European Union Training Mission

PRESS SUMMARY 9th August 2018

“In ‘Media’ stat virtus”

EUTM - SOMALIA 09/08/2018

SUMMARY TITLE PAGE Five killed as IED hits AMISOM military convoy in 2 Somalia's Al-Shabaab Militants Capture Two Towns in South 3 Somali special forces recapture fresh areas from Al-Shabaab 4 Al-Shabaab Commander Surrenders To Somali Government In 5 Mogadishu Al-Shabaab Arrests Locals For Opposing Child Recruitment 6 HirShabelle President Meets With AMISOM Force Commander 7 A New Prison Opened In Mogadishu 8 Al-Shabaab serve as double agents in govt-former Security 9 spokesman Malaysia Sending Troops to Somalia on Aid Mission 10 Health Crises In Wajid District In Bay Region 12 Somalia President's Desperate Attempt to Sabotage Somaliland 13 Election Somali Prime Minister meets Sudanese President, discuss bilateral 15 relations Somalia Listed as Worst Country for Maternal Health 16 One person killed, three injured in KDF airstrikes in 18 Kenya to open consulates in 'Hergesa', Baidoa, Kismayu, Garowe 19 AU in Somalia distances itself from comments on US magazine 20 Which way for Somalia in Saudi-Canada row? 21 Suspected al Shabaab militants kill five soldiers in Kenya's Lamu: 22 county official


Five killed as IED hits AMISOM military convoy in Mogadishu

August 8, 2018

A roadside bomb blast struck a military convoy carrying African Union [AU] peacekeepers in Mogadishu, the Somalia capital on Wednesday morning, witnesses and police said.

A witness, speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed to Radio Shabelle that an Improvised explosive device [IED] ripped through the AU convoy at SOS junction.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the African Union soldiers opened fire randomly at a nearby crow, killing at least 5 civilians and wounding many more others, said the witness.

There was no immediate statement from AMISOM – African Union Mission in Somalia regarding the alleged killing of the Somali innocent civilians by the peacekeepers.

Al-Shabaab has claimed the credit of the bomb attack on AMISOM convoy.


Somalia's Al-Shabaab Militants Capture Two Towns in South


Al-Shabaab fighters armed with machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades attacked two towns in Somalia's region, culminating in the capture of the two neighboring districts of Awdhegle and Mubarak, witnesses and combatants said. The militants raided checkpoints manned by Somali forces shortly before dawn, Da'ud Qaylow, a resident of Awdhegle, said by phone. Ali Sharif, an officer with the Somali army, said the rebel forces attacked their positions in Awdhegle when most soldiers were asleep. An unidentified al- Shabaab commander told Radio Andalus, a Somali broadcaster that supports the militants, that they killed at least 10 government troops.'Within a short period of time, the militants managed to corner us and finally captured the whole town when our forces ran for their lives,' Sharif said. The fighting spread to nearby Mubarak, where the rebels also overran the army, he said.

The al-Qaeda-linked group has been in retreat in the Horn of Africa nation since its fighters were forced to withdraw from the capital, Mogadishu, in August 2011 after a series of military defeats. Al-Shabaab still controls swathes of territory and stages deadly gun and bomb attacks. Hassan Mohamed, another officer with the army, said the militants beheaded three injured soldiers who were unable to flee. South


Somali special forces recapture fresh areas from Al-Shabaab

August 8, 2018

Somali elite troops have retaken control of Al-Shabaab bases following an operation in region, officials said on Tuesday.

Muse Nur Shueyb, the deputy district commissioner of Bal’ad district on security affairs told the state-owned media that the troops raided seized villages under the control Al-Shabaab.

He stated that the forces engaged Al-Shabaab in brief gun battle during the liberation of Daniga, Barwaqo, Garas-weyn and Walamoy villages, all located outside Bal’ad town.

The Somali forces have also destroyed Al-Shabaab bases, according to the deputy DC.

Al-Shabaab which wants to overthrow the Western-backed Somali government based in Mogadishu as it wages fighting Somali and AMISOM forces since 2007.


Al-Shabaab Commander Surrenders To Somali Government In Mogadishu

07 August 2018

Mid-level Al-Shabaab commander defected to Somali government on Tuesday amid operations against the group escalated in the recent days. Abdirahman Hussein Wardhere (Bilal) has been fighting alongside the group’s fighters for the last twelve years.

