7th Meeting of the Advisory Committee , , 27 – 29 May 2002


1. Attendance This is listed at Annex 1 to this Record.

2. Opening remarks Mr. Peter Lina (Chair) opened the Meeting. He welcomed the participants and invited the Romanian Minister of Waters and Environmental Protection, Mr. Petru Lificiu, to make opening remarks.

On behalf of the Romanian Government the Minister welcomed the delegates to the Meeting of the Advisory Committee and expressed his gratitude about the Meeting being held in Romania. He was happy to recall that Romania had acceded to the Agreement in 2000 and reported about the efforts made by his Ministry to properly implement the Agreement. He also expressed his wishes for a successful Meeting.

The Chair thanked the Minister for his words and the Romanian government for hosting the Meeting in such excellent facilities and for having organised such an interesting excursion the previous day.

On behalf of the Executive Director of UNEP, Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, the Chair read a message in which the Executive Director noted with pleasure that the 7th Meeting of the Advisory Committee established once again a new record in participation with 63 delegates from 32 countries. He also outlined the rich flora and fauna in Romania, in particular in the Carpathian Mountains and the Delta, being a key region for biodiversity and migratory species. He also expressed his best wishes for a successful Meeting.

Mr. Andreas Streit (Executive Secretary) welcomed all the participants to the Meeting. He was in particular happy to see Bosnia and Herzegovina and Liechtenstein being represented for the first time. He thanked Ms. Adriana Baz and her colleagues from the Ministry as well as Dr. Dumitru Murariu from the Romanian Natural History Museum "Grigore Antipa" for having prepared the Meeting so excellently. He also thanked the Government of Germany for a substantial voluntary - 1 - contribution to finance the participation from delegates from countries with economies in transition.

3. Adoption of the Rules of Procedure

The rules were adopted by consensus.

4. Adoption of the Agenda

The agenda was adopted unanimously.

5. Secretariat report a) National Reports and updates to National Reports

The Executive Secretary informed that a number of updates to National Implementation Reports had been received before this Meeting and referred to an updated synthesis of national reports submitted to the Meeting (Inf.EUROBATS.AC7.7). b) Agreement membership (recruitment of new Parties)

The Executive Secretary was pleased to report that in 2001 Albania, Lithuania, Malta and Moldova had acceded to the Agreement. Georgia had ratified but not yet deposited the instrument of accession. He expected the growth in membership to continue in 2002 with the accession of several more countries. c) Publicity (including International Year of the Bat)

The Executive Secretary reported that he considered the 2001 International Year of the Bat having been very successful to raise public awareness.

He was also happy to inform the participants that the 5th European Bat Night took place in 30 countries with an again growing success.

The Executive Secretary informed the Plenary that he attended several international conferences on behalf of CMS and the related Agreements, namely a UNEP workshop on “Environmental Conventions and the Baltic States” and a further UN Workshop on “Environmental Conventions in Yugoslavia” (travel costs kindly covered by the CMS Secretariat). The participation in these events showed again the importance to use such occasions to promote the Agreement and to attract new Parties.

- 2 - d) Special projects

The Executive Secretary informed that a substantial voluntary contribution from Belgium earmarked for the production of public awareness leaflets in 6 Eastern and South-Eastern European Countries was received in 2001 with some delay and that the project therefore would be carried out in 2002.

He also reported that in 2002 a major voluntary contribution from the UK was received for a monitoring training project in Moldova and Romania and that the remaining funds of the yearly voluntary contributions from Germany would be used for the production of information material.

6. Administrative matters: a) Organisational arrangements for the Secretariat since 1 January 2001

The Executive Secretary reported about the ongoing excellent working relationships with the UNEP/CMS, AEWA and ASCOBANS Secretariats. He was happy to inform that the integration into UNEP had increased the political importance of the Agreement. He also reported about problems that had occurred when the electronic accounting systems of the financial administration in Nairobi was transferred to a new system and that due to this a report about the Trust Fund status was not yet available. The Parties expressed their concerns about the difficulties the Secretariat was facing in regard of the financial administration under the responsibility of UNEP/UNON. The United Kingdom expressed its dissatisfaction and was seconded on this by Sweden. The Parties decided to send a letter to the Executive Director of UNEP to request additional support in this regard without costs to the EUROBATS budget. The Executive Secretary informed the Meeting that in 2001 the recruitment procedures were completed and that both staff members were re-appointed. He recalled that the post of the assistant would become fulltime effective 1 January 2003 and requested the Meeting to agree that the choice would be left to the present assistant to take up the full post. This was agreed. b) Report on income and expenditure as well as Trust Fund status

The Executive Secretary was pleased to report that most contributions for 2001 were received and that also for 2002 the majority of contributions had arrived in the Trust Fund.

