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Slovenian Film Guide 2009 Informacije in Prodaja Nataša Bučar Www Slovenian Film Guide 2009 Informacije in prodaja Nataša Bučar www. Info & Sales pomočnica direktorice/ [email protected] Assistant Director t: +386 1 234 32 00 Nerina T. Kocjančič f: +386 1 234 32 19 vodja promocije in trženja/ Head of Promotion & Sales Lidija Zajec koordinatorica promocije in trženja/Promotion & Sales Coordinator Andreja Kralj koordinatorica produkcije/ Production Coordinator aslovi novih slovenskih celovečercev so sami zase dovolj zgovorni: Slovenka, Morje v času mrka, Prehod, Pokrajina Št. 2, Nikoli nisva šla v Benetke … Slovenski film pa ni prispel samo do Benetk, ampak je od obdobja tranzicije uspešno osvajal celotno mednarodno festivalsko pokrajino. Zadnji dve leti se je malo manj kitil s festivalskimi nagradami, kajti bolj je stavil na domače občinstvo: veliki kinematografski uspešnici Petelinji Nzajtrk Marka Naberšnika je sledil rekorder televizijske gledanosti Hit poletja Metoda Pevca. Eden najplodovitejših režiserjev pri nas, Damjan Kozole, je po intimni drami Za vedno poskrbel, da je Slovenka zopet glavna akterka sodobne urbane zgodbe. Prepričani smo, da vas bo njena življenjska zgodba presunila. Prehod Borisa Palčiča je privlačna pripoved o prehajanju iz realnosti v sanjski svet, ki ga premorejo le občutljive umetniške duše. Morje v času mrka Jureta Pervanja stavi na zaljubljence v morsko tišino, medtem ko ima Pokrajina Št. 2 Vinka Möderndorferja ogromno povedati o zgodovinskemu dolgu povojnih dogodkov, ki mu ne morejo uiti niti neobremenjeni mladi ljudje. Njihovo plačilo je tako visoko morda ravno zaradi njihove razposajene brezskrbnosti. Cena potlačene realnosti je premosorazmerna s časom, ki ga ukrademo resnici. Zato predolgo Nisva šla v Benetke. Slovenski film si ne sme nikoli več dovoliti, da mu ukradejo kraj njegovih sanj. Jelka Stergel, direktorica Filmski sklad RS, j. s. Slovenian Film Fund 2 Slovenian Film Guide 2009 he titles of the new Slovenian feature films are articulate enough in themselves: Slovenian Girl, The Sea at the Time of the Eclipse, Transition, Landscape No. 2, We've Never Been to Venice… However, Slovenian film has not only been to Venice: since the period of the transition it has been successful in conquering the whole international film landscape. During the last two years it was a bit less proud of the festival awards, for it focused more on the audience at home: the great cinematographic Thit Rooster’s Breakfast by Marko Naberšnik was followed by the record‑breaking TV film Summer Hit by Metod Pevec. After his intimate drama Forever, Damjan Kozole, one of the most prolific Slovenian directors, saw to it that a Slovenian Girl is once again the protagonist of a contemporary urban story. We are convinced that you will be moved by her life story. Transition by Boris Palčič is an appealing tale of the transition from reality into a dream world, which can only be achieved by sensitive artistic souls. The Sea at the Time of Eclipse by Jure Pervanje is aimed at those in love with the silence of the sea, while Landscape No. 2 by Vinko Möderndorfer has a lot to say about the historical debt incurred by the post‑war events, which even the indifferent young people cannot escape. Perhaps the price they have to pay is so high exactly because of their unrestrained carelessness. The price for repressed reality depends on the time we steal from the truth. That is why