Directors: Ir. Widagdo, Dipl.HE Hisaya SAWANO Authors
Directors: Ir. Widagdo, Dipl.HE Hisaya SAWANO Authors: Ir. Sarwono Sukardi, Dipl.HE Ir. Bambang Warsito, Dipl.HE Ir. Hananto Kisworo, Dipl.HE Sukiyoto, ME Publisher: Directorate General of Water Resources Yayasan Air Adhi Eka i Japan International Cooperation Agency ii River Management in Indonesia English Edition English edition of this book is a translation from the book : “Pengelolaan Sungai di Indonesia” January 2013 ISBN 978-979-25-64-62-4 Director General of Water Resources Foreword Water, as a renewable resource, is a gift from God for all mankind. Water is a necessity of life for creatures in this world. No water, no life. The existence of water, other than according to the hydrological cycle, at a particular place, at a particular time, and in particular quality as well as quantity is greatly influenced by a variety of natural phenomena and also by human behavior. Properly managed water and its resources will provide sustainable benefits for life. However, on the other hand, water can also lead to disasters, when it is not managed wisely. Therefore, it is highly necessary to conduct comprehensive and integrated water resources management efforts, or widely known as “Integrated Water Resources Management”. In the same way, river management efforts as part of the river basin integrated water resources management, include efforts on river utilization, development, protection, conservation and control, in an integrated river basin with cross-jurisdiction, cross-regional and cross- sectoral approach. This book outlines how water resources development and management in several river basins are carried out from time to time according to the existing situations and conditions, Besides, it covers various challenges and obstacles faced by the policy makers and the implementers in the field, The existing sets of laws and regulations and the various uses and benefits are also discused.
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