A report on expenditure in 2001 prepared by the Secretariat was presented.

- 3 - c) Use of the new title of the Agreement

The Executive Secretary presented a memorandum about the Amendment of the Agreement and the use of the new title of the Agreement. He was happy to report that the Amendment had entered into force on 13th of August 2001 and that as of 13 April 2002 already 8 Parties out of 25 had become also Parties to the Amendment.

As the Amendment also included a change of the title of the Agreement he sought advice from the Committee on when to start using this new title. The Committee decided to start using the new title immediately. It was also decided to maintain the well-established short name EUROBATS for the Agreement. d) Adoption of a new logo for the Agreement

The Executive Secretary presented a proposal for a new logo for the Agreement, which was a slightly amended version of the "International Year of the Bat" logo. The new logo was adopted by a majority. Some Parties expressed their appreciation of the new logo as it contained a lot of dynamics well fitting for the Agreement.

7. Other presentations of Parties and Non-Party Range States

Parties and Range States made oral presentations regarding bat conservation measures and the activities carried out for the "International Year of the Bat" and "European Bat Night". Range States also informed the Plenary about the progress made in acceding the Agreement.

8. Report of the Intersessional Working Group (IWG) on Consistent monitoring methodologies

The Working Group analysed the monitoring methodologies for the priority species adopted at the MoP 2. Since there was so far no evidence that these methodologies need improvement, the group felt that there was no need to refine them. The group was then dissolved.

In order to assess the effectiveness of the methodologies being used in monitoring programs and which could be used to monitor other species, the representative of JNCC (UK) offered to collect the information and make it available through the EUROBATS website. The experts from Parties and Non-Party Range States were requested to provide any useful information for this purpose by the end of September. Such information should also be included in the National Implementation Reports.

- 4 - 9. Report of the IWG on a Database of Monitoring Results

The Working Group felt that it was at present not possible to establish a database of bat monitoring data because of too much variation in the kind of data currently available for incorporation and variation in expectations of how the database might be used.

Nevertheless, referring to the preamble of Resolution 2 of MoP 2, it was agreed that a register of monitoring activities, trends and availability of further information should be established and would largely meet the instruction of MoP 2. It was proposed that such a record, or metadatabase, of project activities could initially be established within EUROBATS.

A draft registration form for projects was presented. A draft questionnaire to assess information for a more detailed population monitoring database was also presented for reference and possible future use.

Having completed this work the group was dissolved.

Dr. Jessamy Battersby (UK) offered to finalise the registration form and related matters while reviewing the monitoring methodologies.

10. Report of the IWG on the Transboundary programme - habitats: Data compilation

The IWG has continued its work on the collection of national lists of underground sites of international importance. A short report on progress was presented to the Meeting. Parties and Non-Party Range States were requested to provide their national lists by the end of September 2002. It was recalled that the database is available on the EUROBATS website.

At the Meeting, the IWG agreed to extend its work to develop guidelines for the protection and management of underground habitats and the group increased by three more members (Annex 2).

11. Report of the IWG on the Transboundary programme - habitats: Forest practices

The IWG, which was reconstituted at AC 6, has set up a work plan and started with the analysis of relevant information from the national reports. However, progress of the IWG work stopped in autumn 2001 because of lack of time for co-ordination and co-operation. Sweden expressed its concern about the current situation.

- 5 - The committee encouraged the IWG to continue its work as planned. Referring to the message from the Executive Director of UNEP and the Joint Work Programme of CMS and CBD the Plenary decided to take the report of the IWG to the AC 8 Meeting as a basis for further initiatives and thus develop criteria of sustainable forestry practises and management, hereby using bats as indicator species.

12. Report of the IWG on the Geographical scope of the Agreement: Migration routes

The convenor presented an updated version of the report.

It was stressed that some contributions were still missing, and that the report should be carefully reviewed and completed. It was agreed that all countries should send their data and comments to the Working Group until the end of September 2002. The Working Group will present an updated version in the next Meeting of the Advisory Committee.