We’ve Never Been to Venice yet. Slovenian film must never again allow its dreams to be stolen. Jelka Stergel, Managing Director Slovenian Film Fund Slovenian Film Fund 3 Slovenian Film Guide 2009 Slovenian Film Fund 4 Slovenian Film Guide 2009 Slovenka Celovečerni Slovenian Girl 6 Prehod filmi Transition 8 Morje v času mrka Feature The Sea at the Time of the Eclipse 10 Pokrajina Št.2 Films Landscape No.2 12 Nikoli nisva šla v Benetke We’ve Never Been to Venice 14 Slovenian Film Fund 5 Slovenian Film Guide 2009 Ekipa Crew direktor filma/production manager: režija/director: MATIJA KOZAMERNIK Slovenka koproducenti/co-producers: Ljubljana 2008. Slovenija predseduje Evropski uniji. DAMJAN KOZOLE scenarij/screenplay: ALEXANDER RIS & JÖRG ROTHE, Aleksandra je stara 23 let, študira angleščino. Doma je iz manjšega mesta. Oče OGNJEN SVILIČIĆ, MATEVŽ LUZAR, JELENA MITROVIĆ, ANITA JUKA, in mama sta ločena. Pripravlja se na diplomo. Nikomur se niti sanja ne, da re‑ DAMJAN KOZOLE AMRA BAKŠIĆ ČAMO dno oddaja oglas pod šifro »Slovenka« in da se skrivaj prostituira. Spretno ma‑ direktor fotografije/DOP: producent/producer: DANIJEL HOČEVAR nipulira z ljudmi okoli sebe, prepričljivo laže, tudi krade, sovraži mamo. Edini, ALEŠ BELAK montaža/editing: ki ga ima zares rada, je njen oče. JURIJ MOŠKON, ANDRIJA igrajo/cast: Aleksandra ima svoje načrte za življenje, ki pa ni tako enostavno, kot si naivno ZAFRANOVIĆ NINA IVANIŠIN, PETER MUSEVSKI, predstavlja. glasba/music: PRIMOŽ PIRNAT, MARUŠA KINK, SILENCE UROŠ FÜRST, DEJAN SPASIĆ, zvok/sound: ALJOŠA KOVAČIČ, ANDREJ MURENC, Slovenian Girl JULIJ ZORNIK, ALEŠ VALIČ, MARJUTA SLAMIČ, Ljubljana 2008. The time of the Slovenian presidency of the European Union. GAŠPER LOBOREC IVAN GODNIČ, CEDRIC B. VON Alexandra is a 23‑year‑old student of English language and literature, about to scenografija/production design: SIDOW, VALTER DRAGAN, PHILIP BURT, DANIJEL MALALAN, ALENKA write her thesis. She comes from a small town. Her parents are divorced. No MAJA MORAVEC kostumografinja/costume design: KRAIGHER, MAJA SEVER, MINCA one knows that Alexandra runs personal ads under the nickname, “The Slove‑ ZORA STANČIČ LORENCI, DRAGO MILINOVIĆ, MINCA nian Girl” and that prostitution is her secret source of income. She is very good maska/make-up: LORENCI at manipulating people, an accomplished liar and a bit of a thief, and hates her MOJCA GOROGRANC mother. The only person she cares about is her father, a faded rocker. Alexandra has plans for her life, but life is not as easy as she has naively expec‑ ted. Slovenian Film Fund 6 Slovenian Film Guide 2009 Produkcija Production Koprodukcija Co-Production Sofinanciral Co-Funding Tehnični Technical Info Kontakt Contact Vertigo/Emotionfilm RTV Slovenija Filmski sklad RS/Slovenian 87 min Vertigo/Emotionfilm Neue Mediopolis Film Film House Baš Čelik Film Fund Dolby Digital SRD Kersnikova 4 4 Film Medienboard Berlin 35 mm, cinemascope SI‑1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Brandenburg Pro.Ba barvni/colour t: +386 1 439 70 80 Film Center Serbia + 386 1 434 93 57 Ministry of Culture of the f: +386 1 430 35 30 Republic of Croatia e: [email protected] [email protected] Damjan Kozole dred international film festivals and received over 20 Rojen l. 1964 v Brežicah. Pri 22 letih posnel prvi celo‑ awards and honours. Two were named Slovenian film večerec, nizkoproračunski Usodni telefon, enega prvih of the year. Spare Parts is one of the most successful neodvisnih filmov v takratni