James Tait, the Shuswap
.....,."",.,....,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,.,.,,,...,.,I ,.,.,,, , ,., ............IIIND 111111 III uiiililiili IIIIIIIIIII.... , ~~~~................ tA, -. I I I e;l I - II I PUBLICATIONS (I I OF I I ) ~~~~EDITED BY FRANZ BOAS PLAN OF PUBLICATION *I. Facial Paintings of the Indians of Northern |British Columbia. FRANZ BOAS. | II. The Mythology of the Bella Coola Indians. |FRANZ BOAS. MEMOIR OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM | *III. The Archaeology of Lytton, British Columbia. g ~~HARLAN I. SMITH. OF | *IV. The Thompson Indians of British Columbia. \ ~~JAMES Tv-IT. *V. Basketry Designs of the Salish Indians. LIVINGSTON FARRAND. NATURAL HISTORY / *VI. Archaeology of the Thompson River Region. sCxJ ~~HARLAN I. SMITH. Vol. II. *1. Traditions of the Chilcotin Indians. NEW YORK LIVINGSTON FARRAND. - *II. Cairns of British Columbia and Washington. l , ~~~HARLAN 1. SMITiH and GERARD FOWKE. *1II. Traditions of the Quinault Indians. LIVINGSTON FARRAND. *IV. Shell-Heaps of the Lower Fraser River. HARLAN I. SMITH. *V. The Lillooet Indians. JAMES TEIT. * VI. Archaeology of Puget Sound. HARLAN I. SMITH. VOLUME II XVII. The Shuswap. JAMES TEIT. Vol. IIt. *Kwakiutl Texts. FRANZ BOAS and GIEORGE HUNT. Vol. IV. *I. The Decorative Art of the Amur Tribes. PART VII BERTHOLD LAUFER. II. The Tribes of the Amur River.. LEO STERNBERG. , I ;4i-.-n. *I. The Haida of Queen Charlotte Islands. JOHN R. SWANTON. S1 1 Ud V A II. The Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island. ' FRANZ BOAS. Vol. VI. *I. Religion and :\Myths of the Koryak, W5. JOCHELSON. BY *II. Material Culture and Social Organization of the KO1rYak. W . JOCHELSC)N. Vol. VII. *I. The Chukchee. -Material Culture. W. BOGORAS. TEIT XII.X g - Religion.u u JAMES III.a U _ ~Social Organization.
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