13. Reports of the IWG's on the Bat Conservation and Management Plan:

a) Action 8 As it was agreed at AC 5 and confirmed at AC 6, the Working Group was requested to gather and evaluate further information on species of the Mediterranean region. The first step was to provide a list of references on each species in order to identify the major gaps of knowledge. Only three lists were available in the definite format after several requests to the members of the group; following the suggestion of Germany, the convenor will obtain a translation of the relevant paragraphs of the “Handbuch der Säugetiere Europas” as a first basis. These texts would then be circulated to be updated and improved with unlisted references. The AC 7 agreed to dissolve the IWG and to request the convenor to report on this work at the AC 8.

b) Action 22 The IWG has now completed its analysis of questionnaires about the remedial timber treatment industry in Parties and Range States. Some brief conclusions were presented to the Meeting. Having completed its work the group was dissolved. The convenor will assist the Secretariat in preparing a draft resolution for MoP 4.

14. Report of the IWG on the Review of the list of Priority Species

The group felt that it had completed its task last year, when it had recommended three additional species to the current list of Priority Species. However, it was suggested that this should not affect the activities of the IWG on the Bat Conservation and Management Plan Action 8 (Priority Species). - 6 - At the same time, it was recognised that additional bat species were identified in the Agreement Area. In Doc.EUROBATS.AC7.18 these species were presented and it was suggested that there might be the need to modify the Appendix to the Agreement at the next MoP.

Having completed its work the group was dissolved. The convenor will assist the Secretariat in preparing a draft resolution for MoP 4.

The Convenor of the working group agreed to co-ordinate an advisory group for bat taxonomy and systematic to agree on which species and nomenclature should be regarded as valid at this time and should therefore be incorporated into the Agreement's Appendix.

15. Report of the IWG on the Identification of outstanding implementation actions

The IWG set up to identify outstanding implementation actions presented a report containing a list of 20 points to be discussed by the Advisory Committee. Additionally the United Kingdom submitted a discussion paper on the implementation of decisions adopted at previous MoP's and on future working mechanisms of the AC, the IWG and the Secretariat. Two proposals from the United Kingdom’s paper were adopted to be taken forward. The Secretariat agreed that it would investigate the possibility of a discussion forum on the EUROBATS website, which could be used by IWG's. It was also decided that the Chair and Vice-Chair would provide a more proactive role in the co-ordination of the IWG's.

A small Working Group convened during the Meeting to assess which parts required further action. A short summary of 11 actions was produced by the group and discussed. As a result the following actions were identified:

a) Parties should confirm in their national report that the scientific focal point in the list Inf.EUROBATS.AC7.25.Rev.2 is the contact point for the designated body according to Article III, 5 of the Agreement.

b) Established migratory patterns of behaviour in migratory populations of bat species in Europe should be discussed at the next AC in connection with a presentation of ringing results from Germany.

c) Countries that have not yet done so, should endeavour to provide information on the population size and status of resident bat species or to give details of problems encountered in providing the information.

- 7 - d) With regard to Doc.EUROBATS.MOP2.6 a small working group convened to discuss Resolution 3. It came to the conclusion that Resolution 3 had been implemented successfully. On the basis of the achieved results further efforts should focus on international co-operation in order to investigate the distribution and migration patterns of Myotis dasycneme and Pipistrellus nathusii.

e) The remit of the working group on underground habitats was extended to cover production of guidelines on managing underground sites.

f) Resolution 8 of MoP 2 will be discussed at the next AC. The original paper on linear features will be circulated to all Parties as a discussion document and should be considered in conjunction with agricultural biodiversity issues in relation to CBD and CMS.

g) Points 3 and 4 of the current Management and Conservation Plan 2000 – 2003 concerning roosts and habitats should be discussed at the next AC Meeting.

Having completed its task, the Working Group was dissolved.

16. Report of the IWG on Guidelines for the issue of permits for bat-ringing or other marking activities

The activities of the Working Group are still in the phase of data collection. A questionnaire was circulated to Parties and Range States with high response and results are being analysed.

As agreed at the AC 5 Meeting, the draft guidelines will be discussed at the AC 8 Meeting.

17. Joint work programme of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (2002 - 2005)

The Joint Work Programme of CBD and CMS recently adopted at the COP 6 of CBD was presented to the Committee for consideration as therein EUROBATS was mentioned in view of providing guidelines on forest management practises. The document met much interest and it was decided to take this topic forward to the next Meeting of the AC in order to identify which additional tasks could result from this document.

