Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 71, July 25,1990

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Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 71, July 25,1990 University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 7-25-1990 Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 71, July 25,1990 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact STARS@ucf.edu. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 71, July 25,1990" (1990). Central Florida Future. 1004. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1004 Dave Barry test markets .- Nine lnc·h ·Nails ·run deep OPlNION .... : .......... ..... 6 COMICS .................... .- 7 canned meat ·cuisines on Orlando concert stage CLASSIFIED ... :; · ~ .... ..... 8 '. Brennan's seat controversy heats up - Opinion And Aku-Aku's Polynesian offerings - Features t .. FEATUR~ i= .. DsAAR - ~ Thentral Flori Future Volume 22, Number 71 University of Central Florida/Orlando Wednesday Ju.ly.25 , 1990 • UCF may clean the • area to avoid fine by Melissa Stoker 'l'he BOR outlines specific policies COPY EDITOR and procedures for these nine univer­ sities, he said. UCF representatives will meet with "We've never had a single permit for the Florida Department of Envi ron­ anything we've done so far," mental Regulation in a few weeks to Sh ahnami said. discuss whether or not UCF will be Shahnami said the only time they fined for insta11ing drinking water and obtained such a permit was for water wastewater lines for the Fieldhouse Jines at the Central Florida Research without a permit, according to a state Park, a whole different entity from environmental official. UCF. The state law says that builders of "Nobody-three, four or five years large complexes must obtain a permit ago-came to us and said this is wb at from DER whenever they construct we have to do. Now, all state universi­ underground sewage and other water ties are confronted with this [prob­ l1nP<:: lem]," Shahnami said. "Some governmental bodies feel The University of Florida and Flor­ they are exempt from the rules," said ida State University are also in similar Alex Alexander, deputy assistant sec­ predicaments, he said. retary of the DER in Central Florida. But Shahnami said UCF will com­ He said some schools think they can do ply with the rules, now that they are whatever they want without a permit. clear. G. R. Shahnami, assistant director "We're not [going to] fight the sys­ of operational services at the Physical tem," Shahnami said. "If it's the law, Plant, said UCF officials did not know we're going to do it." they needed a permit for the project. At the DER meeting, UCF repre­ Shahnami said the Florida state sentatives will sign a consent order, university system operates under the according to Alexander. A consent Boa1dofRegents, which has a different set of rules. see FINES page 4 UCF calls minorities in an effort to recruit students Student Body President 20 5_60 $5,376 by David Bolender CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Stud~nt Body Vice Presid~ ·~ t .. 20 5 .40 .. 5,1 84 - ·.;.--. , ··~ Approximately 1,000 pro­ Comptroller 15 4.60 3,312 spective UCF minority stu­ Attorney General 15 ;:t· '.' 4.60 3 ~ 312 .:. :· J dents were contacted July 19- Judicial Advisor 7 4_60 1,546 21 in an attempt to aid and encourage them to attend Pro T empore · · 15 ~}=-=_,}~60 ·_· 3,312._· .. <:1 UCF. Public Relations Director 15 4.60 3,312 Seventy-five percent of all Asian students contacted ex­ Director of V.P A~airs .. =.: ....:::y::: .. J . ~ :,t:~= ·=:==1 .so =· ·· 3,31~?'-.. :· ;.] pressed interest in attending Director of Stude nt Lobbying 10 4.60 2,208 UCF, as did 81 percent of black students, 79 percent of Hi s­ panic students, 100 percent of oriental students and 80 per­ Source: Student Senate Bill 22-70 cent of Indians. Questions were asked of the potential applicants regarding Student government admission status, housing preference, financial aid and even university choice. "We officers need 2.0-GPA want to know even if the stu­ David Bolender/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE dent says 'no'," Sherrod said. by Tom Kopacz The second bill (22-26), "We want to know where Phone-a-thon Coordinator Richard Sherrod helps volunteers STAFF REPORTER overridden unanimously, re­ they're going... and why." with phone calls to possible UCF minority students Friday. moves all references to eligibil­ Sherrod was given the au­ The student senate over­ ity requirements from the elec­ thority to offer scholarships to does this every year, " volun­ hour, making 8-10 phone