Speaking to the media, in Mogadishu after he was paraded by the Somali government, Bilal said he decided to dessert Al-Shabab. “I had been Al-Shabaab member for twelve years, taking advantage of amnesty that Somali President Farmajo offered to Al-Shabaab fighters, I am willing to give myself up and decided to leave Al-Shabaab,” he said. Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo had several times offered Al-Shabaab fighters amnesty. Government officials state that only negotiation can end Somalia’s 28 years old civil war – especially given the ragged state of the military.

Al-Shabaab, which lost control of many towns in the country, carries out deadly attacks in and outside the capital. Somali forces supported by AU and U.S. troops have intensified operations to annihilate Al-Shabaab fighters from South and Central Somalia. The forces destroyed Al-Shabaab bases in Middle Shabelle region on Tuesdayafter covert operations. Military officials said several Al-Shabaab fighters were killed in the dawn raid recaptu


Al-Shabaab Arrests Locals For Opposing Child Recruitment

07 August 2018

Al-Shabaab fighters have reportedly arrested five locals in Harardheer town refusing to allow children to be recruited. Recently, the group has been recruiting more children to fight in their ranks. Al-Shabaab fighters stormed houses of local residents in and outside Harardheer, and five locals are charged with disobeying the orders.

Al-Shabaab recently ordered elders, teachers of religious schools in communities in rural areas of Galgaduud and region, to provide hundreds of children or face retaliatory attacks. Local journalists in the region said, the five were accused of sending their children away from Al-Shabaab controlled areas.

Five people including two women were arrested in Harardhere town. They were accused of facilitating the escape of their children from areas under Al-Shabaab control. This move comes in less than three days, after locals and Al-Shabaab fighters in Mudug region clashed, when the group started their recruitment campaigns. The clashes claimed lives of over seven people on both sides. Over the past decade, Al-Shabaab leaders have recruited thousands of children who have been indoctrinated and deploy them to various battles.


HirShabelle President Meets With AMISOM Force Commander

08 August 2018

HirShabelle President Mohamed Abdi Ware has received a delegation led by the AMISOM Force Commander, Lt. General Jim Beesigye Owoyesigire at the Presidential Palace in . The meeting between the HirShabelle President and the AMISOM leaders, primarily focused on the overall security in HirShabelle and plans to resume a military offensive aimed at re-opening the main supplies routes blockaded by Al-Shabaab group.

General Jim Beesigye briefed President Ware on AMISOM’s latest activities in the country, their role in stabilizing the country in supporting the Somali National Army and its plans to resume offensives in HirShabelle. The meeting also discussed the importance of preparing the Somali security forces to take over security responsibilities from AMISOM.

President Ware stressed the need to resume military operations against Al-Shabaab in an attempt to curb Al-Shabaab’s menace in the region. He thanked AMISOM for its support to the Somali people and its government, and its determination to restore peace and stability and defeat Al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab has in recent past doubled its attacks in parts of HirShabelle, a move that crippled the movement of transport across the region.


A New Prison Opened In Mogadishu

07 August 2018

The Somali government has established a modern built prison in Mogadishu to confine criminals and offenders, according to Bashir Mohamed Jama, Commander of the prison guards. The new correctional facility, MBCC at the Ex-control Afgoye neighbourhood in Mogadishu, becomes the second prison in the capital, besides the Central Prison, which currently is the only correctional facility to rehabilitate prisoners. The city’s second prison before the eruption of the civil war was transformed to a health centre known as Keysaney Hospital.

Officials from the Judiciary Sector toured the newly opened prison. Baashe Yusuf Ahmed, Chief Justice, praised the custodial corps, and urged them to double their efforts in enhancing justice and reforming prisoners. Multiple security challenges facing the country such as terrorism means that the capital city, should have enough prisoners for offenders to serve their jail sentences.


Al-Shabaab serve as double agents in govt-former Security spokesman

August 8, 2018

Al-Shabaab militants work within the Somali government as double agents, a former Security spokesman has sensationally claimed.

In an interview with the respected US magazine Foreign Policy, Abdulaziz Ali Ibrahim who served as spokesman for Internal Security ministry until last month warned the infiltration had created serious problems in the war against Al-Shabaab. Ibrahim resigned last month following an Al-Shabaab attack on the Interior and Security headquarters in Mogadishu. “I have no doubt that al-Shabab have infiltrated the Federal Government of Somalia as double agents,” Abdulaziz Ali Ibrahim said.