Seconded by the United Kingdom, Germany requested that the paper was discussed at the forthcoming MoP.

- 8 - 18. Date and venue of the 8th Meeting of the Advisory Committee

Norway kindly offered to host the 8th Meeting of the AC in 2003. The invitation was accepted with gratitude.

Hungary already kindly presented an invitation to host the 9th Meeting of the AC in 2004.

19. Date of the 4th Session of the Meeting of Parties

Bulgaria confirmed the invitation already expressed at MoP 3 to host MoP 4 in autumn 2003.

20. Any other business

The Executive Secretary called for voluntary contributions from the Parties to finance the participation of delegates from countries with economies in transition at MoP 4.

The SFEPM invited all participants to take part in the 9th European Bat Research Symposium to be held from 26 - 30 August 2002 in Le Havre, .

Upon the request from Bulgaria the Executive Secretary informed that the draft GEF project on bat conservation in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe was currently undergoing a second revision and would be submitted in the close future to the UNEP/GEF office in Nairobi for consideration. The Secretariat promised to keep all countries concerned informed about the further development.

21. Adoption of the record of the Meeting

The record of the Meeting was adopted by consensus.

22. Close of Meeting

The Chair expressed his thanks towards the Romanian government and its Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection in particular. He also thanked the technical staff of the Meeting venue for the skilled support, the participants for their productive contributions, and the Secretariat for the excellent preparations and organisation of the Meeting.

There being no further business, the Meeting was closed at 20.27 h.

- 9 - EUROBATS.AC7.Record.Annex1

7th Meeting of the Advisory Committee

Bucharest, Romania, 27 – 29 May 2002

List of Participants

PARTIES Finland Bulgaria Ms. Eeva-Maria Kyheröinen Ms. Teodora Ivanova Finnish Museum of Natural History National Museum of Natural History P.O.Box 17 Blv. Tzar Osvoboditel 1 FIN - 00014 University of Helsinki BG - Sofia 1000 Tel: +358 40 721 8561 Tel: +359 2 987 5072 or Fax: +358 9 191 288 88 GSM +359 2 88 962 361 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] France Croatia Dr. Stéphane Aulagnier Dr. Nikola Tvrtkovic I.R.G.M. / I.N.R.A. Croatian Natural History Museum B.P. 27 Demetrova 1 F - 31326 Castanet-Tolosan Cedex HR - 10000 Zagreb Tel: +33 5 61 28 51 33 Tel: +385 1 485 1645 Fax: +33 5 61 28 55 00 Fax: +385 1 485 1644 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Germany Mr. Igor Pavlinic Dr. Gerhard Emonds Croatian Natural History Museum Federal Ministry for the Environment, Demetrova 1 Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety HR - 10000 Zagreb P.O.Box 12 06 29 Tel: +385 1 485 1700 D - 53048 Bonn Fax: +385 1 485 1644 Tel: +49 1888 305-2630 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +49 1888 305-2684 Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected] Ms. Eva Suchomelova Dr. Peter Boye Agency for Nature Conservation Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection Konstantinstr. 110 Kalisnicka 4-6 D - 53179 Bonn CZ - 130 23 Praha 3 Tel: +49 228 84 91 113 Tel: +420 2 830 69 251 Fax: +49 228 84 91 119 Fax: +420 2 830 69 247 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