calls. rode the vice president for tion statutes, referring in­ students with above-average teer Henry Roberts said. "So if Director of Admissions Rob student affairs' vetoes of two stead to Title X. GPA's and high SAT scores. they have to opt between UCF Sheinkopf was fully suppor­ bills clarifying SG' s election Taken together, the bills "If another Florida institu­ and UF, they'll go with UF." tive of Sherrod's efforts. "It and eligibility statutes. clear up a conflict in the stat­ tion is offering a student a "I know that this is a good was a great effort because it Bill 22-39, overridden by a utes that caused one presiden­ scholarship, we will try to program," volunteer Tammy involved the students and 14-1 vote, changes Title X, the tial candidate to be disquali­ meet or beat that scholarship Concepcion said. "I wish that gave us an opportunity to an­ eligibility statutes, so any stu­ fied from the race this year_ amount," Sherrod said. someone had done this when I swer questions and serve the dent not on academic proba­ Vice President Le Vester Twenty-one volunteers was in high school. People hottest prospects_ .. the appli­ tion can hold SG office. The Tubbs vetoed th ~ bills July 13 made phone calls over the have to know that we're here to cants." statutes currently say SG offi­ after the senate overrode for­ ., three days, attempting to con­ help them." Volunteers at the last cials must possess a UCF mer student body President vince those contacted to make One volunteer was UCF phone-a-than, held in late cumulative GPA of at 1east 2.0. Fred Schmidt's vetoes. UCF their choice. President Steven Altman, who May, contacted more than Any student under that "[The University of Florida] stayed on the phone for one 1,700 poten t. ial students. limit is on academic probation" see STATUTES page 3 2 The Central Florida Future July 25, 1990 • FAMOUS EUROPEAN VIDEO DISCO • • • • • • " • • • • • • • I • • • The Central Florida Future July 25, 1990 3 Resident assistant attacked in dorm by Tom Kopacz McCray said Friday that the RA re­ years and never has one of my RAs been "ONE" on one arm. STAFF REPORTER turned to his dorm that night, when he struck," McCray said. Eighmie said because the attacker saw a group ofbetween lO'and 15 indi­ "He came home to a dorm that was and his companions are not part of the A resident assistant received viduals in the dorm hallway. jumping," another RA said. "He just got UCF community, the Orange County stitches in his face after being attacked "He went up there and asked, 'May I caught in the middle of a bad situ­ Sheriff's Office is involved in the case. in his residence hall by a nonstudent help you?"' McCray said. McCray said ation." He refused to release a copy of the early June 14. the RA did not act threatening in any The RA was treated at Orlando police report because the case is still The RA, who has requested anonym­ way and was doing his job. General Hospital and released, accord­ under investigation. ity, was attacked shortly after mid­ "One of the m~mbers of the group ing to UCF police Detective Hugh McCray said he expects incidents of night by an unidentified black male, struck [the RAJ twice," McCray said. Eighmie. this type to continue to happen as the • who UCF police believe was recently He also said the attacker's companions Eighmie said the prime suspect is a university expands. "The university released from p.rison. had to pull him off the RA. black male, 6' 3" tall, 195 pounds, with used to be very isolated," McCray said. UCF Housing Director Chris "I have been here for the past 11 close- cropped dark hair and the tattoo ''We're no longer that." The senate holds off on confirming senators • by Tom Kopacz they would be able to run in the fall election as "Some people, it takes them time to get over old STAFF REPORTER incumbents. He said he would give them an advan­ wounds," he said. "I think that's the case between tage over other candidates. Don and Jeff." A student government power struggle intensified Bernstein, Fagan, Strayer and Taylor all said they "I was never told that [Taylor] would not be ap­ Sunday, as the senate refused to confirm two of Presi­ would run for senate in the fall elections, scheduled pointed," he added. dent Jeff Laing's senate appointments. for Sept. 18-19. Bowen said Sunday Taylor should have been The senate also passed a resolution on hiring a new Mann said while some stuJents were receiving appointed when a seat in the College of Health and senate secretary, which Vice PresidentJason Di Bona appointments, others were not.
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