dau. of Ilezekiah P., of Mansfield, present. F. W. And wiM impatience a t the loilefinK new;- tion relative to the sccond marriage of La To-morrow, he bath touched the thnnaal nists, the shadow of death hovered darkly went with the first colonists. The few of He m. 1st, Abigail Kingsbury, datKof Jo- June 14, 1847; Harritt, m. John Brown | dy Momey did not surprise Mary. It was livea in S t Albans, Vt.; Edwin A>tgiiUii»,h. I FortlieJuiinial. which all angeM bow. •ear the old chMcMi among the Cevenncs. ber many treasures which coaid 'je taken, »eph,ofPomrret, Ai«. 12; IHS; ska d. an event she had been anticipating t x some were soon gathered together and packed, about 1826, d. Sept. 1, 1828, aged 2 ; An- EXPERIENCE OF AN ASHFORO VOL To-day. she stands beside tbe brtdal altar: The Cowit was atrieVen suddenly and died Dec. 18,1807, aged 61; m. 2d,Anna (Spaul gnttia, lives in lllinoia. All Jor and p^inisfe roahd aboht her sM time previous to the Count’s death, and UNTEER. ia the atme oT old Henri, who wept and with a scanty supply of necessaries, by the ding) Bradford, wid. of Rev. William Brad 27. Jam is C aet, jr., removed to Canter All truth is in ibe hesrt of him she loveth. and though at first the source of regret, i^ Extract elf a letter from one of our volnn- And her pure faith ttakes bright the fetww flayed iiir hk beloved master as a man now resolute girl. It was only as mnch as ford, of Canteibaiy, 1809; bed. Feb. 28, bury soon af^er his marriage where he re- wreathed shrine; kidM most of the time until his death. He flreilith fur his own eoul. The last of the had ceased to give ber pain. It was easier one mule c aid convey over the coantiy to teera to his wife: To^morrow. hark !afUrerbrtdeereoni,aMU« 1827, aged76; abed. Jan. 18, 1829, aged twice repnsented Canterbury in the Leg •n, most be thine. ibr her to reflect upon the possibilities of the place of em'.iarkatkm. a m f a l t im o b b mAtlehoiiMof USalle was gone to join 66. Chil., all by 1st wife: A h i f d, b. Jan. islature, and filfed many offices of trust in C CuBcsBBoaovcit, B , Md, } her own exile, now her gnndfsthcr was A lovely, tender, heart-bnriting brewell Wednesday, Jan. 13,1864. \ To-day, afi old mkn lingers In his »______ kia bthen in theoountiy of the Great King, 28,1775, m. Parker Morse, Oct. 6,1798, bj the town. He ‘-was honest and upright .n Or«U f ^ e b have diftfeilM ep Am*4>a in bia gone, and her mother had new tics, and to her mother was written at night when all bis dealingii, kind and courteous in his Sing Old Hiindre l in the words “Praise whoee rule is above all earthly digniUrie>>, whom she hsd 5 chil. She was living in would consequently gneve less for ber loss. every soul in tbe chateau was sleeping but d jmeanor and beloved and respected* by a ^ God from whom all blessings flow.” After A cold grave with the long.sgo deparled. while hit dvat was laid to moulder with Canterbury. 1863; (27)/«s«.,b. Dec. 9, In stam m ering words.is all the l<bo* h* seeka. She had often heard the Count speak of the herself; then there was nothing left to do, large drcle of acqu«intancei>,” says a corre- '< a voyage full of peril and hardships, I have in the aaoestrml vault. For the re- 1777; Bt»ni€ih, b. Jan. 4,1780, d. Aug. 24, spondcnt. He m. Phebe Howard, dau. of To-morrow, with iinlidtcting Ups ibaJogr o t stainless escntchcon of the Montpelier*, of but to watch their opportunity to deprt. this day arrived at camp,and hasten lo in heaven be si'esks. f m t of the departed spirit, prayirs were 1808, aged 28, unra.; Anna, b. Feb. 21. William, of Hampton, Oct. 25, 1804; shed. his immense estates, and knew tbat be con To avoid the hazard of detention, they de March 9, 1847, aged C9; he d. .\ug. 14, form you of my whereabouts. I left Nor •aid and high masses edebratod many days 1782, d. March 3,1790, aged 8; (28) Sia- tTlLLtAM MAKBTXACr. TH ACK BBAV.->llr ia the.chapel of the Holy Viigin,now nearly templated the alliance with much satisfac cided to leave tbe chateau secretly, though 18CI,aged 83. Chil.: PMie Homard, b. wich on the 5th, about 4 o'clock, p. in., ar Thackeray, the novelist; whose daatb waa /•rrf, b. July 14, 1784; SiBy, b. Sept. 7. Dec. 17,1805, m. Wm. F. Willoughby, of rived in New Haven about 8 o’clock,an'l af deMTted by the people of the hamlet. tion. For herself, she had never been real a few of tbe vilUgers who were bound on announced recently, was bom in 1HI1» ia 1786, m. Dr. Thomas Morse, of Woodatock, Canterbury, Oct. 15,1827. has a large fam ter marching about a mile to the camp, we Calcutta, his fetber residing there if( tba After the first funeral rites wete per- ly pleased with the Baron. Not only wa-s tbe same expedition were apprised of their ily ; bed. May, 1850. She was living in Can Ct., had 3 chil., d. Jan. 1820. had a supper of baker’s bread and cold wa service of the East India Compal^r.