- 10 - Hungary Moldova Mr. Zoltán Bihari Mr. Serghei Andreev University of Debrecen Group Fauna Böszörményi út 138 P.O.Box 409 H - 4032 Debrecen MD - 2004 Chisinau Tel: +36 70 221 7336 Tel: +373 2 577 809 Fax: +36 52 413 385 Fax: +373 2 22 07 48 (M. Vatamaniuc) e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Lithuania The Netherlands Mr. Gintaras Jodinskas Mr. Peter H.C. Lina Nature Protection Department Reference Centre for Bat Ministry of Environment Studies and Conservation Jaksto str. 4/9 P.O.Box 835 LT - 2694 Vilnius NL - 2300 AV Leiden Tel: +370 2 62 37 42 Tel: +31 71 53 14 979 Fax: +370 2 61 20 23 Fax: +31 71 57 66 268 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Dainius H. Pauza Norway Lithuanian Society for Bat Conservation Mr. Per Ole Syvertsen Erdves Str. 15 Rana Museum / LT - 3018 Kaunas Norwegian Zoological Society Tel: +370 7 -291 536 P.O.Box 173 Fax: +370 7 220 733 N- 8601 Mo i Rana e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +47 75 14 61 84 Luxembourg Fax: +47 75 14 61 81 e-mail: [email protected] Mr. Laurent Biraschi Administration des Eaux et Forêts Poland 16, Rue Eugène Ruppert Prof. Bronislaw W. Woloszyn L - 2453 Luxembourg Polish Academy of Sciences Tel: +352 402201-312 Chiropterological Information Centre Fax: +352 402201-350 Institute of Animal Systematics e-mail: [email protected] and Evolution ul. Slawkowska 17 Macedonia, FYR PL - 31-016 Krakow Mr. Aleksandar Nastov Tel/Fax: +48 12 422 64 10 Ministry of Environment e-mail: [email protected] and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52 Portugal MK - 1000 Skopje Ms. Luisa Rodrigues Tel: +389 2 366 930 Instituto da Conservação da Natureza Fax: +389 2 366 931 Rua Filipe Folque, N° 46-1° e-mail: [email protected] P - 1050-114 Lisboa Tel: +351 21 351 0456 Fax: +351 21 357 4771 e-mail: [email protected]

- 11 - Romania Dr. Dumitru T. Murariu Ms. Adriana Baz "Grigore Antipa" National Ministry of Waters and Environmental Museum of Natural History Protection Sos. Kiseleff Nr. 1, Sectorul 1 Bd. Libertatii 12, sector 5 RO - 79744 Bucharest 2 RO - 70005 Bucharest Tel: +401 312 88-26 or -86 Tel: +401 335 37 04 Fax: +401 312 88-86 or -63 Fax: +401 410 02 82 or e-mail: [email protected] +401 335 37 04 Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Mr. Peter Kanuch Ms. Adriana Nitescu Institute of Forest Ecology Ministry of Waters and Environmental Slovak Academy of Sciences Protection Sturova 2 Bd. Libertatii 12 SK - 96053 Zvolen ROM - 70005 Bucharest Tel: +421 45 533 09 14 Tel.: +401 410 0531 Fax: +421 45 547 94 85 Fax: +401 410 0282 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Sweden Ms. Diana Mihaela Cocai Ms. Marie Nedinge Ministry of Waters and Environmental Swedish Environmental Protection Protection Agency Bd. Libertatii 12, sector 5 S - 10648 Stockholm RO - 70005 Bucharest Tel: +46 8 698 1272 Tel: +401 410 0284 Fax: +46 8 698 1584 Fax: +401 410 0282 e-mail: e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Mr. Iurie Maxim Ukraine Ministry of Waters and Environmental Protection Dr. Volodymyr Domashlinets Bd. Libertatii 12, sector 5 Ministry of the Environment and RO - 70005 Bucharest Natural Resources of Ukraine Bioresources Department Tel: +401 410 0284 5 Khreshchatyk str. Fax: +401 410 0531 UA - 01601 Kyiv-1 e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +38 044 224 - 2239 or -1113 Mr. Gelu Barbu Fax: +38 044 224 22 39 or Ministry of Waters and Environmental +38 044 228 20 67 Protection e-mail: [email protected] Bd. Libertatii 12, sector 5 RO - 70005 Bucharest Dr. Andriy-Taras Bashta Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians Tel: +401 (0)91 68 77 25 Koselnytska St. 4 Fax: +401 410 0282 UA - 79026 Lviv e-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: +38 0322 70 74 30 e-mail: [email protected]