Jugoslaviji. Njegovi ce‑ Slovenian films: it was in Berlin 2003 – competition lovečerni filmi bili doslej predstavljeni na več kot 100 programme. During the retrospective of his feature mednarodnih filmskih festivalih ter prejeli več kot 20 films in USA and Canada in 2005, Kozole’s films were nagrad in priznanj. Dva razglašena za slovenski film screened in Washington, New York, Chicago, Ottawa, leta. Rezervni deli prikazani v Berlinu 03 – tekmovalni Vancouver, and Cleveland. His film Labour Equals program. L. 2005 potekala retrospektiva njegovih celove‑ Freedom which premiered in Locarno received many černih filmov v ZDA in Kanadi (Washington, New York, international awards, including the Grand Prix and Filmografija (izbor) the Best Director Award in Valencia 2006. In 2007 he Chickago, Ottawa, Vancouver, Cleveland). Delo osvobaja Filmography (selection) made the feature Forever, and a documentary Postman, imel mednarodno premiero v Locarnu in prejel številne 2008 ZA VEDNO/FOREVER, mednarodne nagrade. L. 2007 posnel celovečerec Za while in 2008 the production of his feature Slovenian celovečerni igrani/feature vedno in dokumentarec Poštar, l. 2008 stekla produkcija Girl started. 2005 DELO OSVOBAJA/ Slovenke. Damjan Kozole is a member of the European Film LABOUR EQUALS FREEDOM, Damjan Kozole je član Evropske filmske akademije. Academy. celovečerni igrani/feature 2003 REZERVNI DELI/SPARE Izjava režiserja Director’s Statement PARTS, celovečerni igrani/ V osrednjem slovenskem oglasniku je dvakrat na teden In Slovenia, classified ad newspapers come out twice a feature 2000 PORNO FILM/PORN po približno tisoč oglasov, v katerih dekleta ponujajo week. Girls offering sex for money place about a thou‑ FILM, celovečerni igrani/ spolne usluge. Med njimi je precej študentk, predvsem sand of these ads. There are many students among feature them – young women who do not look like prostitutes. takšnih, o katerih nihče, niti njeni najbližji, ne bi nikdar 1997 STEREOTIP/ pomislil, da se ukvarjajo s prostitucijo. None of their friends, colleagues and families could STEREOTYPE, celovečerni Kar me resnično zanima v moji zgodbi o eni teh deklet, ever suspect that they have anything to do with pros‑ igrani/feature so pohlep, prostodušnost in neznosna lahkost tega poče‑ titution. 1988 REMINGTON, tja – kot da se to ne dogaja njej in z njenim telesom, kot The story of one of these girls intrigued me the most – celovečerni igrani/feature da se takrat preklopi na avtomatski pilot. her greed, her frank indifference, and the unbearable 1987 USODNI TELEFON/THE Slovenka je portret izgubljenega mladega človeka, ki je lightness of her practised sex‑for‑money philosophy. FATAL TELEPHONE CALL, v sporu s samim seboj in svetom. Ki izgubi odnos do It is almost as if it has nothing to do with her or her celovečerni igrani/feature realnosti in do lastnega telesa. Ker kot pravi, hoče nekaj body. She shifts to automatic pilot while satisfying her imeti od življenja. clients. Slovenian Girl is a portrait of a desperate young woman Damjan Kozole torn by conflicting feelings about herself and the world Born in 1964 in Brežice. He made his first feature at the around her. She loses her sense of reality and appre‑ age of 22, the low‑budget The Fatal Telephone Call, one ciation of her own body, all because – as puts it – she of the first independent movies of what was then Yugo‑ wants to ensure a better life for herself.
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