The admission which if it holds true casts a spell on the joint Somali government and international community’s efforts in stabilizing Somalia adds to concerns raised in the past on how Al-Shabaab fighters have been able to acquire police uniforms. In several attacks including last month’s deadly bombing at the Interior Ministry, the militants were clad in uniforms similar to the ones by Somali security forces enabling them elude several checkpoints.

Other sources interviewed by the magazine claimed Al-Shabaab was becoming a hit squad for members of government and even those of the international community to eliminate their enemies.

“According to the Defense Ministry advisor (who is not named), the magazine said, “It’s an open secret that members of the government—and even members of the international community—will hire al-Shabaab to kill or intimidate their political rivals.” Interior Ministry promised to issue a rejoinder following a request from Goobjoog News for response. spokesman/


Malaysia Sending Troops to Somalia on Aid Mission


Malaysia is sending troops to Somalia as part of the humanitarian mission to avert famine and save the lives of thousands of people, Somali government officials and diplomats said on Saturday.

'I can confirm the report and the details will be given when the delegation led by Somali Deputy Prime Minister Mohamed Omar Arte, which has been visiting Malaysia, returns to the country,' Somalia's information minister, Mohamed Abdi Hayir Mareye, told VOA Somali. Addressing the media in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Defense Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin said his country will send three officers and 17 personnel from the Armed Forces Medical Core to Somalia.

'The infantry unit, consisting of an officer and 10 personnel, will provide security for the delegation. The food and medical supplies will be flown to Somalia by a Hercules C-130 aircraft,' the minister said. The minister said the troops, along with assets, will be mobilized from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where Malaysia stationed a small number of troops to help in the evacuation of Malaysians in Yemen. But many consider them as part of Riyadh's military coalition to battle the Houthi militia in Yemen.

A Somali diplomat in the delegation, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak about the issue, said the decision was reached on Tuesday following a meeting between Somalia Deputy Prime Minister Arteh and senior Malaysian officials, including the defense minister. 'During the meeting, the Somali delegates appealed to Malaysia for assistance in providing aid and the security of the access roads, and Malaysia immediately responded to the request,' the diplomat said. 'Malaysia will also ask its allies in the Gulf and Asia to assist Somalia.'


Security help - Somalia's parliament has asked nations in the region to work together to help the country secure humanitarian aid access to reach 6.2 million people affected by the current drought in the aid-dependent Horn of Africa nation.

In an extraordinary session held Saturday in Mogadishu, lawmakers, endorsed a resolution on the drought. Somalia's Information minister Mareye said the resolution puts the country into an emergency state in order to respond to the drought that threatens to turn into a full- blown famine.

'The resolution asks the African Union Mission in Somalia and the troop-contributing countries, especially neighboring countries to help the Somali National Army to secure the major roads leading to the drought-stricken areas,' Mareye said. 'It puts the country into an emergency state.' The parliamentary resolution comes as a high-level delegation — led by the newly elected African Union Commission chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat of Chad — was visiting Mogadishu. In the city's presidential palace, Mahamat discussed the drought and security with Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and Prime Minister Hassan Ali Kheyre.

Fear of aid corruption - Somali officials coordinating the drought response worry that aid supplies could be stolen, and they also are concerned al-Shabab still poses a threat to many areas in south and central Somalia. 'There is a fear that the aid falls into the wrong hand, especially the areas where the government has no authority. And another fear is about security, and both are delaying any aid meant to the needy people in the areas,' a government source told VOA.

Al-Shabab, which has been trying to overthrow the Somali government for nearly a decade, has impeded access to areas hit by famine, making it dangerous or impossible for aid workers to reach those in need. Poorly equipped and mostly unpaid Somali National Army forces, backed by African Union (AU) forces, seized territory previously controlled al-Shabab, but both AMISOM and Somali troops say more soldiers are needed to secure rural areas and major roads between towns, where the militants often carry out guerrilla style hit and run attacks.


Health Crises In Wajid District In Bay Region

07 August 2018

Residents in Wajid district of Bay region in Southern Somalia, have expressed their concern over the lack of health services in their district. The community living in Wajid district are facing lack of social services like health centres and other basic facilities to support life.

Abdirashid Mohamed, one of the doctors in Wajid told reporters, “that the need for medical attention in the district is so crucial and highly needed, that several people have died because of insufficient medical assistance.” “Sometimes pregnant women face risk as they have no access to get the medical needs in their area while are giving birth,” said Abdirashid.