- 12 - United Kingdom Azerbaijan Ms. Sarah Jones Prof. Irina Rakhmatulina Department of the Environment, Institute of Zoology Ac.Sci. Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Passage 1128, Block 504 European Wildlife Division AZ - 370073 Baku Room 108 A, Temple Quay House Tel: +994 12 397 371 2 The Square, Temple Quay Fax: +994 12 982 889 UK - Bristol BS1 6EB e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 117 372 6236 Fax: +44 117 372 8182 Belgium e-mail: [email protected] Mr. Jacques Fairon Ministère Région Wallone DGRNE-DNF Ms. Linda Smith Avenue Prince de Liège, 15 Department of the Environment, B - 5100 Jambes Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Zone 1/10 a, Temple Quay House Tel.: +32 02 627 43 71 2 The Square, Temple Quay Fax: +32 02 649 48 25 UK - Bristol BS1 6EB e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 117 372 8296 Bosnia and Herzegovina Fax: +44 117 372 8182 e-mail: [email protected] Mr. Jasminko Mulaomerovic Savez speleologa BiH Dr. Jessamy Battersby Speleological association of BiH Joint Nature Conservation Branilaca Sarajeva 30 Committee (JNCC) BIH - 71000 Sarajevo Monkstone House Tel: +387 33 531 988 City Road Fax: +387 33 663 835 UK - Peterborough PE1 1JY e-mail: jasminko_mulaomerovic@ Tel: +44 1733 866 808 Fax: +44 1733 555 948 e-mail: [email protected] Estonia Dr. Matti Masing Dr. Anthony J. Mitchell-Jones Estonian Bat Group English Nature Box 111 Northminster House EST - 50002 Tartu UK - Peterborough PE1 1UA Tel: +37 256 988 311 Tel: +44 1733 455 250 Fax: +37 27 427 011 Fax: +44 1733 455 147 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: tony.mitchell-jones@english- Georgia NON-PARTY RANGE STATES Mr. Ioseb Natradze Noah's Ark Center for the Recovery Austria of Endangered Species (NACRES) P.O.Box 20 Dr. Friederike Spitzenberger GE - 380079 Tbilisi Natural History Museum P.O.Box 417 Tel: +995 32 53 71 25 A - 1014 Fax: +995 32 53 71 24 e-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +43 1 52 177 312 [email protected] Fax: +43 1 52 177 234 e-mail: Friederike.Spitzenberger

- 13 - Mr. Andrei S. Kandaurov Slovenia Institute of Zoology, GAS Ms. Jana Kristanc Chavchavadze Av. 31 Environmental Agency of the GE - 380079 Tbilisi Republic of Slovenia Tel: +995 34 192 537 Vojkova 1 B Fax: +995 32 932 555 SLO - 1000 Ljubljana e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +386 1 478 4547 [email protected] Fax: +386 1 478 4051 e-mail: [email protected] Mr. Dino Scaravelli Ms. Maja Zagmajster Riserva Naturale Orientata SDPVN - Slovenian Association for Bat e Museo di Onferno Research and Conservation c/o Comune di Gemmano Prešernova 20 Piazza Roma 1 SLO - 1000 Ljubljana I - 47855 Gemmano e-mail: [email protected]

Tel.: +39 541 985 730 or Yugoslavia +39 541 854 060 Fax: +39 541 854 012 Mr. Milan Paunovic e-mail: [email protected] or Natural History Museum [email protected] Wildlife Conservation Society "MUSTELA" Latvia Njegoševa 51 P.O.Box 401 Mr. Gunars Petersons YU - 11000 Belgrade Latvian University of Agriculture Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Tel: +381 11 3442 149 8 K. Helmana Str. Fax: +381 11 3442 265 LV - 3004 Jelgava e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +371 30 27 666 Fax: +371 30 27 344 OBSERVERS AND NGO's e-mail: [email protected] Croatia Liechtenstein Mr. Miljenko Ugarkovic Mr. Silvio Hoch Sisacko-Moslavacka Zupanija Amt für Wald, Natur und Landschaft Zupanijski zavoo za prostorno uredenje St. Florinsgasse 3 Trg Bana Jelacica 6 FL -9490 Vaduz HR - 44000 Sisak Tel: +423 392 3990 Tel: +385 99 521 459 Fax: +423 392 3992 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Finland Russian Federation Ms. Terhi Wermundsen Mr. Vitaliy Matveev Bat Group Finland ry Moscow State University Otsolahdentie 14 A 3 Zoological Museum FIN - 02110 Espoo Division of Mammals Tel: +358 9 455 35 62 or Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6 +358 415 171 607 RUS - 103009 Moscow Fax: +358 9 54 17 678 Tel.: +7 095 203 34 45 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +7 095 937 64 71 (for Matveyev) e-mail: [email protected]

- 14 - Romania Mr. Viorel Nistor Mr. Zoltán Nagy Grupul de Explorari Subacvatice Transylvanian Museum Association si Speologice (GESS) str. Napoca 2-4 Str. Frumoasa N° 31 RO - 3400 Cluj RO - 78114 Bucharest Tel/Fax: +40 64 195 176 Tel/Fax: +40 1 312 40 51 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] United Kingdom Mr. Laszlo Szanto Mr. Anthony M. Hutson Transylvanian Museum Association The Bat Conservation Trust str. Napoca 2-4 Winkfield RO - 3400 Cluj Station Road Tel/Fax: +40 64 195 176 Plumpton Green e-mail: [email protected] UK - East Sussex BN7 3BU Tel: +44 1273 890 341 Mr. Farkas Szodoray-Paradi Fax: +44 1273 890 859 Romanian Bat Protection Association e-mail: [email protected] Str. Jon Budai Deleanu Nr. 2 RO - 3900 Satu Mare Ms. Julia Hanmer Tel: +40 61 712 619 The Bat Conservation Trust Fax: +40 61 714 580 15 Cloisters House e-mail: [email protected] 8 Battersea Park Road UK - London SW8 4BG Ms. Abigél Szodoray-Paradi Tel: +44 20 7627 2629 Romanian Bat Protection Association Fax: +44 20 7627 2628 Str. Jon Budai Deleanu Nr. 2 e-mail: [email protected] RO - 3900 Satu Mare Tel: +40 61 712 619 Ms. Amy Coyte Fax: +40 61 714 580 The Bat Conservation Trust e-mail: [email protected] 15 Cloisters House 8 Battersea Park Road Ms. Cristiana Pasca UK - London SW8 4BG Green Cross Romania Tel: +44 20 7627 2629 36 Maria Rosetti Street, Apt. 6 Fax: +44 20 7627 2628 RO - 70232 Bucharest e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +40 1 211 5665 Fax: +40 1 311 1932 e-mail: [email protected] UNEP/EUROBATS Secretariat Mr. Andreas Streit Ms. Christina Capac Executive Secretary Grupul de Explorari Subacvatice United Nations Premises si Speologice (GESS) Martin-Luther-King-Str. 8 Str. Frumoasa N° 31 D - 53175 Bonn RO - 78114 Bucharest Tel: +49 228 815 2420 Tel/Fax: +40 1 312 40 51 Fax: +49 228 815 2445 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

- 15 - Ms. Christine Boye Administrative Assistant United Nations Premises Martin-Luther-King-Str. 8 D - 53175 Bonn Tel: +49 228 815 2421 Fax: +49 228 815 2445 e-mail: [email protected]

Ms. Sabine Weisser Conference Assistant United Nations Premises Martin-Luther-King-Str. 8 D - 53175 Bonn Tel: +49 228 815 2405 Fax: +49 228 815 2445 e-mail: [email protected]

- 16 - EUROBATS.AC7.Record.Annex2

7th Meeting of the Advisory Committee

Bucharest, Romania, 27 – 29 May 2002

Intersessional Working Groups

Group Members Dr. Tony Mitchell-Jones (United Kingdom)* Mr. Zoltán Bihari (Hungary) Ms. Luisa Rodrigues (Portugal) Transboundary programme – habitats: Dr. Matti Masing (Estonia) Data compilation Mr. Tony Hutson (United Kingdom) Prof. Dainius Pauza (Lithuania) Mr. Sebastien Roué (France) Dr. Peter Boye (Germany)* Dr. Nikola Trvtkovic (Croatia) Dr. Johnny de Jong (Sweden) Transboundary programme – habitats: Ms. Maria João Pereira (Portugal) Forest practices Ms. Ana Rainho (Portugal) Ms. Gillie Sargent (United Kingdom) Dr. Andriy-Taras Bashta (Ukraine) Ms. Luisa Rodrigues (Portugal)* Geographical scope of the Agreement: Dr. Marcel Uhrín (Slovakia) Migration routes Ms. Teodora Ivanova (Bulgaria)

Dr. Tony Mitchell-Jones (United Kingdom)* Action 22 (Resolution No. 8 of MoP 2) Mr. Peter Lina (Netherlands) Mr. Gunârs Pètersons (Latvia)

Mr. Peter Lina (Netherlands)* Mr. Jacques Fairon (Belgium) Dr. Tony Mitchell-Jones (United Kingdom) Dr. Peter Boye (Germany) Guidelines for the issue of permits for Dr. Dainius Pauza (Lithuania) bat-ringing or other marking activities Dr. Matti Masing (Estonia) Prof. Paul Racey (United Kingdom) Dr. Roger Ransome (United Kingdom) Prof. Edouard Yavrouian (Armenia) Ms. Luisa Rodrigues (Portugal) * Convenor

- 17 -