Doctor Abdirashid has called on the Somali Federal Government and humanitarian agencies to immediately address the health crises situation in Wajid district, and to facilitate the implementation of these centres. Wajid district is a stronghold of the Al-Shabaab strategic towns in the Bay region and that has led to a lack of resources, including health and education that the community needs.


Somalia President's Desperate Attempt to Sabotage Somaliland Election


Somaliland National Election Commission (NEC) is performing voter registration process in eastern regions, Sool and Sanaag, where citizens will receive election cards to elect parliament and president. NEC implemented biometric based election system where citizen will be fingerprinted, in order to avoid vote rigging. NEC completed voter registration in western regions of Somaliland.

There are more than 80,000 voters registered for the election, as it is the highest turnout in the history of Somaliland elections. The people of eastern regions realized that theory of United Somalia failed, and Somaliland is their future.

However, this democratic process unfortunately angered the leaders of Somalia including the nominated President Mohamed Farmajo, who organized activities against the voter registration process in eastern regions by authorizing illegal armed activities by the Northern Regional Administration of Somalia (self-named as ). Farmajo authorized such illegal activities during his recent visit to PUNTLAND.

PUNTLAND sent and sponsored armed militia into Somaliland international border to obstruct the voter registration process in Sool and Sanaag regions. Somalia claims the ownership of Sool and Sanaag (eastern regions of Somaliland) based on tribal bases.

Somaliland National Army (SNA) is on high alert against such infiltration and securing the voter registration centers.

The international community should take the lead of pressurizing the administration in Mogadishu to stop such illegal activities, and support the democratic process in Somaliland, where people express their will freely unlike the regime in Mogadishu who is under the protection of the African Union.


If international community neglects such illegal intrusion, the consequence will be a full- scale war between Somaliland and Somalia, which could harm the regional stability.

Somalia should learn from Somaliland in democracy, peace and state building instead of disturbing the progress in Somaliland. After declaration of Somaliland in 1991, Somaliland disarmed thousands militias, built democratic state, restored peace and all forms of Social Service without outside support, in other hand, Somalia is unable restore peace and create decent life to its citizens for more than 26 years with assistance of international community.

It is important to highlight that Somaliland conducted four free and fair elections including presidential, municipality and parliament. Total of four presidents ruled Somaliland through elections, and peaceful power transfer unlike rest of the region.

The government of Somaliland is currently sponsoring all the expenses of the election along with the United Kingdom (UK) who supports the elections technically. USA, UK, EU, AU, Arab League and Civil Societies applauded the free elections in Somaliland. Somaliland-Election


Somali Prime Minister meets Sudanese President, discuss bilateral relations

Khartoum, August 7, 2018 – Somali Prime Minister H. E. Hassan Ali Khaire on Tuesday met with the Sudanese President, H. E Omar Al Bashir a day after attending the South Sudanese ceasefire and power-sharing agreement signing ceremony in Khartoum, Sudan. H. E. Hassan Ali Khaire congratulated President Albashir for the tremendous courage they have shown to bring about peace and stability in South Sudan, adding the agreement that was signed, witnessed by leaders in the region, is a testimony to what we call as ‘African solutions to African problems’. “The World has now seen that solutions are best found within the region, and [by] those who understand the contextual challenges we face in our region,” the Prime Minister highlighted. The PM thanked the President, the government and the people of Sudan for their continuing support to the people of Somalia, and in particular underscored provision of scholarships to more than seven thousands Somali students across different universities in Sudan and acknowledged that thousands who graduated from same universities over the last two decades are now contributing in rebuilding Somalia. On Monday, the Prime Minister visited the International Africa University, which hosts the largest number of students from Somalia and met with representatives from the students. H. E. Khaire noted the warm ties between the two countries over the years and added, that this cooperation and partnership is not just between our governments, but also between our people. H. E. Hassan Khaire, said he had long and productive discussions with the President Albashir on a number of key issues, including security, economic growth and development, investment and ways to strengthen the cooperation in the region and how Somalia can play a critical role based on Somalia’s resources and experience. “This was a very productive meeting…. and I am very grateful for the warm hospitality,” concluded the Prime Minister. president-discuss-bilateral-relations/


Somalia Listed as Worst Country for Maternal Health


The British aid group Save the Children ranks Somalia as the worst country on Earth for being a mother. The ranking is based on statistics for maternal health, child mortality, education and women's income in Somalia.

Nearly 25 years of instability has seen Somalia's health institutions collapse but the government and international partners hope to soon change this narrative.

Fadumo Abdulkadir lost her child shortly before birth. She is among the millions of who remain at great risk during childbirth.

In its latest report, "State of World Mothers," the aid group Save The Children has ranked Somalia at the bottom among the countries surveyed.

According to the Children's Agency UNICEF, maternal mortality rates for Somalia are among the highest in the world. One out of every ten Somali children dies before seeing its first birthday.

Somalia's Deputy Minister of Health, Osman Mohamed Abdi, said the government hopes to change the situation.

'Somalia is among the worst countries in the world for a mother. But the Ministry of Health with support from international partners like UNFPA will work hard to ensure that help is delivered to Somali mothers at the regional, district and village level," said Abdi.

It is believed that one out of every 12 women in Somalia dies due to pregnancy-related causes. Only nine percent of pregnant women in the country have access to skilled birth attendants.

The U.N. says the world has a massive midwife shortage, and says this is particularly dangerous for countries in crisis.


Recently, 23 new midwives graduated in Mogadishu at a ceremony that coincided with the International Day of the Midwife.

Both the Somali government and U.N. agencies see this as a positive step even though it does not come anywhere close to meeting the country's needs.

These new graduates will be deployed across the country to help women during childbirth and attend to their complications before and after the delivery. Grace Kyeyune is with the United Nations Population Fund.

'These 23 can only serve 2,300 women. But there are more women needing their support than before. We don't want to get to a situation whereby we are saying it's always too late. We know very well how many women are dying right now as we speak here because of giving life," said Kyeyune.

Conflict and poverty in Somalia have forced many of the country's displaced women to give birth in makeshift camps.

With limited assistance during pregnancy and birth, there are likely to be more cases of death in childbirth. But Somali authorities say they're determined to take action to improve the situation.


One person killed, three injured in KDF airstrikes in Gedo

August 8, 2018

Kenya Defence Forces fighter jets launched major air strikes against Al Shabaab camps in the outskirts of El Wak in Gedo region southern Somalia Wednesday.

Locals said the strikes led to civilian casualties and forced some families to flee their homes for safety.

“The strikes hit Tuulan-qurac village early this morning killing one of the elders in the village while three others were injured among them a mother and her child,” Mahad Hassan an elder told Goobjoog News.

An estimated six families of the small village have fled from their homes since the KDF target the area in the last few days, the residents said adding the Kenyan forces conduct similar strikes twice a month.

The militant camps targeted by KDF airstrikes have been used to mount attacks on the Somali National Army and AMISOM troops near the Kenya-Somalia border.

Gedo residents have in the past complained that some of the strikes have targeted civilians and livestock.

The Kenyan forces were also accused of rape and extra-judicial killings in Gedo region last week.


Kenya to open consulates in 'Hergesa', Baidoa, Kismayu, Garowe


The government of Kenya through its embassy in Somalia will open consulates in different parts of the country. This, according to Kenya Ambassador to Somalia Lucas Tumbo, will help the government keep track of all Kenyans living there. 'On arrival here last year, we embarked on a registration exercise of all Kenyans and we now have a database. So far, we have registered 20,000 Kenyans, with 3,500 of them working in formal sectors,' said Tumbo during an interview in his office in Mogadishu. He added they are currently working on a website where all the details will be uploaded He said liaison offices will be opened starting July, with areas like Kismayu, Hergesa, Baidoa and Garowe given priority. 'These offices will provide consular services to Kenyans living within those regions,' he said. He also confirmed that they have managed to resolve cases where some Kenyans' contracts had been breached by employers. 'We have had more than 20 such cases between Kenyans and employers here which we have already solved,' he said, encouraging others who have issues to contact the embassy. 'Full consular services are currently being offered here,' he added. Tumbo encouraged Kenyans to go work in Somalia since there are opportunities and the security situation has improved. The Kenya Embassy in Somalia was operating from Nairobi until July last year, when it was relocated to Mogadishu. The embassy is currently hosted within a camp in the vicinity of Aden Abdulle Airport in Mogadishu town. Tumbo confirmed that they are in the process of building an embassy which they expect to be complete by August. 'It is already under construction across the airport runway,' he said. The building which initially hosted the Kenyan Embassy was bombed by al Shabaab last year. Garowe


AU in Somalia distances itself from comments on US magazine

August 8, 2018

The African Union force in Somalia, Amisom has distanced itself from comments attributed to its senior military personnel expressing frustrations at the pace of rebuilding the Somali National Army. In a series of tweets Wednesday, Amisom said the comments by the Ugandan colonel serving under Amisom as quoted by the respected US magazine Foreign Policy did not reflect the views of the continental mission.

“The commentary and statements made by the people quoted in the story do not in any way reflect the views and position of AMISOM,” Amisom said. The Mission added it was committed to executing its role and mandate in Somalia.

“AMISOM totally disassociates itself from this publication in its entirety. AMISOM remains committed to supporting the government of Somalia in rebuilding national security institutions and commends the progress made so far.”

In the article published Tuesday, sources quoted described the efforts towards rebuilding the Somali National Army a non-starter. “Somalia is like cleaning a pig,” one Ugandan AMISOM colonel told Foreign Policy. “You clean it, and it gets dirty,” the article read in part.

Somalia, the Colonel said was like Afghanistan only experiencing relative stability thanks to presence of international forces. “If the coalition in Afghanistan left, he argued, the Taliban would easily take the country back. The same was true for Somalia.” But in its response, Amisom said it would continue its work as mandated.

“AMISOM will continue to execute its mandate in line with the Communique of the 782 Meeting of the AU Peace and Security Council of 27th June 2018 and the UN Security Council Resolution 2431 of 30th July 2018.” magazine/


Which way for Somalia in Saudi-Canada row?

August 8, 2018

Somalia has weighed in into the Saudi-Arabia-Canada diplomatic row declaring its support for the Saudi Kingdom contrary to its neutrality stance on foreign diplomatic tussles. In a statement Wednesday, Foreign Affairs ministry said its stand was unequivocal in support of Saudi Arabia in a dispute which has seen the latter recall 7,000 of its students on scholarhsip programme in Canada.

“The Federal Republic of Somalia makes clear that it supports its brotherly Saudi Arabia’s decision against Foreign interference in its internal affairs,” the statement read in part. Both Canada and Saudi Arabia provide bilateral support to Somalia through budget injection and humanitarian aid. According to a statement in the Canadian High Commission to Kenya website, trade between Somalia and Canada totaled $6.7 million in 2017. Canada provided $29 million to address conflict- and drought-related humanitarian needs in Somalia in 2017 and announced an additional $18 million humanitarian support in April for 2018.

Saudi Arabia on the other hand is a major donor to Somalia mainly through direct budget injection. In the 2018 National Budget, Somali government factored in a $32 million injection from Saudi Arabia. Somalia declared it would observe a neutral stance following the onset of the Gulf Crisis last June but the Federal Government found itself isolated after most of the Federal Member States declared allegiance to the Saudi-UAE axis. The move by Mogadishu irked Riyadh and its close ally United Arab Emirates both of which decided to hold back their purses for Somalia national budget in 2017. What started as a Twitter post by Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland urging Riyadh’s release of an activist has spiraled into a full diplomatic row with Saudi Arabia expelling Canada’s ambassador in Riyadh and severing diplomatic ties. Somalia becomes one of the few countries if any to declare a stance in the ongoing row between Saudi Arabia and Canada.


Suspected al Shabaab militants kill five soldiers in Kenya's Lamu: county official

MOMBASA (Reuters) - Five Kenyan soldiers were killed in an attack claimed by the Somali group al Shaabab in Lamu County on Kenya’s north coast on Wednesday, a senior official said. The local government official in the county, who asked not to be named, said the attack occurred between the areas of Majengo and Bodhei. He said five soldiers were killed after their truck ran over an improvised explosive device.

“We heard a blast. Shortly after, KDF (Kenya Defence Forces) choppers were patrolling in the air,” the official told Reuters.

Kenya Defence Forces spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Paul Njuguna told Reuters that six soldiers were injured, two critically, in the explosion but none were killed.

It was not immediately clear why the accounts of the KDF and the county official differed.

Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab’s spokesman for military operations, said the group was behind the attack on the KDF convoy, and put the number of those killed at nine. Kenyan officials say the group often exaggerates casualty figures.

The al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab aims to topple Somalia’s U.N.-backed government and impose its own strict interpretation of Islam. They have intensified attacks in Kenya since it sent troops into Somalia in 2011. The group has launched several attacks, including ones in which they have beheaded people, in the past year in the coastal county. Kenyan security officials say the militants have used the Boni forest straddling the Kenya-Somalia border as a hideout and base for attacks. soldiers-in-kenyas-lamu-county-official- idUSKBN1KT26D?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm _medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters%2FworldNews+%28Reuters+World+ News%29&&rpc=401